How to learn phrasal verbs | Canguro English

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[Music] hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian name Miriam and today we are going to learn about phrasal verbs everything you wanted to know about phrasal verbs um how do you feel about phrasal verbs at the moment are you are you scared of them yeah there are a lot of phrasal verbs and you don't know the meaning of all them you can't know is impossible it's very different yes um well obviously today I'm not going to tell you the meaning of all of the frozen stuff but um we're going to talk about the difference between the types of phrasal verbs the best way to study them and just some some information or statistics about about phrasal verbs okay so do you have any plans for this weekend yeah I'm going to go out today with some friends okay have fun okay okay good um alright well um before you go we're gonna study hard okay so let's go to the board and verbal study [Music] so the the first question is what is a phrasal verb yeah okay of course now actually there is a lot of arguments between between linguists about if it's if what is a phrasal verb and what is a verb and a preposition okay okay but for for us for people who are learning English it's not important the linguist can fight okay but our definition of a phrasal verb is a verb that contains more than one word okay okay and a verb that can be replaced by a single verb so it's two or three words but they have one meaning okay and in this class I'm going to call the the first part I'm going to call it the verb yeah and the other parts the prepositions I'm going to call them particles so we have verbs or particles but first I just want to talk a little bit about the origin of phrasal verbs so in in in the history of English okay we can divide it into three main periods okay we have an old English Middle English and modern English which is what we have today okay so here we have two Old English verbs so maybe you recognize one of them yeah the first one is understand exactly exactly so we can see between between Old English and modern English the only difference is we have eliminated this and we have the verb understand yeah okay but maybe this verb is more difficult to recognize okay yeah so you can see here that um that we have similar to understand we have understand here has two parts okay okay we have the stand which we can say is the verb and then we have this which is the particle and and it's the same here so here we can say we have the verb and the particle so in Middle English this verb here actually the two things are separated so we could have good gun or we can have Goong wood okay okay so and in the Middle English period the the particle would float around sometimes it would be before sometimes it would be the end but normally it would be at the end like this okay and then in modern English now this transformed into the verb we have today which is go out okay I can imagine so some verbs are the same as in Old English or very similar and some verbs have changed dramatically so this is the origin of phrasal verbs and this is why a phrasal verb has two or three words but one meaning we we are going to divide the phrasal verbs into three types okay so we have our transitive and then we have intransitive okay so do you know what transitive and intransitive means I'm not sure okay a transitive verb okay it means that it it's necessary for it to have an object okay so we can say that this takes object okay okay and an intransitive verb no object okay [Applause] and the good thing is that with an intransitive phrasal verb okay it's easy yeah because um because we have the verb together the phrasal verb together and then nothing no object so for example we can say look out and that's it okay so with intransitive for our phrasal verbs all you have to do is memorize them and the meanings okay okay let's see see yeah exactly easier yes the transitive verbs were going to split into two okay we have separable [Applause] and inseparable okay so this this gives us our three types we have separable and inseparable transitive verbs and intransitive one two three times okay now um what is the the problem okay with phrasal verbs the problem is that when I look at a phrasal verb it's impossible to know if it's this type or this type of this type impossible that's why we have to be very good at studying phrasal verbs we have to have good study technique okay and we're going to we're going to show we're going to show you how to do that at the end of the class so don't forget to don't forget to watch that okay okay so what's the difference between a separable and an inseparable phrasal verb you can't with a separate verb you can't put the object in the middle fantastic when within separable verb you can only put the object at the end very good exactly so if we have a phrasal verb like pickup for example then I can put this is separable because I can put the object here all right or I can put the object here at the end I can say for example pick the book up or pick up the book what an inseparable phrasal verb I can't like for example the phrasal verb go on like continue I can't put it in the middle I have to put I have to put the object at the end I go on walking go on reading okay if it does take an object I can put the object at the end here and at the end here yeah so I could say well I'll put the object at the end and I'll always be correct okay okay and technically yes yes okay there there are some phrasal verbs where you can only put the object in the middle but there's very few so generally speaking if you put the object at the end you will always be correct okay so why why would we practice why would you put the the object in the middle yeah if we can put a beard why and the reason is because that is not how native English people speak okay okay and the the research tells us that if we want to be able to understand we have to use something ourselves okay okay um so that's why it's really important if you want to sound natural and if you want to be able to understand people better that you practice putting your object in the middle as much as possible this chart here shows phrasal verb usage in different mediums okay and we can see we've got two types we've got verb with the object in the middle and then verb with the object at the end okay so we can see that in a newspaper almost 100% of the time we're putting the object at the end okay and I think maybe the reason for that is is if we keep the verb together then we cannot um become confused about when the verb is separated you know it's easier to read us more more logically easier because we're the verb together but if we look at um spontaneous speech okay we can see it's completely the opposite yeah more than eighty percent of the time we're putting the object in the middle okay um so now we need to ask are there any rules about when we should put the object in the middle and we'll put the object at the end and the answer is there are not really any rules but there are some guidelines so now I'm going to talk to you about the guidelines like okay [Music] so the question is when when do we separate our phrasal verbs right so the number one is that we separated if the object is a pronoun so like it here now them exactly and actually this one here is obligatory okay okay this is the only one that's obligatory okay okay the second thing is if it's short okay so if we have a very short object like maybe book pick the book up or pick your shoes up if it's short then we we prefer to put it in the middle okay but if we have a very long object no because then the verb is is separated a lot and we are going we're not going to understand exactly we'll forget for example if I say pick the book that you bought last year in Venice with the red leather cover-up you like wool the verb is to separated okay so if it's short in the middle and also if it's old I don't mean old like um oh person an old person oh I mean if we have talked about the object before the object is old in the conversation okay so imagine that we were talking about your shoes all day we've been talking about your shoes and talking about your shoes in your red shoes and then I use a phrasal verb I prefer to put this in the middle because we were talking about it previously okay but it's something new to the conversation like imagine we're talking about your shoes and I say ah put your shoes on or take your shoes off good but then something new like maybe the lights I say it turn on the lights I prefer to put it at the end because it's new okay so this is this is some guidelines you can follow to help you to separate your phrasal verbs and sound more more natural [Music] the next question is on how do we conjugate phrasal verbs okay okay so actually it's really easy okay we only ever conjugate the verb the particles could be one or two we never touched them so in this case get off this is the infinitive get off in the past but off girls got off okay air present continuous and getting off good so for example I am yes I am getting off and with the future we'll get off we'll get off exactly okay so only over the verb so it's easy yeah what if the object of the phrasal verb yeah is another verb a normal verb a typical example would be if we have give up which is to stop something - yeah um and maybe maybe you you know you smoke right no but imagine you smoke yeah and we want to say Miriam you should give up smoking good excellent okay very good so the rule here okay is was Eng exactly exactly with the phrasal verb if the object is a verb we put it in the gerund okay okay so um if you if you watch the other class about verbs with two and within you will find that verbs within this category is all of the phrasal verbs in English or in that category okay so maybe your teacher has told you or you have read that phrasal verbs are informal yeah and that you for example if you're if you're doing a formal writing or in an exam with formal texts you should not use phrasal verbs you should use the the Latin verbs right yeah how'd that yeah exactly but it's not always true okay okay um in fact um I have some statists statistics here okay um for example with the phrasal verb give up which we looked at before okay yeah so we can see that in academic text it's used ten times per million words whereas in newspapers or in conversation 25 to 30 times per million words okay yeah so this is really interesting because if it's in conversation if we look at conversation this means that we use give up about 50% less then in in academic texts than in speaking but we can see it's not eliminated completely no no it's support the idea that a phrasal verbs are using an informal speaking yes yes exactly so yes we can see the frozen hopes I used a lot in informal speaking exactly but um I think what I want to say is that you should use less phrasal verbs but you should not eliminate them completely okay because in fact some phrasal verbs are more formal than the single the single word verbs okay so yeah don't be afraid to use them but just use them a little bit less okay and you can still be formal when you when you're writing or speaking okay so I think that is everything that I want to tell you about phrasal verbs so today we're not going to play a game what we're going to do is we're going to practice studying phrasal verbs okay and I'll show you the most effective technique for for learning them okay let's go so now we need to talk about what is the best way to learn fasal verbs I can yeah because depending on depending on what way you read there are between 5,000 and 12,000 phrasal verbs in English a lot a lot a lot so um obviously it's impossible to memorize all of them yeah but the good news is that only 25 of the phrasal verbs make up one third of all of the phrasal verbs we use okay and the top the top 100 phrasal verbs make up 50% of the phrasal verbs we use so basically if you can memorize the top 100 then that's a really good start for you okay and I'm going to make the list of the top 100 phrasal verbs available on the website and also in the comment section of the of the YouTube video and also I've created this special sheet okay for us to learn to learn on how to use phrasal verbs okay so you can see we're three columns so the first column is the where we write the verb what the verb is yeah um the second one is go write the meaning yeah so you could write the meaning in English you know or you could just put the translation in you're in Spanish in your own language I think it's a me probably yes probably um and then here we have two options so you can check whether you can put the the object in the middle or only only at the end okay so and you can do this so to say for example we have a verb like around pick up which has various meanings Ewan right you would write the verb multiple times okay and then like because you know the object is you can change depending on depending on other verb on the meaning of the verb okay goodnight Mary yes so I'm let's practice with it with a few of the with a few of the top top verbs so here's a pencil for you um so let's look at see here's my here's my beautiful list so what about the phrasal verb go on what does go on me continue are very good very good alright yeah so very good so we have the verb go on continue our now with this verb can we put the object in the middle and at the end or only the end or um at the end yes I think I'm good go on walking down the street example in the middle I think no no not very good excellent ok perfect let's look at another verb what about pickup the carnival how I mentioned before big that means record yeah so for example here we have a pencil on it pick up the pencil yeah so in this case can I put the object in the middle on the end or just the end I think balls are very good very good for example pick your sister up and don't forget to pick her up very good very good it's very good um all don't forget to pick up your sister it's not good oh ok and let's do the other meaning of pick up what's another meaning of pick up like if you go to a bar and you see a very hot man it's standing about drinking and you say I'm going to I'm gonna pick him up oh you got yes exactly it's true you know so what we need to do is we need to do this on a separate line ok because maybe this verb has a different um has a different object position it depends can you give me a robber uh yeah Robert um yes that's what stabbing me so yeah so in this case is the same no yeah it's the same so yeah we can say I'm line big dad man up I'm going to pick him up very good very good what about make up make up yeah I know that means lucky dad ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly put on makeup I have to make up my face good so um can use the objects in both positions yeah no okay make up my face like you say or I'm going to make you up exactly very good very good ah another meaning of makeup I know that it has more minutes but I don't know yeah another one would be that for example I could make up a story which is a bit like invent a story okay yeah like he told me that he was a ninja but he just made it up okay so the object can be in the middle and and yet very good and one more meaning of makeup right if you're going to a bit like apologize similar to apologize but to fix the relationship so imagine if um if I have a big fight with my sister yeah right and for two days we don't talk to each other but then one day I say to her okay let's have a coffee and make up like I don't let ya like to fix the relationship to say sorry or to talk about the problems and okay I don't let us put on Emma's okay make after problems ugly yeah exactly so in this case early and that's why it's really important that we have that for each meaning we have a separate line and we mark it like this so that we can learn so basically I know that this is tedious I know that this is not the most fun in the world okay but if you learn the top 100 verbs like this then then you have a lot of success you know and this is definitely the best way to do it well that was the class about phrasal verbs um how do you feel now about phrasal verbs I feel more confident about them and I understand they very well or better with the explanation that you did okay okay good if you want to see any more videos about grammar pronunciation vocabulary or if you would like to see more mirror know then don't forget to subscribe to kangaroo English thank you very much you're welcome and I'll see you in class bye bye [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 113,933
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Keywords: canguro, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs in english, english phrasal verbs
Id: 988uDpSvT1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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