Create transparent stickers in Keynote | Make stickers to sell on Etsy | Digital Sticker Creation

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hello and welcome to my channel planners by christine [Music] today we're going to talk about how to create stickers in keynote including how to make them transparent first of all let's open keynote create presentation choose a theme classic white will be fine we'll delete these then go up to the three dots document setup slide size custom i'm going to use the size of my screen so 2360 2048 done done [Music] and then you can click on the three dots to make that go away and here's our screen so first we're going to create functional stickers and to do that you'll press the plus sign choose a table but now we only need one column and then i'm going to make it a little smaller let's just put it in the middle for working so make it the size that you want and if you tap on the paintbrush icon you can make changes to it go to cell cell border and right now you see it's highlighting the outside of it the outline of it so we're going to make that thicker and take it to 10 then we'll change our color and you can choose whatever color you want back now i'm going to choose the center lines and i'm going to thicken them a little but not as much as the outside and go to color and do the same color back and now you can see you kind of have a basic look and if you want it thicker you can come over here go to cell cell border make sure that line is selected and make it thicker so just keep just play around with it until it's a look that you like i'm going to make this the inside lines a little thicker okay now this is going to be for like a to-do list and so i want little circles along here so i'm going to press plus go to the shapes choose a circle and make it smaller so that it looks good in the middle of this and i want the color to match so i'm going to go to the paintbrush icon fill color and choose the same color so now i'm going to tap on this and choose copy and paste put that underneath then i'm going to tap on it and choose select objects and choose both of them done copy paste and i'm going to choose copy now i'm going to i want to select all of them so i'm going to tap on one choose select objects and select all five done then go to arrange and i want to align them left which they already are and then i'm going to align them vertically so once you get them all lined up then what you can do is select everything so i'm going to tap here select objects since this is the only thing on my screen i'm going to select all done and then i'm going to group them so now it will move all this one piece and i'm going to select it copy and paste and then paste again so that i have three then i'm going to go to this one ungroup and then i'm going to select the table and go to cell cell border and choose this one so the whole thing will be selected and then i can change the color i'm going to do i'll just do this kind of reddish color and then i want to select the circles so i'm going to select one and choose select objects and then select all five done and then come up to style and choose the same color and then come over here ungroup select the table cell cell border choose the one that has all the lines highlighted go to color choose this green select the circles select objects choose all five done go to the fill and choose the same color so there we have three functional stickers and these we're not going to want to be transparent we want the white behind here so what you can do is you can create different stickers from objects that are available within keynote so if you press the plus sign these are some of our basic shapes for example there's a star so maybe you want to have a star so you select it you can make the size different then you go to the paint brush and you can change the color and i'm just going to choose a yellow then go back to the plus sign and go to you can go to geometry you can see all the different shapes there's objects and in here you can see if there's any objects that you like that you want to create a sticker out of animals nature i like nature because flowers so i'm going to tap this flower and i'm going to choose a color for it so i'll go to the paintbrush fill color do kind of a purple then go back to the plus sign and you can see all the other ones in here i'm going to do a sunshine make a little bit larger go to the paintbrush fill color go back to the plus sign we've got food so there's lots of food options here symbols and there's a heart so of course that could be a good sticker and i'm going to go to the paintbrush fill color and i'll choose red maybe you want to do like an arrow or something but they don't have the exact arrow you want so what i did is i came down here and i found this arrow and you can turn it so i'm going to go to paintbrush arrange and there's rotate so i'm going to choose 90 degrees but i want it to be an arrow that kind of comes out like this and so what i'm going to do and what i have done is if i go to the basic shapes i can grab a square and just kind of put it next to it and just line them up next to each other it's hard to make it is a little bit tricky to make it so that there's no little bump here so sometimes what you can do is if you select one of them if you go to a range you can go to size and position and you can kind of nudge it that way so there's an arrow so you can just kind of nudge it that way all right so what you can do then is if you want to change the color then select the first side and choose the color that you want and then choose the same color for this side and then if you tap one side select objects tap the other done then go to arrange you can group them it'll move as one piece if you want it to be a skinnier one you can choose constrain proportions you can make it narrower without the whole thing shrinking let's go back to our plus sign what else do we have here back to symbols see if there's anything else we want to use i think you get the idea on that so i don't need to show you any others but as you see in keynote there's a lot of icons that come with it that you can play with and you can change the colors or combine things and make it the way you want it another one you can do if you take a basic box a basic square and you elongate it and you change the color and then what you can do is then go to your plus sign and go to circle and make the circle smaller and then change the color of the circle to white and you can copy and paste it and then copy both of those [Music] let's go ahead and select all of them see if we can distribute those evenly so select one and two select objects and choose the others done and on a range we will align on the same side and then we will align vertically we can drag the whole group and what you can do then is group the whole thing you can go like this and grab the whole thing at once choose group and then you can copy it and paste and then on this one you would ungroup it and select the box and go to style and change the color and so then there's two of these another one you can do is if you go to the plus sign and go to the box or the square and stretch it out this way what we're going to do is we're going to give it a border so i'm going to go to the paint brush right now there's no border so i'm going to give it a border i'm going to put a color on the border and we're going to we want to make the border a little bit thicker so we're going to increase that and then we're going to change the color fill to a white and i want the border to be a little bit thicker so go wider and then what we can do is put a little box in the front of it this is just kind of a sticker that some people like so let me grab another square put it in front of it like that and go to the color and grab the same color and there we go and then you can group that copy it ungroup it change the color just like we did on these other ones so as you can see there's a lot of ways you can create stickers just within keynote itself functional stickers and some decorative stickers now you're wondering how can you make it so it's transparent so then what you do is if you tap on this background you choose no fill now it's going to be black but when you export it as an image there's this there's no background now as you see it's not going to be a background on these either so what i would do is i would actually have a separate page to do the ones with the background the ones without so i'm actually going to go back to the white fill i'm going to go to here and i'm going to duplicate this and then on this one i'm going to select all these objects and delete them so this one will have a white background but then this one delete all of those and this one i will have no fill so this these will be transparent and these won't be transparent so now what i'm going to do is go to the three dots and choose export images i'm going to choose png and you see where it says transparent backgrounds so i want to keep that transparent background so then i'm going to export it and i'm going to save it in in my files let's see and this is saving it on my icloud drive i'm gonna actually save it on my ipad so it's important to know where you're saving things you can find them later let's create a new folder keynote stickers and we'll save them in there now if i come out of here and i go into my files and go to my ipad and go to keynote stickers and there they are so once we have our sticker sheets the next thing we want to do is open goodnotes go to new quick note and have a template that i use then click on the three dots and do the split screen and go to your file then if you hold your finger on it and once this thing comes up on the right you can drag it in and make it a little bit larger go to crop see how the background is gray that helps you to know that it is transparent so then you just come down here and you crop each sticker [Music] and you can crop it more once you crop it once it's easier to zoom in and to make it a little more precise if you care to do it again [Music] and just go through and crop all your stickers on this one when you bring it in when you go to crop this one it's got a white background as you see because this is not one we did transparent the second time you go to crop it it's going to be a little more it's going to be larger so you can be more precise in getting it cropped right to the edge so crop all your stickers once you're ready to crop it you tap on this share icon if there's only one page you just export that page there are multiple pages you would export all and then you'll want to choose goodnotes and export and then make sure and save it someplace where you can find it later so save it to your files and then wherever you want to save it and give it a name and then you'll have a goodnotes file with pre-crop stickers that you can either use yourself or you can sell on etsy now i'm going to have additional tutorials where i show you how to create transparent stickers in procreate as well as canva so make sure and subscribe so that you know when those are available and if you have any questions please put those in the comments and i will do my best to answer them but thank you for watching and i hope you found this helpful [Music] [Music] you
Channel: PlannersByChristine
Views: 118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create digital stickers for goodnotes, how to create digital stickers to sell on etsy, how to create digital stickers to sell, how to create stickers for digital planner, how to make digital stickers in keynote, digital stickers in keynote, how to create digital stickers, how to create transparent stickers, how to create stickers for goodnotes, digital planning ipad pro, digital stickers for goodnotes, digital stickers for etsy, digital stickers to sell, transparent sticker
Id: 3aQQtNv_pWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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