How To Make Transparent Watermark In CapCut

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here's how to make your own transparent watermark in cap cut now if you're in cap cut and you want to have a basically Watermark that is semi-transparent that you can put on all of your videos I'll show you how to do it let's open up capcad here and we'll just tap on a new project and we're going to tap on stock videos at the very top tap on that and you can see trending let's go over to green screen because we want to add a green screen you can choose any of these let's choose this one in the Middle with not a lot on it and hit add now we don't necessarily want all this other stuff in there so we're just going to tap on the video and we're going to zoom in until we only have green in here so nothing else except the green now what we'll do is tap the back button at the bottom left and we'll tap on text and add text now you can do basically whatever you want I'm just going to add a watermark that says Trevor Nace I'm going to do a couple things I'm going to tap on style here and at the top I'm going to choose this one with the Bold outline and instead of black I'm going to choose white but I'm going to move the opacity all the way down so you can see only the outline of the text is showing not the inserts or internals of the text so you can go through and let's go to Shadow here and add a slight black shadow not much of a shadow and that looks pretty good and yeah basically we can control how big or small we want it let's just put it like that and we're going to tap the export button at the top right so tap export and it will export this for us now let's tap done and we'll tap new project because we want to bring in whatever we want to basically add that Watermark to I'm going to tap on a video and hit add and then I'm going to tap on overlay at the very bottom tap add overlay and I'm going to choose this video that I just created so you can see this is the overlay on here basically I can control and put it wherever I want but first what I'm going to do on this specific video is tap cut out right here and then I'm going to use chroma key to basically just select where it is green and hit the check mark so there we go Color Picker and intensity let's bump this intensity up a bit so there you can see it automatically removes all of that green and I can hit the check mark and now I can just move it around wherever I want so let's just put it at the bottom left here and make sure that this lasts the entire length of this video so let's just expand this out we might need to just tap and hold on it tap and hold on it to oh for some reason it's not working to do that but basically just copy this over and over again because we want to expand this out to the entire video so just duplicate this and of course you can expand it you can make it smaller you can move it all around but that essentially will be the watermark whenever you go to export this video it will always have that watermark in there and one of the cool things is it's semi-transparent so you can see that you can see the background in the text itself whatever is in that original video hope this helps you have questions on that leave them in the comments down below and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Trevor Nace
Views: 2,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wkUlJPzz4mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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