How to LIVE inside a BEE HIVE in Minecraft!

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one sec i'll give you a phone call oh no it's bessie hello bessie wait wait wait no no no no what what did you do to my house bessy what happened to my house what no no no no no no no no what what what what who are these bumblebees i don't know if you guys know this but i'm a little bit scared of bubble bees okay okay no this is fine this is no no no no who why are we back to doing this bessie bessie why did you put bees inside of my house i'm dead i'm flipping dead wait a second i might actually be able to let me fight let me fight i gotta fight fight for my life i don't want to actually hit my wolves i can do this no i can't i got stung to death that is literally my worst nightmare other than getting bitten by a spider okay i think i've taken care of my bee infestation hey bessie what the crap was that [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay yup that's all you had to say yep today i'm i'll do whatever the heck you want i do not want to have creeper bees exploding my entire house so i guess today i will be living inside of a beehive thanks a lot betsy well you guys heard it here today we are going to be traveling inside of a beehive and living there for the next 24 hours this is not how i expected to spend my day on cookiecraft before we do that ladies and gentlemen you guys destroyed the likes in the last episode the episode got over 37 000 likes in under two days now personally i think today we can beat it to make up for all of my pain and suffering let's try to hit 1 000 more likes let's go for 38 000 likes in under two days that'll actually be like a world record i think on my entire channel fang do you think they can do it i'll take that as a yes let's check out bessie's box oh my gosh okay so we have b cages we're going to be able to use these on the bees to collect them let's go ahead and grab all of these we also have a starting house which i guess i can use to create a base inside of the beehive and we have the big book of bees oh my gosh bro okay there are so many different types of bees we have farmer bees we have rancher bees hoarder bees lumber bees quarry bees die bees coopies what is the cubie we have the beginner's guide yeah it says in the book of bees as well that i can collect honey samples using glass bottles which i have a bunch of the only thing we're missing is an ender pearl uh i definitely have one somewhere around here nope nope yep luckily for me i know exactly where a beehive is early on in the series i was actually able to locate one and i set up my own little beehive here oh look there's one of my bees now supposedly if i throw an ender pearl at the beehive i will be able to shrink down and go inside of it i've never heard of this before but let's try it out in three two one oh no way there is no way that worked we're inside of beehive how do i get out nobody explained how i leave i don't wanna be here okay okay wait a second okay so i think these are the honeycombs betsy wanted me to collect samples of each and every type of honey so so it looks like this one might be a rare one but we also have a lot of bees and we will what is that is that is that honey am i about to be washed with honey this is insane yo this is crazy i have never seen so many bees and honeycomb in my life just in case anything goes wrong let's make sure we have nightwing ah boopy sound bro it makes me feel weird i don't like it every time i hear this sound in real life i book it as fast as i can i turn into usain bolt we're just gonna have to deal with it okay okay so it looks like oh my gosh bro i didn't even realize there are so many bees inside of my beehive now we need to make sure that we have our b cages at the ready in this dimension there are all different types of bees and i need to try to collect as many as possible in 24 hours i also need to find a good spot to set up my house so the first thing i want to do is kind of just test out what happens if i right click on this with a glass bottle so far enough thing about this one this one this one this one this one this one this one this one this one how do i collect it do i need to mine it i mean i have my mining gadget let's go ahead and change it to just a one by one i don't want to mine the entire dimension so if i just do this oh i forgot i got way too many upgrades but i did just find a cave yo yo yo chill okay let's go ahead and mine our way this way let's see if i can mine up these colored honeycomb blocks yeah this is an iron cone block we have a porous honeycomb block a crystallized honeycomb a normal one a gold comb whoa hold up ladies and gentlemen we can use these for some insane upgrades it also looks like we can get advanced beehives let's go ahead and keep exploring uh so we have our glass bottles right let's go ahead and try to collect some of this liquid this place is so sticky too i i'm like super slow oh this looks cool okay so we have a red honey coma wait what what the what the crap is down there yo yo we got a green one we have a whole honey block okay wait whoa what is this are there bees inside i'm terrified to to mine anything right now okay so we have our glass bottles what if i try to collect it oh there's a baby bee there's a baby yo yo that does a lot of damage no no the baby b is a savage i'm gonna die i'm actually gonna die i got stoned to death again and great i spawned right back in the dimension what is happening okay bees do not like water every time i see a bee i go straight into the water because it technically can't get me or there's are there okay there are a couple weird fish i don't think bees can be fish am i actually gonna die again from poison no okay we are safe now luckily i do have my neptunium suit on so i have water breathing yo okay wait a second i can collect honey samples from these super yellow beehive blocks i also think earlier i found one of the bees nests around here i'm pretty sure that there's different b nests and b dungeons that have the baby bees okay let's go ahead and just collect as much honey as i possibly can there also might be different kinds of honey so i want to save some water bottles for that if i can find it what do i am right now can i collect this oh my gosh i can so this is sugar water oh so that that's a lot of angry bees hello wait do i okay okay wait a second they they just all ran away yeah they're scared of me oh my gosh it's a honey slime they actually have those here let's see what happens if i kill it do you drop honey it dropped nothing ew what is this is this a rotten honey block i'm really nervous to mine anything because last time i did i died but we gotta do it we gotta do it bessie told me i'm gonna do it please tell me there's no bees no we're we're we're okay we're okay ladies no we're not scared we're wearing this together what is that what is that what what what what i just get i have redstone cone blocks experience comb blocks i think i can use these to make different types of beehives oh my what there's ender biotite cone blocks i have no idea what that means let's check out the big book of bees okay i see now so it looks like i can use these different honeycomb blocks i can break them down and i can actually turn them into different nests we have an obsidian nest a gravel nest a dirt beehive nest and i think each and every type of bee likes a different beehive oh look at it we got the mama bee and we got little tiny baby bees let's go ahead and we're gonna steal all of them thank you thank you i'll take the mom oh okay hold up hold up i dropped you can't lose you in the water i don't think i need this leather okay so we have a b we have a little baby b i'm gonna take these all back let's go explore a little bit too on nightwing let's see if i can actually fly here so nightwing shrunk down with me we're both inside of the beehive i still need to find a good spot to place my house i'm gonna do my best to not accidentally breathe fire and burn down the entire beehive but if it happens it happens i think right up here is this super cool spot nightwing be on the lookout these bees are deadly okay we're gonna have to break a couple of these and then i should be able to place my starting house right in the center okay i think this one looks good there is no b style house unfortunately but we're gonna try this one out in three two one oh this is perfect oh do the bees not like me okay okay uh what do i do what do i do what do i do no no we're we're okay yes everything's fine for now wait there's wild dogs here let's go inside of my house i actually need to get rid of some of my items so that i can collect more bees okay let's put all of my b related blocks inside of here okay we need to collect nine more bees if i don't do that bessie is going to put creeper bees in my house every single day until i do it wait a second what is this there's spider webs i think the beehive might be infected with spiders nightwing let's land and let's check it out we actually might be able to get rid of the spiders for the bees maybe then they'll actually like me okay okay we have baby bees right here so if i if i right click on them do they still not like me okay no it's only if i harvest it so right now these bees are still babies um if i start mining right is something something bad gonna happen it's okay bees oh that's a spider oh great poison me hey hey bumblebee hey bumblebee don't look at me like that it's looking at me kind of funky wait a second i think the bees are actually afraid of the spiders it literally flew away okay let's go ahead and mine down to the spiders and see if we can get rid of them okay i found it yo wait a second these spiders are harvesting so much of the different honeycombs yo yo yo not cool not cool at all hey hey hey spidey spidey bag it up back it up what effect do i have i have the plague these spiders gave me the plague bro nobody asked for the plague i'm gonna die i just found out that you can make a honey shield the more you know this place is super infected with the spiders look at them they just keep spawning in too they're trying to take over the hive i gotta stop this no no no no you gotta stay back nobody else give me the plague i don't want the plague plague is not nice okay okay okay i need to figure out where the spiders are spawning in and annihilate okay i see one of the spawners take it out yes okay i got one i have to start clearing out all these spider webs look another one just spawned in maybe if i go ahead and just spawn nightwing in the center it'll it'll start helping hey nightwing just whatever you do try not to breathe fire everywhere but we're gonna need to start killing things i need to start uncovering the spawners bro they have to be buried inside of the honey yeah there's another one we got it okay another one down i still hear more spiders no dude there's more there's more nightwing get them yes nightwing okay i think i may have found the last one it's right here please tell me that's it please tell me that's it bro what is shooting me is this is this a spider jockey a spider jockey spawn did no way bro that's not even fair get that get out of here pleb no no no no fire nightwing was about to burn down this entire hive there's still another spawner i see it come on come on come on yes yes i got it i got it i got it okay that should be the last one we did it we cleared out all the spiders and also all the cobwebs hopefully the bees don't sting me anymore i also never really figured out why are there candles around here i think this might be used to attract bees oh bumblebee i need to take you back home bumblebee wait a second whoa this one looks weird wait did you guys notice this one like is it it's green it's a zombie let's collect it can i get it i got it there's another one over here i think there's actually a ton okay we collected that one yeah look there's a couple baby bees oh baby bumblebee i will be your new bee mother big bro b i am queen of this hive now i just realized at this point i'm chief of dragons king of rats and i guess queen of the bees these things are really difficult to track down nightwing is just so big it's hard to keep up only four more three two oh come on come on one zero we got them all wait a second did uh how did uh a pig spawned here it's a bumble pig and a wild dog don't stop it right bessie okay yeah i collected all the bees [Applause] okay got it i'll fly all the way to the top and then i'll put all the bees in the mailbox nightwing let's do this okay so i think all i have to do is mine my way out of the beehive so it looks like we have a dirt pillar here let's just make a little area where i can land uh and i may have may have accidentally hit shift second time's sharp ladies and gentlemen we actually okay yeah let's go back to this we can mine a huge area this mining laser is the best thing i've ever invested in okay we should be able to just land here there we go nightwing did an absolutely amazing job and now let's make a staircase all the way out of the honeycomb whoa wait a second i think this might be the edge of it yeah this is the outer portion and this has to be back to the normal world it worked it actually worked wait uh where am i uh guys i just looked and i am 10 000 blocks away from my nest don't you do it bird you done did it bird i'm starting to think bessie may have moved the beehive while i was inside well ladies gentlemen we finally made it back home let's go ahead and fill up bessie's mailbox so she doesn't put a bunch of creeper bees inside of my house i think we did it ladies and gentlemen we have officially become the queen of bees we spent an entire day in a beehive if you guys noticed it if i missed anything please go ahead and leave a comment down below in one of these future episodes i should actually be able to create tons of different types of bees the zombie and the skeleton bee were only two out of like 80 different bees that i can create so if you guys do want to see that be sure to let me know in the comments down below smash like if you enjoyed and also check out the merch in the description down below that's going to wrap it up my name is beckpro queenbee and i'll see you guys next time peace out
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,816,352
Rating: 4.9415731 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft bee update, bees in minecraft, minecraft house ideas, minecraft bees, minecraft bee hive, live inside a bee, living inside a bee, how to live inside, bee update, buzzy bees, living inside blocks, bee mod, beckbrojack
Id: hLWjivwEpqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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