This Carnivore Mistake PREVENTS Weight Loss!

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the first time in my life I'm not on a diet and I'm not like stressed out about how I look I'm not stressed out about the scale I will be 50 in May and I have never had this kind of Peace mentally or with my physical self I've just never felt like this before I'm fixed like I am healed from almost a lifelong eating disorder and disordered eating I mean I have been focused on my food for longer than I can remember I bought my first diet pills when I was 12. if I can stop eating those things anybody can it has transformed my life and changed me so much for the better foreign what's up guys welcome back if you're new to this channel my name is Lily I'm a health coach and this channel is all about bringing more information on living a long healthy and happy life today's guest is Serena who's been eating a strict carnivore diet for the last year and a half when she first started eating carnivore she actually gained weight and since then has lost the weight but for anybody else if they're noticing any negatives to a carnivore diet in this video we talk more about the mistakes we've made the lessons we've learned and just overall how to have more success on a carnivore diet I hope you guys enjoyed today's video let's go to start for those who don't know you could you explain how you first heard about carnivore and why you started eating this way well I came from a sad diet history but what I would have considered a healthy sad diet been on Weight Watchers many times over the years I was actually an avid juicer when I switched to carnivore like we're talking a gallon of juice a day so I was always what I thought was healthy of course now I know that that's not true but what really like kicked me over the edge was I have a postcode issue called porosmia where things tasted smell rotten and sometimes it wouldn't smell too bad until it kind of got to my mouth and once it was in my mouth you know I'd have to figure out what to do because it was it was that bad it was like a rotten skunk that was on fire I mean it was just so disgusting but yeah things tasted and smelled like that and sometimes they didn't smell so bad and then I got it in my mouth and if I swallowed it it would the smell would hover it would like come out of me for you know two days I would be able to smell that smell in my note it was really really bad and so I was literally living on sugar because it was the only thing that kind of tasted right to me and I'm kind of a binge eater and so I was eating lots and lots of sugar and I had done a 14 day juice fast to try to heal it and it didn't work and then I did a five day water fast and that worked but two days later I came back and so I just started doing research I knew I had to give up sugar I knew fruits and vegetables tasted and smelled rotten to me because of that condition I knew I had to do something and so I had my birthday weekend last year where I ate 20 cupcakes in 36 hours and that's like you know when an alcoholic or drug addict it's their Rock Bottom I think that was my rock bottom for the point in my life where I was and that was over a weekend and so I woke up on Monday morning and I was like that's it no more carbohydrates no more sugar so if I can't eat sugar and I can't eat fruits and vegetables what does that leave me and so I started doing research and I found carnivore and you're one of the first people I found you and Michaela Peterson and Kelly Hogan and I was like okay well so this is a thing and people are thriving on it I guess I could try it and so there were really only two things I could eat at the time two or three things like hamburger patties maybe I could eat certain types of steak it was really really difficult at first because so many things tasted and smell rotten that has gotten a lot better but that's kind of what threw me over the edge was healing and um I didn't need to lose about 10 or 12 pounds at the time to kind of get to where I'm comfortable and it seemed like a good way to do that and so I started I jumped in head first after 20 cupcakes woke up Monday morning and didn't have any carbs anymore wow and so you said when you first started eating carnivore you could only have a couple foods without having that rotten smell and taste since then have you been able to continue to add in More Foods or are you still only able to tolerate just those couple that you had started with so when I started it was really bizarre or some sort of weird chemical reaction that happens when a meat is cold so like I could eat a hamburger Fresh Off The Grill but I couldn't refrigerate it and then heat it up I could eat a steak Fresh Off The Grill but again it couldn't be refrigerated and then heated the next day um so that has gotten a lot better I can eat different cuts of steak than I could before but I still can't even be like in the same house with a roast it's really weird and I don't think it has to do with how it's cooked either it's just those cuts of meat I also can't be anywhere near like garlic or onion they just they just they still have that I call it the covid smell coffee also anytime somebody makes popcorn like my kids will make popcorn I have to leave the room so many things still smell like that but there was a time where I couldn't eat eggs either and now I can and now the cold meat still smells rotten but when I warm it it's fine most of the time it's just really hit or miss and when I go out to eat which I don't do very often that's hard I have to ask them I mean everybody has this issue but but I really can't have the garlic and I know a lot of carnivores can have the garlic and onion but I really can't have the garlic or onion because it'll really mess me up for two days I'll be able to smell it for two days and most of the time I can't get it down anyway because it just smells so horrible but for the most part now I can eat lots of stuff I can eat bacon I can eat sausage I can eat eggs and omelets I can't usually do deli meat very well but I can eat cheese there was a while where I couldn't even I couldn't even go near cheese it was just so awful um so now I can eat cheese again and for a while they're like every couple of days I was getting a new food back and now it's just kind of level but it doesn't bother me as much as it did because I've quit experimenting like it just got to the point where I was sad all the time I was like oh well let me try this oh let me try that and then I would get it in my mouth and I would you know I'd be looking for a place to spit it out or I still do the thing where like as my family walks by with a cup of coffee I say can I smell that like I just want to be able to smell like coffee I don't even know that I would go back to drinking it now if I could if it smelled right but I just want to be able to smell a cup of coffee but it smells rotten it has that covid smell I thought for sure reducing my inflammation by doing carnivore would help and I do think that it helps but we'll never know if it made enough of a difference you know like either way if I hadn't done carnivore would I be where I am now I will never know but I do think that when I eat something that I shouldn't or something like slips in by accident I do think that it's worse for a couple of days I had some wings one time at a restaurant that were dry rubbed and I assumed they didn't have sugar in them and then as soon as I tasted it I knew they did but I ate them anyway figuring how much could it be um and definitely the next day it was worse so I do think that I am making a difference with the way that I'm eating oh I'm sure I would think that if you're eating foods that are devoid of vitamins and minerals it would be much harder for the for the body to repair and build itself so if you're eating more nutrient dense foods I would think that would be much easier for a healing process for you have you found any other benefits to eating a carnivore diet or even any negatives well zero negatives really except that my hair really grows too fast to keep it this short at this point like I'm gonna have to have it cut every two weeks to keep it short I honestly think that's the only negative um and I didn't realize for about six months that my eating wasn't as disordered as it had been over the years I had an eating disorder for probably 20 years I had already I already stopped that but I was binging a lot like 20 cupcakes in 36 hours for my birthday and what I didn't realize was happening was that I was getting I was being fixed up here and I think that's huge for people who had any kind of disordered eating anorexia bulimia any kind of Eating Disorders any kind of binge eating issues because you really can't binge on a rib eye like with some butter you just can't bend it on a rib eye and so I realized I like all these flashbacks of the 20 cupcakes in 36 hours or eating a whole sleeve of Oreos or the times I would buy that chocolate drizzle popcorn from Sam's and eat almost an entire bag on the way home from the stands and then hide it so my family didn't know I had done that and I would bring up a full bag and I would then enjoy it with my family and act like I hadn't just eaten you know 20 servings of it on the way home from Sam's and so what I didn't realize was like all of that had gone away and so then for me it was when that light bulb came on I was like oh my goodness I'm better I'm fixed like I am healed from almost a lifelong eating disorder and disordered eating I mean I have been focused on my food for longer than I can remember I bought my first diet pills when I was 12. my mom was an alcoholic my dad was a drug addict my sister was anorexic and bulimic like basically my whole life and um so to all of a sudden realize that I'm better I mean I was 12 when when I decided I needed to lose weight and I have never stopped feeling like that I mean I remember being in high school and not eating all day so my friends and I could stop at the grocery store on the way home and buy those intimate fat-free cakes and I would literally eat an entire one I mean so that's how far back my disordered eating goes and so to not have that problem anymore there has never been a better reason for somebody like me to be on a car before diet I mean anybody who comes from any kind of struggle like that and most of us do for most people it's binge eating and being overweight from it but it's also being addicted to the carbohydrates and sugar for for many people it's that they are addicted to those things and that's what keeps them going back and I was I mean I'm a carb addict a binge eater a sugar addict you know basically my whole life like most people are if I can stop eating those things anybody can I mean come on 20 cupcakes and 36 hours like they're if I could wake up the next morning and not eat sugar anymore anybody can do it I mean it it it has transformed my life and changed me so much for the better it really is so freeing I was never a binge eater but I was addicted to Sugar though at that time I would have never admitted that I would have just said I like dessert just like everybody else um and I would have dessert every day but the thought of having no dessert seemed almost impossible so I decided one day that I was going to try to not have sugar for a month and I knew there was a lot of sugar in fruit so because I didn't want to give up the candy bars the cookies the ice cream I actually decided to give up the fruit first which I know seems a little bit backwards but I really didn't think I could even make it a whole month without fruit but once I did complete the month without fruit and then I did the month without the processed junk food desserts after that month I felt like a superhero I was like I just conquered the impossible I never thought that I could even make it a whole month I thought it would die without sugar and ever since then I just never went back to eating those processed dessert foods each night it's very freeing to give to give that up and not be addicted to those things anymore it's very freeing yeah it really is uh and then since you and I have spoken before I know that when you first started carnivore you actually gained weight and some people when they they don't want to start a diet to know that they may gain weight but for you why do you think that you gained the weight and how did you go about losing it yeah so a lot of people gain weight in the beginning because their body is being nourished and that's what I tell people like you know you're gonna gain some you you might gain some weight at the beginning not everybody does but you might gain some weight in the beginning your body has to be nourished and I've you know read about your bones even being depleted and so some of the weight you gain sometimes is even going to your bones you feed the vitamins and the nutrients and the things that we have been missing all of these years and so that's what I thought my weight gain was coming from and people just kept saying you don't have to count your calories don't weight yourself throw out your scale you don't have to count calories you don't count macros don't worry about that eat when hungry until comfortably full but for somebody like me who comes from a chronic dieting background chronic under eating um I mean like at one point when I was doing Weight Watchers I was eating you know 900 calories a day and that was following their plan I mean I was doing everything they told me to do eating fruits and vegetables because they were free I mean I was doing everything I was supposed to do but didn't lose weight on Weight Watchers doing that for a long time and I have a hard time or in the beginning I did have a really hard time knowing when I was hungry when I was full so I took the advice I went hungry until full and most days that was two hamburger patties with some cheese on them and I was gaining weight and I was like I don't understand what's going on I'm so frustrated all week I've only had six hamburger patties with a little bit of cheese and the scale has gone up anytime I added more food in like I'm not gonna fast today because everybody thinks you know carnivore you just jump right into fasting and that's not necessary most people need to heal first and just eat three meals a day for 30 or 60 days and not worry about that but I didn't know that and so I was fasting every other day and eating two hamburger patties like three or four times a week so at the end of the week I was at like four or five six thousand calories at the end of a whole week and I didn't know it until I was eight months in crying I don't understand why nobody can help me figure out what's going on I was up 18 pounds at that point and I put my food into card manager to see and realized I was eating somewhere between 800 and a thousand calories a day and I was like wait a minute and it's really hard up here to say okay I need 2 000 calories a day and to make that jump you did this too you did it gradually and so I did it gradually and the scale did not go up I actually lost a couple of pounds as I increased my calories I had been eating you know 900 for a thousand calories and I doubled it to 2000 and found that I could even go a little bit higher especially if my fat was higher is what I know now I didn't know it then as well as I do now but um I was up to about 2500 calories at one point and it took probably another four months for my body to trust me and say okay there's not a fan then coming okay you're not starving to death we're not going to hang on to everything anymore so it took me a long time to get to that point but now since May I'm down almost 40 pounds and I actually recently switched to the higher fat approach which I thought that I was doing all along like when my husband started I put him on 80 fat so like I knew it was supposed to be 80 fat but I wasn't really adhering to it as much and probably my mental thing about fat like I was just so scared maybe but when I'm not tracking my food I tend to be under all my fat but I recently did start I'm not tracking but checking my ketones and my glucose with a you know finger prick Monitor and I have found that if I get my ketones higher my glucose goes lower and I dropped eight pounds in like three and a half weeks or something I mean like and that's and that's a lot considering how slow my weight loss has been and how close I am to my goal to lose eight pounds that quickly so I went from needing to lose 15 pounds to needing to lose seven in like three and a half weeks so that's a pretty big deal so I do think um the higher fat works for a lot of people but a lot of people feel like they need to maybe prioritize protein or not eat as much fat in any kind of carnivore diet or keto diet should be high that like 60 to 80 percent um and so anybody who is eating less than that you're really just doing yourself a disservice but I have definitely found that eating more fats has really helped me and I feel better I really do think that I feel better eating that much more fat and so I'm going to stick with that for a while and just kind of see what happens and so I'm sure my calories are a little bit higher than they were last time I checked but I just don't check them as much anymore and because I feel like I know when I'm hungry I feel like I know when I'm full so like it does take time for your body to understand you know what you're doing and for your body to adjust but for me it took a long time for my body to understand and for my brain to catch up and to realize that this is something good and healthy that I'm doing and right after the year mark which I think is what I think was a Kelly and Bella both say that it took the year for their bodies to start letting go but I do believe that I gained so much because I wasn't eating enough and that's a real problem because you can feel so full on the carnivore diet and I did I was full I ate those two hamburgers at like one o'clock in the afternoon when dinner rolled around I wasn't hungry yet so I would skip dinner and then I would say oh well I'm fasting tomorrow that's fine I'll roll it into a 48 hour fast it's fine if one day a fasting is good two days must be better I was I'm An All or Nothing kind of person too so if two days must be good is good for fasting then 72 hours must be even better you know I kind of get that ball rolling with stuff like that so I have to be a little bit careful with fasting because I can totally blow it out of the park thinking the longer I go the better it is and you know cause myself some metabolic damage you know by doing that and I would and that's what I was doing in the beginning too so I think it's important to make sure you're eating enough but if you if you come to the diet from being uh more of a like a healthy with a healthy mindset about food you're not going to have a problem but there are many people who gain weight in the beginning but don't let that scare you off like if this is something that you want to try don't let that scare you off just ask for help ask somebody like hey this is how much I'm eating is that enough and somebody will answer you you know if you reach out to some of us people will just answer you and say you know track your calories for two days and see how much you know let me know if you're not tracking anything you're not weighing yourself I don't know how you can tweak things if something's wrong like people come to me all the time well I don't know how much I weigh well I don't know how much I'm eating but I don't weigh myself and I'll try my food and I'm like so how do you know it even needs tweaking how do you know where you are if you're not checking anything ever you can't do a science experiment like that you know so yeah I think that's important is the the under eating is a huge factor and can actually cause you to gain weight I couldn't agree more and you and I both more than doubled our calories too yeah I did and I think people don't think about that either with thermogenesis you actually do need more calories I mean I have found that most people need to eat about most women in my experience need to eat about maintenance to lose weight on the carnivore diet and that is like mind-blowing for people that just doesn't even sound like that's something that's possible but it totally is and your body will thank you for it and you know I didn't come to this way of eating from a history of dieting but I did grow up very low income so I look back now and I realized I was probably in a calorie deficit most of my life just having been someone who grew up having a lot of Top Ramen and macaroni and cheese boxes and so when I first started eating this way just that small amount of meat I was so full that for me to double my calories it took me about a year because I just I really wasn't hungry so I very gradually added in those calories um but it had to be done because otherwise if we're under eating for too long then it can start impacting our hormones our thyroid our metabolism yeah and I think I think you're right like people come from eating these small amounts of food like you said especially you know on a really low budget or low income little tiny amounts of food so a lot of people aren't overweight because they eat too much A lot of people are overweight because they're eating the wrong foods and in a lot of cases they're eating the wrong foods and they're not eating enough food which is mind-boggling again because that just seems impossible so when people say calories and calories out I just want to like Shake people that say that because that is not necessarily true I know people that eat one meal a day and it's all processed food and they are way overweight but you know that from the one meal their calories are not that high I have friends who just like don't eat all day and then they snack at dinner time and they're overweight and it's not because they're eating too much it's because they're not metabolically healthy and that is really really hard on your body it messes with your hormones it messes with so many things and then the other thing is people that don't eat fat people are so scared of fat fat can actually help you lose weight absolutely it seems counterintuitive to eat more and eat more fat but yeah I would say that under eating is the biggest thing I see people do wrong on a carnivore diet and I did it too but there is a solution for you are there any other common mistakes or things you wish you would have learned sooner about carnivore um I think eating too much cheese eating too much Dairy which people don't want to hear but I never tell people to cut it out in the beginning because I think that's not fair that immediately pushes people into this panic mode well I can't have cheese either what about a cheeseburger like that's what keeps people going sometimes so I feel like people need that you know during the transition but I feel like eating too much Dairy and under eating honestly is is the hardest thing people are so scared people are scared of the fats they're scared of increasing their calories and I don't know why 1200 became this number like everybody shoots for 1200 calories when they're on a diet like what is that where did that even come from that is so silly that that's the number yeah you know I was thinking that your answer for a mistake would have been saying that you're on a carnivore diet versus you're a carnivore since when we had spoken before we just have different approaches to eating this way and so for someone who's an abstainer they may find more success if they say that their carnivore versus they're on a carnivore diet um well I don't know I mean that's something that I really just thought about like one day that if you're not that person anymore that eats those Foods then you are a carnivore and you know it's kind of like that saying stop looking back you're not going that way and that's kind of how I feel now like if somebody could put a bowl of tortilla chips in front of me and that is my tortilla chips for my Nemesis so if somebody put a bowl of I I can't tell you the amount of diets I have broken for a tortilla I mean that is my that is my thing and um if somebody put a whole Bowl in front of me I would say that's okay thanks you know I just because I'm not that person anymore and I think that's a decision some people need to make I think abstainers need to make that decision they need to say I'm not on a diet I am this thing that kind of draws like a Line in the Sand and puts a fence up like I am not that person that eats the Oreos and the tortilla chips and the potato chips anymore that's not who I am I'm not the person who licks my fingers when I'm baking anymore I am a different person so it helps me to say I am a carnivore for the first time in my life I'm not on a diet and I'm not like stressed out about how I look I'm not stressed out about the scale I will be 50 in May and I have never had this kind of Peace mentally or with my physical self I've just never felt like this before so for me there is no going back um so I feel pretty comfortable saying that I am a carnivore I'll let you know if I cheat you know or eat something that I shouldn't that I really am never even tempted anymore I always think that's the strangest thing for me same way if you were to put a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in front of me I would think no thank you I don't want to put those chemicals inside my body but five years ago I would have said what one come on give me some more that's right give me more um and then do you take any supplements or no I don't take um I do I that's not necessary I do a little bit of vitamin D um I like to take vitamin D all year but sometimes I forget in the summertime you know if it's not the top of my mind and then I usually start taking it in the winter again because I do my checkup and my blood work in um at the end of March or early April so I always try to like catch up on it in the winter when I know that I should just keep taking it you know I'll hear because I do tend to be deficient in vitamin D um pretty often this last time I wasn't this last time I remember in March it was actually really good but I do need to continue taking my vitamin D um but other than that I don't I don't use anything awesome I'm the same way too I just started taking vitamin D a couple weeks ago because the winter is coming um and for people maybe new to carnivore a reoccurring statement I hear is that this diet is very expensive do you have any tips for people on how to reduce the costs and make this diet more affordable um I think if you can buy the meat in bulk definitely do that you know our family uh isn't carnivore I try to keep them you know as healthy as pre-carnival healthy as they can be our older two typically don't eat at home very often so they kind of do their own thing but so we're not buying like for just us um except last week we're on vacation and we did buy for just us I like the Simplicity of it of just buying the meat you know and being able to just cook that for us it was actually a really nice getaway and really nice way to see what things will be like in you know 10 years when none of our kids are home anymore it was kind of refreshing to see that we can do this when we're alone and that it doesn't cost very much so your husband is carnivore too then mostly mostly he does he's definitely meat base um it depends on the situation and the day but he is he is almost completely carnivore and it's nice because so if you can buy the meat in bulk definitely do that if you can buy a half a cow or something and put it in the freezer and get it all different ways too like you know make sure you have some roast I can't eat the roast but make sure you have roasts and some different steaks and then the ground meat and the hamburger patties so you don't get kind of bored with it but what we do as far as we are very busy so what we do to kind of stay on budget and to kind of keep ourselves on track is we will Grill like 20 hamburgers all at once and we eat what we're going to eat that night put them in a baggie in the refrigerator and then the next day we'll make like eight steaks we'll eat what we want we'll have a hamburger for lunch and then we'll have a steak for dinner and they'll put the rest of the steak in the fridge and then I'll make like a rack of ribs in the oven with no sauce or anything and we'll eat what we want we'll have some hamburger and some steak with it like my sides or meat sometimes we don't do any sides at all but when we do it's meat as a side with our meat and um so then we'll have like that's for the whole week so if we cook like Monday Tuesday and Wednesday then we have that you know kind of for the week and so that really helps us I try to almost always have bacon in the refrigerator bag that's already cooked we do a lot of beef bacon too so I tend to keep that you know already cooked if I can so we try to keep those kinds of things kind of going I know this was more than you asked because you asked about budget but um I think I think one of the main things with budget is being prepared too like that really helps because we're not stopping to get food out very often uh it's a treat when we do like on that road trip piano just hope we really look forward to Wendy's and the plastic cheese you know like that the Baconator with no buns sometimes you just gotta have a piece of plastic cheese I don't buy it for home but boy that is fun they're like that sounds so silly what do you do for fun I get a Baconator that's really though like we look forward to it for a week before the trip so we just don't eat out at home but uh but just in general so having all that meat prepared um in the refrigerator helps us because like we're not going to stop and grab something if we're out when we know we have stuff at home and so that helps us with our budget and also it helps us to not fail you know if we're already prepared we're probably gonna stick with it because we have all that meat in the fridge and we don't want to waste it I mean after about a week I'll take if there were some hamburgers left I'll take them and you know just put that bag in the freezer and then we still have the hamburgers already cooked in the freezer so that's actually what we did yesterday was we've just warmed a bunch of hamburgers that we had Frozen a few weeks ago and they were already grilled so we just bought them and cooked them you know heated them up and so that really helps I think being prepared is more important now because it takes longer to prepare some of these things we're not going to sit down with macaroni and cheese or a bowl of chips or something so a lot of the easier things have been removed and so cooking like backed cooking like that like three days a week helps us eat right the other four days that's so funny that you said that the sides to your meat are meat because I also say that for me ground beef is my rice so some people they have chicken and rice I'll have chicken and ground beef or Fish and Rice I'll have fish and ground beef and um in the carnivore space I feel like you hear a lot about red meat we do fish one time a week do you ever do fish um we do I can't I still can't eat salmon because of the smell but my husband really likes salmon and so we'll put a couple of those in the air fryer for him I really love Cod and so I'll make Cod and eat it with lots of butter on it um I think those are the two that we do mostly I also really like shrimp but the small like regular large or giant shrimp are just too fishy for me now I think because of my taste and smell so I do the um the Colossal shrimp they have them at Sam's they're like this big before you cook them no they do cook down but it tastes more like lobster to me so I'll make some shrimp I'll make like one of the giant bags of those from Sam's and put some butter in some Parmesan cheese on them and then whatever we don't eat so that would be like a side steak or you know a side to some ground beef or a burger and then I put that in the fridge also and so then we have all of this stuff that we can eat or you know we can cut off a slice that she used to go with something or I feel like we have many many possibilities I actually feel more free doing this than I did with any you know other way of eating even though it's so restrictive as people would say but yeah we do some fish I mean probably not uh I would say I would say it's close to once a week I would say that there's links to Serena's social media handles her Instagram her YouTube channel all in the description so you can follow along with her journey don't forget to subscribe give this video a thumbs up that way this information reaches more people and if you're looking for more information on how a carnivore diet can help you live a healthier and happier life check out this video I hope you have a happy rest of your day and I will see you in the next video foreign
Channel: Lillie Kane
Views: 38,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnivore diet results, carnivore diet woman, carnivore diet mistakes, carnivore diet before and after, carnivore diet weight gain, carnivore diet binge eating, carnivore diet lillie kane, carnivore diet serena musick, carnivore diet interviews, carnivore diet pros and cons, carnivore diet success, parosmia, how to heal parosmia, carnivore diet parosmia, carnivore diet cure, all meat diet, all meat diet results, carnivore diet
Id: mElIanKw1zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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