How to Send Different Tracks to a Group From The Logical Editor | Club Cubase July 9th 2021

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hello welcome to the july 9th 2021 club cubase live stream we'll get started here in just a minute i'm going to do a quick audio test on my end make sure everything is going through hello and welcome all right so uh my name is greg und i'll be the host for the live stream today if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could ask questions in advance by sending an email to club cubase at or you can simply ask your question in the chat field when asking questions if the people's ability to ask questions will far exceed my ability to answer them in a real-time manner um so we'll try to go through each of the questions chronologically as we do that so if we could try to refrain from asking the same questions over and over again repeatedly that just kind of slows down the whole process that would be appreciated also when asking questions if we could uh perhaps uh indicate which version of cubase which level like cubase elements or artists or pro which operating system that you're using that information is often helpful as well um so once again my name is greg gundo i work for yamaha corporation of america as basically steinberg product specialist so i'll be and i'm presenting from united states just outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia so um for those that are watching the live stream uh please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us who you are and where you're from if this is your first live stream uh let us know that as well and we will be able you know we just want to give a special welcome a couple people i just want to give a quick shout out to if you wanted to um you know look for topics that are covered in a live stream usually uh probably tonight i will be doing the index with time stamps of all of the topics covered in this particular live stream if you want to search for topics that have been covered in previous live streams you could go to the website which is handled by yon from stockholm called so it's a wonderful resource because greg talked about this you could just do a search there and it'll take you directly to that particular period in the video when we've done it we also have another in addition to all the official steinberg resources of youtube videos and the website another great resource of information is the cubase nation discord so if you were looking for particular tutorials that's a wonderful resource i know jazz dude often helps with that and gets that organized so a bit of kudos to him as well and also we have two people that serve as moderators who can handle some issues when i'm trying to catch up uh which is most of the time so i want to give a special uh thanks to agent k and jazz dude for their help with uh moderation so we'll wait just another minute and see who will uh be coming on board um so i'm gonna make my cursor just a little bit larger uh so that people could watch uh can see it a little easier so let me adjust my cursor here okay and i will try to occasionally give out the timestamp of where i am in the video uh so that we could uh so people could have an idea of roughly how far i am back so i'll try to do it in uh but let's go ahead and i will get going here in just a second and see all right okay so let's go ahead get started uh hi i have upgraded to cubase version 11.03 and i have many issues and bugs please how do i go back to the version before i have updated so probably if you had the previous version if you uh there's a good chance that you might have the installer for the previous version i think that that there may not be like a 1102 1101 installers kind of readily available but if you still have the installer download so if you go to your downloads folder to steinberg if you're on windows i think it would go to windows win64 you should you could probably find the installers there on windows platform or just in the steinberg folder in your downloads so if you had the previous version installed and you downloaded it's probably going to still be in there so you could uninstall the application uh just the application and all of your content and projects and everything will be will remain intact and then if you needed to go back the one thing that i would try before going back so i found 1103 to be more stable for me personally and i haven't had we haven't usually if it's a bad version we hear about it pretty quickly uh but you know maybe if you uh start the program by doing a like running in like a safe start mode and you could do that which will temporarily bypass uh you could temporarily temporarily bypass uh user preferences as well as third-party plug-ins in addition to that by holding down alt control shift right after double clicking your cubase icon or command option shift on the mac platform okay all right so you see space crawler checking it from germany as well as filter freak from uh uk so glad you can make it we have robbie bowling from dallas and millard brown from uh outside philadelphia in pennsylvania with sauron from sweden you see jazz dudes on the live stream and we see john cost again all right so we have john dinko uh drink all and this is his first live stream so welcome uh feel free to ask any questions all right all right and we have theodore from london and ken from norway all right we i see yon from cubase index all right so we have chris holley from his first time from vancouver canada all right thanks for joining us all right so we see ken just mentioning um you just upgraded from uh pro 10.5 to 11 everything is so shiny it has that new daw smell so yeah if you know we just always joke that when you get the package that you get the fresh air from hamburg yeah you're near the harbor all right so we have david m checking in from liverpool i'm glad you could join us all right and we have uh tony from australia rose it's probably very late there thanks for joining us and we have sir robert from atlanta all right we have carlos from columbia okay all right and we have stefan in sweden all right just so we're going through lots of introductions here let me just all right so we have mark raven in montana michael from new york okay michael teams from weatherford texas all right just going through all the comments here we have pablo from italy all right and if you have questions go ahead ask him in the chat field let's just all right all right so we have term nuclear war from serbia we see ted springman from sherman oaks we have nuon from sri lanka all right rob from florida i believe is in tarpon springs we have daryl from oakland you just got dorco pro okay so i just see a question is there another program other than asio i can use on windows 10 so if you're on windows 10 and if you wanted to just use the onboard audio interface drivers you go to your studio setup here um and you know if we so basically you know we could just choose you'll see a generic low latency asio and that will work with audio interfaces that don't have uh dedicated azio drivers and once you click on a control panel you could just simply route that to any particular you know to any particular audio interface or anything that's outputting audio on your system for you all right um okay so we have this uh from india expecting for the answer for the arranger track plus live patch change feature for live performance so let's go ahead and take a look at what we could do kind of if we wanted to do more arranger track functionality with live performance i think i have a project that has and this is kind of also asked in the uh in the comments for tuesday's live stream so i'll just jump over here so let's say we have a particular uh we have a ranger track set up here and if you're not familiar with the ranger tracks what you could do is basically just set this up where um if we didn't want to play in a linear manner so let's say if i listen to this particular project here we can see it's going to kind of just play through but if i wanted this to play in a non-linear manner the arranger track i could define different sections of the song could be verse intro whatever and we could also have sub sections within the section these could all be titled appropriately and then we could drag from our defined sections to our and to create multiple arrangements so now once this is activated i could go to the beginning and instead of playing it straight linearly through we could just have it kind of jump around my fears the world was like a brand new place felt my go back to fears intro [Music] and then to the chorus so this way we could kind of jump around now what some people want to do is to be able to have just like a midi uh a midi note to trigger the different performances so if we come over to our studio setup we could accomplish this let's say in our generic remote so we get to sign midi note messages and this could be from like a midi foot pedal board or anything that's doing midi drum pads and we could say okay i want uh if we go to let's say this particular note message so we could just click on and learn note messages so if i come here i click on learn and then i could just say okay we're going to hit this particular note it will capture that midi note message and what we do is we assign this midi note message to this particular function so if i go to my command i'll say let's go to the arranger track and now we could actually just choose to do different arranger events so say this note is going to trigger arrangement 5. the next one will be command and again go to arranger and then i want this to control six and the next one will be let's say seven so you could create any number of these i think we have 20 different arranger events so now instead of i could just play and i could just hit a midi note message so if i just wanted to go [Music] and we could have this switch with no timing so just [Music] and i could just trigger the arrangement from midi notes and i could have that automatically snap to the bar snap to the beat um so once you have that done any midi note messages that you have assigned you can just come directly over here and just trigger those particular ranger events in real time so if you just wanted to jump to song to song or turn on a loop you could set up your generic remote just to do that and for each of these parts you could have it trigger different midi program changes where they are in the particular events so that's a pretty easy way of doing a lot of stuff for live use okay so thanks for all the great questions and if you learned something new make sure you hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well okay so you see a question uh hey greg in the piano roll apply legato delete overlaps no longer works correctly it seems to only work on one onenote no chord and sometimes not at all any tips on how to fix this so i think basically let's let's take a look at it uh i'll take this little roads part okay so if i want it to apply these where these notes will last and will the length will extend i will just kind of come right over here and let's go to our length uh so at this point i just wanted to um let's say extend to the next let's say apply legato all right i'm just erase this couple little notes here all right so i'm just going to make sure there's no actual notes selected i think if we just kind of come over here let me select just this range i know i just did this for film composer recently all right let me just see that as we do that we could just adjust let's just see if we have the overlaps so say if i just kind of set this let me just i know i've had this function working uh previously i could play around with it but it doesn't i know when i've done it for chords like in this kind of scenario just automatically apply the legato uh to it let me just see if i have this these notes selected if that makes a difference so it seems like it's not behaving as i would expect but i'll go ahead and mention that to the team it could be that i'm just doing something wrong all right so we see christian d68 and uh jeff sebelski on the live stream here with us all right so it looks like it's mark raven's birthday happy birthday thanks for spending some time with us um okay so i just see a question how can we get cubase sound to zoom so there are a number of tutorials i think on the cubase nation discord how i'm using it uh and what i do is i take the audio output um just because zoom isn't capable of doing asio support um so how i get my audio is i take my audio interface plus my microphone into a yamaha usb mixer and then i use the usb mixer for to get all the audio out but most of the time uh i think that some people have used a plug-in called restream but that's also been very problematic for a lot of people for stability-wise and also some people use voice meter which is utility that could allow you to do that okay so we have a question uh when downloading an update is it necessary to download all the additional components besides the 11.03 major parts so generally um it'll be indicated if there's something new so i think with the 1103 all you'd have to do is to download the components and some of the earlier ones i think there were some minor adjustments that were indicated for some of the content but 1103 all you have to do is just simply download the main program and all their content wasn't affected okay so we have a question uh hi greg is there any way to select and send different tracks to a specific group by using logical editor so let's take a look i'll just open up a different project here okay so say if i want to take all my drum tracks let's see if we can do it with project logical editor not sure if we can but let's take a look i would say we'll make it so the property is the events are selected so i'm not sure if we could do routing through here so let's say yeah so there isn't a way that i know of to do it through the project logical editor but if you want it to you know simply take these particular tracks um so if you have them all selected and if you wanted to create a new group channel you could just say group channel to selected channels so say okay i want this to be a stereo group so i can add a group channel there but let's say if i have a group channel uh that's already in the project so add a group track and we'll call this empty group track so say we have this and if i wanted to just send you know these particular tracks or a number of tracks to it i could you know activate my quick link uh and if you wanted to come over here you could say okay i wanted to send these all to empty so now if we look at all of the different tracks they've all been rerouted to empty uh if i wanted to take a like my number of drum tracks here and i could also just go to my sends and let's activate so i wanted to send all them to my empty group and set the amount of that so you could do it kind of just there as well so you could send the amount so while you can't do it in a project logical it's only about two steps to add the number of specific you can do in one click to send all selected tracks to a new group track or it's maybe three clicks to send it to an existing one okay so we just see from uh umut uh hi greg i want to learn how to use groove agent se so we'll do just kind of a quick uh a quick overview on it um so if you have any specific questions you know i could probably spend an hour just on groove agent se uh but you know there's two different modes that you could work with with groove agent se setters beat agent kits where you could load and create your own samples and we could think of this as more of kind of like an mpc paradigm so we have 32 velocity layers we could have 32 stereo outputs for groove agents so if we wanted to go to our vst we could activate you know 32 stereo outputs directly from groove agent so once we have this so you know if we wanted to do editing we can drag and drop uh any sample directly to pads you can have the sample spread across multiple pads we could also um you know very easily do you know editing so if i wanted to make the kick louder if i wanted to do tuning [Music] of each sample so i could say okay this snare i wanted louder but this i want to be tuned lower uh once you get into like some pitch envelope and i'll just switch to another project here quickly just to kind of show some stuff that you could do okay so now that we are here we could just say okay let's just load up okay so now that i just kind of so once we're here we could just do you know again different volume so if i want and tuning but you could also just kind of do some interesting tuning so let's say i want to take this kick and then we could go into like pitch envelopes so we could say let's go to our envelope amount and or if i wanted to take one particular sound so let's say i'll just get to my main and i wanted this particular sound and if i go to my pitch i could just come over here and let's just randomize the tuning of that one and then for each of the different sounds you could also have filters so i could do them on an individual pad or if i just wanted to come right over here let's do maybe a classic filter so let's say [Music] and if i wanted to automate any parameters by like a midi cc you could just learn cc and move a knob and that would automatically assign that to the particular controller uh you could also come over here there's full mixing section so you could have a number of different effects so you could say okay i just wanted a multi-delay and i wanted this to be set for maybe eighth notes so at this point um you know we could take this pattern here and for each of the individual pads i could say i just want to take this and you know if we wanted to add reverb or different effects we have that capability so i could just add effects as sends or globally um if we want to deal with different drum loops um i could just take an audio file that's a drum loop directly inside and i'll just switch to a so we have pattern pads as well as instrument pads so if i wanted to drag this i can now so if i have a drum loop at this point we could click on the slice tab and we could automatically create our different slices for each of the different rhythmic elements and if we wanted to this will make a pattern pad for us and we could just kind of drag and drop that pattern directly onto our timeline so lots of great stuff so and so you have instrument pads as well as pattern pads and if we have uh another mode of groove agent it's almost like a two in one is that we could also have this be kind of like a virtual drummer so if i want to just take this particular if i want it like an acoustic drummer and i could select the drum sound add more room to the kick or tune it so anytime that i select something we can see it outlined so if i wanted to more of like a piccolo snare um and then we could have these patterns on the acoustic agents where we could say i wanted the dynamics to change based on kind of our vertical axis and our horizontal axis i could have the pattern get to be more complex and then once we go to our mixer here i could have you know for every single drum source i could have four bands of eq compression tape saturation an envelope shaper plus all of my effects as well so if i wanted more reverb on my snare but not my kick so you can kind of work with it as a virtual drummer or as kind of like a almost like an npc paradigm of working with drums that's a quick overview groove agent all right it's good thanks for all the great questions all right so we see tanmay's made the live stream great to see you alright we see michael teams is being very generous with ice creams today celebrating its friday all right so he just sees uh someone saying hit like two times so if you hit like two times it actually cancels your like so hit it once or an odd number intervals okay just reading through different questions here okay just reading through different comments okay so we see uh from jessa belski hi greg can lanes be made from a part on a midi track to make variations of the part to pick and choose uh for placement and other sections of the project to make a a base part variation etc so let's go ahead and show you how we could do this so if you want to use lanes for midi parts all right let me just find something all right so let's say i wanted to do just uh you know work with lanes on the base part so i'm just going to put this into like a quick cycle record i'll just do a couple measures here and once we do this we could go to your midi record modes in the lower uh left hand corner and then i'm just going to put it to uh stacked when we go to cycle record mode so i will just kind of come right over here let's say and let's say my next egg [Music] okay so now that i've stopped recording we can now uh if i click on the lanes button sorry so each of my different lanes would appear so and then you if you wanted to do uh editing to make a comp so you can just kind of treat it the same exact way so as you just wanted to do you know basic comp editing and let me just disable my snap so i could just say okay i want that part from that and you could audition kind of your different parts and so be the same way but just if you do it in cycle mode and just put it into stacked and if you don't want if you wanted to always kind of build up like maybe you're doing a drum part and you want to do kick and then snare then hi-hat you could put a mix stacked with no mute but if you just put it into stack that way it'll kind of just do comping much like what we do by default for audio editing but in the midi domain all right so um i just see a comment and maybe i missed this is uh uh i think greg said that vst connect wasn't designed for connections within the same studio so you could do it within the same studio if you had the vst connect pro if you don't have vst connect pro you can you would nee if you just have kind of the included version then you would have to be on different networks but if you have vst connect pro you could record internally on the same network all right so we just see a comment from david m uh yesterday i found your tutorial on youtube how to work with group editing tool in cubase i learned more in 10 minutes than i have in years since atari haha awesome hidden features so yeah the you know the range tool allows you to do a lot of very powerful editing and a lot of people kind of miss it okay so we have a question um hi greg is there some tricks on triggering the apple trackpad to zoom in and out aside from g h like logic does like a mouse zooming out if there's a command for that um so you know what you can do for zooming you know without using the trackpad if you want it to just you know zoom you know horizontally you could just hold down the command key and use your mouse scroll wheel to kind of zoom in and out like that but i don't think it does the pinch zoom which some people are kind of used to but you could just you know do that you know but a lot of times um we'll see that people will you know g h and shift g shift h and you know that's kind of right in the middle of the keyboard for good reason that a lot of people just kind of utilize that and i think that you could find that for kind of doing daw editing typical editing functions in a daw to be a bit more accurate okay so it's the question from christian d68 i often scroll up and down with the mouse wheel in the track list kind of like this [Music] but if my mouse is just over a button for instance the midi channel it will change the value is there a way to manage this so let's say um okay so i will just load up kind of a larger midi project and we'll give this a try so you know when i'm here you know you know so whatever you're kind of hovering over will be kind of adjusted and that's just kind of an operating system function but if i'm just you know if i'm hovering over the tracks it's not going to change the midi channel but if i'm in the midi channel here you know that could change um but you know it's kind of what and if you want if you're kind of hovering here maybe you know but it's kind of whatever area that you're hovering over so if i wanted to just change a particular parameter in the info line it will just kind of automatically adjust you know those particular you know it's kind of a context-sensitive thing it's i believe that's not going to be anything specific to cubase but how the mount you know how the operating system works i don't know um but if you just kind of hang here that shouldn't change any of the midi channels unless you're over the midi channel so let me know if i'm misunderstanding all right okay so uh so this is mark raven's birthday yesterday so happy belated birthday mark and thanks for joining us day after your birthday okay so it says i have a question about stereo mono tracks what is a quick way of making a stereo audio clip a mono audio signal in cubase 11 pro thanks for these streams and cheers from the netherlands okay so if we have a stereo track and i just wanted to quickly make it into mono if you go to your project and go to convert tracks you could choose multi-channel to mono and then you could just have your two mono tracks so once again project to convert tracks and you could also conversely do the opposite of of mono to multi-channel if you have the track selected so make sure that one that you have the the track selected and maybe not necessarily the event but make sure that a track is selected and then just project to convert tracks multi-channel to mono all right um so i just see from tanmay greg i got some neumann uh kh kh 120 a's they sound amazing can you give me some tips on room correction and room treatment um so you know one old trick that people would do is kind of stick a mirror on their on onto speakers and wherever they could see whatever part of the room that they could see in the mirror they would cover that with some kind of acoustic treatment um so you know if you watch i think uh a good example of this is gonna be i think road microphones they were doing a video series of a guy would uh maybe it's frances buckley maybe a producer would go to someone's house and kind of set up their room correction i think for their event speakers and you know and that's what he would do is just kind of anywhere that you could see from the mirror in the speakers he would set up kind of acoustic treatments like that so you know make sure that they're not right against the wall because that could give you kind of false base you know a lot of people you know will spend you know a lot of money on you know different you know absorption techniques some people will just put a couch in the back that's always a great one or if you don't want it to be a straight parallel wall you know you put a bookcase with books in it and that are all slightly different heights and you know so those are some old school tricks that you might be able to do without a lot of money and some people are just saying use headphones but you know it's it's another reference reading through comments so we see some more people chiming in okay so we have a question uh hey greg is there a let me just find it again okay uh so i just found it uh is there a sonic difference in export uh real time offline and printing so you know just a question i get a lot is if there is a sonic difference in when there is an audio mix down file where you choose to do it in real time like a real time export versus doing it faster so there's no sonic difference the only time that you would really need to use a real-time export is if you're utilizing external hardware for processing so obviously it's not going to render faster than real time for an external processor or an external instrument so you know we haven't defined that part of physics yet but but there's no sonic difference i there used to be kind of almost like big conspiracy theories that there was because some programs for the longest time weren't alighted would only allow you to do a real-time mix because it was physically running through dsp but there's no sonic difference between them okay uh so we see a question hi could you give a guide on his simple expression articulation map uh how to simply get it to work okay so take a quick look at it here all right so many times you know depending on the instrument um so if it's a hallian based instrument um you know hallian can automatically make the expression maps for you uh by importing the key switches so once we double click here if we so if it's like something that's being used in halloween sonic you're howling in uh or the full you could just click on import key switches directly from there but if you wanted to uh create your own expression maps you could just go directly to your expression map setup so here we could load different ones you could have your remote key or if you're doing key switches or if you're doing program change messages you could choose you know between those two or you could do different midi cc messages and so here we want to do like a key switch i could say okay we have a sharp one it will be spicado down on a bass and c0 zero tremolo c sharp pits uh expressivo and f zero f sharp zero these could all be different colors if you wanted to what type of message is it again so you can say okay it's going to be a note on message it's going to be a program it's going to be controller that switches between these um and you could have these be attributes or directions uh so i always get these mixed up but one is going to be tied to the specific note and one i believe that's an attribute but a direction will maintain until it sees another uh particular expression so once we have that we could go we'll make our key editor full here and let's say i'll just start off with um my velocity lane only and then we're going to choose to see articulations and dynamics and then kind of all of the expression maps uh will show up directly here so so if i wanted to take the oboe and say let's just make that a bit staccato for those particular notes and if as you're entering this in we could also just make it uh where it's not necessarily going to snap to the grid uh and then i can say okay let's have it switch back to legato so we can take this oboe and instead of trolls whole tone i'll try making that staccato instead so as we start working with this [Music] and let's say i wanted to put a trill on that particular note and go back to legato there so that's how you could kind of then start adding but any time that you play particular key switches or the correct midi controllers that will automatically be recorded so you can just make fine tweaks if you need to all right so we see someone joining from henrico virginia so welcome so a fellow virginian always great to see all right so we see loretta from vancouver just thanking me for ongoing tips okay so we have a question from uh george uh brighter how can how to correct the preload memory message i get from groov agent all right so let's say if we have uh our groove agent set up here okay so go to the options menu and then you could just see the max preload uh you could then it defaults to 1200 just raise that up to like 2400 and then save your project so once again you'll see the edit mixer and options tab click on the options tab in the right hand and you'll see max preload and then you could just raise that uh so i just see a question can we use automation more effectively so um you know automation can obviously be used very effectively so but let's take a quick look at maybe a couple of tips and tricks um so let's say if we're on this particular project and you want it to do so there's a lot of things that people will miss in uh working with automation so there's a dedicated automation panel so let's say if i'm here i could just click on w and r and let's say as we're i just want to take maybe the bass part here that's coming in and let's automate this all right so now we'll just go back and we'll see that the automation will now if i hit f6 by default you could open up your automation panel let me just come over here and one of the there's a couple of settings here you could also reveal parameter on right you could choose to um you know show data on tracks so now as i move my automation i that that a particular automation lane automatically appears so if i adjust my panning we see a new automation lane appear and if we wanted to when we clicked on the show data on tracks this will allow us to see kind of the waveform uh directly you know in the automation lane so once we start utilizing automation there's some other great tips and tricks that you could do so let's say i just want to take that automation and i just wanted to kind of bring it down overall or raise the overall automation or tilt it this way tilt it that way i wanted to regulate the automation to make it less uh wide in you know just kind of to constrain the width of automation capabilities and now you could just come right over here and be able to kind of tweak that automation and if you really like that and you wanted to just duplicate that you could duplicate the automation another automation trick if you wanted to just put in like a quick bump you could do that and if you wanted to tilt the automation you could just go to the edge here and we could say i just want to put in automation curves so if you wanted to put in different bezier curves you could just do that very easily so i think the automation is pretty effective but you know let me know if you have a particular question on the automations um all right so we have a question i do have in our question are there more uses of spectral layers one besides unmixing vocal and removing unwanted noises is it possible to unmix instruments by hand not with the spectral layers one so the only unmixing components that you have in spectral layers one is going to be the uh unmixing the vocals if you have spectral layers pro such as speculars pro 8 just released a couple weeks ago that way you could take the different you could you could isolate the bass from the drums and the guitars from the vocals and piano uh but the spectral layers one is just going to be for you know for unmixing uh you could you know it's just gonna be for the vocal okay so we have a question uh is there a way to automatically detect the effect tail end at the last bar of the song so as to avoid putting a song n markers in the trial and error method uh before mix down so you know you could you know depending on so let's say if i came here uh and i had a big reverb on my drums i'll just so say i just have a huge reverb and we'll just all right so say i just had um you know a huge reverb you know there's always just the you know capability of just listening to when the effect is going to cut out but let's go let's say okay i'm going to add um let's say a revelation and i'll just make this really obnoxiously long and big okay so now as we listen to it all right and let me just go to my sends and let's say i just want to take all my drums and we'll send it to the revelation turn them all on okay so now all right so let's say it roughly ends there you know so if you listen to it know so i would just come over here and just you know extend the locator range if you go to look at the particular effect as well you know so say if we go to the revelation effect here um so depending on the reverb it may actually give you kind of uh the reverb time and the tail in milliseconds that you could adjust so and you could use those values but i think it's always going to be better just to you know look at the meters you know because if you have that going on let's say and i use the meter and then when you see that kind of settle near zero stop and just use that as your new export range so and you know it could be just you know if you have multiple reverbs stacked or delays on reverbs you know you may just you know i think the most accurate ways to use the monitoring and figure out exactly where that particular point ends and use that as the basis instead of doing it and just kind of guessing when the reverb will actually stop so use the meters when you see the meter stop then you'll be all set okay um so we see a question hi greg why when i record vocal for example the level of the wave in the sampler editor is different than the level in the fader thanks for your answer so you know if we go to look at you know so let's say i'm looking at the base part here so um for example the level the wave in the sampler editor is different than the level in the fader thanks for answering so you know these two are going to be independent so we can think of how this is when we see our amplitude here um that this is kind of how loud it was recorded and the fader is again just going to be you know so we're taking this level of the i'll just just mute the reverb so you know this is where our record level was so we could think of that and this is kind of what was captured and when we go to our meter um you know this our fader rather you know so we still captured but this is just attenuating how much of that signal is going into the mixer so those two aren't correlated uh if you wanted it to be more correlated you know because this is going to be after playing the signal and it goes through kind of our signal flow here from left to right so the last thing we have here is our meter but if i want it to affect and to have that gain structure change at this point i could just grab the center line and we could you know but still come over here we could attenuate it before but you know it doesn't actually change the wav file this is just going to actually just kind of process it here so just think of that these are independent so this is going to take the recorded file and i could adjust the gain beforehand and or i could adjust it afterward but we still have the amplitude of the particular files all right so we just see uh could you show how to work with articulation expression mapping using symphonic orchestra uh so i think we we just did that a couple minutes ago uh this is for coppery uh singer five but if you didn't see that just let me know and i could do it again okay just lost my spot um just find it okay so we have a question uh is there a way to view the transport controls uh during the midi editor window or audio editor window okay so you know we could always have the transport fixed uh so if i wanted to come here we could have the transport bar kind of fixed at the bottom of the project window uh if i'm in let's say i have a midi part so here if i'm doing sample editing or midi editing i'm in the lower zone i could see that but let's see if i want to come here we could also when we go to the top let's see if we could have our sometimes you might have a transport so you know once you're here you could probably just use the same keyboard shortcuts for transport or if you have this open you know kind of slightly you know in this way where the bottom transport will be there uh so a lot of people will do that or you know once they're here they could just double click so say within the sample editor but you could always hit f2 to have kind of a floating transport in if you needed to see it in the sample editor or in the full screen midi editor just kind of hit f2 so if you're full screen hit f2 and that will bring back kind of the floating transport all right so we have a question hello how can i balance the tensions without parasites being heard at high volumes um okay um so maybe if you're trying to balance the tensions with i'm not sure if it's maybe a mistranslation or if i'm not understanding uh but i haven't seen parasites you know come out in in mixes um but you know you know in i would say that if you're doing you know if you're probably mixing at high volumes you know i would always suggest mixing at lower volumes uh and then that would be you know significantly could get you better results uh and then it's also allowing your room not to be as much of a factor if you're mixing at lower volume some of my best engineer friends uh who get you know who could get more money mixing a project in one week than i get paid all year we'll you know simply mix it very very low volumes but maybe if you could rephrase your question so i can understand it a bit okay so we see how to color the fader so let's say if i'm in my mix console here um and let's get to our preferences and let's say our track and mix console so so as soon as we do this we could see uh our faders um like kind of the whole channel strip throughout kind of assuming the channel colors like so so you could accentuate that and sometimes we'll have different color faders for different types of data but if you wanted to change that you could just come over here to let's get to your preferences and when you go to um mix console fader colors you could adjust these for any of the different channel types so all right so we see pzone36 checking in from the uk thanks for joining us see jeff sabelsky's also saying records and books are great diffusers the messier room with stuff the better yeah i when i moved into my a new house about a year and a half ago uh i wasn't liking my room and i behind my desk i had some workers left like a almost like a moving uh like a moving cloth uh so i put that behind my desk and a small couch and a string base that's kind of in its padded case and then you know all my room correction problems seem to uh go away so they seem to all be resolved pretty naturally okay so you just see uh hi nuendo with m1 so you know currently you know nuendo version will be running under rosetta so they're kind of you know doing more investigations onto further optimizations and what optimizations are available to take advantage of but there's still going to be a lot of third-party components that may never work on rosetta it's kind of out of our control so if you're doing like rewire maybe vst2 plug-ins may never actually be natively supported on rose on for apple silicon so there's a lot of components that are kind of out of our control as well okay uh hi greg thanks for the tutorials they're excellent resources i use them frequently that's great uh so the question is i'm having trouble loading my saved color set as i move between projects is there a trick to saving them so i think if we just go to the color setup under projects and once we have this all set up if we go to options try just uh uh save color set as default so once you have a color set set up just click here to save color set as default i think that will take care of it for you all right so just see question uh nuendo with windows 11 so you know again there aren't really um you know i don't think that they're anticipating too many problems but that could always change and we're just kind of waiting for uh more versions to become available for testing so it's you know so obviously the steinberg developers are aware of all the new operating systems are coming so i was recently on a meeting with the philippe coutier who's the wave lab developer kind of the genius behind wavelab and he was just like you know he's like i don't anticipate any problems and he's like i still run wavelab version one that was written for windows 3.1 is still working on windows on windows 10 without any problems so all right so we see pablo joining us it's wonderful to have you glad you can make it all right so we have dave checking in from portland maine thanks for joining us and we see tim weinheimer also uh so i just see a comment i wish there's a way to open a pro tools session etc in cubase maybe one day i think even their uh their parent you know even though it's the same parent company the avid video programs can't even open up a pro tools session so they just everyone pretty much just migrates back and forth using aaf so it's usually not a big problem all right we have a question from george can an sd card or flash drive be used as an external drive for cubase in any way other than a place to store old project files you know some of them can be pretty fast uh so i have like a little samsung like usb drive and i've played 16 tracks of audio maybe even more i think one project i had going and i haven't tested this in a while but i i think i had 32 tracks of audio kind of going along just playing all from the flash drive so i would you know definitely you know use it for not only transferring but you know you could always try because the flash drives and sd cards you know you can't get fast ones okay so we have michael teams wants people to smash the like button uh so you just see a question from pablo hi greg is there any way other than using shift to be able to select tracks and make them stay selected so i think it's kind of a standard you know operating system function where you can say okay i want to [Music] uh you know so if i want to select you know a single element i can do this if i want to select multiple elements i think also if you hit command or control that you could do it non-sequentially so you could do it like that also so if you don't want to use a shift key try using the command or control key right so you see mark raven like the automation hints okay so you see um all right just going through more okay so we have a question from uh christian d68 from france uh greg when i recorded automation with r and w is it only working when r is on or are the changes always working so when r is on that allows the automation to be red so we can think of w for write r for being for read automation so if you don't have you could have the automation written so let's say if i want to go to the base track here [Music] and let's say i just want to automate the base so by default when i click on this right if you're automating you want to be red all right so now let me just change the so if i don't want the automation to be followed i could just click on the r and that won't follow the automation i click on the r it will so it says and once recorded can i change with the cc 121 fader so let's say if i have automation here so let's say i've drawn in automation i want to use the cc 121 fader so i will come right over here let's just say okay so let's see if i so i have my cc 121 here so if i wanted to make this overall louder softer if we go into your automation panel sorry for hitting the wrong and we'll i'll just put this into trim mode uh and i'll just have this trim manually so now that i've activated trim mode so just by right here we can see our automation so now as i move down or move up so we see almost two lines going on so i could take that existing automation uh and then once we go into trim i could just say uh on leaving trim mode so now we'll see kind of the automation adjust and what that does is it uses you know the value of the fader that's here and now once it's in trim i could just bring everything up [Music] so and then you know and a lot of times people would just have this set to automatically uh on you know on leaving trim mode or on pass end and that will just allow you to kind of increase or decrease the overall velocity the overall automation so let's say i have that i put it into trim mode so just kind of keep mine so and then once you leave trim mode that could automatically just raise and lower the velocity just by how much you raised or lowered to fader so give that try experiment with trim mode and then you could you know increase or decrease existing automation um by using just the by a fader moving it up or down okay so we have uh automation question how can i increase or decrease the volume of a com a complete track which has automation in it so you know let's say if i wanted to take you know the full automation here and let me just take it out of trim mode all right so if i have a lot of automation on a particular track you know if you just select all the automation you know you could just go to the center and just bring it all down you could also select all the automation and you'll see the value here and you could increase or decrease the value from the info line in the upper left hand corner and you could bring all of your automation up or down just like that you could also do with the project logical editor but those would probably be a little more straightforward all right great to see lawrence from rhode island glad you could join us today all right so we just saw a question i lost it but just scrolling back up um about can you show the comping feature let me just find where it is okay so we'll show the comping feature all right so i found my place thanks for all the great questions and again if you've learned something new make sure that you hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel or your new user make sure you subscribe as well and that enables us to continue to do these live streams okay so let's say i've recorded um just like a baseline i recorded you know eight measures and i put it into like a cycle record mode i just recorded pass after pass so it would just kind of loop and i would do performance one and when i get to the end it would do performance too so this is kind of one long recording that is actually kind of broken down into lanes and we could enable lanes by clicking on this icon here so as we see our different lanes um these will each be different takes so if i wanted to grab what we call the comp tool i could select different performances and listen to them now if i wanted to take just a portion from different performances we could use the comp tool which looks like the little hand and i could just hover over and i could just select again these different performances [Music] i would say oh i wanted to go to this one instead and if you wanted to you could just come over here and listen to the different ones and say oh i really wanted this one instead [Music] and you could also just hold down kind of like your alt and control or command option and slip the event so anytime that we select we kind of see it in this master part and so if we've now done our comp we could have all those different comps all handled directly just right there without any problems so that's quick ways how to do quick comping okay so i just see uh greg have you contemplated demonstrating the setup in cubase 11 demo for so i i meant to download that project uh earlier but i forgot to so if you want to uh send me a quick email like a brain cramp reminder but i could download it for tuesday's live stream but let me know if there's anything in particular that you wanted to see within that demo project i may be able to help you with that uh we have a question can a sample editor match the grid as far as note value resolution so i don't think that it will do and i know development team is aware of this but if you want to so if we have um everything kind of set up for us here let's say within the sample editor so we could see kind of our grids so let's say if we wanted to go to uh like our hit points uh but as we see the grid so it doesn't currently show like like triplets in the grid but you can have it you know match the grid uh except for triplets and hopefully we'll see that coming soon i know i've passed it on to uh many of the people uh for the developers and product planning people all right so we see peter joining from montreal canada you don't have to worry if you're late we're just glad that you could join us for the live stream okay so we see how to send a reverb to singer headphone in vocal room thanks um so you know an easy way of doing that is just to so let's say if we go to our control room uh so and we'll come over here to the main so let's say we're going to our singers headphone mix you can now just click over here to inserts and the bottom tab and then you could just add plug-ins that are dedicated to that particular headphone mix so if you wanted to just add a quick reverb there you could do it like that and just adjust the mix level you know between so you may have to adjust the mix level between the balance signal but you could just load it up as an insert directly in so select their headphone mix and go to inserts at the bottom then you could do that if you have a steinberg interface like a ur series you could actually have the reverb uh being generated by the unit itself and they could hear the and monitor that without having to use the control room all right so we see uh from jeff szabowski in darko elements is it actually easier to compose in dorca elements than cubase or is it just my newbie uh imagination uh with nuendo cubase pro i have all the vstis needed so i would really say it depends on your compositional style you know there's some people that want to compose you know by playing parts in and maybe seeing music or envisioning it in their head and they just kind of play and maybe it's a stream of conscious thing and some people when they compose you know are very traditional and they have a blank score and they write the notes in like that both both methods are totally viable and you know if you finish the project and you get your composition done how you get there doesn't really matter a lot of people you know i think that most people if you're composing to picture you know will find it much easier starting in a daw as opposed to uh a you know a notation but you know if you're doing maybe you know i'm just composing for a brass quartet uh or brass quintet that you know those people may feel more comfortable in a notation environment so it's really you know they're different approaches and that's why we make and produce both you know those types of programs together okay so we have a question from uh john costigan um so hello greg i hope you're welcome doing great thanks for asking uh which editing functions sample editor for one uh should i make a copy of the original track for safety uh version 10.53 windows 10 pc so you know the only time and the the one time that i usually do it and i it may be primarily for demonstration purposes like when i do vocal when i do vocal editing i may make a separate um file to work with just in case because that's the only time i really found the need personally to go back like if i was doing very audio editing so a lot of times what i do if i'm doing very audio and let me just find a vocal project here so you know sometimes you may have a file that's been edited for you know breaths and you know crossfades and punch-ins and stuff like that so what i often do you know where maybe these are you know it's a comp of you know 26 different vocal performances uh so often the only time that i tend to do this you know is for vocal editing so i will come over here and i'll just right click and i'll duplicate the tracks and then often i will just go to the audio and bounce selection so i have all of my original edits here but now i have kind of a you know just one file because if you're doing like a lot of vocal editing it could be that you double click and you do very audio editing on this and when you go to a different file you may have to do an analysis of each edit each individual part but once i kind of have you know some rough edits done that way i could just double click and do all of my very audio editing using just one part where everything is kind of consolidated into one event where i'm not switching between different events so that's the only time that i personally just from a convenience stake convenience sake rather will kind of just you know you know consolidate these and treat them a bit differently uh just in very audio editing i haven't really ever done it myself in other editing tasks um but maybe others have all right so it's great to see randy on the live stream glad you could join us all right so we see is there a way to view insert sends in the track header of every track at the same time uh that would be very fast to me without having to go back and forth between windows so what a lot of people do is like okay i'm here if i see my faders here i could have sends and inserts so i'm just going to hold down you know my you know all you have to do is hold down control or command and this way whatever track i'm on i could just see my sends and inserts and this will be for audio tracks and you could have it set up for as a default view for midi track so i could adjust my fader here i could see all my inserts and i can see all my sends just in one particular view quite easily so let me know if that works for you so again just to have more than one uh one one aspect open you can click on inserts here and let's say hold down control or command and click on sends and both of those will kind of stay open for you all right so we have a question hi how can i remove the bottom mixers windows from my main workspace uh you could just come right here in the upper right hand corner and all you have to do is just click directly there and it could be that when you double click that it may open that and to stop that from happening go to editors and you can say double click opens in separate window double click opens in separate window hit apply so now when this is closed we could double click and it's going to open in a separate window i hit f3 it's going to open in a separate window i double click it'll open in a separate window but just close that you could just hit that icon and again go to the preference under editors and just choose double click opens in a window so just see how is it possible to have the color window floating when coloring tracks and events so i think if you just let's see if we could i think maybe so at this point you could just kind of keep let's see if that will so it looks like as soon as you click here to colors let's just see if it's i think if we leave this open and you can't really do too much so you might just have to leave this open but i think if you just have uh i thought that there might have been a way to sorry let me just to see the colors but uh you know another method that um i guess you might be able to leave let's see if we could leave a project logical as probably isn't what you want to do but here you could also just colorize um and you could leave that open but it's probably not what you'd necessarily want to do and you could apply that to whatever tracks or events are selected see john costigan showing off with his clever spanish writing to pablo so we see michael is fluent in google translate so it's good all right so we see question uh i have the controller cc 121 is it possible to set and configure on it some knobs for the section pre on the editor channel panel all right so let's take a look all right so any time that you hover over a particular parameter you could just you know use the ai knob so you could do that very easily just kind of using the ai knob to hover and that's you know the most beautiful thing of the cc 121 is the ai knob uh as you're working with this we could probably also if you hit the let me just get the it's the all bypass and eq type buttons that will place the cc 121 into quick control mode so if you wanted to just come over here and learn so let's say if i now want to come here and let's get to parameter three then i could use my my top rows of encoders uh directly here for um you know from my quick controls for the eq pre section as well so you could utilize it with quick controls or using the ai knob all right so we have patrice checking in from portland maine thanks for joining us all right uh so we have a quick question uh is there any way to copy the automation with each block when pasting a new block i have to do it separately sorry for a novice question here okay so let's say i have this little block here and it has automation okay and let's say i want i'll just um said copy the automation with each block so now that i have this selected i think if you go to edit there's a parameter that says automation follows events so if i don't if i have that unchecked and i duplicate this i duplicate this particular event sorry for hitting the wrong key we don't see the automation carry over with that uh so i have this event selected i go to edit i make sure that automation follows events is on by default i believe and now when i do that the automation will just automatically carry over with the part so if i copy it just ctrl or command c and paste it ctrl or command v the automation is automatically moved with the event so just make sure that under the edit menu that automation falls events is checked okay so you just see uh how i've been applying things learned here to a test project i know i now have a song with midi parts pointing to hallian groove agent and reason kong what's the best way to render them to audio so it's probably just going to be render in place so let's say if i just wanted to [Music] come over and i'll just quickly create a new project here so let's add some instruments so let's say a retrolog part and let's add a groove agent okay so all right so let's say i just have virtual instruments i want to turn them into audio you know you could select the events or select the tracks but if you want to come here you know i could and let's say i select the events i go to edit and then we'll just say render in place and here i could choose to so if i just do that it will then render those as audio just like that if you and you have different options which i should point out so if we go to our render settings we can now say okay i want these as separate little blocks to match the arrangement or i could have them last until the next event starts or all as one event i could include different processing um we could add tails we could you know change the rendered folder but if i just have the track selected so let's say i have these two parts going to virtual instruments and i go to my render settings um you know i could have these automatically mute it what i do with the source tracks is where i could just choose to disable the source tracks and now it'll just render those out and we'll see the source tracks will immediately just disappear from from you so just go to edit to render and place you could do that across multiple events quite easily and that's one of the big advantages over like freezing tracks as well all right so you see a question how to connect cubase to cubasis so we can think of cubasis is going to be like its own separate daw so it's its own daw it's not neces try not to think of it as an instrument for cubase but um the intention is like you could get started and i just got cubase for my samsung phone today uh but you could just um as you're working with it you know the idea the intention is for you to kind of start with cubasis and then if you wanted to take the project into cubase if you need to do more plugins and more sophisticated automation that you could just come over here to import uh cubasis project so at that point it could just simply take the project and this is just a little utility that you would download so you could take your cubasis project and just load that directly into cubase and do more stuff in cubase if needed but they're not really intended to work in sync or to treat cubasis as an instrument uh for cubase so all right so you see lots of discussion on nachos all right so once again if you learned something make sure that you hit the like button and we'll just and if you want to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that yet it's always a great time are you just finding my spot in the discussion field all right so i found my spot so sorry for the delay okay so we just see a question uh any way to save a group of tracks as a preset i have instrument track with multiple midi tracks routed to it and i'd like to be able to save the tracks as a group i can import into other projects so if you wanted to you could just let's say i'll undo what i just did so say i have these two tracks um we could now at this point export selected tracks so i'll say let's copy the media files i'll hit ok so from chis okay and now going to any other project i can come right over here and say i want to [Music] import uh a track archive so you export selected tracks and import a track archive so it could be a little odd nomenclature and at this point i could just select all and that will import my instruments for me so just uh so let me go to my vst instruments i can see the instruments have been doubled if you just save it as a project you could also come over here and say okay i just want to import tracks from project um so i could say okay i wanted to take this project and i wanted to import uh you know the voiceover and the brass parts and i could just come right over here and i could import uh all of any you know so if you save it as a project you can import those particular tracks from a project as well okay we just see how to recording with cubase with many inputs so all you have to do is come over here to your studio menu to your studio connections make sure that you have all the inputs that and here if you have an audio interface that's set up for you know if you have eight analog inputs or 100 analog inputs um so when you get a preset like if you have eight analog inputs you'll have a choice of four stereo or two times mono for or eight mono so you'll have presets here um and then you know once you have the available inputs for your audio interface all you have to do is you know you could easily assign them to your channel so there's no problem recording you know i've recorded 128 tracks into cubase many times so it's just whatever your audio interface has the inputs for that's what cubase will capture at once uh and i just see also he has a presonus usb so depending on your usb interface if you have you know just define your inputs so you could just come over here and say okay i want to add bus so i wanted to have you know maybe 16 mono inputs hit add track and now you could assign these to whatever input that you have i just have a stereo in interface you know but if you have two inputs on your audio interface you're not going to be able to record four different sources simultaneously or eight tracks simultaneously it's really how many inputs your particular interface has okay so you see asking again about the removing the lower zone so i think we covered that [Music] previously all right reading through all the great discussion so just a quick time reference i should have done this uh i'm at an hour and 27 minutes from the start of the hangout in the questions sorry for not doing that earlier so if you're on east coast time in the u.s it'd be i'm at 2 27 pm okay so we see a question uh from john tyler tips and tricks for getting an accurate tempo map of pre-recorded tracks please more importantly how do i lock the audio so it doesn't get warped when messing up the tempo track okay so let's take a look okay so let's say i have nothing with no correlation with the tempo so i'm just going to select the event here go to my project menu and choose tempo detection all right now it will take you into this mode it activates this mode so if you actually hear or see something that where maybe it didn't get detected you could actually see this little icon here and this puts you into what's called a time warp tool and what you could do with the time warp tools you say oh you know this is the downbeat here not here you know they just kind of rushed it you could just say measure 61 should be right here on that grid and this will once we do this that will do the analysis further down the line and do a re-analysis of it so you could manually do it using the time warp tool just coming over here and dragging or just simply you know let cubase do the hard work for you once that it's created this we could now come over here like there may be if we have a pickup note where this is the downbeat so i'm going to just come here in my signature track because cubase will give us a signature track so right now we see that this particular tempo map has been created from this file and if i don't want it to move or adjust all you have to do is to not place it into musical mode so if it's set to musical mode don't do that just set it to not musical mode because we want this to stay the same and if i wanted like another file like a drum loop to follow this particular file so let's say so i want to take that and let's go ahead and we'll drop in that drum loop and i want it to start right at the downbeat here so if i want this to be i want this to be in musical mode because if this isn't in musical mode this is gonna play at it at its tempo i don't want this to change i want this to follow that so if it's not in musical mode i drop it in that doesn't make much sense but if i just click on musical mode for the particular event as i come over here now this will stretch and speed up and slow down [Music] following then if i just wanted to duplicate that so if you don't want it to switch all you have to do is just make sure that that track that you derive the tempo map from is not in musical mode so give that a try okay so we just see why isn't the soft e license uh usable across multiple machines so you know the soft e license is actually going to be tied to the particular machine so that's why you know it's not used if you wanted to migrate between multiple machines you could transfer the uh you could transfer the softie license to usb licenser and move it between different machines all right so we just see uh hey big shout out to the group who time stamped the questions for when i can't be here live so glad i bought cubase so yeah i usually you know it seemed like a good idea to do the for me to do the live streams on fridays but i i spend my friday nights probably till like 10 p.m afterwards i usually take a quick dinner break and come back and then uh basically re-watch the live stream and do all the time stamp indexes and luckily people like yon from have put it all into kind of a centralized area as well so but yeah it takes a little time but i think it's worth the investment of my time so people can navigate quickly and there's kind of a record of topics have been covered all right excuse me one second my son is knocking all right i'm back sorry for the interruption fix the tv for my son real quick okay okay so you see from chiz is there a uh cubase related discord or something yeah check out the cubase nation discord so i think probably uh jazz dude will or agent k could give you a link to that all right so we have uno memento from finland thanks for joining us okay reading through comments all right so we have wise on music checking in from orlando thanks for joining all right so we just see uh does cubase have a built-in sampler like for sampling from cds and vinyl so if you have cds you know really all you have to do you know if you wanted to import the cd is you could just choose to import an audio cd um you know any audio that's been recorded into cubase there is a sampler track so you could drag and drop the audio right into a sampler track and be able to kind of manipulate it and treat it like a sampler so you could record any audio source right in if you wanted to you know treat with it in the sampler or if you wanted to take this into a dedicated drum sampler like groove agent as well i could just take this particular loop and drop it onto a pad and slice and be able to take and even within the sampler track you know i could come over here and choose to do slices as well so now if i just wanted to play different parts to kind of do chops and stuff like that very easily so anything that's audio you could you know that's been recorded in the cubase you could just drought drag and drop it right in if you wanted to do more sophisticated sampling you could also just set up an audio input into instruments like the full version of groove agent or the full hallian six so that once you come over here we could just say uh you know you're gonna have a whole recording option so that you could sample directly into this but those programs are sold separately but any audio that's recorded in cubase you could manipulate it in the sampler with either groove agent or the sampler track and we see does cubase elements 10 have a built-in sampler like for sampling from cds and vinyl so again it's just you know recording directly in or dropping it right into the sampler track all right so we see uh my ur 44 series makes a noise when set up as my audio interface even if i'm not recording with it uh is there a way to stop the annoying noise i'm not sure if you could describe the noise so sometimes uh i know with the mrh16 like the first steinberg and yamaha interface that was released that you know when you have the gain all the way up that the mr816 was actually set to be you know basically 6db over zero whereas a lot of interfaces stop at zero so there may be some added noise if you go above zero so make sure that you have it set uh like if you come to your hardware setup let me see if there's one over here but you could you know just um you know make sure that when you go to the little utility that you have the vault the master volume set to 0 db and not louder if that if it's kind of a hissing noise if it's some other noise let me know if you could describe what kind of noise it is all right so you see jazz dude wants people to smash the like button and thanks for all the new attendees for joining us and if you haven't subscribed to the channel we usually do these live streams on tuesdays and fridays starting at 1pm usc eastern time all right so we see that from levi keller thanks for i guess viewing inserts and sends in the inspector for the same time at the same time helps a lot we see from john coskin thanks greg my editing comfort level just went up and my fear coefficient plummeted so you see you could say that without google translate you're so smart uh so we see hello uh there's any 5.1 or 7.1 or atmos reverb in cubase uh or can you suggest so if you you know if i come here you know once we add a you said you know cubase doesn't support atmos but cubase will do up to five one so if i wanted to add an effects channel track so any vst3 plugin by design can come over here so let's say if i wanted to go to my reverence reverb so i could just add an effects channel track and most of the time we think of the configuration as being stereo but if i wanted it to be 5.1 and let me just add a 5.1 output in my buses so i'll just add a 5-1 out here so i'm just going to add an effects channel track of our reverb so that you know vst3 plugins can automatically scale to whatever surround configuration you're in and once you're into presets you often will see like an sr and that's an actual surround convolution impulse so that way you know the the effect sends so you know dolby atmos is you know probably a bit different because it's not a fixed number of channels but you know if you put it into like a 714 bus you could do that and it will scale across so you know you already have the functionality found in cubase uh in cubase pro with its surround support all right so we see that uh mike teams is working with uh control room and his aviom so if you need help configuring that you know let me know i've i've set up the aviom systems for a number of different people okay so i just see uh greg i couldn't get the sound card to work on cubase when i had dorco elements open is it the release excuse me uh is it the release driver in background setting or is there interference uh closed door code cubase needed to restart so it's probably just gonna be the you know uh you know the background so if you come over here to the audio system and just release driver when the application is in the background but i go back and forth with uh cubase and dorco all time so it's not a problem and i know you have the mr816s as do i so all right so we have prince uh ackersoff from perth australia thanks so much for the information on closing the bottom window my workspace thank you for joining us all the way from australia whereas it's like super late there or very very early so thank you for uh taking the time and and staying up and joining all right so we see spacecraft saying uh greg you're wonderful thanks for the cc 121 trick um so i just see from daryl uh hey greg and kristoff uh i recently opened up the color pad and it's floating on my desktop how did i how how i did it i don't know but uh but it can't stay open i'm new to this whole thing so yeah i remember it kind of staying open somehow um so but i'll i'm you know i'll see if it comes back to me later all right and jazz dude is uh is very nice to mention that there is a currently a cubase promotion going on so if you've waited for um you know uh the summer cubase promotion there's a 40 off on updates and upgrades to cubase 11 and cross grades from other daws so make sure you take advantage of that i think it's ending august 1st so make sure that you actually um take advantage of that okay so uh i would like to know if there's an extensive video tutorial on the explanation of control room functions especially when it comes to cutting vox uh so i know when we did when the mixer changed significantly i believe it was in cubase seven um that you know i did uh there's probably like a ten minute video just on the control room functionality and it's probably on the steinberg youtube channel so there is one that's available there okay um so i never seem to be able to match the mic input to the recorded vox track so many problems latency eq etc for once i'd like to cut a vox and then when i play it back it's exactly the same without constant ticking of the monitoring button so probably what you should do is if you want it to you know you know so if you don't want to constantly manually set the monitoring mode go to your preferences and under vst you know just come right over here and you'll see auto monitoring style it's probably set to manual set that to tape machine style and that will probably uh make the hole where you won't have to go back and forth you know if you're working with a lot of plug-ins like as you're cutting vocals a lot of people tend not to try to use plug-ins uh because you know it could be kind of masking problems maybe with mic technique that you're trying to make up for with an eq but try to get the source sounding good but you know once you have that auto monitoring style i could come over here and let's say just add a track um so i have this track like record enabled let me just add a stereo track here really quick so i have this i go to hit record and let's say now when i stop recording that you know once you have the auto uh you know as you're doing punch-ins that you know you could just simply come right over here and you see as you play you don't have to i punch in then let's say punch out you notice that the monitoring is disengaged when we're not uh actually recording so try switching that preference under vst to tape machine style okay so just see uh thanks for the automation files events answer uh answers uh gonna save me so much time so i lost my space okay uh so i just see well cubase recognize my presonus feeder port so i believe it will but uh i think like maybe the first generation doesn't work in like you know contemporary computers uh but it should see it if as long as it's being you know available to use in the operating system i believe it just kind of uses like a subset of mackie control so so i just see from michael teams uh saying that cc 121 uh the screen will not respond to the movement of the cc 121. so look into manual michael but you can calibrate the fader i forget like the um you know towards the very back of the manual there is a procedure to calibrate the fader so make sure that you've done that as well okay so we have question uh after installing a third-party virtual instrument i cannot find them how can i find on my computer and input import uh input them in cubase so you know if it's going to be a vst3 plug-in you know so one if you have the option you know it's cubase for many years uh won't utilize 32-bit plug-ins but make sure that's a 64-bit plug-in you could go to your you know if it's a vst2 plug-in you may have to um if we go to the plug-in manager so we get to the vst plug-in manager you'll see this little settings cog wheel here make sure that you have this vst2 plug-in path setting so what you want to do is click on the plus sign and find the folder where those plug-ins are installed to because cubase just you know so you may have to just tell cubase what folder to look for those plugins and once you have like you know where the plugin files on the windows will be like a dl dot dll extension at that point hit refresh and you should see all of your available plugins right there but just click right here in the settings cog wheel in the lower left hand corner and at that point you could see the folders and make sure that it's vst2 plugins that it's there then cubase should be able to see it all right so we see uh i think it's jay from connecticut i'm able to change the color the main area and the track however there's no way in the preferences to change the color of background behind the tracks color option uh run amok um okay so let's say just make sure so let's say if i have these particular tracks colored here so say okay so okay just uh there's no way in the preferences menu change the color the background behind the tracks all right so if you come over here so if it's like this workspace this area if you want to change the color j come over here to preferences and go to color schemes and then you can see project area background so you could double click here and let's just make this you know 46 or we'll just raise this up here so now we do that we could change the background so if that's what you want to do it's just going to be found under the project area background so let's say if i just come here i'll just so you could change that if it's on the actual event itself i think you go under event display um and once you're in here we could choose to say okay you wanted the event handling opacity so now if i just adjust that excuse me uh or let's say the event opacity i could now just hit apply and you could change the background of the part directly there as well to however you want so if you wanted to see like the grid underneath you could just hit apply and i know some people you know love to do their editing here so that they could see the transients directly on the grid uh so those are a couple ways jay let me know if that works for you i'll just go back to defaults so those are two different backgrounds all right so we have danielle checking in from munich in germany thanks for joining us okay so we have a question uh how can i merge two separate projects into one in cubase 11. okay so let's say i have this uh and i want to move my cursor here so you know one way is to let's say i have a project open here um i could just take this and drag and drop and have my audio files uh directly there i could also choose to let's say at the end of this piece i want to go to import tracks from project so let's say i wanted to import these particular tracks i will come over here i could select folders or an entire track so let's say i wanted these to import and i could import them to new tracks but if you wanted to actually you know if you had like a template and you had bass and bass and kick and kick and multiple projects you could also click on select matching so once i do this and we could import the events or parts or just a channel we could also import include or exclude the automation i hit okay and i could take all those tracks and just merge those two projects together so there's several different ways you can drag and drop or use the import tracks from project function okay so i just see from william baker thanks for the previous answer is it normal to have to add houston each time cubase 11 is opened um and you're saying it remembers my setting so i haven't connected my houston in a while but i think it should stick so i'm not sure if it's um you know it maybe it's you know check to make sure that the midi interface connections aren't changing but i think it should be uh i don't think it's would be typical that you would have to add to houston each time so maybe if you start off with a uh let's say if you start off with a template that has to houston see if that makes a difference all right so we have alex patterson checking in from scotland thanks for joining us he's just uh spent today upgrading 11 211 pro from 10.5 you need to go back to watch from the start when it finishes so that's great thanks okay so we have another question uh from pro wash dfw i think it's randy uh can i use my tascam us2400 controller with cubase so yeah that basically is just working as three mackie controls kind of all tied together so you go to your studio setup click on the plus and just add three mackie controls and you may have to figure out which one i believe i'm not sure if it's um you know and that's taking into consideration that it has like a windows 10 driver or you know a current mac os driver that you're using if not you may have to use a midi port and midi interfaces for the communication uh but you know it so but i think you're going to be in good shape with that all right so you see a nice comment from tim weinheimer uh thanks greg for all your hard work and teaching as cubase greg is a legend so thank you for that it's very kind i'm in oompa loompa in the world of willy wonkas so okay so we have a question uh is it possible to write cc data after live recording i would like to change the cc data with connected midi devices while playing like automation and mixer uh no pencil tool and no editing all right so let's come over here just add a quick instrument track all right i'll just do a quick orchestral all right so many times when we use uh orchestral instruments we may need to [Music] you may not hear it necessarily until you write cc data in so let's say [Music] all right so let me just see if we can get this to switch via all right so i'll just go ahead record some horn parts in here all right so sorry [Music] all right so let's see if i alright so i have this so now there's different midi record modes so we could just choose um to merge data so a lot of times when we say new parts which is the default behavior i can come here and let's record [Music] and what it does is it's basically puts the new recording directly on top of the other one but probably the easiest way i found is to just go to the midi record mode and choose merge so now i will just come here and as i record my modulation wheel that data is now just merged in and i come over here you could see my modulation data that i just recorded in so uh so that way just you know when you go to your midi record mode here just try set it to merge as opposed to new parts and then that will just put the midi cc data directly in the existing part all right so we see a nice comment from jeff sabelski uh thanks greg all your efforts and so many others efforts as well makes this an unfathomably amazing and thoughtful gift to our community so yeah i think you know it's it's very fortunate that you know we have an amazing group of people i look forward to these uh you know twice a week doing him and you know even after doing it for since march of last year twice a week it's still fun and engaging for me and i appreciate you know virtually hanging out with people uh throughout the whole world twice a week so all right so he's to see from christian d68 cubase 11 an example in artificial intelligence greg's brain in one software it's a joke but greg thank you so much for sharing 30 years of competence so yeah i i just get to share what the you know product planning and developers do they're really the smart ones and i just they make me look good so you know i'm fortunate for that all right wonderful that we see sable winters joining us it's always better when stables here with us all right so we have gareth uh wonderful to have gareth on the live stream uh anyone know why my irig keys midi control keyboard would cause cubase to freeze when it starts up so make sure you know just out of curiosity when you are doing that so if you're just using it as a straight midi controller usually midi controllers don't really cause anything to hang but just you know look to make sure you know because a lot of times you may configure a midi controller for transport controls via like a mackie protocol and faders and the keys from a different one make sure that maybe you don't have like the remote control that the irig is being defined as maybe a different as a controller and like a control surface and a midi controller or you know that it's not being kind of utilized multiply some controllers don't like doing that it likes to be either one or the other or that you have like you know maybe the quick controls it's configured accidentally for your track quick controls or your vst quick control so you can maybe try to set these to not connected and see if that reboots but generally most midi interfaces or most midi controllers don't cause it to start unless it's you know maybe the drivers aren't installed correctly so all right we see pablo's going out for dinner all right so we see uh does profile management does profile manager allow me to port color and menu setup and or export them so that i can place them on my desktop and or back on usb in case of system full recovering or fall or system fail requiring reinstall please demo so generally the profile manager doesn't include the colors so the colors are kind of not global but the colors are on a on a color by running or set at the project level so if you wanted to archive them just simply save a project that's utilizing those color schemes and it could have just nothing in it but just save a project and then you could import those project colors um so just you know save it within a project and then the colors will migrate within the project okay so i see christopher uh it's like shift alt or option plus c for the color command i think ah okay yes thank you for that all right he alleviated my brain cramp see this always nice when i have my brain cramp that other people can chime in so if you want the color windows to be floating so it's alter option plus shift c and then you could leave the color windows kind of constantly available to use so thank you for the keyboard shortcut reminder kristoff much appreciate it he gets the gold star for the for the live stream today okay so we see from jeff sabelski uh greg using darker elements do you do you have use of the cc 121 in project windows it doesn't do anything normal but some buttons close chromatic tones function channel select uh different pitches so i think uh that you know door code isn't gonna have real support for um you know for the for cc 121 you know a lot of times you don't really think of control surfaces for notation programs but maybe something like a stream deck could be a really slick option for some dorco functionality uh and when you see those functions those may be just triggering you know like when you hit function buttons those may be just you know passing on like a keyboard shortcut like that you would press from your computer keyboard and that's why you may see some functions okay so we see from foundations education this is solomon from mexico sorry to ask but is it possible to have cubase color scheme look like a logic pro any ways of importing xml files to do so uh thanks for your tutorials they're great so i don't think it's gonna you know obviously do two programs or you know different programs so i don't think that there's going to be any way to take an xml file from logic into cubase i mean xml is just you think of it as more of a container file uh but if you you know have a specific screenshot i may be able to kind of mimic a lot of the control functionality because a lot of the design is pretty uh you know it's pretty customizable so if you have like a screenshot i might be able to work on something for you if you want to email me at club cubase at all right so just people that are on the time um so i'm currently at in the questions at 3 30 p.m which was two and a half hours after the live stream started so just a quick time reference for people okay so we have a question what's the best way to use midi drum files packs with groove agent 5 some from unison or third party so really anything that you just drop into the project window will just load up so all you do is just drag and drop a midi file right into the project window some may you know not map perfectly so you may have to remap some of the pitches so that it's playing like the right toms or hi-hat sounds or symbols but once you have groove agent you know there's a number of expansion kits that you can get you know uh like probably one of my favorite ones is simon phillips drums or the marco miniman drums are pretty phenomenal so there's lots of different you know third-party expansions like you know here's the simon phillips if you want the original groove agent one you know uh the kit so there's a number uh you know if you have fusion uh so these are all you know like pretty phenomenal drum kits and when you get these kits you know you could actually have these drummers that have played the different uh patterns for you so if i just wanted to come here but one thing that a lot of people miss is if you click on this little folder icon you can now come over here to style so say i want that sound but i actually wanted the style to come from uh simon phillips so i could just come over here and say okay i want a latin groove so this is a simon phillips pattern that's being played back in this kit so i could just come over here [Music] so you know investing in a lot of the additional groove agent content um you could have access to you know many wonderful styles they're a bit more interactive where you can you know choose different levels of complexity and dynamics that gives you a lot more flexibility and more musicality than maybe just a standard uh you know midi file that you would get from a particular instrument like a generic drum pattern midi file so yeah but and there's lots of great stuff for groove agent that's already there and we see t wise from germantown maryland so not far from me in between washington and frederick there washington dc and frederick maryland all right so i just see uh hello scrolling in mixer page is very tricky i have to place my cursor between plugins to avoid making changes uh to the built-in plug-ins is that normal so once again you know when you're kind of working with you know a lot of different material you know different sources realize that you know the operating system can allow you to you know control different functions so you know when i'm scrolling in the mixer window i would probably you know just go to the bottom area here and just use my mouse scroll wheel so that i'm not over a pan i'm not over parameters where okay i just turned on the eq and i'm just adjusting so you know think that when you're scrolling just just you know go for the bottom control and then you could scroll without fear of adjusting any parameters all right so i see i've been rewarded with three scoops of german chocolate cake ice cream from michael teams i need it for my throat all right okay so we have a question uh from staple winters uh open midi file empty vsti panel need instruments per track data visible on each track i o controller mpk 88 ports active audio focusrite active how to how to recover to repopulate a vsti panel so see but one thing you do when you're working with midi files is just get to your preferences and if you come directly to in under midi you'll see midi file here you can you know if you're so it sounds like you're it's opening up without any instruments loaded so if you want it to automatically load up like a general midi sound set uh just choose hauling in sonic se sc multi-timbral as destination so and what this will do is this will automatically load up a general midi bank of howling in sonic se so that you will have sounds that work with it so just on uh so just set that preference right there for me uh on destination and this is usually the default preference but just choose howie in sonic sc multi-timbral and then when you import the midi file it should populate sounds for you so you could hear it immediately okay see pablo is back from dinner all right so to see how can i create those cycle markers i see in your zoom tutorial so if i'm here and i just want to create quick cycle markers so i'm going to add a marker track okay and i often will use just kind of the range tool so i'll just kind of select a range in the markers and then if you just click here and you can do this with the keyboard shortcut you can say insert let me just undo that so what i'm going to do now is just move that i'm going to hit the letter p and then the cycle markers will be set around the left and right locators and now i could just come here hit the letter p cycle marker p insert cycle marker so and you could also do this like you know based on events so you say okay i want a cycle marker um let's say based on this event here so if i just say okay i want a cycle marker based on that hit p and then just click on the add cycle marker icon and that will add your cycle markers just like that all right so yes i'm just saying gareth maybe it's just an issue with the irig driver plus cubase or why it's kind of causing um problems so um yeah i mean it can't hurt to reinstall it if it's you know sometimes also if it's connected to a hub see if it makes a difference if you you know if it's currently connected to a hub if it is um you know if you connect it directly to the machine if that makes a difference all right i see gareth is saying lola says hi greg so say hi back and as pablo says hola lola all right okay so uh just see i don't know how to use the r de-esser i guess it's just a de-esser so let's take a look i think i may have a an annoyingly sibilant file that i can import just thanks again for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button uh and that you subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that and we'll be doing the next live stream on tuesday starting at 1pm usc eastern time all right so i'm gonna okay so let's say if i have a kind of a sibilant in language infinitely many words can be written with a small set of letters in arithmetic infinitely many numbers can be composed from just a few digits with the help of the symbol zero the principle of position and the concept of base all right so we have some sibilance issues with that so in language i'm going to just go to and we could run the de-esser from the channel strip under tools so you know what this will do basically is you know we could have kind of an abbreviated uh version of this and we could come over here um so let's say okay just wanted to infinitely many words can be written with a small set of letters in arithmetic infinitely many numbers can be composed from just a few digits with the help of the symbol zero the principle of position and the concept of base so and if you wanted to run it as kind of its own plugin so let's say we'll just go over here under dynamics and so what it's going to do is you want to find kind of like the you know annoying frequency part many words can be written with a small set of letters infinitely many numbers can become here you could have kind of digits you know for female 1 the principle of position and the concept of base in language infinite so that's just kind of soloing different so you can kind of isolate the principle of and the concept of base so at this point we could just definitely many words can be written with a small set of letters in arithmetic infinitely many numbers can be composed from just a few digits with the help of the symbol zero the principle with the help of the symbol zero the principle of position and the concept of base it's a lot more tolerable for the sibilances all right so we see from gareth that voodoo leche in a dark emerald book of ishtar streaming release date it's going to be august 1st so looking forward to that thanks for sending your files over gareth yeah we see gareth is saying simon phillips is copying pablo again so we'll have to talk i'll have to give simon a call and give him let him know uh so i just see from alan dubois my cubase is very sick do i take it to the shop uh i started playing drums that weren't there then it just slowed down and chirped and died um so it could be maybe it's your computer that's you know i'm not sure if it's a computer that's kind of calling you that is causing it slow down and usually software doesn't slow down but you may make sure everything is working well with your computer so we see james bond how about exporting midi as zero like midi type zero so there are two different types of midi files there's a midi file type one and a midi file type zero uh type zero midi files and this is primarily for older hardware sequencers think like you know roland mc50s you know the brother hardware sequencer the alesis mmt8 i believe was a model you know the and basically a type 0 midi file all comes in on one track so that's compatible for a lot of hardware sequencers and keyboard workstations that kind of utilize that format and you have type one which is often used where uh you have different the tracks for different midi channels it's a multi-track capable so you could have a separate track for your drums bass piano strings organ etc so a type zero midi file is really where it all comes across in one particular midi track and it's often going to be set to like multiple midi channels that aren't defined until you get to the hardware sequencer so i would say unless you're going to a specific hardware sequencer try to keep it all to midi file type one all right so we see even not using cubase i like so much in steinberg rules if i didn't own my current daw would buy nuendo you know so there's great cross-grade promotions you could take advantage of so you know take advantage of that and i think you'll like cubase or nuendo and when you do a cross-grade we don't want your other program so you can keep it as well so it makes the transition nice and easy okay um so i see further comment from alan dubois i hope i will get across the border to the shop soon etc so i guess this is with his uh his cubase that's acting kind of sick so yeah i would check you know it sounds kind of like a computer issue okay so we have a question from james bond can we disable cycle markers so that if we click on a ruler it doesn't active again so if you have like your cycle marker here and you wanted to just not do that constantly there is a preference for this let me see if i remember where it's at but there there is a preference since i think goes in version 10 or 10.5 let me see if i could find it yeah there is a let me see if i can find it quickly okay so you see here under transport clicking locator range in the upper part of the ruler activates cycle so if you don't want that on so now when you click here it's not going to have an effect so again go to preferences to transport clicking locator range and upper part of ruler activates cycle so give that a shot see marcos is saying the way nuendo is organized a visual man i like so much all right so we see uh from gareth about his irig so it says uh my system is thunderbird i assume thunderbolt only so adapters or usb or hub is the only options i was thinking getting a micro usb to usbc to see if that helps it can't hurt so all right so did you see uh from marcos gomez um this was thinking about sadie slash pyramid slash sequoia or sound forge and samplitude but also nuendo so i think if you had like nuendo and wavelab or cubase and wavelab that that makes for a much significantly improved workflow all right so we just see michael pierce is able to join us all right and i see that uh in the questions i'm about two hours and 55 minutes into uh so into the discussion so just as a reference for people all right so i just see uh from all right make sure i'm not missing anything okay so i see from sable greg please show your vsti panel so i can see what you have there so when i go to my vstis so on my work system here i just have only the steinberg instruments so i have uh like backbone groove agent groove agent se uh we have the grand halley and sixes sampler and synth i'm gonna have uh the hallian sonic loop mash mystic specter retro log prologue so just in pad shop so just the included uh just the included plugins there and other steinberg ones okay reading through comments thanks for having a great discussion all right so we see uh from william baker will there be special pricing on wave lab so i think there was a wave lab promotion earlier in the year uh so you know usually kind of a lot of times you know there's kind of you know if you kind of follow there's going to be almost like monthly promotions for steinberg products so just you know always keep uh you know pay attention to the emails and follow it on social media and you know and we'll try to make um you know announcements here when they're going on but you know if it's already passed if you're watching kind of a hangout from a couple months ago uh may not be as relevant so but there are you know generally there will always be you know monthly sales promotions going on you know we have such a a wide variety of software titles that are available okay so we see any word on cubase 12 yet so we just came out with 11 about you know eight months ago so i'm sure that you know they'll be um probably working you know i'm not sure if it's you know maybe 11.5 maybe 12 i don't know but nothing that we could discuss and even if i knew stuff i would be under kind of a an nd nda non-disclosure agreement so okay uh so you say uh greg please show us auto-tune so i don't have auto-tune installed on my system but you know if you wanted to do tuning uh i could recommend either using the pitch correction plug-in or getting into [Music] let me just we're getting into very audio so depending if you have cubase artist or hire you know so that will give you some good options so if you wanted to do tuning that was you know very kind of processed sounding you could go to uh the inserts and come over here and let's say okay i want to go to under pitch correct or pitch shift you'll see pitch correct plug-in uh or if you wanted to just double click and go directly into uh very audio you could just do that internally and kind of have graphic editing of your pitch so most a lot of cubase users don't feel the need to have a third-party vocal uh like pitch correction function so um so but i don't have auto-tune so maybe if you go to uh in antaris live stream they could kind of show it to you there [Music] and i'll just mention one more time if you want to send questions in advance i see uh that jazz dude is mentioning you could email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e okay so i just see um uh cubase ic pro is quite dated now so is the hardware controller in light of the moves by companies such as ssl are there any plants or new controllers hardware or software so generally the hardware development is done by yamaha so i haven't heard of any plans for them doing it but often because i'm kind of in the steinberg scheme of things that i may not be privy to all the product development that's going on but i think the ssl is a very you know attractive controller so kudos to them for coming out with a great controller okay so we just see uh independent of the interface almost every tape machine can be plugged into the interface without any issues i want to use one for the future from apex for example if possible rca connection so yeah you could definitely uh you know make sure that you have an interface if you're going from tape uh if you're transferring from tape all you have to do is uh you know make sure that your interface has line levels because probably you know it may not you may not get the best level gain structure going into an interface that's strictly a mic preview if you go like a line level uh if you go line level directly out then you shouldn't have any problems okay so we have a question is there a way to disable the playhead from restarting where you click on different positions in a timeline while it's playing okay okay so let's say if i'm just playing here [Music] so there if you so if you're clicking on an event if you click on empty space [Music] or if you just hold down alt and shift you could click on an event and move the playhead like that but i believe if you wanted to go to preferences and go to transport i think that [Music] locate when clicked in empty space if you uncheck that that we could now as i click in an empty space it won't change the playhead positions but with that preference enabled so that it will now just kind of follow wherever clicked in an empty space so just again go to that preference transport locate when clicked in empty space you could uncheck that all right reading through okay just reading through comments more okay so i just see from marcos gomez uh says uh our dollar 550 or 950 i just want to know if it will run another eight channel interface if i would buy three of them to plug more things um so if you know it depends on the interface but a lot of interfaces may have like an adat connection like an adat lightpipe connection and that will allow you to use other converters you know some people use like behringer converters or army converters uh you know other high-end converters you could connect to expand so but often if you take three usb interfaces that won't give you uh 24 tracks but if you wanted to make sure that you get an 8 channel interface has 2 2 8 outputs like a steinberg ur 824 would allow you to do that and you could have 24 channels that way if you wanted to so just see hi greg sorry if i missed it earlier but is there a spectral layers hanging out tomorrow and where to get the link thanks um when i checked with uh michael scheibinger i think it was about two weeks ago he mentioned it um if you want to email me at clubcubase at i would check to see if it's going to be available you might see it on the steinberg youtube channel but if you want to email me i could email mike scheibinger and see if he's gonna be doing it and see if i can find a link i haven't seen anything on it i know you mentioned it to me in an email but i haven't seen any promotion of it but sometimes i miss those uh notices so i just see from michael up here so at least a tape machine doesn't need a clock um depends on if you're doing digital tape machines okay so you see james bond saying why playhead always goes to start when we close when we choose other track events um so if we come here i think if this is dependent if you go to transport and if you activate use video follows edit mode that now when i click on an event that it will go to the beginning of the event and but so try just to uncheck use video files play mode and now you can select events and it doesn't affect the playhead position read through more comments okay so we have a question uh how do you set up system link and why is it useful so system link was kind of an interesting concept i think it was developed by charlie steinberg himself the namesake of the company and what it allows you to do is you know it is a simple concept and it you how it works is you could utilize two different computers and connect them with a digital audio connection and this could be you know like a spdif or an ad optical or an aes ebu connection so you have two different sound cards two different computers and kind of like in the old days of analog tape decks you know there's 24 tracks if you wanted 48 tracks you would connect two tape machines together and synchronize them uh and that allows you to work that way so you know we figured a lot of people at the time when computers weren't as capable for doing as much real-time processing with effects that people could have one computer you know if they had an old computer and they wanted to use that in addition to another computer that they could basically take this concept and run tracks from one computer and another computer both running copies of cubase and it goes down to cubase elements and i think even cubase a i le can work as system link so you could hit play and both machines will be sample accurately synchronized um so this way you know if you have if you're working on a project with someone your computer was running out of processing power you could just take a digital audio connection connect the two of them and both computers are running and again it's sample accurate with the synchronization so that was kind of the initial concept of est system link and the second machine could also host vst instruments so we could take midi from machine a and send it over vst system link to an instrument on machine b and return the signal over the same digital audio connection so that's kind of the concept but as computers have gotten faster there's less of a need for it as much for kind of distributive processing and we could just kind of set it up here activate it tell where it's connected with your digital interface all right reading through comments okay uh you see a question what has been the response in your opinion regarding spatial music we are nuendo or i'm sorry we use nuendo and using dolby atmos for our first atmos mixes have you seen an update by music creators so what i've seen is a tremendous amount of confusion of you know differences between spatial music for apple's delivery system and dolby uh so i'm kind of seeing a whole you know and i have this meeting a meeting about this or a pretty significant discussion about once a week and everyone that's doing mixing or mastering they don't know either and they can't find out information between the different formats and how it's going to work or even if like a lot of people are utilizing it um you know even just over the past weekend you know my neighbor was just complaining his dolby atmos setup none of it works is what he thought he spent a bunch of money and you know everything's supposed to work and it just doesn't and this doesn't do this so it's i think it's still a bit wild wild west so i think ultimately that you know people delivering for dolby atmos will be able to translate it to different delivery formats quite easily and if you're doing anything in post for film that you know the atmos and it's down mixing will probably be the format that wins because that's where the actual utilization of immersive audio is going to be realized it's going to be in a theater as opposed to home or listening to it on you know my samsung phone which says dolby atmos or my amazon echo which does dolby atmos or a sound bar or something like that so it's very confusing all right we're doing okay on time thanks for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel so you get notified of future live streams um so you see dear greg do you know how to create techno base um so yeah there i mean there's a number of different ways you know if i was doing techno base probably the first instrument that i would really um work with is going to be retrolog so you know if i wanted to just you know come over here you know i don't do a lot of techno music myself but if i was looking for my techno base i think i could get everything probably just in retrolog quite easily so say i just want to come over here to synthbase patches you know just kind of go [Music] you know right over and start working with retro log and i think that you'd be kind of in good shape with that uh seriously question um so vst system link sends digital time code simpty and allows fusion routing so you can think of it that way it's very analogous to it's very similar in concept to simpty but you know simply isn't going to be sample accurate and that's one of the unique advantages with um you know with the system link is you know you don't have to wait for midi time code to catch up and there's no you know no issues with you know resolution of time code you know so just dealing with sample accurate you don't have to worry about a lot of different things so we see uh michael pierce saying imagine having to mix for atmos 7.2 5.1 in stereo i mean i love the money and time but that's a lot of work so i think the concept that many people are trying to do is to mix for atmos and then you know many people have actually you know felt that the dow mix you know theoretically if you do an atmos mix it should down mix to all the other formats theoretically but i wouldn't necessarily do that that approach so uh you know i know many people when they build up a mix i remember you know working with chuck ainley a lot when he was doing uh dire straits brothers in arms in 5-1 and you know his whole approach was to build up you know because he was doing a remix of the stereo and then from there doing the 5-1 mix and he did a stellar job on if you want to listen to a wonderful 5-1 mix check out you know brothers in arms by dire straits and i think chuck won a grammy for it that year uh but he would start with the stereo mix and then expand and i think dolby expects a lot of people to start in atmos and hope that it all translates downward so uh so but it's it's an interesting interesting time so all right so i just see uh i guess cubase elements isn't enough to be able to create techno tracks so you could definitely do uh techno tracks in any of the versions of cubase so um so you know if it doesn't have a particular plugin there's other plugins in howie and sonic that could do it or any plugin that you can get so okay so i know we had some questions that were sent in so let's get to some of the questions thanks for all the wonderful um questions that people have asked okay um okay so um okay so we have someone who says uh i've been using ableton all's great but some big things in cubase are amazing as well especially with uh video producing music for films so can i get cubase uh with a good discount and first question is it okay to have two daws on board really don't know so yeah currently there are promotions going on for cubase so if you bought like a cubase artist the mid-range you get the pro version so i would uh definitely take advantage of the promotion you have multiple daws on your system without any problem so no problems running multiple daws all right all right so another question sent in my main question is regarding time coding cubase for example uh i have the film and i need to start music at 31 minutes and 31 seconds but i don't want to set my scroll the window to 31 minutes 31 seconds and start producing in the center is it possible to start if i start scoring at 0.00 but when i will be show my result to director it will show the correct time code at 31 31 and not zero so yeah we'll show you how to do this this is really easy to do with an offset so let's say if i jump back here i'll activate this project and we'll revert it okay so let's say i have this file and it's i'll just open up a ruler track and let's set this to second so right now we started zero seconds at measure one so if i want to actually have this be at 31 minutes and 31 seconds to start my project um all you have to do is you go to the project menu and you can say set time code at cursor so at this point we will say i want to do [Music] let's say zero point zero so i'll just say 31 let me just just cancel that let me start over again okay so we say set time code at cursor 31. okay so we have 31 minutes 31 seconds so i hit ok then you're going to get a prompt it says you have modified uh the time code offset do you want to leave the project content at the current uh position so i'll say no so right now we start at you know measure one so we see bars and beats measure one or you know we have a little offset but and then but we see the actual time here of 31.31 so that way you could just do an offset just like that so go to project to set time code at cursor at the beginning of the project just enter move the cursor there and set the time code at that position okay so we have a question from uh nicholas in australia says i don't get to see your live streams as i'm asleep understood however i do run through the time stamps and usually find a number of helpful tricks i'm very grateful for that my question for the next club cubase is the following mute solo just does not function as it should uh years back when i had four le4 there is a problem uh there never was a problem i click on mrs it only solos or mutes that track channel if i would love to be able to solo track and the rest mute automatically i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong all right so let's go to a particular project here all right so sometimes it could really depend on the status of other channels uh that are muted or soloed so let's say if i'm playing along here and i choose to you know mute to solo multiple events so i want to come here so that doesn't necessarily uh get rid of all the other solos so we could just kind of add other tracks to solo so let's say i just wanted to hear only the guitar and mute my kick drums that i have soloed here and i just want to hear the guitar so try holding down control or command and then that will override the state of all the other solos so sometimes when you're building up a mix people may solo and just kind of keep building all right and that's a viable way of working but sometimes you're like oh i just wanted to actually solo this so just hold down control or command and that will override all the other solo states that are in the project and now i could just go back to where i was so let me know if that works for you so nicholas and thanks for writing and i loved my i got to get australia it was almost 17 years ago it's my favorite country i visited so thanks for writing okay we did the next question um okay so we have a question hello greg is there a way to have cubase check the stability of all installed third-party plug-ins and also detect double older versions that could be removed thanks so when cubase is starting it will in the very first time you start cubase like a new version of cubase you'll see that it may take a little longer to go through the plug-ins and what it's doing is a quick analysis test of the stability and viability of the plug-in and it will also measure and calculate the latency of that particular plugin so that you know so if it gets through that test so cubase kind of does that in the background for you so sometimes if it's going to be a problematic plug-in uh you could choose to you know if you go to the vst plug-in manager um so once you're here you go to the vst plug-in manager that you could uh see a block list so here you could see like you know plug-ins that could potentially be causing stability issues and you could block and cubase will block them for you it doesn't necessarily if you have like plug-ins installed in multiple locations or vst2 that will be showing up multiple times i don't think it will automatically delete those but i'm not sure if they show up multiple times within your project i haven't tried to do that in a long time but you know by default cubase will automatically you know scan for the integrity of the plugins another question we had that was mailed in was someone wanting to get rid of the before and after of a selected range of a part so let me just jump back to another project just to show this all right so once i'm here let's say if i wanted to only have this part and i wanted to cut the beginning before this selection before this range selection i wanted to get rid of that and i wanted to get rid of what's after that range selection so we could do this so i'm just going to select a range and if you go to edit to range you'll see this function called crop and that will automatically delete what's before that range selection and what's after that range selection so only the selected part is going to be left all right uh i think that's all the questions that we had uh mailed in so let me go back to our live chat thanks for all the great questions and again you can mail questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e so you see michael pierce is gonna to see if he can grab the dire straits remix in 5.1 that's also kind of a tricky part is actually finding how to do the five point where to find a 5.1 content now as well yeah and some more discussion on uh dolby atmos like i was just talking uh last week with chris athens who does i think all the mastering for drake and so he's moving into being able to deliver atmos files as well so even people at that level are still kind of confused by the whole thing um all right so you just see question uh cubase do you have or will have analog gear so i still have i think i have a huge rack behind me i don't have a lot of processing gear anymore uh for i think i have about 23 just looking at my rack about 23 sound modules and kind of tone module synths um i do have a let's see an old mine print compressor a t-comp i have like a really bad alesis compressor uh i have you know a lexicon lxp1 lxb5 with the mrc controller i have an alex i have an mpx 500 lexicon i have a tc electronics reverb um couple of other things i have some bass preamps i have an ampeg uh sv pro i have a yamaha pb1 bass preamp also i have uh ampeg scrdi so i have some uh i have some other mic pres as well so i have an audience the eight channel rack mount mic pre uh that i use just for an expansion so so i do have some outboard gear but i don't have as much as i used to all right all right uh so any movement on a grid reflecting triplets in the audio editor i know you said a while ago you looked into it so yeah i continue to kind of pass it along sometimes you know some of those projects are set in stone and it you know it may not happen as fast as we would want it to be but there's kind of you know a zillion features for other people and everyone has their priority of features but they usually have stuff kind of mapped out and scheduled so i'm hoping um you know that we will see you know some movement on it soon but you know we'll just have to wait and see what the developers do okay so we see from jeff sebelski's mentioning now is the best time for the cubase pro deal as a so that's a good point okay so we see uh from uh jay thank you so much for your ceaseless diligence today i'm at the precipice of being able to see comfortably and i may finally have control rooms set up and tested uh before monday that's great keep us informed jay it's great that you do it i know i have vision issues so uh you know so i can be very empathetic with that okay so we just have a question hi i have uh cubase 11 pro windows 10 what's the best way to jump right in and start recording some guitar i'm super intimidated by the complexity of it thanks so if you are just recording a guitar part you know know which in which connection that you're going to be plugging your guitar into or microphone into so go to your inputs and you want to make sure that the input is defined here so that could be like you know uh you know my analog one so let's just say i'll just start with the preset here uh so i could be you know i have a preset so i want to say okay i have two mono inputs uh so this is my guitar is gonna be plugged into input one so i can add an audio track all right and i say my guitar is plugged into mono one or i could actually just select a hardware port right here this will be routed out to the stereo make sure that you have you know record enable and if you want to hear the signal as you're recording just do that and you could record directly in just like that so even though cubase can be incredibly powerful it doesn't have to be so powerful that it's intimidating so just hit record you know play guitar you'll see the waveform and that's all you have to do now if you want to monitor through like a guitar amp go to your studio setup and you may have to just make sure that when you select your audio interface that you don't have direct monitoring enabled so if you have direct monitoring disabled come right over here and go to your inserts you'll see distortion category for your effects and go to your vst amp rack and now you could play the guitar the guitar will be processed through this it's going to be recorded without the processing but you'll record a dry signal so you could go back and change between different amplifiers different pedals cabinets microphone positions all directly right as a part of your cubase setup right there so yeah you see michael teams has plugged the guitar into line level interface and whale so that that's also great advice so all right so we see uh millard brown has uh his revelation of the control plus solo so that's great great to see millard on the live stream as well let me see that pablo and gareth also appreciate that all this discussion of nachos wants me to have wants me to want to have nachos for dinner tonight but i'll be doing the index later so okay so i just see question um the score editor does not show multiple rest okay so let's take a look at that okay so let's just say i'll start the ovo late here and i want to go to my oboe part i'll go into the score editor okay so say i'll just have like a blank part here okay so here i'll just delete some notes okay so come here and we have lots of dead space so if i wanted to do consolidated rest uh see if i remember how to do this we could come over here go to project and you'll see multi-bar rests so we can say numbers above the system let's hit apply to make sure that yeah the multi bar rests and i think if we go to [Music] um layout so if we just wanted to go here so go to layout settings and then you could enable multi-bar rest you could say after four bars and hit apply and now we could see that you'll have your itty bar multi-rest just as part of the in this core editor so give that get those little um give that a try and let us know all right so we have a question can you show us how to add effects only to the parts we have determined so if you wanted to do just like in a selection all you have to do is let's say i want to take uh the guitars here i will go to my audio i'll first activate the project and i'll go to let's select and i'll say okay just for this little section i want the guitars to do i'll say plugins and let's say i just wanted to do like a flanger just so it's really easy to hear okay so now as we listen and we'll hear the flanger kick in here and say i wanted to change the effect to like a whole node flanger instead so that's really all you have to do to put effects on just a section of music all right so we have a question do you have some tips and tricks uh for the drum editor example building drum maps so a lot of times when you go to particular instruments if you have groove agent one of the great things is you could actually just create drum map from instrument and if you have groove agent that will automatically just build uh the drum map uh directly from what groove agent has so that's that's pretty slick but if you needed to make your own drum maps you could just come right over here into the drum map area and you'll go to drum map setup so here you could just kind of type and you could audition each sound by clicking to the left and then just kind of type a description and if you wanted to switch to a different note head shapes for notation purposes or a different endnotes and out notes versus a display note you know so you know the c1 is not what you would use to display a notation a kick drum so but you know you could just simply come right over here and be able to set up drum maps like that okay so we see uh cubase 11 pro crashing noise i don't know why so try you know a lot of times when it's crashes you know like if you see a blue screen kind of crash if you're on windows that could be that it's going to be hardware related but try most crashes are going to be coming from third party plugins so if you hold down alt ctrl shift or command option shift right after double clicking the cubase icon to start the program try running it without third party plugins and see if you still have the same levels of crashes because it could be just one plug-in that you use a lot that could be causing stability issues and he could probably narrow it down pretty quickly so we see gareth is going to head over to play with my toys so you're always welcome come i'll give you a good tour of washington dc too gareth so so i had a problem where i could not delete all mute and solos it never happened before so you know any ideas greg so maybe the mute and solos sometimes you know the mutes could be automated so make sure that it's not going through automation so i see some sometimes people may just accidentally you know come over here and let's say okay we're playing the track and they don't realize that perhaps the track is in automation so you come over here and they're just kind of doing editing they're like okay let's go ahead and mute and they may not have yeah so they go back and it's like you know why is it doing that so there's a good chance that it could just be accidentally recorded as automation so check that so usually when i get that question that's kind of the culprit so just say for michael pierce uh saying uh greg my boss is a huge dire straits fan i just bought an extra pair of questeds i'm sure i could persuade her to get some extra stands yeah so i got to hear uh i was over like fixing a problem for mark knopfler's live recording rig in london it's like one of those things no one can figure out so they flew me out like with one day notice first class to london to fix it and it was when the masters came back from bob ludwig on uh brothers and arms so getting to hear it in mark's room which is i think he had a 96 channel neve uh he had a roll in or an emi tg series uh i think that band on a run was recorded with and he also has an emi red 57 console as well on his master control room so that's one of those days in my job that didn't suck all right so to see um why the waves plug-ins cause crash bro so you know you should maybe check with waves so sometimes when companies have pro programs that crash it's not really up to us to do so but you could check with waves and maybe ask them that okay so we have a question uh is it possible to recognize and change the tempo of an imported audio track to a solid fixed tempo even if it contained variable tempo before so let's show you how to do that so let's say we'll have our piece here and let's say it's it's varying in tempo we want it to be the same uh consistent tempo so let's say we'll play listen to the click so do my tempo detection all right so now we have our varying tempo map and what i want to do is to have this tempo map kind of automatically follow um so i want this instead of fluctuating slightly to be steady tempo and you can do this across a multi-track and kind of the same fit same way so i'm going to select that go to my audio to advanced and what we're going to do is go audio to advanced we're going to say set definition from tempo and what this is going to do is basically apply the tempo changes as metadata into the files so i don't want it to follow the tempo map that's fluctuating so now i'm going to deactivate the tempo map and say i just wanted to be 144 perfectly steady so that's all you have to do so go once you've done the tempo detection of the event go to advanced set definition from tempo that metadata of all the tempo changes every beat is written into the file and then you can uh just do a steady tempo based from there all right so we're almost out of time let's see if there's one last minute quick question if not um so i see from sable winters is uh asking if the spectral layers event is still on tomorrow so i will send an email to mike scheinberger but if you wanted to reach out to me sable by email um i think it's it was set up for tomorrow but i haven't heard anything since then okay um okay so i guess we're just about out of time and i want to thank everyone for the wonderful questions if you have questions you want to submit in advance you can send them to me at club cubase at you want everyone to have a safe and [Music] healthy weekend and we'll see everyone on tuesday at 1pm us eastern thank you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 27,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: OUd_heEn8Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 0sec (14340 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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