Destroying NOOB vs PRO Planets in SOLAR SMASH!

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this is planet zorp if you guys hit this very large like button i will summon in a planetary sized ghost to punch all the scorpions there are three billion zorpians and they are about to get sucker punched bro i have never played this game before how are some still alive it just took out half the population but somehow people survived that anyway ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a brand new video i hope you guys are doing amazing today in this video as you can see we have earth this is a game called solar smash where you have to destroy the us so for example if i just was having a bad day i could log on and basically do this lots and lots of times yeah that's the moon crashing into earth um this is for people with very very bad anger issues like myself i just put a hole uh the size of the moon in africa two billion people just died this game i don't understand it i don't know why people like it but it's so destructive but i would love to figure out why this game is so popular so if you guys could please leave suggestions down below of your favorite ways to destroy the earth that would be fantastic i just took out all of the united states of america this is where i live and it's now gone now supposedly i can also fly a spaceship uh if i go to the rocket launcher hit the settings turn it to level 5 and 66 rockets i believe that should initiate it let's go try it out does it work can i hold on if i shoot it yes i'm in an airplane wait a second there's the sun too i really don't know how i feel about this i don't know if i should be really excited that i'm able to explode all of civilization or if i should feel a little bit bad about myself either way i'm just gonna keep blowing stuff up until something happens now that i saw there was the sun i'm super curious if i'm able to explode it you see this is my first time playing solar smash so i have no idea what i can and cannot do this is honestly really cool though look i'm just flying over tons and tons of dead people it's actually oh and i just exploded my plane so i guess i'm dead too never mind i'm pretty sure i am uh basically invincible every time that i blow myself up or blow something up i just come back and i'm able to explode even more let's go ahead and launch the ss cookie spaceship and we're gonna just have to do a little detour around the earth where the majority of the civilization has died oh wait there's a small island there i just wiped hawaii off the map sorry to all of my hawaii fans but we have bigger things to accomplish here like blowing up the sun for science okay this isn't like me just getting out all of my anger today this is for scientifical purposes to see what would happen if the sun exploded for whatever reason the ss cookies laser blasters are not powerful enough to obliterate the sun off the face of the galaxy so we're gonna have to step it up a little bit i think i can actually change my weapon of choice let's do the laser rail cannon so if i go back here and i just hit space yep yup there dude wait where is that laser coming from bro i got like an extra blaster and i did it i just closed the flipping supernova wait what happens to earth during a supernova and also more importantly how did my spaceship survive that is earth earth has turned into the brand new sun wait wait oh i was gonna say the earth looked like it was getting a lot brighter it could not handle the sun's radioactive material and yeah i'm going to assume that everybody has died even the people on the international space station i don't think could have survived that blast and now i am the last person alive in all of civilization unless there's aliens somewhere out here alright well this just got really sad 7 billion people 791 million people have just perished reset planet yeah i think i'm gonna have to reset it what the heck is this thing it looks like a mega nuke do i shoot it oh wait i got away from my my plane to explode somehow that killed zero people i guess i must have landed in the atlantic ocean nobody has died so you guys you guys know how i said nobody died i just want you to take a look at the number of people everybody died from australia that's a very nice jack very very nice and then we're gonna turn it into mickey mouse there we go yup this is exactly what this game wants me to do i don't think i did a very good job of making mickey mouse it is very difficult to make ears instead i made like a slice of pizza the earth has been defaced to just pizza so remember at the start of the video when i summoned in that giant ghost boss uh supposedly there are two other alien species in this game that could just wipe out the civilization of earth one being i think katulu let's go ahead and test it out what i have opened a portal to the octopus world bro katsulu buddy you can you take it easy right oh oh he just chopped a piece of the earth like it was a cookie he was just like yo that's mine i hope he ate it wait yeah he just ate 426 million people let's go ahead and try this worm okay what happens when i spawn in a worm that is [Music] wait hold up that is a big worm can i zoom out oh so when i zoomed out i accidentally spawned into another worm what are these worms doing why do i keep zooming out are these worms friendly it seems like they're not very friendly they're playing on earth's surface this is so cool to watch but at the same time the implications are so deadly so many people are dying bro just imagine you're just having a casual day playing some minecraft and all of a sudden on the news you see that giant space worms have started to eat your planet it looks like there's also a series of satellites that i could spawn in oh yeah we got satellite number one coming in i wonder if we can i fly the plane while i'm doing this okay let's activate uh uh mission ss cookie oh my gosh wait a second this just changes everything what is that bro i just summoned in a mini death star it didn't quite make it through the center of the earth but i will finish the job go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go i'm invincible wait no seriously if i'm just spamming this i can't die i think i'm on the inside of earth that's okay though it's it's all made of water right that works but is earth gone i accidentally shot the core of the earth with my ss cookie spaceship and it exploded i mean i might as well take out the sun too there we go there can no there can be no survivors even though nobody lives on the sun they get if somebody would have gone mars i'm back in my spaceship i honestly forget what i have enabled oh yeah i got the laser rail gun it just does not stop shooting wait can i fly into it i can bro my spaceship is indestructible unless i fly it directly into the earth it just does not explode and also wait why is oh yo yo yo this is crazy i'm going in for a crash landing boys that was the tiniest explosion ever wait i wonder can i make the earth flat let's go try it out we're gonna slice off the edges oh no no no that it doesn't really work out too well because once i start exploding everything and causing a fiery hail storm um everything goes up in a fiery cloud of nothingness i guess i can turn it into a brick i wonder how small i can make the earth before it just explodes so it seems like the core is extremely hot right now [Music] giant space man i need you to finish this off please thank you very much do your worst that was that was yeah that was that did the trick whoa i could summon in a space storm i didn't even realize this that is the most deadly thing i've done yet this looks like venus which is one of the hottest planets and then the other side just looks completely normal not for long i will spawn is this a black hole that is definitely 100 either a black hole or a wormhole i honestly don't know if there's a difference that just completely destroyed everything i have no idea how there's still 1 billion people alive it's i mean i i guess i do now because you know they're still africa and also a large part of i think that's europe or maybe india that's all right we're just gonna act like the moon uh yeah it lost its gravitational orbit and just kind of pinballed its way down i wonder if i could do something major without killing any person on the entire planet let's see i mean this looks like a pretty open spot there's probably only like a couple ships maybe a couple islands so if i summon in a black hole like it's gonna be fine right look at that zero people died um okay maybe 1.7 billion people just maybe died i don't know like who that looks fine to me these are like giant turds why am i 12 years old the world may never know the answers to these questions today this is so weird but so sick i made a donut you know how we had a munchkin earlier now we actually have an earth donut this is easily the best day of my entire life so i really wonder if there's a way to make the earth flat you see the issue with this giant blaster is that it's just it's too powerful it's not precise so if i do 0.5 right there we go now we have a little bit more precision so we're just going to do the outer area first we're just going gonna cut through here this could take a while it's basically like i'm using the world's most powerful laser pointer well we got through one side and i don't know if this is scientifically possible but i have lasered through the entire earth and somehow it has not collapsed on itself yet i think albert einstein would be pretty proud of me now we just have to do the bottom half [Music] i was so close ladies and gentlemen to doing this without demolishing the entire population of earth but apparently uh yeah people do not like being turned into a giant earth sandwich so the only thing to do is i guess flatten it we're gonna take out the top part there we go we got a little uh earth krabby patty and there we have it the earth has been flattened and coincidentally everybody is dead giant spaceman take it out giant spaceman is extremely good at his job ladies and gentlemen i've never seen a terrestrial or extraterrestrial being just hate earth so much and that'll do it the earth has been reduced to just the asteroids well ladies gentlemen if you guys did enjoy today's episode and do want to see more solar smash uh please go ahead and leave a like on today's episode and also comment down below if there's secret ways that i can destroy the earth i know that this plane is one of the easter eggs so i hope i helped you guys out with that but if there are other easter eggs that you know of please go ahead and leave a comment down below because i would love to test them out that is gonna wrap it up my name is beckbro cookieman and i will see you guys next time if the earth is still live peace out dudes [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,479,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny apps, best apps, iphone game, ipad app, ipad, free apps, free game, mobile game, solar smash, Solar Smash, planet simulator, planet smash, physics simulator, solar smash game, solar smash app, solar smash secret, solar smash update, solar smash gameplay, universe sandbox, planet sandbox, black holes, black hole earth, cut the world in half, cut earth in half, all nukes exploded, detonate all nukes, earth destruction, earth destruction game, beckbrojack
Id: LwxT0Fc22B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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