I Lost 10kg in 3.5 months & balanced my hormones - this is how I did it | GLOW UP MINDSET HACKS

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hi my loves just a trigger warning to let you know that I will be speaking about weight loss in this video please don't watch this video if you're not up for it and look after yourselves hello today's video is a little bit different I wanted to talk about something that I've been going back and forth about for weeks now so if you follow me on Tik Tok you'll know that I recently posted about this like glow up that I had this glow up included me losing about 10 kilos actually more than that and kind of just changing my whole life my mindset I was really hesitant to talk about it because some of the changes that I made involved like my doctor and it was very specific to [Music] me I'm going to just very briefly touch on what I ate my diet has a medical reason behind it so please keep that in mind my doctor looked at my Bloods she looked at my hormones were completely out of balance and she just advised to go on keto which I thought was a fair diet really hesitant to do it at first considering it involved lowering your carbohydrates and upping your fat cuz at the rate that I was going I was just getting so much weight so fast and I had no control over my body my cortisol levels were through the roof eventually I listened to her and I did go on keto and I did it for about 2 months I lost a lot of weight in those 2 months but I also completely balanced my hormones and I don't know how it happened but it did I'm not going to ask too many questions it turned out to be the healthiest thing I have ever done for my body I can see that in my blood tests now and my hormone levels and I don't have any bloating any digestive issues it's all gone so I did keto for about 2 months and I lost probably about 6 or 7 kilos and then I switched over to something more sustainable I lost another 4 kilos or so and now I'm in a place where I'm just sustaining my results and I really love the way that I eat now because it is very keto inspired however it is far more sustainable for me personally I eat lots of healthy fats I don't eat bread pasta or rice because those Foods unfortunately for me as much as I love them make me so sick and I'm not talking about weight I'm talking about inflammation water retention bloating digestive issues I only get those things when I have bread pasta and rice like I said I'm not going to spend too long on that because that is a very specific thing that I did that I wouldn't recommend everyone do we're going to move on to things that I learned through my weight loss Journey about mindset and actual things that I did that genuinely make it difference I have my laptop here number one it is your perceived worst version of yourself that is actually going to get you the results that you want just want you to picture yourself right now if you are in a position like I was a few months ago where I was physically not my healthiest I was stressed I was unmotivated not disciplined with myself but I also wasn't loving myself it's actually that version of myself it was that girl that made me this girl and when I realized I had so much gratitude and care and love toward that version of myself because it was her that decided to change it was her that implemented the habits that I'm going to talk about in this video that got me to where I am today and I literally would not be this version of myself without her you need to start loving yourself you need to start looking at yourself differently when you're in your lowest lows because there is no way you are going to get to this idealized version of you without that version of yourself that leads me on to my point when you feel like you can't trust yourself to look after yourself that has a domino effect in all areas of your [Music] life when you're feeling like you have tried over and over and over again to make yourself a better version of yourself and it's just failed and you feel like you have no trust that you can actually do it that is when things start to just go downhill and it is really hard to get out of that that R but I'm here to tell you I did it and if I can do it you can do it because I spent 5 years guys literally 5 years of my life in this cycle of exercising restricting my calories i' lose a bit of weight and then I would gain it all back again because I self-sabotage as soon as I had a cheap meal or something like that and it was the most toxic debilitating mindset I can imagine and I know how many women are out there that are in the same position I need to start from a place of self Lov and I know that that sounds really Broad and also you hear that and you're like what does that even mean how do I do that and if you are really outcome focused like me I'm someone who I like to look at results I like to look at how things worked for me I like to see results it can be really really difficult to step back and try and enjoy the journey me personally one of the biggest things I realized is you can change overnight that was a weirdly comforting thought to me because I struggled to stay on my journey of healthy eating and exercising because I knew how long it would take to actually see results but my diet changes combined with my mindset of if I do something today it's going to have a flow on effect tomorrow it's going to change my mind over time it's going to change my dispositional way of living and my habits that's why you need to live in the present you need to start being more mindful because you will never get the outcome that you want much as I want you to kind of detach from that a little bit you will never get the outcome that you want if you aren't being present when you're eating be conscious about what you're putting in your body when you're going for a walk look around you try and really be as in the moment as you possibly can hardest times in my life are the times that I felt disconnected from myself and from my actions and from my behaviors tip number three sounds really hypocritical but don't listen to anyone else if you are taking advice from random strangers on the internet about weight loss and you're hearing people say oh I ate whatever I wanted and I lost 15 kilos that is I don't even know if that's possible so rare like I don't even want to say it's impossible because maybe there are people out there that for some reason just up their exercise 20 minutes a day and and eat whatever they want and they can lose that amount of weight but it actually does take effort to lose weight it takes time to make your body a healthier machine it takes time and you have to keep mind that it is not going to be easy I followed every single kind of fad diet that I could think of before I went to my doctor and got some actual advice based on me I tried the high carb diet which made me gain a ridiculous amount of weight made me the most inflamed I have ever been I was eating healthy carbs by the way I just want to say that I wasn't eating bad food body just hated it and I wasn't listening to my own body the day it was making me lethargic it was making me low in energy it was making me bloated this is going to go the same for you you may know that carbs are what helps you push yourself in your workouts are what gives you energy throughout the day keeps you full makes you satisfied and you're probably listening to me going what is extremely healthy and perfect for someone is not necessarily always going to be the same for someone else and I just please remember that don't listen to anyone else really learn and understand your own body like you're going to have to spend time you are in a relationship with yourself you are in a relationship with yourself full life you have to understand yourself and there is nothing on this planet more important than that this next tip is random and pretty short but what time you eat matters it's funny because I just said Don't listen to anyone else but when we're talking about my glow up in particular and what I learned from it my body loves breakfast lunch and dinner however I don't eat past around 4:35 p.m. reason being is I used to go to sleep every night with stomach pains from my food just really slowly digesting and I would literally go to sleep with stomach cramps and I would wake up floated and with stomach cramps I realized one day that I was eating too late in the afternoon and too late in the night so I started having my dinner for 5:00 p.m. made a huge huge difference for me I can't even tell you guys the first few nights were a bit hard I was a little bit hungry but it's because my brain was used to food at that time of night over time I started noticing my Cravings throughout the day were more balanced I was just feeling better in my body when I woke up in the morning and it's something that I still do to this day and it really really helps me when I feel like my digestive system is just under stress like maybe I had a big day of eating or something my body is just like you need to chill so I'll usually just make sure that I have an early dinner and then let my food digest from then onwards through the night so the next thing that I learned in my Glo Journey exercise is important but food is more important I love walking it is my primary like favorite way to exercise for reform plaes but my weight loss the majority of my weight loss happened when I actually couldn't exercise because of a knee injury and I was literally sitting at home and barely being able to move because of my knee injury I was so inflamed and it was through the foods that I was eating this like anti-inflammatory diet that I was eating I was able to lower my inflammation and eventually get to a place where I actually could exercise again but for about 2 months I could not exercise so I was literally just focusing on fueling my body I've never been so strategic and how I feel my body and it made the biggest difference to my mental health my brain fog was gone I could feel my inflammation just leaving my body was seeing the weight loss and the water attention disappear and I just realized how important food is the next point is you really do have to detach from how you're going to look if we are talking physical glow up you have to understand especially if you maybe have not been at the ideal version of yourself at that place yet you're not going to know what you look like you're not going to know what it feels like so really just focus as much as you can on the process and understand that it's kind of exciting not knowing what's going to happen to you not knowing what's going to happen to your body maybe you'll get abs maybe you won't but you have to understand that this version of yourself doesn't exist yet and it's kind of exciting you just don't know what's going to happen try not to focus too intently on looking a certain way you might not look how you envision that you're going a look and it might kind of change your motivation levels and it's really important to just go with the flow with this journey and really just fall in love with the process the last point and probably one of the most important points for me personally on my journey is you are not missing out on anything just because you have different priorities you decide to go on a self-care journey and you decide to do something with your diet or do something with your workout plans or you know you stop drinking or whatever you you're not missing out on anything it's just that you have decided to prioritize yourself and for me personally that was really difficult people in my life didn't understand what I was doing and they didn't understand the health reasons of why I was doing it and I just had to really remind myself that I was doing it for me and me only I got to a place where I realized that I wasn't missing out on anything because I was choosing myself if you do want a more in-depth video in what I did like what I ate what I did in terms of exercise and I will do that but like I said and I want to reiterate it I really feel like this is not something for everyone I don't think everyone should do this and although the health benefits of Keto are wild like can be really really good for your body it's not for everyone but if you are in a place where you are considering all your options and nothing is working for you then I do recommend going to a doctor and getting your blood tests done and getting your hormones checked getting your cortisol levels checked just check everything everything because there could be something that's going wrong like what there was with me it's going to give you a very clear answer of what you need to do and I'm really lucky I have my doctor who guided me and was there for me throughout my whole journey with this by the way I didn't just go off and randomly start doing this I had advice and I had guidance I don't think you should just go off and start doing random things like a keto diet when you don't know how you're going to respond okay guys thank you so much for watching this video if you did like it and if you found it helpful in any way please don't forget to leave a like on the video and subscribe to my channel I am still trying to figure out what you guys want to see from me so definitely comment below if there are any video topics that you want me to talk about because I am still kind of a new channel I have only just started to really focus on YouTube again so I definitely need to know what you guys actually want from me but I really hope that this video was helpful for some of you I really hope it helped at least one person oh fingers gross so you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching and have a good rest of your week [Music]
Channel: imogen kaylie
Views: 318,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glow up, weight loss, glow up journey, weight loss before and after, positive mindset weight loss, physical glow up, mental glow up, PCOS, PCOS Weight loss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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