How To Make AE Like Watermark In CapCut PC

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hey guys and welcome back to this channel in this video be sure you guys how you can create this like AE like watermark on cap cut PC so select your green screen and add in a text and I'm just going to type in watermark I'm also going to change the font of it and also I'm going to add in a shadow and adjust the distance and the angle then you're going to select these three lines a sports still frame oops and make sure this is enabled press export and you're just going to delete that select your video and add in your watermark image just like till the end and then you're going to then select your video and you're going to rotate it 180 degrees and for your watermark go to cut out curl my key and select the white bit and adjust the Shadow and strength I'm also going to move it up here like where there's more color I guess and once you're done with that you are going to go to effect and you're going to add in Halo blur down here let me adjust the speed and the strength okay and then you are going to then export this so I'm just going to export it first and let's press export and it's going to take a long time because I put mine on 4K and the frame rate at 60 frames per second but you do need to export that first um in order for this to work and once it's done exporting you're going to import the exported video into your kind of media so let's just delete these get a media and import the video okay so I've imported the videos I'm just going to select it I'm just going to add it on top I'm going to then go to cut out curl my key and I'm going to select the green bit here and adjust the strength and add in the shadow I'm also going to crop the parts I don't need like so and I'm going to rotate it back I'm then going to put this above like this for instance and I'm also going to add in effect so go to effects and I'm going to add in the edge glow but just to The Watermark so I'm just going to select these right click and then create compound clip and that is basically it now you have this really cool Watermark effect on your text I hope this tutorial was helpful for you guys don't forget to like comment share and also subscribe to this channel if you haven't done that already if you have any questions just leave it in the comment section down below and I will try my best to answer them all for you guys if you found this video helpful please click the thanks button above the description box down below thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Tongbos_EN
Views: 28,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Make AE Like Watermark In CapCut PC, CapCut, CapCut Tutorial, CapCut Feature, CapCut Video, CapCut Edit, CapCut PC
Id: BydV6BeXtKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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