Car in Blender 2.8x - PART I - Modelling [ Beginners ]

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[Music] in this course we'll be looking at how to make a car like this using the open source 3d software blender the course is divided into four separate videos in the first and the second video we will look at how to do the modeling from the overall shape of the car to the wheels and other smaller details in the third part we'll be talking about the shaders mainly the carpent shader and once we are done with that we will also look at the basic rendering setup and the lighting in the fourth part of this tutorial series we'll be looking at how to make the animations that you have seen so far and also the other upcoming preview animations there is no strict prerequisite for this tutorial series but it's really good if you know the basic interface of blender selecting scaling and doing the basic transformations that really helps but i've done my best nevertheless to explain each and everything that i do and i think you will find it pretty easy to follow in order to make the modelling process easier to approach we are going to make the car one part at a time in this particular video we start from how to get the references and work our way up to the base model for the car as a bonus somewhere in the middle of this tutorial we have a section on edge flow which i think is very important i really go in depth and we discuss very thoroughly how to do it on our model all the reference images and anything else that i mentioned in this tutorial will be linked in the description below so check that out the final tutorial file with the model material and the animations can be downloaded it's available on my gumroad account in the process of course you'll be signed up to my weekly newsletter link is in the description below obviously i'd love to have you on it but you can unsubscribe at any time one last announcement before we get into the tutorial i just published the online store for blue inversion at the time of this recording you can find smart shaders grounds and roads it's a shader pack containing 100 procedural shaders which i think is a must have if you make any kind of nature scenes in blender including ground shaders pavements and even roads once you buy it you will keep receiving free updates forever so check it out right now link is in the description you will not be disappointed [Music] and finally this is cheyenne and you are watching blue inversion open up a new blender file i will click on the point lamp and delete it with x now i will use the default cube as a guideline for the reference images before that i will set the viewport display to where you can press the accent grave key on your keyboard and access these views i'm making sure i'm in the front view now i can press shift a and under image reference i'll navigate to the reference folder you can see that this is the image that i got from the it's a preview you can go ahead follow the link in the description and buy the full resolution one but i think the low resolution is good enough for this tutorial so i will not go into any premium versions as you can see it comes like this i've just cut them up into different views in you can use photoshop it's a very trivial image editing process so go ahead and make these separate images for yourself i'll select the front reference image scale it down to match the dimension of the cube now you can see that the height is not matching at all so i'll just scale the cube to match the height it's done for the front view i'll repeat this process for the other views right now i'm in the right view [Music] i'll scale the cube along the y-axis because we haven't yet set the length of the car on onto the cube after this reference image is done now we have the full three dimensions of the car length breadth and the height so now for the other reference images for example the top reference image we just need to match it up to the cube we are not going to touch the cube anymore select it and press r to rotate and holding down the control key will give you a snappy effect and this way you can snap it to 90 degrees easily without having to type 9 0 literally and now i'll just scale it to fit let's go to the back view you can see that we are able to see the other reference image even from the back side and from the front side so we do not really want that make sure you're selected and we'll go to the properties here and change the site to front now you'll see that the reference image only shows up in the front side and not on the back side so now we can go into the back view shift a image reference let's select the back reference image load it up scale it down and we are just repeating the same process here and now we have finished making all the reference images and we can get rid of the cube now so i'll just delete it now let us select all of the reference images from the outliner and let's move them to a collection i'll press m new collection let's call it refs references i will get rid of the other ones get rid as in i'm hiding them in the viewport using the i icon here so this is the active selection right now i'll change the settings here we can set the depth to back side to front we have already done that i don't want it to display in the perspective view so uncheck that i'll give you some transparency 0.7 will be fine bring back all the other reference images you'll see they follow the same old settings that we had that's fair enough we just need to select everything make sure the first one is the active one that we just edited and then just go to the settings right click copy to selected make sure you do this for all the settings that we changed you'll see that all the reference images follow the same settings which is exactly what we want now you can see that we can interact with the reference images in the viewport which is not very good especially when we'll be modeling over them so what i want is i will just click here and make sure we have this selectable icon visible here i will click here and this will disable selection in the viewport for all the members of this collection so now you can see we cannot edit it in the viewport anymore perfect i'll just collapse this collection here it's a good time to save this blender file i already have it saved so i'll just press ctrl s to overwrite or you can just go into the file and save [Music] i will right click on the outliner select new collection let's call it something like car body we will have the car objects inside it make sure you have selected that let's go to the top view press shift a mesh and we'll add a plane i will go into the edit mode with tab grab it and place it here let's move this vertices up a little bit so basically i'm going to start modeling from here i'll press ctrl r and add a loop cut here basically i'm bisecting the plane and i will select these vertices press x and delete them let's go to the modifiers and add a mirror modifier make sure you have the merge checkbox enabled in that way we do not have extra vertices and all that when we apply the modifier anyways let's get back to the perspective view this time i will add the solidify modifier increase the thickness and then i will add a subdivision surface modifier push it to two and that should be fine i'll come back to the solidify modifier and increase the crease for inner and outer not all the way because we just want a basic amount of grease because later on we'll be adding grease to individual edges i'll get to that i'll right click and shade smooth make sure you're in the object mode when you do that okay so let's get back to editing again in the edit mode and now i can grab these vertices and move them around we just need to make one half of the car obviously so it decreases the work a lot press ctrl r to add a new edge loop and keep adding more until the curvature looks kind of right right now in the wireframe mode we have some curved edges as you can see and not the real mesh i like to have the real mesh so i'll go into the subdivision surface modifier and uncheck optimal display this way you can see all the faces that got formed i'm adding multiple edge loops here you can use ctrl r followed by your mouse scroll wheel to add multiple cuts let's move the vertices along this edge loop to match the blueprint modify the adjacent edges as well so that they follow the overall curvature i think this is a perfect time we should add some photographic reference and especially for the ridge here that is not visible in the blueprint so i'll just show you one click on the drop down and change the view to uv editor click on open i'll just navigate to where i have my photographic references this one comes from tesla's official website i have all the links in the description by the way so you can see that we have this ridge going along this part so we do not have that in our model so i'll just go into the top view select this edge loop uh maybe we should move it around a little bit as usual i'm using edge slide by double tapping g on the keyboard i'll deselect these two vertices in order to maintain the overall shape i'll move it along the z axis let's take a look you can use this button over here to hide all the overlays when you want to see the model or you can also use the combination of alt shift and z on the keyboard now we are getting somewhere you can see that the curvature is pretty sharp and we have a really smooth transition here we don't really want that so i will just push this loop closer and this time instead of using edge slide i will actually move it along the x-axis otherwise the curvature will be maintained and it will still remain a smooth curve so i moved it closer a little bit so we will come back to this later on now let's move on and make the other parts of the car now till now i have not used any extrude function now we are going to use the extrude function here i'll just select the edges on the side here let's deselect this one and i'll press e on the keyboard to extrude [Music] if you want to select a longer edge just click on the first vertex and control click on the final one it will find the shortest path between them i'll extrude once again so i'll just continue extruding until all these parts are filled up i'll make sure not to exceed this border here in the blueprint because we'll have a different separate object for that make sure that you are switching the views very often so that you do not lose control over the overall shape you can get tunnel vision and you can have good shapes in one axis but then when you move into other views you will see that it completely looks bizarre make the next part of the mesh by extruding this vertices right here i'll select this vertex press e to extrude let's keep on extruding [Music] now i'll extrude this whole thing along the y-axis now you can see that we have left a gap here which is why it doesn't merge properly i'll select these two vertices press g along the x-axis and just when it merges we will apply it that should do the trick you can see that we are getting some strange artifacts here that is because the normal is not set properly just dab into edit mode select everything with a and then press shift n on the keyboard it recalculates the normals now it looks fine [Music] i want a very clean ending here so this is kind of curved right now so make sure you have selected this scale it along the y axis by zero just type zero on the keyboard and it will make it perfectly align i'll place it there [Music] so let's select the outer boundary i'll click here ctrl click to select this one ctrl click [Music] so you can see here that it found the shortest path but it was not the correct one so it's better to have smaller increments while you're selecting using control click all right so now we can use shift e to add crease i'll get rid of the overlay [Music] i also add some crease here [Music] now you can see that we have some bad shading going on after we have applied the crease especially along the edges it will definitely improve if we have some more subdivisions but there's another way of calculating normals in a better way so you can come here under the object data properties under normals you have auto smooth you can change the angle here and depending on the adjacent difference in angle between each face it kind of calculates where to apply the auto smooth and wet not to 30 works most of the time it is working perfectly right now in this case so i'll leave it at 30. before we move any further i'll press n on the keyboard i'm going to view and change the focal length to a little bit higher like 80 then the perspective effect is a little bit smaller and it helps me work and zoom you know so i kind of like working in this kind of viewport i will go ahead and work a little bit more on this and i will take my time as much as i can to push it towards perfection and then get back to you guys i've spent quite some time on this one and you can see that i have added a lot of new edge loops and edited a lot of the vertices one thing i want you to notice is that i've added this extra edge loop here and then i have grabbed it and pushed it along the z axis in that way the crease here is more pronounced now before we make some final changes i like to change this one to the outliner because i'm missing the outliner right now and let's change the name of this because we'll be making a lot of this smaller parts of the car and then we'll be able to keep track of them if we have them properly named and organized so let's call it something tuck it in once again so now i want you to take a closer look at the reference again and you can see that the part of the car body near the wheel is pretty flat so i'll make sure i'm in edge select mode and double click on this loop next i will extrude and scale it now i will move it with g and then switch to the vertex select mode and place them uniformly [Music] i'll select this new edge switch to the front view and extrude once again along the x-axis i do not want a crease here so i will just press shift e and type -1 this will remove any amount of grease and then just like earlier press g along the x-axis and then wait till the merge i will add another edge loop here you can see we have some artifacts here i think we should scale this along the x-axis by zero now closing this is kind of optional if you're making the interior of the car then you should follow the interior design as well but we'll only be making the exterior of the car in this tutorial so i will close all the gaps that lead to the interior so that light doesn't leak into the car and that leads to unnecessary light bounces you'll see what i mean when we get to the shading and lighting part so now i can call this part of the car finished let's keep moving on let us start working on the trunk part of the car now and i will be making it as a separate object now you can add a new mesh like this you then again have to set up a mirror modifier and then the origin will not line up properly you have to put it in the right place again it's a lot of issues especially because of the modifiers that we have already set so generally what i like to do is i just double click on this edge loop that is the terminating edge loop of the previous object that is this one just hit duplicate with shift d confirm it first you can see that it is now a duplicate edge loop i'll keep it there at its place but i will now press p on the keyboard and selection now it has been separated as a different object now i'm in object mode and you can see these two are separate objects so let's go to the top view let's first give this some name pull it back inside make sure in the edit mode for the trunk object i do not like to have grease in the first place uh i might add it later on so i will just press shift e minus one so the crease is now gone i will quickly extrude [Music] now you can see we have a curve right here so let's do that i'll just select this vertex here i'll press o on the keyboard that turns on the proportional editing you can also use this button let us set this to sphere select this one vertex press g and now you can use the scroll wheel to change the radius of this influence now when i move it along the y-axis you can see that the other vertices are also coming up along with it so this is called proportional editing now you can see that the grease that we had earlier added it's no longer required in this case because we'll have a different kind of topology here so i will let go of this extra edge let us switch to the edge select mode i will select this edge i hope you can see it and just press ctrl x it will dissolve that edge in fact let us dissolve this edge as well because we do not need it anymore you can see we have a huge gap here that is because of the crease that we just got rid of so go into edit mode select this edge loop and add the crease again [Music] now i want you to notice something we never moved this edge or this entire mesh along the z axis except this side then why do we have a change in height here it does it's almost like hovering over the previous mesh now that is because when we extruded it out it created new faces and when the new faces were created since this is not a closed object blender misjudged the direction of the face that is the normal so it is currently having flipped normal here for these faces and we just need to fix it so make sure you're in the edit mode press a to select everything then press shift n just like before i'll add another loop cut here just to close that gap really well we can come back later to this and line it up better but for now let's keep moving on with the other parts you can see in the blueprint that we have a window here and there's a lining also it goes down there on the side and we have the what's this called the rim light let me start modeling them all together let's get a rough idea for it and then we will start refining so i will add some loop cuts here and just get started with extruding [Music] if you feel like the other objects are becoming a hindrance to the view for example when i'm in the front view this front part of the car becomes a hindrance to the back part which i'm actually working on not this one so i can hide this and instead of hiding all the other objects one by one you can just select this object that you're currently working on press the forward slash button on your keyboard and that gives you a local view of this object only but in that case you cannot see the references anymore which works fine most of the time but since we need the reference images here so i will just go into the outliner and do it manually you can see that the reference images are still turned on so we can just view the reference image as well [Music] [Music] now if you notice closely there are a couple extra edges here and it makes the mesh dense in this part especially when you're using sub de-modeling in plain terms you're using subdivision surface modifier in your modeling process in that case the low resolution base mesh that you are working on in edit mode it is good to have uniform distribution of geometry for it and if you are using too many edge loops to define a smooth curve especially over a large area it gets really hard to manage so it is better to have fewer edge loops when you are working with subdivision surface modifier so i will not have so many edges here i will just select these two edge loops and press ctrl x to dissolve them now these fewer edges will be much easier to handle now let's join these two overhanging mesh parts i'll just select this four vertices and press f to make a face between them now let's switch to edge select mode notice what i do here you can select this edge and then press f and it will fill it up automatically now let's do the same for this part now we need to follow the vertex count of this edge i will just select this vertices shift g to duplicate and move them along the z axis join these two with f switch to edge select mode keep pressing f until it fills up [Music] i'll quickly add the hole for the window to sit in in fact i will also include the rim because i will add the rim as a separate object let us start bordering from here [Music] i'll select all of this press x and delete all the vertices i'll add some crease to this because you can see in the blueprint that it that it points out a little bit a very slight crease right now you can see that it is giving us a hard edge that's because of the auto smooth checkbox that we have turned on here we didn't do it on this particular object but the previous object had it and since we duplicated that object to make this so all the properties were inherited so i'll just uncheck it for now and we'll see what we can do later on i will quickly go ahead and add some more grease and make some finer adjustments by the way with the wheel i will repeat the same thing that i did for the first one and also close this gap along the x-axis so work on that later a lot of refining needs to be done especially you can see that there's this ridge here that goes up in fact let me show you some more references i will load in another one and you can see that we have a sharp ridge right here and i hope you do not miss that we just need to make sure that we have an edge loop which protrudes up along the z axis [Music] so you can see that we are already starting to see a ridge form here we just need to pay more attention to the reference image and keep on refining it and carving it out i think it's a good time to talk about edge flow now so in all quads model like this where all the polygons that make up the mesh are quadrilaterals that is they have four edges now if we have such a clean mesh then we can add loop cuts easily all right let me show you if we had any kind of triangles for example this one i will select these two vertices and press j and join them so now we have a triangulated face these are two triangles now since we have a triangle now blender doesn't factor in the loop cut through this face anymore so it kind of it's a dead end so you cannot make further subdivisions easily you cannot make adjustments later on to your model like we can do right now like see you have the loop cuts easily going through them so that's why having a all quartz model is essential if you want to have a clean model and geometry now what is edge flow so if we have all quads model now you can see that this loop cut if we apply it here goes through this way this is the path followed by the edge loop now similarly from this face if we just move our cursor a little bit we can see that there's a new loop cut along this direction so how does blender know that this loop cut goes this way loop cut could have gone this way but that doesn't happen and blender knows that that is not what we intend and we kind of rely on blender for calculating that now let's say we want to change that we want this new edge to be flowing in a different direction so let's say we have this loop cut now instead of keeping it this way we want the loop cut to reroute this way and also from here we want it to rear out this way now you can say that should be pretty easy depending on what we just did using the triangles so you can see that the loop cut currently goes wants to go through this way so we just need to obstruct this one right let's try i will select these two vertices and join them with j now it cannot go through it anymore now since we want the loop cut to reroute at this point so let us obstruct any further movement i will just join this two and make it a triangle so for this part of the loop it's fine this is where we want the loop to flow for the rest of the loop we want it to go through this way and this loop to go through this way how can we do that now that's the problem you can have triangles obstruct the way of a edge loop so in a way changing the edge flow but now you have triangles in your model you have introduced non-editable parts which will obstruct any new edge loop or any easy editing to your model so let us look at a few different solutions that i generally use so first one would be to actually add the edge loops so i added two edge loops here we wanted one of the reroutes to happen from this intersection that's why i added two edge loops that will intersect there now what i generally do is i just select the remaining parts which we do not want let's say these are waist edges and then we dissolve them now you can see we have a triangle so naturally the next step is to get rid of the triangles in this case it seems to be pretty easy right here i will just select this vertices and press j that will join them i'll move this around a little bit all right now you can see that we still have two triangles here i'll select this edge and dissolve it now this has become three different quads now we are again back to all quads but you can see that the edge has been rerouted all the other edges still follow the old way of adding edge loops but only for this set of faces anything you add in between them will follow this edge direction now [Music] now there can be another brute force way of doing the same thing i'll undo the whole thing first now we are back to what we had instead of adding edge loops i sometimes start drawing directly now we can do that by using the knife tool you can press k on your keyboard and you get this knife tool which can basically draw points and once you confirm it with the space bar you have a new edge so now i'm just literally going to brute force the edge that we want so i'll just draw through this not caring about any quads or anything so now you can see we kind of have what we wanted but there are a lot of new challenges popping up the triangles you can see that we have a triangle here here and there also here so these are all the triangles that we have i color coded the faces let's get rid of the subdivision surface modifier so that we can see it clearly so we already know how to solve this one just join this get rid of this edge and we should be fine let's work on this let's see we want the loop to flow this way so i will select this one and then select this vertex press m on the keyboard now it can merge at the last vertex so the merged vertex is placed at the last vertex that we selected we still have nothing solved i will select this edge right click subdivide let's add two cuts switching to the vertex select mode we now have two new vertices here let's join these two so we have solved this part of the puzzle now if we join this two switch to edge select ctrl x now we have something happening here but we do not have the correct edge flow it is kind of leaking this way but we wanted it to go this way so let's see what we can do but on the bright side i think we have almost got there i will perform a few final moves and then we should get there let's select this vertex and this vertex join them with j now we have this new vertex in the middle i'll press ctrl x to delete it make sure you are in the vertex select mode [Music] so let's select this vertex and this one and press j now if you look closely this and this are two separate edges so this is a quad and also this one is a quad so let's try ctrl r here we go we have the complete edge loop but let's not forget about the final little triangle that we have here now the final piece to this puzzle seems to be really simple so i'll just select this two vertices and press j now just get rid of this edge in the middle once you've got rid of that edge you will see that the vertex here is also gone so i'll just press ctrl r click here and it will add a new vertex so you can see that we got rid of all triangles and now you can just test that we have a new edge loop here that follows the exact pattern that we wanted so let's re-enable the subdivision add smooth shading and now we are back [Music] so i will add some more crease to some of the edges like this edge right here a slight amount of grease here i will align the newly made edge loops to the blueprint let's add a loop cut here for this part let me show you another reference now this time this is not from the tesla website literally i had to get it from wikipedia you can see that this part of the car is kind of pushed back a little now we will not be making the metal or the logo so instead of having a hard cut like this we will just push it inside and have a smooth transition from above the rear lights so let's go to face select mode and press c on the keyboard this time the circle select feature let us select all these spaces we need to push it inside you can use g but it won't give you the desired result as in the reference image so what we want to do is we will extrude it if you press the e on the keyboard it extrudes it inside now couple things number one sometimes extrude doesn't detect the correct alignment and so the axis that it extrudes along is kind of screwed so you can use alt e and you can select extrude faces along normals this way you always get the correct orientation now the second thing is you can see this weird artifact here so make sure you are in face select mode and just press x for faces so i will go into add select mode this time scale along the x axis by zero and then we can push it towards each other until it merges and just like we planned earlier will not have this sharp depression will kind of ease out the curvature here now you can see that there's a separation going on here because the trunk can obviously be opened so what i generally do is that i just check the lines in the blueprint where this separation is taking place and then attempt to kind of line up one of the edge loops along this line now i have lined up two edge loops along the blueprint separation line then press ctrl b to add an edge bevel [Music] i'll switch to face select mode press x on the keyboard select faces now i will go ahead and add some crease to the newly formed edge loops i'll also add some extra edge loops for sharp edges it's time that we separate these two parts into actual different objects i'll select all with a press b by loose parts now we have two separate objects here now let's quickly rename this new object as body back now as usual keep chipping away at the model and refine it as much as you can i will come back with the finished one now this is the refined version and i'm pretty happy with this you can see that i have done quite a lot of work on this part added some crease along this direction many more edge loops here also if you notice here i have extruded this part out really close edge loops here in order to give it that sharpness also a lot of work went into this part in order to make sure that they both line up properly since they were now two different objects make sure the object is selected now for the slice that goes to this part i'll just add a boolean modifier to it by default operation is set to difference and that should be fine i'll go into the edit mode select one of the nearby edges press shift s cursor to selected now we have the cursor here so now we can add a plane here let's scale it down a little bit i'm going to the object properties display as where now let's go back to the object i'll use the picker here [Music] and pick up this object let's select the plane add a solidify modifier let's go back and check the height of it it's a little bit tilted as well so you can see you have a lot of control when you use booleans for the cuts you can also change the thickness from here [Music] let's bring back the initial model this is how it looks now i will quickly do some organizational stuff like this plane it's inside the car body collection i don't like that i'll move it out into a new collection let's call it booleans because we'll have more slicing so it's nice to have a new collection for that [Music] let's start working on the car doors for this purpose i will use a little bit different approach i will use the loop tools so you can go into edit preferences add-ons search for loop tools this comes by default with blender but it might not be enabled so make sure you have checked that now if you go into edit mode and right click you'll see you have the loop tools menu so let's get started i'll select this mesh go into edit mode select these four edges duplicate with shift d press p to separate by selection now you have this as a separate object do not care about the double lines that is because of the solidify modifier i'll do the same for this one i'll select the two new meshes press ctrl j to join them now this is one object i'll go into edit mode right side view i'll select this set of vertices here duplicate with shift d move along the y axis i will place the vertices by hand i'll select these vertices in the middle press shift e -1 to get rid of the crease you can see the vertices on this loop here is a lot that will cause problems when we use loop tools because we need to keep the same number of vertices so i'll start dissolving the vertices here with ctrl x now we are ready to use the loop tools i will select all the vertices right click loop tools loft you can play around with the settings here i will add some more segments i will give it a smooth shading i will select this edge loop down the middle press ctrl b to add a bevel shift e to add grease x to delete the faces in between i will also add crease along these edges i will also add supporting edge loops which will give you that sharp corner now i will work a little bit on refining it and come back with the finished one you can see that i've added a boolean object here for the cut instead of using the bevel method that i just showed you this is because i wanted to use the thickness feature here if i want to adjust it later on you can keep any one you like i'll just move on to the next part now [Music] now for the rest of the car i'm not going to go into the details and just throw in a quick overview of how i approached it because most of the techniques that you can use for this kind of modeling we have already discussed you can just use it as an exercise as well if you want to kind of apply whatever you've learned so far this will be the best opportunity to try that and moreover you have the blend files available so you can go ahead and download that and take any reference if you want so this part of the car will be the base on which the whole car is sitting so that's the final part to it now we can move on into making the windows for the car i'm just going to use a subdivided plane as the starting point and then i will just keep extruding and as usual if you're facing any kind of issue while following this tutorial because i know this is not a very step-by-step tutorial i'm kind of giving you an overview here then you can write that down in the comment section you can give a time stamp that helps so that should be it for the windows and you can see that i've left a little bit of a gap that's because i will add some rubber lining and stuff like that that the reference image has now i don't really want too much light bounces going on behind the wheels which is not going to be visible so i added these two simple meshes there nothing fancy going on just made it out of the simple cylinder that comes with blender so that should bring us towards the end of this tutorial now we have the base model of the car and we will go into the details in the next part thank you so much for watching till the end of this tutorial the other parts are already uploaded so go check out the playlist and let me know what you thought [Music] you
Channel: Blue Inversion
Views: 749,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d, car, tutorial
Id: VGPvxIrobFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 42sec (2742 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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