Capcut AI Does Automatic Video Editing?!... I WAS SHOCKED!

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video editing is tedious it's repetitive and it takes forever but thanks to cap cut we can now have our videos edited for us with a free AI tool and all we have to do is Click one button now let me show you guys how this works right now I am in cap cut the desktop version okay if you guys don't have cap cut all you have to do is click on the link below in the description and you can download it completely for free and you can use it for free you don't have to pay a single dollar all right I'm going to click on import and I'm going to bring in a video that I just made the other day okay now that I've imported the video I'm going to add it to the timeline now that the videoos in the timeline I'm going to show you guys the coolest new tool within cap cut that is free to use and you have to take advantage of this guys this is going to save you so much much time you have no idea this has made my life so much easier and when I show you guys this it's going to help you out so much all right so if you look right here you'll see the length of this video is 12 minutes and 53 seconds and that's because I haven't edited it at all all right so all the pauses all the mistakes everything is still in this video now let me show you all you have to do is come up to this button right here if I I hover my mouse over you're going to see something that says transcript based editing we're going to go ahead and click on that button now what cap cut is doing is it's analyzing the video and everything that I say in the video is going to be converted into a script and once it's converted into a script we'll be able to edit this entire video by selecting words and deleting them and we can automatically delete silences and and pauses and ums and Oz now that cap cut has analyzed our video it has converted it into a transcript if you see this window over here on the left hand side this is the entire video written out in a transcript with all we had to do is Click one button and it's converted our entire video into a script descript or wise cut they do the same exact thing except you have to pay every single month for them so let me show you how this works works if you see right here you can highlight anything in your script now the first thing right here it says 2.4 seconds and that's signaling to me that there is 2.4 seconds of Silence in the beginning of the video before I start talking so what I can do is I can highlight that and I can click delete and just like that it has removed that Silence from the video okay and now what I can do is go through the script and I can delete anything that I don't like and as you can see right here 74 seconds I can click on that and I can delete it now if I want to play the video I can go ahead and play it and you can see that it will follow along on the transcript instead of 74 seconds of Silence we can delete that now say I wanted to delete a whole sentence so you see right here it's called recraft I don't want that in the video I'll just highlight that and I'll click on delete and boom just like that it's going to skip right over that and remove that from the video so if I play it from right here you'll see that it skips right over that there you go which is really cool now say you realize you know what I do want that sentence within the video okay I made a mistake I don't want to delete that all you have to do is click on that and click restore or if you want the you can restore one word or you can highlight that whole sentence and click restore and boom just like that it's back into the video okay it's that simple and what I love so much about this tool is the fact that we still have our normal timeline over here on the track so we could still come over here and edit our video the normal standard way on the timeline so I could zoom in and I can highlight things just like I normally would all right so we still have our normal timeline and our normal form of editing but we also have this super simple way of editing now I will tell you if you want to upgrade to Pro you can click on where it says remove filler words and and then all you have to do is Click one button and it will remove every single bit of Silence it'll take out all the times you say um and ah and you pause it'll take out Parts where you were repetitive in your script and it'll do all that in one single click but you have to upgrade to the pro so monthly it's 7even however you do not need to pay for that to use this tool you can go through and just click on all this silence and delete it just like that so I'll just go through and remove all this silence okay now literally in a matter of a minute I have removed all the Silence from this video and the video is now as you can see up top here the video is now down to just under 10 minutes so we removed almost 3 minutes of Silence from this video and it only took me a minute to do that now normally if I was editing in this video I would have to go through and zoom in and manually select every part of Silence from this timeline and I would have to play the video every time to make sure that I remove the right part this has saved me so much time all right so I'm telling you guys if you don't have cap cut click the link down below and download it now at any time if you want to get out of this transcript and get back to where all your effects and your audio Tabs are all you have to do is come up here and click on that that little X icon right there and it will close out of the T of the transcript and bring you back to your normal screen and then you can go back and add in audio or text or stickers or effects or transitions or whatever you want to do and when you want to go back into your transcript you just click back on that little button for your transcript based editing and it'll bring you right back up here all right guys so that is C cap Cut's new transcript based editing and it is such a timesaver you got to try it out guys if you don't have it like I said it's completely free so click the link below in the description box download cap cut for desktop and you'll be able to use that tool completely for free and it'll save you so much time and so much energy wasted on deleting silences and ums and Oz from your video all right guys I appreciate you watching I hope this helps you and I will see you in the next video
Channel: AI Webb TV
Views: 95,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free ai art generator, midjourney, midjourney alternative, ai tools, text to video, free ai tool for automated editing, fliki, fliki ai tutorial, invideo text to video, invideo ai, pictory, pictory tutorial, bard, blue willow ai, ai art generator, ai image generator, capcut video editing, capcut tutorial for beginners, ai automatic video editing, automated video editing, capcut new features, capcut transcript editing, descript alternative, wisecut alternative, free ai editor
Id: 7QbN583ZkXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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