Make a custom Vtubing model with VRoid Studio for FREE!

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[Music] hey guys it's fia from the virtual reality show and i'm super excited to do another tutorial video it's long overdue that i did a video on how to use vroid studio and i am a v-roid model myself so i thought it was appropriate that i show you guys how i made my model and equip you with the tools to learn how to do this completely on your own so to get started over here let's take a look over at the v-ray studio home screen you can see that it actually is in english um despite being a japanese program which is a big big plus for us western youtubers starting off so if we just scroll down here we can see a whole bunch of different previews of some of the things you can do with theroid and then right here we can download the newest version which is still in beta form so this is updating quite often so make sure you're always checking back or staying up to date on the v-ray twitter which i'll link below so that you know when new updates do come because they're always adding crazy new features each time so i do have a windows pc so i'm gonna click here and you can see that i already downloaded the newest version right down here and so i'm gonna load it up and get ready to go all right so here i went ahead and opened up a project file for one of my newest commissions that i did i think she turned out super duper cute and i think it's a great example of all the different things you can actually do the theory studio so i'm gonna go over some of the basics of v-ray studio but then i'll kind of give you an overview of what i did for this model so stick around to the very end to see how i can make something like this so here's the basic default model that you start off with it is a blank slate so i'm just gonna walk us through some of the basics here so starting with the face editor you can go in here and do all or just select any of the things in particular that you want to do so i'm going to start with all zoom in on the face and you're going to realize that viroid works very similar to sims where i can literally adjust the different facial features just like this um size them however i want and there's a lot of great control and before i go any further you can only go up into the end of the slider but because you can type things in here i can actually type in something more like five and then it goes over the top with whatever that slider is supposed to do so a lot of the time this creates some kind of clipping and different stuff like that doesn't necessarily look great but for anything that you have you can always do negative or over the top positive with it to get some really interesting results so then if we hop over to the textures here you can see that we actually have these texture um patterns on the right of the screen and you have all of these brushes that is pretty much just like photoshop that you can use to directly edit the different textures so this one is for her tongue we are not going to be coloring any tongues today unfortunately that's kind of a last resort kind of thing here um but one of the important things is like face skin so if i come over here you're going to see this very terrifying um skin mask here and you can edit different things with it so if i want to go ahead and let's say like i wanted to add some blush i can bring out this brush use something like this and then if i put symmetry on i can draw on both sides and do some cute blush here and then you have some different things that you can do after that uh you can use opacity of your brush width of your brush here but then i can actually change the opacity of the whole layer so i could make a nice little like cheek blush effect just like that really easy um if i wanted to add another layer like i usually like to add some cute little shines so then i could go back in over here and i can use the shift key to drag over to wherever i want to be and then let's see i have a white selected and i can make some cute little shiny guys right there that's kind of what i like to usually do add something super cute um you can do the harder brush if you prefer that and get really tiny some nice little sparkles get some really cute little effects like that uh so that's just a sample of some of the things you can do you can obviously go in through all of these different things and add your own textures to them i usually recommend actually going into photoshop so i can show you like here uh iris what you're going to probably want to do is actually take this default image and then you're going to right click it and then click export and then you can export the file and then load it into photoshop i usually like to do it with the guide too and put the guide on a layer and then you can edit it so your heart's content and get some really cool effects that way since you are limited here in v-roids uh only all the different tools you have on the right but if you do not have photoshop or or whatever then this is a really good tool like my very first via model i did make totally i would just click in point um wasn't exactly the best model but it worked just fine so you can't exactly see what i'm doing right now but i'm just going to try and scoot over a little bit and you can see if i right click on these layers i can do different things to them like naming them but i can also toggle the visibility off and on so i'm just going to do that with these for now since we don't necessarily need some pink blush or highlights on this uh kind of boring model here so i'm gonna skip over here for now since that one's a little more complicated and we're gonna jump over to the body editor [Music] so this one is pretty much exactly the same as the face editor where you just have all these different options um you can do each of them individually or you can come over here and just do all of it and you can do some pretty crazy things but usually it's better to keep it simple and you can just do like your legs make them nice and long or you can do the boobies or you can make her shorter if you want there's also fun things to experiment around with um then if i go over the textures here i'm going to click on default image because it's loading in the head still and you can see that i've got um the base model below here um which is where i would do things like socks or if i wanted to give her i don't know green alien skin you could just color it in here and there are cute undies all that fun stuff um and you'll see as well that you have these things that are base colors so as long as you keep the base color white for any of your textures the texture is going to show exactly as is but if i come over here and change the base color to something else you'll see that it actually tense the entire uh the entire texture itself so usually it's best to keep those on white completely um and then if you want to change up some of the the shading you can do with the shade color here i like to play around with this quite often especially with the hair and you can do really cool effects um like let's say like i wanted some pink oh look at that very prettier if i wanted her to look like she's in blue light all the time maybe she's a mermaid i can do like a light kind of blue tint to her you know so maybe she's got like you know mermaid tail or different things and uh you can add some cool effects that ways so now let's hop over to clothes clothes is the fun part it also is a very terrifying part so you can see we've got some different presets right here base model just makes her naked but it is very kendall so luckily it is kos we can get away with it um but there's also some different things like if i wanted to do uniform pants nice and then i could come over here and there's a whole bunch of different things like oh i can do a t-shirt or i can do a coat um and then you have all these different features that you can actually change on the clothes itself kinda like you did with the different body parts before so i can do things like this shoulder puff i can pull it out and poof pretty pretty princess very nice uh and then i can come down here and there's different things i can do like oh i want the hem crease to go more in it's kind of hard to see but you can see now it's starting to clip with the pants um if i want to do it more a-line wow look at that very a-line-y um and then you can do things you know same with the pants you can do different kinds of shoes accessories so i won't go over all those since it's pretty self-explanatory um i'm gonna get rid of this accessory there's not a lot of accessory features right now but that's something that'll uh hopefully come in the future here so now the fun part is when you go into texture and that's how you make the really cool stuff in v-roy the different cool like clothing things so i've got my texture here for the clothes and if i go to default image how you can turn something like this into something totally different like the shirt that i'm wearing right now um is by literally going and erasing the texture itself and again this is so much easier to do if you just have photoshop but you can see i can literally just erase the texture and now it's all short so i can change the different links or if i wanted to get rid of the sleeves like maybe i like this cool like sleeveless look i don't know wife beater kind of thing then i'll just get rid of that um chris if i was doing this for real i'd do it a lot more cleanly to make sure i got rid of all the little um bits and pieces here but that's kind of an idea of the different things you can do so i'm gonna go back and put the regular skirt um outfit back on but all of this different stuff is customizable you can change all the colors if you put in photoshop you can put logos on it uh lots of fun stuff you can do it's really really customizable and great if you don't have any 3d modeling experience so now is the part that scares people away the most and that is the hair editor so i'm gonna give you a little rundown of some of the things you can do but i'm not gonna go too much in depth because that really does deserve a whole video on its own so just from a basic understanding you have your presets which you probably won't need when you're starting off and then your hair grips so if i click on my base hair over here you'll see it's literally just her scalp so i'm gonna go ahead and let's say i want to have her some green hair so i'm gonna make that green i'm gonna take her shade color uh and i'm also gonna make that green with the dropper tool and i'm gonna darken it just a bit here and voila wow look at that it's a nice green looking hair so far so now i'm gonna add something called a freehand group so a freehand group is literally how you're going to draw the individual hair strands onto your model the procedural group is when it literally spawns these hairs on it for you but i don't know a single person that actually uses this it's kind of useless and uh it's better to just draw them on yourself genuinely so i'm going to delete that and come back to the freaking group so you're going to see that there's a bunch of these little green dots everywhere and that means i can literally shape this freehand group any way i want and it's basically going to act as the guide for my hair so i can do the mirror option here and it'll mirror what i do on both sides which is obviously very very handy um so let's go ahead and i'm going to add a regular freehand group again but you'll see if i have this one selected i can do add freehand group and then it stays just the same which is really really cool so i'm going to come back over here and show you kind of an example so i pick the brush tool and i can draw on some separate hair so i always start with the bangs i take the mirror tool off and then you can just very easily draw things on okay so here's kind of how it would look if you come over here you can change the texture parameters so you can see that um that's being changed but i can also change things like the thickness and the width so very quickly i'm just going to draw some little ones kind of in between just so you can kind of see how this works uh and then if you look over here so this one kind of turned out a bit crooked right so i could select it and then delete it but that seems like a bit of waste so i'm actually going to click over here to the control points and i can do this all individually by hand [Music] and make it look nice and even look at that and yeah so there's lots and lots of different things you can do with hair i will love to make a video going over all these different things eventually to maximize the look of your v-ray's hair since it is a pain in the butt but that's a quick simple demonstration of it so hair bones is basically the physics that your hair uses like when you're in the wind or when you're running and stuff it doesn't actually have buns in it unfortunately this is boneless hair um but if we go over to um texture here we can go ahead and get a good look at what texture is on the viewroid right now so you can see that the base color right here is changed to green um it always starts off as white and i recommend if possible to actually just draw the color on here um yourself and leave it white um what you can do to kind of work around this uh from having the base hair stay white is if i come over here and i have this and it's all the white but it's using yellow texture i'm gonna duplicate it change it to that and then if i click over here i can now change the base hair color to whatever i want so you'll see since i changed this one it's staying on the white texture which is yellow but the rest of this is changing to whatever i want it to be and i can even eye drop it and make it perfect so there you go that's a quick rundown of some of how that's done alright so now for the general editor we have our nice banana yellow haired girl right now looking uh super edgy and you'll take a look at that the first option here is outline the entire model has this very anime line around it now you can make this thicker if you want for a more intense anime kind of drawing look i personally think a really thick line looks fantastic or no line at all looks super clean now you can leave it on the basic one if you want but i do think it looks pretty so maybe experiment around with this it's a really good way to up your v-ray quality instantly so now if i come over here to the rim light you can actually adjust that um on the model so if i want something really matte i'm literally going to just slide this down to zero and you know it's just the color is there and that's that but if i want to do something nice and shiny i can kind of up these a bit i can do nice and strong and then the more compression i have the more it kind of just acts like an outline and then you can do the exact same thing on the body here as well and i think it adds some really cool effects um toy around with and i think most people skip over this kind of stuff even though it's really important uh same thing with the different shading you can kind of adjust just the general look of your v-ray this way uh definitely gives you a unique style um eye excursion probably don't want to mess with it'll make your eyes look a pretty derpy let's just say that i'll change that back all right spring bone so special little thing i do want to point out here is that if you do want to use this model in virtual cast well there was an update so you have to come up here to where it says prevent excessive motion by locomotion and uncheck this because if you don't your model will literally start spazzing out all of the hair bones all of the clothing the physics just look really terrible in virtual cast so just uncheck this and you'll save yourself the problem so now let's hop over to the camera exporter thing so this is going to be the most fun part of doing a model is you get to do all your facial expressions looking super cute uh you can change your background this way so i usually like to do screen screens which here is the code for that um which is what i use for doing my thumbnails and i can adjust the way she looks in here then i can adjust the pose there's a whole bunch of default animations that you can do there's guy ones there's girl ones um i always like to do running when i'm testing out hair physics and if i go over here to pose i have some preset ones and then i can actually adjust these however i want which is absolutely fantastic it's the quickest and easiest way to get anything done i usually do default and then kind of work from there and you can make some really cute shots uh show off your model for whatever you're using it for so then over here you can do your lighting you can do your wind effects for the hair and the clothes uh we'll stop that oh actually i'm reset so post effects i always go in here and click hi you can do some cool things like with the bloom change the colors add some blur really great stuff to customize some extra cool photos then you can do capture size 4k is the way to go always and then export so this is how you're going to get your model out of vray studio and this is important so make sure you listen here so if you have problems optimizing your avatar and you're trying to get it into like vr chat if you're following my other video well you can do different things here to make uh your mesh go down you can do things to reduce your materials make it just the two uh or you can just do um bone reduction in general the only one i'd really recommend doing is the material reduction in doing it down to two um but don't even bother if you're just putting your model into blender first um you can pretty much do all of that do all of that in there a lot more efficiently but then if i wanted to export the model as a vrm then i could hit export right here if i want to put it on the v-roid hub to share with the world i can click that and then take some pictures make her look super cute and show that off for everyone the final thing you'll always want to do is go ahead and save your model so i'm going to do a save as and then i'm going to name this test tutorial model and i'll just save it just like that and i can access it at any time i want so now that i'm done with banana lady over here i'm gonna switch over to my other model that i promised you guys you would take a look at so you can see that i've adjusted a whole bunch of things like the eye shape um and i've done the eye texture here and what a lot of people don't do that i notice and i don't necessarily have this on my fian model yet is that you can actually change the texture of the eye line and the eyelashes which is really really great um you can see on the face texture i added some pink underneath just to kind of give a little bit of shadow um and then for my hair i'll show you that i have all these different bone groups and when i go over here to the camera i can go over to pose an animation and here's the running animation that i used to test all the hair physics so i did layers upon layers upon layers and i made them volumptuous and beautiful i spent a lot of time on it and i added some little rainbow texture to her hair and i made each of those individual textures and i even made some cute ears using hair so hair is very useful for making things in general it doesn't necessarily have to look like hair you can just use it to molds whatever the heck you want but you can see as far as the um skirt texture goes here too i actually added depth myself there isn't any depth features in v-roid the only exception is that i put a skirt underneath the skirt but you cannot stack a whole bunch of clothes on top of each other you're basically limited to one type of pants and then one type of top which can be addressed you'll see i also gave this cutie a cute little tail it's super adorable i love the way that this model turned out for so many different reasons but this just goes to the show how if you know how to use v-ray right you can make some really really cute models come to life well guys thank you so much for watching my tutorial video today i appreciate having you here and make sure you let me know in the comments below what kind of tutorial you want to see next so that i can help you whether that's with hair or body closing or whatever to get your v2 big model ready to go and if you have specific questions about v tubing that you'd like to have answered then make sure you join my discord link in the description because we actually have an entire channel of it dedicated to answering be tubing questions since we get so many all the time it's a really great place to start off but also to make more be tripping friends so you definitely don't want to miss out on that oh and i'm also trying to get partnered on twitch right now so please check out my channel and drop me a follow and join in on my next stream so that you can help me out with that it would really help me a lot in my video endeavor so i really hope to see you there thanks again for stopping by and i'm looking forward to seeing you in the next video this thing you
Channel: The Virtual Reality Show
Views: 919,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, how to vtube, be a vtuber, vroid, vroid studio, vroid model, avatar, vtuber avatar, pokimane, pokimane vtuber, how to make a model like pokimane, virtual youtuber, envtuber, vtubers, how to be a vtuber, vroid tutorial, vroid hair tutorial, pixiv, vrm, vtuber model, vrchat, pokimane twitch, streamer, vstreamer, virtual streamer, vrchat avatar, vrchat avatar tutorial, vrchat avatars, custom vrchat avatar, unity, phia, vr, virtual reality, virtual cast, hololive, hololive english
Id: aD5yAAPA4fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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