AR15 Trigger Comparison - Hiperfire, Elftmann, Geissele, Rise Armament, Triggertech

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hey guys it's Harley wick alright you guys have been on me about doing another trigger comparison video this will be the third installment I did for in the first version I did 5 triggers in the second version and this one will also have 5 technically 6 because I'm gonna throw in just a factory milspec trigger to give you kind of a baseline now all of these triggers were sponsored by MSR arms I could not have done neither the previous nor this video without them so if you guys appreciate the information that I'm giving you here please do me a favor and patron them if you're considering one of these triggers I do have a 5% off promo code I cannot post a link to MSR arms in the description of this video do YouTube's policies but I will post a link to my website where you can get all that information now I don't want this video to be terribly long and we have a lot to cover so let's talk about the format first I'm gonna get all of these on the tabletop and I'm gonna talk to you about why I chose that I'm going to install each of them in this trigger jig and we're gonna test the pull weight we're gonna test the take-up or the creep I'm gonna tell you what the brake feels like gonna show you the over-travel and the reset at the end of this I'm gonna put a chart up that kind of quantifies all this for you and talk about the ones that I feel are the best in each of those categories let's get on the table no particular order up first is the Elfman Pro lock this is the SE component trigger in my opinion the bow profiles on the Elfman triggers are some of the best I absolutely love this flat version now the pro lock is if you notice real real small in there there are threads inside of the trigger pin channel same thing with the hammer pin channel this is the pro lock droppin match trigger you can really see those threaded channels there we are not reviewing this one today but instead of having to use anti walk anti rotation pins you simply set this down in the receiver and it comes with these little set screws from the outside of the receiver you drive those set screws torque them down and it locks this in now especially on this drop-in version it also has those base screws that you drive in to lock it up from the bottom of the receiver also today we're going to focus on this component version alright up next guys Lee I have been very critical of guys Lee triggers in the previous two videos I have done the super 3 gun and the SSA trigger in the previous videos I did not like them the SSA is a two-stage trigger the the s3g the super 3 gun says that it's a single stage trigger on the website if you read a little bit more though it says it's a hybrid alright it's not actually a single stage trigger so I beat it up a little bit in that last video because of how it classified itself and it did not stack up to other single stages in this video this is the SSP the single stage precision this is a true single stage trigger so we're gonna see how this one does I've also mentioned in previous videos that I'm a huge fan of the flat Bo face here this one has the flat bow I have very very high hopes for this trigger these surprise out of the previous video was the rise armament ra 434 I was blown away by the crispness of the break just the price of the trigger was fantastic I actually really liked the bow profile and how it felt on the finger this is the 535 and this is supposed to be an even better version so we'll see how this one stacks up and if it impresses equally as much next is the trigger tech this is the competition version if you look at trigger tech triggers they are pretty stunning I mean just look at the craftsmanship inside of there the competition version the reason I picked this is because I have previously reviewed their adjustable version I also have the combat version of this that I have never reviewed so I chose this one to see its comparison versus the other two that I already have and last but not least the hyper fire Genesis I chose this because Piper fire in my previous videos was consistently the most requested one for me to review again this is the genesis there are several different ones out there this one is perhaps the most I don't want to call it complicated to install because it's not terribly difficult but compared to the others it is the more difficult one to install it comes with two different Springs these here are for the medium pull weight and these here are for the light to medium pull weight we will go over both okay to get kind of a baseline this is just a factory milspec trigger six pounds two point eight ounces six pounds one point three ounces five pounds thirteen point eight ounces all right let's check out how this puppy moves so you can already see there's some take up in that trigger stay there and the creep is when the seer actually starts to move now you can see it's starting to creep a little bit watch the creep so we ready at two millimeters almost of take-up look at the creep you can see it moving all the way to four and it breaks let's reset it it's at four and a half five millimeters look at all of that reset take up there's your creep see it starting to move still moving still moving there's your break to five millimeters now one thing that I did wrong in the previous video is I did not have the safety selector installed this was most obvious on the guys Lee the drop-in triggers did not have much over travel this didn't play as much of a role on the guy's Lee it had a lot of over travel because I didn't have this in so I did annotate that in the previous video anyway back to the Elfman here you can see those two set screws they thread into those channels on the hammer and trigger pins let's check the pull wait three pounds seven point six ounces three pounds six point three ounces three pounds eight point three ounces pretty darn consistent let's go ahead and apply a little pressure there is no movement on that trigger so no take-up we're gonna pull through the break looks like a four millimeter break and check that reset nice crisp reset full four millimeter reset now that's a nice break okay and the guys Lee s SP three pounds four point three ounces to pounds 15 ounces three pounds almost on the nose all right let's test out the guys Lee you thought I was gonna forget it didn't you all right enough joking around here we go test out the guys Lee all right we have a tiny bit of movement let's go ahead and apply pressure hmm that's a good break four millimeters let's check out that reset okay it's pretty clean I like this much better than their two-stage triggers it's good I like it three pounds ten point two ounces three pounds thirteen point one ounces three pounds ten point six ounces a little bit of take up there almost two millimeters it's unfortunate let's pull through it Wow really tiny break on that no travel reset we're at we're at three millimeters that's somehow to one millimeter maybe a two-millimeter reset let's pull through again Wow here's that reset and it's unfortunate it has that little bit on the front end there there's no creep whatsoever let's see that break again man that's a good break all right kind of wish it didn't have that but all things considered not bad three pounds fifteen point nine ounces four pounds 1.1 ounces four pounds three point two ounces no movement on the trigger at all let's go ahead and apply pressure a little bit of creep you can see it there wow that's a really short break - all right there's your open there's your reset let's try that again little tiny bit of creep we're at 1 millimeter that is short short short let's see this reset so it's at 2 millimeters here's the reset Wow just a little bit of creep on this and that break man is super small no over-travel tiny little reset very nice hey we've got the Green Springs in here for the lighter trigger pull this is the hyper fire two pounds three ounces very interesting trigger two pounds four point seven man that's a light trigger two pounds point nine ounces all right here we go now I already know this one has a lot of movement in the trigger and it's really hard for me to tell based on the geometry of what's going on in here what is take-up and what is creep it just looks so different from every other trigger alright we've got a lot of movement right there at 2 millimeters and it breaks look at the geometry of this it's really hard to pull from the top but then it goes real easy alright but we're back at five millimeters let's see the reset okay it goes to two for the reset and a really short break after that so we're at five to four the reset it's very interesting alright back to a full reset let's see how this goes again look at all that movement I'm back to three and we have no break yet and there's that break okay we've got the heavier mid pull weight Springs in there two pounds thirteen point four ounces to pounds nine ounces to pounds thirteen point nine ounces alright my assumption is there's going to be no difference here but let's give it a try other than a little more resistance yeah so it still has all of that alright seems like it broke just a tad sooner you'll see all right we're at one two millimeters last time it was breaking at three this one's breaking at two and it's only going back to four let's see that reset right - oh there's three and there's that break alright a tad bit difference not huge it's a cool trigger alright so that was a lot of work if you guys appreciate the work that goes into this do me a favor hit a like or subscribe down below if we get enough of these in this video gets enough traction maybe we'll do a fourth installment of this so we have a lot of information to go over in this video is already shaping up to be seventeen 18:21 plus minutes so let's get right to it first up is the price now you'll notice that I've rolled in all of the previous triggers that we've reviewed into this okay if you're only interested in the five that we've reviewed here focus on the last five bars of this chart alright but across all of the triggers that we've reviewed the Elfman match trigger depending on where you shop and when you're watching this video was the highest price trigger now you get what you pay for you'll see later on I feel like it offers some performance that some of the others don't the best price is the RA for 34 especially as much of a surprise as that one was when I reviewed it that is a great option the CMC is also a solid performer it's not overpriced and it performed very very well across all of the tests that we did all right the pull weight now let me let me make a caveat here pull weight depends a lot on your use case if this is a self-defense rifle you don't want a two-pound trigger all right you get startled you're stalled or startled response alone is gonna set that trigger off so consider your use case when you're thinking about which trigger to to purchase as it relates to the pull weight the chart here shows that the hyper fire Genesis with that green spring set had the lowest pull weight on it followed by the Elfman match the guys Li s si was the highest now you can see on the far left I've got the milspec trigger and there in the gray bar it's obviously the highest but when it comes to the aftermarket triggers the guys li s si had the highest pull weight on it another note here is that you're gonna get very very slight variation depending on where you put the gauge on the trigger bo alright I tried to be as consistent as possible if you go up higher lower it's gonna vary slightly okay installation this is a little bit of a subjective analysis on my part I think the Elfman match the trigger tech adjustable and the trigger tip competition are probably the easiest to install the ones that require anti walk anti rotation pins or you know some other set up the Tim knee is one of my least favorite I have taken that trigger out and reinstalled it probably five or six times in various platforms I hate the double set pin so you have a set of set pins that drive down and another set that drives down on top of that now it's secure but I've never had any without the double set pins come out but that one is a pain in the butt the hyper fire Genesis I'm gonna say is the more difficult to install it probably took me about 10 minutes to get it the first time just the learning curve alone once I figured it out it was just a couple minutes to swap out to the other spring set but that said it is one of the more complicated to install next we're just gonna lump the take up and or creep into what I'm going to call pre travel I'm sure during the video I misspoke a time or two but I'm gonna call them both pre travel any of them that are flat lined out have basically no pre travel to them the guys Lee SSA had the most and the hyper fire Genesis was the second most now that being said the guys Lee SSA and you can see the s3g here they are two stage triggers they are designed to have pre travel okay same thing with the hyper fire Genesis if you read the manufacturer's notes on this it was designed to have milspec pre travel to it now that said it's still less than milspec you can see the milspec had four millimeters of pre travel the hyper fire Genesis cut 25% of that off alright moving on to the over travel so from the time that it broke how far did the trigger move after that the guys Lee s3g the SSA the trigger tech adjustable the rise arming that 535 and the trigger tech competition were the best along with the milspec believe it or not but that's because it had so much pre travel it didn't have to have all that over travel the elf pro lock trigger and the guys li SSP performed at the the bottom end of this test having the most over travel and the reset the trigger tech adjustable the rise armament 535 and the trigger tech competition had the shortest resets the elf pro lock and the guys li SSP had the longest resets now again you got to kind of couple that with the pre travel a lot of times if it has a lot of pre travel it's gonna have a lot of resets so just kind of the nature of the beast and the break they're all so close I mean you can see this is against objective this is just my feel of the I'm giving it to the Elfman match the Tim knee three pound the trigger Tech adjustable and the elf pro lock I feel like those all had the Crispus brakes of the group but on a one to five scale everything was very very close with the exception of the milspec and then the black rain I do not like the brake on the black rain that was in the previous video that we did all of the others were fairly consistent so the best overall that's hard to say and it's completely subjective this is just my opinion I think the elephant and match and the trigger tech adjustable are my two favorites of all of the triggers that I've reviewed I also have triggers that you guys have not seen here there are triggers that I've had and sold of all of the ones that I've had those are my favorites now there are also some really really solid products coming out of Ryze armament for the price I I can't complain Rhys Armand that is producing some great stuff and that's it guys Version three of the AR trigger comparison series if this gets a lot of traction maybe we'll do a fourth version we'll see it's a lot of work I mean though I filmed two triggers complete and forgot to turn the mic on had to go back and do them again I mean there's just a lot that goes into it so if you guys really like it I will do a fourth one again Thank You MSR arms for sponsoring this video we really appreciate it couldn't have done it without you guys if you like this video guys do me a favor if you appreciate what we did hit like hit subscribe thank you for watching got lots more videos to come and i'll see in the next one requirements for this [Music]
Channel: HarleyWood
Views: 276,991
Rating: 4.9595394 out of 5
Keywords: ar15 trigger, ar 15 trigger comparison, ar15 trigger comparison, ar 15 trigger, ar-15 trigger, ar15 trigger jig, strike industries jig, trigger tech, rise armament trigger, ar trigger, rise armament, ar 15, rise armament trigger review, elftmann trigger review, triggertech review, hiperfire genesis review, rise armament trigger install, rise armament trigger 535, geissele ssp review, drop in trigger, drop in trigger ar 15 timney, geissele review, ar-15 triggers review
Id: qjTg50sH1II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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