7 Video Editing Tips to Get 1,000,000+ Views on Shorts & Reels | CapCut Tutorial

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okay so I'm definitely not saying that editing  is everything because content will always be king   but great content and great editing that's the  magical combination that will get you hundreds   of thousands and even millions of views on your  reals or shorts and so that's why in this video   I'm going to show you some of the editing  tricks and techniques that I've used on my   best performing shorts and reels some of which  have over a million views and I'm going to use   CapCut for desktop to show you everything but  of course you can also use the mobile version   that'll work too no problem you can even  use the online version if you want it's up   to you uh okay and let's start with a few General  tips and tricks first before we get to the juicy   secret tips yeah okay here we go and let's start  with a few General ways to present your content   what I found that works really well is first  of all showing how to do something so how to   videos then second showing an interesting piece  of gear or equipment or a gadget just something   interesting and then of course also show what it  does and how it works and then number three lists   five things that will blow your mind or something  like that lists and the reason why lists work so   well is because when someone watches your shorts  and it's a list well as soon as they realize that   it's a list they'll probably want to watch it all  the way till the end to see the entire list right   it's a great way to keep the viewers engaged  to keep them watching till the end and that's   exactly what you want and so I always try to  make it clear as soon as possible that it's   a list in the voice over but also visually so  I always use an animation or animated text and   it's super easy to do in CapCut uh I also usually  use an animated background and that's just a video   clip so you know you just drop that video clip on  the timeline and you can find these for free just   Google it and then I go to text templates and  then just pick one that fits your style or the   style of your short and another cool way to do  this is not with an animated background but with   a blurry background so whatever you're showing  it doesn't matter you make the image go blurry   and then you put the text on top all you need  to do is find the blur effect here in effects   drop it on your video like this and now your video  will look blurry duh um yeah now if you find the   transition from not blurry to blurry to abrupt  then you can key frame the effect to customize   it the way you want just set the play head here at  the beginning of the effect hit this diamond here   to create a key frame set the blur effect to zero  then move the playhead create another key frame   and set the blur effect to whatever you want  and now the blur effect will come in gradually   see and then just add text just like before the  numbers of your list for example looks really cool what I also always do is add captions I I  know it seems like people really appreciate it   and CapCut does it automatically for you so why  wouldn't you just go to text and auto captions   create and that's it and this is probably not  what will get you those millions of views but   like I said people appreciate it so I think it  does help a little bit I add music to my shorts   a lot of people don't so it's a matter of style  but I like it because you can play around with   it and you can make the music add value to the  short I'll show you for example I add some music   a song that I like obviously but then whenever  I say something important in the video or in the   short or the real or I want to emphasize something  maybe something funny I stop the music I cut the   music there where I say something interesting  important funny whatever one or two times in a   short or real usually does it it's again a way to  keep the viewer engaged and to keep it snappy and   interesting if you know what I mean and now let  me show you the real important stuff or at least   at least in my opinion and that's the first  5 to 10 well 10 seconds is already stretching   it for a short or a real so the first 5 Seconds  that's important that's where you either reel the   viewer in or you lose them I mean it just takes a  second of hesitation or a second of the the loser   a second of the well maybe it's a loser a second  of the viewer losing interest and he or she will   just swipe away you know loser so yeah you have  to grab their attention in the first five seconds   and grab him and don't let them go now how do I do  that well the first sentence of every short I make   tells the viewer what the short is about but it  doesn't tell everything you know because you want   them to watch everything till the end for example  a question is this the best 35 mm lens ever it's   a question you know what the short is going to be  about but you're going to have to watch till the   end to know the answer and to visually stimulate  the viewer I always use a cool animation to   support that first sentence so a text animation  I don't use the boring captions for the first 5   to 10 seconds I delete those and then I use one of  the more interesting text animations that's what   grabs the viewer's attention again you have to use  everything to your disposal to grab the viewer's   attention and never let them go for a minute  stimulate the viewer visually um make them curious   the first 5 seconds are key something else I also  always do to grab the viewers attention is zooms   so yeah it's a simple digital Zoom to pull the  viewer in to bring him closer to me so I can grab   him and never let him go and I actually use these  zooms throughout all my videos but for a real or   a short I always try to put one in the first 5 to  10 seconds and like I said it's better to put it   in the first 5 seconds so in cap cut just put  the playhead where you want the zoom to start   hit the little Diamond to create a key frame for  scale then move the play head a few frames create   another key frame for scale again and then just  scale the video and now the video will zoom in   over time and the closer you put these key frames  together the faster the zoom will be and you know   creating these zooms is super easy the difficult  part is timing the zoom that you have to practice   a little bit okay and then a final technique that  I sometimes use is sticky text so I stick text to   an object in the first 5 Seconds of a video and  again it's nothing crazy it's just a small visual   stimulus for the viewer to keep them engaged it  works so in CapCut just put some text on your   video then go to tracking here and put that box  that yellow box over the object you want to track   hit track and well yeah that's basically it now  the text sticks to the object and it will follow   that object so there you go a few simple things  you can do to take your shorts and reels to the   next level but again content is King editing alone  won't give you millions of views the combination   of great content and great editing that's the  magical combination Master that combination and   you'll be one step ahead of the competition thank  you so much for watching I see you in the next one
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 268,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut video editing, video editing in capcut, shorts editing, reels editing, reels, shorts, how to edit in capcut, capcut tutorial, capcut video editing tutorial, capcut cinematic edit, how to edit shorts, how to edit reels
Id: dn9WHInXzGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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