Threading a Barrel -Thread Protector Installation! Gunsmithing Remington

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alright hey guys today what I got going on here is I've got a this is a just an average you know could be any barrel but this is a varmint barrel and today we're at tactical I think whatever you want to call it today what I'm going to do is throw this 5/8 24 I'm going to thread the end of the barrel for five days 24 so for a muzzle brake and this is just a thread protector so I'm going to use this for just for kind of a guide on my threads first thing I got to do I've done a lot of muzzle brakes when I used to work a gunsmith shop I did five or six of these a week for a couple years and anyways so what we got going on here is I got our barrel indicated at the four jaw and then it's on the spider on the outside and then I dialed it in to within two or three ten thousandths of an inch with my indicating rod here so it's running pretty and this is a rod I made and it's perfect fits perfectly in there so so we're running pretty damn true to ten thousandths is pretty good I mean I could knit picked my way down a little little more but in all reality in my opinion it's not going to matter much once you get past there and then most of the barrels that I've done we usually go out to about a half an inch and I haven't done a the shop baster worked and we did pretty much like varmint brakes and some directional hunting brakes that got timed but I'm just going to do this for any break so half inch is good enough for what we're doing here and then this is going to be a 5/8 24 thread so the major diameter is 0.625 inches and I don't have working on getting my one inch caliper here but we're sitting at 8:57 so we got to get down to 625 so I got to take off about 200 thousands so get whacking away here and I check my make sure my thing is here great and the thing with these remnants Remington barrels are notorious for this when you indicate your bore most the time the outside of the barrel will not be enter close to true and Remington's are really bad for that so if you're the outsider your barrel isn't true don't worry about it back a little bit actually most barrels not just Remington's or like that I'm not going to ride right up to mic up there so I'll call that good I don't have a digital readout or anything on this guy so I just kind of heavy cuts and they're up to my and there and then we'll come back and come back and set our cap on our our final shoulder cut numbers cut mess by hand could run your heartbeat if you're on and could run through some oil but for the purpose of showing you guys what I'm doing here I'm not going to run oil shoulder up a little bit you were right here 6:24 right on the nuts she call that good 625 624 one one thousand seven inch isn't going to matter here because you usually end up flattening those threads out anyway so alright next thing we're going to do is we'll take a switcher bits out here in we'll take a for the purpose of this threading we're going to take a little relief cut here so I'm gonna I got out sharpen a bit here and then we'll continue all right so I got a little back cutting bit here you could use a parting tool but I don't have a putting tool that's thin enough for this guy so I made one and what we're gonna do first off I'm going to slow my lathe down a little bit because this guy doesn't like cutting on a fast speed for some reason my lathe is kind of picky but so what we're going to do here is we're going to make a back cut for our thread so we've got a stop in point and the minor diameter of our 5/8 twenty-four threads are approximately 0.5 7/8 so what I'll do is I'll come in here and I'm at 625 now so I'm gonna do my math quick so 625 minus 578 so I got to go approximately 0.47 inches to get to my minor diameter and for good measure we're just going to go point 0 5 so Frank are laid up here clean this stroller up a little bit here it's going to be pretty heavy cut on this little bit so I know and on cycie I start cutting I read my dial here and then going on I actually got to slow my leg down a little bit more cuz this bit this bit does kind of put my back here in afraid I'll smack this bit if I don't slow life down a little bit here for me so zero my crossed out broke it so I'm going to have to resort to my actual parting tool which if you can see it hanging out straighten it up a little bit here we sure alright so parting tool a little bit taking them back here out here a little bit thicker now on it to D but what would be alright I'm just going around that guy up against me Chuck to make sure we're nice and straight parallel with the world and I'm going to bring it right in touch up down back there thank you up and I got a can't run the gear and run the lathe out of gear so and actually speed this guy I'm just a tad here there we go now in business so now we're going to go 1-0 5 inches forty-seven chatters you gotta slow it down a little bit so they don't like about these largest knits it cut a little harder but Greece on there a little better so there is a way to do this without making a back cut which would be nice now if your so I have to look for Eva now reality does my head hurt there's 30,000 god 40,000 there's Cory 8150 be able to bottom our threads there and I gotta go a few thousand more for good measure for thousands all we're doing here is we're making sure we got enough room available for our so when we stop our threads or not you know hitting the bottom of our threads all right so then let me make a measurement here of what my actual depth is here should've did this before but we're gonna see where my deep wear out around 40 wonder 42 and a half so we're gonna take another cut here turn out a little bit so now I'm just gonna lay on my shoulder and speed my legs up I gotta put my bow pin in and I come back here with another smaller bit I'll show you my party pool we're an upper shoulder jatin let's have that doctor but it turned it double check it here and a lot of times if you're actually fitting a muzzle brake and so I usually kind of be the last step you do but being that I'm not fitting a specific break for this guy is just island doing the standard kind of half we'll wipe it off here all right now time for threading so I got to get my threading bit set up and then I'll continue here in a minute all righty so I've got everything set up got my threading bit I got my compound set of 29 1/2 I got my threading on my lathe set up to 24 threads per inch slowed my lay down and we should be ready to make our first cut here to to our depth I think our minor diameter would I say 5 5 78 so we're going to go I'll make several passes here and then I'll kind of see I don't know if you don't if you thread it long enough you can kind of get an idea just by looking at how close you are so we'll make a few cuts here and we'll see where we're at and this is the 24th red so shouldn't matter where we hit our dial shop area some aim or an upper to the mute so it's just our first scribe cut super spray cut so I'm gonna go in and our dialogue set at zero here then I'll recover our scratch Cup double check our thread and take a little heavier cut to the crag ham Sudha hi can I compare this yep yeah stop this guy hi prof. little over up there grab my pitch gauge 24 check it and then spot-on like normal so I'll keep cutting and I'm going to dump a little oil on here because those cuts a little nicer all right mm here remember to feed him with your compound and other stuff I forgot to mention this is a 30 caliber barrel so 30 caliber reason 5 a 24 smaller one is to be a smaller you can use smaller what you're doing what I want to use and then with this too I could have a little bit more threat on the backside here but this is going to do I'm just beating in about three four thousands on my compound every passier and I'm just checking TM getting nice but there reckon a few more Oh like caramel threading the deeper you get Oh pepper on a cake and the only thing I don't like about my thread here is well about this set up here is I wish my I've had a little less of a back cut for my threads I don't like that big jack but this'll work this and I got sorry get rid of this rattle here sorry guys so we're getting into a little bit of heavier cut friends are getting looking pretty good so going under couple thousands I'm gonna dial oil on there the mouth threads here take one or two more cuts and I'm gonna test my break and see if they're not my break for my paper doctor and see see where we're at I'm just gonna take in a mm cut on my compound that's starting to look pretty good so I might stop after this one bring it back out here resetting the dial they don't forget the amount at zero all right so we'll check this guy and I think I might be pretty dang closer we were pretty snug but it's going on and that might be actually perfect once I clean those up that if you can see that guy doesn't move at all it's completely solid and there we go I like that nice tight fit we're going square so what I'm going to do on this guy is now that I got to this point I'm done threading I'll call it good so I can get this guy out of the way we're gonna do our threading dial we don't need that anymore I'm do our cross slide kicker in high gear we're going to be doing some high gear stuff here get my bolt pin back in never nice shoes here go all right now make sure got my right file here some guys make little recess cuts on the front I don't like that so I just come in here with a file and knock that corner off there not that edge up and then I'm going to list knock this guy off just a little bit the corner of the barrel here now what we're going to thank you all right so I'm going to come in here with brass brush drones ruff being loaded up a little bit and I'm gonna get a piece of that's right over here right here 31st does a really good job of knocking the edges off of that thread and I don't like using compressed air on this always sharp spot on the back back thread there that's okay all right so let's test the scale one more time sir threads on there nice and smooth absolutely no wobble makes it tight here we go let's check it off the run out absolutely no run out which is what we're looking for so with this particular guy being that I did two half-inch I believe this Mazal protector is see the 3/4 of an inch so it's 3/4 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to knock the edge of this Mazel break down because I don't like to have a big recess there so that's pretty simple it's just turn the end enough quick that's a little bit you know I need you that's a pretty good chance at this tighten your mother read protector of your mother breaker right over onto your barrel pretty good got it set the last past you know my inside out could alternatively cut this off with a parting tool and getting down where I wanna be I'm going to leave a little bit of this muzzle brake sticking out from our model a lot I've run right down to see how that works so I'm liking that right there so now I'm just going to turn this I get a let me put a different to cutter on here my threading bit back on here and then this way we can get a nice put our angle back on our breaker I keep wanting to say break it's not break a little angle background thread protector here just right on the edge so then we got a nice little chamfer there and that's about it guys I mean there's not a whole hell of a lot to it I can show ya let me grab this camera alright so there it is there's basically the finished break and like I said before it usually gets pretty tight down there so let me set my camera down here okay so let's get this guy back out for there again sure take a little Armstrong there we go taking that guy off here we go that's yet I mean I got some little threads stuck in there but are the green stuff but we'll clean that out and then there is our break sir or - let that guy back home so guys there's putting on I know it's pretty similar for a muzzle break and then there's the thread protector so this guy is basically ready to go all I'm gonna do here is come in here and put some cold blue on that guy and send it on its way so that's same thing for putting on a muzzle break I mean that's if you got a time but when you got a time sometimes but if not then you know no big deal so there you go I just put on our thread in the end of a muzzle for a muzzle break or a thread protector whatever you want to do if you guys like this video please comment subscribe share like and contribute til next time check out my other videos there's a bunch of other videos I got over a hundred videos on stuff that you might learn something from if not it's good entertainment so until next time take care see you guys later take your easy
Channel: Precision Machine Shed
Views: 646,414
Rating: 4.4993248 out of 5
Keywords: Muzzle brake, muzzle, threading, muzzle break, threading a muzzle, thread protector, rifle brake, varmint brake, 5/8-24, tactical brake, gunsmith, gunsmithing, Threading a barrel, barrel threading
Id: 8kuK4L7B65Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2015
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