CapCut Video Editing Tutorial – Full Course for Beginners

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if you want to learn how to use cap cut on PC how to edit on cap cart then this video editing tutorial will show you how step by step first go to Google and search C cut it's going to be the first link so just click on it or you can just go to their website which is Cap then move your mouse to download and you can click on download for Windows or Mac so click on it it's going to ask you where you want to save the file I'll save it in my desktop and once it's done just open it then just wait for it to install then cap cart will run a test to check whether your computer can run cap cart smoothly so just click on confirm so this is what you see when you open cap cut just click on new project and then from here we can start to import the videos that you want to edit just add them in like this and you're are now ready to edit videos on cap cut all right let's use this video as an example so I'm just going to move the line to exactly when I want the cut maybe around here so let's say on the cut at this point all I have to do is make sure I click on the video and then I will click over here which says split so if I click it now you can see that our video is split into two pieces so we have the left side and the right side so I want to delete the part on the left so I can go ahead and right click and then I can delete so that's how you cut the beginning of a video so now let me show you how to cut the end of the video you just move the line to exactly when you want to cut the video so I'm just going to move the line I'm going to click and hold and I'm going to move it to maybe this moment this is the part where she finished pouring the coffee so again just like before I click on the video and then I click on split so now we have two pieces we don't need this part on the right side we can right click we can delete or you can also click on this trash can over here so if you click on it then it's going to delete that part of the video so this is how you cut the end of a video now what if you want to delete the middle part of your video first let me just react the video again and this time around let's say we want to delete the part where she pours the coffee which happens to be in the middle of the video first we move the line to exactly when you want to cut so if I want to cut away the part where her hand comes in and pour the coffee I'll just move to exactly the moment where I want to cut so it'll be around here because if I just go forward a little bit the hand comes in right so I'm going to go back like this okay so we don't see any hand over here I'm going to click on the video I'm going to split so now we have two pieces right we have the left side and the right side but because we are cutting the middle of the video we will have to continue so I'm going to decide exactly when I want to cut so I'm just going to move until the part where I want to cut so her hand go goes away at this point exactly at this moment so I just move the line to where I want to cut this time around I'm going to split again boom so now you can see we have three parts right so to delete the part in the middle right click I delete and now if I play the video from the beginning you can see that we cut away the part where her hand comes in so this is how you cut the middle of a video if you want to learn how to add overlay in cap cut for example an image or a photo or a gif or you want to Overlay a video or even a green screen then keep watching because this video will show you how to add overlays in cap cut step by step all right so let's use this video as an example we bring it to the timeline so the first thing we can add as an overlay would be an image so to Overlay an image you can just click and hold then just drag it down to your timeline like this you can see that if I play the video you'll have the image first of all we can adjust how the image looks like we can adjust the scale you can make it smaller or you can make it bigger okay so make it as big as you want or as small as you want and then next thing is you can move it around you can bring it to anywhere you want position it to anywhere you want and you can also rotate like this okay you can rotate your images and then next thing is you can also adjust how long you want the image to appear if you want it to appear just for a short period of time then just drag it to the left you want to make it small like this so if I make it very short then it's going to appear just for a short while and then it's gone if you want it to appear longer then just drag this out and it will appear longer now if you want more images you can actually click on stickers if you go to stickers you'll see that actually cap card already have a lot of different stickers that you can add to your videos so you don't really need to go online and find all those different images and download them cap card already have quite a lot of useful images that you can add to your videos so let's move on if you want to Overlay a photo you just click and drag it down to your timeline and you have something like this now it's the same thing if you want to make it smaller or make it bigger you can do that and then you can position it to anywhere you want now if you want to Overlay a gif just click and hold make it smaller or bigger and we can move it anywhere we want and then if you were to Overlay a video click and hold bring it down and now if I play the video you'll see that we now have another video as an overlay so you can use this to put b rolls on your video now of course you can do the same thing as before you can make it smaller and then just bring it anywhere you want this way you can actually have two videos playing at the same time now let's move on to the last type of overlay which is green screen so let me bring this down and if I play the video you can see that we have this green screen video that pops out it's a subscribe button and really what we want to do is to remove the green screen right so that this subscribe button will appear on top of our video so how do we remove the green screen just click on the video and then if you look on the right side under video you'll see basic click on cut out then you see chroma key then you turn on chroma key and then you'll see Color Picker and then you click on the pen click on the pen on the right right side like this then you're going to pick the color to remove whatever color you want to remove just click on it okay it doesn't matter if it's green white or black or blue or any color so I'm just going to click on the green and you can see now it's going to remove the green color then the next thing you want to do is to increase the strength so click on this and then just increase the strength until you don't see the green screen anymore so just increase it gradually until you don't see the green screen anymore so if you have a good high quality green screen you can just bring it to 100 100 and it's just going to work okay otherwise for some green screen videos you may have to slowly play around with the strength until you get a sweet spot if I play the video again we Cann now see that we don't have a green screen anymore it's just this subscribe button that overlays on top of our video so as promised this is how to add overlay on cap cut now to add text just click on text and then you can see here default text you can just click and then just bring it down to your video just like this okay then what you'll notice is you can drag it out you can make it longer or you can make it shorter and then you can also position it to when you want your text to appear in the video so let's say for example I want the text to appear at the start so I can just move it to the start of the video and then if I play it you can see that we have the text the start and then if we just want a text to appear for a short while we can make it short just like this right by the way we can zoom in so that it's easier to see so maybe I make it very short and then if you watch the video over here you see that we have the text for a while and then it's gone so if you want the text to appear a lot longer then we can just make it a lot a lot longer can make it for the entire video so this way the entire video will have the text so next how do we actually change the text well just click on your text and you can see that on the right side you can type in whatever you want to write your text here so the first thing you can do is you can change the font if you look at font you see system if you just click on this cap card have a lot of different fonts for you to choose from so just take your time scroll through and then if you click on them you can see what the text will actually look like like this I click it you change like this okay so there are a lot of fonts there are hundreds of them so just take your time go through and see which one you like all right so moving on if you want to make your text bigger you can adjust the font size just drag it to the right to make it bigger like this or just drag it to the left to make it smaller and next thing is you can also adjust the text so if you want the text to appear in the corner then just click and then just drag it to the corner like this so you can just move the text to wherever you want in your video you can put it at the side put it in the corners like this or you can even put it in the middle now moving on you can also bold your text or you can underline your text you can even make it in italics just like this next you can change the color of your text you can make it any color you want can make it yellow can make it green can make it blue or can also use these colors that cap card already provides for you now the much easier way to customize the text is to just use their presets if you just scroll down you see that Cat cart already has all these uh different presets you can just click on them and you can just see which one you like right can have these or these or even these then below you can add a stroke to your text for example if I change it to red color you can see there's an outline and you can adjust the thickness can make it less thick or can make it very thick then you can also add a background to your text just like this can choose any color you want and can play around with it you can make it more rounded just like what you see and you can also adjust the height like this can adjust the width like this all right so I actually don't want the background so I'm going to click on this to turn it off so let's move on on there's also glow which is exactly what it says can add glow to your text like this and you can adjust how much you want it to Glow the range and of course you can just play around with it and if you don't want it then don't turn it on then moving on there's also Shadow you can add a drop shadow to your text so use a different color so you can see I'll use red color so you can adjust the opacity so it's easier to see you can also adjust the blurriness like this you can also adjust the distance right if I use black color you can see that we can create this text effect if you turn off the blurriness and you increase the opacity you can actually create this kind of effect where you kind of have this 3d effect in your text like this you can also add effects to your text if you just click on effects over here you can see that c card have a lot of different uh effects for you to choose so you can just click on them and then just see which one you like this is another way to customize how you want your text to look like now the next thing is you might be thinking how can you add animations to your text if you just go to the right side there's this thing that says animation and then you can adjust what kind of animations you want you can just click on it and it will show you what the animation looks like so you can just click through and see which one you like let's say we want to go for typewriter like this and it can also play around the duration can increase it or you can lower it okay if you increase it that means the text will take longer to animate and for the text to go away you can also choose an animation under animation if you click on out you can also select an animation for the text to disappear like this like this like this so there are a lot of different animations you can go and click around and see which one you like so as promis this is how to add text on C cut if you want to learn how to animate in cat Cut just like this then this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example and let's say we want to animate this image or this picture so first let me just extend it throughout the video and let's start off by making making it smaller and let's start by putting it at the corner so first before you want to animate anything you need to First decide when you want to start the animation it could be at the start of your video or it could be any point in your video so let's say we want to start animating over here first you need to click on the thing that you want to animate and then if you look on the right side there is position and size to the right there is this diamond if you move your mouse over it says add key frame so you're just clicking on the very first diamond di over here if you click it it's going to add a key frame like this so here you can see we have our first key frame then just move forward and then now you can animate your image or your picture so just adjust it to however you want it to look like let's say I want to move it from here to here like this okay and when I let go of my mouse you're going to see that another key frame will be added over here just like this now now let me play the video and show you what we have originally it's over here and then it's just going to move to exactly where we move the image to so as you can see the first key frame is what it looks like at the very start and then the second key frame over here is what it will look like in the end so the first key frame is the before and then the second key frame is after and that's why you can see that between these two key frames it's going to move like this so you can animate on cap cut by moving things around from point A to point B you can also make things bigger or smaller so let me just click on the second key frame and let's say we make it bigger like this put it in the middle so here you can see this is what the first key frame is this is what the second key frame is so it's going to start off like this and it will end up looking like that okay so if I play the video it's going to look like this so here you can see we can animate by making it move we can also make it bigger so I'm going to animate it again so I'm just going to do what I just did okay let's say at this point I want to animate this image so just like before over at position and size we click on the very first diamond which is at Key frame so I click it we have our first key frame we go forward and now we can animate the image okay just move it to exactly how you want it to look like at the end so let's say this time around I'm going to move it to the side I'm going to make it smaller I'm also going to rotate so these are all the things you can do to animate your images or your pictures so if I play the video you're going to see that it's going to start off like this and you will end up looking like that so I'll just play the video so now you might be thinking how can you control the speed of Animation how can you make the animation go faster or slower well you can do that by adjusting the distance between your two key frames so if you want to make the animation to be very slow then just make sure that these two key frames are very far apart so I'm going to make it quite far like this and if I play the video you're going to see that the animation will be very slow that's because the two key frames are very far apart okay if I make them closer like this so it's very close to each other then the animation will be a lot faster just like this so if I make them even closer then the animation will be even faster so if you want to make the animation fast then just bring the two key frames closer to each other the closer they are the faster the animation will be if you want the animation to be slower then you want to bring them far apart okay the further they are the longer and slower the animation will be so here you can see the key frames are very far apart and when I play the video you can see that the animation is very very slow if you want to learn how to use key frame in cap cut so you can move things around like this rotate them make them smaller make them bigger or animate them any way you want you can also zoom in like this you can also move the camera to anywhere you want you can also zoom out like that you can also fit to Black and you can also fit in just like this you can also track a subject for vertical videos and much much more keep watching because this video will show you how to use key frame in cap cut step by step all right let's use this video as an example so we'll start with the basics how we can use key frame to move an image or a text so I'll start with an image so first let me just position it like this okay so how do we use key frame to move an image so first you have to decide when you want to start moving the image now let's say I'm to start moving it at around this point so just move the line to where you want to start moving it and if you look over on the right side there is position and size and on the right side there's this little Diamond that says at Key frame so I'm going to click on it and here you can see for the image we now have a key frame a key frame will appear as a diamond like this so you got to add your first key frame and then just go in front of the video like this anywhere you want and then you move the image to where you want it to be so let's say I want to move the image from here to here they I'll just move it like this and when I let go of my mouse you're going to see that another key frame will be automatically added so now if I play the video and I'll show you what happens between the first key frame and the second key frame so it's going to move from here to here now you can see see it moves very slowly right if you want it to move quickly then just bring the key frames closer to each other so if I bring it closer like this and now I play the video you can see it move much faster and if you bring it even closer you'll be even faster like that so you can control how fast you want the animation to be the closer it is the faster and the further they are the longer it would take so let's just move it something like this so here you can see we always add two key key frames most of the time the first key frame is before and the second key frame is after so before at the start is going to look like this and then at the end it's going to look like that okay so this is how you move an image from here to here and now let's say we want to rotate the image here's how to do it we add a key frame like this click on ADD key frame and then just go in front and then we can rotate and you'll notice that when I rotate another key frame will be added over here so I'm just going to rotate like this and then once I let go you can see we have another key frame so if I play the video at this point you going to see that the arrow will rotate you can also make things bigger or smaller so I'll show you again let me add a key frame I go in front a little bit and now I'm going to make it smaller I can do something like this to make it smaller and now if I play the video you can see the arrow get get smaller and of course we can also make the arrow or anything become bigger so just like before we add a key frame click so we have our first key frame here go in front a little bit and then we adjust it so now I want to make it bigger then I can also adjust it with the scale of course I can use the arrows like this but I'm going to use the scale over here so now if I go back again we can see that it's going to become bigger so here you can see we have all these key frames over here which will control the thing that you want to adjust so in this case it's this image this graphic of an arrow so here I'll play it and you can see that all these key frames are before and after okay so this is before and after then before and after so I just play it so you can see exactly how it looks like okay so you can move you can rotate like this you can make it smaller you can also make it bigger and you can also do all of those things things at the same time so I'm just going to combine everything to show you but this time around let me just do it with a text okay so I'll add a text like this and let's just write something like subscribe which you should okay so we can add our key frame over here by looking for position and size you see position and size on the right side you can add a key frame so add a key frame over here at a start and then I'll move forward a bit and then I'll just adjust it to where I want it to look like after so I want to move it over here I want to rotate it and maybe I'll make it smaller like this so it's going to end up over here now if I play the video you're going to see that it's going to slowly move there and it's going to rotate and become smaller at the same time okay so just like this let me play it you can see this is how you can control the animation so always remember when you want to animate any image any graphic any picture any photo or any text you always always have to add two key frames now moving on let me show you how to use key frames to zoom in so first we have to decide when you want to start zooming in it could be at the start of the video or it could be any point so let's just say we want to zoom in at the start of the video then make sure you click on the video and then on the right side of position and size click on ADD key frame and then just go forward a bit and then now we want to zoom in just zoom in to exactly where you want it to be so to zoom in you can just adjust the scale so if I just drag it to the right we can zoom in like this and you can of course move it to anywhere you want so in this case let's just zoom in to here like this so remember we have two key frames right the before and after so it's going to start off like this and it's going to end up looking like that and you can control exactly how you want it to look like in the end so now play the video and as you can see it's going to zoom in like that so if you want to zoom in slowly make sure the key frames are far apart the further they are the slower the zoom right now if you wanted to zoom in fast then just bring them close to each other like this and if I play the video can see now it zooms in a lot faster can make it a lot faster if you bring them very close if I play it can see Zooms in very fast and if I do something like this you can see that it will zoom in very very slowly all the way to this point now after you zoom in you can also move the camera around so to move the camera around you can do the same thing remember most of the time you're going to add two key frames so I add a key frame again I'll go in front a bit and this time around I can move the camera just move it to anywhere you want let's I to move it to this building like that okay and then now if I play the video you can see that it's going to move to exactly where I moved it to can also move and zoom in at the same time if I add another key frame go in front I can move to here like like this I can also zoom in like that and if I play the video you can see that it's going to move to exactly where I set the second key frame to be so as you can see most situations you just add two key frames and the first key frame is the before and the second key frame is the after now to zoom out it's also very easy first you just decide when you want to start zooming out let's say around this point you just add a key frame and then you go in front a bit and then you got to adjust the video back to its original position because you want to zoom out so for scale you want to bring it back to 100% you can just type it in like this 100 press enter and then for the position you got to change these two back to zero so I change this to zero like this change it to zero hit enter it's going to bring the video back to its original position because you want to zoom out so remember this is the first key frame which is before and then the second key frame is the after just adjust a second key frame to how you want it to look like at the end so now if I play the video you're going to see that it zooms out from here to here and again if you want to zoom out slowly then just bring those two key frames further apart and you can see it will zoom out very very slowly and if you want to zoom out fast then bring these two key frames closer together the closer it is the faster it's going to zoom out as you can see for opacity you can also add a key frame so there's a lot of things in cap cart that you can add a key frame and you can create any kind of effect that you can imagine so for opacity if I add a key frame like this I can then move in front like that and then I adjust the opacity down to 0% as you can see if I bring it down to 0% it's basically going to make it black right and then if I play the video as you can see the first key frame the opacity is 100% And then the second key frame is 0% that means between these two key frames the opacity will slowly decrease to 0% and it's going to create this effect where it fades to Black just like this and of course you can do the opposite to fit into any video so I'll show you one example I'll add a key frame like this so the first key frame has 0% opacity I go in front a bit and then this time around I'm going to bring your opacity to 100% like this and I let go you can see we have a another key frame so if I play the video here see it's going to fit in so if you look around cap card there are actually a lot of things that you can add key frames to just look on the right side if there's a diamond then you can add a key frame you can also add key frames to video effects so let me just show you an example if I click on effects there are a lot of effects on cap cut but let me just show you one as an example if I go to lens and if I use the blurry effect I click and hold I can bring it down to the video like this and as you can see this part the video will blurred right so from here if I play it's going to become blur like this so you can see that it becomes blur very suddenly right it just goes from normal and then suddenly the entire video is blur but if you look over here on the right side for video effects you can also add a key frame so as long as there's a diamond you can add a key frame so we can create an effect where the blur comes on smoothly I can go to the start of this video effect I press the up Arrow key to here I can add a key frame and let's start with zero okay and then I go in front like this and then I bring the blur up to however High I want it to be maybe like this so this way with a key frame then the blur effect will come on smoothly right it's going to start from zero and then slowly it increases all the way up to the second key frame which is 30 which is how we want it to look like in the end right so if I play the video now you can see that it will slowly become blur right compared to if we don't have any key frames then it's just going to become blur like that which doesn't look very nice so you can also add key frame to video effects now moving on let me show you how you can use key frame to track a subject so here you can see in this video she is dancing and she's moving around so if we were to zoom in so I'm just going to zoom in first I'll click on a key frame over here I go in front a little bit and then I increase a scale to zoom in maybe like this okay so if I play the video so you can see it zooms into her she's in the middle and then you notice that she's going to start to dance and she's going to move out of frame she's going to move out of the video so we want the camera to track her right so how do we fix this we can do it using key frame now remember most of the time when it comes to key frame you always add two key frames to Move It from point A to point B before and after but when it comes to tracking you only use one key frame at a time and let me just show you how it's done so I go to the start you can see it zooms in and at this point you can see let's just just assume I want to keep her in the middle of the video so here you can see she's in the middle right as I continue right now she's not in the middle so I can actually move the video like this as and as I move it you'll see that another key frame will be added then just play the video again like this so she's still in the middle eventually she starts to move to the left right at this point you see she's moving to the left I can pause the video I just move the video like this and then once I go you're going to see that another key frame will automatically appear boom so when it comes to tracking you don't have to keep adding two key frames you just at one key frame at a time to track the person here she's out of frame you got to move her back to the middle like that then I play the video again and here she's out of frame so I pause it and then again I just bring her back to the middle and I let go another key frame is automatically added play it again she's again out of frame I pause it and then I just move it back and now if I play the video you can see that she is in the middle at all time because we are using all these key frames to track her all right moving on let me show you how you can use key frame to track a vertical video so this video is a widescreen video This is for YouTube right but what if you want to create a vertical video like for Tik Tok or YouTube shorts so first we want to change the aspect ratio you can click on this and then you change it to 9 by 16 and now it looks like that so first we want to adjust the video so let me just make sure we go to the start of the video and then I'll just adjust it like this I'll just drag it out so that it fits the video and let's move her to be in the middle like this so first if I play the video you can see that we have a problem right she's like moving out of frame like this and then over here she actually moves out of the video so we need to use key frame to track her right so to do that we have to First add a key frame right so you go to the start of the video add a key frame at position and size I'll add one key frame and then from here on remember when it comes to tracking you only need one key frame at a time so it's very easy we just play the video and whenever she's out of frame we just pause it so now you can see she's not in the middle anymore I pause the video and I'm just going to move her back to the middle and you're going to notice that a key frame will be automatically added so I'm just going to move her like this I let go of my mouse Boom the key frame is there now just continue I'll play it so here she a little bit off Center so I just move her again like this so now if I play the video you can see that it's already tracking her she's in the middle all the way to here and then of course here she's a little bit off center again that's why I pause it and then I just move her to the middle I'll play the video again here she's not in the middle I pause it I adjust it I play it pause adjust play it pause adjust you can see all the key frames are appearing right so I play pause adjust play pause adjust like this you can see all these key frames are coming out play pause adjust like this and now when I play the video you can see that because of all these key frames that we added it's tracking her and it's always keeping her to be in the middle if you want to learn how to remove the background in cap cut just like this now maybe you want to change to a different background add a different background like this or you just want to put your face over a gaming video or a tutorial video then this video will show you how to remove background in cap cut step by step all right so let's use this video as an example so the first thing you need to do is make sure you click and select the video with the background that you want to remove look on the right side under video there is basic and then there's cut out so click on cut out and then click on auto cutout then it will start to Pro process just wait for it to process and when it's done you can see that if we play the video the background is removed and now if you want to change or add a different background just find a video with the background that you want then click and hold then bring it down to your video just like this now by the way if you're wondering where to find these kind of backgrounds for your videos like this or this keep watching because in just a minute I'll share with you exact ly where to get these kind of background videos for free so now coming back to this video here you can see the background video is actually covering the person so to fix this just bring the video of the person just click and hold then bring it up just like this and if I play the video you can see that we have changed to a different background now if you're making a gaming video or a tutorial video or you just want to show something on the screen and you don't want your face to be in the middle and you you just want it to be at the side maybe in the corner so here's how you can adjust the video just click on it right and then you look over here on the right side under basic you find position and size you can actually adjust a scale like this to make it smaller as small as you want and then you can move it to the corner just like this and then if you're making a gaming video for example so let me just delete this one and I'll bring this down like this and if I play the video this is what it looks like so you can play around with it you can resize it make it smaller you can move it around and you can not only change the background you can also put other types of videos in the background all right now if you're wondering where to get background videos just like this and this just go to Google and search something like live wallpaper computer and you will find websites that will let you download background videos so here's one if I scroll down there's a few more so I'm just going to open one as an example for you so if you go to any of these websites then you can usually find different categories so just click on lifestyle for example and then if you scroll through you will see that there are a lot of different backgrounds that you can download so I'll just click on one and you can see this is actually a video if I click on this then the video will play and you look at the clouds it's actually moving so if you like this background video then usually there will be a download button on those websites so just scroll around look for it so in this website you can see it's quite obvious download wallpaper if you click it it's going to download this video to your computer and you can add them to cap cut if you want to learn how to do motion tracking on cap cart then this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example and I'm going to track this person running and jumping in this video so we can do motion tracking with an image like this an image or a picture or we can also do motion tracking with text so let's start off with text I'm going to add a text to this video and let me just extend it throughout this entire video like this okay so we'll do the text first and then I'll show you that you can also do it with a picture an image or a photo so for text I'm just going to write something like this then let me choose a preset so for motion tracking you can put the text anywhere you want if you want it to be over here at the side then put it at the side if you want it to be below him put it like this or here or here you can put it anywhere you want right so in this example I'm just going to make the text like this so it's on top of him at all times so to do motion tracking just click on tracking over here click on this icon which is motion tracking then you're going to see this yellow box right so you're going to move this yellow box to the thing that you want to track so it could be anything okay it could be a person that's running around it could be a building it could be an object on your table it could be anything so I'm going to track this person like this and you can also customize the thing you want to track you can make it like this can adjust the box to make it bigger as big as you want like this or as small as you want so I'm just tracking this person like this so I'm going to make it smaller and also there's this little paper that if you do it then it turns into a circle like this and you can also rotate like that okay you can rotate so depending on the thing that you want to track you may want to rotate it sometimes but in this example is quite simple we just track this guy so let me just put the yellow box onto this person okay moving on you can see on the right side there's scale and then there's distance now for scale and distance it's up to you you can test an experiment yourself to see which one you prefer to see which one would look better for your video for me I'm just going to turn off both of them in this example then remember to click on start and then just wait for it to start to track and it's you can see right now cap cart is tracking the person right is moving the text along with the person just like this so whatever you want to track just put them inside the yellow box and cap cart will track them throughout the video all right so it's done so now let me just play the video and show you what it looks like so as you can see the text is tracking the person right just like this now moving on if you want to do motion tracking with an image or a picture or a photo first you just adjust it to how you want it to look like so I'm just going to move it like this to point at him okay so just adjust it to how you want it to look like and once you're happy with it you can start to do the motion tracking on the right side click on tracking click on motion tracking and remember you have to adjust this yellow box okay move it to the thing that you want to track so I'm tracking this person like this now for scale and distance it's up to you for me I'm just going to turn off both of them then remember to click on start then just wait for cap cut to track the person all right so it's done let me just play the video so look as promised this is how to do motion tracking on C cut if you want to learn how to add text to speech on cap cut then this video will show you how step by step okay to add text to speech to your videos the first thing is click on text over here then you'll see default text so just click and hold then you can bring it down to your video okay by the way you can position it anywhere you want in the video so I'm just going to bring this to the start of the video so let's go ahead and change the text so I want to say something like if you want to learn so to have text to speech to your video just click on text to speech and here you see a bunch of different voices that you can choose so I'm just going to click on a few to let you hear okay if you want to learn if you want to learn if you want to learn if you want to learn if you want to learn so there are a lot of different voices for you to choose from so just click on them one by one see which one you like the most and let's just say for example we want to go with this one if you want to learn then next you need to click on start reading so you got to make sure you click on this and then it's going to start applying text to speech and now if I play the video then we will now have text to speech let me just play the video if you want to learn so you notice that the text is not synchronous with the voice right so it's a lot longer so what you can do is you can sync them together so let me just zoom in a bit here you can see the text appears longer than the voice right so we can do this click and hold then just shorten the text just like this so right now if you play the video again you can see that the text will appear with the voice if you want to learn all right so let's continue I'll just add one more as an example so go back up here just click and hold and then you bring it down to your video and then you just write whatever you want to say so for example how to add text to speech like this can adjust the font size click on text to speech then just choose the voice that you want how to add text to speech and always remember you have to click on start reading it's going to apply text to speech to your video then make sure you check whether the text is synchronized with the voice so this is what the video looks like now if you want to learn how to add text to page now by the way if you don't want the text in your video you can delete them you can just right click then click on delete right click click on delete and then your video will just have the text to speech but without any text on the video just like this if you want to learn how to add text to speech all right so we've got some videos over here and we've got some music so how do we add music to your videos well first let's just bring them into cap cut so to import them we can just select them and then just drag them in like this so let's just use the first video as an example we bring it down to the timeline so as you can see we got a video of grass so how do we add a song or music to it so let's use the first song as an example by the way if you click on any of the song cap cart will play it as a preview so let me just click it and show [Music] you right every time I click on a song cap cart will play it for you as a preview all right so let's say I want to add the first song to This Grass video I just click and hold then I bring it down now sometimes if you bring it down it doesn't match the video right as you can see it's off if I want the song to match the video then I need to make sure I bring it to the front right so that it matches the video so let me just play it and you should hear that we now have music for This Grass video now here you can see that the song is a lot longer than the video clip so if I play it at the end so as you can see because the song is a lot longer than the video then the video actually goes into a black screen and then the song continues to play so you don't really want that so in this case you will want to cut or trim the music right you want to cut down the song so how do we do that you just click on the audio you be highlighted right and then you move your mouse to the end you can click and hold and then you can just drag it to the left and then just make sure you match the video clip and this is how you cut the song So if I play the end of the video you can see that the video will end when the song stops okay so it won't go into a black screen and then you have the song playing all the way until the end so what if you want to add more video clips and add more songs so I'll use the next video clip as an example let's bring it down to the timeline now if you want to use the same song then you can just adjust it just like how I showed you earlier right if you click on the audio you can go to the end of the song you can click and you can just drag it out and then you match the videos right so as you continue adding more Clips you can just adjust your song accordingly so if I play this example you should see that you'll have the music playing in the background as the video changes now what if you want to change the song what you can do is you obviously you want to match you want to shorten it first like this and then we go to the next song that we want to add then we just drag it down to the timeline like this and then again you see we have the same problem the song is a lot longer than the video clip right so just like before we want to trim the song okay so you can just go to the end then click and hold and then just drag it all the way to match your video so by doing this you'll now see that we have added music to our video clips so once again let me just show you a quick preview of what it will look like now if the music or the song is too loud or too soft and you want to adjust the volume you can just click on the audio and then you can see that on the right side you can adjust the volume you can drag it to the right to increase the volume and make it louder so the higher the number the higher it is the louder the song or music will be or if you find that the song or music is too loud and you want to make it soft then you can decrease the volume just just click and hold and then you drag to the left to lower the volume and to make the song or music softer the more you drag to the left the softer it will be and also if you want to fade in or Fade Out your music you can adjust the settings over here so as promised this is how to add music on cap cut if you want to learn how to add captions to a video in cap cut just like this then this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example so to add captions to your video just click on text and then click on auto captions so here you can see for autoc captions they will recognize speech in the video and generate Auto captions so you can choose the language so it depends on what language your video is so there are many other languages as you can see that you can choose to create captions for so depending on what is the language of your video you can actually choose any other language so it's not just English so for now I'm just going to click on English and we can click on create so cap card is going to listen to the video and whatever is being said is going to be turned into captions so now let me just play the video and show you what we have what do you do I'm an architect okay so the first thing you can do is you can customize the text you can change how you want a text to look like so I'm going to click on a text just like this and if you look on the right side you can actually see that it applies to all that means if I change anything here it's going to change everything in the video so I'll show you a quick example if I change the color to Yellow like this even though I'm only editing the first text but it will also change every other text in the video that's because it applies to all so let me just change this back to White so you can do a couple of things you can choose a different font so cap cart have a lot of fonts you can scroll around and see what you like so I'm going to change the font you can make the font bigger or smaller so I'm going to make it a little bit bigger around here and you can also choose a preset so for example if you want your subtitles to look like this or look like this or just an outline like this that's how you can change it and you'll notice that once you change anything it's going to change all the other text in the video so now let me play the video again and show you what we have what do you do I'm an architect okay so as you can see cap cut isn't perfect sometimes you need to do a little bit of changes so here you can see it's actually two different lines but it's put into one sentence so to fix this just click on the text and then you click on captions and then here you can actually break up the captions so in this case I want to split this into two different text right so the first line will be what do you do so I'm going to click on this and then I'm going to back space and I'll hit enter so that we have two different text as you can see so it's no longer one sentence so let me play the video again and show you what we have what do you do I'm an architect so as you can see we split it into two just like what you saw so I'm going to continue they designed any buildings in New York so what you also notice is that they don't have any punctuation and they didn't capitalize any of the subtitles or the captions so to fix this is quite easy again click on any other the text and from here you can actually start to edit the captions so now I'm just going to capitalize the first captions I'm going to add in punctuation this is a question I'll put a question mark and for this one I'll capitalize it type in a question mark and then I'll just continue editing the rest of the captions just like this so now let me play the video what do you do I'm an architect design any build so here can see for this caption actually it's kind of long so it's a bit difficult for your eyes to read quickly it's hard to scan because it's long you can actually break the captions into two lines so I'm going to show you exactly what I mean if I click on the text and then this time around if I click into text over here you can break it into two lines like this so let's say I'll click over here I hit backspace and hit enter and here you can see that the captions is no longer one long sentence it's now broken up into two lines so that this way it's a lot easier for your eyes to quickly scan and read the captions so if you notice when you're watching Netflix a lot of the captions they break it into two lines or is made in a way that it is very narrow so that is very easy for your eyes to quickly scan the captions or subtitles and it makes it easier for you to read faster so moving on to the next caption have you seen the new addition it's kind of same issue if you want to fix it you can just like this hit enter to create a second line so so as promised this is how to add captions to your video all right let's use this video as an example so to add subtitles to your video click on text click on local captions so here you can import your subtitles so I'm going to click on import and then you want to look for your subtitle file double click so I'm going to add this to our video I'll just click on the plus sign and then just like that the subtitles will be added to our video now now if you don't have the subtitles file on your computer here's what you can do click on auto captions can automatically generate the subtitles for your video so I'll just click on create so cap card is just going to listen to your video and it's going to type out whatever is being said so it create the subtitles for you automatically you can change the font over here if I click on system you can choose any font you like you can make your subtitles bigger by increasing the font size like this can make it bigger or smaller or you can just drag this to adjust the font size you can also move your subtitles around you can move it higher in the middle or put it anywhere you want in your video so I'm just going to put it maybe around here you can also customize your text by changing the color like this or it's a lot easier if you just pick a preset so if you pick something like this then you have an outline you can make your subtitles look like this or like this or like this and many many more so you can customize the subtitles to exactly how you want it to look like by playing around with these settings okay so let me play the video and show you what we have you did that yep y it didn't take very long either how to blur a face in cap cut so if you look over here on the top there's effects so click on effects now you're going to see all these different video effects on the left now what you want to do is close it click on this little arrow to close this and then you can see body effects so if you click on body effects you can see that over here you'll see face moac okay if you click and hold you can bring it down to the video that you want to blur like this if I let go you can see this video now has the face moac effect so if I play the video you can now see that the person's face is blur how do you blur the entire video so let's use the same video as an example you to click on effects and then under video effects you want to look for lens so click on lens and then you want to scroll down and look for the blur video effect so it's over here blur click and hold and then you bring down this video effect to your video and I let go you can see now we have the effects blur and if I play the video you can now see that the entire video is blur and you can also adjust how much blur you want over here on the right side if you increase it like this all the way up to 100 then the entire video will be very blurry and of course you can also lower it so that it's less blurry so this is how to blur the entire video now what if you only want to blur a part of your video what if you only want to blur something in your video first you need to blur the entire video like what we did and then you go and add the original video again but then you put it on top just like this so right now we have two video clips right the one on on top is the original video the one below is the video that it's blurred right so we have these two videos on top of each other now if you only want to blur something click on the video on top and then if you look over on the right side under video click on mask and then over here you can actually choose whether you want to go with circle or rectangle so here you can see if I go with uh rectangle you can now see that we can actually control exactly where we want to blur the video so if I do something like this that means the ENT entire video will be blurred except this rectangle if I choose Circle that means the entire video will be blurred except the circle that uh I move to right now of course if I only want to blur the person's uh shirt for example then what I can do is I can invert I can reverse this video effect if you look over here on the right side there's this little box that says reverse if I click it then it's going to reverse the blur effect so in this case if let's say I want to blur this person's shirt now I could go with rectangle and then I reverse it and then I just adjust it until his T-shirt is blurred like this if I want to blur the camera I can just move it like this and I can blur the camera just play around with either the circle shape like this you can make it bigger you can make it smaller you can move it around exactly where you want to blow or you can do the same with the rectangular shape of course there are other shapes like heart or Star but they are kind of useless okay so most of the time you either use rectangle Le or Circle to blur and also if you want to adjust how much blurriness you want you can click on special effects if I click on special effects you can see this thing comes out effects blur and then if you look over on the right side we can increase the blur like this if I increase to 100 you can see the rectangle is very blurry and of course we can reduce it we can lower it until it's not so blurry so it's up to you to adjust how blurry you want the area to be how do we blur the background of a video so if we only want to blur the background here's how to do it click on the video on top and then you look on the right side under video you want to click on cut out and then you turn on auto cut out like this then you just wait for it to process it's going to cut out the person in the video so wait for it to finish processing and now let me show you what the video looks like you can see that we now have a video with a blur background now how does this work well well actually it's because the video on Top This is what it really looks like because we have done the auto cut out so he has already cut out the person from the video so this is what it really looks like this is actually playing on top of the video below where the entire video is blur so when we put both videos at the same time when both plays together it creates this look where the background is blur now in this example you can see there's a little bit of glitching over here if I just bring this video clip to the side you can see it right it didn't cut out the person perfectly there's still a little bit of area that they didn't remove so to fix this click on the video select it and then under video go to mask when you click on mask then just click on rectangle and then just make sure you adjust it so that you only keep the person that you want like this right in this example I only need to keep this person over here so when I use mask feature it's going to cut the video again so if I do that that means the entire video will be cut out so it's only going to retain this rectangle so if I play it you can now see that there's no more glitching at the side because we have already use the Mas feature to only keep this area right if I move it over here you can see that this is where the glitching is actually add so if I move it like that if I play the video you can see that there won't be any more glitching because we have fixed it okay and then we bring this back on top and you can see we play it together this is how you blur a background in cap card if you want to learn how to use green screen on cap cut then this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example so to remove the green screen so that we can change or add a different background here's how to do it first you click on the video with the green screen and then you go to the right side you click on cut out then you will see chroma key click on this you're going to see Color Picker there's this little pen click on it and then you go to your video and then you choose the color that you want to remove so we want to remove the green screen so I'm just going to click on the green color like this so now we want to increase the strength to remove the green screen so if I just increase it like this you'll see that the green screen will be slowly removed so now we want to add or change the background so let's use this background as an example so I'm going to add this background to this video like this and let's just extend it throughout the video so now here you can see the background is actually covering the person so to fix this you can just bring the video on top like this just click and hold bring it up and here you can see she's on top of the background so now we can pull this down like this so now if I play the video you can see that we have removed the green screen and we have added or Chang to a different background now sometimes times you may need to do a little bit of adjustment to make it look cleaner so if you click on the video again you can just play around with the strength so you can start off with zero and then you just slowly increase it until it looks good so sometimes if you just increase the strength by too much it can look very weird so just slowly increase it and play around with it and if you want to you can also add a shadow effect and now if you want to add any kind of green screen overlay like this maybe you want to get people to subscribe or any kind of green screen effect you want to add to your videos here's how to do it just click and hold and then you bring it down to your video so now let me just play and you can see we have this subscribe button that pops out now again we need to remove the green screen so we need to click on the video go to cut out click on chroma key pick the color that you want to remove so let's just go here click on the pen choose the color that you want to remove and we'll just slowly increase the strength until we don't don't see the green color and now when I play the video you can see that we have added the green screen overlay to our video if you want to learn how to make split screen videos on cap cut just like this then keep watching because this video will show you how step by step all right let's use these two videos as an example so first you want to make sure that you stack both of the videos like this so that both videos are playing at the same time so put them on top of each other and then you can move the video on top I'm clicking on it and then I just move it to the left maybe around here and then I can move the other video slightly to the right and then to do the split screen just click on the video on top and then on the right side you want to click on mask and then click on split because we want to do a split screen now we get something like like this this is the line where we will split the video so we want to adjust it like this so just click and hold and you can rotate like that and you can also rotate the other direction if you rotate the other direction then you get something like this so in this case we don't want to do that we want to we want to split like this okay so I'm going to move this line if I click and hold on the line I can move it to the center like this and then if I play the video you can see that we now have a split screen now if you need to adjust the video just click on any other the video then go back to basic and then now we can adjust the video so let's say maybe her face is slightly towards right and we need to adjust it then just move it like that and you can also adjust the other video on the right below like this and I can move it like this or like this once you're done adjusting you must always remember to click the video on top go back to mask and just check that this line is is in the middle and if you want to rotate the line you can click and hold on this thing and you can do something like this and if I play the video it's going to split the screen like this maybe you think that this looks cool or you can do something like this first you need to click on ratio and then you change it to 9 by 16 I click it you can see that we now have a vertical format first let me just stack these two videos like this and then now we can adjust the video so that it fits into this vertical screen okay so the way you can do it is first let me just put them on top of each other like this and then I can select both of these videos so I'm going to do this like this I select both just click and hold I select both then let me just move it to be in the middle and I'll just pull the corners like this I'll pull it until it fit the screen okay and now if I play the video you can see that we have a split screen we have both videos playing at the same time if you want to learn how to do slow motion on cap cut then this video will show you how step by step so let's use this video as an example so to do slow motion on cap cut there are two ways to do it so I'll show you the first way which is the easy way so make sure you click on the video if you look to the right side there's video there there's audio and then there's speed so click on speed and then you can see that over here you can adjust the speed if you drag it to the right you make the video go faster so this is how you speed up the video but if we want to do slow motion then we want to drag it to the left so here you can see by default it is one times speed right if you want to slow it down we bring it to the left so if we continue playing the video you will see that he is now running in slow motion and of course you can slow it down as much as you want okay even bring it down to like 0.1 and then if I play the video you'll see that it's in very very slow motion another way you can adjust the speed of the video is you can change the duration so let me just bring it back to the original speed so originally this video clip you can see it is 7.5 seconds right so it's going to be 7.5 seconds for this guy to run jump and continue running so if we want to slow down the video we can also increase the duration so we can just click on this to increase the duration or I can just change it so let's say I want to drag the video to 20 seconds long I can just type 20 and now you can see that the video clip will be dragged out to 20 seconds long but what if you only want to slow down one part of the video you see with this method the entire clip the whole video will be slowed down so in this video example you can see he's running slowly all the way and then he finally jumped s right so what if you only want to slow down the part where he jumps then you will need to use this feature called speed ramping okay so here's how to do it on cap card now first let's bring this back to the normal speed and bring back to one times now if you look under speed there is normal which is what we were using this is the easy way to adjust the speed of a video but if you want to have more control you could to click on curve okay under curve you can click on customized and then if you just scroll down if you go down then you will see a graph this is actually how you can edit the speed ramp for the video clip this is how you can have more control over the speed of the video so let's say for example in this video clip if I only want to slow down when he's jumping then all I have to do is I just drag this timeline right I just move it until the part that I want to slow down which is at this moment this is where he jumps right so I just move back until he starts to jump so I want to add a point okay I'll click on a plus over here I'll add a point in the graph plus like this and then I'll just move forward a little bit I can add one more point in the graph like this and the whole reason I'm adding these points is so that I can create a curve to curve down like this so when you have this speed ramp curve if you curve down you will slow down the video so meaning from here the video will will slow down and I want to control it such that the moment he touches the ground the speed goes back to normal so remember when the curve goes down the video will slow down so I will just play the video first so you can see the difference so I'll play it and see it's just running normally and then when he jumps the video slows down for a little bit so you want to edit it properly so that the entire time he is jumping the video is slowed down so we can move over to the point where he lands on the ground okay this is the moment where you want to bring the video back to normal speed so here we can just drag the curve and we drag it out to maybe this point where he lands okay so we can adjust a curve again like this can bring it down so here you can see the moment he jumps this is when the curve goes down and when he lands that's when the curve goes back to normal so when it's going in a flat line like this when it's going flat that means the video will play at a normal speed and when it curves down you can see it's in slow motion and it goes back to normal speed so by using this method you can specify exactly when you want to do slow motion for your videos if you want to learn how to speed up a video on C cut then this video will show you how step by step all right so let's use this video as an example now you can see this video is 16 seconds long so if we want to speed it up make sure you click on the video make sure you select the video and then if you look over on the right side there is this thing that says speed so if you click on speed this is where you can change the speed of the video so let's say if we change it to two times which which is twice the speed you'll see that the video is now only 8 seconds long and it's now double the speed so you can continue changing the speed as much as you want you can even go all the way up to 100 times okay and you can change the speed to any number you want for example let's say I want to increase it to 2.5 times the speed you can just type it in over here on the right side or you can adjust by clicking on these arrows to either lower or increase the number that you want so this is one way you can speed up the video now another way is by changing the duration so as you can see the video is 16 seconds long so let's say I want to speed up the video and I want this video clip to play in 5 seconds so I can just type five like this and then you'll see that now the video is sped up to exactly 5 Seconds long now listen what if you want to speed up a specific part of the video now what you notice is if we change this to let's say five times the speed then you'll notice that the entire video clip will be sped up right it'll be increased at the same speed but if you want to have more control then you will need to use the speed ramp feature so make sure you change this back to one time speed and right now if you look at the speed there is normal and then there is curve so if you click on curve this is how you can actually adjust the speed manually so if you look under customize this is how you can control the speed of the video so by default it's like this so it's just one flat line if you want to make a specific part of the video go faster then you just bring the the curve up so let's say for example if I just click and draw you can see the video is like this right so let's just say at this point I want to speed up the video all I have to do is I bring the curve up so if I just click and hold I can bring the curve up like this if I bring the curve up then you'll notice that if I play the video then exactly at this moment it's going to speed up and then it's going to go back to normal speed okay so I'll just play for you as you can see it speeds up then it goes back to the normal speed okay so as long as you bring the curve up it's going to speed up exactly where you want it to be so if you want to to make the part where he speed up to be a lot shorter then you can adjust the curve you want to bring it to be closer like this okay as you can see if I bring it like this now if you cannot adjust you need to add a point where you can adjust add a point in this graph okay if you click on this plus you get another point and then now you can adjust it okay so if I make the curve more narrow like this then you'll see that the video will only speed up at this moment so if I play it you can see that it's at a normal speed and then boom it speeds up and it goes back to normal so this is how you can control how you want to speed up your video okay the higher the curve the faster you speed up so if I make the curve a little bit lower so if it only curves up a little bit then it's going to speed up a little bit so as you can see normal speed and then boom very fast it goes back to normal if you want to speed up a lot then bring the Curve higher like this okay and then at any moment let's say over here I have to speed up this part then I want to bring the curve up again so I add another Point like this and then if I want to bring a curve up I'll have to add one more point and then I can do something like this and then if you watch this part of the video you'll notice that once his feet touches the ground the video is going to speed up again okay so just like this speed up and back to normal and then again just one last time you can control exactly how long you want the speed up to be okay so as long as the curve goes up that means it's going to increase the speed as it goes down means it's going to slow down and when it's a flat line when it's at one time that means it's at a normal speed so this is how you control exactly how you speed up the video and exactly when you want if you want to learn how to freeze frame in cap cut then this video will show you how step by step now let's use this video as an example so I'm going to show you how to freeze frame in just a second but before that let me just play the video and show you what it looks like now just a warning this is a video of a lightning strike so it's going to be a little bit loud all right so let me play the video and show you first oh all right so let's say we want to freeze the frame at maybe this point now by the way you can use the keyboard to move around to the right like this or to the left okay so using the arrow keys on your keyboard you can just go left or right and then you can just find exactly the frame that you want to freeze so let's say I want to freeze the frame at this point all I have to do is Click on the video and then I'm going to click on this which says freeze so if I click on it you can see that we now have an extra frame over here so let me just play the video and show you what we have okay it's going to freeze at that frame so here you can see it continues going and then the video will continue to play so you can adjust how long you want the frame to be frozen so if you want it to freeze just for a short while then we can just do this click and hold and make it shorter so if I play the video it's going to freeze at this frame for a shorter period so let me play this so it's just for a short while if you want to freeze the frame for a lot longer then just extend it like this and let me just play it again and here you can see it's going to freeze at this frame for as long as you want too so you can freeze it for as long as you want or as short short as you want so as promised this is how to freeze frame in cap cut if you want to learn how to crop a video in cap cut then this video will show you how step by step now by the way this is what cropping means you're basically cutting out parts of a video so when you want to crop a video make sure you select the video that you want to crop and then you just click on this Square which says crop right if you click it then this thing will pop out now before you start doing anything make sure you go to the crop ratio and then you change to whatever ratio your video is now for example if you're doing a YouTube video which is a wides Screen Video then you want to choose 16 by 9 and if you're cropping a vertical video like a Tik Tok video or YouTube shorts then you want to go for a 9 by 16 which is going to be something like this okay so this video we are cropping for YouTube so we will choose 16x9 and then we can adjust exactly where we want to crop the video so if I just move it like this that means it's going to cut exactly what we see that means this part would be removed from the original video so if I just go ahead adjust it any way I like it it can make it smaller it can make it bigger once you're happy with it you can just go ahead and click on confirm and now you will see that our video is crop now let me just show you what it looks like originally right this is what it looks like in the beginning we can see a fan and this little lamp at the side and after we crop it this is what it looks like so this is how you crop a video in cap cut if you want to learn how to rotate videos in cap cut just like this then this video will show you how step by step now if you have a vertical video but then for some reason it shows up as a horizontal video then the first thing you need to do is change the aspect ratio so click on ratio and you want to change it to a vertical format which is 9 by 16 so if I click on 9 x 16 you can see that now the video is in a vertical format next you want to rotate your video right so you can click on your video and you can see below there's this circle you can click and hold and you can rotate the video like this or like this so in this example we want to rotate by 90° like that and then we extend the video like this just click on the corners and you can extend the video and fill up the frame now what if you have a horizontal video but then for some reason it shows up as a vertical video so to fix this first you want to change the aspect ratio so this is actually supposed to be a widescreen video so you want to click on ratio and then you want to change it to to 16x9 click on it and now you can see the video becomes horizontal now to rotate your video you can just click on it you can then rotate the video like this or like this so in this example we want to rotate it to 90° and then we let go then you want to extend it like that make it bigger and fill up the video just like that what if for some reason your video is upside down so to rotate the video just C click on it and if you look on the right side you can see rotate so if it's upside down you can change it to 180° then hit enter and as you can see the video is now fixed now for vertical video if it's upside down just click on the video go to rotate change it to 180° hit enter and this is how you fix it if your video is upside down if you want to learn how to make a hor horizontal video to a vertical video on cap cut just like this plus if you want to learn how to move the camera so you can track and follow any moving subject in your vertical videos then keep watching because this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example so we have a horizontal video first you need to change the aspect ratio so just click on ratio and then you want to change it to 9 by 16 so if I click on 9 by 16 you can see that now it's in the shape of a vertical video next if you click on the video you can click and hold any of the corners then you just pull it and make the video bigger just like this and you can adjust the video you can move it to the left like this or you can move it to the right or you can just keep it in the middle like this so this is how you convert a horizontal video into a vertical video now for some videos we have to move the camera so let me show you an example so first let's put her in the middle and if I play the video you can see that she is actually moving out of the frame like this and then at this point you can see she's actually moving out of the video so we need to move the camera so that we can track and follow the subject right so to do it just go to the start of the video and then click on the video and if you look on the right side at position and size you can click on this diamond which says add key frame so click on it now after you add your key frame just play the video first and anytime you need to move the camera you pause the video so let me show you so first I will play the video and as you can see at this point she's kind of out of frame I want to adjust and move the camera so that she's in the middle that's why I pause the video and then I'm going to move her to be in the middle and you're going to notice that a key frame will be automatically added at this point so I'm going to move her to be in the middle now I let go of my mouse and you're going to see that a key frame will appear just like this now we just repeat what we did I'm going to play the video and anytime we need to move the camera I will pause the video so I'm going to play it so now I pause it because she's at the side so I pause the video then I adjust her to be in the middle like this I let go you can see we have another key frame then we just continue we play and we pause move her to be in the middle like this then I play and I pause then I adjust like this then I play and I pause and I move the camera like this then I play and I pause then I just move her again to the middle play pause and I play pause move her to the middle play and the last frame we can just move her to the middle like this all right let me play the video and and show you what it looks like so as you can see the camera is Now tracking her and following her and throughout the video she's in the middle at all times so as you solve for yourself it's very easy just add one key frame and then go to the start of the video and then you play the video and anytime you need to adjust and move the camera just pause the video adjust it and then you do it over and over again play pause adjust play pause adjust until you finish the entire video if you want to learn how to reverse a video on cap cut then keep watching because this video will show you how step by step all right so how do we reverse a video first let's use this video as an example and I'll just play it to you you can see this guy he's running he's jumping and he's just running so how do we reverse a video clip on cap cart well first of all just click on the video that you want to reverse reverse then you see this icon over here it says reverse if you click it then it's going to start to reverse your clip now let's play the video and as you can see he is now running backwards so as promised this is exactly how to reverse a video on cap cut if you want to learn how to put text behind the person in cap cut just like this keep watching because this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example so I'm going to click and hold and bring it down to the timeline just like this click on text and then over here you see default text click and hold and then we bring it down to the timeline like this and then let go so I want the text to appear throughout the entire video clip so I'm just going to extend it like this like this now next let's just adjust the text so I'm going to write a subscribe let's just adjust it to however you want it to look like okay so maybe something like this here's how you actually put the text behind the person you're going to select both of this okay both the text and the video just click and hold and just do this select both of these things then you right click and you want to create a compound clip click on that so now we have a clip with the text just like this now to put the text behind the person click on media and you're going to add the original video again on top on the right side and the video you see basic and you see cut out click on cut out and then click on auto cut out this is going to automatically cut out the person from the video it's going to remove the background so just wait for it to process finish and once it's done processing let me just play the video and as you can see we now have the text behind the person so you might be thinking wait how does this work well actually it's quite simple we have two videos playing at the same time the video on Top This is what it really looks like it's just the person like this without any background and then the video below is the video that we made originally right the video with the text and then if we put both together and when we play both videos at the same time it creates this look where the text is behind the person and by the way if you're wondering this method will still work even for moving subjects that means even if the person is moving around walking around just like what you see it will still work the text will stay behind the person like what you're seeing now so as promised this is how to put text behind a person if you want to learn how to add watermark on cap cut just like this then this video will show you how step by step all right let's use this video as an example so how do we add a watermark on cap cut first click on text and then click and hold and you bring a text down like this so I want the water mark to be throughout the entire video so I'm just going to do this and I'm going to extend the text throughout the entire video so now if I play the video you can see that we just have a text over here but if you want to turn it into a watermark you want to make it look more transparent right so first I'm just going to write Watermark like this now let me show you how to make your text look transparent just scroll down and then you want to look for opacity you can see it's 100% you can click and hold and then as I drag it to the left you're going to see that the text become more and more transparent and it becomes harder and harder to see like this so the lower the opacity the more transparent the text will be so it's completely up to you how much opacity you want to set so in this example I'm just going to put it at maybe 20% and you can put the watermark anywhere you want you can put it in the corner like this like this like this or here you can put it in the middle you can make it smaller can make it bigger you can also rotate like this and you can put your watermark anywhere you want in your video okay so let me just play the video and here you can see we have added a watermark to this video so as promis this is how to add watermark on cap cut if you want to learn how to add fonts to cap cut then this video will show you how step by step all right first you can go to Google and you can search free fonts download and you're going to find many websites that lets you download fonts so this is one of the many websites where you can and download fonts from here you can just scroll through and just see what kind of fonts you like let's just say for example we want to use this font which is the lemon milk font you can see there's a download button just click on it I'm just going to save it to my desktop I'm going to click on Save now once you have downloaded the font file you can double click to open it you're going to see a lot of different files you just want to look for the file sd. OTF extension and here you can see for this font there are many versions so if you want to see how they look like you can just open them up so here's lemon milk bold if I open it you can see this is actually the Bold version of the font and if I open up the regular version over here I'll double click you can see what it looks like so for any font usually you'll find many versions of the font from regular to medium to light to bold so in this example let's say I want to use the lemon milk bold font so what I'll do is I'm just going to click and hold and I'll just bring it out to my desktop like this if you want more then you can just continue bringing out the fonts that you want to use okay so I go ahead and close this and now you can open cap cut then you want to make sure you are signed in so if you haven't signed in Just click on sign in and then you can sign in with either Tik Tok or can sign in with Facebook or Google so after you sign in you need to create a space so you can click on create or join and then you just click on create to create a space so for me I already have a space so I'll just click into this and then from here you want to click on brand kit and then you scroll down and look for fonts so here you can see upload brand fonts just click and then here you go to your desktop and you can add the fonts that you want to add so in this case let's say to add the lemon milk bold font I can just open it like this and here you can see it's uploading the font so I can do it again I'm just going to click here and I'm going to add the other font which is the lemon milk medium so again just like before it's going to upload the fonts so you can just add as many fonts as you want and then just wait for it to upload so here you can see it's done so I'm going to go ahead and go to home I'm going to start a new project then I'm going to click on text I'll add a text like this and if you look at the font by default it's system so just click on it and here you can see we we have the fonts that we just added right we have lemon milk bold and lemon milk medium if I click it you can see that we have changed the font to the one that we just downloaded and then the other one which is lemon milk medium if I click it you can see it changed to the other font that we download it all right so as promised this is how to add fonts to cap cut if you want to learn how to color grade in cap cut just like this or like this then this video will show you how step by step in just a minute I will show you exactly how I color grate both of these videos from start to finish But first you need to learn the basics all right let's use this video as an example so to do color grading for your video first you need to click on your video and then look to the right side you want to click on adjustment and this is where you can find all the different settings to color grade your videos so there's temp there's Hue there's saturation and many many more like brightness contrast and so on plus there's also hsl which lets you do color gring for eight of the major colors like red orange yellow green turquoise blue purple and pink now first I will explain to you what each of these things are so we'll start off with the first one which is temp now by the way temp is sh form for temperature and of course we're are talking about color temperature so temp will make the colors in your video either warmer or cooler when you lower the temperature it'll make the colors cooler so the video is just going to look cooler so here you can see if the temp is-50 then the color of the video will look a lot cooler and it's basically Shifting the colors towards blue and on the other hand if we increase the temperature the higher temperature will make the colors warmer and you'll notice that the colors are shifting towards orange so here you can see if I slide the temp to the left is going to make the image cooler and it will make the colors more blue the more you slide it to the left the cooler the image will look and of course if we slide it to the right it's going to make the image warmer it's going to make the colors more orange so here's a side by-side comparison you can see a lower temperature will make the colors cooler and then a higher temperature will make the colors warmer all right so that's temp let's move on to the next one which is Hue now the Hue slider over here it's going to make the colors in your video either more green or more purple so here you can see if you slide the Hue towards the green the video will look more green and if you slide the hue all the way towards the purple side then the video will look more purple so let me show you real quick if I slide it towards green then you'll see that the colors in the video will look more green and of course if we slide it towards purple then the video will look more purple so here's the side by side comparison if you slide it to Green it looks more green you slide it to purple it looks more purple now keep in mind this is the Hue in the basic section if you go to the hsl section if I click on hsl you can see that we actually can adjust the Hue for eight of the main color like red orange yellow green turquoise blue purple and pink and with this you can adjust the Hue of eight different colors individually so you can do something like this here's what the original video will look like and if you color grade the colors separately you can create something like this now keep watching because in just a minute I will show you how I color grate this video but for now let's move on if you go back to basic so we have talked about Temp and Hue the next thing is saturation so saturation will make the colors in your video either more vibrant meaning it makes it more colorful or it will make the colors more dull so if we lower the saturation here you can see we lower it to neg 50 that means the video will be less colorful the colors will be more dull and on the other hand if we increase the saturation then the colors will look a lot more vibrant so if you compare this to the original video you can see that with a higher saturation the colors will become more vibrant more Vivid so basically it becomes more colorful so let me show you real quick if I slide it towards the left if if we lower the saturation you can see that the video will become less and less colorful the colors become more and more dull if you drag it all the way towards the end the video will basically lose all of its color and if you want to make the video more colorful then you can just drag it to the right and you can increase the saturation the more you increase the more Vivid the more vibrant the colors will be as you can see like this so here's what it looks like side by side a lower saturation will make the colors d a higher saturation will make the colors vibrant all right now that you know what is hug and saturation we can go over to the hsl section and right now I'm going to show you how we can color grade a video by playing around with these eight colors but first I need to show you what each of these colors will actually do so the first color is red now for Hue if we slide it towards pink that means the red colors in your video will look more pink and if we Slide the Hue towards orange that means the red colors in your video will look more orange and then for saturation you already know by now if we increase the saturation then the red color will become more more vibrant if we Slide the saturation to the left if you make saturation lower then the red colors will be more dull and then for brightness it's exactly what it says if you increase it the red colors will be brighter or it will be darker now moving on we have orange and it works the same if we Slide the Hue for orange if we slide it towards the left it's going to make the orange colors in your video more red and if you slide it to the right is going to make the orange colors in your video look more yellow so here you can see that actually the hue it works exactly like how these colors are arranged if we slack Hue to the left it's going to make the colors look more red as you can see red is on the left side of Orange right and if you slide the Hue to the right it's going to make orange colors look more yellowish so it's actually arranged in sequence and then for saturation and brightness you already know how it works I'm not going to repeat so moving on we have yellow so this would actually adjust all the yellow colors in your video and as you know by now if we Slide the Hue towards the left you can see that it's going to make the yellow colors in your video look more orange because orange is on the left and if you slide Hue towards the right you can see here it's green the more you slide it to the right the more the yellow colors will appear to be green and then for saturation and brightness you already know what it is now let's move on then we have green and when you slide the Hue towards the left for green it's going to make the green colors in your video look more yellow that's because yellow is on the left and if you slide the Hue towards the right it's going to make the green colors look more turquoise the more you slide it the more it's going to look like the color on the right or on the left now moving on we have turquoise and again you slide it to the left it's going to make turquoise look more green you slide it to the right is going to make turquoise look more blue and the same goes for a light blue you slide it to the left it's going to make it look more turquoise slide it to the right it's going to look more purple and the same goes for purple and pink so right now I'm going to show you exactly how I color grate this watermelon video all right so let me add this video to the timeline so make sure you click on the video click on adjustment and now I'm going to color grade this video using the hsl section so first I want to make the watermelon look more juicy make it look more delicious so I want to make the colors more vibrant so the watermelon here is red color so I make sure I click on the red color and here I want to adjust the red color so as you know by now if I slide the Hue towards the left it's going to make the red colors look more pink as you can see over here if I start it towards the right it's going to make the red colors look more orange so obviously I don't want any of that I just want to make the red color more vibrant so I would increase the saturation so remember saturation if you increase it it will make the colors more vibrant and if I lower it then you can see that well the colors will become more D and it doesn't look very good right so I want to increase the saturation so that the red color looks more red and for brightness we can either make it brighter or darker okay so I'm going to make it a little bit brighter like around 10 so let's move on to the next color so if we go to Orange then if we adjust the Hue it's going to change all the orange color in this video so let me just move it like this and just kind of see what exactly what are we changing so here I can see the orange color I'm basically adjusting the color of the table right and a little bit of the watermelon so for orange I want to make the color of the table look a little bit better so I'm going to increase the saturation so usually you can just play like this just slide it all the way to the right and slide it all the way to the left so that it can easily tell what these things will do so obviously I'm going to make it look a little bit nicer I will increase the s ration to maybe around here so here you can see the table looks a bit better originally it looked like this very dull F crazy to around 70 and maybe it's a bit too bright I really want the watermelon to shine so maybe you want to make it a little bit darker do you see the effect you see the difference here's what it looks like originally and if I make the table a little bit less bright like this then we can see that there more there's more focus on the watermelon all right now moving on I want to adjust the color of the watermelon so this is green right so I'm going to click on green and I'm going to start adjusting so first I want to make the green more colorful more vibrant so let me just increase the saturation all the way to 100 and like this and of course let me just show you the opposite if I do the other end then the colors of the green will be more D so increase the saturation like this and I'm going to test the heel I'm going to slide it towards the left so here you can see if I slide it towards the left it doesn't look very good that's because it's going to make green color more yellowish so I don't really want the watermelon to look yellowish so if I slide it towards the right you can see it looks a little bit better right this is what it looked like originally with zero like this if I slide it to the right the green looks a little bit better and then I want to make the watermelon more bright so I can play with the brightness so I can increase it like this now let me just show you the opposite if I reduce the brightness it looks like that okay so I'll increase it to maybe around 50 so take note when you're adjusting a color you can also play around with the neighboring colors so the neighboring color of green is yellow and turquoise so for yellow we can also adjust the yellow such that all the yellow colors will look more green remember so for yellow color if I slide the Hue towards the right it's going to make all the yellow colors look more green you see how it works so I want to make the watermelon look as green as possible so let me just do a quick test I'm just going to slide the Hue to the left and here you can see that if we adjust yellow color it also affects the color of the watermelon right it doesn't look good if I slide it to the left that's because if I slide the Hue to the left it makes all the yellow look orange and if I slide it to to the right like this oh you can see that the watermelon looks really good that's because we are adjusting the yellow to be more green to the right like this so this definitely looks a lot better than what it looks like previously so I'm going to do this I'm going to increase the Hue like this to make all the yellow colors in the video green and I'm going to increase the saturation to make it look a little bit more vibrant like this and then for brightness let's just test it out if I increase it then it's a little bit too bright if it's too bright and too colorful it can look thick so let's test the other side if we lower the brightness a little bit it's going to look something like this so maybe we will just lower the brightness a little bit so that it creates this feeling where there's a little bit of a shadow all right next I want to adjust the color of the sea behind so the sea is obviously blue or turquoise so let me just go to turquoise and let me just adjust the Hue I want to make the C color more blue so here you can see this is turquoise if I slide it the Hue to the right side it's going to make all the turquoise look more blue which is what I want so so let me just slide the Hue towards blue here you can see it's very obvious as I slide it to the right it looks more blue but we don't want to do it too much cuz that doesn't look real so maybe to around here and let's just test out the saturation so if we slide it to the left it's going to make the colors look more D if I slide it to the right it's going to make it look more blue like this and then for brightness again we can test it out usually just want to slide it to both sides so you can see obviously what's happening so let's just reduce the brightness a little bit like this and now let's continue adjusting blue so I'll go to Blue and let me just test out the Hue if I slide it to the left then it doesn't look exactly what I want if you slide it to the left then the water becomes turquoise that's not what I want then for saturation we can test out if I slide it to the right then it looks a little bit too unrealistic it looks a bit fake so let me just lower it a little bit to around here and then for brightness we can test it out again and this case you notice that if I lower the brightness it looks a little bit better like this okay so right now if I play the video you can see this is what it looks like so first let me just add back the original video so you can see what it looked like before this is before originally it just looked like this the sea is kind of D the watermelon doesn't look very good the table is just dull and the video with the color grading it looks something like this so the watermelon looks a lot nicer looks more appetizing the table looks more orange and the C is actually blue so this is how I color grate from start to finish all right now let's move on to the next section we have brightness contrast highlight Shadow and illumination so let's start off by talking about brightness so brightness will make your video either brighter or darker so it's kind of obvious if we lower the brightness the video will look more dark and if we increase the brightness then the video will look more bright so let me just quickly show it to you if I slide it to the left the more you slide it to the left the darker it is and the more you slide it to the right the brighter the video will look so here's a side by side comparison a lower brightness will make the colors more d a higher brightness will make the colors a little bit more vibrant all right moving on we have contrast so contrast will make the colors in your video contrast with each other it'll stand up from each other or if we lower it then the colors will blend together so if we lower the contrast that means the difference between the bright and the dark colors are less noticeable the colors becomes faded and the colors kind of blend together and if we increase the contrast all all the way up we can see that there's a huge difference between the bright and the dark spots so it becomes very noticeable that's why it's contrast so the higher the contrast the more obvious the light and dark colors will contrast so let me show you real quick if I lower the contrast you can see that the colors will blend together and on the other hand if we increase the contrast then it's going to make the colors between the light and dark colors more noticeable all right moving on we have highlight so highlight will make the brightest parts of a video even brighter or darker so if we lower the Highlight like this you can see that the bright parts of the video will become darker and if we increase the Highlight it's going to make the bright parts of your video even brighter so let me show you real quick if I lower the Highlight like this it's going to make the bright parts darker like this so basically the whole video looks dark and on the other hand if I increase the Highlight it's going to make the bright parts of the video even brighter just like this so here's a side by- side comparison a lower highlight will make the bright Parts more d and a higher highlight will make the bright Parts even brighter all right let's move on to the next one which is Shadow so Shadow will make the darkest parts of your video even darker or brighter so here you can see if we reduce the shadow all the way down to -50 it's going to make the dark parts of your video even darker so it's the opposite of highlight and if we increase the shadow it will make the dark parts of your video brighter so let me show you real quick if we lower the shadow it's going to make the dark Parts even darker like this and if we increase the shadow it'll make the dark Parts brighter so here's a side by side comparison if we lower the shadow it's going to make the dark parts of your video darker and if we have a higher Shadow it's going to make the dark parts of your video brighter so as you can see Shadow and highlight is basically the opposite of each other for highlight you're adjusting the bright parts of your video and then for shadow you're adjusting the dark parts of your video now let's move on to illumination now illumination will make the overall lighting of your video brighter or darker so here you can see if we lower the illumination it's going to make the overall lighting of your video to become darker just like this and if we increase the illumination you can see that it will make the overall lighting of your video to be brighter so let me show you real quick if we reduce the illumination then the overall video lighting will become darker and if we increase the illumination it's going to make the overall Lighting in the video brighter like this so here's a side by side comparison you can see a lower illumination makes the overall colors more dull and a higher illumination it makes the colors more vibrant all right let's move on to the last section we have sharpen particles fate and vignette so let's talk about sharpen so sharpen makes the ages and details more distinct and crisp here's what the original looks like we've sharpened at zero and if we increase the sharpen all the way to 100 here's what it looks like it might not be obvious to you so let's zoom in and here you can see if you just look at her sunglasses here and here you can see that's actually a difference so let me just zoom in one more time here you can see for this image over here this video we have sharpened at 100 so if you look at the sunglasses over here and over here you can see that the edges and details it's more obvious it's more crisp it's more detail right and if you look at her teeth here and here you can see that if we have a higher number for sharpen then the edges the details are more distinct and a hair as well if you look at it side by side almost everything is more detailed and more crisp so as you can see sharpen will make the edges and details to be more distinct and more obvious so let me show you real quick if I increase the sharpen like this you notice that the edges and details in the video will look more distinct and more crisp but just be careful you don't want to just increase a sharpen all the way up because it can look very unnatural and very fake so anyway that is sharpened let's move on to particles so particles make the video grainier or speckle so here's a side by-side comparison here's the original video and here's the video with particles all the way up at 100 so it's a bit hard to see so let's just zoom in and here you can see it's quite obvious if you look at the video on the right side it's very greeny and very speckled right on a side by side comparison and here's another part of the video you can see that if you increase the particles then the video will look more grainy so let me show you real quick if I increase the particles all the way up we can see that the video becomes very very grainy all right let's move on to the next one which is fade so fade makes the colors in your video washed out or faded so here you can see a side by side comparison if we set the fade all the way out to 100 you can see that the colors will look very faded or washed out just like this so let me show you real quick if you increase the fit like this the higher the fit the more washed out the colors will be just like this all right let's move on to the last one which is vignette so vignette lets you make the corners either shadowed or highlighted so if you lower the vignette like this it's going to make the corners white or highlighted and if you increase the vignette it's going to make the corners Shadow just like this so let me show you real quick as you can see as I lower the vignette the more I lower it the more the corners will be highlighted just like this and on the other hand if I increase the vingette just like this the more you increase it the more the corners will be shadowed now as promised let me show you exactly how I colorate this video step by step from start to finish all right so I'm going to add this video to the timeline and make sure you click on the video click on adjustment and the first thing we can test out is to move the temperature if you move it to the left it's going to make the colors cooler if I move it to the right it makes the colors warmer so I like to slide it both sides to just check how it looks like on both ends and in this case I want to make it look a little bit warmer because well she's at the beach right then for Hue we can test it out we can make it more green or we can make it more purple so in this case I want to make it look a little bit purple okay maybe something like this and now I want to make the colors more vibrant more colorful so I'm going to increase the saturation but I'm just going to increase it to around 30 so take note sometimes if you increase it too much it just looks too fake okay so maybe around 30 is okay so let's move on this is the basic section let's move on to lightness so we can make the video more bright or darker so obviously I don't want to make it darker maybe I'll make it a little bit brighter because she's under the sun and then for contrast let's test it out I like to test both ends to see how it looks like and let's just try out like this if I lower the contrast it looks a little bit better compared to this right because there's already a lot of bright light so let me just reduce it a little bit all right let's move on to next one highlight so highlight will adjust the bright parts of the video so let me just test it out first nope definitely we don't want to do that let's test out the other end okay they'll be too bright so I'm going to increase the Highlight by a little bit and then for shadow we are adjusting the dark parts of the video so let's just test out what it looks like okay so I want to lower the shadow a little bit okay so let me just adjust it and let's see maybe around -20 okay let's move on to illumination so this will affect the overall lighting of the video so usually I test both sides see which one looks nicer so maybe I'll just increase it a little bit to around 10 all right and let's move on we can sharpen the video so sharpen I'll just sharpen it a little bit but not too much you see if I sharpen it all the way to 100 it looks so fake so I'll just sharpen it a little bit like this and for particles it's going to make the video look more greeny so I don't want that then for fit it's going to make the colors blend together so I'm going to test it out so maybe we'll just add a little bit of Fade to smooth out the colors blend it together and for vignette well we don't really need it here so I'm not going to use it all right now let's move on to hsl this is where we can adjust the Hue and saturation of eight different colors and this will basically allow you to manipulate and adjust the colors of any video so let's start off with red so I'm just going to play around with the Hue and just see exactly what is changing in the video so here you can see actually this is adjusting the color of a skin skin right if I slide it like this if you look at her skin on her forehead her face is changing so now I know that if I adjust the red colors it's adjusting the color of her skin so this is red color if I want to make her skin look more orange I can slide it towards orange like this this is what it looks like originally so I want to make her skin look more orange like this because she's under the sun and for saturation let me just test out the other side and if I increase the saturation it's going to make it look a little bit more vibrant so I'm going to set it to around 20 just a little bit and then for brightness let's just test it out okay as you can see it's basically adjusting her face right so I'm going to increase it a little bit to around 30 all right so that's red color let's try out the next one orange so let me adjust the Hue let me just move it like this and this so you can see obviously this is changing the colors of her skin okay so let's just adjust it around here and then for saturation this will look too Orange right we don't want that so I'm going to lower it a little bit maybe like this and then for brightness I want to make it a little bit brighter CU it's under the sun right but not too bright if it's too bright you see it looks fake it's like out of place it just looks like it's photoshoop so we increase it a little bit to maybe 30 so now let's move on to the next color which is yellow so here you can see if we click on yellow we are basically adjusting all the yellow color in this video so if I just play with the Hue you can see that it is changing the colors of the fish the fins on the fish so I want to make it maybe a little bit more green maybe around 30 and then for saturation let's just increase it to make the fins look more vibrant but not too much maybe around 30 like this and then let's test out the brightness okay so let's just increase it to around 60 all right let's move on to next color green so I like to adjust the Hue to just see exactly what is being changed so for this one let's make the green more yellow I'm going to drag it towards the left but not too much otherwise the water just turns green so maybe somewhere around here so at least the water looks a little bit more like turquoise let's increase the saturation a little bit and let's test out the brightness uh would be better if we just lower it all right let's move on to the next color which is turquoise so we let's play around with the Hue again to see what is changing well it's changing the color of the water so for this one let's make the water a little bit more blue because notice we're adjusting turquoise if we slide to the right it's going to make turquoise look more blue okay so let's just set it to around 20 and let's increase the saturation to around 20 and then for brightness let's just test it out okay definitely not we want to increase it a little bit maybe like this now let's move on to the next color which is blue again let's test out a hue slide it to the right slide it to the left so you know what is changing so we definitely don't want to slide it to its purple it looks just too weird let's slide it towards left to turquoise and let's adjust the saturation okay definitely we don't want to lower it let's increase it to maybe around here and then for brightness Let's test it out okay we want to increase it so it looks nicer maybe to around 30 all right let's move on to the next color purple and as you can see if we adjust the Hue for purple nothing really changes but that's because the video doesn't have any purple color right so there's no difference there's no effect when we adjust all these things like this there's really no difference same goes for pink I don't actually see a lot of pink so it's not really changing much except for this tiny area so I'm just not going to do anything so now before I play the video and show you what the end result looks like let me just show you the origin video so you can see what it's like okay so here's the original video of what it looked like before any kind of color grading this is the before and let me delete this so let me play the video so here you can see as promised this is exactly how I color grade a video from start to finish now remember color grading is more than just making your video look good so look this is the exact same video but with color grading we can create four different moods and feelings the first one with its warmer Sunny colors can make you feel relaxed romantic or even nostalgic the next one with its purplish Sky it feels dreamy feminine and enchanting the next one with the dark blue tones it can give you a sense of calm peaceful and quiet night and the last one with its grayish tones it can create a sense of sadness feelings of loneliness and depression now remember this is the exact same video the only difference is the color gring so listen you can use colors to create specific moods and feelings in the viewer that's exactly what movies do so when you're color grading you want to think more than just making the colors look pretty you want to think about the feelings the emotions and the mood that you want to evoke in your viewer
Channel: Dave Ying
Views: 139,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut video editing tutorial, how to edit on capcut, how to use capcut, how to use capcut video editor, how to use capcut on pc, how to edit on capcut pc, capcut pc tutorial, capcut video editing pc, capcut edit tutorial pc, capcut edit tutorial, capcut editing tutorial, capcut tutorial for beginners, capcut for beginners, capcut course, capcut full course, capcut video editing course, capcut video editing full course, capcut for pc, capcut full tutorial, capcut tutorial
Id: qfHX2cNA4MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 7sec (7147 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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