Tutorial: Quick Smooth Camera Movements in Blender

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hello my name is Austin and today we are going to make really smooth camera movements ridiculously fast so we are going to be animating on a camera in real time just by recording our camera movement and that's smoothing the keyframes I've been doing this for almost all my projects recently it's such a nice way to just rapidly prototype your scenes so select your camera go to view cameras active camera the whole key of this is number zero so you can scroll to make it fullscreen and right click camera lens angle and then let's do 20 millimeter there we go and now we have a wide-angle camera so we want to just look around and move using WASD so go to view navigation walk navigation now you can look around with your cursor you can move around using WASD you can move up and down using cuny and you can press G to turn on gravity right click the cancel and let's set up a hotkey for this so view navigation and when you hover your mouse over walk navigation right click and go assign shortcut and I want to do shift F just I mean it was the old hotkey so shift F now when you press shift F you can look around so how do we record this well press Auto key press space and then you press your custom up key which is shift F and then you can move around and you're making key frames let's take a look at this in the graph editor because that's really cool right click down here and go to vertical split and split if you put in half and set this right panel to graph editor and let me show you this will show up in real time it's really cool so press space and then shift F and when you're moving around we are growing keyframes in real time at whatever frame rate you're on so these keyframes aren't exactly really smooth so go to key smooth keys and they just get smoother but if you see here we didn't record any keyframes here so it's not really possible to make it smooth so what you can do is you go to hkey sample keyframes and it will create keyframe where you didn't have one so to fill the gaps just use sample keyframes that's the trick and now you basically know everything about this method let me show you delete everything space shift F move around let's do 360 degrees let's move around like this there let's stop it there select all your key frames there select particle go to key sample keyframes so shift alt oh and then auto look at that you can just hold alt Oh 37 times it just goes automatically and then it becomes really smooth look at that okay cool one last trick until we're ready to go to an advanced see so delete the keyframes press space shift F let's move around up and down zoom in zoom out and to make the start be a lot smoother go to the first keyframe press I for insert and press available now we have a keyframe at the beginning you might see where I'm going with this so let's go to 180 frames press I and select available so now we have keyframes at the edges too so when you press shift alt o for sample keyframes you get keyframes all the way to the beginning and to the end so now you can just hold alt o again 34 times and when you look at the animation it starts really smoothly and this is just really powerful I mean look at all the times we have just deleted all the keyframes and we're just making stuff it's such a powerful tool so let's take a look at this in a more advanced scene here I have a car and this is not sponsored by Audi I just this is just an amazing looking vehicle ok so I'm a cave using some textures link below there free creative comments 0 so this car isn't in cave and I've set up my camera here by the way to make it CinemaScope you can go output properties and set the resolution to something more scope II so select a camera in the out planner and let's go shift F and let's just move around and see what this scene looks like I'm not recording right now I'm just looking and when I'm walking around you can see I'm getting awfully close to the ground and I don't want that I want this to be like a Steadicam operator that is 170 centimeters tall or so what you can do you can press G and it's good to fold the ground and you can presumably to jump and this is really powerful because now we have a walking cameraman in the cave with a really expensive car so let's just back out here and I want to start okay so I want to start here yeah I wanna start here so turn on AutoKey press space and press shift F and then press G now we have turned on gravity and we're looking with our camera so let's move into the car see you go forward go around a little bit there we go that's slow and steady let's pause here for a second let's go fast and then let's see it logo and then let's go back okay I I think I've just made it yeah okay we're good let's see what it looks like when it's not smooth there we go holds up a little bit there okay nice so let's split the viewport right click down here to go to vertical split and set it to graph editor and here our keyframes let's go to the first keyframe press and make sure the camera is selected press I and insert available and then the last keyframe well we're almost at the last but anyways 23 seconds press I and select available and now let's go shift alt oh for sampling and then just hold alt oh so I'm gonna hold it for a little bit let's do I have my screencast keys you can see okay 88 it's probably a lot but let's take a look so it starts low I think that's really cool I mean this is so little work to just get smooth movement and it takes so little time yeah so it stops a little bit too soon you know what let's just extend the animation and let's make a new keyframe last frame insert available and let's just smooth it a little bit more so now at the end oh I forgot to add sample oh yeah so smooth a little bit more yeah and you know if you want to do another version of this just delete everything and it's going to take you 23 seconds and 19 frames to record a new animation and once you're getting used to doing the sample keyframes and smooth keyframes that's a cup of seconds in addition to the recording of the movement itself so I hope you see the value in this workflow and at least try it out it requires no specs it works with all render engines you can do this in blender export the camera to Olympic and export it to any other software it's just such a powerful way to animate the camera so I'm going to show you some of the work that I've done with this now and you can let me know what you think and subscribe if you want to see more [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so if you're still here here's something that's so dumb it might actually work take a picture of a Steadicam operator make a cutout and parent it to the camera so when you move around it will follow the camera and then in the reflection of the car paint you can see this subtle just glimpse of technology which might be enough to throw your viewer off is this real it's the surrender so this is really stupid and you probably shouldn't do it thanks for watching
Channel: Polyfjord
Views: 704,332
Rating: 4.9772 out of 5
Keywords: blender, animation, camera animation, steadicam, smooth, stabilized
Id: a7qyW1G350g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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