5 Ways to Challenge a Man and Make him Obsessed

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what's up what's up what's up it's your man Chazz Ellis once again and I've had a lot of ladies ask me how they can get a guy to become obsessed with them how they can get a guy that really want to be with them when I'm trying to bow down to the guy without kissing his feet without doing all that other stuff that people talk about how can I be me even if I'm the type of person who really doesn't be and really doesn't bow isn't willing to do any of that stuff how can I be me and still get a guy to be obsessed with me basically to do that you're going to have to challenge that person now let me say this first off the things I'm going to talk about are not going to work if you're dealing with somebody who's broke living in your mama's basement who doesn't have the ability to meet the challenges so some of y'all gonna ask me well I tried they don't look it's not gonna work if the person does not have the ability to meet the challenges if you're dealing with somebody who's married to somebody else at the time if you're dealing with somebody who doesn't have the financial wherewithal if you're dealing with somebody who is really like has super low self-esteem things of that nature it's not going to work on somebody with some of these issues but what I will show you how to do is challenge people who are in a position to meet the challenges so that they will actually become obsessed with you number one set the standard what I mean by that is you have to hold a person's feet to the fire when they tell you they're going to do something this is not something you want to do in regards to the relationship and how the relationship moves you want to do this basically when it comes to material things and things that person promises you that they're going to get you the reason you don't want to do it as far as the relationship because it's concerned is because it really just makes you look desperate know what you want to do is you want to hold their feet to the fire especially when it comes to material things this is how you challenge a man by saying here is the bar reach it if a guy says I'm gonna buy you a car and then he pulls up with a scooter if you let him give you that scooter and you take that scooter and you say oh that's fine thanks I really appreciate it the reality is next time you'll get a bike and then after that you'll get a skateboard when you show a person that you are willing to take less than what you were supposed to get it makes them continue to give you less and less and less and less they start feeling like you're just happy to be here and they just don't put forth the effort like I told you before clearly this isn't gonna work on a dude that's living in mom's basement that gets $20 a week in allowance he's not going to be able to meet any challenges and anything he promises you he's never gonna be able to follow through on but if you're with somebody who can meet the challenges sometimes they'll give you a little bit less because they want to see what they can do what they can get away with don't accept that don't allow it make sure you call them on it like hey you said car I got a scooter that ain't me do I look like a scooter type of girl to you I'm just being real number two do for self what do I mean when somebody promises you something like I'm gonna take you on a trip to Vegas baby we're going to Vegas what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas you like oh my god I'm so happy I mean next thing you know like oh you know what instead of going to Vegas how about we go to the water park real quick tell you what's up now instead of tripping off of it you've already told them hey I thought we were going to Vegas that's what I want to do now do for self get a trip for to Vegas for you and your family or you and your friends or whoever the hell you want to take if you want to take your dog to Vegas take your dog don't take them you know say whoever you want to take the Vegas take the Vegas enjoy yourself I'm not saying go take another dude to Vegas and try to get somebody jealous that just looks pathetic and desperate take friends take people that you're cool with go to Vegas on your own because what a lot of women do is they have this I don't need you I don't need you I just want you in my life I don't need you I could go get my own trip I could buy my own car but then they never do it those are just words you're an adult being able to buy your own trip to Vegas really isn't a big deal there isn't anything to hang your hat on being able to buy your own car isn't really a big deal and there's nothing to hang your hat on but if you actually do it it just shows the person that you are living your life without them if they choose not to do the things that they said they were going to do you can actually live your life without them you can enjoy yourself it shows a certain level of Independence and self-sufficiency that shucks that makes a person actually want to be with you and think that you can actually help them going forward number three do for him now this one is probably not going to be as well received as the other two because the other two require you to get upset about what you didn't get or talk about what you didn't get and do things bring your own self most women are really on board with this and they're like yay that's what I wanted to hear so there's gonna be ones that people will most likely talk about the most like number two that was so real number three is one that's good it's gonna help you going forward in relationships what I say do for him when you do for somebody else it sets the standard for what you expect and it also shows what you bring to the table you're going to challenge somebody like said somebody who has their stuff together if this person doesn't have anything and you're doing for them they don't have anything they can't meet the challenge but if they have things and you do for them what it shows them is here's the level that I'm operating yet and here's what I'm able to do I'm not just gonna tell you how I can do for myself and I can do things that I want to do I can also help you do things that you want to do here's what I'm able to do in terms of gift-giving in terms of the treatment that I'm able to give you I'm able to put myself on a certain level when I'm making what I do and what I've accomplished has a reward to whoever I'm with when you show somebody that it challenges them when are you talking about a man especially a man who has some success in their life they don't want their woman one-upping them in terms of the gift giving they don't want to be walking around with a watch that that girl bought them and they like oh what did you get hurt they don't know man who is successful in life once to do that it makes them feel bad it makes them feel like if you bought me a watch I need to buy you a car it's not like I'm trying to one-up you to put you down but it's like I want to make sure you know that hey I'm improving your life I'm not just over here along for the ride the type of dude that wants to be alone for a ride here's the type of dude they can't do anything but be along for the ride number four positive past when you talk about all the bad things that have happened to you in life and now everybody did you wrong that doesn't challenge a guy to do better I mean unless he's a dude that doesn't have anything going for him and he's got to try to stick his chest out by putting down other guys he's gonna feel like wait a minute I'm a top notch dude and all you keep telling me about it's all these broke loser lame dudes who dogged you out in the past and now I'm getting their leftovers I know that sounded harsh I'm keeping it a book that's how guys feel about that just like you probably feel the same way like what if a dude asked five girls to marry him before you they all turned him down and now he's like well I got a ring for you though huh no you like it's the same well look think about it what you're doing is the same thing so you want to make sure that you present a positive past you ain't necessarily got to lie but you can spin the truth to where it fits the narrative that you want which is what you're probably doing anyway but you're just doing it for a sob story sob stories don't challenge somebody to do better showing somebody that you know what I had these people they were cool and everything but here's what I wanted in my life here's what I want to accomplish here's who I wanted to be with no I don't have these bad stories I don't have this negative stuff over here nope I want a certain type of person I don't know if you can meet that or not but that's what I'm looking for when you show somebody that it shows them that they're actually lucky to be with you and they start feeling like they've been picked rather than they just got what was left over or picked over number five let it flow every time you do something for somebody doesn't mean you're gonna get something in return right away stop talking about well we're gonna get married we wouldn't met your family when are we gonna get married I cooked you a meal what are we gonna get married I did this I did that when are we gonna be in a real relationship blah blah blah when you're acting like this it's basically telling somebody that you have nothing else this does not inspire somebody this does not challenge somebody when you're in a situation where you're constantly trying to get somebody to be in a relationship with you constantly trying to push the relationship it shows that you're desperate and you don't have a lot because if you had a lot you'd be like well maybe I'll get into relationships maybe I'll get married I don't know let me think about it for a little while yeah if you ask I might well it's not that big of a deal I'm just chilling right now and if you're holding them to certain standards and you're having to put forth the effort the reality is they're going to want to get return on their effort no dude wants to buy you a Mercedes and then have you break up with them the thing is going to cause the guy that one again married to you the thing that's gonna cause the guy that want to be in a serious relationship is you doing all the things I talked about when you have that standard when you're doing for yourself when you're doing for them when you're doing all the things that I talked about you have already had a positive path that they think you might go back to this is the type of thing that makes it dude want to sew you up tie you up so you can't get back with somebody else so you can't go do all the good things that you've been doing for them for some other dude especially when you're not putting it on the table all the time and making him think he can do it whenever he wants to if a guy doesn't know whether or not you're willing to be serious about him he's gonna try to make you be serious think about it this way how many guys do you know or bend over backwards to sleep with a five but wouldn't walk across the street to be in a relationship with a team why do you think that is because the five is treating her body like it's the best thing in the world and he got to work for it the ten is treating a relationship like it's some stuff she got to give away and force people to take come on come on it's like fruitcake during the Christmas season take the fruitcake take the fruitcake but when somebody got sweet potato pie they don't want to give anybody any you know that's kind of how it is make sure you treat your relationship status in the same way everybody can't just be in a relationship with you just because they're spending time with you you got to make that the new pillar you got to make that the new mountain to climb if you do that not only will guys become obsessed with you they'll start begging you for relationships they'll start begging you to take the next step if you continue to do what you've been doing which is push for relationships push for the next step then they'll always treat you like you're bothering them hopefully I was able to help you out once again is your man Chazz Ellis make sure you like it subscribe and also share this video with somebody else if you need extra help make sure you go to the Chazz Ellis project comm give a detailed question or a consultation so I can help you out a little bit further sure man Chazz Ellis you
Channel: askchazzellis
Views: 96,995
Rating: 4.9045348 out of 5
Keywords: AskChazzEllis, Chazz Ellis, Relationship Advice, How to get a guy whipped, chazz ellis game, how to get a man to do what you want, how to challenge a man, how to get love
Id: 1DcMnAeeIgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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