How To Edit Gaming Videos Like a Pro Using CapCut Desktop (PC & Mac)

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stop making gaming videos specifically the low effort or poorly edited kind which so many people on the internet can do already that's why in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to use cap cut and edit like a pro if you guys go ahead and navigate to cap or check out the link in the description you guys can download this completely free there's no catches no silly gimmicks it's not loaded with a bunch of ads that interfere with your editing process this is 100% free to download on your Mac or Windows computer and what's even better is that they made this application so easy to install essentially just at the single click of a button now once capcut is finished installing on your computer go ahead and launch it and the first thing that you should see is the cap cut home screen pulled up you guys can log in the cap cut if you want but it's totally optional you don't have to log into a single thing if you don't want to and then if you're ready to start a new video project just go to new project up at the top select that and that will open up the video editor but now what good is a video editor if I don't have my Clips to edit that's why right now I have everything set up to record some fortnite gameplay on my MacBook Pro we got our capture card hooked up we got everything working through the monitor I'm going to be filming my face camera on a completely separate camera which is my Canon R6 Mark II right here so that way when we edit I have a bit more control over what I show in my full face cam and what I include in part of the gameplay oh and I almost forgot we have our microphone here as well the Elgato Wave 3 so that we have our commentary audio [Music] so here we have all of my FaceCam and gameplay clips that I want to edit within cap cut so I'm going to do here is just highlight all of these clips and then drag them on in to where you see import and that will drop all of my Clips right into my editor now what I'm going to do is take all of these clips and lay them out on my timeline below so we're going to start off with the gameplay clip so we're going to take all of these put them right there and then next we're going to take all of my FaceCam clips and then put those above I'm going to remove my b-roll and overlay gameplay Clips to be used later and then for the remaining footage I'm just going to do a quick match up of the face cam with the gameplay now I can take each of these two layer Clips the gameplay clip in my face cam clip right click that and I can sync video to sound and this is such a powerful feature as I'm not having to do any of the manual work myself to line up my face cam with my gameplay now if we Zoom all the way into one of these tracks and look at the audio levels for both the gameplay and the face cam you're going to see that they align perfectly this feature alone just brings so much joy into my heart because oh it saves you so much freaking time we're going to do the same thing to these clips as well on the right with our Clips lined up now the next thing we're going to do is create some compound Clips so that we can edit both the face cam and the gameplay Clips individually so let's just highlight all the FaceCam we're going to right click and then create compound clip that's going to turn all of that footage into one solid Clips instead of a bunch of separate different clips and then we're going to do the same thing with the game play below now I'm going to what the heck face am I making right there what the heck is that sometimes I make the silliest faces on camera anyways we're going to have the compound clip selected and I'm going to take these corners here pull those on in and that's essentially going to create our FaceCam that we're going to want to have over our gameplay but I'm also going to want to crop this in a little bit it's right now it's a little bit you know on the longer side it's 1080p but let's kind of make it slightly more Square so on the right hand side where you see all of these tabs you're going to want to stay within the video section and then click on the mask option and within here you can select one of the different MK features that you want your face cam to look like I want to go with the rect rectangle so that's what it would look like if it was just fully rectangle I can control how big that square is going to look and I'm just going to position this to a nice size that I like that looks pretty good there going to go back to the basic section and then now I can just reposition it to be perfect the way that I want boom there we go what's also really cool about cap cut is that you do have a cutout feature if you want to use it so if you enable the auto cutout essentially making a green screen effect without the green screen one other thing we want to do on the face cam real quick is go to the adjustments Tab and this is where we can apply some color correction or adjustments to our image so instead of it looking like the default look that it has we can actually modify it to be maybe a little bit brighter maybe add some more contrast to it got the saturation in here as well and if we want after we apply these color adjustments we can save as a preset or we can apply it to all of the clips I typically usually don't like applying the same color correction across everything unless all the clips have been recorded in a similar fashion so we're going to do our own color correction for the game playay we don't need this face cam audio anymore as our commentary audio is included within this gameplay clip with the game audio and then next we're going to have both of these clips highlighted we're going to right click again and we're going to group the clips so that way they're always together they won't be separated they're Inseparable unless you ungroup them now what we can do next is go through this entire timeline and cut out the parts of this group clip that I don't want anymore the things that won't apply to the video whatsoever the group clips that will remain will be either the most important or the most entertaining Clips out of everything that I recorded that way something is always interacting or engaging the viewer I switched a lot between the select and split features select I use to select certain clips that I wanted to tweak trim down or modify and to select certain clips that are in a grouped format you have to doubleclick the clip that you're trying to select the split tool is also very valuable as you can access that by just selecting the b key on your keyboard and this allowed me to fine-tune where I wanted my starting and end points to be or where I just didn't want certain Clips to be included at all within my video now on the right hand side here you're going to see features tailored to the timeline specifically so one being enabling and disabling the magnetic effect on the timeline so if your Clips are all spread apart and there's a bunch of gaps within your video timeline clicking on this magnetic feature will scrunch all those clips in together so that you remove all those holes for clips that are stacked on top of each other and you need to keep them in alignment you have to double check to make sure that those clips individually are grouped together so that way you can select the magnetic option and everything will come in as one versus all the clips separately doing their own thing which is not what you want and then there's the preview option and I liked actually keeping this on as when I was in select mode I was able to just skim across my entire video project versus with it off I don't see what's going on at all so this feature is really nice to see where you need to place your playhead specifically if you need to the next thing I'm going to do is go back through this video and see where I want my full face cam to be blown up within the video versus it just being small on the left- hand side there that gives the video a little bit more of a dynamic effect but what's also cool is that we can key frame here as well so going over to the right hand side you're going to see this option to add a key frame so select that diamond and then you can play through and we want the key frame to stop here so we we're just going to zoom in a little bit just like that and now when we go back you can see the key frame effect see how it's zooming in from the starting point to the ending point it's exactly what we wanted you know those clips that we deleted early on in the video well I'm actually going to bring those back in as I had captured these from theater mode and these clips are awesome because they add another angle to my gameplay experience that I wasn't able to Showcase just within my view with my overlay clips now placed within the timeline where I want them to be I kept a couple of the clips to be integrated into the intro of this video so between the 4-second time stamp up to the 8sec Tim stamp that's where I want to integrate these clips so to make these clips a little bit interesting we're going to do a speed ramp on the Peter Griffin clip see how it's pretty smooth and he goes right up into his face right there until he till he decides to move so we're going to make it normal at first and then Zoom it in Zoom to there and if we want to speed ramp this all we need to do is with the clip selected go over to the right hand side and we're going to go over to the speed Tab and then here under where it says times you can adjust the speed of your clip so if you want it to be faster then you just increase the time here like this and it's going to adjust its duration automatic ially for you based off of how fast or slow you want that clip if you want it slow just move it below the one times Mark but we want it fast so it's like 18 times speed but it looks better and right when I say bosses I want this one to come in here and you know what I want to add some text here too to make this intro even more Dynamic so up at the top here go to the text Tab and there's tons and tons of text effects that you can select from I think I'm going to add this one on in let's readjust this a little bit so instead of dollar sign and a number we're going to put boss boss ACR fornite okay intro's looking good now all right all right all right how about some visual effects for some of my full face cam shots yeah this one's pretty good let's go ahead double click it in the group to select it and then we can go over to the effect tab I want a more creepy Vibe I like the fog for some reason I'm going to go ahead and apply that effect just put it on the track over where your clip is crop it in and now that's not bad so many effects you can choose from there's no way that you don't find something that you like let's jump to Transitions there's a bunch of transitions here I usually don't like to go overboard on transitions but we can put maybe one in the intro here just to Showcase to you guys how these work so all you need to do is go into this section here and then just find a transition that you like it does require a continuous clip to make it work so what we can do is I'm going to cut that part of the group out I'm going to bring this in and then I'm going to go and get my glare transition and now I can pull that and put it right in between so now take a look at it see exactly what we want and we can actually change this transition timing by just stretching it on out a little bit make it a little bit longer looks pretty clean one more thing we can't forget about before we put a button on this video is the audio component cap cut has a massive selection of music and sound effects many of them which are copyright free to check out and use we can check out the music tab and you can see there's a whole bunch of Music That's trending here and if you scroll down here on the left hand side cap cut actually breaks it out by genre which is so handy I think I'm going to go with this top song so we're just going to bring it in the bottom and this is going to be my intro music music you know we don't want to make this too loud either I think we'll do like a minus 23 and then I want this music to stop once I get into like the gameplay portion cuz I want the game play to basically stand on its own and not have music to distract it now that doesn't mean you don't have to include music yourself you can totally do that it just depends on the vibe that you're going for but we do need some sound effects so you can either use the sound effects that are in cap cut right here and there's a whole bunch of them guys to make this easier I would just click on on the drop down for sound effects and then go through the different categories that they have here to try to find what you want if you don't see what you want here you can always download your own sound effects off the internet I'm going to bring in the metallic whoosh right onto my timeline and I'm going to line this up with when the speed ramp happened up here each the locations are for all five bosses across the fort perfect yeah that was nice yeah we can make that a little bit louder but I I like the way that this sounded I do wish they had more sound effects to match the transitions that they offer they have all these glitch transitions but then they don't have Glitch sound effects which is wild to me but that's cool we can get our own here we go put that on down here to where this transition is and one other thing we're going to add here and it's at the very end it's going to be a little subscribe Bell got to let the people who stay to the very end of the video understand that hey if you enjoyed it you got to hit the Subscribe button it's it's just a given right you got to you got to do it I think at this point guys we're in great shape to export this video so without anything selected if you look over on the right hand side select export you can choose the location you're going to save your video on your computer in addition to the resolution up to 4K the bit rate codec rendering format and frame rate this is a nice little extra feature too by running a copyright check that way you know if you're uploading something that's copyrighted or not let's export depending on how good your computer is we'll determine how long this export process should take and once you get to this export screen here after your video is already rendered you can actually publish it straight to Youtube or to Tik Tok if you signed into those accounts or if you just want to handle that all yourself you can open the folder and check out where your file is located on your computer and you know what let's give this final video render a little watch welcome to the new fortnite chapter 5 season and today we're going to be checking out where each of the locations are for all five bosses across the fortnite maps and we're also going to see how easy it is to take them out and get their Mythic weapons so Peter Griffin you will find right here at sty snoody sty snoody steps all right we're good whoa so we got to we got to join the party here boys anybody else not there's Peter these guys are really going to really going to get clapped right all right new strategy this time guys we're going straight on top of the house you got to be kidding me what the how where did you get a gun so quickly come on man jeez what is happening all right he sounds like he's over here oh he's got the coin yes yes let's go see that's how you do a little cleanup job somebody else got Peter but we got the coin ladies and gentlemen oh yeah oh yeah mhm mhm mhm so there you guys have it that's a look at the cap cut desktop app for mac and Windows computers if you want to take a look at the full video edit that I did check out the links description below or check up on screen as well and I also have another video up on screen here if you want to look at the cap cut mobile editor app app which is also extremely capable for long form and short form content so if you want to see what that's all about check that video here and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: MidnightMan
Views: 38,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5 gameplay video editing, capcut edit tutorial, capcut video editing, capcut tutorial, video editing tutorial, video editing for beginners, capcut desktop, capcut pc tutorial, how to use capcut, capcut for desktop, capcut tips and tricks, how to edit in capcut, video editing software, edit gaming videos on capcut, capcut gaming edit tutorial, how to use capcut pc, capcut edit tutorial transition, capcut for beginners, capcut beginners tutorial 2024, capcut edit mac os
Id: jYqH0P4BwvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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