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can a new seller rank on page one for etsy is it even a thing can a new seller pop up a shop on etsy and actually rank on page one well i'm gonna explain not only how you can do it but why it's possible in this video hello everyone and welcome back to my channel so before i forget please do not forget to subscribe because this channel is full of amazing tips and tricks from an actual six figure current etsy seller which is something that is really hard to come across right now and also do not forget to get the free 30 days to a kick butt etsy shop workbook this thing is amazing it's 76 pages worth and it's just been redesigned as well so definitely worth getting your hands on it here the link is in the description box below if you want to have a look at that and also do not forget to join our lovely wonderful facebook group where every friday i go live doing a live workshop in there with you or perhaps it's just a coffee q a so today we are going to be talking about seo and how you can actually rank on page one as a new seller a little spoiler alert it is definitely possible it's something that i've seen many of my students actually do and in this video i'm going to explain to you a little bit more about the etsy algorithm in like a real brass tax way with also some action points that you can do as a new seller to make sure that you are on page one or give yourself the best chance to rank on page one so seo it takes between 60 to 90 days on etsy for your listings and your shop if it's a new shop to be crawled by the little etsy bots and ranked in the appropriate page on etsy so first of all if you are you know on etsy for like two three weeks or you have changed your seo and you're wondering why on earth nothing is working and you're changing it every month or so because you're not seeing any results what you're actually doing is completely restarting the process again so definitely tip number one is do not go into your shop every month every two months even every three months and change your listing seo my biggest piece of advice here would be to make sure that you get this right straight off the bat when you list your etsy items make sure you do the appropriate keyword research and just basically make sure that you know there is nothing that you want to change make sure that you don't just rush to list etsy items up please please please make sure to do your due diligence before you list it up i'm interrupting my very own video to bring to you the news that there is a brand spanking new webinar this webinar is called how to increase your etsy conversion rate it is literally the most helpful webinar training i have ever created so it is completely free if you go in the link in the description box below you can secure your place in this live training webinar i cannot wait to see you in there and let's get back to the video so when it actually comes to etsy sca the very very first thing that actually happens is something called query matching so when your customer goes in that little search box and types in um silver elephant earrings for example etsy will in a matter of milliseconds crawl every single listing on etsy which is why this process takes a long time between 60 to 90 days it literally crawls every single listing on freaking etsy which is a lot okay this this process is a big big process and it will go through and it will take exact match keyword phrases which is why long tail keyword phrases are a really important thing i did do a video about that long tail keyword phrases so definitely search on my channel for that because you need to know what they are if you want to do this if you want to rank on page one what that will essentially do is bring back every single listing on etsy that matches that query whether it's silver elephant earrings exactly or whether it is just silver earrings elephant in there somewhere so what that does is it brings back a massive great list of all the listings that have those keywords on etsy the next thing that actually happens is called ranking okay so we have all the all of the etsy listings that the silver elephant earrings query actually matches so they're all here right but there's like a hundred thousand of them how on earth do we sort them in a fair way that makes sure that not only shops that have really wonderful listings are gonna get pushed to the front but also at the end of the day etsy wants to keep their customers your customers on the platform so what they actually do is they do a lot of different things when it comes to ranking to make sure that the listings are going to get the biggest chance of being purchased by your customer that's popped in that search of silver elephant earrings is going to purchase so i'm just going to run through some of the really really important ranking features that you need to know about and how you can leverage it for your new etsy shop so that on etsy you can get ranked on page one now the biggest thing here is relevancy and what that actually means is how close your titles and your tags match what that customer has typed in on etsy now don't get me wrong this is something that you have to make sure to write your tags and your titles and even your descriptions although they're not ranked on etsy now i am aware that google also does read these at the end of the day you are selling on etsy you are wanting success on etsy so do do please to make sure that if you see any blog posts or videos or whatever saying to try and rank for both i personally wouldn't do that because what you're doing there is actually conflicting information google wants one thing and etsy wants another and if you're trying to do both it's not going to work this is more of an advanced strategy that is something we do in the course you know we're not going to be doing that today but what i want you essentially to do is to make sure that if there is an important long tail keyword so you've done your keyword research you've gone on to a google keyword planner you've gone on to the etsy search bar you're on marmalade or e-rank or whatever it is you have done your keyword research and let's just say that silver elephant earrings is the long-tail phrase that you know will bring your target market in to your listing so i hope that makes sense so exact matches first of all always rank first okay so exact matches always work better so that's essentially what you want to do is that you want to make sure that if it is a phrase that you really really really know that your customer is going to be using and that is going to be bringing in the right target market to your listings into your shop you need to essentially front load that in your etsy title and your etsy tags and what front loading means is basically put the most important keywords at the beginning of the title so i do hope that makes sense basically what you want to do is always use exact matches now i do understand that to a certain degree this is going to mean going against etsy's advice of not essentially keyword stuffing your titles now they did say this about i want to say 18 months or two to two years ago and what everyone did is that everyone changed their titles to shorter titles in my thinking is that i've i've also tested this on my shop and it's a definite thing right is that if etsy gives you all of that space to use for seo purposes in your titles and certainly in your tags why the heck would you not use it so although your titles may look a little bit keyword stuff you know let's say that you want to rank full silver elephant earrings um elephant gift for her let's just say it may look a little bit keyword stuffed and that's okay i have personally tested this in my shop and the shorter titles do so much worse than the longer titles as of recording this that is what is working on etsy right now so don't worry if it ends up looking like silver elephant earrings comma elephant gift for her comma um boho jewelry piece whatever just make sure that you are front loading those long tail keyword phrases with the exact match that is working for you because in query matching that is actually something that is going to help you so always use exact matches so the very next thing that you need to know is the listing quality score so after you have been query matched and then the ranking starts so we've just talked about relevancy okay the very very next thing that happens is something called quality school okay so every single listing on etsy eventually has a quality score and essentially what that is is that is your conversion rate okay so don't ever be confused quality score is basically conversion rate etsy only wants to show listings high up on page one two three even that are proven to convert customers because at the end of the day etsy is a business as long as you know you are on there etsy is a business etsy wants to bring you customers but also they want to get their fees as well from you the shop so it's in their best interest to make sure that listings that do convert well are shown on page one not on page 285 so what this means for you is that when you make a listing on etsy you need to make sure that this listing converts really really well so to basically get this working for you you need to make sure that your listing converts well and i won't be going too far into that because i do dive really deep into it in that free training but what i would say is to make sure that your listing is accurate so let's say that you are selling a thimble don't put 10 of them in the main listing image because that is really kind of it it doesn't explain what it actually is there are a lot of different factors that will influence your conversion rate but basically you need to know who your target market is and your listing needs to portray it solving that pain point for the customer which is a whole reason why they're coming shopping on etsy in the first place but basically you need to make sure that your listing conversion rate stays high in order for this quality score your listing quality score to be high which then triggers the algorithm in your favor which then shows your listing quite high up and this is why sometimes shops with really bad seo does they do really really well because actually they've got their own social media traffic that they've driven to drive this up so i have done a video on why uh shops with bad seo do get sales on my channel as well so that's worth a watch but this is something i think this is one of the most important factors that you need to know about when it comes to ranking on page one on etsy the next thing i'm going to talk about is customer score now this is basically very customer service based okay so essentially what happens here is that if you've got a shop that has a lot of cases a lot of really late unshipped orders where you haven't changed the shipping date and you haven't basically let the customers know it's basically going to affect your customer score so although etsy wants to push these listings that do sell really really well they have a really really high conversion rate what they don't want to do is do that with a shop that's not going to ship their item on time or that it's going to get a lot of cases or what have you so reviews cases and late unshipped orders and this doesn't include where you've changed the dispatch day those three things are going to negatively impact your shop so if you've got a shop that's got a 2.5 star rating versus a shop that's got a 5 five-star rating even though their seo might quote unquote be better this shop is going to rank slightly higher than this shop purely because of their customer score and when you think about it it does make sense that etsy only really wants to push shops that are going to do what they say they're going to do and get people's orders out on time make sure that they you know those items are described you have to kind of think of it from etsy's point of view that etsy is a platform right they don't know physically what their sellers are selling right so they need to make sure that the items are you know pleasing the customer they're bringing the people back to the pla the platform back to etsy back to buy again and therefore back to your shop to buy again so it is in everyone's best interest essentially to have a really really good customer score okay so i hope that makes sense so there's two more things that i want to talk about in this video is recency is the first one okay so recency is how active you are in your etsy shop and how recent a listing actually is when you list a listing on etsy it does get a boost so that it essentially gives the listing that chance for customers to interact with it because what would happen otherwise is that listings would be listed and it might go to like page 18 okay and what happens is that customers don't get a chance to see that listing because let's be honest who goes past page five or six if they're doing a search by that time they've gone back to the search bar and changed their search up a little bit so what this does is it does give you a small temporary boost now we don't know how long that boost is um it can be anything from a few hours to like a day or two and then what happens after those few hours or a couple of days is that it will then kind of jump back to the actual spot on the search algorithm the search results where it kind of needs to sit or where your listing essentially deserves to sit okay so recency is a really important thing now renewed listings do get a small temporary boost but i wouldn't use renewing anymore as a strategy used to work in like 2015 it does not work anymore actually constantly renewing your listings actually that damages your shot so definitely do not do that but how you can do this how you can trigger the recency aspect of the algorithm is to make sure that you are in your shop you are active and what i actually teach in the 30 days to a kick but etsy shop workbook which is here is that essentially you have to make sure to launch your shop with about 30 listings in your draft section and publish one every day or every other day and that really makes etsy stand up and look at this shop and say huh okay this shop is serious they are listing a lot of listings now don't get me wrong i'm not saying to like make 30 new products that's not what i'm saying the whole thing the whole strategy will be explained in the in the free workbook so definitely go and go and get that i'm not going to be going into it in this video but that is why i recommend doing that so recency is definitely a big big factor the next thing i'm going to say is that price does play a big big part and i'm not going to be going into all of the you know all the factors that influence seo because a lot of them are beyond your control such as geographical location languages and things like that but shipping price if you have free shipping on your items i'm not saying to actually ship the item for free put the shipping price on to your item price you're not losing anything you're just literally taking it from here and whacking it in the actual item price right that is why i recommend to do that because it is shown it is a psychological fact that when people go onto a listing and they see free shipping they mentally don't have to add on another price and there's not another block for them to purchase from you now i'm not saying do it with international orders there is the the us free shipping guarantee which is something i would recommend you do if you can because in the usa search results it does ensure that you are boosted versus other shops that can't do that so if you have small items that you can absolutely do that i recommend you do but essentially if you want to do the free shipping thing it does give you a small boost in the search because again with the same with conversion rate listings that have free shipping are more likely to convert and that is proven they are more likely to convert if they don't have a shipping price tagged onto the end which then becomes a massive turn off for the buyer so guys i do hope that video helped you i do hope it kind of made you think about a load of things that will make you you know make your new shop give it the best chance to rank on page one on etsy these are all things that i do teach in the handmade bottle success academy and a lot more as well this is just the tip of the iceberg but if you haven't already please do subscribe give this video a big big thumbs up if you enjoyed it that helps me out a lot don't forget to also check back because i do do weekly videos with etsy tips and tricks just like this one and guys i shall catch you in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Handmade Bosses
Views: 12,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy seo, how to get shown in etsy search, new etsy seller, tips for new etsy sellers, how to open an etsy shop, how to make your first sale on etsy, how to get consistent sales on etsy, how to get more views on etsy, how to make sales on etsy, how does etsy seo work, etsy seo secrets, how to rank on etsy, etsy search engine optimization, etsy seo 2021, how to sell on etsy, etsy shop ideas, make money on etsy fast, etsy shop organization, how to make money on etsy 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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