CGI for Product Advertising Using Blender 3D - Part 1 Modeling The Can

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so first thing first we are going to model the  can object which is our main center of focus   and the main product so let's delete all the  stuff from the background we won't need them   go to the top view sorry the front view and bring  our background template image which is uh can   template you can have your own design or you can  just ask the product designer you're working with   company you're working with to provide the  template or the outline or basically the   what do you call the mean shape blueprint yeah  so we are going to lock this reference image   we don't want this to move by accident  and bring the radio reduce the opacity   just enough so that we can see other  stuff happening in the background   so there are several ways you can  model this object you can use a   cylindrical shape and modify the loops  but a better way to model this kind of 360   cylindrical shape is to use a screw modifier  which is also known as lead or revolve in other   softwares so let's bring in a bezier curve and go  to the edit mode and yeah we are going to delete   these vertices we won't need them because we are  going to create new vertices i believe this is the   starting point click here to create  a new point and uh scale it down we don't want this curve to be too big for the  next tangent curve in case you're not able to   scale or rotate it press v for vector type and  set it to free so you should be able to register   now just like a graph editor v is for vector  and okay i'm going to trace it as precisely as   possible in case you want it to be 100 perfect you  can always ask the product designer to provide the   cad data for this but in this case the requirement  is not to be 100 perfect it should be visually   you know control click and  keep creating new points and   make sure we get out of shape as  good as possible take your time and in case you need to okay yeah rotate it r okay yeah so when creating a new point   so yeah just need to take a visual judgment  on how big the next curve is going to be if   handle is too big or too small you'll end up  wasting your time on adjusting the handles so   it's uh just uh look at the next contour of the  object and just set the handle type accordingly this one is easy shape here and we are going to  just skip this entire vertical section and create   a pointer during so again this handle handle is  too big we are going to scale it down because   the next curve is much sharper and this image  is not exactly a front view as you can see the   bottom have curvatures if it was an orthographic  front you would see the lines to appear flat for rotation you can also type on the  numpad just type 90 degree quick and easy so we are going to use our imagination here  and assume these curves were flat and make   curves as we understand them from the visual just one more point control click and you can also use the e e for extrude to  create a point it's similar to extrude command   all right so we have the half of the curve  which we need for screw modifier could be   going to save this file can blend you can sorry  yeah and uh rename this bezier curve to cancun go to the object mode and the origin point is not in the center so we  are going to bring it in the center before   we apply the modifier here so go to the  edit mode sorry we align the cursor to word   it should be in the center it could be either  in the center or the center of the profile curve   i mean the half of the profile curve and the  coater are set origin and origin to 3d cursor   so the orange dot which was on the top  right now is in the center of object screw modifier so this should work so the profile curve is now a 3d object  it's a pretty simple modeling tool i'm   sure pretty much everyone is aware of  this we are going to increase the steps   so that even when we zoom in in  the close-up there are no polygons   seen because this is not a gaming model  and there is no limitation of polygons just bring in cavity and maybe better  previewing option 2.8 have good ones   having look at the this looks fine okay make sure the origins origin is is in the  center and we delete this reference image we   don't need this instead we'll bring it  bring in another image for the top view   which is this one align it properly we it doesn't look symmetrical but that's okay we can   do some adjustments lock it again  and you bring the opacity down this one we are going to model  with the subdivision modeling   like uh sorry the let's bring in a circle and we  are going to model the vertices with the vertices   scale it on for the outer edge   okay this looks good so you're going to go  in the edit mode just make sure there are   not too many points and just enough  which we can modify and manipulate let's have a look at another image which is uh   for the reference and let's see what  is happening in the top view exactly so it starts somewhere here and then  there is a kind of a d boss curvature and   comes up again there are two steps of debuffs so we'll select the outer edge alt right  click and press e to extrude and just scale it   down create another step ees ees  scale it down stop it right here   and this internal part we are going to model  manually so just delete half of the model   we can use the mirror modifier  later in the wireframe mode   so that the other side of the model is deleted as  well just in case there are any overlapping loops   we'll manually place these  points and trace the shape just make sure the distribution of vertices is even they are not too random alright almost done and yeah maybe a better spacing okay so we have half of the shape and   maybe yeah okay we can use the mirror modifier  on this one before that let's make sure our   edges are aligned select the outer edges  and scale in x-axis and set it to zero   we'll apply a mirror modifier and see what  is happening turn on clipping so that we can   there's no need for overlapping at the end of model let's  have a look at smooth model   with the subdivision surface any  wrong edges will be seen here yeah it just look it looks looks fine so we'll apply this mirror  modifier and go to the edit mode   just select this one ctrl  right click ctrl right click   ctrl right click and we'll make a extrusion  here in the inverse direction z direction okay alt right click here to select  a loop so let's see what is happening   here there is acceleration in the  z-axis we are going to scale it down   and then there is a circular shape  inside for that we need another extrusion maybe not so much exclusion here we need to bridge this area here ctrl select the edge and control click   and just trace the circular the overall  shape we have right next to the opener don't worry about this circular shape not being perfect here once  you apply the smooth modifier the subdivision   surface the shape will look much better but  be careful and make it as good as possible and adjust these points a  bit here and smooth this loop okay create an extrusion in the z direction  scale it down a bit and we are going to grid fill   this search grateful grateful again and adjust the parameters if  you need to yeah 4 works fine here so now   what we need to do is apply some  smooth on all the all the sharp corners   we'll hold right click and select the loop  shift alt right click to select multiple loops   alt right click here alt right click here this one   and control b for bevel i think uh this  default settings are good three segments let's uh test it with the  subdivision surface shade smooth the model looks fine i think this will work okay just unhide our can  object and let's place our can cap on top of the can g and c so next we are going to model is the can  opener for that quickly bring in a plane   and place it right at the center of the can  opener go to the edit mode and select this edge   control and control click control click just  like before and keep creating this these new   edges can do yeah i'm just going to quickly  save it control click ctrl click here and   trace the entire outer shape ctrl click here not  too many of polygons just enough so that you can control them in case you need to adjust any vertices  let's select this one and ctrl click here   don't worry about uh edge loops too much  here because so this is quite a simple   model and we are not going to rig it anyway  it's uh yeah ctrl r and bring in two loops but it's always good to have good loops i'm  going to bring three more loops here ctrl r   ctrl r is set to add loops so we need a yeah bridge this one  here ctrl click and scale it down ctrl r and just to match it with the rest of  the model so that we can easily close the loops   okay let's see what we can do here yeah ctrl  click in the in the vertex mode to do that   press one one is for vertex and i'll select  these two points and press f to fill the gap   f is for fill then i'll select these three edges  and press f and f after filling in the one of   the polygon you don't need to select edges again  and again it automatically picks up the next loop   so you just need to press f for the next one  yeah but for that you need to have some edges like maybe ctrl f here make some better  placement some gap here and i'll delete this loop here it's not required  sorry dissolve edges because we want only the   edges to go and polygons to stay  here slightly better alignment and   you're almost done with this one   you need to make room for one more edge loop here  to connect it with the internal part yeah ctrl r   here and select these two points and f select  these three press f to fill i have to fill here i will select these outer edges and scale  them in the x-axis with the zero number   just enter zero yeah so ctrl click and press f   go to the object mode and apply a mirror okay  once again we are going to bring the origin   here select this edge and the origin to select it so the origin into 3d cursor and  then apply our mirror modifier here   subdivision surface to check all the loops   working fine okay the loops  could look look good we'll delete all the modifiers sorry about that and   go to the edit mode select these outer edges  and scale sorry bring them in the center extrude all the polygons in z direction   we need some thickness in the  object maybe one more loop here okay hello so i'll click bring in another loop  here sorry about that it was a crush and   select these two edges and press b  and bevel it and it will create this   hexagon shape i'll select these  polygons and extrude them in z-axis   okay bring in a mirror modifier and   shade smooth okay so apply another mirror modifier  we need this for a z direction all the polygons slightly above so that   it's heading in the right direction  make sure it's not overlapping   apply all these mirror modifiers  and we are going to close the   edge loops here select these  two and press f and press f and select this one and then you can just press  f it will automatically pick up the next one very useful command internal edges as well now with these two press  f it will automatically pick up the next one close all this and go to the  object mode sorry this one as well f here yeah they should i see some sharp corner here i hope   there is a there are no double vertices  let's just cross check remove doubles   yeah there are no doubles here   but it's always good to select all the  vertices and just apply remove doubles so that   the model is clean let's go to the object mode and  apply a subdivision surface maybe two subdivisions   look good okay so there is a slight uh tilt  here we are going to tilt our model and locate this one select our given point  to 3d cursor and rotate it down a little   just like our visual reference and we are going to  select object and favorite point is already to the   3d cursor we are going to rotate it and  bring our opener to the right place g and z solve it more place it right here i'll parent it to the cap so  that we can scale it properly training is going to be a child of  this object but we'll merge them anyway   place in the center of can model okay  let's have a look at this it looks fine i think we have our model ready it's a pretty  simple thing nothing too complicated about it previews are so much better in 2.8 the viewport is   much more exciting and so not just the  dull gray colors it's fun to look at let's just convert this model to just getting used to the new interface i think cap and opener   we'll call this collection the can before we move forward we need to convert this  to a mesh object right now it's a cover object   when you go to the edit mode you still  get a profile curve not the polygons   so uh yeah you need to convert it to  mesh so yeah in eric mode you see you   can see it's still a curve and uh not the  polygon object go just search for a mesh to   uh scroll to mesh so now you  can see the polygon object i'll save it as alright now that we have our can object ready we can  move on to the next part which is uv unwrapping   let's have a look at the can template here so  there are two main part one is the silver one   and when one is the main body and another third  one is the basically just a text it's a graphic   we are going to need a seam somewhere here i'll  try to click ctrl e for edge menu and mark c another edge here all right click ctrl  e mark seam and the back edge here   we need not the entire loop but uh control right click here still here and ctrl right click and close this one press ctrl  e and mark c you can also select this from here press 3 for faces select all the faces  sorry not all the faces but the linked faces   select any of these and press l it selects the  linked island basically till where the seams are press help make a new window  for a uv and bring our image   for text before that let's  just apply a material here   go to the object mode and bring in a new  material just a basic uh principality psdf can yeah so bring in a image texture  and open the graphic we have here   so that we can see what is happening in the  uv now go to the uv editor and select the   can graphic we just imported now we have the  edge faces already selected press u and unwrap   rotate it uh on 90 degree r90 switch to  the lifter mode to have a better look at it   and maybe yeah scale it in the  z axis sorry y minus 1 here   so yeah this looks good and i think because our  texture is about the right size there is no need   to adjust any but the right size there is no  really simple straightforward cylindrical shape   i select the top polygon and press l to select  the link till where the seams are select this   one as well and uh press u sorry select this  one press u to unwrap so use the sync mode   just getting used to the new interface here i  think it's uh yeah sorry sorry about that so there's no need to have a   separate space for the silver part because it  does it will not have any texture but just a shade   just a shade so i'll just place it right above  the can i'll create another material silver select these silver parts i'll press l for lint and  assign l for linked and assigned i think we have the uv ready all right so uv is done and so there are total  three materials one is silver one is the body   and one is for the text text have a slight  bump in this and have a different shader   like a silver shooter slightly less  brighter we'll switch to the cycles   because our final output will be in the  cycles but we'll use ev for previewing go to the world and apply a hdr we  have so that we can preview our models   this one just go to the hdr i think  this is from hdri heaven i guess   so okay to have a better look at this  what is happening in the shader   we'll create a mesh creator emission  plane so that we can see the reflections   like the interaction with the material  of the light even though we have hdr   just closer objects like how much  roughness we have in the material let's see okay give it some thickness maybe so just in case i'll disable this one in a camera see which  material we have selected i think this one is uh yeah so we are editing wrong material we need  the body material here metallic so increase   the metallic and specular it's going to be a  shiny object no need for specular tint here   roughness yeah slightly rough it's going to be  not going to be too chrome like reflective but it's a slightly more glossier than silver it should show this plane here i think  if yeah it's showing the emission shader   the reflection plane increase the clear coat like a different uh  another layer of coating which is like a glossy   coating you see on top of cans bring in our herbs texture here  instead of what we already had   look at this one is the the main  body sorry the graphic uh background   let's see sorry now instead of alpha it's going  to be color color is going to be green and maybe bring in a mix shader and  trying to adjust this color here make a duplicate of principle shader  and mix it with the existing one   and this one we are going to use for the body  make sure this one we are going to use for yes the silver body we have i mean now the main body so let's see copy the texture node and   we are going to use the main can graphic model texture here which is a  filled with all the information and branding and we'll let's add a bump to the  herbs texture we have here so very   slightly very little amount of bump  which you can only see in the close-ups   it won't be seen much from the distance  but still gives a depth to the model as you can see all the strokes are popping out and   maybe not so much we'll decrease it  point five maybe it looks point three okay instead of the strokes we'll invite this one let's see if this looks good  oh i'm going to remove this ctrl x   and instead that let's let's see 0.4 you can't see the difference much here but  uh it's mostly going to be visible in the   close-ups point four value is working  fine but keep it and make a copy of   sorry let's just bring in another  principal and mix it with the   main shader this one is going to be  the text graphic and slightly more uh   roughness like the silver color like  silver material and the color will be black i bring in a texture node here let's see yeah so we'll merge  it with the main body material   we will use the blender text which we used earlier  for the uv mapping this one and use it as a mask yeah so now you can see the   text appearing on top of the helps but the  can body we can have a different color silver i like the combination here you  can decide your own color it's uh   nothing crucial here about the colors as long as your main shader is good   i just i'll make the hubs slightly  darker with a curved rgb curves and slightly maybe but eu value is not affecting  much here because the model is silver   i think it's fine we can add  bump node to the text maybe okay make a copy of this and  give a slight bump to the text increase the strength here okay  let's see if it's affecting the model okay i think this mod uh the shader  looks fine and uh we'll bring in maybe a light here to have a better look at the  model although the hdr is working fine but uh   let's see if we can have a  better look at the reflective parts select the area and move it out of the group   okay   so the can shadow looks good we  are going to create the silver   material now which will be  used for the cap and the bottom maybe slightly more specular and stretched  some stretch in the reflections maybe okay so for this material this silver material  we are going to use the anisotropic bsdf   very simple setup it basically it's like a brushed  metal kind of a material that the reflections are   uh like stretched and it's a   not like a straightforward reflection like  how you see the cd it appears on the cd and maybe the dials of the watches   are you i think you know what i'm talking about  here let's increase this value and this topic   and all the reflections once you  increase the roughness reflections looks sorry not with the roughness it works along with the roughness here   so as you can see all the  reflections are like all stretch and   0.8 value is working fine but we don't  want this to catch so much reflection   information should all blur and  only the colors should be received okay so the material looks fine here we make a duplicate of this entire thing  so the model and we'll create another   set of sorry another can here and  color this one differently go to the 3d view maybe okay so we can  have a better look at both models excuse me so for this one i'm going  to duplicate our existing material sorry not the slot but uh yeah sorry and we'll make a  copy of it and rename it can green and body green and we change the value u values uh here  saturation values we used earlier and   make a separate color for this one nothing nothing else changes just the colors okay so maybe not so dark and we'll make  it more subtle color green looks good   for the actual commercial i was given  i was not given the liberty to use   whatever color i want and like i  was given the palette to use already so this is just for the tutorial  purpose i'm going to select yeah this may be slightly darker decrease the intensity of light a bit  it's creating too much of a harsh spot so the color looks fine i'll make the blender  graphic sorry yeah we need to change the text color yeah so this may be more reflective   um i think we need to rough slightly  less reference reference roughness so it's hard to like work and talk so i'm  just getting used to it sorry about that   i keep forgetting i need to continue talking  and just give the instructions so i'll make the   main body green color slightly darker  the graphics with the rgb curve node graphic looks fine i think  these shaders should work   now in the next chapter we are going to  add some drops here like all over the cans all right so i'll i've i just  did the colors a little bit here   i can make the bottle slightly darker and  the herbs little more saturated i'll get   rid of these references we don't need them  anymore the ones we used for modding purpose   and maybe align these two bottles for better  view in the front i'm going to rotate them and   okay so much better let's go to the visual development mode  look development mode sorry and bring in   maybe icosphere or much smoother much smoother  tail thing maybe a sphere and apply a shade smooth   nave it drops we'll use this and scatter  it on these cans with the particles   make a new particle and go to the shader  let's go to the shader editor first   very simple shader for this drop here we'll use  the transmission 100 it should work all right   let's use the hdr we have in  the scene and drop looks fine principal shader works pretty  bad even with a very simple setup   we are going to paint uh our weight paint here  on the cans we don't want the drops to appear   too much on the text so that the graphic  is visible and it's not on the can cap   and stuff but just the body sides let's make a  new vertex grip and a paint feed on the bottle   fill an entire bottle and uh just leave  the sorry they just paint the entire thing   and then we are going to erase the part  subtract the part which we don't need you can always just invert but just going with the flow  now i subtract this part and the top part here we don't want  to drops to appear on the edges all right similarly i'll just  go to the object mode and   some maybe slightly more paint here the weight okay similarly we'll paint here and  not just copy the weight because   we want things to be random  and not very replicated not much to do here just going to quickly make  bold strokes on the body and erase this part   you can do it with a control and  make new particle system with no physics numbers maybe it  should start zero and stay there   thousand numbers let's keep it as  it is and physics we don't want any and select the object the drop object  we have okay so the drops appear uh   operate on the can maybe increase  the size and make it random not too many 150   around 150 works maybe okay  maybe reduce the size a little   and i definitely spent much more time than this  to set up the things properly in the first attempt let's see if there is anything else we can adjust   okay let's select the weight paint we had  created like a painted in the vertex groups and create a apply the material particle  system you already have the particle system maybe name it for a better organizing drops yeah   i'll give it a different seed because both cans  look very similar and like the drops appear very similarly on the path you can use the seed parameter here   let's have a look at the  render what's happening here drop looks much better in cycles like   this proper shadow and specular  happening looks more photorealistic   to have a better look at this i'm going to bring  in another emission shader like before and just   to apply existing material and let's see how it  looks when it receives the light from the back okay the cans look good i think uh   maybe one more light here and let's see  if there's anything else we can improve   all right i think it's working fine we can   move on to the next part which  is uh animation and simulation so we are going to use a splash which  will interact with the these both cans and maybe some animation in the cans according to  the storyboard we stick to the storyboard here all right see you in the next one
Channel: CrossMind Studio
Views: 201,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender3d, animation, cgi, advertising, motion grpahic, vfx, product presentation, tutorial, crossmind studio, animation studio, render, cycles, eevee, Blender, 3D, Animation, CGI, Computer Graphics, Art, Design, Creative, Motion Graphics, Texturing, Lighting, Rendering, Modeling, 2D, Illustration, Game, Cinematics, Film, Movie, Creative Content Creation, Cartoon, Indie Development, Game Development, Production Design, Digital, Adobe, Autodesk, 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, Simulation, Dynamics, Visual, Sketching, Blizzard
Id: kMMQ1thCgSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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