Understanding English adjectives | Canguro English

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so if you live in a normal country then you weigh things in grams and kilos but if you live in England or America then you weigh things in ounces and pounds so for example a hundred pounds is like this 100 lbs but why lbs so if you believe in astrology and horoscopes then you will recognize this this is the symbol for Libra why because Libra is a Latin word which means scales and also it was the verb to weigh something this means that in the past things were measured in Libra pongo or a pound of weight now for some reason the English decided to drop the libras when they were speaking but to keep the libras when they were writing so you can see here 100 pounds of weight 100 pounds and also the money 10 pounds but look it's an L and L for libras hello and welcome to a kangaroo English I'm Christian and today we are going to talk about adjectives adjectives are really important they describe things nouns they tell us how it looks how it feels how big it is how the emotions of a thing and if you can use adjectives better if you can control your adjectives then you can express yourself better okay and today I'm going to give you two tools to help improve your adjectives a lot okay so the first one is this this is the feelings wheel and this was designed by an English teacher called Caitlyn Rob's so in the middle of the wheel we have all of the basic emotions like angry sad happy but then as we go out in the wheel we have some more more exciting adjectives more interesting adjectives too to be more specific about exactly how happy or sad or disgusted you are and this is something really good that you can you can print and and use to to introduce some new adjectives into into your vocabulary there's a link to download the adjective wheel down in the comments ok and the second tool is I am going to teach you about suffixes so in English you have a word okay a word and then if we add something to the beginning it's called a prefix and if we add something to the end it's called a suffix so I'm going to teach you about the adjectives suffixes so that you can invent and create and understand more adjectives in English okay so let's talk about adjectives suffixes so the first one I want to show you is very simple it's y and basically you can put Y on any noun and create an adjective okay now plus water equals adjectives so for example if there is a lot of fun then we can say today is sunny or if there is a lot of wind we can say that today is windy perfect now this is a very productive suffix which means that even now people create new adjectives using the Y and you can use this to create some crazy adjectives basically any noun with a y you can use so imagine that you discover a new material it's very similar to paper but it's not paper but it has a lot of the characteristics of paper you could say it's hickory [Applause] imagine that your favorite band is Coldplay okay and one day you hear some music that's very similar to Coldplay you can say hmm this music is very Coldplay the next one is full which means full of lots of for example beautiful it's a place or a thing full of beauty and peaceful full of pieces containing a lot of piece so let's look at the next suffix which is Abel and remember that Abel is one form of the verb can so that means that you can do this with the noun so the noun is able to do this or give you this it's possible the now has the ability to produce this or do this so a constable chair gives you comfort makes you comfortable a book which is very readable you can read it it's possible to read it the next one is less without does not contain does not have for example endless his his story was endless without an end with no end or motionless no motion completely still the next one is ich ich means that something belongs to or has characteristics of something for example British British is people from Britain people belonging to Britain or maybe I can say that you are childish you are not behaving like an adult you are being childish you're having the characteristics of a child the next one are is an active which means things that have a tendency or a disposition for something for example active you you have a tendency to act a lot to move an act and perform a very active or talk huh you like to talk a lot you have a disposition to talk and creative okay you you want to create your your tendency your habit is to be creative to create the next one is your ciothes and earth so this means that something has the nature of something the personality the behavior okay the nature the essence for example dangerous it contains the nature of danger the essence of danger or famous you are on consisting of the nature of Fame and action okay you your nature your personality is of anxiety so the next one is think this means that something has some characteristics of okay maybe not completely or entirely made of this or characterized by this but contains some characteristics for example classic has elements of class heroic may be part of you is a teacher an English teacher and the other part of you is a hero you are heroic or romantic sometimes I buy flowers for my wife sometimes no I have some characteristics of being romantic and the final type is our or ear and this is to indicate that something is a type of something or in a category of something so for example musical if it's a type of something with music or related to music or presidential maybe I do something which is very presidential it's a characteristic a type of presidential behavior or khaliqul maybe you have a friend and he he is very funny okay always making jokes he's a comical person he is in the category he's the type of a funny person a type of comedy well I hope that you found that interesting and I hope that now you feel motivated to go out and experiment with with adjectives and learn some new adjectives because they help you to express yourself and to communicate the most important thing if you would like to see any more videos about the English language then don't forget to subscribe this is kangaroo English I'm Christian of see you in the next class you Oh Oh
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 203,586
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Keywords: canguro, english grammar, grammar, adjectives, english adjectives, adjectives in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2017
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