How to Create Your Own Realistic-Looking Binder Rings (using Keynote & Procreate)!

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[Music] hi this is Kay from K digital studio and today I'm going to show you how to make rings or binder rings for your digital planner for an example using the new goodnotes 5 app still a few bugs in this app here are some examples of rings that I drew in procreate and then just is another example and then here are my newest rings that I also made in procreate so I'm going to show you several different methods of creating these rings and I'm going to be utilizing two different apps I'm going to be utilizing keynote that already comes with most Apple devices as well as procreate which is an app that cost about 10 99 or so in the u.s. from the Apple Store so I'm going to start with keynote first just cuz that's essentially the easiest app to make these rings in and I'll show you an example of some rings that I was creating earlier so here's just a few examples and all the tools that I use to make these rings are in peanuts so I'm going to begin by new presentation white background delete these okay so you'll begin by pressing this plus button in the top right hand corner and there are several different ways of creating rings in keynote as well so I will show probably my favorite way first so I clicked on this curved line option and then I'm just going to situate how I want my curves border [Music] it's pretty good and again this is just all personalization how you want these rings to look whether you want them to be a little bit whimsical if you want them to be realistic or just anything based on your style so I'm going to set the width of this line at about hmm maybe 14 but of course this is digital you can change it later if I desire so oops I'm just going to set this as a darker gray color that's fine and then I'm going to come up here again and press the circle and these are essentially the holes in your paper so you're going to line these up oops and I'm going to make this block you're gonna click arrange and then move it to the back [Music] let's zoom in here and down a little bit papi until united states [Music] paste because we want even circles and then I'm going to arrange this circle back as well perfect and then we have straight edges here which I really don't want so I'm going to come back in I'm going to grab another circle and this circle I'm going to make more oval shapes and a really annoying way to rotate shapes and Keynote is actually using your fingers so you're going to press one finger down and then twist with your other finger kind of a painful way to rotate shapes and Keynote and then I'm just going to kind of match the edges here to make a more curved ending might irritate this son and again this will all just come with practice and patience [Music] and then I'm just gonna make this the same color great papi we're gonna paste but we have to rotate this oops press and now I'm going struggling press and twirl then we just need to resize it [Music] amazing so this is the basis of our ring structure if we wanted to make this a little bit more holistic we can also add in a glare and iron a glare by doing this clicking the circle again I'm gonna button this out and make this super skinny and then we're just going to change this to an either right or an off gray color so we added a bit of a glare and you can choose where you'd like your glare to show on the Rings depending on where you want the light Tippett it so this is the light coming in down this way you can also move your glare to the left you're at the right side of the Ring and that just depends on how the light hits it so I normally like my light to hit it down the center you can also add a glare using the line again so I'll show you how to do that as well so you're going to get the curved line again [Music] kind of match it to your ring and then I'm going to thicken up this one a bit [Music] again I like my dare to be kind of in the center on the topmost part of the Ring and I can add white or I can add more of an off gray color [Music] think I'm going to do white and then do kind of an off-white [Music] kind of shifted more to the side if I wanted to you so there's a look at one of the rings this is the type of ring where if your notebook is flat open and then you can zoom in and then select all of these shapes if I forgot one group and then copy [Music] and these are just putting them in a line and making them all look like rings so that is one way of creating rings and procreate willing to show one other way so you're gonna start with this rounded square option seem in a bit and then of course you're gonna make this as fat as long as you'd like this can I come in and going to choose the gray color another option for the squares at least is the option to add an image which is really great I have several metallic backgrounds that I got free Google super easy to find so if you want a more realistic looking the ring like I've created in my more recent planners you can use that as well so I'm going to choose a more metallic background that kind of has some white glares so I'm going to click I'm going to click scales of feel so as you can see it's more realistic looking and I also have glares already built into the picture itself and not having to add them so then I'm going to come up here [Music] some circles and again these are just the holes technically of your page change this to block and arranged the back [Music] papi and face [Music] so I think I'm going to make this just it's just a little bit too good my circles around oops and then you're gonna click a fun finger and then get the other shapes in their group and copy so I'm just going to resize this copy the new size oops and paste make sure you have your spacing correct with your rings you can also come down the guide and make sure oops and make sure your all your guides are turned on so these will help you space things just a little bit more evenly and of course you can put these rings as close together or as far apart as you would like a little trick so you don't have to continue copying pasting the same ring over and over again is you can come back in and you can select three and copy [Music] and you can just keep doing this over and over again oops [Music] until you have the number of rings you'd like and so here is another option for how to create ranks in keynote and of course there's different variations with how you would like your rings here are a few rings that I was working on earlier so here's me going with the curve line option that I was working on here's me beginning a different approach of this rounded square option and today essentially the same in italic background here and then here is me actually using a circle instead of a rounded square for my ring structure and then you will just add the circles in as well make the basis of the ring whatever color you'd like and if you want you can add a clear these are Glarus and i mainly men menu so as you can see there's different variations you can take with how you create your rings and Keynote so now we're going to switch gears and show you how to draw your rings and procreate and this will come with a little bit more practice in patience so here's an example of stuff I was working on earlier oops so these are are the rings that I hand drew that appeared in my earlier cleaner editions I recently spent even more time creating rings so my rings a little bit more realistic now but I think these look great if you're a beginner learning procreate this is not a bad job at all so here's a little hint as far as how you're going to create your rings in procreate so just keep that picture in mind so hanyul I start making my rings I'm quickly is I'm gonna come up here to this plus button and I'm just going to go with screen size as my canvas for thoughts that's totally fine I don't need any of these specific sizes so the size of my screen looks great and the brush I'm using is actually going to come with the fourth grade app it's not a extra download or anything I'm actually to come into this inking category and I'm going to choose the technical pen size and I'm going to choose a grayscale as you can see I have tons of color palettes but just any light gray will do honestly I would choose this one if you'd like to see the hex code it is hashtag six nines so if you're interested in using the same color as me that's the one I'm choosing so I'm just gonna test out the pen size it's pretty good so the pen size is set to about three percent which is pretty thin so how long are we begin with my rings in procreate is I draw a line and if you hold your pen steady then procreate normally perfect shapes for you it's a little crooked so I'm gonna straighten it [Music] sometimes I'll go ahead and draw off the full square and have that and then that gets my paper but a straight line will do the job just fine so what I'm gonna come in and do is I'm going to go ahead and start creating the curved ring structure that we all know so well for landscape planners I'm just going to come in and draw a simple curve and see how I like it again draw steady on your iPad and if you hold your pen still and the last spots you'll it'll automatically perfect your shapes and procreate if you have to update and then if you want to edit your shape you can come up here to this gray bar that'll pop up after préfecture shapes I'm gonna gonna click Edit shape so it recognizes that I drew kind of an ellipse structure and so I'm going to come in and just kind of straighten this up a bit I can make it a spin or as big as I'd like I normally like my rings just a little bit on the fixed side so I'm just going to so here is my ring structure didn't take any super artistic skills shout out to the perfect shape of procreate process the main person doing the work here at least thank you AI so then I'm going to come in and I'm going to draw the second loop essentially the same exact loop I'm gonna keep my pen City in the last point and it'll auto select the shape so I kind of did a little wonky ellipse here so I'm going to go ahead click Edit shape and kind of change a bit how I made this again this will all take some practice and working with procreate a bit procreate and kind of be a pain for those of us who aren't super artistic [Music] awesome so I think I'm pretty satisfied with this again whenever you hand all your rings they're not all going to be the same every time my hands on my rings they're a little bit different each time so this is the ring structure I have currently going on and then what I'm going to do with my left over ends here is I'm actually gonna come here and then curve to this one and then Auto affect that shape as well so I'm just gonna come in and edit this one just a little bit and then I kind of just finished off this ring structure so this is the ring I currently have this is my paper where my line is and then I'm going to come in and draw the whole of the page hold my pen study and again it perfected the shape for me so let's tell it that I am drawing a circle so then you can change how you want your circle to appear and here is the basis of your ring so I'm gonna come up here to my eraser and then erase this line in the center of my ring that's my ring then I'm going to come up here to this select tool and select the end maybe an off block stop it in my mind sometimes I don't want the gray pencil to chef where I was sketching and I'm just lightly coloring in same fence a little same weight of the pencil and there I have my black hole of the page essentially so I'm going to come up here to this automatic select tool again and click the ring itself and then this is where you can be a little bit more creative especially if you're well-versed with procreate you can actually pull in some gray so I'll just show you briefly how to do that so you can pull on some gray here and then if you want to give your ring a more metallic looking look essentially um you can click white and then this is normally where I like to change my brush so I actually changed my brush to artistic again the brushes I use palm with birth rate itself oh sorry is airbrushing so click the category airbrushing and then you can click from a number of these air brushes I normally just go with the soft airbrush and I make sure it's all the way bit above the bottom and then you can come in here and just lightly put in some white airbrush to kind of give it its own little layer you go with a thicker and kind of get more highlighted glare and it's just all about practice and what you like is procreate so you can add in a few highlights here here you can see I'm adding in a pretty significant highlight here on the edge so you can see how those can come together if you're really artistic and have an eye for details this definitely takes time and is not an easy 5-minute project so you can kind of play around with the shading there so there's a bit of my ring I could also work on this anymore so there's my ring you can also do it kind of a cheap way really so I'm going to double tap all of my recent projects if you don't know propria that well double tapping undos whatever you just lost it eventually so I'm just hardcore tapping on my iPad I'm doing all of this stuff I just showed you so I'm going to come in here and put some [Music] I'll up here and select my ring put some gray in there perfect so I'm going to come in here and select my ring it's stuck to the mine itself so whenever it comes to selecting items whenever you click something automatically it may not select when you first click it so you can plug for the selection by pressing down on your iPod and swifting left or right so I just want the ring itself as you can see it's kind of getting the line in there so I'm going to pop my slips on threshold on the lower side so then I'm going to take my three fingers slide down oops as you can see this is just all a game three fingers down and I'm going to put this copy and paste option right here and I'm I'm gonna come up two layers I shouldn't be there I'm gonna come up to my layers and then good idea okay and then I'm going to press this plus button up here then I'm gonna click the wrench in the top left corner and then I'm going to click insert photo and this is where I like to have fun because there are plenty of commercial-free images on Google where you can find a whole bunch of metallic backgrounds because metallic is a difficult texture and look to mimic or I'm actually to come in and I'm going to use this metallic background that I found on Google Images whoopsies seeing them out of it because this is a huge picture and then I'm going to shrink it down and essentially you're going to cookie-cookie cut and paste whatever image on this misses Rama called masking and the dude so I'm gonna come in and just change how I want this picture so that's why I want to over my reign I'm pretty set up with that so I'm going to come back over here to my layers click this insert image layer from earlier select and then I'm gonna come down here to the bottom and click invert and as you can see it created it essentially cookie-cut our picture that we insider' it on top so this is exactly what we want it looks more realistic for those of us who aren't artistic which is fabulous so we're going to come back up here it's a layers we're gonna clip this layer and double click and then we're going to click clear so now we have our lovely ring cookie cut and pasted our metallic background on so it looks way more realistic we didn't have to spend all that time trying to put in our own flair and textures with metallic backgrounds well normally I don't leave it here I do like to try to get up a bit I do actually like putting in my own personal glare but that's just me personally if you're satisfied with this ring product fabulous so I'm actually going to come in and show you how I finish up the rest of this so I'm actually going to come in there right off my eraser pretty fine my brush is set really low but I'll see these are fine erase marks that we need to make I'm just going to zoom in and erase this paper line that I made for myself just as kind of a guide as you can see so then I'm just finally erasing these gray pixels that are left over and then I'm going to do that here as well just kind of off right go right perfect and then I'm going to increase the brush size down here because I don't necessarily need that much fine detail down here and I'm just going to erase the rest of this line [Music] strengthen I'm a shrink my brush size again because I'm fine detail again as I approach so this is what I'm up with this is the single ring that we have still a bigger we're going to come up here to Gallery I'm going to exit our project and I click select I'm going to select it hit share hit PNG save image and then I'm going to come into the out Club Magic Eraser Magic Eraser is free and it's an option for you to leave them all transparent background so they normally show ads to keep the app running itself so you're just going to click out of the ads we're going to have fun watching some of these ads as we wait for this absolute suite then I'm going to click this ring project that I recently made and I'm just going to crop this a bit because I don't need all of that white space it's pretty good size click done and then you're just going to it erases the background for you you're gonna click this box with the up arrow can't click the picture and you're going to click high-resolution if you will not supposed to be in a quality we're gonna exit out of that and also backwards of camp and this is a great way to organize your rings when you're done creating them so I'm creating a new presentation to set and organize my rings so I'm gonna click this plus button up here photo and video to my albums where this beautiful ring that I just created was saved Bob and we're going to put it right there and then I'm gonna copy gonna peace and then we're going to start this process over and over again [Music] amazing so here's my wrinkle on the side and just to show you what it looks like what if you were to add a page to say a notebook or a planner here's my page I'm going to arrange it back and voila we just made our plan rings for landscape or portrait view planners [Music] and these are ones from appropriate I personally like drawing my name is Mauro great it all took practice as you can see these rings look even a little bit better than the rings I showed you previously for the planner I'm currently using a planner that if you like is available in my Etsy shop which will be in the description below but as you can see every time I go to draw my rings in procreate they get a little bit better each time so it does take practice just an example of rings that I created before so these are the current rings I use these are my favorites I used the same method the same procreate method and I imported my own metal background for this well in basket and I added in the glare hopefully you can see that better I realize a black screen isn't great so as you can see I added in my own personal glare to the metal background and then here's a rose gold option activated and then here's the ring I created today spend a little less of time on it just to show you the basics of creating it but the more practice the more time you put into it the more realistic rings are likely to be especially if you import three images and metallic backgrounds and kind of add your own personal Flair and procreate but it's not that's completely okay because we get this ring which is still pretty realistic looking and it's a lot of fun and pretty awesome so again here's the second look of the Rings all together as you can see since the Rings are all together it even looks more realistic as it's all tied in so I hope this video helped you if you have any questions I'll try to answer them in the comments below but if not thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video [Music]
Channel: KDigitalStudio
Views: 151,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate, keynote, digital planner, digital planning, keynote rings, procreate rings, how to make digital rings, how to, diy, DIY, realistic, looking, authentic, binder, planner, digital, rings, notebook, ipad planner, goodnotes planner, goodnotes, zoomnotes, notability, study, community, planning, plans
Id: NmHnk4lFH1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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