How to Make a Smartphone in Blender 2 8 - Iridesium

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[Music] [Music] hey what's up guys Joel Adams with Iridessa and I am back with another tutorial today we're gonna be taking a look at modeling a smart phone so this tutorial is gonna be a little bit long we're gonna be modeling it using blueprints and then we are gonna be moving on to shading it and setting it up so that we can get some pretty slick renders with it so anyways with that out of the way let's jump right in and get started I'm gonna open up a new scene in blender and then I'm gonna go ahead and delete everything so a X and delete then go to the front view I'm gonna go shift a and add in a background now we're gonna go to the desktop and I'm gonna open up some blueprints I will provide these blueprints for you so you can follow along now we're at the front view so I'm going to go ahead and open up the face of the phone so this one right here now currently we are in the front view you get to that by hitting the one key on your numpad if you want to get to the back just hit 9 that will give you the opposite of whatever view you are on now I'm gonna go shift a image and background now we're gonna add in the back of the phone so we've got the front and the back now let's add in the side so I'm gonna hit three and then shift a mesh background I'm going to add in I believe it's the left side so if you go three to the side view you should see this and this button right here should line up with this button here yep so now we're gonna go three and then hit nine to flip it and go image background and I'm gonna add in the other side which is the right okay now I'm gonna go seven shift day mesh background and this is going to be the top let's just make sure these cameras right here line up and they appear to okay now let's go seven and I'm going to hit nine again to flip it image background and let's add in the bottom and that should be good you should have your blueprints all set up let's begin modeling the phone I'm going to start by modeling this back piece so let's go shift a mesh plane and I'm gonna go to the side view with three rotate 90 Riis and then let's move it back I'm gonna hit tab into edit mode and move it over here now in object mode let's hit control a and rotation location and the scale just like that alright so now I'm going to go tab into edit mode control are at a loop here and a loop here then click on this vertex hold control while I click here and then here X vertices and we should just have one corner add in a mirror modifier and choose Z as well my turn on clipping tab to edit mode and let's edit this go ahead and bring this up so that it aligns nicely with that and this over so it aligns right here with the side of the phone now let's make this little curved area I'm gonna go ctrl R to sort of quarantine it I guess X Versys go ahead and fill this space and then I'll maybe subdivide it and we'll say three times now I'm going to move this out this out and this out very nice I'm gonna go ctrl R to add a loop here and this is gonna fill that just like that let's add one more loop right here and this is gonna fill here and then this should filled nicely as a quad so now control two to add a subdivision surface do that while you are in object mode then I'm gonna go ctrl R and add another loop here to tighten this up without the loop you can see it's really smooth fall-off we don't want that and one more here so it's already a really good start let's go here and look at our mesh so you can see that what we need is a little bit of a bevel I guess this piece needs to come out a little bit and then move toward the phone as we get toward the edge of the piece so I'm going to hit I to inset it now I need to remove all this inset data here so what I'm gonna do is hit B box select all of this X vertices then hold down ctrl select that G X to drag it over this right here will be G Z this one as well and then over here we'll go e X and fill this very nice so now I can select this loop by holding down alt and clicking on somewhere along the edges of it and then go to the side view with 3 and I'm gonna go G Y that now we're going to give this piece a little depth so let's go E and extrude it just a little bit on the y axis and then e Y again something like that tab out into object mode and then shade smooth alright that's a pretty nice-looking piece so far I am next going to focus on this ring around the edge of the phone that has all the buttons and crap in it so let's go into edit mode on this object and select this loop right here shift the P selection so with this I'm going to go to the back with control 1 or you can just hit one and then hit 9 and I'm gonna go period 3d cursor that's going to set our origin point to the 3d cursor so if we hit E and s it is now going to scale or from the 3d cursor so I'm going to go s and scale that up and then aspects something like that now let's move to the side view G Y and then e Y now with this one I want to mirror it across the y axis as well so go ahead and turn that on and then drag these two together until they meet you can see that the faces are sort of coming up here so what's wrong here is that our normals are screwed up and basically the mesh is inside it out so to fix that hit a to select everything and then shift and that should fix it right click shade smooth now back to the side view I can work on this shape a little more control R and let's scale this up I'm gonna go s and then sy SX sorry now I'll grab this loop and slide it down something like that now I'm gonna grab this loop here and we're gonna do the same exact thing we did with this piece so go to the side view again and then we're gonna go e Y and then e Y one more time ctrl R to tighten that up as well and that should be good now you've got this very subtle crease right here which adds a lot of realism to the phone so let's add a couple more pieces I'm gonna work on the front face and then before we move to the details we're gonna add some materials and make it look really slick so the first thing I'm going to do is duplicate one of these rings so let's go to this piece and I'll maybe grab this loop right here again shift D P selection now go ahead and grab that loop tab into edit mode and I'll just drag this over just till it matches perfectly up with this edge and you can see in the blueprints we're getting a little bit more of a curve here as if the front of the phone sort of curves down as well I'm not going to model that you can if you want to of course my models not going to be perfectly accurate since I'm not modeling that but I'm okay with that all I want is a recognizable phone it doesn't need to be exact so it's hide this and this so that all we have is this wire and we're gonna model this strip right here around the edge of the phone so II s and this time to shift why so it doesn't scale at all on the y-axis that would be very bad if you don't do that it will scale towards the origin point here on the y-axis and become concave or in VEX so now I'm going to go ahead and DoubleTap G to sort of reposition these and control G X and then I'm gonna go G easy to tighten that up you want to make sure that these are evenly distributed the more evenly they're distributed the nicer the curve is going to be so something like that looks pretty nice we obviously have to model this piece as well however before we do that I'm going to go ahead and apply the modifier across the z-axis because we don't want to have to delete the z-axis part of this when we're done so tap into object mode I'm going to turn off the z-axis mirroring for this copy it and then turn off X and turn the Z back on then hit apply now I've got the z-axis applied I can go to the front view and freely edit this control R add that in E Z I'm gonna pull this over easy control R so you can try to control this just with the loop cuts like I'm doing here or you can manually do it I'm personally going to manually do it because it's going to be a lot safer I think easy we just don't risk ending up with nasty curve that we don't want go ahead and fill that I'm going to hit ctrl R and fill this and control are one more time something like that that looks pretty nice now I'm going to add another lute cut here to again tighten up this um this curve so that we don't get something we don't want and that looks decent now we're going to do the same exact thing that we did last time again we're gonna select this loop and then switch to edge select and then this loop and here all the way around make sure it's all selected once you've got all of it selected then I go to the side view hit alt H to unhide the other two pieces so you can see what we're doing in relation to them and then go e Y just a tiny bit and then eat Y one more time to give that some depth as well shade smooth now once you shade it smooth you can see we've got this weird problem here again that's basically the same thing we had earlier just tap into edit mode hit a to select everything and then shift and to recalculate the normals now I've got this I'm going to go ahead and model the actual screen I'm going to select this piece right here alt and shift shift D P selection so now in order to see this better again I'm going to hide all the other pieces of the phone to have into edit mode first thing I'm going to do is cut this area off so fill that and then fill this so I'm going to have to add a loop here and I live here fill this and now I'm gonna go ahead and fill this piece down the middle filled up drag this over and then I'm gonna fill this control-r and then double tap G ctrl R again double tap G go ahead and fill those if you select one object and hit the slash key on your keyboard it's going to solo that object so you can see it by itself it's pretty convenient so I've got this soloed so I don't see the background while I'm editing this go ahead and to fill that and then let's add another two edge loops and fill those so we've got these two vertices I think we can connect those here and here yep we're gonna have to add one more then select this and time I'm gonna go control our and begin adding in these loops 1 and then 2 now if you select this on the end and fill it and then just select these two you can just tap F until all those holes are filled so let's hit slash on the keyboard to bring everything back and then alt H to unhide it now with this piece instead of selecting the edges I'm just gonna select the whole thing and I'm gonna first move it back this is the actual bright part of the screen duplicate it and I'm going to add in a solidify modifier tab to edit mode shift n to recalculate the normals and give that some thickness just it's tad now let's drag it forward so it aligns with the front so now this is the glass that goes over the actual screen pretty cool so let's begin working on some materials and lighting setups for this phone first thing I want to do is hit ctrl s to save this file and once the file is saved we're gonna open an HDR I so switch to your rendered view I'm gonna click this little icon right here that will switch to our rendered view right now you don't really see anything if you go to your world settings here and click on the color and then hit environment texture then you can open this texture I will give you it is an HDR eye and it has this kind of cool soft green and red background like this and it's just gonna give the phone some sort of ambient and also cool looking lighting so now that we've got this let's add some materials I'm going to go ahead and grab this ring this rim and we're gonna give it a metallic material and altering the roughness down a bit something like that and we'll leave it white that looks fine now we're going to grab this screen I'm gonna go new and give it a glass once we've given a glass we're going to need to go down under the settings and turn on screen space reflections and then under the render settings turn on the screen space reflections and refraction when I hide the glass for now while we work on the actual LED behind the glass let's go new emission and then what you want to do is grab whatever phone's screen texture you want I'm going to go use an image texture actually and go open and I should have this cool iPhone X screen open and tap into edit mode we're going to UV unwrap it in order to UV unwrap it properly I'm going to need to apply the mirror modifier so that our UVs aren't mirrored as well so go ahead to your modifiers and apply that hit 1 and we're gonna switch over to the UV editor right here tab into edit mode go to the front view I'm gonna go you project from view a scale this up and if you switch to look def you can kind of see it working right here I'm gonna set this right inside these white lines cool now I'm going to switch back to our layout here and that looks pretty nice turn up the strength and then what you can do is turn on gloom now if you hit alt H it's gonna unhide the glass you can't really see anything reflecting in the glass turn the roughness all the way down I mean you can but it's very our background is super ambient so we're gonna add a fancy shader to the background real quick drag open a new window here and switch it to the shader editor now switch to your world and we're gonna add two backgrounds one background is going to be the background we see and the other one is going to be the one that actually affects all the objects in the scene so let's duplicate this open up a new background and we're gonna choose this one now I'm going to go shift a shader mix shader' plug that in here and then drag this into the top slot now we're gonna go shift a input and we're gonna add in a light path node put this up here and drag is camera ray into this mix so now what we have is a sharp background reflecting in the phone and then a sort of soft ambient background actually being displayed in the viewport if I turn the strength of this up that's going to make it so that when you move this across the screen it will kind of glow pretty cool so let's add materials to this Ren I'm gonna go new and we'll make this real dark and turn the specular oops all the way up and the roughness down and then we're going to turn the base color down as well so now I'm going to go ahead and add that same material I'll just call this black to the back right here this is gonna get the black material this right here is the glass so we'll say glass and call this one very nice so this is the beginning of our phone it's looking pretty slick and what we need to do next is continue adding some details to the geometry we already have so let's close this switch back to solid view and switch back to front view hide all of these objects except for the rim and we're gonna add in these buttons first thing I'm going to do is apply all the mirror modifier so go ahead and hit apply it has been applied across all axes and we can now edit any part of this without messing up the other parts switch to the wireframe and we're gonna add in some loops for this button here if you go to the side view you can kind of see what's going on with this button control R and now that we've got those loops in there let's mess with them a bit I'm going to turn off subdivision for the edit mode and [Music] now let's add another loop here and another loop here I'm going to drag this over double-tapping G now I've got the perfect space for our button go ahead and select this P selection let's go ahead and hide the button part tab into edit mode I'm going to select this whole loop e Y now X and then DX one more time then I'm going to add another loop of vertices here and one here to just tighten that up time to edit mode shift n now add one here here here and here very nice alt H pull and hide the button we can now go ahead and select everything hit I to inset and then G X to drag this out I'll select all these e X DX one more time and let's add a couple loops to match the loops here something like that now I have a very nice button modeled right into this side I'm going to add a material to this delete that old material and I'll call this flat black and let's turn the darkness down and the roughness up maybe even further something like that and then I'm going to turn the bloom threshold up here as well so we don't get quite as much bloom so I'll switch back to solid view yet again and we can continue adding details so I'll show you how to do a couple more of these buttons and then I'll let the rest of them rest of the details be up to you there are some details here in the bottom of the phone you can see there's this cord and then there's these speakers I'm going to go ahead and model all that little detail and then I'll come back and we will work on the camera together [Music] alright so now I'm going to go ahead and model this little charger port on the bottom now in order to do this I don't want to have to model this side and then move over and model exactly this side so what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit alt h to unhide everything on this object and then I'm gonna hit B box select and then ctrl + + P selection now this object right here I'm going to delete everything right here on the left and add a mirror modifier now we can model whatever we want them are done we can apply this and add it back with this same object and remove all the double geometry [Music] so now that we've got that applied this mirror modifier grab your original rim piece and hit ctrl J then tab into edit mode in a and alt M by distance that should move twenty six vertices removed and that should be good so now let's model the camera on the back I'm gonna go control one to go to the back view and I'm gonna hide all these pieces just like that now let's go shift a mesh plane I'm gonna go our x90 and move this back now control one again let's drag this up here scale it down and I'm just gonna try to get the general shape of this thing all the way to the edges here now it's having to edit mode and add a loop here and here delete all the excess geometry and add a mirror modifier that's gonna go on the x and y tab into edit mode and let's go ctrl R again we're going to sort of cut off this area e so we can make it smooth fill something like that to control to let's turn clipping on I'm gonna go control R out of loop here fill this and then ctrl R add a loop right here fill this and fill this again so now we need to add this on the inside instead of doing it the way we did it on the phone I'm just gonna scale this piece down scale it on the X and model this inside first control R to add a loop and tighten up that curve now I can go select the edges here shift D P selection and I'm gonna grab that and go shift s cursor to selected period 3d cursor e s scale that up scaled on me why now I mean on the X and drag that and this and this till a curve is exactly right so now we've got this let's extrude it I'm gonna go to the side view G Y put it right against the phone right here tab into edit mode and extrude it out now I've got this again we're gonna add some loops to tighten all this up tab right click shade smooth now if you hit alt H should have this nice rim so now this piece that we made can be the glass I am going to add a solidify modifier again make it very thin G Y add in the glass material this one's gonna have the I don't know will sacrum that doesn't look good then we'll switch to black so now I'm gonna hide this well we model the actual cameras shift a mesh circle 16 now let's go our X 90 degrees tab into edit mode I will go period medium point and scale this up and then II S a select all that let's move it back let's go control to I am then going to add a little bit of glass on the outside here and I'm gonna actually reduce the resolution of this piece just like that right-click shade smooth let's I live here add those together so now I'm going to go and add an array modifier let's set this to one and hold shift to get more control over the value and then just drag that down very nice I'm gonna add a couple of materials to this first one is going to be block and the second one is going to be glass l and assign that alt H let's model the flashlights let's go shift D and move this down kill this I'm gonna delete everything except for one little cut X vertices one loop sorry this loop scale it up a bit this is a flashlight so let's go e y yes again I'm gonna actually reduce the amount of vertices we have here to make it easier to handle now I'm going to make this into a square so let's go shift s cursor to selected add an a plane scale it down our y x90 sorry and let's fill this and this it's like that old M at last at last so now I've got this cube I can't extrude this out that's gonna be the actual LED it's a bit big Tabb I'm gonna hit everything and shift n select everything and then shift in let's go I to set this here so now alt H look dev rendered looks pretty nice what you can also do is you can actually go into the shader editor and you can grab something like the glass here I'm gonna go texture noise texture if you control shift click on the noise texture it's going to show you that I'm gonna go ctrl T if I have the node regular add-on enabled then it will allow me to do that ctrl T I'm gonna plug this into the object instead of the generated now turn the scale down now I'm gonna go color mix shift D plug that in here I'm going to turn the distortion to 1 and the detail up widen a converter color app put that in the roughness what I want to do is I want to actually plug this noise texture into the vector here go color mix and mix those the more you turn this up the more sort of bizarre noise you're gonna get now at the color app let's set this to b-spline and carefully tweak this they don't want too much roughness yeah something like that if you turn this darkness down then the rough spots are gonna be less rough so now we've got a little bit of variation in our specular you can copy this whole set up to the rest of the phone if you want so now there's a couple other things you can model if you were to go to the front view and hide everything except for this piece you can see that there is a camera and this little speaker I believe it is in the front of the phone you can model that if you want to otherwise you can just leave it what you might be able to do is use these existing vertices oftentimes it's best to find existing vertices to model something out of rather than going and getting new ones that way your model stays or resolution so now if I pee selection and control our control I here and here I can go with this that in and then Gribble this very nice this I'm going to set to flat block and you can do the same thing and model the camera there which I kind of recommend because it's kind of obvious in any case this is how you're gonna model the iPhone X you can see it's come out looking really slick and you can even come over here and tweak some of this maybe if I turn up the ambient occlusion that will give us a little bit of darkening right here on the edges and we've got screen space reflections on then what you can do is you can add in a camera control alt numpad 0 then you can set up a cool angle something like this now if you switched your render you've got this which is pretty cool and I'm gonna go to the camera settings turn on depth of field I'll set the focus distance and then turn the f-stop down now of course this is gonna look nice and easy how ever it's gonna look better in cycles it always will just because cycles is a ray tracing engine actually that's not true I've had instances where Evie looked better but they are few and far between that's basically it now all you need to do is animate some slow sweeping camera motions and added some very generic business music and you should have a pretty realistic iPhone ad if you do come up with something I would absolutely love to see it go ahead and join the ear desam community with the link in the description and post your work there anyways that's all I've got for you guys today thank you for watching and I will see you next time this is Iridessa [Music]
Channel: Iridesium
Views: 142,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phone, modeling, blender, animation, smart, vfx, product, iridesium, blender3d, 3d, cg, blenderguru, guru
Id: FMiFJg0phSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 11sec (2171 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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