How to Make an ANIMATED Camera Overlay in Blender 2.8 for your Twitch Stream | StreamSchool

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last week I showed you all how to make a basic overlay in blender 3d and I had a lot of fun with that so this week I figured I would expand on that and show you all how to make a different style of overlay using a completely different method all still in blender 3d and will even animate it my personal example came out something like this and no need to waste time so let's hop in my name is Chris folia I'll be your stream professor welcome to stream school okay first things first when we hop into blender I'm going to turn on screencast keys so whenever I press something you can see it in the lower left hand corner now let's get our file set up for success to make our really cool overlay first things first we're gonna want to go to the camera tab right here go down to film and check the transparent box to make sure enters out with a transparent background then we're gonna want to go to color management and change the view transform from filmic to standard that'll make it so whenever we select colors we end up with the exact colors you picked rather than a flattened color curve filmic version of it then we're gonna want to go to the printer because we're going to animate this and we're gonna want to change the frame rate to 60 frames per second because that is in general what most people are streaming it now let's get the actual scene set up we're gonna want to go to the lower left hand corner click and drag to make a second panel here hit 0 on the numpad I'm gonna go ahead and get rid of my my properties panel by hitting in but then you'll notice we have all of these like lines and grids and 3d cursor and stuff you can get rid of that by pressing the two overlapping circles here then hold down Z move your mouse over rendered and release and now we have a fully rendered shaded view that we can constantly see as we work on our overlay now what we're gonna want to do is take the camera select it hit alt R to reset rotation alt G to reset location grab our movement widget and move it up just a little bit this the distance isn't really going to matter a whole lot because we're about to change it to orthographic right here under the camera settings to flatten everything out and get like we're working in 2d essentially and then we want to delete the light delete the cube and we are ready to get started so hit shift 8 to add mesh plane then we're gonna want to scale this to be whatever general dimensions you want to overlay it to be so I'm gonna scale mine up like this using the S key then I'm gonna hit s and then X to scale on the x axis and that looks about right to me because I'm also gonna have a bar at the bottom of this that has metrics like most recent subscribers and donations and such and I don't want it to be too wide or else the yeah it'll just look really awkward so I'm gonna click to set my scale in there then I'm gonna hit tab and I'm going to hit I for inset I'm gonna inset it just a teensy amount and you're gonna notice that the sides are getting inset more than the top and the bottom if I right click to not in set to cancel my action and hit tab the reason for that is because on their item you'll notice the scale is not uniformly 1 so if I hit control a I can now apply the scale to make sure all of those are 1 so now when I go back into edit mode and hit I for inset you notice that the inset is more uniform now so I'm gonna Incept this just a tiny amount like so then I'm going to alt a to deselect everything select these four vertices and I'm going to scale them up past the camera bounds doesn't matter past that really we just want to go past the camera bounds so anything within the camera we don't want any transparent borders here then we're gonna hit a three to go to face select or you can select this button right up here and I'm gonna select the face and I'm going to inset it to whatever thickness we want our overlay border to be we can adjust this later pretty easily and we probably will but I'm gonna set mine to this for now then I'm going to hold alt and select this edge or right here and that will select the entire face loop then I'm gonna hit delete and faces so now if we tab out of this and go to this object mode you'll notice we have a transparent border and everything else is solid which is the act opposite of what we want so this is this is where we really set up how we're gonna work with this overlay it's a day we're gonna go to the materials panel hit new and in the surface drop down instead of principled you want to choose holdout what that does is it makes it so I'll just demonstrate so if I add a plane now and scale it up it makes it so anything behind the mesh is now invisible and anything in our cut out window is visible or opaque so we can only see what's in the little cutout window which is really cool now picture what this means for our overlay this means within within the border of our overlay we can put anything we want we can put a gradient we can put a picture you can literally rickroll people with your overlay if you want to put a video of rick astley back there i don't care do whatever you want but this is how we're gonna construct our overlay today we can put anything behind this I'm gonna keep it simple and make a gradient so I'm going to scale my plane down using the S key again to match the border more or less if we make it too big the gradients not gonna look great I'm gonna click to apply that then I'm gonna drag in the lower left-hand corner up and we're gonna bring up a materials panel or a shader editor you notice there's nothing here right now and this is about to get confusing for some of you but just bear with me and trust me through this so if I hit new on the materials we now have two nodes we have a principal be SDF and a material output be SDF now we're working on a 2d overlay that's supposed to look sort of Illustrated and flat so I'm going to make this not shaded I'm going to delete the principal be SDF hit shift a add a shader and we're going to add an emission shader it's attached to the mouse until you click to set it down then you don't regret grab the green dot and drag it to the material output surface so now we have this solid white border cool let's say you want this to be a gradient I personally want my border to be a blue gradient so I'm going to hit shift a texture gradient texture and plug the factor into the color and you'll notice we have this nice black and white texture gradient going across it now I want mine to be from top to bottom and that's pretty easy we can just take our plane rotate 90 which is the wrong direction so I'm gonna right click to cancel that so I'm gonna do rotate minus 90 and by that I mean I'm literally typing R on the keyboard for rotate and then minus 90 on the keyboard to set the degrees that I want to rotate it I'm gonna hit enter to apply it and I have this gradient going top to bottom we can scale it down a little bit more to match the border a little bit better this is orthographic so no matter where this is in 3d space it's always going to be flat relative to the border but after that we want this to be color we don't want just a boring black and white gradient so to do that we're going to move this mode using the G key click to apply hit shift a go to converter and color ramp and if if we highlight over this line you'll notice that it turns white what that means is if we click it down now it's gonna automatically connect how we want it to so it goes from factor to factor than color to color so if we drag these little sliders now you'll notice we can manipulate this gradient however we want and we can even add points if we really wanted to we can add all sorts of points and make the ugliest rainbow gradient in the entire universe but we're not gonna do that I'm just gonna select these individual points and delete them now I just want to make a nice blue gradient so I'm gonna make like a nice dark blue here I think and a nice light blue here something like that for mine again you can make yours whatever you want you don't even have to use a gradient you could use an image texture or a logo back here and that would be totally cool too we're actually gonna add some more details behind this frame in just a bit but I'm more or less happy I think with this color scheme looks all right to me I might increase the saturation a little bit if it's not already at the maximum cool so I'm happy with this gradient and we can mess with this all we want but I'm happy with this you all do what makes you happy that's what's important or what matches your stream even more importantly now this is just a gradient frame and it took a lot of effort to get here but now we can do some cool things to this since we have this window first of all I want to make an outline on this so for that anything in front of the frame are above the frame in 3d space is gonna be completely visible anything but high into the frame is only gonna be visible in the window cut out so you want to add an outline which before we add the outline quick sidenote here if you want yours to be a different shape than our rectangle using the techniques we used in the previous tutorial you can just add a bunch of edge loops to this and make the cutout whatever shape you want so that's just a brief side note you don't have to change the shape if you like the rectangle shape but honestly you can make this overlay any shape you want and that is that it'll it'll work exactly the same so I'm gonna undo all these edge loops but let's add an outline we hit tab to go into edit mode go to edge select by clicking this button we're hitting two on the keyboard I'm gonna select these four edges which will select the entire face then I'm gonna select these four edges right here I'm gonna hit shift D to duplicate and I'm gonna hit P to separate selection that separates it into its own mesh and I'm gonna hit tab hold down Z and go to wireframe and I'm going to just select the mesh that we just separated and if I hit tab go to face select select the face hit delete and do only faces we go back to edge select you notice we still have the edges left over which is exactly what we want we're gonna hit a on our keyboard to select all of the edges hit E and then to extrude and then Z for the z axis and I'm gonna extrude this up you can extrude it as far up as you want it won't make any difference whatsoever but I'm gonna she's gonna click when I'm happy with that hit tab to go out of edit mode and now back to solid view we have something like this still no outline rendering though how we're gonna do that is by going to the modifier properties add modifier solidify and you'll notice now if we apply a little bit of thickness we have an outline but the outline is the holdout material which is why it's not visible so if we go to the materials panel hit to hit the little two to make it its own material then change the surface from holdout to emission now we have a nice white outline if we go back to the modifier panel you can change the thickness to however thick you want and I think that looks pretty cool but one other thing you'll notice is that the outline happens right at the bound like it extrudes out I want the outline to be centered on the edge of this box personally so for that I'm going to change the offset to zero so now if we zoom in and go to wireframe you can see that the outline is centered on the edge rather than on the outside of the edge which is more a preference thing but it's my preference but then you can make this as thick as you want or as thin as you want I'm gonna leave mine somewhere about here I think and now let's add like a little metrics box before we add some detail behind this so for that we're gonna need to change the shape of this a little bit and you'll notice if we edit just if we go to a vertex select and we edit just this rectangle then the outline doesn't follow it now blender 2.8 has a brand new feature in it that is super nice where you can select multiple objects and hit tab to edit them at the same time so he had numpad 7 to go to the top view go to wireframe hit alt a to deselect everything and then do B for box select and just select everything right here that will select the outline and the holdout hit G y to move on the Y access axis we can move this up to make room for a little metrics cool then to get centered on these I'm gonna hit 2 to go to edge select or this button right here hit alt a Z go to solid view that I'm gonna select these two edges I'm gonna hit shift s for cursor to selected tab because the 3d cursor is where new objects to spawn in so this is not 100% necessary but it's nice for it to spawn and in the correct place so now if I go back into object mode hit shift a mesh plane we have a plane here looks super ugly because it's not using the ramp material so I'm gonna go to the materials panel and add the white material then we're just gonna use the scale command to scale it down until it's about where we want it somewhere around there then I'm gonna hit s and then X to scale it on the x-axis like so and if we really want this to match the border perfectly there's a trick for that you can see the little magnet up here you can click the drop-down next to it and select the vertex now if you select the magnet it will automatically snap to everything without you pressing any additional keys but that's really obnoxious I find so I don't check the magnet it's personal preference but if we go into edit mode go to vertex select and then select these two vertices hit G and then X to move on the x-axis then we hold ctrl move our mouse up to this corner you'll notice that it snaps perfectly in line with that corner which is exactly what we want then we can do the exact same thing on this and now you have a box where you can put whatever metrics you want you can put subscribers donations the most recent followers whatever I like to do subscribers and donations or so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a cut out on this rectangle to show that the symbol for subscriber is a star so I'm going to hit shift a to add a circle and we're gonna go to the little prompt right here before we press anything else we're gonna change the vertices to ten because a star has five points but if you count the concave points that has ten points so if we hit tab to go to edit mode select 1 2 3 4 5 hit s on the keyboard we can scale these down to make a nice star hit a to select them all hit F to fill it in tab to go back to object mode move it up move it over you can even scale it down which is what we really want to do and not not you can scale it down you're gonna need to UM then you'll notice that this is gray and it doesn't match the background gradients we really want to cut this out of the plane so I'm gonna hit F or extrude to make a nice cut out here go back to object mode then I'm going to select the plane go to the modifiers tab add a boolean and just select the circle and then hit up why yeah I guess I'll hit apply and then we can delete the star and now we have a nice cutout there then we can do the exact same thing for the dollar sign but hit shift a text hit tab to modify the text and make it a dollar sign if you want to change the font you can go down to the text thing and go to the font drop down here and search your computer for the font that you want to use but we're gonna move this over get it scaled all nice so it matches where we want like so that looks pretty good to me then we're gonna hit f3 to bring up the search menu and say convert to select convert to click it and then say a mesh from curve / mesh / / text now this is a mesh instead of a text object we can hit a key for extrude and extrude it straight through then we're gonna do the exact same thing we just did we're going to select the rectangle atom boolean modifier select a little highlighter and select the text hit apply delete the text now we have a nice cut out there - then the one thing we need to do is divide this down the center with a logo or something so to do that I'm going to do file import images as planes that's not on by default so if it's not on for you go to edit preferences on their add-ons type in the search bar and do images as planes and check it but now that's checked I'm gonna go to import images as planes I'm going to go to my folder find it under working and I did the wrong thing just like I did in the previous tutorial when I do import images as planes I'm poor - is shaded and not as not what I wanted so anyway go back to working select it make sure you select omit right here then do images as planes and now you have your logo mine's a circle so it's pretty easy to make an outline for if I want a nice white outline about it I'm just gonna move it around y'all should know how to move stuff around by now for the most part I think but I'm gonna hit shift s to do cursor to selected then I'm going to move them up a little bit just to get some distance hit shift a mesh circle right now you notice it's the only 10 points we're gonna change that to 64 to make it super smooth then we're gonna hit tab F to fill it in with a face tab again to scale it down until it matches the width of our outline go to the materials and give it the outline material then adjust the width again cool now we are getting very close to done but let's add some bubbles in the background just to really take advantage of this window cutout method all of you probably haven't watched my stream but the bubbles are kind of my setec so for that all I'm gonna do is move my cursor back to the zero position on the grid so for that I'm going to go to view just select these three boxes if you just click the first one hold and drag down you can select all of them at once I'm gonna hit zero and that'll zero out the cursor location then I'm gonna hit shift a mesh UV sphere and I'm going to do 64 by a 32 again just to make a super smooth and I'm gonna move it up and we're gonna add a new material back to the node editor so we're gonna delete the principle because you know we're gonna work with any mission but we're gonna work with the two shaders this time or three shaders actually and it shipped a shader emission to bring that out shift a shader transparent to bring that out and now we need to mix the two and for that we need a mixed shader which by the way a transparent shader is just transparent but we're gonna hit shift a shader and we're gonna grab a mixed shader and we're gonna plug these two in and you're gonna notice nothing happens because we haven't plugged into the material output but this also doesn't look very transparent if we drag it over the frame yeah not very transparent that's because in evie you have to tell the material that it can accept transparency so under the material panel we want to go to settings and where it says blend mode opaque change that to alpha blend and then under shadow mode change that to none because we don't want this to cast shadows then we want these to be bubbles not just opaque circles because that's boring but for that I'm gonna hit f3 to bring up the search money you do shade smooth and hit enter just to get rid of the faceted look but then we're gonna use something called the frenetic which is where it's hard to explain but essentially you want the emission at the edges and the transparency in the center of the circle so this is the facing we're gonna use something that's a facing ratio so if it's facing away from the camera it'll be opaque tarnish if it's facing towards the camera it'll be transparent and everything in between is a gradient so for that we do shift a inputs layer weights click that down we're gonna grab the facing ratio plug that into the grey socket right here and now you'll notice we have the exact opposite of what we want so we could either switch these two shaders or what we really want to do is add another gradient ramp because that'll allow us to manipulate this and make it look exactly how we want so I'm going to hit shift a and we will add a converter and a color ramp snap it right over the line so it automatically connects and we're gonna move black to this and white to this end and that's looking cool it's like a bubble it's not quite the bubble we want but we'll get there let's move the bubble back over here and I'm going to select the pulled out and hit H to hide it just so we can see this in front of the blue better I'm gonna select the circle and then I'm gonna choose the b-spline instead of linear the difference is that b-spline is just a softer transition it feels more natural to me and then these being solid white like this this feels very harsh so to turn that down Black is the opaque part of our thing so I'm just gonna drink this up bring this up so it's more gray like that cool then we're going to move these around within the frame and we're actually gonna have to move these underneath the cutout as well so they're not completely visible when we hit all H to bring our frame back but all a to deselect everything select the bubble and you can hit shift D to duplicate and move it around s to scale and really just do that over and over again or with whatever object do you want or again I want to reiterate this is your overlay that you're creating you don't want bubbles that's not your aesthetic you're not Oracle fish you want something else maybe stripes or squares or teapots or monkeys I don't know but put whatever you want behind the frame I'm just showing you some options and some that you can use the real the real most of the thing you're supposed to get out of this tutorial is this window frame method of a holdout but we're adding some bubbles and then I'm going to show you how to make it loop animated so I'm going to duplicate this around and tell I'm happy with it okay something like that doesn't look too bad maybe move this guy over here to the corner a little bit more yeah that's not horrible maybe add a couple of smaller bubbles and if we had more time for the tutorial we're already going way over time here uh-huh I would make a few layers of bubbles and do a parallax effect but we're on time for that so I'm going to show you all just the basic animation of how to loop this so we want these to animate up and loop let's say we want our animation to be three seconds so three times sixty his TomTom tell me it's 180 hooked me a second there without my calculator but we want the end film to be 180 so this will be a three second animation at 60 frames per second then we want to duplicate one of these bubbles and just move it out of the way off frame so we have something left over for later if we want to use it but we're gonna take all of these bubbles select all of them holding shift and we're gonna hit ctrl J to join them into one object then we're going to duplicate this and move it down here the reason for this is because if you want an animation to loop the first frame has to be identical to one frame past the last frame you don't want it to be identical to the exact last frame because then if the first term in the last frame are the exact same it's gonna look like it's hitching when it loops its gonna look like it's lagging because it'll pause for a brief fraction of a second so you don't want the last term to be identical to the first frame but you wanted to be very close so to accomplish this we're gonna actually make our animation 179 frames long and we're gonna animate to 180 but the easiest way to make this loop is to insert a location keyframe for these bubbles then select these bubbles and copy their location so we can copy their X which by the way which really only need the Y location so I'm gonna copy the Y location by the way in blender if you hover over a box and it highlights like this you can hit control C without actually selecting it you do not have to select it and hit the ctrl C to copy the value you can just highlight and hit control C copy the value so then we're gonna go to frame 180 paste that value right click or just hover over again and hit I for insert so now these bubbles animate into the place of those but you're gonna notice that they sort of start slow get faster than slow down again for this to be looping we need it to be one continuous movement just trust me on this but what we're going to do is go to our graph editor instead of shader editor we're going to select one vertex of the green line hit l2 select the whole thing right click and say linear under interpolation mode so now you'll notice it's just one continuous motion however the first bubbles aren't moving out of the way so it's not looping it and how we're going to accomplish that is we're going to go to the first frame make sure you are on the first frame for this I'm gonna select the bubbles shift select the bubbles that are moving hit ctrl P to bring up the parent menu and say set parent to object so now these bubbles are attached to these bubbles which is exactly what we want so if we watch in this frame over here completely hide all of this watch you won't be able to tell it just perfectly completely loops very cool and after all this is said and done we can adjust we can adjust the frame size you can adjust the outlines and stuff this tutorial is already almost 30 minutes long so I'm gonna I'm gonna get to the export process after I make a couple little tweaks here I'm sorry I've taken more time but I kind of want this border length to almost match this border links I'm gonna select the outline select this hit tab hit alt a to deselect everything Z go to wireframe grab these vertices these vertices using box select and then just scale this in a bit to even this out some oh I don't know man maybe maybe that was the wrong move just scaling in a little bit and then move these down a little bit then we're gonna and we can always adjust this height oh yeah yeah this is what we do let me scale this height to match perfect so now we play and we get the looping bubbles going on infinitely so now that our outlet our overlay is done which I realize this looks pretty basic normally you'd spend more than 30 minutes on an overlay so be creative guys do whatever you want you can have like animated stripes you can have like a like a white stripe going across it it looks like a cool reflection or something you can you can do anything you want just put it behind the window frame and it will be your overlay and again you can make this frame any shape you want I'm just trying to make sure you all realize the creative possibilities here you don't have to copy my overlay verbatim I sure hope you don't have my logo on your stream that would be weird but let's get to the export process we're gonna go to the printer right here go through output and we're gonna select the file format and select ffmpeg video then we're gonna go to encoding and under container change that to web M WebM is the video format that allows parentsí then video codec changed that to WebM / of vp9 then if you have audio on your overlay which I wouldn't personally recommend you can change the audio codec to Vorbis if you added audio in the video sequence that are if you did not go over in this tutorial then to make sure the background renders out with transparency you're gonna change RGB to RGB a red green blue alpha then choose a location to put this I'm gonna put mine right here and call it overlay AM hell yeah hit accept then a couple more things to take care of before you render this out is matching the camera to the border as closely as possible because I don't want all this extra transparent real estate that's just going to be extra process there power used so select the camera go to the camera settings and change the orthographic scale to zoom in as much as you can and then move it around a little bit but then we're gonna want to also go to the printer here no it's definitely the render settings nope Wow I am yeah it's under the printer settings I had to scroll up we're gonna change the X resolution down until we get the aspect ratio matching a bit better then take the camera and change the orthographic scale again until it's close to matching y'all can get yours closer I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time on this and one last thing you want to do is go to the printer tab and realize this is rendering out 1080 pixels high that is the entire height of your stream you do not need something that big I would recommend rendering it out at like maybe 40 percent or something or mess with the actual dimensions to something that fits your stream perfectly but you don't want to make the video file huge because you're just gonna scale it down and that's just extra processor power being used so once that's done and you have your output path set and you've saved your file overlay tutorial free for me you can hit control f12 it'll bring up the window and it will render out your WebM file that you can then drag and drop into OBS to your heart's content and when you drag it in and go to the video properties make sure you that the video loops and that's pretty much it be creative make something really cool I can't I can't wait to see what you all come up with let's it's it's a neat technique to make make a cool stylized overlay as always if you found this tutorial helpful make sure you hit that like and subscribe button below the video for new content every single week and if you want to download my files to do whatever you want with make sure you hop into the discord link in the description also come say hey over on Twitch I'm live every Tuesday Friday and Saturday at slash Oracle Phish live we genuinely have an incredible community and if you have any comments questions or topics you want me to cover make sure you leave those in the comments down below until next time my name is Chris folia I'm your stream professor classes our
Channel: Stream Scholar
Views: 9,162
Rating: 4.9490447 out of 5
Keywords: oracles stream school, streamschool, stream school, chris folea, twich, twitch, blender 2.8, blender 2.82, blender tutorial, obs, camera overlay, xsplit, tutorial, twitch overlay, free twitch overlay, video camera overlay, mixer, youtube, live stream, broadcast, live, blender 2.82 tutorial, how to make a camera overlay, how to make a twitch overlay, how to make an overlay, animated overlay, free animated overlay, animated webcam overlay, overlay, twitch overlays, Stream Scholar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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