How to Make a Continuous DJ Mix of Audio Files with Different Tempos | Club Cubase July 16th 2021

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hello welcome to the july 16 2021 club cubase live stream uh my name is gregundo i'm going to do a quick audio test and we'll get started here in just a couple minutes all right sounds like everything is fine on my monitoring computer so once again my name is uh greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist focusing on steinberg products uh so if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you can ask questions in the live chat field we'll try to go through each of the questions as completely and succinctly as possible and we'll try to go through them in chronological order so um and my ability to answer the questions is not real-time compared to people's ability to ask them um so if i don't get to your question if we could uh try not to repeat the same question over and over again because that just kind of slows down the whole process and when asking questions if you could specify if it's going to be uh like which cubase version as well as uh which operating system that you're running that would information be helpful as you can see i'm running cubase 10.5 elements on mac big sur i'm running cubase pro 11 on windows 10. that information is helpful so we will try to have a it might be later tonight or early tomorrow uh an index of all the topics covered with time stamps of all the topics that were discussed in the live stream you could use that if you want to search for topics have been covered in previous live streams you could go to and yan from stockholm is usually on the live streams is maintains that and so kudos to him for setting up the website so you could search for topics have been covered in live streams and it'll take you directly to that particular link i also want to give kudos to agent k and jazz dude who do moderation so as i'm not able to kind of keep up in real time they could keep order when necessary or provide some other useful links and also just point out another great resource of information uh is going to be uh in in addition to all the steinberg official resources is the cubase nation discord and jazz dude does a lot to help out with that so with that i'll go go ahead and let's get started uh asking some uh we'll go through some topics here and questions so uh and once again my name is greg undo i'm presenting from outside of uh washington dc area in the united states in alexandria virginia so if you're attending the live stream live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and let us know if this is your first live stream uh we're able to do these live streams to help people out with their steinberg products and if you learned a new tip or trick make sure that you hit the like button um just so that we can continue these and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well all right so let's go ahead and get started with questions um okay so we have a question is there a way to upgrade cubase le 10.5 to cubase le11 i can't see this upgrade listed anywhere in the website so when we get cubase le that's going to be bundled with um like third-party hardware like audio interfaces often or sometimes keyboards and with that since it's an oem version there isn't a direct upgrade path to another oem version so you're kind of uh at that particular level unless you've gotten a new piece of hardware periodically there will be uh steinberg will do promotions you know for you know people of previous versions that want to get up to more contemporary operating systems so there are those uh promotions going currently i don't think that there is one going on but there currently is a 40 off uh promotion so uh i think if you go to until august 1st you could actually just uh get 40 off so you know it's basically almost the equivalent of getting uh like if you buy cubase artists getting cubase pro free that's kind of uh as part of the july 2021 studio weeks promotion so you may want to look into that but generally with the oem versions there isn't an upgrade path and occasionally they'll do it but i don't think there's one currently on which is why you may not see it okay okay so we have a question uh hi greg is there a way of exporting individual events parts recorded at 48k into 44.1 in cubase preserving the event uh slash part name to the file name so let's say if we have audio files that have been recorded if we come over here let's just do our export audio mix down and what we could do is i'm going to say we'll take all of these particular files i'll take all my files i'm going to click on multiple and here we could just change the sample rate so let's say i want to change it to 48k i will go ahead and let's add this uh to the queue and so now i'll just start q export and i will choose to create audio track so say and i just record it kind of a test tone and as we do that now we could have kind of this same audio uh imported so it would and as we do the export audio mix down you know you have a naming scheme so if you want to keep the same names just come over here and you'll see probably channel name so make sure that you have the channel name selected you could double click and add that so give that a try and another method of doing sample rate conversion is just to go from your media menu to the pool window and you could select files and just choose to convert files and when you convert files you could just say you know convert options and you could just simply at that point change the sample rate there as well so give that a shot okay so we have a question is there a set schedule for the session so what we tried to do unless i have some other obligation is to do uh tuesdays and fridays at 1pm us eastern time so that's generally what when we've been doing it so twice a week and we usually try to go for about four hours and after four hours we often lose closed captioning so we not available a pianissimo in relation to a note even if i align the markings they seem all over the place uh wondering what's the proper way of doing this in cubase let's go ahead and take a look at a score example so this is an area where dorco may be a bit stronger than uh cubase hang on just one second my son is knocking i apologize for that my son just lost a tooth uh so all right so we'll get back to it so um all right so going back to our questions with the dynamics um so you know this is an area where dorco may perhaps be a little stronger so let's say if i wanted to put dynamics on a particular passage here so it really could depend on you know first of all there's two different modes and make sure that when you go and you're you know and if you put dynamics in here they may not you know these can be kind of placed you know freely wherever you want so as soon as i would click on a dynamics i could put it in the middle of rest and but if we're doing it there that may not necessarily correlate to how it's going to be printed on a page so go to uh your score mode here and you want to go and make sure that page mode is active uh so once we have page mode active we could just come over here and i would try to you know perhaps position i think one of the options that may help with this is um i think that you can enable like uh almost like an x y axis let me see if i can remember where to do that so we have um let me just see if i can find it quickly okay so as we go to enter in notes we could have just kind of this position panther panel here so let's say if i go to put in um you know here we can see our xy access here and at that point i could say okay i want it to be you know my as i move it up and down you could use that as kind of a reference point so let's say okay now i want to put in a fortissimo so this way and you could just come right over here and see kind of the x y uh access to that and there is another way i'm just seeing if i can remember how to activate um you know there is where you could activate kind of the cross hairs let me just see if i can remember where to adjust to enable that all right so um but there there is a way to just enable you know so as you're doing that you could see kind of the x y axis so you could say okay i just want to move this to uh 568 and i want to move this to five 68 and then you know if they're all off slightly just to take these and to right click and just choose a line and that could align it as well so those are a couple of different options so but check just to make sure that the x y but there isn't like a default uh where it's always going to be x number of pixels away that i know of sorry about that all right so we see agent k in the live stream as well as filter freak and marcus gomez all right we have matt elston from london all right okay uh so we're from we have a question from rick valentine's a wonderful composer thanks for great to see on the live stream uh hi greg is there a way to turn off the ability to click on the top bar and activate the loop i always turn it off and on by accident thank you hope all as well so yes they're doing great rick thanks and thanks for joining us on the live stream rick's out of charlotte north carolina so let's say if i have a a quick loop here so i will let me activate this particular project and so now if we don't want to activate the loop on and off here there's a preference so if we could just come right over here go to preferences i think it's under transport uh clicking locator range and upper part of of ruler activate cycle so if we uncheck that you can now anytime that you click here or move elements that you can't disable or or enable the cycle so so if you just kind of set that right there so once again that preference is under transport clicking locator range and upper part of the ruler activate cycle so you could uncheck uncheck that and then you don't have to worry about accidentally turning your loop on and off all right so we see uh ken from norway and uno memento from finland we have debt lift from dusseldorf thanks for joining us jason sykes uh great to see you again from south shields england john costigan from kenosha the monk beats i believe he's uh in italy from memory servers we have stefan from sweden all right michael pierce is joining us and he's probably got do some tutoring all right so we have uh eloy or lois bachmann from switzerland thanks for joining us all right uh so you just see yamaha mg is also analog sounding work well with fl so i'm not sure you know it has a usb audio interface on it so it will work with you know any program that records audio so it's an analog mixer that has a usb audio out uh it may not have a lot of flexibility for routing it's just going to capture a stereo in and stereo out so um you know if you were looking for like you know what people consider analog warmth that may not be the first console i would go to if you're looking for a clean flexible mixer i think the mg is a great source but it may not actually you know if you're looking to have multiple you know a track per input uh to be able to record that it's not the right tool for that okay so we have a question from tom morello um i was wondering how to trigger my microkorg with the midi notes i put on the screen running cubase elements on windows 10. so if you have a microkorg what you want to do is just to make sure a it's probably going to be connected as a midi track so you want to add a midi track and from the inspector wherever the microkorg is connected it's probably going to be a usb connection i would assume you may have to download drivers if it's not seen but you'll as soon as your any usb device is midi interface is enabled at this point you could just come right over here and activate you say okay i'm gonna send the midi out from this particular device from this port so this track will send midi information out to whatever is connected onto this port and onto this midi channel so we can think of like almost like tv channels uh so we'll make uh kind of an old analogy into an older analogy but a you know think of like each sound could be on its own different midi channel if it's multi-timbral so once we have that set up and we have the communication you know you should be able to play any keyboard and then hear it you could also hit alt or option plus k and you should be able to kind of hear the sound and i don't have anything connected here uh but you should be able to hear the sound directly from like the on-screen keyboard and again that's alter option k so as you kind of trigger notes but now at this point as soon as you start drawing notes in you will be able to kind of hear it uh and if you you know if if you don't hear it one thing that it may be is that you have this little uh acoustic feedback could be turned off so you could turn that on but just make sure that you have the correct midi port and the correct midi channel and then you should be able to kind of draw notes in and hear it on your korg keyboard uh so i just see a question from michael uh amira uh where do we ask in chat so yeah just ask questions in the chat button all right and occasionally my chat will get uh get reset so uh you know so i may lose a couple questions i'll apologize for that all right just trying to find my space i could see david m from liverpool i just love seeing you on the uh zoom meetups um all right so question uh is there a way to automate the tempo track in a diagonal shape so that the tempo increases or decreases incrementally so let's say if i wanted to come here to a i'll just do a new tempo track and so you may see this if you kind of have this extended out um so you know this is kind of sometimes covered here but let's say if we just go to ramp as opposed to step so now if i put in tempo values it'll just kind of ramp up as opposed to if we go to step now i put tempo values in it'll just do an immediate jump or we could just come right over here and choose to ramp so that's probably what you want to do so you might have to just kind of extend that over to the right and switch between step mode to ramp mode okay so we just see uh hi cubase 11 and able to nine i can't rewire them what could be point uh thanks so you know check you know if you some uh i think on like m1 max rewire uh doesn't work um so you know you make sure that your computer is capable of running rewire it's kind of an older technology at this point that's i think has been maybe officially discontinued by propellerheads so you know so you know check to see if you could let us know what your actual computer is that would be interesting but you know if you do have rewire working with your operating system they should be able to work and it could be the status of which you opened first whether it's going to be i think you open uh you know cubase and then maybe ableton and then maybe the rewire slave uh but there's a particular order as to which program is started always forget i haven't used rewired in a long time but that is critical the order of which their programs were started all right so we have super zl checking in from south america and moyes checking in from chile and tim from mission viejo in the us all right so we have a question can i buy very audio alone if i have uh cubase elements version 11. so currently very audio is it's not sold separately it's not necessarily a plug-in it's kind of a deep part of the integration of the program so that's not available in cubase elements but if you upgrade it to cubase artist you could get the um you know you could get the functionality of very audio and i think probably with the studio week's promotion that there's probably a discount for that so probably if you were to buy it separately you could probably update two cubase elements with a discount for less than you would if you're buying a separate tool and you get a lot more other functionality as well so that'd be a good investment to look into all right so we see marcos 27 mixing engineer mastering engineer producer beatmaker lyricist did courses three diplomas earned like to be part of lives uh i guess live streams uh steinberg rules and you all do too so that's great and we're glad that you could join us marcos all right and we have jeff zubelski checking in from chico california all right we have steve from windsor massachusetts and andy from uh says i'm new to cubase andy k so thanks for joining the live stream if you have any questions please feel free to ask alright so we have pear from sweden marcos is from brazil all right and we have wa paso music from ecuador thanks for joining us so we term a nuclear war from serbia and sable winters it's always better when sable winters is on the live stream i see millard brown as well okay so we have a question uh using a behringer 1204 usb mixer to cubase 11 artists using raw on td 17 main out into mixer with miced uh l80 symbols and other channels uh when setting up input output audio uh in studio setup i don't see my mixer so you know anytime that you have an audio device you should you know come over here to your studio setup and you know as soon as it's connected you could just you know come right here and see the driver so it could be you may have to install the driver i've seen some of the behringer interfaces use a kind of a generic driver like azio for all on the windows platform so and that allows you to use kind of a generic window sound driver uh but under the asio architecture so you may have to download asio for all but you could check with the documentation for the behringer mixer okay so we have a question hi greg can you explain about vst connect so what vst connect will allow you to do is someone could download a free program uh for mac or pc or for about five dollars i think for ios and what it's going to allow them to do is to record remotely directly into your your cubase session so the cubase user would come over here and you get there's a vst connect se which comes with cubase uh and at this point you could set up like a talkback microphone you could have them uh automatically see a webcam um and you could sign in and once we kind of sign in at this point uh you could someone that you could give them a basic code if you wanted to and at that point you could see them on a webcam you could communicate over the webcam if necessary but what this will allow you to do is you could send the mix from cubase directly to them and at that point they could record directly back in into the cubase session so if you have a friend and and this is quite popular during especially the start of the pandemic um where you wanted to record with someone and they just lived remotely at that point that you could just simply record anyone uh so what comes with cubase allows you to record up to two channels if you spend i think it's 199 dollars you could go up to 16 channels of audio and midi with vst connect pro all right reading through comments okay so we see from millard brown greg could you go over quick controls on vst instruments is there a way to assign them to third-party instrument controls um thanks so if you wanted to you know so to set up what is actually controlling your quick controls is you can come directly over to your studio setup and you'll see like a vst you have track quick controls and vst quick controls and we could assign these to basically you know i'm using this controller and then if your controller has like eight knobs you could click on learn move a knob click on learn move a knob and this will capture that so if i now want to control a particular and this could be with any instrument i think i may have one third party instrument on here so a lot of times you know the steinberg instruments will give you kind of uh you know a lot of capabilities where you could right click and just assign uh you know you could add it to different quick control slots but let's try i think i may have a third party instrument installed yeah say let's say towel noise maker so let's say i have this particular instrument installed so a lot of the instruments may not offer that so if i wanted to assign parameters from this particular instrument to the quick controls all you'd have to do is go to the quick controls here uh well it looks like it kind of already extracted some but you could activate the quick controls click on a slot and just move a parameter and that will automatically get added so if i just again click on a slot here say okay i want to go to slot 2 and then just move that will automatically assign that particular parameter and then you could just adjust the quick controls uh just like that with your controller so with any third-party plug-in you could also if you're you don't have the learn activated you could come here and say okay i'm going to tile noisemaker and i want this to control and you can see all the different parameters that the plugin has and you could manually assign it i just like to click on the little learn and then just move and just assign that particular task right there to that quick control slot so let me know if that makes sense all right to see if i'm okay so i see monk beats had one message retract it and then i see a part two so let me just make sure i didn't miss part one okay so we have a question uh to set the level of the reference button or dim signal at zero db to use them how to set them at zero db and how to on off with key commands and generic remotes um so the monk beats i think i may have missed like the first part so let's see if i could maybe figure it out um so to set the level of the reference button or dim signal at 0 db and use them so so it's obviously kind of with control room so if you wanted to let's say if we have control room enabled um so let's say at this point um you know if you have a particular reference level that you want to set so you could say this is the loudest that i want to mix you could hold down i think it's alt or option and then click and that will set the reference level so hold down alt or option and click and now as i adjust you could just click right here to activate the reference level um and how to uh and didn't signal so the dim signal we could determine uh kind of rate here so you say okay when we activate dim you could see the as we come over here so let's say as we're playing so that will dim it down i thought that there was like a dim level and if you wanted to set these in generic remote um if you go to like let's say your studio setup let's go to a generic remote so we could say okay this is the midi message it's going to do that go to vst control room probably un and to control room and then i think enable main dim and let's say our reference volume so let's say vst control room let me just see if it's in here let me just see if it's okay and then you could just do reference level on and off so under command and then control room and then you could just have a command there for reference uh on or off so if if i saw the first message was retracted but if i misunderstood uh just let me know because it was kind of a continuation of the first question all right so we see michael teams from weatherford texas so i think the the ice cream virtual ice cream is going to start flowing all right so uh hi greg vst connect doesn't work properly can you please explain how to make it work correctly so it's kind of not a lot of information there so some tips that i would do is make sure you know vst connect doesn't like to have an internet connection that's fluctuating so you know if you have the option try to do you know the one thing when people when i get a message like this it's often they're doing it on a wi-fi network that where the internet speed can vary uh so you know i would try to do it on a wired connection if if at all cost but you know if you give some more information like you know if you're connecting with a person or not connecting with them if you see them or if it's not recording or they're not getting the information you know that information would be helpful okay so from andy k we have how can i make uh mastering in cubase so you know there's a lot of great uh plugins that you could use for mastering that are included with cubase you could also do stuff directly in wavelab which is kind of also dedicated audio editing mastering package so we'll show a couple of plugins that you could do kind of in cubase here so let's say i just wanted to kind of beef up the sound so let's say okay i want to take this uh like the frequency eq under eq is pretty amazing and incredibly surgical i could eq and only hear the particular as i'm making adjustments so say okay i just wanted to maybe come over here and choose like a 96 db cut on some of the extreme lows if i want to get rid of some of the rumble we could do that now also in each of these eqs i could adjust the stereo or mid side so if i only want to eq like the middle part of the panning spectrum and let's say the edges i wanted to come right over here and just say okay i wanted to just take that out of the sides so you have you know and you could also do independent left right so as i just wanted to come here on this band i could eq like my left and right channels independently which is helpful for like a piano so if you needed to do eqs like that uh i would also kind of you know there's great presets to kind of start with so let's say okay i just want to come here and say okay i want to do monster drums or i now wanted to do another uh processor so i will come over here let's say i wanted to now just take this and one other amazing plugin you got under dynamics is going to be squasher so let's say okay i just want to put a master bust glue and let's say i wanted this to open up an imager [Music] and this would allow me to take different frequency ranges and make those wider and i could take like the low end and tighten that up and if you want to run it through different limiters maximizer is great as well [Music] so with just a couple of plug-ins and you go from there to there with you know very easy results [Music] and generally i find when you do that to someone's mix they give you money and that's a good thing so all right so we see uh how can i set up my session with zoom and using my behringer um2 interface the audio playback doesn't go through with default settings so a lot of times you know zoom isn't so friendly for a lot of audio tasks so you know you're going to have one like your session in cubase is going to be using azio and zoom's probably going to be just using uh like the typical windows or mac sound drivers so you know they're they could be if you're on the windows platform they're going to be two different architectures we're communicating with the audio interface that are independent what i do personally there's some utilities that people use with varying degrees of success and if you go to the cubase nation discord there's a lot of tutorials on how to do obs and zoom with like utilities like voice meter or restream people have had various levels of success with that what i do personally for like the live stream we're listening to now is i take the uh actual audio from my audio interface into a mixer that has a usb out so it's a yamaha mixer and my microphone is connected directly into that and at that point uh you know the obs or zoom sees the audio mixer and cubase is using a completely different architecture so but check out if you don't have like two interfaces you know check out to see if you could you know use restream or voicemeeter on pc and there's other similar utilities on mac so i see hi greg just wondering do you think cubase will gain any of the score editing functionality from dorco or steinberg likely to keep them fully apart so i think of eventually that the two will you know i think that eventually we will have um you know like you know i could i could envision and i'm not in the product development and they don't tell me these things because i know i talk to thousands of people every week um but i i could envision in the future and this may be you know a couple years off that you know this where like when you go into the score editor in cubase that it's you know could be very much like a dorco engine um so but i i think that is kind of you know i could envision that being the intention of kind of more migration as opposed to kind of separate islands between the two programs because realize that people you know need that level of integration so all right so i see today i get two scoops of scoopy's black diamond ice cream hmm sounds good thank you michael it's very generous all right great to see mark rabin from montana on the live stream let me see agent k's getting two scoops of peaches and cream all right so we see loretta from vancouver all right so we have a question hello greg first time here and soon to become a cubase pro user it's a and it's from super zl so thanks for joining the live stream uh so we have a question if i export a song mixed down at a higher sample rate we'll convert to the higher sample rate as a post process or will the song be played back at the higher rate so when you export it it's going to be a completely different file um and so you know so and its sample rate will be independent of whatever the project was so if you do everything at 48k and you export to a 96k file it will be a 96k file and if you import it back into the project um you could just uh on editing audio you could as soon as it's imported into the project you could just choose to have any audio you know use the settings and convert to the project settings if needed so if you then you know have your 96k uh mixdown file from your 48k or 44.1 project and you want to at that point choose to drop it back into the project as a reference it will convert it to the particular audio to the sample rate of the project if you have this set i think by default it'll open an options dialog box where you can do that but you know you can write a completely you know different file with different bit depths and sample rates that's independent of the project all right so we have uh peter checking in from long beach new york great to see you on the live stream okay lost my space in the lives in the chat field let me just say i have lots of uh questions coming up all right so i think i'm back okay so we have a question from danny um should i double the vocal recording and make one left and one right so sometimes when people are doing lead vocals they'll tend not to um yeah sometimes for special effect they'll do something like that so let's say if i jump to let's listen to a project so a lot of times when people double vocal you know they want it to have a little more presence and they kind of want the natural thickness that you know double tracked vocals you know will do and you know double track most singers hate doing double track vocals because you know you have your pit chest be kind of dead on so let's say if i wanted to take this project here but generally the vocal is going to be panned the lead vocal is going to be panned you know dead center so if so we'll just listen to this quickly and where we want you know most of the time you envision the singer in the middle of the sound stage all right so let's say if i double this i'll just duplicate this track um and i'll just do hard panning on each of them so such as okay so you don't gain a lot you may lose a little bit of focus on the lead vocal when panning it hard left and hard right i would say that people will often do the lead vocal kind of panned in the center uh and background vocals will be kind of hard panned often to make them sound like a more of like a supportive musical element almost like a bed if you will to support the other vocals so that's generally but you know there's no real set rules with any of this you know sometimes if you have people singing like two singers on a track you know you may pan them uh independently you know just so it's a little easier for the listener to comprehend what's going on so you'll hear that a lot but with the single vocal journey it's gonna be uh you know people may do doubling but still kind of keep it panned in the center just kind of as like you know just a focal point for the listener so all right so people in uh we're about 22 minutes into the live stream question wise that's where i'm at now so just as a reference point for the questions okay okay reading through all the comments thanks for great questions and if you learned something new make sure that you hit the like button all right so i get to see a question from mark rabin in 11.03 did they fix the midi note length issue so if you could remind me what the issue was um i wasn't aware of any particular midi note length issue but if you could let me know what it is mark i know you maybe i thought you saw you might be kind of uh stepping out for a bit or whatever but if you just remind me what that is or expand upon that all right so we see from christopher is it possible to sync as your question is it possible to sync cubase and dorco via simpty or in another way so currently door code doesn't do any synchronization so i think we may see that coming in the future but currently door code doesn't sync so so there isn't a way to internally synchronize the two programs but you can you know pretty easily come over here and say okay you know like a lot of times what people do so instead of having it like two different programs if we did have dorica open you know you could just even drag and drop parts and this is something that a lot of people miss okay so say i'll do a new empty project and if i go to like even play mode here so let's say okay i wanted this to be uh piano part so i just wanted to take this or whatever instrument you want go to my play mode and i'll just drag let's say this little melotron flute part and then i'm able to just drag um those parts from dorco you know let's say i'll just drag this to my piano part and then when you go to right mode you could just kind of come over there so there are some ways to get uh files back and forth you know currently you know a lot of people would say oh do rewire but rewire's kind of um not really you know being supported i think it's actually kind of not being developed any further so but there isn't a way to sync as dorco doesn't synchronize to time code or midi time code all right so we see uh so i so we see it's about vst connect from jay so i attempted setting up vst connect but seems cannot run connect and guest from different systems on same network not sure how we do pre-production tests i'm wondering two things one can performer here all audio in session or only their own uh if and two if performers are sending midi are we able to route the midi to a vsti and our end for them to hear so generally you know how it's going to work is yeah so if you have vst connect pro the one that's sold separately that will allow you to run it on the same network vst connect sc you have to be on different networks so i think that there is a trial version for vst connect pro um but you know at that point uh so you know but the vst connect se you'll have to be on uh different networks uh so and once you have it set up jay all you have to do to kind of get it set up is you'll see you know you will come to make your vst connect sc so you'll create a vst connect se and that's going to load all of the different plugins into control room and then really all you have to do is you could just set uh you know the control room to go out of you know so you set up a q mix and basically we could set the q mix to go out from your cubase so the performer hears everything from the session plus themselves on their through their audio interface uh if they're playing midi i think that they're going to need to you know see the midi uh instrument on their end and then that will be recorded as midi data directly into cubase i think the latency might be too high to route it to a vst on your end okay so it says uh hi greg could you please talk about the control room function all right so since we're kind of here so the control room function is really going to be set up and design so a lot of times when people would start to use powered speakers with a computer-based setup you know often they would use the master fader as their monitoring volume but as you can see as i adjust my master fader down we'll see the mix gonna just automatically diminish in volume because you know if we're just using this as so you want to basically have this near zero db as much as possible and so instead of we wanted to decouple the monitoring volume from this particular uh yes it's not going to affect the gain structure and that's what the control room allows you to do now you can set up the control room by going to your audio connections and you'll see your control room set up so if you're just kind of starting off what i would do is add and you know i have multiple monitors here but you'll see add monitor so start with one monitor and at that point we could just say okay i want to take uh my you know and i'm going to define my output connections here so i could say okay i want to have you know audio one and two that are going out to my monitor speakers i want to have those and we'll define those in the control room and you could uh you you can label these you can say okay i have my yamaha hs7s i have jbl's genelecs or tones whatever and the outputs we want to have like our stereo out but have it not connected because otherwise we could send the signal out twice so it seems counterintuitive but if you do that so once we do this i can now just adjust the volume without affecting the gain structure of the mix now as we adjust the volume we could say okay i just wanted to dim this or if i wanted to set it to a known reference point i could just click on alt or option and say okay this is where i want that so as i'm mixing let's say i know that if i go louder that it's going to be bad and so i could just go to my known reference level from wherever i'm at and we could also activate the metronome that was okay so and once we're here we could also just say okay we could say okay i wanted to you know adjust my click level i wanted to have uh my dim level so we could have our listen dim so now one of the things that people will run into is like okay i'm listening to the vocals and let's say i want to listen to one element like the vocal so we could solo [Music] and when we do that that's going to mute everything so but if i don't want to mute everything and i just wanted to hear you know like let's say the um the you know one particular part what i could do let's say i want to take the guitars but i wanted to hear that kind of in conjunction with them with the mix so let's say i take this guitar and when we look at the mixer we could have not only just a solo that mutes everything but we could have this l button which is the listen bus so at this point we could just have the other tracks so now i click on listen [Music] i could dim the air tracks down so i could listen to it in context so solo mutes all the air tracks but listen we'll allow you to listen to the other tracks [Music] so that you know so we could just uh have that set up so you could do that for more creative stuff now we could also have the ability to switch between multiple speakers we could have different uh plug-ins in the control room so let's say if you had some a plug-in that's like a room correction plug-in something like sonar works that's applying different eqs and filters and acoustic treatments to make up for the deficiencies in your monitoring environment and you know if you wanted to listen to that but when you export a mix you don't want that to be included in the mixdown file because that would just you know be kind of the wrong thing we could place plugins in the control room so that for instance if i'm here and i just wanted this to be that was okay so i could have like my metering plug-in like control room so this is a supervision plug-in and this won't affect like the mix and what's going to be exported but will allow us to just apply plug-ins for our monitoring path but these could also be done for each individual uh speaker as well so if i wanted to switch between my speakers i could have different plug-ins for different speakers uh one of the things that's also very powerful in a control room as we just talked about with the vst connect is the ability to come over here and set up cue mixes so if someone wanted to have like a more me headphone mix or you know the drummer wants to hear more of the drums winner tracking the bass player more the bass winter tracking you could set up individual headphone mixes and you could connect a microphone into your audio interface and have a talkback so that you could communicate with all the different musicians in the group so that's a quick overview some of the stuff you could do in the control room okay okay so you see uh are there any plans to release cubase ic pro app for android uh or are there any other android apps i can sync to my pc just to press the record button from my phone so i think you could use you know um you know i haven't heard of any plans for cubase ic pro for android but you yeah i think there are a lot of uh like touch osc i think is out for android that you could use or you know what a lot of people do is just take a wireless keyboard and if you want it to you know just go to a different room you know if you have a tablet you could you know just set often set up like a remote desktop app but many people just take a wireless keyboard i know you know the really simple solution just take a wireless keyboard and you know you could go pretty far you know i've seen like 50 feet 60 feet with just a wireless keyboard reliably with that as well so that may be another solution okay so we see from uh stephen hi greg from macros is there a way to sub various buttons to a specific state rather than just toggle from previous state like arm mute echo solo etc so macros set desired state so if we go to so a lot of times when we uh go to a particular function yeah we could have like solo so if i hit s that could solo a particular track if i hit s again that could unsolo the track so sometimes the macro will need to be in a certain state to work so i think if we go to the project logical editor that you could actually set uh particular states for functions so let's say i want to say media type is eq i'll say container type is equal to track and then if we go to property let's say property is set to or so say container type is equal to track i'm going to say transform and i think if we go to track operation so you could see uh solo and then enable so regardless of its solo status so say i do that now um so i could solo tracks and let's say if i undo that let's say i just wanted to solo uh specific tracks that are selected so i could come over and say our property is set to event is selected so i could say any track that is selected just automatically take it into solo so if that is already soloed it's not going to change anything so that will and you have a choice of enable disable or toggle so generally the key commands are set up for toggle but all you have to do is just set up to always be enable save it as a just save it as a preset so we'll save it as a preset and then when you go to build your macro if you know that you always need a particular function in that state so we'll go to your key commands you'll see under process project logical editor pre process project logical um we could just say what did i name it here sorry enable solo on tracks so anytime that you save a preset you could just enable solo on selected track so instead of just toggling on or off you could set the state of that particular function with the project logical editor so incorporate that as a step within the macro and then you should all be you should be all set okay just okay so we have a question hi greg i hope you're doing well i uh when i double track and trying to reverse the sample on this track it reverses automatically on the original two how can i make it change only for the copy track so generally what happens is when you do this it's taking the same you know if you copy uh an audio file and i'll just do this on a new project sorry for hitting my mic that's annoying okay so let's say i copy this particular file and let me just find something it's a little more all right so say i take this file here and i duplicate it so if i reverse this file so let's say i just come over here to audio and let's do process and reverse that often you'll see kind of both files can automatically change because often it's going to be the same exact audio file so if you do like a destructive edit on one of them it'll be applied to the other but there is a preference for this so if you go to preferences uh and go to editing audio um so let's say you'll see on processing shared clips and you can just see create new version so it'll probably default to this so if i come and do let's say a fade in on this since it's the same file that it'll do the fade on both of them so let's say because it is the same file but if i wanted to automatically when i do an edit to apply the edit only to the selected file i would go to this preference and again on editing audio uh on processing shared clips uh create new version so change the status of that so now when i do a fade in i'll just come here to processes let's do a fade in that it doesn't affect this one so this is the preference and this is one of those uh preferences that you can you'll get asked and it was like don't show me this again is one of the options and a lot of people just click that and then or you could have it open up an options dialog so just try to if you always wanted to do that you could just choose open options dialog and choose when you wanted to do it if you know that you want to do that specifically every single time just click on create new version as your option so thanks for all the great questions and if you've learned something make sure you hit the like button okay so we see uh hey greg i hope you're well can you cover sampler track functions and features ios mappings of samples slicing stretching and how it integrates with cubase and plugins in hallian all right so let's take a look see if it's all right it's my 30th project in my list got lucky so i didn't have to search for the particular file okay so once we have a sampler track you know and this was updated pretty significantly in version uh in cubase 11 but let's say i wanted to go to my retro you know i have just a midi note that's going out to a particular uh instrument let me make sure i have my control room set to the right speaker all right so let's say i just have one like one midi note here that's going out so i could drag and drop any audio file to the sampler control or i could actually just take a midi part that has a note in it so and just drag it in and it'll just make my sampler file for me so now that i have this sampler track it created a sampler track and i could just play and if i wanted to now do something simple like normalize the audio we could do that so i will come to my sampler track here we can zoom in so now [Music] now if i have a drum loop i could just come right over here and just drag and drop the drum loop into the file so now this will be kind of rhythmically based it could assign it just to a keynote here now when i play the sampler track you know as i hit the note again it'll start to loop over uh if i want it to change if i play not from the root pitch but if i play higher we notice that if i played an octave higher or an octave lower it'll be you know an octave lower would be half this half the speed an octave higher would be twice the speed of the original if i wanted to change the pitch but not affect the timing of that that's when i could in the left hand section enable audio warp so we could say okay we want this to be i want it to sync to tempo and at this point i'll say let's just put it into music mode so so it's going to play back the same tempo once we're in audio warp mode now one of the things that was added in uh version 11 and there's going to be different uh you know if you wanted to be vintage or extreme different algorithms sort of stretching but in version 11 it also added slices so you know the sampler track kind of works with one particular sample but now we can see that i can slice the audio and once we do this we see this little midi icon appear and this would allow me to drag and drop that icon right into the project window and i could now you know reorder the particular notes quickly with that so if i wanted to kind of slice and dice different loops we could do that very easy now when we have something maybe like a you know a vocal no time to hazard no time to hesitate it's all been done you wanna have it you can't get enough so if i wanted let's say we just had our vocalist kind of just comp comping and you know just messing around trying out ideas we could create these slice points and we could do these manually uh based on transient the grid transient plus grid but i just went through manually here and now what i'm going to be able to do is just say okay i want it [Music] baby baby enough baby [Music] [Music] and you could just kind of come over here and find dumb you wanna you wanna hesitate baby baby baby so yeah and you could just try out different ideas and do vocal chops uh really easily um now if you want to actually start working uh with some of the different legato modes if you're doing vocals like i had my friend daryl pearson who's like worked with everyone from michael jackson and timbaland and madonna [Music] so that he can get what he needs accomplished with this program this is a recording so i could place this into legato mode by clicking here and then a lot of times when we i am singing you know it plays back from the start of the sample itself but if i wanted to continue on um at this point if i hold it down we could activate this legato mode where we see the two eighth notes [Music] and i could just play the melody he can get what he needs accomplished with this program this is a recording and you could just play melodies from your midi keyboard uh very easily to do that so when we want to uh also just let's say we go back to this sampler track where we have our note and i want to at this point just you know start working with filters i could and we say okay i want this to be a classic filter [Music] and maybe i want it you know and we have two different lfos so if i wanted to come over here i could just say let's uh have this you know be our lfo and i could say okay let's make this alpha one we could change the shape of it the frequency you know or if we say okay i just wanted to adjust the panning for lfo2 and we can set the amount of the alpha so let's say okay so let's say okay let's go to let's say our panning and and we could have this go you know have it synchronized uh you know to the beat or if you wanted it to be just over time so you could just so you can make like really kind of and if you want to change the shape you can change the phase of the lfo and then you know you could also as we just kind of click here you could choose to you know just have the lfo automatically follow uh you know different musical formats once we're all done with this we could just say so let's say i have this all done you just give it a track preset that you could save um and then let's say okay i really like this what i've done with all the settings we could lock the settings and go and say okay i want to take that and i just want to take a different file and drop it in and now i can just drop any audio file and keep all the settings and now that i'm done i could say let's just transfer it to groov agent se groove agent hallian pad shop2 or backbone if i needed to do further editing from there so that's a quick overview of sampler track and how it works with within cubase all right so um okay so we just see hi greg how to listen only to the effect send bus without original instrument thanks for your efforts alright so let's just jump back i'll revert this so this is uh one of the functions that you could do in the control room so a lot of times when you solo stuff it will include like the original source file so let's say we listen to our vocal here [Music] and if i solo like the reverb [Music] so just come here um that was okay so now i hear the source file of the lead vocal and the reverb simultaneously but if i wanted to i could go to my control room [Music] and i could just click on the l button instead of the solo [Music] so you could just kind of come over here and [Music] so now when you click on the l it's only going to be just the reverb isolate it and then you can edit so let's say we just want to listen to everything going into the reverb but soloing the reverb i'll hear the source track that's feeding the reverb blend it with the reverb click on the l you only hear the reverb return channel that was okay [Music] so give that a try and that should uh help you kind of just to isolate just that particular reverb send all right um so i just see a question i have some plug-ins blocked even i unblocked it i still can't see it on my list how to solve that thanks so generally if a plugin gets block listed it's going to be um make sure a that it's you know if it's a 32-bit plug-in you know it's not compatible since cubase 8.5 i think um so make sure a that's a 64-bit compatible plug-in and generally you know plug-ins that are being blocked are going to be nefarious and cause system instabilities but if it's a 32-bit plug-in you and you really absolutely need to do it it's not recommended but you could maybe get like a bridging solution something like jbridge i think will work um so i just see hi greg uh reviewing recent dom tagalos video regarding logical editor he stated that he didn't know how to import export easily i'm not criticizing i'm wondering if it's possible as file so the logical editors we'll just show up um let's take a quick look so i think if we come over here let's get to our library and go to i think it's going to be under [Music] preferences so these are where all they're just the xml files so let me just make sure i'm reading it right but you could just drag and drop them directly right into the xml file so it's going to be on uh just the on the windows the application data folder or just in the preferences but you can just drag and drop them right there so you see where jazz dudes posted the has posted the path for windows users okay so we have a question uh what's the best way to render in place uh any shortcuts thanks um so you know i think let me just come over here let's find a file it's kind of set up for this you know so there are you know just using the render function so let's say you know i have a project like this [Music] so if i wanted to you know take these particular files so you know you could just go to the edit to render and play so let's go look at the render settings uh so we could do these each as separate events block events and what a block event means that the event will get rendered until the next one starts or as one event so let's say i'll do this as separate events we could choose to do dry without the processing channel settings we could do the complete signal path we could add tail we could add names if you need to change the file path we could mix it all down you could choose to mute source events or keep the source events and just kind of click on render and at this point it's just going to take all the files and render them as so it'll take even the track colors and mute the original files so now you could have all of your midi just rendered uh straight as audio and if we have and you know i think that you could just set up key commands let me see if the render in place is set up with the key command already so i think i just made up a key command but you can make a key command under the edit menu so let's come over here it may be under just to render in place let me just look yeah so under the render in place you could just have those particular keyboard shortcuts set uh like here if i have maybe like a drum part and let's say this is going to groove agent and i have multiple outputs selected i could also just take this particular part and let's say okay i'll just render that in place and if all the like my kick is being sent to one output in groove agent you know because that's 32 stereo outs my snare to another we could have that set up so say now if i go to the instrument so i could just render that but you could also you know just very easily uh come to let's say i go to my render in play settings here let's get to the render settings uh i could just do my channel settings and you know so and so just some different options that you could do for render and play so there's a lot of flexibility with your different but as you can see here now i will have you know my room mic the overheads hi-hat snare kick and like the effects just all done as separate tracks all right so we see that pablo helped with the control room setting up for michael teams with his aviom system all right so you see robbie bowling and dallas just got home so currently we're at 45 minutes at the questions in the live stream so 45 minutes after the first hour so just as a reference point all right just finding my place in the discussion my field just jumped on me again okay so i think i'm close to where i was all right so we have theodore checking in from london all right and we have graham checking in from royal wuton bassett in the uk okay so we have a question uh hi from quebec canada in midi editor is it possible to change the default selected node to something other than black on gray thanks for to help okay so let's say um if i go to midi part here so let's say so it really could depend on like the colors itself so let's say if i add an instrument track here and i don't have a color so let's say you know if we colorize you know based on channel or let's say the part itself you could have gray so you know you have different coloring options here so i think default is velocity if you have it you could do it based on the color of the track itself so let's say okay our drums are green here uh or let's say like our percussion is red so so we will you know so usually default will be velocity um but you could also do channel so if i change the channel here of the percussion to yellow you're kind of like an orangish color and double click we could just choose you know based on a particular color scheme that you want there so try just you know by default most of the time it goes to velocity but you could change the color settings there so if the part itself doesn't have color and you have it set to colorized by parts then it will be gray okay so uh just to follow up from a question earlier uh so about printing the higher sample rate uh thanks for the questions more specific if i print to a higher sample rate how will it be done the conversion as a post process or will the plugins play at the higher sample rate and my tracks converted so it's going to be as a post process unless you choose to actually export in real time but you know you could have it do either way so it depends on if you have real time selected but it's going to do it as kind of a post process by default okay and these also just continue on um says is it or will the plugins play at the higher rate and my tracks converted [Music] before the mix down to minimize the aliasing of some of my plugins some of my favorite plugins have at conventional sample rates so you know any of the processing that's being done so you know generally when you run into when you can run into aliasing of plugins is sometimes if they don't have internal it's more of the internal processing resolution as opposed to sample rates you know so in cubase and something you can do you know because everything is being done at default in 32-bit floating point and you could have it done its 64-bit floating point if you're uh really particular and i could add double precision not all plug-ins will support it but you know all the steinberg plug-ins will support the double precision and you know some third-party ones will if it doesn't support it it will do it at 32-bit floating point precision but that could be more critical than kind of like the sample rate so yeah so we just see some discussion of the weather so we've seen mark ravenson he has a lot of the smoke and michael pierce also mentioning like i've seen the news and kind of in germany netherlands and belgium switzerland about all the flooding and rain so so yeah hopefully everyone is safe all right um so we see a question from russ i'm wondering if anyone has a problem like mine i am unable to double click and change names in the track window in cubase 11 pro it worked in all previous versions reinstalled didn't help so i haven't really run into that you know one thing that would be interesting i've seen sometimes where depending on high dpi settings if uh if you're on you know if you're on windows and you have high dpi settings that maybe the windows let me just see if it indicates the os so you know often reinstalling you know may not change that but try if you're on a windows platform try going to preferences and under general you'll see use high dpi see if you toggle that if the behavior changes if not what i would do is as you double click to start the program instead of reinstalling it you know it could be that perhaps some of the preferences are corrupted and how you could mitigate that is just to you know as soon as you double click to launch the executable of the program hold down alt control shift or command option plus shift and hold it down and then just have the program you'll get prompted if you wanted to uh temporarily disable the program uh pro you know the cubase preferences and i would do that and see if that changes the behavior it could be just kind of corrupt preferences that could be causing that yeah so you see jazz dude mentioning uh luke johnson's uh his youtube videos he's done with his touch screen stuff so yeah that's very good i helped him out with a couple of little things over facebook so okay so we have a question how to record twice an instrument track without removing the first one okay so let's say if i'm just here on all right so i have a base part and let me just okay so let's say i'll just do percussion all right and i want to set this into a quick loop for a couple bars [Music] okay so let's say i just wanted to do a quick recording and i think what this is is um how to record twice an instrument track without removing the first one so you know there are different midi record modes so um so if you wanted to you know so let's say if i i'm here and i just want to say i'm playing and i have the you know say i just do a quick all right so when we do this you know we could have those different midi parts kind of automatically but i don't hear like the first one it had this now if i wanted to look at this um we could see that these will show up as lanes and the first lane will get muted but if i want it to kind of over dub so let's say if i'm here and i just want to overdub different parts so let's say i'm just going to record um we could switch to record mode that would help if i did it before where we could just choose merge and now if i wanted to play over top of that and add on to it and you could just kind of keep adding over top so check your midi record mode and you could just kind of put it into merge and see if that uh helps with that if but if i misunderstood the question please let me know so i just see someone's mentioning uh about the pronunciation of dorico so it says always pronounce it like dorito like the chips as long as you buy the program you could say it however you want so we have a lot of guys in latin american countries it's kubase so instead of cubase so but if you buy the program you can pronounce it whatever however you want okay so you see jay says i own vst connect pro and verified it on my e-licenser it came up with a message that which essentially states that i cannot share them on the same network uh maybe troubleshoot by email so what you need to do and this is like probably you know an incredibly unobvious thing but the trick jay is to come over here so let's say you go to uh your vst cloud so let's say we go to your cr your connect vst okay so what you need to do the trick is to you'll just kind of right click here um i i don't have another uh i don't have another machine set up but right click in here and then you'll see the ip address of the other computer and if you want to send me an email i could send you a screenshot when i have another computer connected but you will get that message even if with vst connect pro but if you just kind of right click i think it's right on here that you'll see the ip address of the computer so just try right clicking in this area right there or right here and you'll see the ip address and then you'll be able to connect to the computer okay and i realize that's frustrating so okay we have a question uh from laura burton um what is the simplest way to use a midi controller for say wawa on an amp sim in on an audio track i've tried routing a midi track out to the audio track but that seems overly complicated all right so let's say if i have let me just i think i may have a quick project here [Music] uh [Music] okay so let's say if i'm here and let's add just a quick wawa [Music] make sure it's the actual right track [Music] all right so say we have it turned on and [Music] all right so what you could do is you know if you have it set up as quick controls you know i think you could just come over here again just click right here [Music] and move the wawa pedal and you could use your quick controls now just to [Music] so you could just set it up like that i think it might also just respond to uh midi cc one so you know even though it's an audio track you know what you could do is just and let me just see if this is so i think this will respond to expression so if we add a midi track and we route this out to um [Music] there that now that we have let's say excuse me let's say if i wanted something to spit out controller 11 you know that i think it will now let's say if i go to my midi inserts and let's say to our uh midi control so i and i could so if you now take this midi track that's routed out to this instrument again so let's go to the [Music] midi and you know at that point you could just choose the midi input that you know if you just i think it's midi cc 11 that it will do so if you have that as a controller you could do that and let's say if i go to midi control here let's go to cc11 i think that as you would just adjust the values here you could just do that so but the quickest way is probably just going to be through quick controls you know click on a slot click on learn move that parameter and then you could just write midi within it within the automation you could control through through the track as automation as quick controls without having to add a midi track to route to the plug-in okay so i see people switching over to cap5 for all their audio wiring and stuff so so everything just joseph saying is like a great idea about using a wireless keyboard i have a soundproof vocal vocal booth in our room so the neighbors can't hear me scream uh i used to use two pcs with teamviewer so yeah it's kind of an old-school method so all right so a question from sable uh what is vst system link in studio setup so vst system link was uh kind of an older it's been around maybe 20 plus years and what vst system link allows you to do is basically it was designed kind of conceptually around you know like using like the old days when people wanted 48 tracks is you would synchronize two 24 track tape machines and this was developed originally by charlie steinberg he said wouldn't that be kind of a great concept to work with you know 24 you know to work with multiple computers so he'd have he came up with a way that you know but the problem is making the computer sample accurately synchronized so he could connect um you know two audio interfaces that had a digital connection i you know spdif or you know at light pipe a s ebu and with vst system link you could connect the two computers together so that both computers would sample accurately synchronized to each other and you could also send midi from one computer to midi on another computer and it could be cubase le ai elements artist pro nuendo and you know the other machine could host the virtual instrument and you send midi to it over this digital audio connection and send the audio back to it um so that was kind of the intention of it it's kind of more like you know i have an old computer laying around i want to use that and we have a lot of film composers that use this method for you know one one copy of cubase is system linked and it's running the video and it's almost like a print rig and the other computer is running cubase with all the midi sequence data and that way you don't have to worry about any weird midi time code synchronization issues everything could just simply be sample accurately synced just like that all right so i just see cubase and reason are filled with wires so i don't think there's any actual wires in cubase all right i just see uh let's see does cubase artist um does artist support support full featured warping beat detection etc so i don't have a cubase artist license on my system but if you want to you know i think it might be mentioned in the uh in the comparison chart but if if not if you want to email me at clubcubase at i could answer definitively for you i just don't want to i don't have a license for cubase arts i just have a cubase pro license unfortunately but i could check it on my other system after the live stream okay so we see [Music] a question is there an adjustable threshold for detection so yeah with hit points you could definitely adjust the threshold so and that's the threshold is definitely adjustable so let's take a look at it here so let's say i'm in the sample editor and at this point all you have to do is click on edit hit points and then you can adjust the threshold here with this line i'm just gonna toggle one preference here real quick okay okay so to see uh pitch and timing uh what i did to uh repair tuning on a recording uh older reel-to-reel tapes with speed slower than the available speeds on the deck and even fix that pitch to a equals 440. so it's from jeff stabelski so um so i'm not sure if it's a question to me or not or just a comment but jeff it's a question just let me know uh and just so people know in the questions i'm at an hour and uh 23 minutes into into the questions on the live stream all right so mark raven wants everyone to smash the like button okay so we have a question from uh jeff szabowski let me just find it again sorry okay uh hi greg all my old hso were 16-bit or 32-bit compatible did the samples become 64 com 64-bit compatible in hso so the samples were originally done at 24 bit of the recording resolution was done at 24 bit uh so the original hso sample set the playback you know so there's audio resolution of and we often think of that as like 16-bit 24-bit or 32-bit float now 64-bit uh it can sometimes get confused with kind of the memory allocation of pro of software so you have 32-bit uh software is often so they're kind of the same terminologies used and it can be uh confusing so there's 32-bit and 64-bit as far as memory addressability so the older programs are 32-bit and you're limited to only using 4 gigabytes of ram which is i think my phone almost has that now and 64-bit you could go well beyond the four gigabyte limitations so again it's not uncommon like my new system has 128 gigs of ram for my personal studio but you know i have friends around 256 or um 384 gigs of ram and you know so that is when you need a 64 bit so the playback sample engine you know when you play it in halley and sonic se or hallien that is taking advantage of the 64-bit memory addressing so you can have larger sample libraries but the content the actual recordings of the samples were done at 24 bit but again that's the audio resolution versus kind of the memory capabilities of the other things and they're 32 64-bit and people use the terminology interchangeably often erroneously okay so you see um from rg separate events versus blocks don't get it all right so let's go back and this is with the um render in place functionality okay so i'll revert this all right so as we do this let's say i look at this particular file so i'm going to render these four events so go to render and place and i'm going to do as separate events so when i do separate events their lengths will be identical to the parts so i'll choose render okay so we have a direct correlation with the length of that particular part until the length of the next part so if we undo that and let's do the same selection but i'm going to do as blocks as block events now when you watch it it'll render so generally it will let's say if i do this let me see if i can show it again to say so i thought that it would actually just take this until the next event started but it doesn't seem to be doing that now so i thought that's what the block events did but maybe i misunderstood and misremembered what that function was but i'll do some more research on it okay okay so we have um so just a question it's always a pleasure attending your live session thank you my question is can we export all effects channels as a mix fx channel so let's say if i'm here let's just [Music] all right so say i have this going on and let's say i have reverb and let's throw on maybe a like a delay [Music] and let's do we'll add one more [Music] okay so i have a reverb a delay and a flanger kind of all going on here [Music] so i think if i want to i think this is going to be a two-step process so you know if you wanted to let's say come here and i wanted to do routing on these i could add a group channel so let's make it a stereo group and now i want it or let's say if i just want to take these three tracks and i'm going to add a group channel to the selected channels [Music] um so now that we do that i can add an audio track and let's place it i let's see if this will uh i'm gonna say from group one as its input let's make it a stereo [Music] so all the effects are being routed out to the group [Music] so now if we listen to that that is just all of the effects but you could also another way if you wanted to is just to say okay i want to do my audio mix down and i could say let's do multiple and i want to take my drums and my effects channels to add that to our q let's put this into we'll create audio tracks so we will have just our delay track our flanger our reverb so if i wanted to now select these tracks and go to edit to render in place and i'll just choose to my channel settings to mix down to one file hit render and now my reverb delay and flanger will now all be set up directly as one track or independently so that's a couple different approaches for doing that all right so we have a question from jay um and you get asked as many questions as you want don't worry about it um so i may be mixing first artist within 60 days possibly recording in vst connect 2. if i can work out issues uh it's a question one of two i'm wondering is it possible to import her pro tools recording into nuendo for mix if so how so most people will just kind of render audio files out and it's pretty common i think the term that pro tools uses um is like consolidate edits and it'll just kind of make renders of all the files if not you could have the artist export an aaf file and import it so it's not going to carry over plugins or midi information but those are the two common ways that people will just kind of get files back and forth and even people that are running the same software will often just send stems because it's just easier and you're not worried about oh they have this version of the plugin and you have a different level so that's you know so nothing really will import uh pro tools session even avid video software doesn't do it so okay so we see does artist have any melodyne type functionality so once you go so melda with cubase artist 11 we can now have a very audio has been included with the artist level for the first time so this will give you very audio capability so if you're doing your editing of your vocal you could come directly here and have kind of graphic pitch editing of vocal parts and tuning so we could do this very similar to melodyne except with integration all right so he said uh following up on the question from the last live stream what are the benefits of moving cubase content onto an external drive so there's no real benefits people will often do it like i have one like a two terabyte ssd just for all of my sample libraries so that they're all there and i have a different ssd for recording audio and one ssd just for my operating system so i like to just kind of have uh you know so that's but there's no benefit to doing it unless it's a faster drive or free you know sometimes if your hard drive is 99.9 full you'll notice that your computer isn't you know doesn't have enough like free space to kind of handle a lot of different tasks and maybe creating files in the background so there's no like you know if you have the space on on two drives there's no real benefit but some people i know will just kind of split things up uh and that way they could upgrade easily and like recently when i got my a new computer built i was able just to take all of my drives and and just put them right into the new system and i didn't have to buy that or buy those components again because it was just like uh ssd drives and i could migrate it from one computer to another quite easily so all right glad to see that pablo has made the live stream great to have you okay reading through comments uh so you just see uh any cool tips for drums and logical editor like fast way to make congas or how to find out what sample libraries or sounds were loaded into a vst sampler that's no longer installed so you know generally the logical editor doesn't necessarily do that doesn't make parts but i mean we could i'll show you one thing that a lot of people miss uh you know one thing that i like for logical editing see if i can just go back to this project you know like the you know one of the dead giveaways a lot of times with uh midi drums is hi-hats um so let's say if i'm here i'll just select all notes and delete and i will come to this and let's go to like the drum map so many times just have it extracted from groove agent all right so say i'll just put it in like a you know you could do like really clever things for like programming velocities all right so say i do like total generic drum pattern here i'm sorry about that okay here sorry let me just get this in the part let's get check my okay so let's say uh for a quick logical editor okay so but if you like want to come over here to let's say hi hats you know one of the things that you could do for logical editors you know is to come over here and i think i even saved it as a preset um or we could just um you know we could just say uh let's take every other hi-hat so i want to take like the g-sharp ones here and they're all the same velocity and i want to transform let's say type is equal to notes the note is equal to let's say g sharp one and i wanted to we'll do uh last event event [Music] counter so now we could say i want to subtract value to velocity let's subtract like 40. and now i want to take every other hi-hat you could just subtract um you know those selected notes let me just see if i so you could do stuff like that for hi hats but that's some good stuff but you know the logical editor isn't gonna you know make parts necessarily or find missing sample content okay reading through comments thanks for all the great questions again if you um if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that already okay uh so we have a question is there a way to save track presets to save the routing of particular tracks i have a track preset for each of several pianos and want them to automatically go to the piano group bus when they load so the track presets are going to be kind of uh routing we'll call it routing agnostic if you will but what you can do is you know maybe save them you know you could save you know let's say i have like this audio file and it's routed to a group okay so when we go to this file here we can see that this is going to be routed to group two instead of saving a track preset what you could do is save both of these tracks and go to export and you could say export selected tracks and you don't have to copy the media files so if you don't have any media files you come over here we'll just call it piano [Music] plus piano and group i'll just put this on my desktop for now okay so it's i'm sorry i'll just come here export selected tracks all right and now what you do is so you'd export to select the tracks and you come here and you could import the track archive so let's say we just come here we could select all so we import these again here and we can see that this will maintain kind of the group routing and the tracks the track presets will be not really include the routing but if you export selected tracks or import tracks from a project that will okay so we had a question uh how to make a duplicate track so really all you have to do is let's say i want to duplicate this track audio or midi just right click and you'll see duplicate tracks and you'll see like a little a parenthesis with d indicating that it's duplicated okay so we have a question uh is there a way to only show group buses that have signal routed to them example i have 30 group buses but only use 15 in a queue would be great to quickly only show those used for exporting stems so let me see if there's just jump back to another project i'm not sure if there is a way so let's say i'll take all my drums here and send it to all right and i'll just add a couple of group channels independently okay so let's say we play along here so i'll have so we say group one is where all my drums are and these groups don't have any activity so one way of maybe determining if you play um is if you just do like a whole if you look at the meters and i know that if you're doing like a large scoring thing that this may not be as practical but if you do this you could see kind of the meters in the score you know for the groups as you play and i realize that if you set it to hold forever it's going to hold that peaks and if you don't see any peak meters indicated in these groups that could indicate that it would that that is not seeing any particular activity at all so you can see how the peaks are being held here so if you don't see any peaks in the meters that is um a way to determine that there's no activity but i don't think that there's a way for it to automatically turn off tracks that don't have any signal in them but this is a way to isolate which particular tracks don't so you if you play a project all the way through once you could see exactly which groups have have had signal in them and which don't and again you just right click and go to the meters global meter settings and hold peaks and hold forever and then you can determine that those particular tracks don't have any signal going into them and i could ignore them all right wonderful to see jean-marie zarya will be our celebrity engineer glad you can make it to the live stream everyone look up jean-marie's work okay reading through your comments thanks for all the great discussions okay okay so we see uh greg uh some time ago you showed how to make a macro that could be used to reduce the volume of uh breath sounds but i couldn't find the relevant commands in cubase 10.5 so i think that they're all there so let's go ahead and i think i still i may have it in here uh i think i call it minimize breadth so when i come over here let me see if there's anything that might have changed names so and i'll show what this macro does in a minute but let's say if we have a vocal file and i'll just switch over to this particular file so we have some vocals on this all right and i'll just revert this because i probably destroyed it and demonstrating some other feature okay so said sayroo if we listen just to the vocal here you may have i turn it up you wouldn't mind so you hear these breaths and sometimes it's you know you want sometimes a little bit of breath in there but what this macro can allow you to do is i could just uh turn my snap off by hitting the letter j and i'm just going to select like the the breath here so maybe i want the breath in uh and we could choose to kind of just see so i could say okay right here i'm going to just amplify the amplitude so i'm going to increase the amplitude and i can say okay right here i want to get rid of that part of the breath so i could go to edit and we'll show you what this macro does so i just selected that with the range tool and i say minimize breaths and that can just simply kind of go through and minimize the breaths like that so if you want to create the macro i'll show you how it's made is now i could and see if any of these have changed because i did this originally i think in cubase 9. so we did transport locators to selection uh switch to the object selection tool you i went to the left locator i auto selected the events i nudged the cursor and then i decreased the volume by 12 db and so and then auto select events under the cursor i change kind of this the stat the state of that back to where it was uh and then back to the range selection tool so this is assuming that we have um let me just check the preference of one particular thing okay so if i just want again to come here and say okay i want to get rid of this breath i think we can just come right over here and you could just trigger this macro with the keyboard shortcut and you could again just kind of minimize that but the functionality that you can do for that i think that's all the same so i'll show the minimize breath macro again here it's just going to be i'll make this larger so you could see if you wanted to pause the video and recreate that particular macro you could do it just like that all right so time-wise i'm at um let's say in the in the live stream at almost two hours in so about 35 minutes behind okay so we have a question uh is there any obvious workflow to use when building ideas in cubasis and working them out in cubase pro are there any limitations no so everything that you start with in q basis you know you can just come directly over here and as we work with this my friend daryl pearson calling i'll come back after uh but you know once you have something started and so a lot of people will start a project in cubasis you know you have that moment of clarity that moment of inspiration of creativity and you just want to start recording it is at that point you just import the cubasis project directly into your cubase project and then you could kind of use all the big boy plugins and you know vocal tuning and stuff like that if needed but you know you could start in many people will start in cubases and you know take their little sketch of inspiration and be able to develop it fully and realize it uh to complete production inside a cubase okay so i just see is there a function to create effect chains like the splitter in studio one five so i'm not familiar with that um if not it's a super wish for next version update so if you wanted to put effect chains on different things you can come over here and just say you know there's if you go to track presets so anytime sorry for hitting my mic if you go to your track presets you could come over here to audio so say i have like you know my inserts here and i'm like oh i just want this track preset you could just drag and drop and it would take kind of all the settings let's say okay i'm here i just want to drag and drop this to the track you know we could do it just like that and we could have all your different settings there uh i know some people asked you know from studio one about uh just a workflow thing of how to maybe get reverb only on particular frequencies so i think i just may have a project to kind of show this so let's say you know i have a drum loop or an audio recording [Music] and maybe i don't want the reverb on the kick but i want on the hi-hat and the snare so if you add like a an effects channel so like right now i'm going to go to the sends you know for this track and we go to our sends you know we're sending all the frequencies to the reverb but if i go to the reverb return channel here what i could do is just say um so we go to its inserts and i could just put like an imager plug-in here so if i wanted to isolate the particular frequencies for the reverb so now i could just say so so let's say right now all the frequencies are going on to the reverb so if i just solo kind of the high [Music] frequencies [Music] so this way the low end isn't getting processed with the reverb or the so now if we do this all frequencies are getting processed but if i wanted to split what frequencies are being actually applied just use the imager plugin and solo a band put it to two bands and then you could [Music] so without so now the low end total mess and now i could just come here not have the low end process with the eq but if i don't know what the exact um splitter function is in studio 1.5 if you could explain it in more detail i'd be happy to you know see what we could do in cubase to get the equivalent functionality okay uh so see from uh john costigan uh hello greg i've forgotten how to disassemble a drum track using hit points to make multiple midi tracks and copy the groove uh can you remind me all right so let's say if i wanted to you know do it from a particular drum loop and if i wanted that groove to be applied to somewhere else what i could do is just go to the hit points here uh so i will just double click and we're in the sample editor let's go to our hit points so we'll say okay we'll find kind of the rhythmically significant points of the file and i could say create grooves and now when we go to our groove quantize preset this is the groove of that particular drum loop if it was more for like a multi-track drum recording we can come over here and we could just turn these into midi notes quite easily so i could say okay i wanted to go to i'll just revert this back so at this point i could say okay i have a midi track selected so i'll select that track go into uh my sample editor again let's adjust kind of our rhythmically you know where our drum our kick drum is hitting and then create midi notes and i could choose to put it onto the first selected track a new midi track we could have the dynamic velocity and that will take all the kicks and i could reassign them and if i wanted to do the same for my snare at this point i could just come directly to the snare as well and create midi notes so this is kind of taking the timing information of the uh of where the audio is and creating the midi notes and sending it to the destination and now that if we wanted to merge these two i could hold down a glue gun with my alt or option key and now we could have you know both our kick and snare uh in there and at this point i could just take this midi part and drag it over and you could have the groove quantize for that if you want it so let me know if that's what you intended john okay so we have a question um so hi i'm from india please how to route master output to stereo 2 in cubase 10.5 so the master output is going you know we can think of this as being um you know like the final stage so you know it's like so if you wanted to what some people will do is take all the tracks and send it directly to [Music] you know a pre-master group so i could take this and say okay i want to add a group channel to the selected channels so now everything is being sent directly to this group and at that point i could process this separately then uh then to my master output but it's like you know is it your final final final final destination you know so the master out will be there you know you could duplicate you know the routing of this in a couple of different ways so if you have you know if you wanted to you know send it to other outputs you could do it through even direct routing so if you go into the main mix console you could you know uh you'll see your direct routing and we could send these to if i had other outputs as well so let's say i had two outputs so let me just go to my audio connections and so i have stereo out two so at this point i could go to this little drop down hidden drop down menu and choose uh direct routing summing on i could select all of my channels and i could send all of these i'll just enable quick link send all these to output 2 and turn them all on so now at this point it's being sent to like we could have this sent to two different destinations so i don't have it actually connected anywhere but you could have that sent to two different destinations so um but if it's just for maybe sending it to two different monitors to switch you know you could also just use the control room and say okay i want to listen on this set of monitors this set of monitors that set of monitors so there's a couple different ways to approach it but you know so depending what method kind of makes most sense to your workflow all right okay reading through comments thanks for all the great discussion all right jazz dude once i wanted to smash the like button all right we see that gareth has been able to join the live stream great to have you on and gareth is happy that pablo is on the live stream as well okay so we have a from joe meek's friendly ghost great great name uh greetings can you compare demo the differences between comping multiple audio takes versus multiple midi takes using lanes etc so it's really the same uh functionality so create a new project here and i'll add a quick instrument track let me just find something here real quick okay so let's say i okay so i'm going to set this up so i could record midi and audio simultaneously okay and let's say i'll just put this into quick cycle mode okay and so let's say i'll now and if i just put my midi into let's say cycled midi recording to stacked mode at this point i will and i'll put it into loop sorry about that i hate when it's my error [Music] all right so now if i go to you know my cycle editing my lane comping on my audio it's going to be kind of this same functionality that it is when i go to my lanes in midi when i open up my lanes so it's really you know kind of the same exact editing paradigms between the two of them so there's really no difference between audio and midi when you're comping with lanes all right so i say i see a question is there something available in cubase that's similar to pro tools master fader track i've seen mixed engineers use a master fader to as part of their chain for mixing drums so i you know isn't it i don't know pro tools uh but is it really just the same as the master track that we have already in cubase where you could do all of your processing there so if i just jump back to this project and i'll revert it so i'm not sure if maybe if you could explain what it does just i i don't know you know like here we could have our own master track for applying eq and plugins so but if you could let me know like what the master fader does differently then i could probably help you with that but just let me know okay so we see mark rabin went and came back so it's great um so just see sorry let me just find my spot but i just saw it something like is it fine as a producer just to use uh is it fine to use loops for making a song you know there's obviously lots of productions that have um you know that have lots of loops in them so yeah definitely so some people don't want to necessarily use the uh same exact um the same exact loop that's widely available so you know so you know if you don't want it to be like oh everyone can name your drum loop like you know 30 years ago used to be you know named that korg you know korg m1 or the roland d50 patch that you heard in the jingle uh you know that was very common and then people would you know choose like okay i just want to make sure that it's um you know something that's unique that i do so i know lots of you know like stevie wonder's team if they get a new keyboard they just basically wipe all the factory sounds and would start from scratch with it so it's totally fine to to you know to work with loops for making a song so okay so we have a question is there a default keystroke for open enclosed folders in track view so it's going to be under your project menu let's see if there's a default one if not we could make once if you get a track folding um so so there isn't a default setting but if you get a key commands i'll take this down and i think we may find under project and folding full track so you could just uh this is where you could set the the key commands for it but you could set that up yourself see that jeff sabowski likes the carrot in dorco that's nice nice way of seeing where your time is when entering in notes all right so we see mark raven thanking uh yon agent k and jazz dude and my software efforts so we're glad you can make it and i think it's great that we are able to help out people all right so we have a question is there any key switch or macro to jump straight to the visibility and inspector tabs uh i'm aware of the alt arrow so if you wanted to um so i don't know of a key command that we'll just let's see if there's a key command for [Music] edit track types filter i think it's going to be under visibility okay so there's a channel and track visibility let's see if there's so i mean there's key commands to to switch between them uh to show all channels or tracks and but if you wanted to just then i'm just going to reread it so key command to jump to divisibility and inspector tab so you know but look under the channel and track visibility so if you're trying to get to this like you know did a little pop-up window you could get to all those functions right here from those key commands all right so we see that the hot mess project by i think it was that pablo played drums on and michael teams played guitar and sang and gareth played guitar saying and i got to play bass was going to be out in august first on all platforms it's great looking forward to it reading through comments thanks for all the great questions and discussions okay so we have uh from gareth quick question i can't remember open editor in separate window by default it is if you go to preferences and then just go to editors and then you'll see double click opens editor in window or double click opens editor in lower zone so you could just set it up right there so the difference is now when i double click uh in the lower zone it goes into the lower zone here with that set to in a separate window then at this point you can double click and it goes into like a full screen window or onto a secondary monitor so if you have two monitors it's helpful but or you could choose with the keyboard shortcut for it to go into one versus the other see gareth is saying i should rename the hangout to greg's info spew special so it's a good name all right okay so we just see uh on splitting frequencies and a reverb is there a reason for using the imager plugin rather than an eq so gen you know the imager plug-in will allow you to just solo those particular regions so you know a lot of times with eq you can adjust the eq but all the frequencies will still be getting to the can still you know some people will eq the return channel and you can say okay i want to cut the lows out but if you could prevent the low frequencies from getting you know from getting the reverb that you don't want you know so the frequency the imager plug-in can just simply you know isolate specific frequency ranges and solo them so that's why i kind of use the imager plugin all right okay so we see that we're able to help out john costigan with his uh groove analysis and duplication with the hit points okay uh so greg in one of your recent streams you showed how to use media bay to add metadata to files i think it will only work with mp3 files the feature would be helpful when exporting mp3 files so yeah it works with regular wav files as well as mp3 files so if you wanted to come over here to the media bay you know so when you go to select let's say an audio file you know at this point you could have access to uh a tremendous amount of metadata so when you come over here you could also choose all of these different metadata fields so this could be for mp3 it could be for you know regular audio files for sample characteristics and if you need to make your own metadata you know like let's say you buy uh a bunch of drum loops and you go through and there's like 10 really good ones and you know 490 really bad ones you could just say you know okay i want text and you know let's see you know our parameter is does the drum loop suck and then you could have this be a yes no question you know so so now i could add that as my own user parameter sucks yes no you know so you could just come over here and create your own metadata fields as well um so jesse uh question hi greg how did you get your vocal track sounding so perfect did you record vocal with the expensive gears um so i didn't do the recording of that that was a project done by my friend vince melmad but i think that the vocal is actually uh recorded i think he mentioned this to me just in passing but i believe that that vocal was recorded directly with an audio technica usb mic so i guess if you're a great singer you know um you know it helps uh so i think andrea the girl he's saying has a wonderful voice and you know kind of like you know one of my friends frank uh [Music] you know um frank phil petty you know he was just telling me a story you know he's he's done a number of you know records with james taylor and he's like yeah you know if you put an sm 57 on james taylor his voice is going to sound as awesome as james taylor's so you know it's so having a great singer but i don't think that that was like an expensive project i know vince doesn't have like an extensive uh like you know it's more of a songwriting room but you know he just gets a he always gets a really good solid vocal recording in the past and he's always uh i know from in discussions with him that he's often auditioning different microphones uh for a long time he used you know like in the 90s he was a big uh electro voice re 20 kind of guy and then you know he would just but he's always kind of switching but i believe that that vocal for the beatles and stones was an audio technica usb mic straight into the computer so all right okay reading through your comments thanks for all the great discussion okay okay just reading through comments uh thanks for again for if you learned something new make sure you hit the like button uh so we see uh question house nuendo's reputation for post-production it always had a great reputation but it's made like really big inroads into gaming community and we're having lots of people that are doing dolby atmos mixing kind of all innuendo currently as well so there's lots of great stuff going on with that so i think nuendo like you know when it had the promotion in june uh was like the you know more licenses of nuendo sold that month you know it's like the biggest sales month of all time and you know just and last year was the biggest sales of years every year just kind of keeps getting better and better so okay um we see how to im how to map imported midi channels per track then select and apply vsti or hallion instruments for each thanks so there is a preference where if it's i assume it's maybe a standard midi file but if you go to the preferences here we could just say uh on m on m under the midi to midi file where you could have it automatically route it to howling in sonic sc multi timbral and this is ideal if it's like a general midi midi file and this is the default uh setting but you could have it also go to midi tracks or instrument tracks that you could define later so if you don't want it to go to howing in sonic you could just say okay define it to midi tracks and then assign those to instruments or to instrument tracks and reassign those okay we have a question when i try to keep audio under minus six to avoid clipping my exported audio is really low how can i get needed volume and stay under required volume so sometimes it's going to be you know there's and it's a lifetime of study to kind of you know do stuff where it you know it sounds loud uh and full uh probably jean-marie's you know is learning new stuff uh who's on the live stream earlier he's you know this is what he does kind of probably every day uh when he's doing his mixing but you know so you know the arrangement can make a big difference you know so sometimes you know different stages of compression a lot of times people are you know you have to figure out what you're comparing it to so if you're keeping your audio at minus six you know load up a reference track and see what they're doing so a lot of people try to keep it at minus six so that when it goes to mastering that the mastering engineer has more head room to play with and can kind of do some more dynamic manipulation but if it's not going to mastering if it's something that you're just doing yourself and you're releasing you're not sending it to a mastering engineer you don't have to be limited to a minus six so all right so all right so you see that there might be a bonus hotmess tune so yeah send along love to play bass on it all right you see that sub403 has made the live stream it's great okay so i just saw uh so i just see um so kai from kais says oh so i can edit the metadata fields and you can so with uh the media bay and you could actually you know again come right over here so to access that you know just click here in the settings and there's a lot more metadata fields and also you know the ability to make your own by clicking on the plus sign there so i see gareth was confused and thought that you know the beatles used a usb mic so it was the early prototype that they used at emi so just kidding uh so we have a question is there a way to combine two key command files i created and saved from two different computers um i don't know of a way to do that it might be an xml file um and you let me just see if they are xml files okay so and i will so i don't know much you might be able to edit the xml files and merge and consolidate in uh you know maybe in excel i'm kind of an excel idiot but we'll see if they are xml files yeah so they are xml files so you know you may be able to import them into a spreadsheet and maybe merge it but by time you do that or the time i would figure out how to do that i could manually enter into key commands but if you're like an excel genius you might be able to do something like that but generally it's not like a part of cubase okay um so we have a question when using a plug-in as send effects for example delay shall the plugins uh um i guess you know should it always be set to 100 for mixing thanks so generally you know you you'd want you know so if you're here and we add an effects channel track as a send so let's say okay we add a verb to this you know so when you do that because you know we generally would want this at a hundred percent when you're doing a send because the balance is going to be when we come over here this is kind of the balance here of the you know dry and adding adding more of the effect to the dry signal here so why a lot of plug-ins have this is you know people can sometimes have an insistence on just having inserts for every single track and not send so i've seen projects where people have 24 reverbs open with the same exact settings as inserts on every single track and you know wonder why their cpu is starting to you know crawl and when you're doing it as an insert that's when you don't have the blend between wet and dry and that's why the plugins will have that so you could work with it either as an insert or a send but generally yes with sends set the you know wet dry amount to 100 on the effect all right so i'm at almost caught up i think i'm about 10 minutes behind i'm making progress here but then i have some questions sent in as well so thanks for all the great questions there you see gareth has made his preference chain for his midi editor okay um so to see from mark rabin i got a question that is hard to figure out but wanted to mention he's still having an issue with soundcloud on export so i don't think i have a soundcloud account but let's say if i do my audio mix down here and we'll choose our post process to upload to soundcloud i'll add that to the queue let's see if it just takes me to the web browser or my soundcloud upload so i think if that's the same thing you get so i don't have a soundcloud account but maybe i could sign up for if there's a free account but let me know if that's the same thing you get and i could check on it mark for you all right so we see avery joining us from uh from tel aviv in israel thanks for joining us and we have joe from rochester so great to see you on the live stream okay so i see that uh mark is getting the same message so i'll uh check on it and see if there's anything any more information i could get on it all right so i think i'm at the end of the current discussion so i'm going toggle over to questions that were mailed in thanks again for all wonderful questions all right okay so we have question uh hello i've been a cubase user since commodore 64. so probably back to pro 24. uh it's been a long ride something that i've been trying to figure out is how can i make a continuous dj remix in cubase taking about 20 songs and beat matching them so they're all the same tempo like i would using turntables and this from sal mastro all right so let me see i think i have a project that's kind of connected for this all right so i did some horrible dj music here for demonstration purposes so let's say i have different tracks i'll go ahead just revert this here okay so now as we look at this uh let's say i have different tracks and these are all different tempos so this one is kind of more [Music] and this one is slower and this one's faster [Music] okay so kind of medium slow fast and i want to match up kind of the beats of all these tracks and make them kind of flow into one another if they're kind of slightly off in tempo so what i'm going to do is figure out kind of what the tempo is of each of the files so i will just come over here and go to my project menu and do tempo detection on the first file so all right so continue and let's do a tempo detection on this and i'll go ahead and just kind of so let's say i want to divide this by two and let's do a quick tempo detection on this file as well so we're going to kind of figure out kind of what the tempo is of all of the all of the files originally and even if it sounds like it's steady it may have subtle fluctuations so i'm going to now at this point we're going to say okay we're in four 4 time and so we know what the tempo is what i want to do is to take the tempo changes and embed the tempo changes into each of these files as metadata so a lot of programs can deal with one single tempo value but if the tempo slightly fluctuates it can get thrown off pretty easily so i'm going to select these three files come over to my audio menu go to advanced and i'll say set definition from tempo and i could put this in the project only or directly in the audio files so now i'm going to turn off the tempo track and instead of them following the original tempo i'm just going to put a new tempo value in of let's say 144. so at this point uh the first project will be 144 and i'm going to just switch the algorithm here for these to time as opposed to tape so now when i do this i go to what was the slower song and let's say so if i want to do just like quick transition i will just put this onto let's say beat and i'll give it a one bar and i don't do dj remixes as everyone probably obviously knows but i just want to do a quick transition between these so now whatever tempo i type in cubase will just play so say okay i want to be 132. and now the next track when it comes in whatever the original tempo was even with varying tempos it'll just move directly to that same tempo we can do a cross fade between them so once again select the files figure out what their tempos are uh go to the audio go to advanced select all the files and go to set definition from tempo and then just put in a new tempo map and all these files will just speed up and slow down and be consistent at that point okay so we had uh i think this from we had some questions from kristoff that he mailed in so let's see if we get through some of these okay so a question is it possible to resize the sends and ascend rack so currently i think that these are be fixed for the sends um so if it's in the rack uh maybe this is let me just see if let's say if i add a number [Music] of tracks let's say i go to my mixer here uh and i go to sends so let me just come over here i'm just gonna add some sends so say i'll just take these tracks here i'll just add some audio tracks just to make it a little easier okay so i have number of audio tracks and i get to my mixer view so let's say i'll add sends to these particular tracks i'll just select them here real quick oops sorry just keep hitting the wrong button sorry okay so when i go to sends i will just add an effects end and i'll do this [Music] for okay so now we can see kind of this height here um but let me see i think if we go so say if we go to our inserts here and if i have a number of inserts let's just come over here so we could just kind of right click and i can see uh show plugin names and insert controls so i could do that on the inserts but let's see if we could do this um okay so if we wanted to adjust the size i could say show destination gain and send control so now when i get to my sends i could see kind of more functionality just right clicking or just show destination and gain so it can be kind of adjusted between two different views so you see we could you know collapse the rack or if you wanted to just come over here again to show destinations uh gain and send controls and open up again that you could have you know different views right there all right so we see um is it possible to zoom in and out vertically and horizontally simultaneously with key commands like in dorco with x and y so i don't know if it's available strictly with key commands so i think you know you could hold down you know shift h and h to go you know vertically or horizontally you know if you wanted to do that another way to do it is using the zoom tool so if you wanted to zoom uh and one thing that a lot of people will miss if you want it to hold down command or control you could just zoom vertically and horizontally with the zoom tool and if you double click you go back to your previous zoom state so we say okay i just want to see that you double click and if you wanted that to be the default behavior of the zoom tool i think if we go to preferences and under editing i think maybe tools you could say the the zoom tool is set to horizontal zooming only so if we just hit apply and come over here that now when i just select that that that will be the default state and you could always undo the zoom or just double click and that will take you right back to the previous zoom state so if i want to see that double-click you go right back very quickly okay so another question is it possible to move the locator points to the next uh bars and beats by a key command for example locators are set from bars one to four and i want to move them to bars five and eight without touching the mouse or do i need to make a macro for that that's what i found in the steinberg form yeah so if we're here and i have this so there really you know what you could do is you know set the left and right locators with macros if you wanted to if you needed to do it via key command so i haven't found a key command to move this i think it's pretty easy just to move or you could just hit the letter p and that will move there's also kind of just a quick preference uh let's go to your preference that you could be aware of i think it might be under editing cycle follows range selection so now if i just come here and i move the range that that is automatically set just to whatever the cycle marker is so that may work for you and i think that you might be able if you have that preference set up you could just say um you know and you might be able to just come over here and move the range uh like move the range start just by and you might be able to do that with the key command in conjunction with that preference setting okay so we have a um so how to trim one event to the next or previous event by key command fill in gaps or remove overlaps all right so let's say i have these two events that are overlapping it's just go to preferences uh editing and then you could just have delete overlaps checked so if you come over here now if i have these two events and they overlap just that event will be deleted uh accordingly like that okay so we have a change tempo and tempo track okay how to uh change tempo in a tempo track between two to tempo points on straight numbers or even translation not clear example 52 to 53 to 54 etcetera not 52 to 52 0.245 52.598 etc so you know as you enter in your values in the tempo track it's going to so i'll add a tempo track here or i think we should already have one so let's just do a new version okay so say i have my tempo track here so whatever value uh that you do have set it will you know so you know as you do this here you'll see just to the right it labeled to say okay we're at measure 13 i want it to be at 110 beats per minute and a measure 15 i want it to be 185. so when i enter it in here it's going to automatically we could see this little readout just to the right and this will allow me to kind of put it in different values that will be kind of not uh to the thousandth decimal place so you can just enter it like that and you know if you just select the event you could also use the left and arrow and right keys to select the next tempo node and you could change it either here or here in the info line but if you're just entering it in you know so if you wanted to just kind of come right here as you go to enter in the tempo node you know you should see the indication on the right hand side all right and we see um build macros what are macros so how to build a macro is we would go to the key commands area and what a macro is if you find yourself doing the same repeated task continuously like i do like we saw the minimize breaths macro where you know every phrase the singer goes you know and takes a huge breath and i just wanted to take that and you know if i find myself doing this manually multiple times a day where i need to just do these you know all of these steps in sequence all the time you know 100 times a day in a project for specific editing tasks so once i've defined what this is i could now create a macro the macro could be triggered by the edit menu and then you'll see kind of all of the different macros are created and you could assign your own keyboard shortcuts to macros under the macro folder and this would execute all of these steps for you so that you don't have to do 20 steps 100 times a day you just do that one step a hundred times and we'll just make sure that your workflow is significantly faster okay so we have general questions uh in logic you got to be careful if you want to work clean deleting a bus means it stays in the background somewhere in the environment how is that in cubase so once a bus is deleted it's deleted so it's not hanging out in the background trying to confuse you um okay so we see general questions on how to work with the chord track okay so let's say i was first kind of starting to maybe write a song like you know my first idea you know i could you know because we see a lot of people that will um kind of use the same types of chord progressions you know consistently and we'll get into almost like musical ruts so let's say i have like a quick drum loop and i want to come up with you know chords for a song singers there like okay give me some good chords and you could come over here and say okay i want to go to let's try the key of f and i want to do maybe a b flat next and i want to end on a c chord so i just have this where it's playing through like a rhodes or any instrument track now one of the cool things with the chords if you find yourself using if you're in a chord progression rut you could go to the chord assistant for this particular chord and we could see based on musical proximity of the chords before and after we could look at this based on the circle of fifths or it could actually give us a list and we could say okay i want this based on common notes or cadence so we can say oh maybe a g minor chord would be good between those two chords and let's say the singer's like oh it's a little high or the guitar player is like hey i don't i don't like f give me e so i could just come here and now we're in the key of e [Music] and if i wanted to i could just come right there and drag it down and it could actually make midi notes directly there [Music] now once we get into productions we could also have tracks follow the chord track so let's say if i'm just listening to so at a certain point we could tell different tracks to follow the chords or not to follow the chord so my percussion i don't want to follow the chords but strings i may want it to so let's say i'm here i want to start in key of d so i'm just going to come here and say okay now all the parts are set to follow chords [Music] so let's say right there where the timpani comes in [Music] i want to change the chord maybe to like an e chord so we could listen to that transition and you can see that even if you change the chord afterwards it'll retroactively so what it's doing is it's actually changing the different midi patterns and the midi data in the parts so let's say i want this to be an f sharp minor going to a g and then going to like an a7 so i could do kind of a quick turnaround i would say okay i want this to be an e minor chord so it's a really wonderful compositional tool that you could use so that's a quick run through and kind of how to start working with the chord track um so let's see another question is i can't find simple 16th and eight note tambourine shaker loops in cubase so i think if you go into uh media there's some i think in sql library so let's say i wanted to look for you know percussion i would take a look and some of these will be midi stuff but say okay i want percussion and i'm sure if you go through all the different loop libraries that you could find different tambourine stuff in there as well okay thanks christoph for all your questions um all right so the question is i'm new to cubase i want to ask how can i load the samples in original types i mean how they were recorded i know that cubase have elastic uh you see elastic algorithms of course i don't need to put it into musical mode i know it but uh how can i turn off the algorithm i need the clean sample for example i got eight wave file tracks recorded 48 24 bit i load them into cubase separately and if i don't copy them to the project folder uh they sound strange like the pitch was -2 or something but when i copy files to the folder all is good is it okay and please explain about the algorithms in cubase if it's possible once again i need to clean samples and what is the best algorithm when i need to use working with audio in cubase so it sounds like you know perhaps maybe there's a sample rate mismatch like when you import files into pitch changes that's often kind of indicative of a sample rate mismatch so if you just go to the pool window you know and if musical mode isn't turned on for the files and you could select all your files here i'll show it on the project has more audio files so let's say i go to my pool window and if i just wanted to select all the files at this stage i could just turn musical mode off for one of them while all the selected files will be turned off then when you drag it in it's not going to actually have any effect with the algorithm it's not going to employ the algorithms it's going to completely just play the raw audio file if you drop it in and the pitch changes and you say two semitones if it's usually like a little off more than one semitone that's pretty indicative that the project uh that it could be a sample rate mismatch so make sure that this project sample rate is the same as the audio files and you could change that by going to the project setup under the project menu or hitting shift plus s and then going to the sample rate settings there make sure that that matches and you could also see that in the pool to make sure that you have the same consistent sample rate between the two okay all right so we had a question kind of mailed in um uh and there's about a high dpi and i kind of looked at the picture and i didn't really see anything that was kind of um yeah i'll look at it it came in kind of right before the live stream started but is it okay that i see these small lines and uh i don't have this attachment to show on the computer i'm broadcasting from uh or is it a bug i have the last drivers of my video card i have high dpi monitor in original size all is good but too small when i add in cubase plus 25 i see lines i'm going to add plus 15 cubes all is okay once again of course the option high dpi is enabled so you know sometimes you know disabling you know the latest video card drivers sometimes may not be the best uh for a lot of different things i'll take a closer look at the particular screenshot and respond via email but you know i it could be like a display anomaly with your driver so sometimes you know you making sure that you're not running like the gaming like video drivers but just kind of like the non-gaming video drivers if you have like an nvidia can often help with that all right so i'm gonna go back to our live questions thanks everyone for great questions and if you want to mail questions in advance you can do it at club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right see how we're doing on time so we're doing well thanks again all right let's see if i can find back to where we are where we were all right all right so i think i'm kind of back to where i was okay let me just okay reading through comments all right so you see from pylon records great to see you um he's just saying i just want to say thank you so much for these sessions they're super helpful in breaking down the sessions into time markers is fantastic thank you yeah so my time markers may be a little late tonight or early tomorrow morning i'm trying to do a movie in the park with my son so um so but i'll try to get them done by tomorrow morning at the latest uh so question what's the easiest way to get a key of a song in cubase pro 11 so you know often if you have midi parts so let's jump to something has midi so with midi we could do it pretty easily so i could come over let me just come to like and if you have something like a piano part that's often kind of ideal uh cubase currently doesn't do like an audio detection for chords but if i wanted to just select let's say like a piano part and if we look at this in our notation view um so i'll just switch this to the score editor here but what i could do now is if you get a project we could say chord track and create chord symbols and then it will tell you the key here of the song so you'll see indicate it right there so it can extract it from midi pretty well okay okay so we have a a question uh hi greg can you explain global meter settings input post post panner post fader uh when would you want to use each one thanks okay so let's go through those okay so let's say if we're going through so if i want to see um the input level that was recorded like this signal that's coming from the audio file itself so let me see if i could just do this easily maybe with one track okay all right so let's say i have my base part here all right so i'm going to right click let's get to our meter settings [Music] all right so now this is my input meters so regardless of where the fader is this is where the signal is in the recording so so regardless of where the fader is so this is going out to our stereo out but now i'm going to set it to post panner let's say post fader so as i do this you'll see that the meter is responding to the signal level as it's being affected by the fader and [Music] let's say post panner so if i have this panned all the way to the right you can see the meter in the left channel not really show up so but if i go back to my input [Music] you see that the input because the track is only showing the input and it's not being affected by the panning of the meter so that's when you would switch between the different metering types so i know a lot of people may start off the mix with uh set to input and then kind of as they build the mix may switch over to like post fader but they may start the input so they know what the gain structure is of the audio file before they start mixing and then gradually they'll kind of in the middle when they start building levels at that point they'll switch to like postpan or post fader usually uh so i just see a comment i'd still like to have two text lines on the mix track and windows i'm jealous of the mac version so it did make it into like 10.51 and i'll i'll mention that again uh to see you know if there's any reason why i kind of made an appearance and then didn't but i'll kind of mention it again to the to the teams okay just reading through more questions you see pablo is proud that his name is under macro and my laptop so i'm sure i made a macro answering a question one time a long time ago all right just going through seeing some discussion of stockhousing and check out some of the simon's stockhouse and uh pad shop content it's really good and also just another library i got in pad shop that was that's so wonderful is gary gibbons new pad shop library i should share that real quick if you're looking for new pad shop content so it's the the doomstrophic so if you want to get like really kind of like in stuff like this where you could just come up with like like one note as a whole soundtrack that's all just one note [Music] [Music] so that's our wonderful pad shop library i think yeah gary does a wonderful job all right let's see all right so i think we're just about out of time i want to thank everyone for our wonderful live stream uh and we will be doing it again on tuesday starting at 1 pm us eastern time uh if you have questions that you want to submit in advance send it to club cubase at steinberg dot d everyone please stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful weekend and we'll see everyone on tuesday take care
Channel: Cubase
Views: 13,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: muEOuVK8fAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 0sec (14280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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