Should A Christian Be Dying to Sin - Sunday Service

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well grab your bibles your computers whatever you use to get in the word and we're going to get in the word and continue this series that we've been talking about you know last week we talked about you know what happens when a christian sins after being born again well we're going to look at some things today that i think will bless your life father we thank you we thank you in the name of jesus for this opportunity for me to minister your word to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force speak through my vocal cords think through my mind none of me and all of you give me accuracy of the word uh feed me and my soul and my spirit show me how to say what needs to be said give me insight on things that may be going on with your precious people that i don't even know about but you do and so father i give you praise for this word today that it will enlighten and it will strengthen and it will equip and we thank you for it in jesus name and everybody said amen if you have your bibles go with me to the book of matthew chapter 1 matthew chapter 1 and verse 21 i remember when i first made jesus the lord of my life and one of the the phrases i kept hearing was the fact that you know brother creflo you're gonna have to make sure that you're ready to die to sin daily and um man that was that was something are you ready to die to sin daily and so as a as a young christian as a new christian i um you know was trying to figure out how to die to sin daily and i thought for a long time that's what the bible said that we should die to sin daily and you know i began to look at that and so i want to talk to you about that because i wonder you know should a christian be dying to sin should a christian should be first of all should a christian be dying to sin and secondly should a christian be dying to sin on a daily basis i taught this once before but i felt like i really rushed through it and i wanted to take some time to pull out some nuggets in this uh in this next go around so let's look at this issue and let's answer the question should a person be dying should a christian be dying and that's the difference should a christian be dying to sin and did paul even say that is that even something that's in the word or once again somebody took uh uh um a fable and and and misinterpreted a scripture and nobody went to check it out and we've been living by something that's not even the truth once again well look at this matthew chapter 1 and verse 21 the bible says and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus for jesus he shall save his people from their sins so this verse of scripture is very clear that jesus had an objective that jesus had a mission that jesus had an assignment and what was that assignment to save his people from their sins and and sometimes i don't think people even know and understand the purpose of jesus his coming and why he's here to save his people from their sins and that's why we call him jesus the savior because his objective his mission to save his people from their sins now you have to look at your life and you have to ask yourself well you know had was he successful did he save his people from their sins or was it a failure was it a success or was it a complete failure well let's go and get into word and find out exactly what this means let's look at romans chapter 6 and we'll be in the book of romans most of the time this morning romans chapter 6 and verse 7. romans chapter 6 and verse 7. and in verse 7 he says this watch this for he that is dead is freed from sin for he that is dead is freed from sin now of course he's not talking about physically dead you know death literally means a separation it's a separation he that is dead is freed from sin now listen to me very carefully here as we as we move into this i want to go step by step have you ever tried to die to sin what do i mean have you ever tried to die to impatience have you ever tried to die to negative talk well there is good news for all who have been unsuccessful at dying to sin there's here's the good news here's the good news to everybody that's been unsuccessful to dying to sin i mean some of you have been dying for the last you know 30 years of your life and and you've been unsuccessful at dying to sin because it seems like it keeps resurrecting and so the good news for those of you who have been unsuccessful in dying to sin the good news is verse 7 for he that is dead is free from sin so we're not talking about you dying to sin obviously there's something that jesus did that allowed us once we got born again to be dead to sin listen to this now to try to die doesn't work because you're trying to do something that has already been done if you're already dead to sin trying to die to sin could be a very frustrating thing let me give a few examples um let's say for example you're you're you're you're seated wherever you are this morning and let's say you're trying to sit in a chair while you're already sitting in a chair you're trying to do something that's already done i mean how frustrating is that how frustrating is it to try to find your cell phone when you're looking at it how frustrating is it when you're trying to to to find your cell phone and you're talking on it what is it about christians that uh our frustration comes because we're trying to do what's already done and and the bible says that that we're dead to sin and if you're dead if you're dead then you're already free from it but we keep trying to die to get free from something that we're already dead to and we're already free from let me give you uh uh a definition see we're so important we need to just have our eyes open to the fact that we are already dead to sin so that's what i'm gonna attempt to do this morning we gotta open our eyes to this truth we are already dead to sin if you are born again christian and you've made jesus the lord of your life you are already dead to sin now the word you know let's look at let's just just get away just for a moment and look at some definitions here the word died and of course in the greek is a verb and it means one point in time action it's a one point in time action never to be repeated it when you die to something it's a one point in time action never to be repeated so when we when we died we died for good it will never be repeated again so if i'm dead to sin i i should never be repeating that again now let's look at this area of sin that's just a lot of things that we have to rightly divide in order to get the definition in the context of what god's trying to show us it's amazing to me that in the book of romans which we're going to be studying out of today the book of romans sin is used 48 times throughout the book of romans but here's the interesting part 40 of those times the word is used as a noun remember in school a noun is a person place or thing and so 48 times you see the word sin in the book of romans but 40 times it's used as a noun talking about the person of sin the man of sin the body of sin the old man and so in romans chapter six now now it's it's only used in in the book of romans eight times as a verb talking about the action of sin only eight times so that means if you take the 40 times that that word sin appears in the book of romans and 40 of those times you use it as a verb when it's actually a noun you're missing out on what jesus did and what we died to stay with me in romans chapter 6 sin is a verb only one time and that's in verse 15. so when you read romans chapter 6 the entire time it uses the word sin is referring to the old man the body of sin it's referring to that root that produced the fruit of sinful behavior now i want you to look at this in romans 6 verses 6 through 7 romans 6 6-7 and i want to show you how it's used as a noun just here look at verse 6 knowing this that our old man oh man underline old man man person place or thing our old man is crucified with jesus that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin now most people today verse six most people read it like this knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed and since the old man is crucified and the body of sin is destroyed henceforth we should not be sinning we should not be operating in sinful behavior that's not what he said that's not a verb that word that's sin is a noun now notice this you go back to your english class knowing this the old man is crucified with christ the body of sin is destroyed that henceforth you should not serve the old man or the body of sin he calls the old man the body of sin sin not sinning the action but the old man noun the body of sin noun so so you won't serve sin now so what is he talking about he is saying that the old man when he said use the word sin he's talking about that old man that old sinful man that body of sin has been destroyed and it has been crucified so see most of us keep seeing it as a verb sin in and you keep worrying about your actions because you still doing what you do and i'll show you why in a moment but first of all you got to get a hold of this jesus came to set us free from the old man the body of sin the sin person the sin nature the the the old uh uh the old nature that's in a man you're free from that death has occurred what does it mean you are separated from your old man you are separated from that sinful man you are separated from the root that produced that sinful behavior because of jesus you're dead to it you're dead to the root that produces the fruit you're dead to that old man you're dead to the body of sin oh my goodness i hope you're getting a hold of this i want you to write this statement down this is something i want you to hold on to this is a key to this this sermon today victory over sin-ing so now you see the difference between sin the noun the old man versus sinning the action so listen to this write this down victory over sinning victory over the action of sinning doesn't come from working on one's behavior so you're trying to get victory over sinning and you conclude that in order to get victory over the actions of sinning i'm gonna have to work on my behavior okay and i'm saying that victory over sinning doesn't come from working on your behavior so whatever sinning you're doing you're not gonna get victory by deciding through your own performance or self-effort that i got to work on my behavior no victory over sinning comes from knowing we have been freed from sin the old man victory over sinning is going to come when we when we know i have been freed from the body of sin the old man the root of sin that sinful nature i am free from that sinful nature now i'm not free to sin i'm free to to not sin and you're never listen to me you can just look at your own life you you're never going to have victory over sinning until you come to the point of knowing and believing you've been freed from the root that produced that behavior it's back to that identity issue again it's back to you believing that you are free from that old nature and you have a new creation that produces new fruit but as long as you struggle with wait a minute i am i am freed from that old man and i'll tell you how that happens if you find that you are sinning you conclude i must not be free from that nature of sin since i'm still sinning no no no victory over sinning is going to start by knowing i've been freed from that old man i've been freed from that sin nature i have been freed from that root that produced sin hallelujah now let's go to first corinthians 15. another big problem is that if you're going around thinking well wait a minute but the apostle paul said we should be dying to sin daily that's part of the problem that's part of the problem we should be dying to sin daily it's just it's how are you using that word sin as an action word or noun we're dead to the sin why keep dying to something you're already dead to all right first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 30. let's look at this in the message bible for the sake of time first corinthians 15 30 in the message bible he says and i started verse verse 30 he says and i and why do i think i keep risking look at paul why do you think i keep risking my neck in this dangerous work i look death in the face practically every day i live come on do you think i do this if i wasn't convinced of your resurrection and mine as guaranteed by the resurrection resurrected messiah jesus christ now of course in the new king james daily in the new king james bible excuse me it uses the phrase go back to the king james he uses the phrase i die daily but you can see here he's not he's not even referring to you daily and why stand we in jeopardy every hour the king james says go on he says i protest by your rejoicing which i have in christ jesus our lord that i die daily what was he talking about was he talking about dying daily to sin no he was talking about he was in he was he was in the context of risking his life every day to preach the resurrection because people were out to kill him physically so paul was referring to persecution not dying to sin he was referring to persecution the risks that came from preaching the resurrection he was saying i died daily or i'm i'm i'm at risk of dying daily because of the persecution that comes from preaching the resurrection of christ of course in first corinthians 15 30 31 we begin to read he says he says and who do you think i uh who do you think i keep risking my neck in this dangerous work that's what it meant when he died daily i keep risking my neck in this dangerous work of preaching the gospel are you understand what i'm saying and for all this time somebody told you well you just got to die daily to sin it's not talking about dying daily to sin it's talking about that i am risking myself where persecution is occurring paul is referring to persecution he is not referring paul's referring for person when he says i die daily he's talking about the persecution that comes from preaching the resurrection of jesus christ so get that out of your vocabulary don't say it anymore don't go around telling people well i died daily to sin because what's wrong with that first of all it contradicts what romans says from the sixth and uh and verse seven he says you're already dead so you can't die if you're dead all right and so let's correct that get our thinking right like it's supposed to be now let's go back to romans chapter six and let's travel in this and and and you be free you you get yourself you're free you're free man all right now watch this and then i'll show you why you keep committing the actions of sin if you don't know that you've already been freed from it all right now let's look at verse 8 and 11. he says in verse 8 he says now if we be dead with christ we believe that we shall also live with christ how knowing that christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death has no more dominion over him so we got to know that we are no longer going to die to sin because we're already dead to sin for in that he died when he died he died unto sin how many times once but in that he liveth he liveth unto god and so we've got to come to the place of understanding that he died to sin once and so likewise we died to sin once because we're in him all right verse 11. likewise reckon that's an interesting word reckon that word reckon means to count or to compute or to calculate uh it means to to to make something as a fact you i reckon i got 10 10 in the kitchen drawer why because there's ten dollars in a kitchen drawer i reckon it's a fact it's a fact i've calculated this thing to be factual i i count this thing to be factual and so when he says this use this word reckon he says likewise wrecking you he says you you also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin now why did he use wrecking you to be dead unto sin because you are indeed dead unto sin that's why he uses the word he says likewise reckon you also yourself to be dead indeed unto sin i reckon you're dead under sin because it's a fact that you're dead under sin i reckon you're dead under sin because as a fact i have counted this factual you are dead unto that sin nature that word sin is a noun you are dead to that sin nature you are dead to that body of sin you are dead to that person of sin you have a new creation in you a new man on the inside of you he says so now that you're dead to sin and he says that's a fact but you are alive unto god through jesus christ our lord i am alive unto god i am dead to sin and i'm telling you your sinful behavior is going to have to straighten up the day you know and believe and recognize that you are dead to that sin man that sinful man that old man you are dead to he is dead he is gone he can't ever come back again you hear me he is dead he is gone he can't come back again so we ought to reckon ourselves dead to sin in the same way that jesus died to sin all right let me show you something real quick look at roman's uh look at romans 6 and and 10 just for a moment i want to put this in your thinking for in that he died he died unto sin what once but in that he liveth he liveth unto god you are dead to sin you are dead to sin say to that loud say i am dead to sin in fact look at look at the galatians chapter 2 and 20. i mean this is like once and for all you're dead to sin once and for all that's what he said in verse 10 unto sin once once and for all look at galatians 2 and 20. he says i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live that's that's awesome i'm crucified require with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but christ is the one that lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the what the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave his life for me so i lived this thing by faith in the son of god by faith in the son of god now let me show you something about the son of god look at hebrews chapter 4 15. hebrews 4 15. i want to travel a little bit and show you some things this this really really blessed me i'm show you some scriptures here and then we're going to get on to this verse 15 for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin the noun oh my gosh i read this like this that he was tempted like as we are yet without sinning that's not what he said he said he was tempted like as we are yet he didn't have the nature of sin the old man of sin tempted but the temptation wasn't going to work because he didn't have the root that produced that sin action tempted but he wasn't gonna gonna gonna have to gonna get into sin sinning behavior because he didn't have the sinning root he didn't have the sinning person he didn't have that he didn't have that old man that's why he had the nature of god that's why he was born from a virgin he was born with the nature of god glory be to god so he was tempted but he was being tempted without the sin nature tempted without the sin man glory to god so there was no way he was that's why that's why jesus couldn't sin because he didn't have the nature to have to produce it never had it never had the nature to produce it and so he wants to he wants to bring us into that place where we understand what that's like look at this go to second corinthians 5 21. ii corinthians 5 21. now i have to use these scriptures to verify all the stuff i just said verse 21 says for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin he was made to be sin for us who knew no sin so the very wow the very nature that man had that caused him to sin jesus took your nature and gave you his nature that's the great exchange that happened at the cross he took on your nature gave you his nature notice what it says for he that made him to be sin for us who knew no sin who did not have no sin for man or it's no sin root that we might be made the righteousness of god in him why the great exchange that took place on that cross that's enough to make you love him right there he took the somebody says how do i know i don't have the nature because jesus took the nature glory to god that's how he saved you from from he took he took that nature of sin he took that man of sin and he gave you even though you didn't serve it but when you got born again he gave you a new creation so you now have the ability to do what he did tempted but tempted without having the nature to do it man that's powerful that's powerful look at first peter chapter 2 and 22 first peter 2 and verse 22. and then i'll get on with this this is this is something now he said who did no sin neither was gal found in his mouth so he didn't do any sin and there was no gal found in his mouth there was nothing why because he didn't have the nature to produce that he says yet without sin the noun not yet without sinning the verb tempted he was tried but he proved that he had a pure heart he was a perfect sinless representation he was without the sin nature he was out he was without the nature to sin he was born of a virgin and with the father's divine nature in him and the reason the virgin birth uh was so that jesus christ himself could be the substitute he could be the substitute for us he he couldn't have the nature of sin and be the substitute for us he had the new creation the nature of god so now he can exchange what he had with what we had oh my goodness look at john 14 30. look at john 14 30. he said verse 30 hereafter i will not talk much with you for the prince of this world cometh look at what he says and he had he had nothing in me jesus said the prince of the world satan comes but he doesn't he can't find that nature of sin in jesus wow there's no name you can't fight he says there he he the prince of this world cometh but he has nothing in me i don't have that nature of sin and he's trying to bring you to that same place look at saint john chapter 10 and verse 18 and then i'll move on i'm just so excited the fact that wow when you interpret these scriptures within context you really get a hold of what jesus did no man taketh it from me but i lay it down i lay down my myself i have power to lay it down and i have power to take it up now this is a powerful thing because satan's always been able to have victory over people who had that sin nature all right now the question i know that's in your head well if i've been delivered from that nature of sin why am i still sinning well let's go to um let's go to romans chapter 7. romans chapter 7 and verse 5. why am i still sinning if i have been set free from the sinful nature okay listen if you're born again you're dead to that sin man but why am i still sinning see you you thought well now that i'm born again i will cease from sinning uh that that can be possible once you understand and know that i am free from the root that produced that but why is it that christian people who have been set free and who are dead to the sin man keep operating in the fruit of that sin man all right watch this this is an amazing scripture he says for when we were in the flesh now let's talk about that for a moment you see the word flesh sometimes referring to your physical body and sometimes it uses the word flesh in the bible to refer to the physical body of a bird or physical body of an animal but sometimes that word flesh is used to refer to a mind that has been infiltrated with the residue of that old man i like to put it like this that the flesh is the software the residue that was left behind from that old man see you have a new man and there are lots of christians who are born again who have a new man but they've never dealt with the old software they have a you have a new man a new creation but you're still walking around with that old uh thinking that old software all right now watch this he says for when we were in the flesh the motions of sins which were by the law now this is interesting he says when you operate by the law of moses the law of moses puts sin in action or in motion the law of moses when you try to do the law of moses through your own self-effort and you try to do the law of moses through you know self-righteousness and it's all about self-righteousness it's all about performance base it's all about you when you do that that's going to stir up the motion of sin and what happens is oh my goodness when you understand that you are dead to the sin man the next thing you got to do is renew your mind from the old software the old software says it's under the law that i live the old software says you know i got to do this in order for god to do that the old software says you know if i can do this then god will do that if i can do that then god will do that that's the old software he says if you don't renew your mind away from that old software that's under the law then you will continue to activate the desires and the motions of sin sinning sinning will continue to be activated in your life through the software that you you you wear now listen to this i thought at one time it's just renewing your mind with the word but you got to renew your mind in the grace of god you got to renew your mind in the gospel of grace you got to renew your mind in what jesus has already done one of the things we look at today jesus has set us free from the sin man we are dead to sin i got to renew my mind to that all right now if you don't renew your mind to that you will continue to tell yourself that sin is a verb and i can't help but to keep on doing it and you won't think the grace of god you won't think the gospel of grace you're under the law and under the law he says you're going to be in the flesh the motions of sin is going to take place because you've not renewed your mind to this new way of living this new way of living i'm telling you right now right living right right thinking is going to produce right living and if you're if you're still not living right it's because you're not thinking right you're still trying to overcome something that's been overcome oh i'm telling you the bible will the bible says that the grace of god will teach you how to be righteous and it'll teach you how to behave right you've got to have obedience to the faith which means i am going to obey according to this new way of living and and the reason why people still so grossly sin is because that religion self-righteousness under the law of moses under your own self-effort under your own performance you are doing all of those things which which which very plainly states i don't believe in this new way of living i don't believe that i'm free from that sin man i don't believe that i have the new creation i don't believe that i am dead to sin and you know what happens the old software stays in motion the old software even though the hardware the sin man is gone the old software still governs your actions in your body and in this physical world and that's the thing the devil does not want you to know and and that's that's the years that it's taken for me to come to this place of saying that you know the renewing of your mind is so important the bible says don't be conformed to the world but be transformed see the change comes be transformed by the renewing of your mind why so you can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god see you've been trying to prove the good acceptable perfect will of god through your own actions and your own efforts and all you need is jesus but we just don't we don't believe in it we have a whole world who will celebrate the birth of jesus celebrate christmas sing christmas carols but don't believe in what jesus came to do to set us free from that sin nature we don't believe it and we don't know about it and we won't study it and we think we know god and we think we understand the bible and we've been reading it wrong for generations and when finally some some when finally god puts people in the earth to bring clarity to it then your traditions have made the word of god of no effect and you keep you keep being used as a puppet you keep being used as a puppet because you just can't believe it notice what it says in verse five for when we were in the flesh the motions of sin and here's where the flesh is right here right here in your mind and you're thinking the emotions of sins which were by the law which were by the law did work in our members right up here bring to bring forth the fruit unto death that's what it's working to do so you can keep producing fruit that'll produce death and you have a new creation that wants to produce the fruit of the spirit that wants to be produce the fruit of life and it won't happen because you can't simply believe what's already been done by jesus christ the savior i don't know how many times i'm gonna have to teach this but i'm willing to teach it until somebody gets it i i pray you can listen to this over and over and over and again and and then you can finally see that the way you believe is determining determining your actions you can see that if you don't believe that you are a new creation then your actions will now line up with that if you don't believe that you're the righteousness of god then your behavior now will line up with that and then what you'll do is try to go and correct your behavior when you need to be correcting uh what you believe you need to correct the fact that i still don't believe that this is my identity and you're still allowing your bad behavior to determine your identity and as long as you do that then you know you're walking around as a christian with all of these benefits and you keep sinning and wondering why you keep sinning and then eventually i heard people say i'm tired of fighting this demon i'm just going to yield i'm just going to yield i'm tired of living alive i'm just going a little yield see how deceived you have gotten you you're calling something that's deception truth isn't that something you're you're taking something that's deception and and and you're calling deception a lie and that's what a lie is but you're taking the lie and turning it into the truth and that's exactly what jesus said was going to happen in these last days and we don't get it we're not seeing it but hey you got a group here at world changes and world changes nation we're going to keep screening in we're going to quit we're going to continue to preach it we're going to cry loud like a trumpet somebody's going to get it not everybody i'll never agree with a worldly way that some people have and they'll probably never agree with what i'm saying but that i'm not gonna shut up and i got a bigger mouth than they do and i'm loudmouth and i'm gonna keep preaching this gospel until you understand that your belief and what jesus has done is enough to change your fruit that you produce in your life and the church said amen now let's look at romans chapter 6 verse 12 and 13. romans chapter 6 verse 12 and 13. now verse 12 says let not now now that's that's very important because he's like you you have this right you have the authority to do this he's putting it on you not god you you let not the sin man the body of sin therefore rule in your mortal body you let not the sin man you let not the body of sin ruling your mortal body that you should obey it uh in the lust thereof neither yield ye yourselves members as instruments of unrighteousness unto that sin nature but yield yourself unto god as those that have that that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god now let's read verse 12 and 13 in the new living translation verse 12 and 13 in the new new living translation now watch what he's saying here he's saying do not let sin control don't let the sin man that you're dead to don't let it control the way you live how is the sin man that you're dead to controlling the way you live software software that's still up there that hadn't been renewed lack of belief in the fact that you're dead to that old man he says do not see he is saying you can you you you now have authority over all this he's like i can't make you believe a certain way i can't make you believe a certain way he said do not let sin control the way you live he's not talking about do not let let sinning control the will of you don't let that sin nature control the way you live how crazy is this he's saying you're letting something that you no longer have control the way you live by not renewing your mind to the truth of what's already been done do not let sin control the way you live do not give in to the sinful desires that comes from you still living under the law and not renewing your mind to what jesus has done verse 13. do not let again it's on you do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve that sin man or in this case the flesh or that residue that that way of thinking that lines up with the law he says don't don't don't allow your any parts of your body which means your brain don't allow any parts of your body to to serve the residue of that that that that sin man that you're dead to he said instead give yourselves completely to god that means spirit soul and body give yourself completely to god how do i give myself to god by giving myself i'm going to show you in a moment the bible tells you by giving myself completely over to the doctrine and teaching of god instead give yourself completely to god for you were dead but now you have new life so use your body your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of god and he says you can do that because you now have a root in you the new creation that can produce that in your life amen now let's go to verse 14. he says now this he says for sin he's talking about demand sin the sin nature sin man the body of sin noun for sin shall not have dominion over you he says the sin man can't dominate you like it used to when before you got saved you had to send man on the inside he could dominate you i mean if you have the nature of sin and the rule of sin in you you're gonna sin you're gonna sin i don't care how hard you do to try to resist it you're not born again and you're you're you've got that old man in you you gon sin you might not do it this time but you're gonna eventually do it because you've got that old man in you he says for sin that that body of sin shall not have dominion over you why why shall why shall it why shall that that old man not have dominion over you who are born again he says for you're not under the law oh so there it is again if i'm under the law i give that old man dominion over my life because the law is what the old man operates by the old man operates by the law and when you continue to operate in selfishness self-preservation uh self-righteousness uh your own self-performance continue to operate like that he says sin will have dominion over you and he says the only way it doesn't have dominion over you is that you are not under the law but you're under grace and so you have to renew your mind to life under grace instead of your mind to life under the law and i it is so sad to say but most people have learned about the law in church because a lot of our churches are under the law and we don't understand that the law was given to increase sin can you see that the law was given to increase sin sinning takes place because you're under you're under a doctrine that produces it and you keep operating under that doctrine and and god has put a few preachers on the earth that are trying to crawl out like a trumpet and say if you want to be free from the dominion of the old man then not only get born again but learn and believe in the doctrine of grace wow i know it's powerful and i know there are lots of preachers oh i don't agree with that i don't care it's time for that ain't got time to be become foolery with you ain't got time for that no more it's time for you to understand that you've got to understand the right doctrines and the right teachings well that ain't in the bible oh i'm getting ready to show it to you look at this verse 15. he says what then shall we he said he said what then now this is the only place that this word sin is a verb he says what then shall we sin behave behavior action shall we sin because we're not under the law he said shall we sin because we're not on the law in other words under the law you sin he says all right shall we sin then because we're not under the law today we call it grace being a license to sin when we know grace doesn't give you a license to sin he says what then shall we sin because we're not under the law but under grace and of course he said god forbid he said absolutely not go to verse 16. he says know you not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or obedience unto the unto righteous now go back to the beginning of verse 16 and i'll show you the problem all right no you not so the question was shall we continue to sin uh because we're not under the law and here's what he said he said don't you know that to whom you yield you yield you have to decide you yield to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey underline the word obey this is this word obey it does not mean in the verse of scripture it does not mean uh comply this word obey let me give it to you it means to hearken or to pay attention to it means to listen to it means to hearken it means to pay attention to it means to listen to what he said was know you not that to whom you yield yourself servants to listen to or to obey now he's talking about to whom so a person who you going to listen to he says whoever you are listening to watch this because he's talking about whom whom are you going to listen to are you going to listen to sin unto death that comes from adam so are you going to listen to adam's teaching of sin unto death or are you going to listen to obedience unto righteousness which comes from jesus so he says now you got to decide are you going to yield to listen and to hearken to what adam says are you going to yield or hearken to what jesus says oh god about it go back to the beginning of verse 16 you'll see this know you not that to whom to whom you yield yourself servants to listen to to hearken to to pay attention to who are you listening to are you listening to the doctrine of adam sin unto death or are you listening to the doctrine of jesus and i'll show you in the next verse it's doctrine doctrine is teaching what teaching are you listening to are you yielding yourself to listen and to hearken to his servants you are to he says you're going to be a servant whoever you listen to whatever doctrine you hear whatever doctrine you believe and whatever doctrine you hearken to whether it is the doctrine of sin unto death which came by adam or obedience unto righteousness which came by jesus christ now look at verse 17. but god be thanked that you were servants of that sin nature but you have listened to and hearkened from your heart that form of doctrine what is the doctrine teaching he says thanks be to god that you know you were servants of the old man but now because you have been listening and hearkening and paying attention to that form of doctrine which was delivered you over to god come on next verse let's go through with it being then made free from that old man you became a servant of this doctrine of obedience to righteousness which came by jesus christ come on i speak after the manner of men because of the infirmities of their flesh for the weaknesses of their flesh as you have yielded your members servants you remember when you yield your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness how it's going to be based on what teaching you listen to if you keep listening to the teaching of of of death if you keep listening to the teaching of adam sin unto death he says you're going to stay locked into that old man software but if you will start paying attention to that doctrine which came by jesus christ which showed up by jesus that doctrine of grace the gospel of grace which is makes you free from the law then he says that you will have your members eventually yield to righteousness and unto holiness verse 20 for when you were the servants of sin you were free from righteousness yeah when you were the servants to that old man because that old man was there you you couldn't do what was right because that was the root to your life he says uh he says you were free from righteousness next next verse what fruit had you then in those things whereof you are now ashamed oh the shame that some of you have to deal with and you're trying to figure out why did i do that stupid thing and have to wake up in shame i can't think of anything worse than to wake up in shame to wake up in guilt to wake up in condemnation trying to figure out why did i go that way that there was a part of you that said don't do that but you still had that old man pushing you into that behavior or failed to renew your mind or kept listening to that wrong teaching or that wrong doctrine he said what fruit had you then in those things whereof you are now ashamed for the end of those things is death the end of those things is death and i put it out to everybody who decided to replace god with something else the end of those things is death you see here's one thing you can think you're so smart and so awesome and you know better than everybody and you hate jesus and you hate god and you don't believe in nothing no more because of some church hurt you had i don't have to do with god i don't have nothing to do with jesus i don't want how to do with the church you cuss god you curse jesus you do all that kind of stuff you can do all of that and then you still can't get away from this one thing this one piece of evidence that's going to prove it all and that is you're going to die one day and when you die that day all shall be revealed and he's already prophesied what's going to happen he says every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess that jesus is lord you might not do it now but you will when the evidence will be plainly rolled out you still got to die and until you convince yourself well when i die i'm just going to go into nothingness you ain't never been dead before that's your little smart brilliant self trying to tell you you you you ain't never been dead before but you gonna die one day and and the thing that i know of the thing that i am assured of is that all is tom fuller are you talking one day you gonna die but then it's going to be too late because this whole thing is based on faith it's going to be too late i would not allow myself to be led in this life by a fool i won't do it i won't do it i go to god i'm gonna stick with god i'm not gonna base right and wrong based on what everybody else is doing cause people crazy people doing all kinds of stupid stuff now i can't base my life on what everybody else doing i can't base my life on the norms and values of society i can't base my life on what that person said and what they said and what they did i can't do that the only thing that has remained through the dark ages and through every age that the earth is thrown at it the power that comes through his word and i'm going to stick with that and i don't wish ill on anybody i don't wish i don't wish nothing but i'm just saying you you got to quit playing this game there is a god there's a satan there's a heaven there's a hell when you die all will be revealed i ain't trying to do that i ain't trying to walk around here and think like i know more than god and are you kidding me there's so much we don't even know and you want to presume that you can counsel god because you listen to somebody who listened to somebody who listened to somebody who listened to the devil and rolled that thing out so nice for you so it made sense and then you went ahead and turned your whole life over to that mess the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through christ jesus our lord amen amen amen paul is is very clear about doctrine he's very clear about it look at verse romans 16 verse 25 through 26 i got six minutes i want to share these three three four scriptures with you real quick just so you can put it in your in your study notes and study it out look at verse 25 and 26 he says now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel he's talking about the gospel of grace and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began verse 26 but now it is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god this mystery to make known unto all nations the obedience to the faith what is obedience to the faith obedience to the faith is simply right believing believing the mystery that has been made known believing what jesus has come preaching believing this gospel of the finished works of jesus christ amen all right now look at this christ real quick go to ephesians chapter four obeying from the heart this doctrine to which you were delivered huh wow obeying from the heart this doctrine which you delivered ephesians 4 23-24 look at what he says and be renewed in the spirit of your mind change software and that you put on the new man which after god is created in righteousness and true holiness you got to do that you're the one that you're responsible for renewing your mind in this new covenant in this new way of living you're responsible for that and then romans 6 18 we're slaves to righteousness god sees us as righteous when we when we sin we're slaves to righteousness being then made free from sin you become a servant of righteousness you know what that means once you've been made righteous by jesus christ god sees you as righteous even when you miss the mark you're not going to be perfect but you're at least renewing your mind away from some things but even when you miss the mark god sees you as righteous because you're you're listening to the right teachings and doctrines and and you're you believe that you're dead to sin and you believe that you've been freed to be able to do what's right and not just do what's wrong why i'll close with this scripture first corinthians chapter 1 verse 30-31 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 30-31 and this is this you got to understand i am righteous because i i receive his righteousness it's his righteousness it's not my righteousness and see the the old man wants to convince you about your righteousness and then condemn you for just falling short in that area but the righteousness that we have as christians today it's not our righteousness it's his righteousness that he gives us the scripture says in verse 30 but of him of jesus are you in christ of him you are in christ jesus who of god is made unto us wisdom jesus has been made unto us wisdom therefore i receive the wisdom of god when i receive jesus i receive the wisdom of god jesus has been made unto us righteousness when i see receive jesus i receive the righteousness of god jesus has been made unto us sanctification and holiness when i receive jesus i receive that sanctification and i receive that holiness and he's been made unto us redemption i have been redeemed because i received jesus that's what it means to receive jesus to receive him as my holiness my sanctification my my righteousness my redemption my wisdom that's what it means and the world is doing everything it can to erase jesus and if you erase jesus you don't have anything they hate jesus like they hated him before and the bible says jesus the scripture says they hated me and they will hate you i know that i am aware of that but i got to live my life knowing that i i preached it i said it i taught it that i might win some i'm not gonna debate over this i am gonna die one day and you're gonna die one day and it'll all be settled then well how do you know you're right because i have a personal relationship with god i know him i talk to him he talks to me you laugh at that you say you think you can hear god oh yeah i got evidence after evidence of being able to hear him and the results are outstanding and i have such faith and confidence that he hears me you see the difference between what we have in christ and what you have in religion is that we have the author of the manuscripts we have jesus we have a relationship with him we have an intimacy with him that he walks with us and he talks with us and he comforts us and it's a daily thing it's not when we come to the building because i'm grateful that we have a church world changers that knows how to be the church outside of the building glory to god and that the building doesn't make the church the church makes the building and that we're not in a bad situation because we're not in the building because we're still the church the house of world changers continues on but we know him and christianity is never never never was it meant to be a religion a religion requires you to do something in order for god to do something but this is a relationship well god just wants to do you good and make you happy i'm gonna keep preaching it i'm gonna keep preaching it the house of world changers you are epic in this year your talents are required by heaven now your gifts are required by heaven and we will not quit we will not cave in we will let our light shine so that men will see our good works rise up old household of world changers rise up world changes nation allow god to work in you right now he is the potter we are the clay he's molding and making us and shaping us after his will when we come back into this building it will not be able to handle the glory that we bring oh house of world changes be that church be free from that sin man and whom the son sets free is free indeed free to walk by faith and not by sight free to love what's not lovely free to forgive when it's hard to forgive be free be free to obey god be free to walk in the footsteps and the footprints of the holy spirit be free and so i challenge you to go to another level house of world changes i challenge you to do it better i challenge you to seek god i challenge you to stay in the word day and night i challenge you to let that word get in you i challenge you not to cease from praying i challenge you to walk in love above all things we give god our praise there will come a day there will come a time where we will be absent from the body and present with the lord and we will be with jesus we will celebrate him we will give him thanks for all that he's done and we will sing and shout about how we made it over but not yet that's too much work to be done the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few pray to god that he sends more laborers and i thank god that your laborers with taffy and i in the vineyard you minister to people in your family get them saved and disciple them and they go minister to somebody else get them saved and disciple them so that when the house of world changes returns back to this building the building can't even hold us because we've multiplied to such a degree and we will show this world what god has done for when they thought we were down and out he was doing his greatest work in the midst of a pandemic and again we will begin to shout and sing how great thou art how great thou are then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great thou art let us pray father we thank you we praise you we need you we gotta have you let us digest what was preached today let us get it i thank you holy spirit that you spoke while i was preaching and you said things that i didn't say out of my mouth but when they heard me say them you spoke and blessings upon the house of world changes every partner every friend every member every visitor every supporter blessings upon you now in jesus name now if you're here and you've never been born again you say pastor i'm ready to come into this fold i'm ready i'm so tired of trying to think i can be like god without god i'm so tired of doing crap that doesn't work and i know it doesn't work i still wake up depressed i still wake up worried i want jesus to be my lord and savior well if that's you i want you to bow your heads and say this after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner i realize that satan has found that sin nature in me but now god i repent of sin and i ask jesus come into my life deliver me from this sinful man this sinful nature grant me your new creation now i receive it be my lord and my savior and so father by faith i declare that i am saved and that jesus is lord thank you for saving me in jesus name amen well god bless you now listen if you just prayed that prayer of salvation with me today i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555. if you'll provide your name and your email address we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today and we thank god that you will never be the same again amen well it's opportunity for prosperity time you know what the time is it's opportunity to complete our worship through the giving of our gifts for a lot of us you're trying to figure out how you've made it all these months we've been worshiping god we're not afraid to give we're not afraid to go before god and and say god i acknowledge you in this way and you'll direct my path my giving has caused me to remember what god has done and don't ever forget what happened in 2020 look at the power of god continue to give continue to sow continue to plant because we're giving out of thanksgiving and out of gratitude for him that's why we're giving we're not playing gangs we're not you know trying to manipulate people it's just that's what it is that the scriptures are very clear you know come into his courts with thanksgiving and praise bring an offering and give thanks into his name as we bring our offerings and our gifts to god today do it with joy with expectation with thanksgiving not grudgingly but with a cheerful heart if you're given through text if you can just text world changers space and then the amount to 74483 world changes space and the amount to 74483 or you can dial the number on your screen to 866-477-7683 now you can go to and you can give online as well as the address to mail is on your screen as well i want to thank you for being so diligent and so consistent in your giving in 2020 the house of world changes my god i'm privileged and honored to be your pastor and i thank god that the year of recovery and restoration is at hand that whatever's been taken whatever has been stolen you will recover all in jesus name amen at this time let's turn and check out these announcements and i'll be back for the final blessing hey world changers thank you for starting your year off with us today now we appreciate your time with us and just know we can't do what we do without you now we are staying committed to serving our world changers community because we're all in this together now ladies are you ready to focus on your overall wellness well make sure you join us on the wcci facebook page or on the taffy dollar youtube page on january 21st at 7 pm for the first that's right the first women's fellowship of the new year now we're talking family fitness and overall balance now visit for more information and let's get active this year now join us every wednesday and friday at 10 a.m for our weekly community food giveaway at our college park campus now we truly enjoy seeing your beautiful faces on a weekly basis so make plans to stop by we look forward to serving you and your family while supplies last hey world changers i have a special announcement for you now as you know our church has been completely virtual since march 2020. crazy right well as our digital presence increased so did the unsolicited comments and requests now you know what i'm talking about the people who message asking for money for an orphanage a wire transfer or comment under your comment asking you to pay for a blessing from dr dollar now i want you to know you are not communicating with the ministry our official giving options can be found on our website at give or you can utilize one of our four ways to give shown below now thank you for being diligent in reporting these individuals to the platform as well as keeping the ministry informed when you encounter them give the gift of life in light of culver 19 there has been a dramatic drop in blood supply and we need your help join world changers church international and the american red cross by becoming a blood donor now register now by texting blood drive to 51 555 now the next blood drives will take place on january 21st january 24th and january 28th world changers nation join us online on february 7th at 10 am as we commemorate 35 years in ministry at our 35th church anniversary celebration now let's celebrate three and a half decades of serving and growing together 35 35 years now we don't want you to miss a thing so link up with us on facebook instagram and twitter or contact us at 770-210-5700 now let's start our new year off right be sure to share today's message with your loved ones and we are all in this together you again happy new years and we are just so excited about what god has for you in the upcoming year stay positive uh don't allow crazy stuff to invade your thinking be determined that your walk with god this year is going to take you to a new place you've never been before taffy and i love you we believe in you and the god of hope love and peace will be with you throughout this entire year now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you world changers we'll see you soon
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 40,394
Rating: 4.9039383 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 27sec (4407 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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