Create Unique Instruments Using Samples | Cubase Secrets with Dom

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hello everyone dom here and in this video  i'm going to show you how you can create   unique instruments in cubase with the samples  that you already have in your hard drive   let's get started if you're a music producer  there's a high chance that you have a folder   of samples or maybe multiple sample libraries  sitting there in your hard drive collecting   dust if you don't have your own samples cubase  already has a massive collection of samples   that allow you to create sounds from scratch  and cubase actually has all the tools you need   in order to do this so today i'm going to show you  a few ways that you can take your existing samples   either your own samples or the samples that are  included in cubase in media bay and turn them into   unique instruments or make them playable and have  them right there at your fingertips to help you   with your inspiration to help you with your  music making process so let's get started one   of the things that i do all the time is create  sample collections so let's say i want to have   a collection of kick drums a collection of snares  a collection of hi-hats this is actually very easy   to do in cubase and for this i use groove agent  SE as my main instrument of choice and let me   show you what i do let's say in this case i want  to create an instrument that has a collection   of drops of sound effects of cinematic sounds  for this i'm going to use one of my favorite   cinematic libraries in cubase it's noir so i'm  going to go to my media bay and i'm going to start   selecting some samples from this library so as you  can see i've read these samples with five stars so   i know these are samples that i really really like  so i'm going to use these samples and drop them   into groove agent and it's just a simple drag  and drop process so let's go for this one first   and add it to this cell let's go for  this one second cell let's keep going and just like this i have a very nice selection   of cinematic sounds just inside groove agent  and the great thing is now i can play them and when it comes to groove agent you have a lot  of flexibility for example let's say i want the   samples to only play while i'm holding the key  down i can just go to the sample page and change   this from one shot to continuous so now you will  see that this sound will not play in its entirety   when i lift the key compared to one shot you know i hit the key and it plays the  entire sample so it's very very flexible   you can even reverse the samples very cool and now i can trim  those samples very easily   i can change the pitch i can change the filters   let's say i go for this sample but i don't want  to have the build up i only want to have the hit super simple the only thing i need to  do is set my sample start if i want to   be a little bit more detailed i can  go like this and just set it here   and now i have a nice hit instead of  transition build up sound and then hit so now let's go for this sample for example  and now let's try and change the pitch   envelope for this one so i can go like  this i can even see the waveform if i   want to by clicking this icon here and  now i can just set my envelope amount   let's go all the way up and now i  can do all sorts of crazy things you know sky's the limit i can go to my filters  activate a filter and add some distortion maybe so groove agent allows you to create collections  of sounds really easily and manipulate them so   this is the first way the second thing that  you can do in cubase is create your own   custom drum kits and for this i'm  going to use groove agent again   i'm going to have an empty instance and in  this case i'm going to go to media bay again   and i'm going to use a knight called synth wave  in this case and i'm going to create a drum kit   an original drum kit using this library so  i'm going to click on this library and then   i'm going to select kick drums first so i  have selected some of my favorite kick drums so let's drop this kick drum in  first and i can immediately play it   and let's say i want to add another layer  and i can go here at the top of the cell   see it becomes like a plus symbol and now i just  added a second layer that means that by default   when i play low velocities i'm going to trigger  the first sample and when i play higher velocities i'm gonna trigger the second sample and i  can change the velocity split point like this very very simple now let's go for my snares  let's add a snare so let's filter the snares now i like this one let's place it in d1 and maybe  this one i'm going to just drop it in e1 so now let's add a clap really quickly d d sharp 1 i'm following the gm  mapping and how about some toms   i'm gonna have this one placed here and  now maybe i want to tune it so what i'm   going to do check this out i'm going to go  to pitch and i'm going to select the key   range okay so i'm going to go like this  and i'm going to have this go up to b1 so as you can see there are a lot of  options when you use groove agent SE   and it goes without saying that  i can pan i can change the pitch for every single cell i can pan my tomes for example   and what i like to do just because it looks nice i  like to take my kick drum for example set it to a   nice color then take my snares select all of them  using ctrl or command and just set a different   color there and my claps will be this color and my  thumbs will be this color so i like to color code   my drums as well because it really helps you  know it's very visual it's very easy to tell what   you're clicking at at any given point   and don't forget with groove agent SE you  can send each individual element of the kit   to its separate bus the way you do this is you  right click on the things that you want to send   to a bus for example let's say i want to select  my snares then right click and go to assign output   and set it to a separate output this way you  can process it with any effect that you want   dynamics eq reverb delays sky's the limit okay so  this is a second way that you can create your own   custom drum kits using samples that you have  either in media bay or on your hard drive   let's move on to something else now let's  explore a different way that you can create   an instrument i'm going to stick with knight  called synth wave and in this case i want to   create a synth sound okay so why don't we go  for an analog sound and let's play a few samples   i think i'm going to go for this one this sounds  really nice and warm maybe i can create a nice pad   so now if i want to create an instrument  out of this sample i can do this very   easily by just right clicking and selecting  create sampler track so we're going to use   the sampler track to create a synth sound now of  course i can go ahead and play this straight away   but we can do a few things to make this even  better to make this our own first of all i might   want to set a loop point so that the sound lasts  forever when i hold the keys because right now it's going to run out when the sample ends so the  way to do this is i can go to my loop mode here   and there are quite a few loop modes with  sounds like this like a pad or something   like this that evolves it's a very good idea  to select an alternate loop mode and this way   i can go like this set my loop points and now the  sound is going to loop between this section while   i'm holding the key and it's a good idea to set  your snap to zero crossing on so that you avoid   any clicks and pops so now i've set my loop mode  in alternate i've set my sustain loop start and   loop pen so basically when i'm holding the key  this section of the sample is going to play and if you experience a little  hiccup then you can solve this   by using our crossfades let's do this now and of course because this is a pad what i would  probably do would go to my amp modulation page go   to my envelope and make the release quite longer  so that it doesn't cut off when i lift the key beautiful now the other thing i can do is  make this sound a little bit more alive   by adding some modulation to it and  this i can do by using pitch modulation   filter modulation and amplitude modulation  of course if i turn on my filter i can do   all sorts of things that you  would expect from a filter so immediately the sampler track  now reacts like a synthesizer   and then i can of course modulate the pitch  so let's go and add a little bit of an lfo and let's assign it to the mod wheel as well   beautiful now this is a bad sound what are we  missing we're missing a nice lush reverb so   what i'm gonna do is i'm going to add a revelation  patch and there we go and now let's listen to this too   so as you can see even from one single one  note sample you can create a beautiful synth   so don't underestimate single shot samples  that you have in your library and speaking   of creating cool instruments with samples  let's choose another sample now i'm going   to go for a vocal i'm going to use the urban  pop vocals for this one and let's see you know   you will reap what you sow this sounds good to me  so i'm going to create a supper track out of this   i'm going to just drag it and drop it in my lower  zone in this case that's another way to create   a sampler track out of a sample and now i have  lots of options i can just play the sample stream you know you will reap what you sow you know very  straightforward or i can slice it for example   you knew what you knew you knew  what but sometimes what i like to   do is go back to the normal mode and  just set the start and ending point   so that i can make this sample completely  unrecognizable so now if i go like this so this still sounds like a vocal chop but i  can actually process it so that i can create   a playable instrument out of this of course  because this vocal has many different notes   in it maybe i have to find the  correct note so this to me sounds   like a c so i had to set my root key  to f sharp three but if you're not   sure about this just add the tuner from  cubase to your inserts and just play a c and if it shows that it's a c you're good to  go so now let's start processing this sample   okay i'm going to go i'm going to lower  my amp volume so i can have some headroom   and i'm going to activate my  filter add a little bit of drive let's add a little bit of glide and now let's turn it into a massive reverberant   plug sound using revelation  and a super long reverb tale and you know sometimes what  i like to do is i like to go   to my filter envelope turn my envelope  all the way up turn down my cutoff and now switch my filter type to  rate add a little bit of dry and then add the river back in   so there you go these are just a few of  the ways that cubase allows you to create   your own unique sounds using the samples  that you already have so i hope you have   loads of fun creating your own sounds i'll  see you next one take care and bye bye   you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 11,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create unique instruments, transform samples, cubase samples, cubase samples collection, create sample collection, drum sample collection, groove agent SE instrument, cinematic sounds, cinematic libraries, cubase media bay, trim samples, pitch samples, change pitch envelope, adding distortion, ealy manipulate sounds, create custom drum kits, triggering samples, synth wave instrument, loop mode, working with crossfades, adding modulation, adding lfo, vocal chopping
Id: kYwsjkiD9jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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