The Secret To Quitting Sugar For Good!

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hi friends in this video I'm going to teach you how to get unaddicted to Sugar We're going to talk about which sugar actually makes you addicted and why your body gets inflamed and teach you how to uncouple your energy needs from your sugar cravings and basically quitting sugar is going to be the hardest thing you're ever going to do because it's so addictive it's more addictive than cigarettes and you're not going to have to do some fad keto diet or to give yourself injections of diet medicines that potentially can have long-term dangerous side effects because you need some form of sugar to live we have to learn how to eat the right kind to not feed this addiction and the first thing that we should all do is to learn to eat bitter foods and this is because you have five innate taste sensation sweet sour salty unami and bitter sweet things give you energy like fruits salty things balances your electrolytes unami flavors makes you get protein team so that you can grow better foods are toxic in the wild so you don't usually like it and sour Foods in nature are usually rancid and poisonous so your brain is wired to seek sugar salt unami flavors to nurture your bodies and it protects you with bitter and sour and this is why processed drinks and foods with a lot of sugar like soda and chips are addictive they have a combination of sugar salt and many put amino acids like MSG for unami and this combination sells it's biochemically addictive and your hardwired not to enjoy sour and bitter food it makes you squint it can ruin your appetite and sometimes it can make you gag you know you can train yourself into liking or disliking any taste and on the internet you're gonna find all different ideas to quit sugar and there are right ways and wrong ways to good sugar you know these temporary gimmicks that can make you metabolically unhealthy like a ketogenic diet make you quit eventually because your body will be rejected but good healthy sustainable lifestyle changes can last a lifetime can increase your Health and Longevity if your goal isn't to get healthy you're really unlikely to succeed in quitting sugar and you're going to yo-yo in your sugar addiction yo-yo your health as well as your insulin your weight and your mood and this is why you got to quit sugar in the right way commercials and factories and restaurants and big business coffee shops gas stations supermarkets they're going to sell it if you show me a food company that doesn't sell some form of sugar or use sugar in their Foods they're probably go out of business trigger cells in every government knows it so they support the sugar industry it brings them money the deck is stacked against you to quit sugar you're surrounded by it you know they put artificial colors and flavors and textures to eat in 4C addiction parents probably got too addicted and parents are literally working for free for the sugar industry they're sugar scientists making all different kinds of sugary products in their kitchen different textures shapes happily promoting sugar to Future customers their children and it's really the one industry that needs no commercials I mean we passed it out in churches and schools we celebrate it in anniversaries and birthdays we eat it with every meal hidden in healthy foods and sauces and drinks and snacks and desserts and American adults eat 60 pounds of added sugar every year and that's like six bowling balls worth of sugar and big business knows how to lure you and your kids to eat their Foods because your brain is wired to seek sugar it's just survival Instinct for you this is because sugar gives you energy but simple sugars give you quick energy and complex sugars give you more sustained energy however all complex sugars are converted to simple sugars and the trick is don't eat sugar without out fiber around it which is really eating whole plants that are unprocessed and these foods are excellent for your health and Metabolism they give you lasting energy and they prevent you from overeating and becoming an addict addictive eating and many people hopelessly search for a healthy sugar substitutes you'll never find it nor will you cure addiction by finding processed chemical that tastes like a sugar fake sugars sugar substitutes non-nutritive sweeteners and other processed sugars continue to reinforce that sugar addiction and this is where it gets complex because there's so many names for a processed sugar the honeybee process is honey you know then we have cane sugar brown sugar maple syrup date syrup brown rice syrup bead sugar high fructose corn syrup yeah they all sound natural they're all made from plants so is morphine and cyanide just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you and to add more confusion complex carbs like flowers even though they don't taste sweet by themselves they are converted into simple sugars in your body your body will break them down and they will be presented like glucose and fructose and then on top of that companies hide salt and fat in it or you're putting it in your kitchen both types of processed carbs together you know form Donuts cakes cinnamon buns bread muffins cereals or Bagels you got yourself an addictive energy sugar bomb start by dampening the sugary Ward pathway by pairing bitter and sour foods like eat a salad before you eat your sugary treats this can tone down the addictive reward chemicals as sugar triggers and by activating the aversion Pathways in your brain first you will counteract those High spikes of addictive chemicals like dopamine that your brain secretes to get you to eat more sugar and eating processed carbohydrate they all cause the same dopamine high but when you eat fiber whether it's in a salad a fruit bowl beans these buffer your absorption of sugar they build a fiber wall they avoid those High hormonal spikes like insulin to cause more metabolic havoc and to make you gain weight and get fat and get sluggish yes I did say fruit fruit is sweet but you can eat fruit they have to be unprocessed though it can't be fruit juice it can't be jams or pies those are not healthy fruit cocktails from a can is not healthy when you process food you destroy that fiber you release the sugar and then you reinforce that addiction because the fiber in its original casing the hard casing protects your metabolism and those hormonal surges especially those addictive hormones and the key is all types of processed carbohydrates will have this positive feedback of addiction so whether you're eating a donut or a bagel or bread in a sandwich or drinking food smoothies or fruit juice they all get converted into simple sugars this is why bread cereals and crackers or as addictive as juice and candy keep your carbs in processed eat the grains whole if you're going to eat grains don't blend it up don't flour it don't add sugar salt or unami flavors as this will make anything more addictive your body wants the sugar it needs some form of sugar and keto Advocates are confused they believe all forms of carbohydrates are bad for your health and they're lumping processed foods with unprocessed Whole Foods that's a bad mistake because unprocessed Whole Foods they don't just have carbohydrates they have fiber which is really non-digestible and they have micronutrients trapped in all that packaging this is where a calorie is in a calorie and when you eat whole plant fibrous Foods it's not metabolized like the rest of it fiber is caloric negative that means you need more energy to process fiber by eating fiber you actually feed your gut microbiome and when you process it like you're processing an apple you're going to lose that taste and texture that really that health benefit of the real Apple trapped in fiber where you can slowly release that energy apple juice apple chips Apple bars apple pies apple candy not only do they shove other addictive ingredients in it promotes inflammation shortens your lifespan and makes you surge energies this is also true for milk chocolate I mean really if you white chocolate you want to get health benefits from chocolate eat the original cocoa bean because that's where all the benefit is but when you process a cow bean and then you add sugar and fat in it yeah it's tasty but you're gonna get addicted the original cacao bean if you ate that you're not going to get addicted it's bitter not sweet at all super hard and but once you put more addictive ingredients fat salt sugar you're gonna just make an addictive bomb of energy the textures also get you addicted that's why when we make cakes and donuts you know that creamy texture of flour that's addictive as well eat your carbohydrates wrapped in an original structure so that you don't have to train yourself to get off the addiction when you eat original food Whole Foods even sweeter foods like bananas and grapes and oranges it's so hard to get addicted to them the sugar is trapped inside the fiber it's also a sour taste like vitamin C the skin may have a bitter taste like the grape skin and it activates these Pathways that not only make you full but also prevents these addictions they don't just come with energy they come with vitamins minerals and phytonutrients so fruit is good for a diabetic whole fruits are low in calories they're full of water they're low in fat they have a tough fibrous casing to slowly release energy and to feed your gut microbiome you can't find that in any processed food and when you process the foods especially if you're eating high fat foods like Dairy and meats that's going to cause insulin resistance that's going to make make you unable to process carbohydrates so don't confuse the symptoms of diabetes which is sugar intolerance to the root cause of diabetes which is insulin resistance from fat eating too much fat and getting fat from eating too many calories there's another problem with ketogenic dieters is that they're probably messing with your pancreas so that as soon as they eat any sugar insulin spikes are high and their blood sugars are elevated as well so eat your grains whole they're excellent for your health unless you're refining them processing it and adding more addictive ingredients like more sugar salt and fat so corn is great tortillas are not cereals eat the grains whole don't eat anything from a box that's been grounded up floured and then glued back together the original food pyramid was a disaster because it taught people how to eat processed food and now the food pyramid is out and the food plate is in encouraging people to eat more whole food because Whole Food foods like whole oats lowers your cholesterol it lowers inflammation it reduces heart disease and it doesn't promote addiction unless you're adding sugar or sugar or substitutes or salt and fat to your diet and when you are looking for substitutes of sugar with with non-nutritive sweeteners especially with labels that can say it's cancerous you know you're addicted when you're seeking those things you are also hardwired to reject sour because the nature sour foods can kill have you ever heard of botulism toxin that's actually classic home canned food poisoning oftentimes when food turns fasted it's sour and so protectively your body is innate defense is to reject it and you don't have a micro lab you don't know what you're growing you don't know if it's Friend or Foe when you ferment things but when you're pickling food oftentimes you're adding salt you're adding sugar you're making it more addictive and so this is why yogurts have more sugar than ice cream because it's so sour it repels you right so instead of eating fermented food add some vinegar to your food vinegar is a great way to train your palate to give up Sugar by adding some vinegar to your foods you can also increase your metabolism and improve your blood sugar control but don't drink vinegar it can really damage your food pipe you may be wondering how long it's going to take to train your palate to give up sugar well there are several factors that determine this and some of it is not related to taste at all but your emotions for example you may not like broccoli because your parents force you to eat it which has nothing to do with taste I know patients who won't eat the food that they eat during chemotherapy because it gives them bad memories and you're emotionally eating if you're overeating then you need to go get some help but if you set those emotions aside it will probably take you a few weeks to train your palate you'll notice this even within one week and you can jump start this process by eating raw vegetables keep it whole eat more fruits and then adding vinegar to add more sour will help you get off processed carbs you're going to notice your taste buds will change it will be set you're going to need less sugar to give you that pleasure and that reward with longer periods of not eating it you're going to need them less fruit will just satisfy your sweet tooth and if you want other ideas on how to replace sugar check out my top 10 video
Channel: Healthy Immune Doc
Views: 837,179
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Keywords: how to quit sugar, quit sugar, quit sugar for 30 days, what happens when you quit sugar, how to quit sugar addiction, sugar quit, what happens when you quit sugar for 30 days, what happens if you quit sugar, what if we quit sugar, how to quit sugar for 30 days, what if i quit sugar for a month, what if you quit sugar for 30 days, what happens to your body when you quit sugar, when you quit sugar, sugar quit benefits, how to quit eating sugar, how to break sugar addiction
Id: 9YbZh6kzA-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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