Blender 2.8 Tutorial: How to remove people from video [VFX workspace]

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Hey everybody and welcome back to another Darkfall tutorial so in today's video we're gonna be removing people from our movie clips like we've done before So this clip has more things how we need to remove and it takes a little bit more work But I'm gonna show you how you can optimize your workflow once we've done it once we can just copy and repeat then if you have any projects like this in the future you can just Import one node, and then the jobs pretty much done for you. Let's go ahead and show you the result So as you can see we're in blender 2.8, but this would work in blender 2.79 And as I mentioned we did a video on this already. As you can check out up here I'll throw a link as I said that last one it was we only remove one thing. Where is this? We have quite a few things to remove. So again, you can use blender 2.79 or you can use blender 2.8 So there may be a few little differences between the two versions So if you do have any trouble just post a comment below or you can go to our Facebook group again The links will be in the description. Let's go ahead and get started So I'll use the VFX workstation, but you can use the general one if you want. It's up to you So this is the VFX workstation and we have a few little tabs We can change between if this is the first time you've seen blender 2.8 Make sure you go ahead and check out video we've done previously which is just my thoughts and opinions But essentially this is the new workstation and we can just switch between the tabs to do the different functions But right now we have a couple of windows that we don't need we have these two windows So what I'm going to do is just close these down so I'm gonna get to the edge in just right-click Then I'm gonna press join I'm gonna do the same thing again Join area and I just want to join this one. So we just have this window now What we can do is go ahead and open up our movie clip So this is the movie clip that I'm using and I'll throw a link in the description where you can download this too So let's go ahead and set the scene frame You can go up here and click this button or you can go down here and just just type in how many frames you want to use Now we can go ahead and prefetch Now what this does is fills this purple bar up all the way if it doesn't fill up all the way you will need to Go to edit Preferences then I think system and just increase the memory cache limit ot the sequencer I think it's called. and then when you prefetch it, it'll just fill up all the way and you can scroll through your clip So so we can see that the video it's moving the camera is moving That's not going to be a big issue for this What we do want to focus on is getting rid of these people here this guy and a few in the background so we just want to turn this into a clip where there's no people and we'll be able to use it in the future if we want to Without any people. So let's go ahead and do that so as I mentioned we did this in a previous tutorial where we got rid of one guy who was stood in front of some Water, it's pretty much the exact same steps. So let's go ahead and set some tracking markers for this We can choose I think the location will be fine, but I'm just gonna choose location rotation Then I want to change the match to previous frame Then I want to check normalize We go ahead and add our first tracking marker before we do that I just want to go over here to where it says track and then go over here I'm gonna hold ctrl and then left click You can see a preview of where blender is going to track now We can see there's some water in the background here and this will move constantly So what I want to do is just move this marker down a bit Just until we don't see any of this white and we can also scale it down So this should be a good area for blender to track so one of the things I mentioned in one of the previous tutorials where we did tracking is the fact that you can't see the Search size, which is something I used all the time But then somebody left a comment on the video and let me know where it was. So, thank you to you It's greatly appreciated if we want to see the search size we can go over here to the clip display or we can use the shortcut which is alt s When we go over here to clip display. We have a whole bunch of options we can choose If we check search size, there we go. I just want to scale this down quite a bit so this is the first one that I need, I need another one over here and then When I need one down here, so let's try and find a good spot so they should be okay. Let's try this And again, if you need to add any more tracking markers go ahead and do that So press A and we're going to select all of these Then you can go down here to these tracking buttons or you can use the original track menu here. It's up to you So I'm just going to track these forward and Make sure none of these slip play through each of these and make sure they don't jump around or move. That's not too bad There's a bit of film grain that moves but essentially it stays in the same spot Now here you can see the man's head actually gets in the way. So let's go ahead and re-track this Otherwise this will cause us some trouble so jump back to the first frame What I need to do is clear this tracking data It's called tracking information so I can I can either press this button here or this one here Just move this over to maybe this spot here Then track it forward And that looks good, so we've got these three tracking markers we could go ahead and move onto the masking. so like in previous versions You can press tab and go into the masking mode or you can change the workstation to the other window again We can get rid of these two here right click join area same thing for this.. oops Try that again, right click and join area Now have this now let's go ahead and click this movie clip icon and choose our movie clip So we still have our markers here. let's go ahead and create a new mask. Go up here to new Let's call this What can we call it? We're essentially just gonna add this section over his face like a band-aid or a patch So we call it patch So now what I'm going to do is create a mask here in this clean area then in the compositing We're just going to move this area over a copy of the area as a patch and just patch over his face then I'm going to do the same thing for the other areas that we want to get rid of and So it's pretty simple and we first need to create these masks. So let's go ahead and do that So for this one I want to get as much clean area as I can so on and I want to make sure it's above his head. So start here control left click Select about here control left click And make sure you don't go too close to the man in case he moves a little bit over we can check as we scrub Through later on but I'm just going to do something like this Then I'm going to press alt C to close it. Now last thing we need to do is parent this to a tracking marker I'm going to parent it to this tracking marker at the back So first, right click this tracking marker, then press A just so we have this mask selected Then hold ctrl and press P. Now, We've parented this mask to this tracking marker so if we play through this movie clip just make this a little bit bigger, so We play through this now We see that the mask stays in position and that's what we need so I'm just going to jump back to the first frame I'm going to do the same thing now for the Waterfall just create a mask here. And then the same thing for this water down here So again, let's go ahead and create a new mask This one's going to be called waterfall And then control left-click Now what I'm gonna do is instead of staying on this side of this rock I'm actually going to grab a little bit of it and use it. So let's control left Click here Again, you want to go to close because this guy's arm might appear. So we'll check that a little bit later on, but You want to do something like this Press alt C to close the mask. So right click and select this marker Press A, select all of them ctrl P. There we go so you want to play through and make sure this guy's arm doesn't Doesn't go beyond this mask if it does you'll just need to reposition the mask And also you need to be aware that we're adding some blur to it as well So once we add some blur the arm might bleed in so we need to go back a little bit further Depending on how much blur we add and again, this is all stuff We can change later on So now I'm going to create the last one in the same way and then I'll come back to you guys So now we have our masks like let's select the Composing workspace now If we go to use nodes Backdrops already enabled which is good. I am just going to drag this down a little bit Now we have our render layers and our composite node just like before so let's get rid of this render layers You can either press X to delete or if you've got the node Wrangler add-on You can just hold shift and then press s and then you can switch the type So I'm just gonna switch this node from a render layer to a movie clip go to input movie clip Now I can select this icon and choose a movie clip that we've been working with We don't see anything So let's go ahead and add a viewer node in The new version of blender if you hold ctrl shift and left-click you can add a viewer node Which is the same if you've got the node wrangle add-on so that's just been added to 2.8 as standard which I think was pretty nice so also one of the new features of blender if you select the viewer node, you can actually move the background around or Scale it up and down anyway, so let's go ahead and move on and Again, this effect is very simple so I'm just gonna set up the nodes once and then what I'm going to do is create a Super node or a mega node, and then just duplicate that one node Across all the different times that I need to use it So it'll make sense in a minute if you've not created super nodes before then I'm just going to show you how to do that as well But I've done that a few times on this channel, so probably you guys already know how to do that by now Anyway, so let's go ahead and shift a go to color mix When I drop this on the bottom string, which is a composite node So now when I hold ctrl shift and left-click, I could just connect it to the viewer node And I do that a lot just to save a little bit of time rather than just manually plugging these in so the next thing I want to do is add a mask shift a input mask And if we select the mask icon Change this to patch plug this into the factor Now we have this You'll notice that for this example at least that the mask is out of position and a lot of people ask me Why is the mask our position when they create their masks and most times? It's one of two things. You need to go here to the output settings and we first need to make sure that this percentage slider is at 100% and Then we also need to make sure that the video resolution is the same as the movie clip that we're using now Normally, this is the resolution I use for every video clip, but for this one, it's actually a little bit less so let's go ahead and select the presets and We actually want to choose HDTV 720p Now as soon as we do that we can see that the settings have been changed, but nothing's been updated yet So let's select let's unplug this mask and then just plug it right back in now it's updated and it's got the correct scale It's in the right position. So now we can go ahead and move on So I just want to take this image feed from the movie clip I just plug this in the second image slot here and nothing has changed. It's exactly the same So let's go ahead and move things around shift a go to distort and Then transform then I'm going to drop this on the bottom string so for this effect anytime you want to move I think something around it will be the bottom string the Middle one here aka This top string is the background of the overall background. This one will become Essentially a patch or a band-aid if you want. However you want to think of it So, let me just show you I mean if we move this on the Y out of position you'll see just move this it moves this section up The trouble is the mask stays in the same position So what we need to do so we just need to copy this transform node So select the transform node shift D and then just drop it in here So now every time we move this on the Y here we just need to update it here as well So what we could do is add a node just to control both of them at the same time makes our job a lot easier So just by the way, I just reset these values by hovering over it and then pressing backspace Let's go ahead and add a node just to control both of these at the same time shift a go to input Value so it's a very simple node. It's just own value node You had type of value plug it into something and it will become that value. So it's pretty useful let's go ahead and reset this to zero and Then what I'm going to do is plug this into the X and also the X just for both of these nodes now I'm going to press shift D and Then plug this into the Y Of both of these nodes and then one more time shift D And this is going to be for this scale. Now the scale we can see is the default value of one So this needs to be a default value of one if we didn't, if we just plug these in it It would become a value of zero so you wouldn't see anything. So now this is the value of one. Let's plug this in And we have this little setup here, so if we select these three nodes By holding shift and left clicking them Press G. Bring these out the way just so we can See what we're doing and when we move these values, we're just going to put this patch over his head So let's go ahead and do that That's pretty good we can also scale this up You don't want scale up too much because It will look a little bit odd And then you should wanna make sure everything lines up so Let's do that Looks okay. Now one more thing that we need to do is we can see we have these sharp harsh lines So what we need to add a blur node let's go ahead and put these back and then we need to add a blur node between the mask and the transform and For this we can give this a decent amount and say maybe 20 or 30 maybe a bit more just so you can So it's up to you again how much you blow this I'm not too worried about this here because we're going to add stuff over it. So that's pretty good So now we can see we have this node set up and we're going to just repeat this process For the other stuff that we want to cover up So as I mentioned before I'm just gonna create that super node or the mega node or whatever You want to call it people? Some people have called it an uber node I'm not sure what the technical term for it is So we don't need the background movie clip and we also don't need the mask and the blur so what I'm gonna do is press B and Box select all of these here. So this mix node these two transform nodes and also these value nodes here Let's just copy these so press shift D duplicate them Now since we still have them selected I'm going to press ctrl G And we can see we've gone into a different menu here. To get out of it, You just need to press tab So you can see it's converted these nodes here into this one little node group here. So select this and then tab into edit mode Now the first thing we need to do is have an output so mix node here this image Let's just plug this into this output and now it's just added this image slot here If we press N, we can bring up this toolbar here So I want to do is change this output name. I'm just going to go to his name and change this to output Just so we know what it does. So then we tab out of edit mode Now we have this feed but we have nothing to plug into so Let's go ahead and fix that So the first thing we need to do is the on this mix node here. This would be our background image so I'm going to use this first plug this in and Again, if you want you can select this and rename it But I don't mind keeping it as image since we used to that on those things now The next one I want to take is this one down here This is the patch or the thing that's going to be added over. So select this image bring into here Then we also need the mask. So if you remember, this is the mask, so let's plug this into the bottom Now for this we have three so now we have three things that says image. So let's select this last one and Change this to mask And if you wanted to you can select the mask and then put it at the top just so it's a little bit similar to how the mix node is But what I find is if we have it like this when I drop this into a node It'll plug the first thing into the mask, which is not what we want. So what I'll do is I'll just select this mask I just want this one to be at the bottom So you can have it any way around you want it so entirely up to you So let's select these value nodes here I'm just going to press G and bring them out the way I just want to deconnect these If we've got the node Wrangler add-ons enabled we can do this a quick way if We hold ctrl and then left-click and drag we can draw this line and just disconnect these strings So now I need to do is like we did with add in these images We just add in these values bring this x value over here Same thing for this one. Let's connect it to the same one Now I'll do the same for the Y let's add a new slot connect this up to the same Y slot and then do the same for the scale and if you wanted to do the same thing for the angle if you're moving things around or Rotating it round you can do the same thing, but I generally don't use the rotation so I'm not gonna add this but now we have this like we can delete these here and We have our node. Let's go ahead and replace it. So I'm gonna press.. so make sure I don't have anything selected then, I'm gonna press B select these nodes Delete now if you press X you delete things like this I'm gonna press ctrl-z if you press ctrl X, it deletes the nodes, but it still has the strings connected And again, that's a node Wrangler add-on feature. So pretty useful So now if we plug this node group in So as I mentioned it goes straight to the image if we had the mask at the top This one would go to the mask, which wouldn't work. So that's why I added the mask to the bottom Anyway, so now this is plugged into the composite node. Let's connect it to the viewer. So ctrl shift left click we have this So again just add in your mask and plug this into the mask slot There we go, so it's over here then what we can do we take the movie clip plug that into the second image Now we can move this around very comfortably and easily like so Or something like this Now we have this one node, all we need to do is just duplicate it Add the mask node and just play around with the values since I need to do this a few times It's gonna save me a lot of work and it's also it looks convenient it's all in one node rather than having three separate nodes and Moving things around and then when you get tons more nodes added up It just gets overwhelming when it's in a super node group like this. Then things become a lot easier It's also if you save this project folder so ctrl s just save this We could name this as patch So then when you're trying to do stuff like this in the future then you can go to file append And bring in this node group again into your new projects. So it saves you from rebuilding this node over and over again So I'm going to select this and just rename it I'm not sure what we can cause maybe a mix transform because since it mixes it and then moves it Or we could probably call it the patch node. I Probably be interesting? patch node! So now we have our patch node save this and Let's go ahead and repeat the process. So, let's see how easy this is. We press shift D just to duplicate this So I'm just going to reset these values to zero So I'm going to hover over it and press backspace For this one. I'm just going to enter a value of one So now this is a fresh node. Let's just drop it down here then press shift D and Drop it into the composite node Sothe reason why I added it down here just so when we change these values we don't have to keep resetting the node Just saves a little bit of time anyway, so let's connect this up to the viewer node and hold ctrl shift left click Shift A, input mask Change the mask to waterfall Plug this into the mask (slot). Now, you can see the area that's being affected Let's plug the output into the image So it looks look something like this Then all we need to do is just move this over. Keep moving it until we see this edge a bit more Something like that, it's good. You can also scale up if we need so just a couple of times maybe We also need to bring it down And again, make sure you don't see that guy behind it so now we have this we need to blur it So let's go ahead and copy this blur shift D Drop this in and you'd want to go around and play around with the value. So maybe 25 Something like that, it has a bit of hazy effect if I press m to mute it you can see It looks pretty good It's pretty quick and easy Let's go ahead and do the last one Press B. Move things out of the way move these over here Select this drop it in connect up to the viewer node again. You guys know how it's done now plug it into the mask Plug this into the image Let's change this mask to water bottom plug this into the mask and Then what we need to do we could scale this up a little bit And then move it over And move it down we could scale this up quite a bit So I want something I am I know we can see the head so I will come back later on add another mask and then add another Patch node and just connect it up just to cover this area here for the rocks so the same techniques just a little bit different or maybe for the hair here as well also for any of the edges that we That we can see with this. Let's go ahead and add in a blur node again Shift D, this one can be blurred quite a bit. I think Maybe not that much but You get the idea You can kind of get an idea how the effect works we just need to again clean these areas up Also play through make sure the guy's head which was moving down here doesn't get in the way which we can see it does So I would need to remove that But I think you can get the idea just with a few once we've tidied things up It looks a lot nicer and but it's an easy way to get rid of people from your movie clips So again, I'll finish this off before we render this out as a final So once you're happy with this and you want to render this out So you will need to let's go ahead and change a few things Again, we've already made sure that the resolution is OK make sure you set the start and end frame and If you want change the frame rate as well, go ahead and do that So now in output I'm going to change the folder of wise it's gonna get saved to our temp folder. So select this icon So now we know where the output is Let's go ahead and change the file format right now it will render as a PNG image sequence, which we don't want. So let's select this Go to ffmpeg video then what we need to do is down here under encoding we can select this presets here and Then choose h.264 in mp4 format As soon as we select that we can see it's changed so now we can go ahead and render this out up here to render and Before I do it before I actually render it out I want to change the display mode this when it renders out it will be rendering in a new window So instead, I just want to change it to an image editor Then go to render and render the animation or you can use this shortcut, which is control f12 It's entirely up to you But once you've rendered this out, you should have a clean movie clip ready to be used in your future projects So hopefully you found this tutorial helpful. If you did be sure to give this a like, as always Thank you for watching and I see you next time You
Channel: Darkfall
Views: 14,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender 2.8, how to remove people from video, remove from video, video editing, vfx, blender vfx, supernode, mega node, super, uber node, vfx workspace, blender tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial: how to remove people from video [vfx workspace], blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorial vfx, how to remove people from videos, blender vfx tutorial, blender vfx tutorial for beginners
Id: Cu37bUsUOl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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