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ladies and gentlemen i need you guys to find a comfy spot i have made a minecraft movie this was honestly one of the most intense series i have ever done on my channel there's demogorgons mind flyers the upside down and a few other things that i don't really want to spoil but i need you guys to go ahead and find a comfy spot grab yourself some cookies and get ready for the most intense minecraft movie you have ever seen and all i asked if you guys do enjoy please go ahead and consider leaving a like and also hitting that subscribe button over 70 of people watching this video right now think they're subscribed but are actually not so if you enjoy or laugh or maybe cry a little bit be sure to go ahead and hit that subscribe button with all notifications turned on thanks and enjoy the stranger things minecraft movie ladies and gentlemen i may have accidentally gotten myself trapped in the upside down i'm freaking out this is awful okay just to calm down jack calm down we're gonna get out so last night i invited my friends adam and alec over to my house and my plan was to prank them with a demogorgon the only issue is i spawned to the demogorgon and it uh basically ate me and trapped me in the upside down now i need to go up and somehow get adam and alex to realize i'm trapped in the upside down bring them to this cellar and try to see if they're able to kill the demogorgon if they can it'll open a portal so i can escape but this is also adam and alec we're talking about so there is like a point zero zero zero one percent chance that this actually works i need you guys support leave a like on today's episode this one's gonna be interesting uh okay so i just checked and they're on the server the only problem is since i'm in the upside down they can't hear me and they cannot see me so i have no idea how i'm gonna locate them i do know that i need to get out of here without letting this thing touch me so we're just gonna go around the edge over here let's let's uh let's hope this works i'm making a break for it go check oh okay i don't think it's behind me is it hold on wait a second i need to make sure that it stays down here hello oh it's right there okay we need to keep it trapped down here if i can somehow get alec and adam's attention uh it'll it'll work where wait hold up um i'm so lost is it this way hold on okay yes i think this is the way up where's the button okay there's the button oh my gosh it is so spooky here in the upside down and the worst part is i don't have my demo dogs with me i decided to leave them at home for this prank and that was probably the biggest mistake ever this is so trippy ladies and gentlemen i don't know if you guys have seen the upside down but it's basically like another dimension but in the overworld i think it's literally right below me okay stay calm jack you've trained for this even though you really haven't you have demo dogs okay we just need to be on our tippy toes now adam and alex should be somewhere around here i don't know how i'm going to find them though because since i'm in the upside down they can't see me and i can't see them oh okay that's a little bit weird now i might be able to see some things that they're doing oh hold on i think i might hear them walking i'm not entirely sure let me see if i can maybe get their attention put that at tnt oh my gosh the tnc went back to the overworld hold on oh i exploded wait a second they might be close by oh no i can hear them guys guys can you hear me hello wait what what evidence are they not around here if they were around here they would be picking up the blocks do they not understand that i'm trapped on the ceiling i guess they don't know so the original plan was to troll them with the demogorgon and trap them in the upside down um boys oh wait something just turned me building over there no i why are we not i can hear them why can't they not hear me let me try another tnt sketchy though look there's can they not see these keep moving wait where are they going boys boys it could be a trail um follow it let's follow it right where's the next explosion hello dude why can they not hear me wait maybe if i fire this off i gotta find out what happened can they not hear this shotgun they did not they can hear me what's happening no wait a second i can't see anything i can't see any mobs i'm literally stuck here with just the demogorgon i'm all god again hold on let's set off another tnt i need to get them to come to the lab [Music] let's do another tnt staircase that's the ladder wait staircase oh wait are they at the lab you might need to go in wait a second i think they might have way through it to the lab i see flickering lights this is so trippy wait a second i think the lights might not be flickering for them did they hear that shot at him [Music] okay wait i'm gonna see if i can write my name on the wall hold on no don't break it i'm trying to communicate tell me why charlie's gonna blow it up someone is trying to give us a sign hold on hold on wait let me try to spell my name let's see if i can let me see if i can spell help where are you you stupid ghost hey oh no it's getting close oh this is bad okay so they can obviously see me they just shot me i already told you um it might be an m i think you're looking over there let's try to spell sos maybe we're playing minecraft okay here look there's a shadow wait a second they can see me oh it's working oh no no no don't you shut it don't punch me i will start you oh wait i need to lure them over here i'm pretty sure the demogorgon is behind one of these no no no no no no pretty doors he turned into like an invisible body over here give us a sign over here what is this what it is come on come back hey if you can hear it hey buddy do they see my my trail oh my god oh yeah look okay it's hey adam um no we're not safe boys wait where did it go where is it i don't know what ate my face bro where is the demogorgon we need it that's a technical market yes dude i'm going crazy all right so i have a confession to make i originally invited you here to to kind of troll you i'm not gonna lie it did not not go as all wait wait wait i was putting these torches down and stuff yeah i was trying to spell out like help in sos but you guys thought i was really dumb it was like an h and the e was really difficult because i needed more space don't judge me this is not the diamond nor the place everyone shut it okay how do we get out of here so i want to go home we have to find the demogorgon that's the only way to open the portal okay i found it it freaking hate me over here wait is it actually in there oh wait no it's gone no no we're back to square one okay boys the only thing we can do now is just try to look for it okay well we all have ginormous shotguns so i feel like we should be able to kill them pretty easily oh yeah definitely yeah that's why it's gonna go first so i originally spawned the demogorgon down here and my plan was to lure you guys down here and then have it eat you uh it was an accident it was an experiment oh my god wait a second is it down there oh oh i broke a leg i don't want to go down there unless it's down there okay boys if you see flickering lights that's how you know it's near next time you invite us to something me and alec are not coming not even my birthday what my birthday party oh gosh your birthday party will be truly intentionally put us in the upside down we were trying to save you wait boys where did you guys go i just ran straight back okay let's not get lost down here okay we're good we're good let's go this way the other way to dead end jack where's your armor my armor oh my gosh i lost my arm it must have stolen it oh crap okay well you're gonna get eaten okay well it already ate me i'm trapped here oh my gosh this is a maze hey where does it go this isn't scary at all guys um okay should we stick together yes wait can you guys hear all the mobs as soon as we split up that's where that person died oh my gosh that was so weird so like i could hear you guys as soon as i got close i heard you guys scream when i blew up the tmt um whoa did wait did you see us were you waiting to see us did you guys just hear that i heard adam fart but no no somebody just whispered to me wait where's my video something broke there's an ink sack uh a squid wait guys look above us oh what the heck whoa zombie are they dropping it wait who's shooting what is happening hearing little tiny footsteps i hear spider steps like some slimes i need to get out of here okay boys we just have to find it i literally okay we're gonna hold out our torches and as soon as we get close to it we have to locate it and destroy it okay i'm just gonna trust you even though you lured us in here maybe it's back up on the surface we can go check how do we get back check it out this is all you bet wait where is this left this oh are you sure yeah yeah yeah all right well i guess we'll just take his word for it he obviously is the smartest one here hey why are we going this way now alex you're so much faster than everybody okay i don't trust them you know i was top of my class um ladies and gentlemen i think now is a great time to let you guys know there's a beautiful sale going on at backproject.com black friday sale go check it out lots of giveaways happening yeah great content i gotta shout out merch when i get nervous does anybody see it is it close it was right here was it not um yeah i just went outside all of outside looks disgusting what the heck yeah adam get your butt up the ladder we need all the firepower we can get oh my gosh the house looks so creepy wait did you guys check inside of my house oh we were in there for a little while yeah yeah but no signs of a demogorgon um i mean it smells pretty bad in there but we did see a ghost but i'm just assuming that was you um guys what happened to bessie's cage what do you mean it's like half broken this isn't this is the upside down what do you mean yeah but we still see the same blocks wait do you guys think it hater oh dude the devin probably got here oh it just did it to me too it like turned my entire screen yeah oh my gosh oh my gosh is there any more materials wait for me oh there's some more extra armor thank you very much i will take it now do we even dare to go inside my house i don't want to go first dang that's so upsetting that the demogorgon got messy guys it turned me again hold on um is it saying that you should go check out backproject.com i can't really make it out should definitely listen to him or he'll guys should we go into this cave there's a cave over here i don't know i'm trying to figure out the spookiest place it could be spooky bro alex butt actually yeah oh my gosh what happened to my house it needs vacuuming my kitchen cleaning it okay boys i think it has to be at least over here in the forest wait did this do the sky just clear up hold on wait did the sky just clear up oh oh yes yes yes yes oh there's particles wait no that's not just particles wait why did the entire sky just clear up whoa whoa there's multiple oh my gosh bro guys keep losing no lights we need we need to keep the lights going no no no no no this isn't even the demogorgon wait they got at him adam no no no get him oh got me too no adam run jump and run at him jump and run jump and run bro jump down adam's dead all right all right all right alex guys are you here yeah hello hello dude what mike i think is turned completely black wait a second we're out of the upside down boys oh yes we did it are we i don't know if we are where's your house wait no no we're at my house look it's the same exact area yeah i know your house isn't here wait what might not be the upside down but this is definitely not the overworld because um hold on guys the laboratory is gone no okay nah this is just not good why does the moon look like that oh my red over there wait are we still on the upside down oh wait no this isn't the upside down there's no particle effects in the air there's no like weird vines growing oh my god dude where are we where's your house we can see mobs too are we in like the middle upside down wait come here come here what's happening here still here there might be something in here oh wait guys guys guys come here this is the only thing that's left yes it's bessie's cage and save the world it's the only way to stop it hurry you're you're already running out of time love best dude no that was really cryptic i don't understand so read it over i don't i don't know i don't know we have to save the world is there a message in there other than that is there another page there's no other page there's no other podcast it just says jesus oh you guys saw that right oh my god i saw that oh it's right here oh where where where are we going don't shoot each other everybody okay bro everybody focus focus we have to listen to bessie best is the only one that has contact does with any sort of clues okay so we're following what bessie said what did she say to do i i don't know she said we have to go to the end dimension to save the world now the only issue is the end dimension like we have to do so much to get there especially because i don't have any access to to my house to my lab to anything oh gosh so maybe we have to bait the demogorgon and have it kill us right how about you try that tactic and see how it goes okay luckily we still have everything that we had on us when we got strangled by what was that like a shadow monster i have no idea it went into my eyeballs and into my mouth i kind of liked it but then it killed me so i don't like that okay boys well i guess we have to take it back to the basics we just need to get to the end dimension it's not that hard right together i've been in minecraft a couple times yeah um oh we're talking about that and dimension so we're we're gonna have to beat the game uh i guess so what do you think we were talking about i thought you meant like the demi oh wait oh yeah wait what is that oh wait wait whoa guys guys huddle up huddle up what what the heck's over here that's what we're saying we don't know oh it's right there that tell me right now if that's you whispering no you're tickling my ears bro i no i would never touch your ear would only take on your feet please what's in here okay start off sure chest up top chest ladies and gentlemen we need your guys help if you guys see anything weird or funky throughout today's video that we missed leave a comment down below and like today's video okay wait was there anything good in this little hut no absolutely nothing i got this thing had a nice little sawed-off shop there was a chest up top nice nothing good in it okay well the first order of business is probably to get you guys some iron things i still do have a diamond pickaxe that we can use yes i do have diamond we're still pretty well equipped we have full armor we have guns we have a combat knife we have some pretty good stuff okay so wait a second we could get to the nether if we really want to if we put our heads together and smash them as hard as we can against adam i think we can do this i'm thinking straight down wait no no no no no no no not dark boy no dicks no time no dig straight down family you don't protect my friends i am your family i gotta protect you man okay protect me yes i love it hey alec what's your objective are you gonna protect me too oh no i just wanna kill the fearing the shadow monster i don't care about you dude i'm trying to save humanity here okay you you keep running where are you going well there's like three people [Applause] i am literally so terrified that it's going to disguise as one of us like how do i know one of you guys is not disguised as the demogorgon or the mind player why would that happen obviously that's not going to happen goosebumps thinking about it that's exactly what a democracy would say we know guys you guys it might not be the demogorgon that's doing this the demogorgon would attack us this has to be the shadow monster oh god no dude no way i don't know it pop up for a second and then it literally just john cena vanishes away whenever i get close to it i know so that's why i can't handle it i think it has to be the mind player it's literally inside of our heads what if we're literally not even moving in the real dimension and we're literally just like stuck in a weird dream oh my gosh stop stop i have so many theories you're scaring me right now okay i'm gonna grab some wood or not this is stone wait so i don't understand we're supposed to go to the end dimension and that's how we're saving the world is that that's what betsy said now i have no idea what's there but i feel like we have to take her word for it unless it wasn't even bessie that left that note unless bessie has been taken by the mind player exactly because i don't even know that best he could be dead and that's probably the mind flare yeah bestie wasn't in her cage so i don't know i don't i don't know remember oh my god boys wait i can't hear alec anymore alex alex wait oh my gosh it's raining i think he got taken he got taken to the upside down i literally saw it for a second hold on let's go in the desert okay wait a second hold on wait a second okay if i start placing down things oh is that it it's alex no no wait that that was me i want to see if maybe we can attract him because if he gets close to us we might be able to communicate you're trying to blow up alex no i'm not trying to blow up alec i'm trying to first off get out of here adam the shelter over in this direction we need to leave some sort of trail for alec because he cannot see us but i think he can see the blocks that we're placing you place down a door that's all i got i got it okay i'm leaving a trail over here let's go see if we can reconvene inside of this house okay gather up dude these zombies have flipping snipers yeah i know just try to stay away there's no joke okay i'm gonna set off at cnc over here just so he knows that we're in this direction oh yes yes i got more ammo what's going on what's going on it's spawned in again it literally keeps wanting closer and closer every single time i'm getting inside the house yeah let's get inside the house we're literally surrounded we'll lock it down okay i feel so bad for alec i don't know where yeah wait how do we know maybe we can communicate through like chatting your your communication worked last time oh yeah okay i didn't even try chatting let's see if it'll work if he's near us you probably can see that he's gotta be able to are you in the upside down i'm gonna make a sword oh he responded what oh no no no no where are you okay at least this is working dude our plans are screwed wait no hold on he said hiding in a building yeah this building wait the same one as us in the desert oh dear wait wait wait he said it's coming it's close hold up oh no wait a second what's close do you think he's talking about the demogorgon or the mind flyer i hope so i hope he's talking about the demogorgon if he's talking about the mind player we are screwed so that confirms that we're not in the upside down at the very least yeah we're somewhere in between we might be back in the real world i don't know who might be like in a between land dimension just like you said whoa wait is it outside did you hear that yeah oh it's outside where is it no alex finding it that's alec who's thinking alex alex here alex here he's literally finally hold on hold on i'm gonna try to blow up the house bro what is happening i'm blowing up the house what are you doing okay did it i don't know what else happened i don't know i tried to help him i don't know i think the explosions go through the dimensions he plays down a cactus he's building a cactus how do we get him out i have no clue at all should i maybe just keep blowing things up i don't know if this is helping or hurting him dude you might be killing him he's building up a little sand thing over here wait where right here right here wait can we see him okay so that might be the plate okay wait it's right underneath of him are we able to shoot it this is so trippy so he's right on top of this but we cannot see him yeah this is the same exact thing that happened with you we were trying to get you out i know wait maybe we could burn it oh oh i burned it i burned it look at the fire got it kill it kill it kill it it's working okay we need to get it off alec keep burning it okay here i'm going to just keep this around him because it's not going for us for whatever reason it looks like it's stuck in the upside down with him wait i just heard it it's trying to do what it did to beth to alex wait alex over here now he's over here i think it's just stuck in there yeah it literally will not leave bernie yes i have no idea how much health it has though don't adam don't waste your ammo are we actually hitting it with the shotguns that's so much health okay don't step in the fire i think the fire is the only thing that's doing damage do you remember from the show the fire does the most i just have to keep the fire going oh no baby stuff let's take adam let's try and trap it in a hole okay you see it right let's try and trap him i literally can't hear you hold on wait adam yeah go up to it and then try try and dig down dig it inside of a hole oh my gosh it escaped just take a two block trench around alex over here it's right right here it's right here yes oh i almost got it you wait did you dig out the blocks around it yes no oh it's so close wait where is it bro this is absolutely insane i know it's it here oh it's in the hole we got it yes okay let's go baby we did it okay so we saved alec for now but the weird thing is i don't know if there's only one demogorgon or if there's more i think for right now there's only that one so we seems like getting alec out or going to the nether and doing what bessie said well i don't know i don't know how alex is going to stick with us okay it's right here i i don't think he can die let's just let's just leave it there okay i'm just gonna dig a little bit deeper down yeah just in case now okay the one thing that i didn't mention about demogorgons is that they can actually open a portal so if we can somehow force it to open a portal alec can go through it alec look for an orange portal that is so cool i don't know if we'll be able to see it though okay adam cover me cover me i'm typing oh no stop it i got it i got it okay so we might actually need to make another area for it to make a portal to you're tripping me out here you know way too much about this man i've done way too many experiments okay let me see if i can locate it again uh okay not there not there is it here okay it's definitely still down there i wonder if there's a way that we can kill it are we trying to kill this thing i don't know we might be able to leave it if we're okay then i guess we can just keep going the only problem is we cannot get alec out what are we gonna do i don't know we're gonna need to keep him with us and also my flint and steel is almost done oh gosh okay gosh we're on our own i think we have to continue to go and find some sort of nether portal now there is lava over here so we can use it okay over here go to the lava we're going to make another portal all right i saw a bucket in the chest if you don't have one okay yeah try and get the bucket in a chest okay wait i can see alec running sometimes oh wait never mind you blew up your flipping thing uh yeah wow i may be i it's possible i blew it up went way too extreme here man i thought he was dying by a demogorgon what do you want me to do not pull up the entire house okay so wait you you have the bucket right no i don't have buckets we have no bucky oh my gosh okay i have one piece of iron if we can get a couple more then i should be able to make a bucket oh i got another one okay kill the zombie soldiers okay wait alec might have some alex do you have iron i wonder what happens if he drops honor he might be able to give me some oh dude there's a lot of skelly's a lot of scales he does not have it happened he is a lost lady aim for the zombies okay okay i got the last piece okay let's go quick okay let me see um adam i need some wood do you have any wood negative oh my gosh i'm useless okay here i'm gonna go grab some wood you just keep defending i'm hoping that demogorgon doesn't learn how to drop jump three blocks it might have gotten out by now what is hitting me what oh i thought that was the demogorgon oh adam there's so many zombies what is happening adam it's close to me back up back up oh my god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait what is this jack where are you right now i might die oh my gosh oh my god don't you have a shotgun these guys do a lot of damage i'm gonna hide behind this oh my gosh okay it was right near me for a second oh no another one wait i think there's another oh dude he said he thinks there's something what are you serious we had this one captured we got to move quickly i'm moving i am getting myself the crafting table do you need more iron no i have just enough okay you cover me up oh my gosh now i need water creates coming up dude defend him okay adam you type to him tell him to build something i can't i can't i'm grabbing water get me out of here just i'm gonna eat my cookies real quick there are so many mobs dude it's not even funny i know bro we're literally in the desert i have one health dude that should hopefully be enough you have one health do you have any food yes okay food cookies are not in christmas wait i got here i got you with um some cooked pork chop it should help okay what's this this dude's just coming for me with a shovel you know if shovel man oh the demogorgons dude it keeps ah get this thing away from me it just spawns in my face they're on top of me come on okay okay i got one wait you huh alex somehow just hold up wait what is happening jack i have no idea man i'm just trying to survive out here wait alex mining some oh wait adam i think i see you unless that's a demogorgon i'm coming back to the lava okay adam i do need you to defend me this might actually be where alec can come in handy alec can you mine the obsidian because if he can mine it then i can just defend myself because i don't think he has mobs there true okay we'll defend maybe we can meet him in the nether that's what i'm thinking maybe we'll be able to get back since it's a different dimension wait so i'm not he's mining this up yeah he's going to mine it but i can help him too if you're able to defend me okay adam will you still have a flint steel no okay i have one i literally i think i have one use left on it now we just need to make sure that we don't get hit by the demo again it's becoming mourning right now so we should be good with mobs other than the demogorgon what makes you say that i'll boot my pants don't they burn in the sunlight i don't know i don't think it's turning day time it would have turned daytime by now i think it's we're literally just trapped in night time oh why are you sure oh i hear whisper yeah i just saw it again this is so weird the moon what happened to the moon wait why is he tall he's tripping me out wait what is hitting me dude wait i just saw something i don't know if that was alec or a demogorgon um wait the moon's turning red for alec i don't know that might mean that the mind flare is near i don't know if you remember from the show but when that thing was closed the sky turned red we gotta get out of here are we doing it oh yes he got it okay no what what happened what happened i'm i'm going through it i'm going through okay quickly quickly come on please alec you got to be here man we need you adam back up adam no no no oh no no you have to be kidding me they're gone they're in the upside down and it's literally right there where did the demogorgon go oh it fell hold up okay that's bad i don't know i adam just got annihilated and eaten alive uh adam are you in upside down i'm pretty sure he is adam or maybe he's dead for good i don't really know ladies and gentlemen okay alex said yes he's with me oh it's back it's back okay as you guys can see there's an orange portal there so oh okay alex where are you in nether i see it so the orange portal wait where did it go did it just eat the portal did it just trap us in the nether oh no wait it's here it's like glitching through reality okay so last episode we left off the demogorgon was literally right there and i had no idea what to do like should i attempt to blow it up hold on wait let's see oh i can't look my flynn steel i only have one use left and we'll probably need it to get out of here uh alex said he sees an orange thingy oh okay um hold on let's see if i can drop it but i don't know if i should because look there's a portal okay let's see uh go through the orange thingy so i think alex sees the portal please tell me this will work i just want to get them out because in order to continue our progress to get to the end dimension to stop whatever is happening in our world oh pushed it off they're coming through that sounds so disgusting wait um whoa whoa when you get close it starts glitching hold on wait what if i go through wait can i go in what yo i can go in and out of it oh my gosh this is trippy i don't want to go back boys boys oh my gosh i can hear you now what's happening it sounds so squishy in there it's gross okay we have a big problem though yeah what's up what's the problem i think i only have one use left on my flint and steel and i think i have to use it so we can get back but we need the blazer i know so i think we should mark down this area so we don't lose it um does anybody have like a notepad or should i just write them in chat uh i have three pieces of obsidian i can just dig them up i can do you know this portal and take it no no no no no no what we're gonna leave this here okay okay okay i'm going to write it down in chat those are the chords we have to come back to all right cool oh my god oh gosh holy crap everyone for themselves no what is happening guys you guys it's on top of me i can't i can't i don't i don't i can't hear them anymore oh my gosh adam just died what what is alec here oh so who's shooting me ladies and gentlemen that's the mind flayer oh my goodness hold on i have to scatter i have to get out of here if that thing gets me i'm pretty sure i'm dead wait do i walk on this am i able to i have no idea what's happening hello i have to figure out if anybody else is stuck in the upside down that was the most terrifying thing that could have happened but it just got blown up our entire plan is out the window nope we literally can't go it is guarding the nether portal uh i'm in the upside down wait i i hear people um oh wait somebody's over here no they're in the overworld i'm with them though i'm with someone this is literally the worst thing that could have happened i'm gonna break blocks so that they know that i'm here so for those of you guys that are new when we're trapped in the upside down if somebody's in the overworld they can't see us and we can't see them wait alex said it's not us no no it it has to be no i hurt stop shooting stop shooting no what is shooting me who's shooting me bro that's insane okay well i don't even know what to do at this point the only way to get out of the up side down what the what the they can see me bro they're literally shooting me through the portal oh my gosh this is the worst thing ever i need blocks nope nope nope nope nope nope nope not dying today i am so scared where are you guys still in the nether you should be wait what of course i'm terrified right now okay so they're still in the nether are you in upside down or over world i guess it's not technically the overworld they're in like the normal version of the nether okay let's see if i can get around these stinking things that keep shooting me adam's in the overworld alex and the nether but i don't think either of them are in the upside down but not the upside down question mark so this is the only way we're able to communicate with each other is through the chat but other than that i'm not able to see or hear them okay so they're not in the upside down which is really bad for me because i'm stuck here all by myself this is literally the complete opposite of what happened last episode oh wait a second we have a blaze rod okay wait this is big we need a bunch of these in order to get to the end dimension i found one blaze rad look at this every week and leave now because i really don't want to stay here let's go check over here to see if the mine flare is still active oh my gosh it is the mind flayer is guarding the portal so i don't know if i can get close i might as well try look at that so as soon as you get close to the mind flyer all the fog goes away it is the creepiest thing ever now let's see as long as i stay out of sight i don't think it's going to be able to literally like do anything to me so let's see if i can make my way back to the portal now if the orange section is still there i might be able to literally just pull myself out of the upside down but if it's not though i might be stuck here now ladies and gentlemen i also need your guys help we have no idea how to defeat the mind flyer so if you guys have suggestions leave a comment down below okay it's right there it's not looking at me though okay i'm going to see if maybe i can get out of here that did nothing wait oh wait no it did okay i'm going through adam died whoa okay so i'm still trapped in the upside down i didn't know if that would do anything but it didn't i'm still trapped here okay fingers crossed ladies and gentlemen that when i go back the mind flyer is no longer there no no no no no no no no no no bad no okay okay oh back up back it up jack back it up back it up no no no why is the other thing true to me fire other things shooting me this man get these things away from me okay back to my hiding place no get this thing away from that's right get rekt okay so alec asked if i found a fortress i didn't find one yet how about you so if one of them can find it and get blaze rods then we no longer have to be here any longer we can just leave hella over there oh my gosh this is 10 times more difficult i can't see where my enemies are wait a second is that a democrat it is wait that means there has to be a portal over there oh my gosh but it's guarded okay let's see if i can maybe kill this thing yes there we go oh what is happening this sounds so deadly right now okay i think i took it out now i do see another weapon over here this could be super super useful later now i'm pretty sure the demogorgon was right over here oh my gosh they're shooting again i just have to find the orange portal oh dude okay we are trapped here the only way back is literally straight through where where are these things coming from okay i took out another one i'm running out of ammo though oh it's coming towards me nope not today not doing this today where dude what do i do what do i do it's coming i see it's coming where do i go there's nowhere to go i don't like this i don't like this one bit okay new game plan i have to go around and somehow try to get to alec and adam you just said that i'm tired oh my gosh why am i trapped here with plans oh my gosh i exploded something ew bro his body stay back i have a shotgun locked and loaded why am i fighting invisible creatures i actually ran out of ammo oh no no no no no no no no no no no no there's no way i'm dead ladies and gentlemen i'm actually going to die how oh no do you guys see that smoke around me nope oh where do i go okay wait they went up here so maybe they have a path i had limited ammo so i literally just have to be super evasive is this the way that they went oh that does not look right i feel like i'm basically just blind walking around i can only see so far ahead of me wait it looks like they maybe were over here let me see if i can figure out where they are oh something's burning oh no this is a new area okay so they haven't been over here before oh no wait adam is possessed wait what i don't know what he's talking about don't trust him all right note to self do not trust adam i am not going down that really dark and creepy hole so this is literally the worst thing that could have happened adam is possessed i'm trapped in the upside down the mind flayer is guarding the portal something is happening here ladies and gentlemen somebody does not want us to get to the end dimension what do i hear right now that does not sound friendly at all okay so alec is at 140 60 um i'm in the complete opposite direction wait adam just typed in he said where are you guys do we trust him no oh wait alex in the overworld did you get blaze rods wait alec has ten okay that actually might be enough you are amazing okay so we got what we came here for now all i have to do is get past that this is gonna be terrible okay so if i go around here oh my goodness bro these things keep shooting me out of nowhere okay i should be able to dig around here maybe just jump in lava just a little bit and actually it could be better if i just die yep that's super yup definitely what i wanted wait hold up wait it actually worked yes i should have done that a long time ago jack can you hear me yeah yeah are you here hello perfect perfect yes okay yeah come with me let's go back to the portal guys we need we need to get to the end i don't know where alec is but we need wait wait where is alec alec is stuck in the netherlands no wait i thought he said he was in the overworld is he not yeah i think he is i don't know where he's at okay said some weird stuff about not trusting me and then he left yeah uh wait where are you and why why are you possessed why did he say that what are you talking about alex said that you were possessed i don't even know what he's saying this dude is so weird he's he's letting the mind flare get to his head um wait did you get eaten by the mind flyer are you the mind player at all you were talking about did you see it yeah wait how did you not see it i'm over by the end portal i don't know i didn't see that wait why there was a weird effect when i just looked at you dude what do you say so weird um nothing nothing we need to get to the end that's that's the key get to the end we win the game yeah uh totally get to the end as quick as possible definitely okay alec wait are you back we need to get to the end alec where are you hey alex hey it's your house yeah what happened there we need to have a team meeting okay guys let's have a team meeting let's get to the end and let's have a team meeting there alec i don't really know whenever i look at adam there's like a weird effect on my screen your game must be glitched out i don't think it is i told you we can't trust adam why yeah wait can you explain just a little bit more guys it's dirt boy please i don't know about that hey alec jack when you were gone when you were missing oh don't don't even adam attacked that player and he straight up told me it took over his box hold up pull it up i clearly got taken over by the mind player you can't trust him wait a second guys guys guys don't play this game with me right now this is not the time for the place you stay back guys again do not waste ammo okay so while i was gone i ran out of all of my shotgun ammo oh all right okay well okay i'm your teammate oh my gosh you guys are so generous thank you there you go oh boys okay okay regardless we have to focus up if somebody got taken over we'll deal with that later we have to get to the end dimension it's it's just adam adam literally just is the mind player wait wait wait okay you are you are actually crazy hold on boys take it over i promise you alec you have the blaze rods right yes yeah okay i trust you there you go okay yeah that's our next task we have to go are you kidding me are you kidding me there is no way that that just happened guys what happened adam what are you saying alec run with me ally come with me this way let's go run nope my god what is right behind you no need to fight tonight he's on our side oh no no no no no no alex please run as fast as you possibly can they're right over here what is that i'm saying are we on our own okay luckily we're still together guys guys guys i'm coming what just happened no no no no we don't need me wait wait adam what do you mean what just happened where am i where'd you guys just go what just happened we were just talking about shotgun ammo wait where are you right now it's literally all fog i don't know where i am how do you think we got to the upside down oh we're in the upside down what's the last thing that you remember oh yeah um adam we're going to have to just uh maybe like quarantine for a couple years and not see you for a little bit we need to get to the end that's what my mind's telling me wait wait your mind is there multiple minds yes wait wait don't back it up what they're talking to me who oh yeah i hear the whispers too wait alec where'd you go alec oh my god alex alec where did you go oh my gosh wait come to me it's safe with me the hold on were you just did you just see the demogorgon right there yeah okay okay because it looked like it was you for a second hey it wasn't me i saw it there i brought okay um oh that thing came out of nowhere okay alec there's we have two options here whoa we have to either one die but that's where the mind player will be when we respawn or we have to find the portal back because we need ender pearls to say as far away from adam as possible oh my gosh wait where's your girl adam just got slain by the demogorgons guys i just got in get back wait why didn't you say anything while it was happening i think i was in like an alternative reality you guys can hear dude you're messing with me here okay that's the way to get back you guys need to get ian quick alec alex wait we we heard his shotgun right and he just got killed by the demogorgon that means it's close okay we have to somehow get around it and find the portal look for an orange portal wait where'd you go oh my gosh we keep getting lost hello alec come back to me follow my voice i'm shooting my shirt oh there you are hello um any ender pros down there nothing guys get back to the real world how can you hear me by the way wait where are you i'm back in the world wait what yeah wait which world no no that's where the mind player is where are you right now oh ally find the portal run and find the portal oh my god look for it look for it where'd it go oh my gosh just leave it right on top of me i'm going after it well you found it okay go through go through here don't don't push your body through okay now run run because it's gonna come right after us yep get out get out go go go go go go go go oh my god did we escape i think we did dude run into the desert oh oh yes you guys are back wait okay how could we hear you uh adam you're really throwing me through the loop here you don't make sense anymore you're starting to scare me let's just stick to the plan okay if you trust me or not we have to stick to the plan okay i'm all for it everything will be okay once we get to the adam the only way we're going to trust you is if you bring us ender pearls and lots of them okay alec over here there has to be some enderman oh no oh that nope okay yep we're definitely going this way oh my god dude jump scare galore i don't like this whatsoever um alec you see that right yep no yep adam see that hello guys guys i told you yes no no no no no wait did stay back you're here what do you mean wait how did you get all these i found ender pros for you guys i killed i killed entertainment all right sounds good to me let's do it let's do it this is what we've been planning the whole yeah well listen he this is our only way out bro is by doing this so here jack you take some i take some and be fine but you have to make the eyes of the ender did you make them oh my gosh nice oh yes okay let's do this alec through the first one okay this way adam you say at least 10 yards away three stacks of ender pearls give me some leeway here oh wait adam are you whispering no i'm not i'm not talking okay i got it back next one me let's do it quickly let's go what do you mean quickly wait why do you want to get there so fast you just have to get to the end okay yeah that's been the plan from the start okay let's do it let's do it are you with us don't disappear again i'm good guys i'm right with you okay let's do this okay it's got to be in this direction for a little bit yeah i'm just going for like a thousand blocks to be honest yeah it's normally pretty far i'm gonna see if i can maybe get a gun from one of these guys no again um adam i want you to be in the middle of the pack i'll be the caboose roger that okay that's gonna be right behind me i don't want to well we're kind of far so you do have a little bit of room understand why you guys don't trust me i just gave you three full stacks of enemies okay yeah you've gained back our trust dirt boy is back all right i don't understand yeah dirt boy okay so how much further alec got really far ahead yeah alec i think you're like double as fast as us you could be recon i don't know what to tell you yeah that's fine you um why are you stopping no keep keep going wow keep keep moving you're the one that wanted to get there really fast are you guys cold cold i'm like freezing cold like in real life i don't know it looks warm excuse me excuse me i like it warm oh okay i mean yeah i'm a fan of like the worm most of the time oh another gun let's just get to the end okay yeah i mean that's been the plan i don't you keep bringing it up do you want to lead the way bro how about you lead the way i'll lead the way i'll lead the way oh it's back okay okay nope nope it was just a trick it happened as soon as adam left that was weird wait boys where did you guys go i just kept running bro okay wait i think i see you guys okay i see wait what oh my gosh am i dying i think we passed we found it i'm gonna die jack don't die don't die i need you in the end oh i actually i actually need help if you guys got weapons it's not your time yet kill this dude kill this dude kill us dude please he's got a chainsaw die he's someone dude kill him oh i got him i got him thank you oh my goodness he came out of nowhere boys it's right over here yes do we just dig straight down yep it's just straight down adam adam come over here and dig straight down this is your favorite thing to do i love it oh more shotgun bullets nice go ahead bro oh yes yes i remember perfect okay i'll go down to the side okay i guess i'll go to the other side guys is the moment of truth we don't even know what it is as soon as we get to the end all of our answers what what all of our questions oh yes i landed right on top of it wait this is literally like the exact spot of it yes oh my gosh nice okay kill the spawner got it i'm blocking it off okay boys this is it the moment is now nice who has the ender pearls or the eyes of the ender i do okay go for it five six seven eight nine and boys this is it here we go i'm not scared at all all right here we go in three two one go whoa boys we made it this is it oh my gosh let's go oh i lost the book i was going to bring up the book but you guys remember what it said right no what is it in the book okay if you don't remember it said that we can solve this by coming to the end dimension so whatever is happening guys the source of it has to be here is that it wasn't dude i don't know if you guys are getting this but i'm getting a really eerie feeling for being here like knocking like chills i'm getting chills uh all of our questions will be okay good yes all right we have dirt boy back at least i don't know adam a lot of people were saying you were acting really really the ender dragon stuff is going to go down well he always acts pretty strange though is the thing this is true he's a strange man um hey okay don't look at the enderman chance yeah uh no water buckets okay at all wait where's the ender dragon i will defeat him myself oh you see i see it i see his name it's a she it's big bertha okay first things first guys yep gotta get rid of all the other things okay now guys guys keep in mind this is no ordinary end dimension be on the lookout for demogorgons demo dogs giant mineflayers and everything in between oh i think i saw a demogorgon are you serious i don't know there is no way guys the first thing that we have to do is take out all the adam stop encryptions don't shoot again all your ammo bro yeah we have to kill the end crystals first okay now i have blocks so we could build up does anybody have like long-range weapons i just have a shotgun uh i had an ak-47 but i'm out of ammo are you kidding me i swear you're sabotaging all of it no guys we need to destroy the ender dragon oh it's here where where where where no i didn't think you would no dudes dudes i didn't think you would follow us here but the chicken nugget it did the the fried chicken wait what what the demo morgan the demo for you it's here what are you doing i mean guys focus on the mission wait actually i do have a water bucket i didn't even realize how they go um okay okay you guys are building up nice i just saw it a second ago but it was one of the fake ones that disappears really fast but that has to mean it's close right no guys we're good just focus on killing the energy i guess it's close oh my gosh i'm focusing really really hard right now i had already enderman on me well shoot all but oh my god i got you i got you here back up back up oh thank you bro they got some purple you inside of their bodies oh my there's so many okay wait i think oh my god i'm hearing some like really weird noises quicker i've done two guys with your crystals so far you've gotten two yeah i've only gotten two is that a little okay i got like five keep it up i think i only see two really high ones so i'm going to have to build up to them someone did a lot of damage okay luckily i do have a water bucket so i'll go to the top and try to get the tall ones okay that's a good idea oh my gosh i i don't know if it's a good idea okay i'm going up i'm going up as well okay okay adam just try to keep the attention off of us adam sir adam hello oh hello adam wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do you have eyes on adam i i i'm trying okay got this one guys i'm back i'm back we're back from where we are mcdonald's i'm trying to get another angle on the ender dragon what do you mean okay did you find it no i can't i can't get a good angle on him okay okay we just got to defeat him quickly there's no time there did you get that one thing i got mine i got mine okay i see maybe two more over on this side we're really really cool do you see it yeah demogorgon is definitely oh my gosh guys i'm not going to help okay i'll get this one alex you get the fargs weak from the other you're going to try to enter on top of that you're crazy what he's gonna keep letting him be quick we gotta go fast bro no we dolly all the time in the world i don't know about that wait did somebody you're sick we don't have all the time in the world hurry up jack why are you building up here i just got this one said we need to do this as soon as possible wait adam i haven't seen you in a while what have you been up to i'm getting i'm getting towers done what does that mean i'm getting rid of the tower so the ender dragon can't do it okay oh i sniped it with my shoddy alec i got that one i just shot it oh nice all right i think that might have been the last one i think it's time to kill this stupid thing is it i got good hits i don't see it any longer i don't yeah wait where am i wait it's back it's over there it's over here okay unload it just it sicked a bunch of enderman on me i'm looking down i'm looking straight down okay okay yeah keep your head down here i have the materials make another flintsteal did somebody cover me thanks hey i feel like you're bringing a lot to me i'm trying to hit them keep them around the tnt you're gonna blow me up oh you're fine yes i took out a couple okay next time it comes through i'm blowing it it's coming it's coming it's coming oh i missed it get it get it oh wow too much guys come on it's the first time i've never exploded the ender dragon before come on bro does anyone have extra shotgun ammo uh i do not have any that i would like to share yes god i can help you what are you talking about well no i know you can help me but don't you have like melee weapons too nice boys good hits oh i ran out of shoddy ammo i'm down to just a combat knife oh gosh this is bad guys yeah i'm out of shotgun ammo oh it's coming it's coming it's coming for this one oh come on alec you got it okay alex next time it comes in let me know no no no no no alex you just walked through it down i know i just ran right at it i gave him a little chest pop i said what's up i don't know okay jack i got that enderman off you nice you ready get ready oh it keeps joking it's juking me out oh oh oh it's coming in it's coming in i lit it kill it quick i got it no come on no i don't think it's possible we gotta use more ammo alex no boys the demogorgon has to be close by it's summoning in so many minions oh yeah this is just not good we need to kill the two oh then how am i seeing it you guys are crazy you haven't seen us this is coming those are all seeing things okay we gotta do that stop multitasking come on i'm just looking for the demogorgon i'm seeing if it's maybe around the perimeter it's not here i i think it might be oh my gosh oh okay i gotta hit off on the edge i've seen it before you guys are crazy at least the ghost version is uh okay i see a weird cross oh alec it's coming back in get your shotgun ready oh i'm out of alexa bro hello yeah i'm outta here oh my gosh we're all out of ammo that stinks this is terrible okay so everybody has their knife though oh what's up with all these things dude like they're just going crazy they're they're actually really they're oh snap creepy snap sugar and pop it's here what's here what what what's here the demogorgon it just keeps popping up it's getting more and more frequent too eating way too many raw cookies it's coming back tell them back boys get some hits get some it's go get hits oh guys come on we gotta get it guys yeah we could really use like a bow and arrow or maybe one of these things or flamethrower works too no alec put that away bad bro my bad i mean it hits you jeez are you okay it's getting a little cold are you okay dude i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine just put that away put that away i'm gonna have ammo on everything guys put that crap away no he needs it where is it we need it come here boy unless you made it off the tower tnt coming it's coming it's coming do it get it get it oh my gosh it's so much damaged put that away it's hot whoa dude okay i took out an enderman at the very least god bro i'm not gonna shoot okay stay away from us then yeah okay oh baby it's almost done okay one more fireball and we should just destroy it already we're close it's coming we gotta go now going back alec it's coming back stop nice adam you're telling me you did not just see that right there there's no such thing as a democracy yes [Music] we just killed the ender dragon and now he's gone he is nowhere to be seen [Applause] um they didn't even get me wait adam what just happened my god are you here jack dude we're in the upside down the demogorgons are still here chasing me this is not good at all wait dude but okay we have to build up wait i didn't even get touched how did i get here oh god is that oh my god [Music] back up i'm out of here oh my god adam wait what would you say i see the shadows the shadows are here i see the shadow monsters oh it's your favorite thing no i'm getting taken over [Music] come back to i can't see anything we need you guys adam guys oh he's finally here jack alec look what you've thought are you about to make what you've done wait what how can we trust you we need your help what happened adam i want you to attack the demogorgon what happened what's hack a demo working through you know what you use it any of the demogorgons that are chasing me right now oh my god everywhere everybody just get to one singular portal and walk through we gotta go quickly oh my gosh adam come with us come with us adam we need you headed come on let's go let's go okay look dirk go through the dirt portals okay [Music] [Music] get it get out of my head here we go five three two one oh what guys guys does everybody know what just happened i'm on my roof adam wait are we back in the i see adam i'm on my roof on our side what just happened are you feeling okay yeah i'm fine guys what's up um all right come outside with me come here come here yeah i'm good i'm good jack where are you where are you guys what's going on your roof hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we did it okay we did it yes we did it what was the last thing wait the house is back no idea let's go oh bessie's back oh wait adam what's the last thing you remember i was standing outside this house and there was no house here and over to last time and then the mind player i just dude it happened you turned on us you almost told us multiple times but at the very end you pulled through for us and saved us and now everything is back to normal oh we're so there's no more demogorgon i think the demogorgon is officially gone no more demogorgon no more upside down no more mind flayers all right yes i could finally sleep in peace welp boys yep now we have to figure out what to do somebody i'm gonna have to take next um weeks off after that one guys that was quite the experience that was what dude i don't know about tomorrow new adventure tomorrow tomorrow dude we have some ptsd after that and we're going to venture the next day and the next day guess what the next day hundred years alec and siren forever forever and ever forever and ever big good times big adventures forever the next day in the next the next day all right cool [Music] there you have it ladies and gentlemen the demogorgon the mind player and the upside down are gone at least i really really hope so
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 2,355,124
Rating: 4.9223175 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, demogorgon, stranger things, upside down, minecraft stranger things mod, stranger things mod, minecraft demogorgon, mind flayer, stranger things movie, upside down mod, demodog, demodog minecraft, demodogs, beckbrojack
Id: 79XO0dQMZ1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 19sec (4159 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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