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okay this is like the only way to see sorta kinda that I'm [Music] fine evening and thought to yourself you know what would be the coolest superpower to have in the entire universe well guys I have thought about this a lot you know I would really like to fly I would really like to teleport maybe even have super-strength but then I thought I can have it all by having one superpower and that is the ability to shape-shift into literally anything hey guys that's we're gonna be checking out today I'll be showing you how you can shape-shift into basically any Minecraft mob literally you could shape-shift into the ender dragon any modded boss even Rodney right there my little robot behind me but the one catch is you have to defeat it first real good before I show you guys all of your core ins and outs of this mod I have to go check out the comments of the day which come from not Saudi sir Olaf okay jke 9 9 71 and you wanna see all wanted to see the shapeshifter mod in Minecraft now many you guys also yourself Ronnie feel free to do this just leave like on today's video subscribe tap the bell and then after that be sure to comment any other mod that I should check out for any other video idea possibly something you want me to morph into maybe even the wither storm yeah just let me know in the comment section down below now today you know you may have seen this before you may have seen my video a few months back but in that I didn't check out any bosses that you can morph into some of the stress right here I literally have just a crap ton of different mobs we have the Naga we have the Hydra we've dragons we have a vocre and just a ton of awesome minecraft mobs to morph into today but you know in order to have that happen I have to kill them so that's why I have these sort of cosmos now so along with that I have my Sheila it's a pretty good armor cuz you know I don't want to get rekt today I just wanna okay I look weird purple sumo wrestler alright whatever but we add this sword which should be an infinite attack damage sorta now let's go test this out cuz I saved myself a fake Bessie alright slow and steady Ronnie all right Ronnie quit yo mr. sheep dude I don't have any beef with you I just want to get to this cow slowly Stanley are John bang there we go as soon as you kill a mob you basically absorb them now you can use the bracket keys in order to kind of sift through your different mobs that you have taken down and defeated and now look at that I have basically become Bessie the hoof effort is that your health make it adjusted because you know cows they only have ten health so yeah I only have five hearts oh that's the only kind of crappy part but I mean look I have like a cow arm Bessie doesn't even know this is me cuz you know I look just like her you also may have noticed that I am now only uh like a one and a half blocks tall maybe even one block I'm actually kind of curious ladies laughs I'm like yeah a little bit taller maybe like one half blocks but I have the same you know you'll feel the view I'm pretty much just a cow I also make a lot of cow noises you guys didn't come here to see cows if you came to see some awesome minecraft mobs so the first ones I want to check out just to make sure everything's working correctly or some vanilla ones so we have a chicken right here take out the chicken and then let's morph over so I'm pretty sure I also gets some different abilities per microbe so with a chicken you know I'm just a little chicken I only have two hearts but I'm pretty sure I can flap my wings and okay I don't know if I was supposed to take fall damage cuz you know chickens they can flap and then they can go down really slow well then let's just let's just that again let's just jump way down there okay I thought chickens could take full damage alright whatever but I mean I am the size of a chicken I only am one block big I'm one block taller so yeah I mean chicken definitely not the best mob so next up let's see what happens if I spawn in at all it's a pinky horse through why'd I have to get a flip it baby alright let's see um okay I don't think horses are in this mod though we have an Evoque curse so I'm actually kind of curious does evoker still come after me okay I'll just load chicken I whatever we took him out whoa mr. Veeck says dude I took down your your master of ochre okay I'm just a chicken I'm just gonna act very chicken lean chickens I'm pretty sure they have picnics at the picnic table all right I think we're good Rodney just stop stop looking at me Rodney bro dude you're gonna give me away all right wait say wait say what if I transform into an Evoque er then I'll technically be their master and then they won't attack me oh no no no I always say what if I transform into effects they can't attack their own kind that's like just basic facts are let's say can actually fly I know I can't flies effect for some strange reason but I look exactly like one but they're still Cobre after we bro I think my cover is already blown all right come here come here buddy no no no no no no no Rodney Rodney don't accidentally get caught in the crossfire all right there we go literally that was super flippin close I am super tiny as a little vex like that I'm literally like almost one black tall like not even one block that's kind of crazy but next up we have a creeper no no oh my gosh I forgot the creepers exploding guys in blue sorry it's like super early in the morning and I'm just not thinking straight what's okay so we have what okay three different kinds of exes let's try it the creeper so let's see I'm actually I kind of forget so the creeper I don't think I can explode or anything I don't think no mobs aren't scared of me even though they probably should be we all the legs work the same just as a regular creeper my heart is even like a little creeper leg so that is definitely super cool but guys it is now time to check out some crazier minecraft mobs that then you know just pre fillies of ogres exes you know all the new minecraft mobs next up we have an angler we have a pirata and a dark druid so let's just out the dark do it first oh that's super scary nope nope nope not dealing with that so let's see can I transform it into this super scary guy oh look at that alright there's some weird sounds when I'm walking around but still I look super scary as this guy oh my god Rosie let's go get busy no no it's just me this is jacker I'm not actually a weird looking druid this is so weird like I have like a cool cape on behind me I don't have any cool druid abilities maybe in future updates the mod creator will add in you know all the abilities that the mobs have because the Dhruva can spawn in like super cool abilities it can like force throw mobs so that's super cool but next up we have a peer ad now I kind of forget what this thing is like glows in the dark whoa okay think buddy yeah wake up yeah I just want a morph in dude dude alright fine well okay what uh okay but this guy's not attacking me Rodney here you just do some scientifical stuff with him I'm gonna head over here inspire angler Oh what what just happened no no that is not what fish do they don't jump out of water like that let's see okay I get the morph come on okay cool I'm an angler now see my just oh my gosh okay I have the cool light I'm we're just flopping on the ground though it looks like yeah when I do indeed swim I have already know the old angler stuff who's gonna pop out of water oh just a flopping fish let's see do I have like the arm fish don't have arms what the heck am I thinking they have fits okay she's definitely cool it's the light itself is a little more faux fur back to the chicken just so alright okay good I was about to say I don't know if that fix the light way those were the first three let's go see what else we have we have a swamp hog an attack helicopter and a thar beast bro so let's see if these work so first up we have a swamp hog so for ugly though I even want to morph into this guy Bessy do I want to fine whatever I'll try it out so it's these guys like super weird glowing eyes and you also had like some weird fungus on them so let's see if I look just like him oh dude look at that I'm like wobbling around oh my gosh dude I could do some pretty cool trolls with this though sorry guys I was just trying to mimic the weird sounds that this guy makes now other than you know the you really being ugly this guy's pretty normal you know he runs at a pretty good speed he doesn't have any arms or anything but I mean I have full health which is definitely cool and I don't burn the daylight which is also a plus but next up a strap guitar boost all this guy looks pretty good let's see bro chill that was my best friend Ronnie so let's go see if I can morph into this guy he's uh he's not less ugly but I mean he looks a lot cooler - okay oh cool I like run with one arm right like make the super geared flapping sound yeah that's weird it's like slime yeah it looks like okay this guy doesn't have any arms or anything that I can see but it's easy more powerful map now basically the same but I do leave a little trail of slime behind me so yeah I definitely blend in super well but guys we still have to keep moving on you're showing where guys test out so let's see what happens I had to take it down quick so let's see you guys got it and I bought into it Oh boys look at that way second oh it's gonna be super good yeah I know okay all right I can't fly around okay this is the front view this is just a normal view so I mean I'm like half a black tall except I okay yeah technically I'm a helicopter but I can't fly if I hadn't to game-mode one that's like the only way that I can kind of sort of look like an attack helicopter for going to quake Pro you really can't even see the entire attack helicopter look I look like it I don't have any sounds of it though so I mean that kind of stinks but I mean yeah last video when I try this out it didn't work cuz this is technically like a boss battle so yeah super cool that works now attend a game with zero I just forgot I don't fly so yeah that's laughs all damage so rudely I still have walking sounds to it just sounds like I'm on normal self just listen I literally have footsteps even though but shine helicopter alright get some weird let's go back to the chicken oh my gosh dude alright that is definitely super good to know though so the bosses seem to work so let's try out what do we have black and Shane armor giant and a dreadful pea mummy pretty sure this guy's also a boss let's try this guy what's y'all know dude okay let's see it's okay did I did it work let's go all the way down to how do they sort o it's oh it's alphabetical well that's definitely good to know but here we go who a little guy and what do I okay cool I still have to block and chain but I'm not flinging it around like the other guy would let's say this guy want to wake up yeah but guy morphing you know this guy is basically just a little tree trunk pop I mean this guy definitely looks cool I don't need to be a pro though look at that oh this sword works too I'm gonna be holding this suit up in there looking really freaky I can't swing that giant spiky ball on my hand around so that definitely kind of stinks so let's move over to the armored giant oh is that blood I mean big dude huh well okay tactically he's the only backboard Jack here cuz you know I'm a lone Goblin dude let's take him out might as well grab his sword as well and let's see how do I look what - this is like three times the size of my body I rally don't worry don't worry we're gonna morph into giant mech bro Jack basically just an upgraded version of myself let's see if this works all right do I have whoa okay so I have to validate armor on it's going to quake Pro dude I am I want to say like 15 maybe even 20 blocks tall if I have oh if I have the giant sword it is like four times the size it should be like every swords kind of upgraded so I look super cool right now Rodney Rodney watch yourself I don't actually done one step on you but let's see you guys stop on this guy no I can't hold smash anything let's see can I do like a giant total wave cannonball no didn't really work too well gosh dang it what if I just jump on Bessie yeah okay I think it's sort of working I'm tied to the top Bessie but I'm not doing any damage so it looks like I'm not really super powerful after all that counts things let's go see next up we have a dreadful Pete mummy and I just realized that I can't place anything down cuz like I'm super tall and my arms aren't long enough to reach the ground all right back to the chicken I go all right so let's pause to Tim he takes like a couple seconds I'm pretty sure don't need add no need to dance the word how's it going just musial chicken okay no problem whatsoever sorry that the guy you Rodney there we go little chicken took the bounder so let's see can I go so we have a Pete mummy this was the first guy what door so yeah this was a glitch that a little bit but it definitely looks super cool now it's way saying let's see let's go over to the boss so the dreadful P mummy this guy has like its tongue out it's super weird looking look at that the tongue itself look at that it just kind of flings around and all the legs work perfectly oh my gosh dude like a giant weird-looking spider mummy and it's so creepy now it looks like my health is still the same like I was wishing I had like 500 health like this dude but steadily I don't I don't have any cool abilities or anything except I just look really freaky with like my tongue thing oh my gosh to just look at his dude just I gets under my skin he's just so creepy but anyway I don't wanna be this guy anymore I got swapping up so let's go see we still have a ton more bosses it looks like we have a dragon a cyclops an ice dragon myzel grab my weight before again a Death Worm and a pixie so this is all from the Ice and Fire Dragons mod so let's see what kind of track no no no no no not a buddy so there we go let's see last time I don't think dragons worked this thing looks massive oh my gosh it's too big for my screen so in first person it looks super cool well if I go third person look at that is just super big now I mean I don't know if the size matters cuz the dragons can spawn in all different sizes so I could be a baby dragon but this is awesome it looks like apparently I have weakness that seems weird I thought dragons would be kind of stronger let's go see look at that I can't even tell where my head is so it looks like yeah I'm just kind of centered with the body with the head is literally right over Bessie dude I can't even fit him in my field of view that is definitely like super cool it's probably a ver morph so far let's try out the Cyclops and I'm too big to do it gosh dang it dude let's say nap nap nap gotta go back - let's just be a vex alright there we go let's try the Cyclops now what's up big guy no no no stop dude that's my pet Rodney all right there we go took him out let's see how the sack clash looks so thanks a claps right there so I should be super tall whoa whoa it's definitely working oh my gosh all right this is actually my new favorite oh dude look at those giant teeth look at that I have them like blinking and everything I can walk around I am super tall though and I feel really slow as well but I mean other that's super cool let's see I can't have a sword in my hand so it looks like I could probably just like pick up mobs and eat them if for one though we're mr. sheep let's seize this work now I don't know I'm too tall I can't even pick them up alright everybody just get back to the dark druid so so far everything is worked I was kind of curious if like all the bosses will work and it seems like an asset so we have a giant nun on ice dragon crowd seriously stop it ah this one it looked like almost the exact same size let's see this one was a giant white ice dragon I really opened the future I'm able to like shoot fireballs and fly around cuz yeah right now I could only fly around by like going to game mode one and it's still yeah it's a little bit glitchy I don't actually fly so yeah that's definitely like not the coolest thing ever but I do like wave my arms like the normal dragons would but hopefully in the future there is some sort of update so yeah let's go back and to I guess just a pea mummy so I can touch the ground so let's see we haven't gorging next up okay I am NOT looking at you oh wow okay what yes okay we got the Gorgon we got the Gorgon had it so this one would be super cool if I had the abilities of the Gorgon er I could face you look at any mob and then turn them into stone now sadly I don't I don't think would work let's just see if I'm a handout nah nah they're not even scared to me I mean I could look at the Gorgon now you know I have the snakes for hair and I have the super creepy looking eyes but other than that you know I can't turn anything into stone so um yeah kind of stinks I mean I guess I could use the Gorgon head to do it let's just try it out let's see but I think it's only a one-time use so what somebody's cheap home yep so I can turn one mob into stone but that's pretty much it so we're getting close to the end of mobs next we have a Death Worm what's up let's go buddy oh he's so cute looking and boom get rekt bro let's see Kai turn into this guy Oh actually Ken this is super cool alright so they can normally go on the ground I don't think I'm gonna be able to though so kind of like dig now I decked it you can't I do have a super long tail though I can kind of just fling it around we also don't need to be in quick bro that regard looks a little bit better let's say I have my weird-looking tongue in there it doesn't look like there's any way activate it and also if I stop moving the detail it gets a little bit glitched out but I mean that definitely super cool I am very very short I also can't use my tongue slash ability where I like sucker mobs and flies and stuff so that kind of stinks well next up we have a pixie Oh what was that my boots should you slip my boots broke stuffy not cool but I let's see that get the morph mrs. pixie and I don't see oh there we go but I need a little pixie let's see my flying around oh I have the particle effects I do have a tiny little sword yo that is actually kind of cool now are a decent Mount of Pixies in your Minecraft world so you can mix and match them the particle effects do kind of look amazing and I am super short I'm basically a vex except I'm like a little tiny pixie actually I think a lot smaller than of X this might be the smallest mob that I've turned into so far let's see what if I go underwater okay I thought Pixies didn't like it underwater but I guess I was wrong what about the hot tubs that to work not out guys I'm like six inches too short for the hot tub so yeah we're getting on to the last mobs of the day we have ourselves the Naga the your guests and who hide your bow loose try out the Naga first alright took him out let's see if this works yo last time the Naga didn't work so I'm really curious dude okay so I have two giant tail that is amazing now I walk around which is weird I can't go up blocks I have to kind of like jump up them now if I try and do like circles behind me let's see that's my Joe this looks so weird so it's just like the regular Naga the tail kind of follows me around now I wonder what happens if I go in the hot tub feel like it's gonna crash my game let's say you know works I could just fling my tail everywhere so yeah guys don't mind me I'm just gonna be a Naga chill I'm hot Bessy yeah just eat so much tail over there Oh what though it was glitching out hard see yeah let's go over here and let's test out what do we have next I think it's the your guest alright so this is the second glass what doll oh okay that's not good let's bow instead let's go okay what's up okay I just got the chest from the your guys I'm super confused by that let's see did it work Oh your whole this thing is huge let's see what's up Oh Oh guys oh oh there's like 18 different glitches going on so it looks like my my tentacles or whatever you want to call it or kind of what I see this if I gonna quake ground up I'm still like twelve times too big for this if I look up now I have all the particle effects okay this is like the only way to see sort of kinda that I'm the your cast like there's no way to see my entire body I am in the far this fov okay wait if I go like this this is just so funny you can't even tell what's even going on and so I can like just kind of rotate it like this it's definitely super broken because it's like a super new update plus it's not really meant for bosses see it just looks super funny let's see if I can do last guy's one Hydra oh gosh okay I don't want to be this guy I just want to be a title effects I don't even want this to see me sneak up on them through the dragon all right there we go yo what's up mister Hydra o get rekt buddy what's up what is going well you still had heads all right let me care let's see did the Hydra work though cuz last time this was super glitchy I said I can become a Hydra head what the heck dude honestly this would just be Niger look at this I'm just one Singh Landon so I'm guessing that's why the Hydra itself is a little bit glitchy because it is like a couple different bosses combined it's like the Hydra head behind your neck and then the body are all separate entities I am literally just the Hydra legs and the tail so hey guys there you have it I think that is going to wrap it up for today's video this is basically how you can morph into essentially every single mob in the entire Minecraft universe you guys did enjoy and I want me more if anything else definitely feel like on today's video and also comment smart is down below but anyone do it I think that's gonna wrap it up my name is Beck brow Hydra and I will see you guys all next peace out there
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 7,786,863
Rating: 4.845192 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, secret, redstone, mini-game, trolling, glitch, moments, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, minigame, troll, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, shape shifter mod, morph mod, minecraft morph mod, minecraft morph, minecraft youtuber, youtuber mod, morph minecraft mod, how to turn into any mob in minecraft, morph, shape shift
Id: e-gCdTNcGy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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