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Houston we have a problem dude OMG y the solution is clear 30-day Pantry cleanout coming at you in three 2 1 today's video is brought to you by Thrive market for tonight's cleanout dinner I saw these dirty rice packages in my pantry and I thought what would be more delicious tonight nothing nothing one I don't have any chicken thaw but I did find these sausages in my freezer I don't know this one looks kind of fancy maybe a hair freezer burned I have this one obviously on clearance no idea how long this has been in here sell by January of 2023 well that's embarrassing I'm sure it's fine I'm going to thaw these out in the micro wave and get a pot so I can start getting this together cooking this and then maybe I can find some frozen vegetables somewhere hang on H haha yes here we go oh more veg okay fantastic dinner doesn't have to be fancy we're just using what we have so it doesn't go to waste and like what would I have spent if I went and bought all this out today more than $0 for sure but it's already here because I already bought it so we're going to use it so it doesn't end up in the garbage okay night two I have pulled out some salmon from the freezer I think this is all the way thawed now I'm just going to pop this in the air fryer yes this is fresh cot Alaskan salmon uh our father father-in-law went last summer nice Easy Air fryer cooking we're doing like Asian salmon bowls so I have this sushi rice I picked up this on major clearance uh 9 for this container I got some CES here I found this buried at the bottom of my freezer mie mommies I don't know if that's how you say it but I think it's very funny I'll whip up a sauce with this amazing flavoring um seasoning I have in my spice cabinet I'll show you that in a second but right now I'm going to get this rice going I'm going to get this salmon cooking and is going to come together licky split for my sauce I found this bang bang sauce at Sam's Club this is awesome if you ever see it please buy it so I'm just following the instructions on the side mixing it with mayo this is the one I have and don't worry I did pick this one up on clearance also can you believe 9 for this huge container what a saving so these get mixed together for our sauce every time we try to break it down and build again yeah every time we try to make up for something long you know we never let it go this time we can reach the sky on of pray we go higher than high yeah Wide Awake it's a big mistake cuz it's something we can deny but where the love like this will never fall all of a sudden you'll be the only way a pantry and fridge cleanout like this even works is because I have previously stocked up when everything was on sale and I definitely stock up using Thrive market for some of my pantry Staples Thrive Market is indeed sponsoring today's video and I just got a snack box that just showed up with one of my favorite shelf stable stock of items the coconut oil Brave Market is an online-based membership grocery store which stalks a huge selection of organic products supplements eco-friendly cleaning supplies non-toxic Beauty items Personal Care items and more now they are membership based but if you do the annual membership it comes down to only $5 a month that's cheaper than one Starbucks Lotte every single month I think Thrive Market is especially helpful for people like myself who live in a small town but love to cook so I can't get a lot of Specialty Products it's also fantastic for people who follow a specific diet your keto or do Whole 30 or you're gluten-free or whatever it is you can sort by that diet preference or need and then they'll list all of the products that they have that fit that need it's fantastic my favorite time to order is when they send me an email saying hey Christine we have sales up to 60% off this week and that is when I do the bulk of my ordering if you guys want to try them they are going to give you 30% off your first order and a free gift it's thrivemarket.com forgal fitmom first link in the bloop below 30% off of your entire first order plus a free gift up to $60 I've been using them four years I think you'll like them too first link below well yesterday my kids ate the lemon poppy seed bread within 10 minutes of it coming out of the oven so I have another one of these mixes .79 cents that we will mix up tonight for I don't know dessert tonight breakfast tomorrow whatever we will be making the cake so I just have the four eggs I'm using coconut oil as the vegetable oil I always keep that on hand and the water feel like I always cut my head off so fun news my hair at church I have been reassigned into the youth program so I hang out with the teenage girls which is awesome and tonight we're having an activity and we're supposed to bring snacks so I have this Trader Joe's uh caramel sea salt baking chips I thought we would make cookie bars this is my snack I'm bringing tonight so let's uh Whip It Up together while I have a little bit of time this afternoon I want them to dry completely what I want them to cool completely so I can pop them out of the container and break like chop them all off so I can take them and they're easier to eat am I saying any does this any of this make sense I'm confused but here we go my oven is preheating um I have my bucket of measuring spoons and cups and all all that I'm using a Bosch mixer uh you could use a KitchenAid you could use a hand guy I got this for my wedding 20 years ago still going strong it's an amazing machine um it's a little more expensive now than it was 20 years ago but what is it so we've got standard cookie base um so we got two sticks of butter that's a total of 1 cup and then I think I'm just following the recipe on the back of this but it's pretty close to mine with a cup and a half total of brown and white sugar mixed together in whatever ratios you like oh also wanted to mention um if you put a piece of bread in there it really does keep it soft it really works I should probably toss that one this ratio is a half a cup of white and 1 cup of brown my standard is half and half 3/4 and 3/4 but I love brown sugar I can't see how this would end up bad so here we go lid on and we'll mix this for a long time until it's fluffy and creamy and smooth also standard cookie base um is 2 and 1/4 cup of flour this is just your standard All Purpose okay 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of baking soda mix again and then we'll add the good stuff and I am going to try and put nuts in here but some people don't like like huge chunks of nuts so I will show you my hack for those that have text texture issues now no this is not for allergies like if they're allergic to nuts just don't put them in but I have a son with texture issues so the flavor of nuts are fine it's the big chunks of nuts that are not fine so I like to blend them up into like a powder anyway I'll show you how I do that he I have some almonds I I love almonds and cookies but they're very very crunchy so I have them in this blender bottle with my whoops with my blade right here and we'll pulse these not until it's almond butter but until it's almond powder and those are going to go into the cookies this is about the consistency that you're looking for right here so our almond powder goes in Caramel chips I like a salted a salted nut maybe a pistachio would be good here also because these caramel chips are really really really sweet so it's nice to have a salty counterbalance otherwise it's just completely overwhelming mix this up and then we'll put it in our [Music] pan we never let it go this time for lunch today I'm eating this I think this Daily Harvest is that the brand that's been sitting in my freezer for a year and a half woohoo got it out doesn't that look great it's the coconut curry carrot I'm totally messing that up carrot coconut curry soup I think this is the best thing that Daily Harvest has I did a video on them forever in a million years ago on their smoothies if you want to check it out I'll leave it below if you wanted to take a look at that if you wanted to try Daily Harvest I've never been sponsored by them but I think I have a link I don't know that'll be below too for dinner tonight I have this 3 lb container of ground beef because I have a lot of ground beef in my freezer and I want to make meatloaf I don't think I've made meatloaf for a year so if this is bacon cheeseburger meatloaf I chopped up some bacon I cooked this earlier today got some mayo some cheese over here all kinds of ingredients ketchup oh that labels off I have some mustard here worser sauce eggs it's really easy we're just going to dump it all into here and I'm going to double this so this is 3 lbs of meat so you can tell what a large bowl this is cuz it doesn't look like very much and everything's going in got four eggs okay A little sprinkle of the onions they're going to go inside and then we will put more on top later two Tiss of werer did you know that this stuff doesn't go bad that's what I that's what I read recently two tablespoons so I'm I'm obviously eyeballing that third of a cup of ketchup I will eyeball all of this and I have two tablespoons of mustard I think any kind is fine two tablespoons here little bit of black pepper and you're supposed to add breadcrumbs I don't have any breadcrumbs right now but I do have the crispy onions in here and I'll add a little bit of oatmeal also maybe I don't know 1/4 cup here is everything in my large bowl and remember I'm making did I tell you I doubled it so I'm going to put them into these two bread pans this one will be for tonight and this one I'm going to cover in freeze for a freezer meal this is my favorite way to make freezer meals actually is just to double what you're already doing and pop it away for later also if you have a hard time dealing with this kind of thing gloves go a really long way um and then obviously mashed potatoes with meatloaf is a no-brainer these potatoes are very sprouty and kind of sad I may or may not have forgotten about them but once I peal them and throw them in the instant pot for mashed potatoes they'll be fine day four um so I'm not going to cook today let me show you why so many leftovers let's let's check it out this is the salmon Bowl I have three of these this is two but I have three the jambalaya or like dirty rice there's two of those two of those the meatloaf with mashed potatoes there's four of these plus the whole salad I didn't mix it with the dressing but I have like the whole salad plus a whole thing of dressing on the side I think I might have enough leftovers for today and tomorrow so if you're cooking for your family and not incorporating like a leftover night or like pick what you want night or fend for yourself night you're missing out on multiple things number one cleaning out your fridge and not throwing food away number two not doing the dishes highly underrated uh number three your kids can't be like I don't like that because because they do like it because you already made it and you already have it saving money cuz you don't have to cook again so our plan is to kind of clean this out today day four and re-evaluate tomorrow which is day five okay day five let's see what's going on oh no look at all these leftovers 1 2 3 4 five tubs of leftovers got some salad leftover rice leftover potatoes I don't think we need to make dinner tonight so I'm not going to because I don't have to make dinner because of said leftovers what I thought I would do is cook up these items I stole for my mom's pantry and by stole I mean I'm helping her eliminate the expired food that's what I'm doing so this one expired a year ago so I will make this cornbread to go like as a side for the leftovers so it's more interesting and then I have this raspberry muffin mix I thought I would make this and then this will be breakfast tomorrow so mixing up both of these so these are going to come out of the pantry what do I need for these water oil eggs okay very good and this one is holy moly this is like milk eggs butter cheese okay there's a lot in here but I have all of it so cooking up these along with our leftovers that's day [Music] five I've got my reasons why I'm this game for life but I will get at the truth somehow you can BL anyone else for what you've done I'm leaving the cross I needed an easy dinner tonight so as I was looking through my freezer trying to figure out what can I pull out what can I Tha today I saw this lasagna sauce now I'm not planning on making lasagna but I thought it would be really easy to grab some extra po pasta and some spicy sausage which I personally love when it comes to my meat sauce for spaghetti or pen or whatever it is and a jar of sauce I've got a lot of these a lot of these and a lot of this I'm just going to mix this already made lasagna sauce with an extra jar some extra sausage and I have these huge beautiful containers of is it paperell am I saying that wrong paper Deli it's made from Fus silly plasta and then in my process I found these in my pasta bin as well so I'm planning for tomorrow Korean beef bowls with these black rice noodles how cool are these and I have a little bit of this ramen noodles so this will be the base for our Korean beef bowls for tomorrow so I have the next two nights planned out pasta for tonight beef bowls for tomorrow it's going to be delicious I know these are not the original noodles I showed you that's because my kids ate all the noodles and left the sauce so I had to cook more noodles to use up the rest of to the sauce uh this was dinner for two [Music] nights it over am I finally free i' got no reason to so I'm talking to my 17-year-old about dinner tomorrow and I was like hey I was thinking about these two dinner options and when I offered red beans and rice as an option he was like yes red beans and rice 100% because I do tend to keep ham ham bones ham pieces ham chunks hanging around so teenage boy requests it that is what you do so I have all these ham I don't even know if there's a bone in here ham chunks that I pulled out to thaw and I had some of this bag of small red beans from Azure standard and I am going to soak these red beans overnight so there is some discrepancy in the best way to make this because my mom uses kidney beans I swear on all that is Holy that when she taught me how to make this when I was in college she said small red beans kidney beans small red beans whatev fill it with cold water let it sit overnight on the counter so you could cook this in the crock pot that's not my favorite way to do it I love doing it on the stove personally this will feed us for two dinners easily and probably a couple of lunches as well and it almost takes no ingredients it it's beans ham or a ham bone rice onion celery peppers and then like some Tony chicken broth and some bay leaves that's literally all it is I'm just going to get everything out tonight and then I will see you back tomorrow to put it all together it's very hands-off you just mix it all together real quick and then it just simmers for a couple of hours and like that's literally all there is to it I grew up eating this dish if you're new around here and you don't know my mom is from Southern Louisiana my grandmother is full on cage in French she spoke French until she got made fun of at school and tried to get rid of her French accent but there were a couple dishes I had all the time uh from my Louisiana Heritage and red beans and rice is one of them I my mom probably made it twice a month my entire life so it's it's a family favorite it's a family staple and I'm happy to share it with you what I love about dishes like red beans and rice and chil to some extent is that they're so easy you just dump everything in a pot like that's as easy as it gets so I have on my hand it actually ended up being a lot more than I normally use um that just means it's going to taste really good so I have my small red beans they soaked overnight I drained them and rinsed them they puffed up to an enormous amount this is only a pound and a half and they grew to more than double their original volume so this Pan's not even on yet ham is in beans are in now come the Holy Trinity of Cajun cooking that is bell pepper Peppers celery and onion so I have two two bell peppers like four five stocks of celery and two onions you probably can't tell but this is a 9q um Dutch oven right here and we're almost full to the top I haven't even added water yet up next couple of bay leaves I just have these dried ones I don't know this is a lot so maybe maybe three or four now comes the water I will add some chicken broth or like better than Boolean or something powder or whatever into here as well and then as the onions and celery cook down the water will come out so it won't be quite as bad I need more than eight cups of water good grief okay let's see how much we actually end up with I'm just trying to barely cover it wow it's 12 cups of water did I mention there's no real recipe it's kind of uh red beans and rice is more of an art form than a science um we usually use Tony in ours you can use what your favorite Cajun seasoning but this is what Grandpa use and if Grandpa used it and it was good enough for him it's good enough for me so I like to put it in until I pepper spray myself and then add a little more so a good I don't know tablespoon at least remember the ham is salty so oh my gosh it totally happened and now that I do have water in here I'm going to pop this up to high just to get it boiling and then I'm going to bring it to simmer it will sit at a simmer for like 2 hours you don't have to use this one you could use the cubes you could use the powder you could use canned chicken rough whats and now that I'm kind of stirring it together it really does not look like I have enough Cajun seasoning but like I said I have more ham than I normally do so I'm spraying I'm wearing a white shirt and I'm spraying it on myself of course of course I am okayy so I have this Cajun seasoning from McCormick and I don't like it as much it's much less salty but I feel like I could go ahead and toss it in there to kind of use it up without messing with the salt content because of the ham remember how I said this was going to feed us for two dinners this could probably feed a family of 10 for two dinners remember when I said this was a nine cart pot nine so I'm bringing it up to a boil and as soon as it's there I'll drop it to a simmer and I'll see you in a few hours today's leftover day and I didn't record it because I have no good reason but um this is what leftovers might look like follow me for more youtubing tips so it's days 10 11 12 I've kind of lost track at this point I should probably go back and watch the previous Clips but I want to let you know that for the past 3 days we've been eating leftovers so this is the red beans and rice have a bunch of these and then you saw me cook up the chicken I took all the white meat and chopped it all up it's in a tupperware in here and then here's all the dark meat right here here's more here's more red beans and rice I told you it makes an absolute ton I'm getting ready to walk out the door and go to church and so after church it'll be lunchtime and we're just going to pull all of this out and be like what do you want chicken red beans and rice I made another box of muffins for my pantry there's four of those left and the goal is pretty much not to cook until the fridge is cleaned out so between lunch and dinner today on a Sunday um hopefully that will take care of itself but the real star of the show are these shoes that I'm wearing today are you dying they're red velvet oh my gosh I love them for dinner tonight I have these leftover waffles from Waffle Wednesday during the school year I make waffles for all my kids friends in the mornings one day a week waffle Wednesday so here are the leftovers and I think if I pull out these strawberries and cut these up and put them on top of the waffles with some whipped cream that'll make a really delicious breakfast for dinner and I can get these out of the fridge I was shocking really ization today is that I'm on like day 14 or 15 or whatever of this Pantry cleanout and we are still freaking eating leftovers I open the fridge and I'm like oh what should I make for dinner tonight and I'm like for the love there's the gumbo there's the spatchcock chicken I actually did I had some frozen potatoes I did cook those and I did mix up a box of mac and cheese you know guys don't need to see me make a box of mac and cheese right what is this oh some of the chicken still but I have strawberries so this is dinner so cook these strawberries I don't have any rice to go with um this is a gbo this is red beans and rice I don't have any rice to go with this so I'll cook up a little bit of rice to go here divy out the chicken on some plates this is six containers that I'm going to get out of the fridge tonight and then maybe I can finally cook a real meal like a new meal tomorrow I thought for dinner today we could do a fridge clean out of the veggies because it's it's been a while and they do last a long time like I've had lettuce last a really long time I think I cut this up two weeks ago it still looks great and when I have lettuce and salad fixings I'm always thinking taco salad everyone in the family loves it I always have ground beef in the freezer I always have taco seasoning in my pantry and I can use up stuff like this how long has that been in there and then I have another thing of lettuce like this hopefully those are still good I have my doubt we got cheese because I always keep that on hand even if I didn't have any in the fridge I have some in the freezer how about an open bottle of salsa which I don't see but I do see this these don't last very long I can't remember where these are from Costco Sam's Club I'm not sure these don't last very long so let's pull this out this could be our dressing oh my gosh I have mangoes ooh what if I did like a mango salsa situation there's a few of these or I could just cut up some fresh mango with some lime juice there's the lime with like lime juice onion I could do like a really really basic salsa out of these wow I have a lot of carrots okay so as I'm going through this like I'm thinking how can I use the carrots tomorrow maybe I do air fryer carrots cuz this is the best way to eat carrots okay the rest of the ingredients let's get who doesn't love tortilla strips on their taco salad everybody loves that and I did pull these out of the freezer I have four of these 10 oz blocks I'm the size of family where 2 lb is an absolute minimum when it comes to the proteins and if we want leftovers which everybody will I'm going to bump it up taco seasoning where are you H maybe up in spice packet Central oh no thank are falling haha Thrive Market to the rescue ow ground beef and taco seasoning packet does it get any more Midwestern mom than that I don't think so it's amazing that 3 lbs of meat can look so small because the pan is so enormous I'm testing out these uh hexclad panss we'll review coming later this is like my second time to use this one so I won't say anything yet but it is an enormous pan we are wrapping up the last few days of school and wanted to make some breakfast bowls so I have these two packages of just breakfast sausage I'm going to Brown and crumble them all up in my pan over here and then I'll cook up some hash browns some eggs M mix it all together put it in some meal prep bowls and pop it in the fridge also for an after school snack like afternoon snack or postner dessert I'm not really sure which one I'm going to mix up this pound cake check out that price 79 what up and I do have some frozen fruit in the freezer that's a lot of Fs in that sentence it might be nice to make like a little fruit compost pour it over the top I haven't decided yet anyway new plan for the pound cake I have these oranges I'm going to juice them and make an orange glaze out of orange juice and some powdered sugar poke some holes in the top and let this soak in oh that's going to be so good hey it's the beginning of Summer do you know where your kids are if you have no idea what to do with your kids this summer I made like a free printable for you guys for free or very inexpensive ensive activities you can do with your kids with your family this summer I will leave that link Down Below in the description box if you want to go check it out it's totally free it's a little checkbox thing you can make it a goal sheet for the summer all the things you want to accomplish and of course you're welcome to add your own anyway that's below if you want to check it out let's get back to more cooking I am mixing up a quick little soup for lunch today now since I'm the only one at home a third of it will be mine for lunch and the rest all just meal preps so it is a smaller portion it could serve like three to four people so I have a half a pound of spicy sausage in here that I browned up on one half of the pan and then on the other half I did one onion a couple of carrots and some garlic so this is all cooked all the way through now I have H about 3 cups of Veggie stock you could use chicken stock and one can of crushed tomatoes so I'll turn my heat up just a little bit let's add a few more ingredientes about 1 and 1 half teaspoons of Italian seasoning and maybe a half a teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes ah a little more I love crushed red pepper flakes like I I like spicy so we're just going to throw it all in there and I I just have basic table salt don't let anybody make you feel like you have to have like the expensive salt or the pink Himalayan salt you need some cheap salt this will do it that's maybe a half a teaspoon we can always add more and remember there's salt in the sausage as well okay I'm just going to simmer this for 5 to 7 minutes until the carrots are 100% done and we'll add the re of the ingredients this looks pretty good so I will add our remaining ingredients I have about two cups of kale right here and a half a cup of this Israeli couscous or Pearl couscous and I'll just let this cook in here until my couscous is done I'm going to add a little bit more salt and we'll top it with some Parmesan cheese at the very very end after we taste for seasoning this will take I don't know 8 minutes or so little parmesan cheese and we are set more like a stew than a soup but that's okay I like it thick we are going to use this Kodiak lemon raspberry pancake mix I'm not making pancakes I'm making muffins so we're going to do this recipe here on the back so I need sour cream oh shoot I hope I have sour cream cream uh eggs sugar oil I think I'm going to use coconut oil anyway we're going to make muffins for tomorrow's breakfast should be Delio so just the instructions on the back nothing fancy hey for dinner tonight I'm making a ground pork stir fry Bowl so I have about 2 and2 lbs of ground pork in here with some scallions green onions whatevs and Browning up right now and then I have some shredded carrot and really old purple cabbage in my fridge those will go in after this is all cooked I have some pre-made like stir fry sauce packet also the rice is in the instant pot does anyone use their instant pot for anything other than rice these days or is it just an oversiz rice cooker my pork is cooked so I added kind of a mountain of like cabbage and carrots and I'm going to do a good good squeeze of This Ginger because I I love Ginger I love the way it tastes I love the way it tingles love the way it smells makes my stomach feel good so we'll stir this all around and cook this in here until the carrots and the Cabbage cook down quite significantly and then our sauces will go in and hopefully at that point the rice is finished and we'll be we'll be good to eat another day another stack of leftovers for dinner T night for dinner I went into the freezer and pulled out this uh meatloaf that I had made several weeks ago so it's thawing right now I'll make a side of mashed potatoes and I think I have some broccoli in the fridge so that'll be a nice easy dinner to put together so as soon as this is thaw a little bit more I'll pop this in the oven for the time specified here and um very low effort for dinner today I ended up with a ton of the taco salad taco meat like an absolute ton and then this tub is the lettuce so tonight for dinner we're going to do the leftover taco salad it's a huge HIIT in our house everyone loves it and I I do I do still have that mango salsa that I put together real quick so nice easy dinner zero effort here hey I'm just going to be super honest with you guys I have a bunch of these in the freezer I'm just going to put a bunch of these on a baking sheet pop them in the oven no mus no fuss a chuck roast is one of my favorite cuts of beef and it is so easy to make in the crock poot and I apologize for the chewing I gave the carrot scraps to the dog so I just have a standard crock pot nothing fancy here and I'm going to throw in just a couple of ingredients first is some beef broth I happen to have this Korean beef bone broth that I will dump in here I got it at the discount store it's just try to use it up you don't have to use that kind you can use anything at all I have one ranch packet right here and I also found an onion soup mix packet in my spice cabinet we'll also use this I was looking for brown gravy didn't have it it's actually fine it's not going to be a big deal at all so I just want to make sure that it's kind of stirred in there a little bit cuz that's where a lot of our Salt's going to come from and this is my favorite thing to add pepperchinis and some of the juice a cup maybe a cup of these now you can leave it just like this but for me personally I love carrots roasted in with the beef I just like the flavor that it gives them the rest of my family doesn't really like it but I do so this is kind of for me I'm just going to throw a bunch of carrots on top I'm going to cook this on high for about 6 to 8 hours I find chuck roast take quite a bit of time if you do low it's going to be 10 to 12 so I prefer 8 hours in this scenario on high I will see you then oh yeah about the roast so my family ate it so quickly that I did not record a finished product of roast but you know what roast looks like right it looks looks something like this it's cooked beef it's delicious clearly I am an expert at [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] filming I've had this chicken in my freezer for quite a while so I will throw the rest of these in my air fryer as per the instructions on the back we have to get rid of some tortillas in my house so I have this one this one these have been sitting in the bread cabinet for who knows how long weeks at this point so I thought I would pick up some Caesar salad kits you can also just use Cesar dressing and roma and stuff but these were on sale so I picked these two up so we'll mix this up this will cook in the air fryer we're having chicken Caesar salad wraps it's one of my family's favorite meals it's super super fast now that my chicken's done let me build I'm going to show you the two options for these wraps so option one is actually a wrap now the burrito size are better because you can put more in it and it's easier to wrap up but I have the tortillas that I have so these are going to be a little bit on the smaller side won't be able to wrap them quite as tight that might be too many maybe not I don't know and ideally you would wrap the ends but this is going to be more like chicken caesar Taco because these are small tortillas there's your wrap and you can like kind of pinch the one side as you eat it like this okay this is the way I eat it if you don't want to do a tortilla I usually don't do a tortilla I do chicken Caesar salad I'm going to put in quite a bit of chicken as I am trying to be aware of my protein needs there is my bowl if you need some extra Caesar dressing if you have some in your fridge you can do that I I don't find that I need it in this case cutting it up would have made more sense but I'm lazy so what can I say anyway there's my dinner on grocery shopping days like today I'm usually really tired when I get home and yay for me I was able to find a clearanced out pizza the these are typically around $7 8 so I have the Italian sausage and onion pizza here's the pizza this is literally all we're doing for dinner one of my sons is at work so it's just the four of us so it'll be like quarters like that and then we'll kind of MCH on some apples I like 13 minutes cuz I like it a little on the crispy side so here we go 13 minutes it'll be nice and easy maybe we'll watch a show tonight that would be amazing sometimes really really simple dinners are totally fine especially when they cost 37 I love this pan with the holes it makes really really crispy pizza if I can find some on Amazon I'll link it below um husband would you like to explain this I've been leaving them there for banana bread that's my hint I want banana bread I'm freezing those what about that I'm freezing those tomorrow you have a problem these have turned into liquid like look but they're really good for banana bread oh my gosh well that's what we're doing we're going to mix up the banana bread the oven is preheating to 350 this is two loaves of banana bread and just so we're clear this is not a diet bread this is a delicious bread okay so there us see a whole lot of butter whole lot of sugar I will not apologize because if you make this banana bread and serve it to people you don't know they will become your loyal friends they will be your ride or die people I guarantee you this is the banana bread to win friends and influence people so I have one full cup of softened butter remember two loaves here and we will do two full cups of sugar one two and then blending is the secret then you blend and blend and blend okay just like you cream butter and sugar in cookies we will do the same so just let her rip for a while after it's light and floofy I'm adding four eggs here we go always crack P your eggs into a separate container because one time I got like a really really rotten one it would have ruined the whole batch so it's just it's just safer that's all it is it's just safer okay mix that until combined also then we will add the dry ingredientes hey time for dry ingredients I have four cups of flour one full tpoon of salt and two full teaspoons of baking soda that's the soda not the powder the salt the baking soda here we go mix vigorously okay that doesn't take very long and now final two ingredients we are going to do our bananas so I I'm not even mashing these These are so liquidy that they're going to get pulverized by the whisks in here vanilla I don't measure vanilla I guess I guess like once it looks good then that's good now these are optional items that you can add I'm not going to you can add nuts I don't like nuts in my banana bread I don't know why it's just not my vibe you could also add chocolate chips also not my vibe I feel like the bananas are so sweet in the banana bread that it doesn't need the chocolate chips I feel like the chocolate distracts from the banana I also feel that way about pumpkin bread chocolate chips and pumpkin bread that's a hard pass for me so I'm just going to Pure away all this together and remember two loaves of bread too I find that we need a really really fast dinner with almost no effort sheap pan dinner is the way it goes with some veggies and a protein of some kind so I had this five pack of the I think it adel's is that how you say it sausage that's been hanging out in my fridge and I had this package of sweet peppers I wanted to use up all I'm going to do is drizzle the peppers with this olive oil and salt and pepper over here and I'm going to leave the sausages the way they are cuz they're already flavored this is going to go into a 400° oven I'll check them at 20 minutes if they're not done I may let them go to 30 we'll just kind of see serve a baguette on the side or a loaf of sourdough or something you don't have to make the sourdough you can buy it and boom dinner's on the table with almost no effort at all dude seriously I just turned the camera on seriously seriously excuse me sir trying to record a video I'm leaving excuse me siry excuse me sir trying to record a video trying to water sir a video oh yeah oh my gosh doesn't that look delicioso I love Peppers all right dinner served Captain's Log day 657 of cooking out of my pantry when things are looking slim and you don't know what to do who do you call Ghostbusters no that's the wrong that's the wrong thing okay I've said in my videos for years and years and years that my go-to when I don't know what to make is a jar of sauce and a box of pasta I say that all the time but if you'll notice in this video I don't actually make it that often you can use ground beef you can use ground pork ground chicken ground turkey it don't matter uh I like a spicy sausage when the Jimmy Dean hot goes on sale I always buy a couple and throw them in the freezer I've been trying to work through the pasta and as it turns out how many times did I make pasta this month two times I am sucking royally at this so here we go um I got a box of rotini this is one pound and I just have like a an enormous amount of Jarred pasta because every time I see it on clearance I buy a lot of them so this is a garlic marinara this looks like a delicious ious brand to me is this a delicious brand who's to say the ingredients are super clean it's like tomatoes olive oil garlic salt basil pepper that's it so um this is like what is this three ingredient meal this was $2 this was $2 this was $1 $5 $5 meal my kids my kids love pasta this is so easy so if you have like some frozen broccoli hanging around or like a bag of salad or whatevs you could also do that oh look I happen to have a baguette as well so I might like this in half and and make Pioneer Woman's the bread have you had it it's basically just butter and bread but my Alberton had like a $2 off a $2 purchase at the bakery so I have this like sourdough baguette that I got for free pasta with spicy sausage and buttered faggette pretty much everyone's favorite comfort Meal carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs because I'm going to mix everything into this really large pot this is like a 7 quart it is probably my new favorite pan it's one of those hexclad thingies I'm kind of testing it out anyway I'm going to Brown my sausage just right in here it's already warm and there's so much fat in this sausage that I don't feel like I need to add any more to this and like I said before you do not have to do sausage you can do something else you can add veggies to this this is just like a super super simple very basic Pantry staple meal in my head I make way more often than I actually do and I am going to go at it with my Dollar Tree meat Masher um to make the pieces pretty small and over here in my pasta pot I have some water coming up to the [Music] water we never let it go this time we can reach the sky on prayer we go higher than high yeah how wide awake it's the big mistake cuz it's something we can deny oh this time we can reach the sky on the pray we go higher than high yeah how wi awake is a big mistake cuz it's something we can deny [Music] welcome to one of the first most beautiful days we have had here in the great state of Idaho Idaho and because it's gorgeois outside I have the boys outside turning the smoker on and I have this awesome um beef tenderloin that's been sitting in my fridge what freezer I got it from Thrive Market it's been in there for a bit we're going to smoke it today it's going to be epic literally the only thing you have to do to a tenderloin is salt and pepper I'm just putting a nice crust of kosher salt like chunky chunky kosher salt like this and just some table grind black pepper salt and pepper that's it okay so that's going to get set to the side and for some quick sides I have this big bag of broccoli and some gold potatoes I'm going to have the boys let's see you want to do mashed yeah mashed potatoes okay so I'm going to have the boys probably scrub these I'm going the skin on and we'll pop them in the instant pot that's that's the whole dinner easy peasy lemon squeezy for tonight's dinner I pulled out some boness skinless chicken thighs and I'm going to use this Thrive Market lemon pepper Zing spice blend and we're just going to put it on the grill tonight with a side salad I might even just put the chicken on the salad and we'll do like a grilled chicken salad dinner situation uh just trying to clean out the fridge of the rest of the veggies I don't want the lettuce to go bad and all of that and this is so many chicken thighs I could probably meal prep some of this as well as far as I'm concerned you cannot go wrong with meal prepped grilled chicken so I'm just going to open up this package season it with this and throw it outside on the flames you can always tell how tall a YouTuber is based on how often they cut off their head when they're trying to cook in the kitchen for the love H okay um we're making chicken and rice bowls so for the rice I'm just going to use the instant pot and I have like three and a half cups of rice I make a lot of rice for my family because my boys eat a lot and rice is really really cheap and so it's easy and I always keep these extra packets of sauce and stuff this is like a TexMex goo packet so I'm throwing that in with a little bit of salt 3 and 1/2 cups of rice I'm going to do about 5 cups of water a little bit of salt I don't know how much salt that is a half a teaspoon I guess and we will rock some limes for this recipe today this is when I say recipe that's a loose description of what we're doing if I want a happy spouse if I make like Mexican inspired flavors he's happy lid on make sure your ring is in there and you're on seal hit the rice button walk away okay let's prep the chicken new plan I thought I had chicken thaw I did not um so instead we're doing shrimp cuz it thaws easier so I have a pan right here heating up two to which we will add some bacon fat because I have some and it is my fat of choice that'll do pig I mean that's a good amount but listen it's delicious and all we're doing to the shrimp is salt and pepper and then we'll add some sauce in a minute if you made it here to the end wanted to let you know that my membership group is about to be launched if it's not open already depending on the date this video goes up if you want more assistance from me to you we're going to have challenges you're going to have more time with me as I coach you through managing in your household from a financial aspect uh and we're going to kick it off right here in the kitchen um I'll have a link down below if you want to go check that out hanging out in the kitchen is one of my favorite places to spend time with friends like you so thanks for hanging out with me today I'll see you in the next video bye one of my goals for 2024 was to read 52 books I have pretty much blown through all of is it Freda mcfaden she does like psychological thrillers which I really enjoy uh they're especially great for like car trips if you're stuck on a plane or something they're really good but one of the books that I listened to on Audible was Matthew Perry's uh autobiography I think that's the correct term friends lovers and the big terrible thing it is incredibly sad incredibly sad have you guys read this book or listened to it I would recommend listening to it I wanted to let you know that the language is pretty horrific and it I mean it's all about addiction friends is one of my favorite TV shows of all time I have seen it all the way through countless countless countless times I quote the whole dang thing I was young when it aired I was in high school and I had no idea cuz I I like I didn't watch the news I thought the news was boring I didn't know what was going on social media didn't exist didn't read newspapers because that's like old people stuff right I didn't know any of this stuff that he was dealing with let me know Down Below have you read it are you planning on it let me know what you think my next listen on Audible is the one by Gary sise that I now cannot remember the name I'll tell you what it is it's called grateful American a journey from self to service this was like ranked 10 out of 10 by someone that recommended it so I I have no idea what it's about we're going to find out have you read that one also what books are you loving right now I'd love to know um from a book lover to a book lover give me your Intel I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you next time Christine out
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 100,741
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Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery hacks, save money, money saving hacks, grocery store hacks, grocery budget, pantry cooking challenge, pantry challenge 2024
Id: y3T8zZzVHmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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