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what's up guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here welcome and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to make this effect right here it's a pretty cool text effect so let's get right into it the first thing that you want to do is you want to get kind of like a black background so if you can't find the Black Background where you just don't have it downloaded you can just put any clip that you want here any picture and you're just gonna go over here to video basic and you're going to turn the opacity all the way to zero and there you go that there is your black background the next thing that you want to do is go up over here to the text tab drag and drop this default text right there and there you go this is about as long as I need it for this video and there you go we can crop this and boom I'm gonna name this example all right so now you're gonna click your text icon right here you're gonna go to basic okay you're gonna go to basic change the font to whatever you would like I would I am going to use some lemon milk bold because I really like the way that it looks and just make it pretty big on my screen okay but you can make any size that you would like then you're gonna go over here all the way to the animation Tab and click wave three right over here and you're going to go to Loop make sure you're on Loop you're going to click wave three and you're going to change the speed all the way to the longest speed possible which is three in my case so that way it flows in and out and it makes that really cool effect now what you're going to do is you're just gonna export this so I'm going to name it sample okay after you have it exported you are just going to import it right back into your cap cut boom you're gonna take it and now you have it here we can delete our old and there you go we have the text video right here all layered so now what we want to do is we're going to go over to the effects tab click lens and we're gonna go down right here to Edge Globe we're gonna drag and drop it right over the text and fit it to where we need now with that we're going to change it a bit lower you're gonna put it to around eight to ten whatever you would like I'm gonna keep it at eight because you don't want it to overwhelming boom and now what you're gonna do with this is you're going to export it one more time okay and once you have it back into your thing all layered nicely with glow on it you're gonna look up on YouTube any kind of video that has any LED lights and cool effects that you can use all right so I'm just gonna drag and drop my overlay right into here I'm gonna grab it let me just chop it up real quick boom so after you have your overlay you're just gonna crop it you're gonna put it right over your text and as you can see if I hide this the text is still under there so now what you're going to do is you're going to go to video right here you're going to go to blend mode and you're going to go to blend mode and you're gonna click darken and as you can see the overlay has gone into the text and it looks very very clean and very nice if you play that back that looks really cool there you go there is your text there you go and there is your guys's text thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: Maybye
Views: 20,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v3VgfNcPFXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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