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[Music] brand-spanking-new minecraft video my name is Jack which I'm pretty sure most you guys know but guys you probably didn't know what that today's video is going to be historic and that is because we're going to be traveling inside the unkillable Minecraft boss and building a house now we're not gonna be killing him because that's still not yet possible but we're gonna be building out and then trying to explode this giant worm from the flippin inside so gods of you're excited for today's video please feel free to go and leave a like let's ever one that was in likes that is a lot of likes guys I think you can hit it I actually wait I know you guys can hit it and also guys be sure to subscribe turtle notifications and then comment any mod you want to see down below now this was my own idea I've checked out this mod so many times but the mod creator actually contacted me with this update but you guys don't worry for my next video I will definitely be picking one of your guys comments I will read through them all from that last video and from this video and I will pick some awesome comments I'll probably pick two comments if I'm feeling cool but yeah guys today I believe it Bessie has out everything that we need so we can get right into those because I am very very excited now I haven't been into the worm yet I'm not entirely sure how this works but if you've never seen the other giant unkillable minecraft death worm don't check out my other videos on it or you can just watch this video because I'm gonna be showcasing it too but yeah this is an awesome modular bosses mod that adds in this giant unkillable sand worm and also a bunch of other really difficult bosses plus the mod Creator also decided to make it more difficult to kill all the other mobs that this mod adds so I mean that should be somewhat fun I guess if you like that but anyway Thank You Betsy for picking out every thing now once we're inside the worm as well once you build our house and everything I thought that we could try and explode him from the inside no idea if it's gonna work I don't think it'll work I've tried exploding this dude so many flippin times but maybe this dirtbag will just explode maybe just this one time I can take down the unkillable minecraft boss now we have regular dynamite we have all the way up to times a 500 so we'll just keep going up the line and then just cross our fingers that it works make sure to go leave a like if you think we're gonna be able to kill it I personally don't think we're gonna be able to kill it but if you think we're gonna kill it then pound that guy that like button now also in this chest right here we have all of our building materials we're just gonna stock up our inventory with everything that we're probably going to need for my house now if you want me to build something inside of another minecraft mob because apparently people like now apparently people want to know how to build things inside of different mobs so if you want to see more of this make sure just go leave a comment down below of other mobs you want to see me build a house inside of but yeah we also have some stuff in here because inside of the worm supposedly there are other mini bosses that we might have to fight in order to get to somewhere I don't really know where but to get to somewhere so yeah let's grab this awesome sword let's grab some arrows man our inventory is flippin stacked alright so we should use this this we might not even need the bait to be honest but let's throw on this arm right there there we go let's get our bow let's get the Sam worm right there let's get one piece of bait just maybe you might need it and yeah I think that is pretty much it let's flip and do this alright I am a little bit scared mister Peggy's are you scared I actually told my Wolfpack I told Alpha and Omega to take the wolves and they're playing around somewhere far far away where they won't have to worry about this giant worm but anyway guys here we go this is what you've been waiting for it I'm pretty sure this was actually one of your guys suggestions or maybe a lot of you guys was to actually kill the worm from the inside and now it might actually be possible alright here we go guys three two one one giant said worm only grows that wasn't supposed to happen uh where am i oh no are you flipping kidding me this dirtbag just shot me like a million blocks into the sky where am I in first person yeah this okay uh wait how hi Mike oh there is wait a minute hold on let's go game-mode one hold on wait for EM BAM there we go I'm safe oh my goodness it just keeps happening all right I need to get this dude to eat me normally it's not that difficult normally he likes me normally he'll just come around and then eat my face off but for now he doesn't seem to want to do it so I mean that's kind of a shame all right let's see let's put some bait right there come on buddy come on I'm gonna make sure my game-mode 0 so hopefully it'll be nice and easy I'm gonna stand right with the bait and let's just see what happens why no I want to throw it out there we go no I don't want I don't want any my just yeah stop there we go okay now we just wait mister porkers you might want to stand back oh yeah mister porkers oh poor piggy alright guys we are inside of the sand worm oh gosh this is ah that's custom oh my goodness what even is this stuff this looks like some sort of infection on the inside of this guy this is okay so this is probably his throat that we just came in now their slimes everywhere there's this green stuff is just like hurt me what is oh oh wow that took out half of my hearts what the flip alright now I do I have to like kill these slimes what's all that's okay just take out Slams now I've never been in here before so I have no idea what to expect I am very very scared because there could be bosses in here from what I heard look at dates there is like slime everywhere so I'm gonna fight through this and then near the end of the dungeon if we can even find the end I'm gonna build a house inside of this giant beast so I mean this is definitely interesting we're just inside this giant unkillable boss normally when you come in here you fall into the void but now it is actually made it so that we can get inside of it and then kill it whoa this just opened oh oh we have a giant flippin tick what's on it hey what's up mister tick now what's this they have a spark hey spark oh wait a little no no don't you do it don't you know what oh yeah take that oh yeah okay like that okay yeah there we go we're doing some damage sure let's take out oh okay good thing that shoved me out of us I was flipping dead alright let's let's say what let's go on over here hey where do these things called sparks wait whoa whoa whoa chillax Maury hey all right I got you I got you bro there we go take it out the sparks I think the sparks actually a new mob so yeah I've never seen a red spark before and let's make sure we're not gonna get ambushed here okay okay noise yeah take that to the face we have a tick up there I never go taking them out one by one not even hard now I don't know if there's other bosses in here I honestly have no idea what to expect yeah what's up mr. chick there you go in the face you're dead this thing is doing 40 damage on these guys now can I like break this you know what what is that purple stuff coming from it it doesn't look like I can break anything nope can't break out should I attempt to throw a T&T let's just try and throw one piece of dynamite that oh I just blew something up all this blood when you blow one up there's actual blood these giant ticks wait these ticks are inside of this guy which means that they're like eating him from the inside out that is oh gosh guys I don't like blood I'm getting all like goose bumps I'm getting tingly I don't like this okay I'm just gonna power through it because I love you guys I love you guys and we're gonna get through this together I'm gonna build a house inside of this guy and then I'm gonna see if I can blow him up I am but go take it out the texts one by one all right you're dead you're dead any other ticks I don't see any other ticks whoa I didn't actually notice that so you can only get through when you kill everything in a room so this guy seems to just have ticks inside of him which is weird I wonder if it gets a little bit harder but I mean these ticks not that difficult you like they only have 80 damage or they only have 80 health and I do 40 damage per hit which is nice I like that all right there you go bro you're whoa did I miss this was that oh I thought that was another take now that's just from the blood okay I mean it's not all that much better I was what's up brah well sir mr. Tech you're looking a little big you've been eating out this giant worm you've been just sucking off his blood oh whoa what the flip just happened so I don't know what just happened some weird green goo got squirted all over me and now we're back here and let's get Ian okay we're back we're back in it now does it reset I really hope it doesn't reset does it no okay looks like the mobs spawn back in but I can run through it we'll saw that oh my goodness they are strong okay you guys been lifting those things like oh oh whoa wait was that spark that did that oh crap oh crap holy crap oh no why should I run through this okay gonna hide up in this corner no no no no no no stop it stop it you're flipping scrubs no why how does that happen they like squirt this green go on me welp guys test trial number three here we go I'm ready I don't want to get eaten again it's not fun getting in my giant work I mean I'm not gonna lie it looks kind of fun maybe but it's not okay let's just let's go through this nice and slow I just want to build my house inside Scott yo everybody just stop hitting it go that's a lot of text okay BAM you're dead okay I think I was in this room nope I ain't go in this room oh babe you're dead no II didn't actually okay stop it no I don't want the green you want me I don't want the green goop I'll give you guys a sauce but I don't want the green go oh no no no why oh I can't jump on those things that's what happens I'm jumping on those weird bubbles in there like almost pimples that's disgusting and this is great you high take that you're flipping nerd yeah there we go okay cool now I think we're back in it I killed most stuff in this room now I want to see what happens when I get to the end I'm pretty sure there's like some boss at the end or there's maybe a brain now I think that it's a little bit buggy at the moment so I don't think I can go near it but once we get to the end I'll be sure to build a house there no gosh I hate this room look at this is resolutely like green poo everywhere or it's a green slime and then there's slimes everywhere like the inside of this worm is just a giant maze hey kill you all yep it's just that easy look look at that it's just a one-hit ko BAM one-hit ko you're dead man is that it wait is this the next this is the last room hold on wait there's one more time hey I see I say you broke there go got I got guys all right now let's see what is this what is in there oh not the last room so oh whoa whoa okay we got some ticks we got some some baddies we got some bad guys and you're okay we got some sports not that bad sparks are one at Ko as long as I make contact okay your day that's a kind of snipe yep you're dead BAM in the face oh no yeah no okay this is so easy oh wait I accidentally just threw my uh my Barrow whoops-a-daisy okay that's not a problem okay not gonna step on your bed knock a step on you stupid little pus filled pimple thing ally we know what it is now yup get out of there get out air nerd oh no why why no no no give me one give me one no eat me please just eat me I don't even want it anymore I don't even care if feels kind of weird when you eat me but it doesn't even matter alright just come on bro wait oh thank you thank you so much I'm actually ok with that oh my yeah alright so after fighting through Calais rooms I'm finally at the room before the giant branes thingamabob but if I open this door for some reason it crashes so I'll show you a little sneak peek this is what the brain room looks like now I can't that got my Creator I'm gonna see if there is a possible update coming where once you destroy the brain like something amazing happens I really don't know because every time I try and destroy this thing it crashes so for now this is just the worms brain okay there's nothing else do it I can't do anything we're at the point where we can finally build our house I suppose I've been in the game modes era let's fill this house flip it legit these things shouldn't attack me so I think I'll be good to go but let's get all of our cool stuff in here that's here's a door maybe some staining alas it's gonna be an entire wooden house don't expect it to be good but I wanted to build at least some through the functioning house all right guys can you stop jumping on me all right well let's see uh can I do it like this okay yeah I actually could build it here that is awesome I don't think I could take down but I can indeed Ben all right so here we go let's make a nice little foundation here nice here we go what this should be good I've never done something like this before I never even really thought about it until this giant sand worm actually became functional with a dungeon so I was like okay this is should be a neat idea I kind of hope alright so there we go we got stairs we just gotta fill in this foundation I actually they gonna be easier in game of one there we go nothing is gonna actually try and kill me right now except for these little magma cube things just gotta make sure that they stay out of the way and I can't kill that one there else the doors gonna open and I think my games gonna crash or at least that's what happened before all right so let's just build our nice foundation I wish I had like worldedit or something that's normally how I build my houses but this is gonna be legit okay I won't cheat I won't do anything like that all right so I think it's coming together or at least kind of sort of coming together we have some ticks who are looking at my house and they kind of like it all right so let's see let's add some torches outside now I thought a cool design would be to have this giant window in the back so that I can see the portal to the brain so when there is an update I could just you know go out the back door and kill the magma cube and then destroy the brain now let's just might as well in the meantime added like a crafting table out of furnace right there let's see what other things yeah I have a nice little bed that I can put in this corner and then I also have what else did I bring about some chests right here I'm gonna have a chest right next to my bed I can have a double just chess system right there BAM I think this is looking pretty dang good I also forgot I brought this little flower pots like but this wait a minute what did the magma cube die oh no oh no okay so my game isn't crashing which is good so like what I thought my game was gonna crash so I guess this is a good thing but let's put the flower pot right here and then I also produce sunflowers because sunflowers are pretty dang cool let's place that and I forgot I can't all right let's try this red tulip BAM there we go so yeah the eyes this is my little mini tiny house inside the giant warm now let's see what happens if I throw out bait does the worm come in and eat himself yeah that's not possible right so we have the brain right there now since we have this house - well try and blow it up or do I want to keep it here actually I'll blow it up in another video because I think for right now I definitely want to keep this here because I mean I think it looks pretty they need me guys anyway so that is gonna wrap up today's video I really hope you did enjoy if you have any ideas for future videos that leave them in the comment section down below also cowl neck out that like button if you did like this video and you want to see it more videos like it do not forget to subscribe turn notifications and leave some other suggestions for this mod creator as well because I think he's really open for suggestions and I have giant ticks trying to break in my house so yeah it's definitely good thinking that I build this house but anyway guys that's pretty much it hopefully in the next video I can actually kill this thing by taking down his brain or blowing it up or whatever that I have to do but until then guys thank you so much for watching my name is Beck rojak and I will see you back here tomorrow peace out guys [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,783,875
Rating: 4.8745108 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, craziest, no cursing, no swearing, minigame, how to, house, troll, adventure, minecraft mods, hardest boss, minecraft boss, hardest minecraft boss, minecraft house, house tutorial, live inside minecraft, how to build a minecraft house
Id: c1Y5fqpFmJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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