Learn phrasal verbs the easy way | Part 2 | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian and this is part 2 of learning phrasal verbs the easy way with twice the biscuits but only half of the calories now if you haven't watched part one then you are going to have no idea what I'm talking about so don't forget to check out part 1 before you watch this part too if you have already watched part one perfect in this class I am going to talk about 6 more particles that will help you to understand phrasal verbs the easy way with cognitive linguistics the first particle we're going to talk about is of here on my plate I have a biscuit and now I'm going to remove this biscuit the biscuit is gone I have lost contact with it but here on my plate some little pieces of the original biscuit remain you could say that they are pieces of the original biscuit or you could say that they are the original biscuit and these represent the meaning of of now we could use of in a literal way phrasal verbs like smell of it smells of the original biscuit or consists of it's exactly the same material as the original or I could use this in a more abstract way this reminds me of the original now let's switch perspective instead of focusing on these little crumbs which I have let's look at this biscuit which has been taken away from me if we focus on this this helps us to understand phrasal verbs like robbed of and deprived of which talked about things that I don't have anymore the next particle is round or around it talks about something moving in a circular motion this biscuit is moving around but it can also be used to talk about movement in general for example the children ran around the classroom also if something is moving around it's very difficult to catch it so another meaning of around is to avoid and you might hear a politician trying to skate around an issue now around could describe a completely circular motion or only part of the circle a curve and so when I am wrapping something like this biscuit in this paper you can see that when the paper forms a curve like this I can say that I am wrapping the paper around the biscuit but round could be two types of movement it could be round like this or it could be round like this and this gives us the contrasting meaning the opposite meaning of something which is not moving it's in the one place it's spinning around and this helps us to understand phrasal verbs like hang around where you do nothing also when something turns around it can show us something completely different here on this side I have chocolate but when I turn it around I have only biscuit and this helps us to understand phrasal verbs where we are persuading people or changing their opinion in the opposite direction such as to talk around a person the next particle we're going to talk about is bad now remember that cognitive linguistics tells us that the human experience directly influences language now humans move forward we walk in this direction and even when we talk about abstract concepts like time we relate this to our experience as humans so to move forward in time is to move into the future and to move backwards in time is to move into the past so one meaning of back talks about to go back into the past for example here I have a biscuit on my plate and now I'm going to eat the biscuit the biscuit is gone but I really wish I had the biscuit the only way to get the biscuit is to go back in time now I have my biscuit again the biscuit has returned it is back and this helps us to understand phrasal verbs which involve returning things like if you borrow a book from your friend you will give it back if I could do this if I could go back in time then I could have unlimited biscuits all I would have to do is repeat and repeat and repeat so back also it talks about when you repeat something like if you call somebody and then you call them again you call them back now let's switch perspectives imagine that this biscuit is moving forward through time but I stop it and I start to bring it in this direction I am stopping the biscuit from making progress I am holding it back or forcing back the next particle is over now over is really interesting because it could be a movement or it could be something static first let's look at movement to understand movement we need three things an obstacle a starting point and a finishing point and the object moves from the starting point over the obstacles and to the finishing point and this helps us to understand basic phrasal verbs like when you go over to your friend's house you start at your house and you go over some obstacles and you finish at your friend's house when you move from the starting point over an obstacle to a finishing point we could say that this action is complete so phrasal verbs with over also talked about actions which are completed especially actions with obstacles imagine if you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you're really upset and crying these feelings these emotions are your obstacle but then one day you finally overcome these emotions you complete your feelings for this person and you get over them you will notice that over talks about this movement so it also talks about covering something for example I can use this paper to cover over the biscuits or if it's very very cold then maybe a lake in your city will freeze over the frost and snow and ice will come in and cover the water like this also when the biscuit moves from the starting position to the finishing position it has chain tens it has transformed its position so phrasal verbs with over can also talk about change and transferring things so for example I can take over your company your company was in your hand and now it's in my hand and also I can put over my idea the idea started in my mind and I transferred it over to your mind but remember that over is not only a movement it's also a static position when one thing is higher than another thing and remember that human experience shapes language now if I want to inspect this biscuit to have a closer look at this biscuit do I hold it up in the air like this no human experience tells us that when we want to examine something then we hold it down in front of us like this and then we are over the biscuit we are higher than the biscuit and this helps us to understand phrasal verbs with over which talked about considering or examining something like when you think over an idea or you look over a proposal the next particle is through through comes from an old English word which meant water pipe so you can visualize through as a type of tube or cylinder and we define a starting point and a finishing point and something travels from the starting point through the cylinder and exits and this helps us to understand basic phrasal verbs like listen through the sound is entering here and exiting here into my ear now imagine if I put the biscuit inside the cylinder and nothing comes out then the biscuit is not through the action didn't complete but now it is it's through so phrasal verbs with through also talked about actions that are complete 100% things which are done thoroughly so when you look through a paper or you think through a problem you don't think through it's 10% or 20% you think through it all of the way until completion now imagine if this cylinder is very very small and the biscuit is very very big it's very difficult to force the biscuit through it's really struggling ah it came out so phrasal verbs with through also talked about passing through difficulties so maybe if you're having a depressive episode or you are having problems in your relationship you need to try to get through this period now when the biscuit enters the tube at this end and exits at the other end we could say that it has transformed its position it has been transmitted and so phrasal verbs with through can also be used to talk about communication if you try to telephone somebody but you're having difficulty you can say I can't get through and also if I want to transmit my idea to you I can try to get my idea through to you the final particle is four and this really shows how human experience effects language this part of our body is called our forehead when we want something in life when we have an objective or a target we turn our attention towards it we face it with our forehead so when you want a job you apply for the job if you have an English exam you study for the exam and I can also use it to direct my feelings and my emotions towards a recipient I care for all of my students especially you guys so I bought these biscuits for you well I hope that you found this class interesting and I hope that your confidence with phrasal verbs is really growing through understanding and studying phrasal verbs in this new and exciting way if you would like to see any more videos about the English language then don't forget to subscribe I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class [Music] you're still here it's over go home go
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 155,923
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Keywords: english phrasal verbs, how to learn phrasal verbs, tricks to learn phrasal verbs, canguro, learning english, learn english, english grammar, grammar, phrasal verbs
Id: eCkk3FCcBnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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