Motion Capture + Brick Wall Simulation in Blender [Livestream reupload]

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foreign hey guys wow so many people good to see you didn't know your live stream no it's uh one of the first i've streamed a little bit from twitch before but uh let's try uh streaming on youtube so nice to see that people are enjoying the tutorials so i was thinking we could do like some uh there's a website called mixomo which has a lot of great motion capture and then we'll do some rigid bodies in blender we'll start off by downloading our motion capture from xaml so i think you have to make an account i'm not sure but the motion capture here is free at least so i have this animation that i really like which is just called walking and we're going to go through the process of kind of slowing this down and because it just looks so good in slow motion so i'm just going to download and i'm going to set the frame rate to 60 frames per second name of the music well i'm not really sure if i'm able to give the name of all the songs but if you screenshot right now you can see at least the next 15 minutes of music right here and these are all from the youtube audio library so yeah i've already done this download this one but it's just an animated fbx file let's just go and import our fbx data and there's our file moving so the problem here is that after the end of the first of all it doesn't loop but we can just press shift e to make cyclic why have you been so inactive uh i am currently a full-time student so i don't really have super much time to make these tutorials but it's a lot of fun to make tutorials so in the end tutorial is going to win that competition of attention i guess the problem is when we look at this animation it kind of goes back to the beginning so we can take this location data and move it so press shift d yeah so i'll just copy the location to make it continue and i'll probably do this five times i guess so we have this long walking [Music] sequence [Music] we're going to slow down the movement of this right now it's 60 frames per second will be working 30. so it's already half speed let's make it um about a lot slower like eight times as slow so i'll just select all the keyframes and just scale them by four and we're already at pretty cool slow motion a little bit it's difficult to explain but there are some spaces in between these keyframes and the interpolation is quite hard so as you can see here these are four frames but we have this super yeah i can't draw there we have this super jagged edges so go to key sample keyframes and now we're going to get a lot more keyframes and then we're going to smooth these keyframes so alt oh i guess this guy is going to walk in super slow motion into like a block of solid material of some sort um which will use the cell fracture add-on it's not really an add-on it's power blender to make sort of like a slow motion explosion of concrete or something like that um and it's uh i haven't really done it before with motion capture but it should be straightforward i guess we're ready to create the block and enable the cell fracture at all [Music] here's a good question from yasba of music thanks for joining um why does blender have problems with small rigid body objects every time i want to simulate something with one centimeter cube it's always intersecting with each other you know why i have no idea why but i've experienced exactly the same problem so what you can do which is super effective is just to scale it up just you scale up all the objects in your scene and then under rigid body world which you'll have to add we'll be adding it anyways so and you can just increase the speed so let's say you scale it up like so much that everything just moves really slowly you can just increase the speed and your stimulation should be a lot more stable or stabler i'm not sure that should definitely help you with your glitches so now we're going to take this big cube and break it into a lot of tiny pieces and what's really interesting or i'm sorry what's really important to do is to make first and material called inside and then let's make a new material called outside so now we have like now we have like two materials so one dark and one bright i guess um so one material is gonna be the inside and one is gonna be outside and it's really difficult to add these materials after you crack this into a thousand pieces we're probably not gonna do a thousand but yeah so let's make this a little bit slim [Music] so i'll just search for cell fracture you need to have the add-on enabled so the most important things to click on here is i think own words is better than own particles because we don't have any particles but we have words i guess so the source limit is 250 so we'll end up with 250 pieces this noise value is just uh yeah it's randomized as point distribution and but there was one thing i want to check it is the um material yeah so material index for interior faces let's set this to one because we made two materials so now when we press ok we will break this i guess yeah i'll try again so the cell fracture i think it remembers our settings yeah so i'll press ok oh yeah okay so it's just like eight pieces so we're gonna need to subdivide this first okay so now we have a little bit more of the geometry let's try and do let's do a simple subdivision surface modifier first set to simple i'll just apply this one yeah so now we have a lot more now we have a lot more geometry and let's go cell fracture and it saves our settings from last time remember the material stuff is really important so press ok it's actually been a really long time since i did a cell fracture so here's our original cube we're going to save this for later because it's really nice to have the original position and scale and everything for this one so i'm gonna hide it there and we'll come back to it later so sometimes there are some weird pieces like this one it's a little piece just like outside and we're going to delete that yeah yeah so what we're going to do now is this guy is going to walk into this this self-fractured stuff so we want to add some ground yeah that's definitely something we want to do let's add a rigid body world let me hide my original cube and object rigid body add active and these are probably gonna explode everywhere no they didn't explode everywhere they fell to the ground which is amazing so let's set the ground to rigid body passive i don't want this to start all the way behind there so let's move it there okay so right now it's just falling down this block i guess we should call it it's just falling down so we want it to kind of stay up until our character moves into it and i'm thinking perhaps we could try and turn off gravity and see what happens so now gravity has been turned off and we haven't enabled collision for this guy so let's go object quick rigid body let's do add passive and let's set it to animated and we'll probably gonna have to set the collision shape to mesh okay so let's take a look what's it gonna be nope why oh so we're getting somewhere not somewhere good oh deforming i guess yeah it has to be deforming so now let's take a look yeah okay so welcome back i think i know what the problem is so i have to turn on some deform stuff because this mesh is deforming so now let's have a look awesome we are in zero gravity right now it's like zero gravity always feels right you know when you're doing slow motion stuff let me ask you do you think we should turn on gravity like a little bit of gravity that they will fall down or should this guy be walking in zero gravity where we'll just extend these pieces and see how they end up okay so a little bit of gravity 20 gravity uh zero gravity a little gravity okay so we'll do a little gravity let's do a minus one gravity meter per second because we're so slow so instead of like slowing down the rigid worldly world we can just reduce the gravity instead and let me increase my cash to let's do it no let's do 750 frames that's oh that's 25 seconds yeah well let's try it did you get the rtx 3080 or 3090 so uh is there an option where i didn't get any of them no i haven't gotten a new graphics card i'm not sure if i should there's blender is getting so many improvements each day so i'm super happy with my current i currently have the rtx 2080 ti which is quite expensive for me i guess and oh okay so let's talk about gpus later what's wrong here right now is that the gravity is affecting the pieces before anything else has happened so we want the pieces to stay still before what you can do is you can the rigid body simulation can start kind of deactivated and then this guy is going to kind of come in and activate it so let's delete our bake go back to our physics properties and i think it's under dynamics yeah so under dynamics select one of the pieces and i mean select all the pieces in the menu navigating hold down alt and then press the deactivation and then start deactivated and now all of these hopefully should start deactivated cool so i think they're going to be [Music] perfect so let's go ahead and bake this bake so let's take a look now i really wish we made more pieces because this looks i don't know oh so it's a little bug here where he kind of kicks one of them that's pretty cool can you use forces in a rigid bodysim yes you can you could add a you can actually do all kinds of forces so um under force field all these kinds of things are available for this rigid body simulation we will try and start rendering so if the stream wasn't lagging until now it definitely will so let's do some real-time ray tracing [Music] [Music] can you make the inside pieces and emission material yeah i can do we probably won't keep it like that but i can show you how easy it is inside yeah let's do a mission so what i like to do sometimes is to make the inside materials emission and then the outside for example glass glass and it takes super long time to render but it looks really cool this is such a great 3d model i just really love the kind of the shapes of this so we can try and make this like a glass material glass that's cool and let's make the inside light up that's just so cool it's probably going to take a lot a while to render though so let's keep it uh let's make a diffuse and we'll see there we go that's really oh that's cool okay so there's our walking dude is the character a rigid object as well does it really push the stones away yes it actually does so this is going to be it is actually um a physics simulation which uses the mesh in the character and kind of deforming it so here's what this looks like and it's an actual simulation using the data in this mesh so that's pretty cool and it's so nice that blender can kind of just do stuff like this i haven't really tried combining motion capture with um cell fractured rigid body simulations before it's actually cool that this just worked if you're ever in doubt if you're thinking how should i light this just try and do like a big light above everything just try and put it like here and it it looks it looks so good already and it's just like a super big soft light it's exactly it's the same kind of light that i'm using right now it's just kind of yeah pretty cool i want a texture on the ground perhaps a voronoi texture and if you want a tutorial for this this is the tutorial which is called um procedural textures in blender on this channel so if you want to learn procedural texturing check out that tutorial you can make this sort of ground which looks super crazy look at this you can get this super trippy pattern and it's just a few button clicks but that tutorial covers the entire process now let's do some depth of field uh oh that's too much yeah so i wanna set this to so i'm gonna make a null object or an empty object that follows this person so let's make an empty plain axis and select four or three vertices on the model and then select empty the model control p and parent to vertex triangle and now this empty is going to follow the mesh completely even if it's deforming and it's a motion capture thing and everything so just take the camera and set the focus object to be that null object and now you have a depth of field that is i mean expensive cameras talk about oral focusing you can't get any better autofocus than this it is locked physically with a virtual object to the eye of the model so good luck getting any better autofocus on this let's just do a super simple camera movement so like this let's go here camera goes there and boom and the camera is just following the character walking this is probably not that exciting but it's manageable and sometimes that's what you got to do let me do a still frame okay so i'm obviously not going to be able to render like an animation in this video because my gpu is already decoding a bunch of video and streaming it live i am going to try and just do some simple compositing setup so here's the rendered image let's turn on denoising data let's in the compositor let's go shift f3 and use another backstroke and i'm gonna have to do another render and while it's rendering let's just start the compositing before the render that render has finished so let's do let's do a glare node we're going to use a glitter node and we're going to use yeah we're going to use a viewer and we are going to use a color mix node there is and we're going to use a denoise node so let's import this and let's do a glare node let's set this glare node to foggy glow high and set the mix to 1 and set the size size to nine and now now when we get into mix let's send this one over here i'm not sure if you can see this can you yeah so let's do uh let's set the glow to add which is what glow does and then let's go ahead and do filter no distort uh lens distortion and we're not gonna do lens distortion we're just gonna do a little bit dispersion so let's try 0.1 let's take a look do you use render farms when you do big projects yes i use surrender farm called raybus render farm but it's not updated to the latest version of blender that's why i'm using blender version 2.83 right now okay so let's take a look at this so here we have a little bit of can i assume here yeah so here we have a little bit of glow oh i can draw so here we have a little bit of glow and uh that's really important to add glow if you're in doubt and if you have any bright areas in your scene try and add some glow it's going to help a lot so this took 18 seconds to render and we have an animation that is i would say 695 frames long six nine yeah that's like almost four hours so we won't do um an animation rebbe's farm now supports blender 2.9 that is something i really wish i knew earlier thanks so much that's that's really cool i will definitely update them okay so what did we do today we imported this 3d model with animation from mixamo we used the cell fracture modifier or the self factor add-on in blender to make this block into a lot of pieces and then we used the rigid body tools and then we added a camera and we did some glossy reflections on the ground which you can check out the tutorial for procedural textures in blender uh i hope it works in 2.9 that tutorial one more thing that we did with this motion capture just to wrap this up is that we opened the keyframes in the graph editor and we smoothed smoothed them using the technique that we have already been doing a lot on this channel in the real-time animation tutorial and then we i'm just promoting my tutorial super hard but it's just uh techniques that i use a lot and then we added a camera with some depth of field and parented this and then we rendered it and used the compositor to add some glow and we also used some denoising data which is the denoiser and that's a really cool feature and then we did the glare and instead of just adding the glitter on top of everything we used the mix color node so we more easily can control the amount of glare we're doing so as a thank you for watching this stream um let me show you something cool that i made that i haven't really shown anyone yet if you use your mouse cursor you can smash that like button you
Channel: Polyfjord
Views: 120,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, rigid body, motion capture, cell fracture, ray tracing, tutorial, mocap, polyfjord, lotsalote
Id: NNjjKmwwrUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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