How To Add Captions like Alex Hormozi on CapCut (Tutorial for phone and PC)

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how to make captions like this on your phone or laptop I'll show you right now first of all let's look at the result we'll get you can make hundreds of dollars with your phone just by doing captions like this for example I was found a customer who needed to cut his vertical video and add captions the hourly rate was 10 and the customer paid 170 dollars for 17 hours but the interesting thing is that this work can be done with the phone install the capcat app on your phone and let's get started and later in this video I'll show you how to do it on the laptop first you need to create a new project select the videos you need go to the workspace open the text item order captions here you can choose the language you speak in the video I'm leaving it in English turn on identify invalid Clips which will detect poses in the video so you can quickly delay them later start creating captions you won't have to wait long it all happens in a matter of seconds in ready-made captions select the all poses press delete confirm that's it all deposits in the video have been removed this is an easy way to save your time now you need to edit the generated captions press batch edit some phrases are very long they need to be divided select the phrase place the cursor where the division will be and press the indent captions are automatically divided try to leave two or three words in each caption you can live more words if necessary some captions I make with one word on which I wanna put emphasis let's move on to the design of the captions select the style item in the phone sections you can choose one of the basic fonts or add your own I downloaded the Bold one from it's 100 free to use and does not require licenses in capcat click on ADD font upload file find the downloaded font on your phone and add it to the program then select the downloaded font it changes immediately in the captions created before now let's move on to the style tab for captions I use white yellow and green colors set the text size to 20. after that select the glow item set the black color intensity 65 range 55. now click on the check mark at the top of this menu and the basic style for these captions is ready in the style menu turn off apply to Auto captions now we can edit each captions separately first you can play with the size and position of the captions short captions can be increased in size some captions can be lower or raised you can also add rotation to some captions in some phrases accents need to be made on the main words to do this select the captions highlight the desired word change the color and increase the size by 2-4 points repeat this with other captions after that we can start creating animations for the text select the title go to the animation menu and choose the animation you need at this point I will let the standard zoom out animation which will add Dynamics at the very beginning of the video you can do the same with some other titles don't be afraid to experiment with different animations for example beside the zoom out animation I also add a loop animation called jiggle you can design the whole video like this and get a great result but now I will show you a few more useful features now I want to repeat this animation to get this result we need to perform a few simple actions click on the required title turn on the video and result at the end of the first line pause and split the titles using the split button highlight the first cut part highlight the first line change the color to green or yellow increase the size by 4 coins repeat all of this with the next line we get this result hundreds of dollars with your phone to make the result even better I will add emojis to this title you can use basic stickers that already in capcat or add your own I download emojis from there are many free emojis that you can quickly find and upload to your phone click on the stickers then click on this button and select the required image on the screen adjust the size and placement of the Emoji on the timeline set when it should appear and when it should disappear also add a loop animation called scroll left and now then multiply through the frame you can also try different animation options the main thing is to make the animation fast repeat the process on the other titles in the video in addition to emojis you can add any other images this can be simple photos or screenshots it doesn't matter the main thing is that they match the content of the video all titles are ready now let's move on to an equally important part of sound effects sounds at atmosphere and Dynamics to the video capcat has a good collection of sound effects you can use the search to find what you need and add sounds to your favorites for this video I chose several sounds at times when an emoji appears on the screen we can add a swoosh effect add it to the timeline place it at the beginning of animation and change the volume to 2030 and here's the result of dope I can make hundreds of dollars you can also add your sounds to the video for this I downloaded the free cash register sound from to add it go to sounds select the folder icon and choose from the device from the list click the downloaded sound and click on the plus sign next to the sound place the sound on the timeline and change the volume to 30. listen was ten dollars and great next place the sounds without the video you can add various types of sounds pop ding swoosh all of this improves your video the main thing is not to overdo it that's it the video is ready export it and you can post it on social networks as you can see this can be done easily and quickly on your phone using the functions I have shown the most important thing here is to show your creativity and you will succeed but if you prefer to use computer here's how you can make these captions on it create a new project import the videos sounds and images you need it's not necessary to add everything at once you can add new files at any time if you need it drag the video onto the timeline click the text button Auto captions choose your language and click create your captions have appeared on the timeline you can identify parts of the video with pauses by looking at the captions track cut them using the split tool or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl b or common plus b right click on the frames with poses and delete them you can also use the big space key for this proceed to the captions left click on the caption select captions some phrases are very long and they need to be split place the cursor where the split will be and press enter the captions are automatically split try to leave two with rewards in each caption but you can leave more words if needed now go to the text tab choose the font for the captions you can choose a F1 from the basic capcat presets or one of the system fonts I downloaded the Bold font from is 100 free to use and doesn't require any licenses choose the Bold font set the text size to 20 choose the style presses with white text and the black outline we use white as the base color and later in the video we will need yellow and green colors enable the Shadow the basic Shadow settings work for us in the text menu turn off apply to all so we can edit each caption individually and the changes will not affect other captions so now we are editing each caption in division adjust the size and position of the captions this can be done in the position and size menu in the text tab or you can move the captions directly in the player with the cursor you can enlarge short captions some captions can be lowered or erased you can also add rotation to some captions I recommend choosing wallets within -3 to 3 degrees in some captions you can highlight keywords with a different color to do this select the caption highlight the desired word change the color and increase the size by 4 Points repeat with other captions let's move on to animations here we have in out and loop animation and animations are animations for the appearance of an object on the screen out animations are for the object's exit Loop animations are mostly looped and constantly repeated for captions I often use in or Loop animations for the first caption I add zoom out animation which adds Dynamics at the beginning of the video for this caption we add the shake effect using the loop animation jiggle try adding different animations find what you like and use them now let's make separate highlighting for each word in the caption click on the required caption turn on the video equals when the first word is spoken in the video pause it and divide the caption using the split function do this after each work now select one part and highlight the first word change the color to yellow and increase the size by 4 Points repeat with the other words and here is what we got m equals money you can do this with a few more captions in the video to add more visualization to the video I will add images to the captions let's take the basic stickers available in capcat drag it onto the timeline resize it to the size of the caption set it to the desired position I also add a loop animation jump to highlight the sticker on the screen in keep that you can also add your own cards or emojis I downloaded an emoji from the website drag it onto the timeline place it on the screen and add animation everything is quickly and easy I'll add some more Graphics to the captions what's missing sound effects sounds are an important part of such captions you can use sounds from The capcat Collection or add your own you can use this search to find what you need download the Sound and drag it into the timeline at this point I add a swoosh effect I set it at the beginning of the animation I make the sound quieter here's what we get as a result this cap cut for this Emoji I want to download my own sound add it to the timeline also reduce the volume work on the sound throughout the video and click export on computer you can also make such beautiful captions with capcat of course it will take your time and as we know time equals money so if you need you can always order this service from Freelancers that's all the cool already if this video was useful for you smash the like button subscribe to the channel and watch this video
Channel: Steve Editor
Views: 442,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captions for video, add caption in reels, captions for instagram, how to add captions on capcut
Id: O6-1Bd6SaXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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