How to kill weeds in flower beds without killing the flowers.

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[Music] okay y'all finex in this video i always get asked a lot of questions about how do i keep the weeds or the grass out of my flower beds rock beds pine straw beds guys in this video i'm just going to show you a few things that you can use real simple it doesn't take a lot of effort and you can do it in minutes so okay guys sometimes you get the occasional weed and they pop up here and there that's in your flower beds or rock beds and you want to know how to get rid of them or even better yet how to prevent them so what i want to do is just walk you real quick and let you see my pine straw is how you do not see any weeds in my pine straw bed now those are not weeds right there that is actually bermuda grass the rhizomes not the stolons going across this is actually going under the dirt and popping back up i'll show you how to get rid of so guys if you can make sure you stay to the end i'm gonna show you a three hour time lapse of one of these products that says that you're supposed to see results visible results in three hours so guys to start the series off the best way to to get rid of the weeds is actually to prevent them now i've used regular pre-emergent but this is the one that i recommend that you go if you're a homeowner and you got a flower garden is to put down preen now i always get the one that says it lasts the longest they have a three month and they have a six months so let's go with the six months and i'll show you actually how to apply that and we got some other ones here this is actually we kill for lawns all right these two right here great product but not really recommended to spray in your flour beds to kill weeds and grass because this doesn't kill grass it literally just killed selected weeds then we got the round up roundup it's a good choice guys if you decide to get the roundup guys i always recommend you get the one that has two percent um roundup a glyphosate in it not the one that has 18 or 41 percent that's a light killer right there won't affect your weeds use your plants or your flowers if you apply it the right way same way here the difference is this one does not have glyphosate in it and the trio guys it's one of those ones a lot of people don't really use it has it's a different type of formula it's like ammoniated this and that but i've gotten great results with that and this one right here is the one for you ladies or you guys that have those flower beds i want you to look for the ortho grass be gone garden grass killer now this will control bermuda grass quack grass and a whole lot more weeds and everything guys this is one really like there's the grassy weeds though this is the real best one that i have your flower beds looking like this you can spray it with the weeds in them the grassy weeds and then it should look like that in about four weeks so guys one of the best ways to prevent it is to put down a pre-emergent now preen is a pre-emergent if you look at the border you don't see any weeds right there no ease at all right there you see those bermuda grass rhizomes coming from up under here to there i'll treat that differently but this is how i prevent the weeds from being in my lawn check this out guys real simple make sure you put this down on the soil now a lot of times i've done videos where you've seen me throw stuff on top of it you got to water it in real good but the best way to do it is to apply it directly to the soil with pruning you simply sprinkle this stuff in lightly water it in and you can do this five ten minutes however long you want to take guys but generally the pre-emergent will not take effect until it's watered into the soil that's going to prevent the weed seeds from germinating and it may take out a couple of weeds that did germinate so make sure you water it in lightly don't gully wash it just water in here guys after you got that water in simply just put your pine straw mulch uh rocks whatever you want to put down on it just cover it back up and you're protected for at least six months now guys these two products like i said i just recommend them for the lawn i don't recommend you spray them in your flower bed it's it's gonna work better on the lawn than it will in your flower be but a product like this guys if you got them in your lawn you see a weed like that hit it one time a couple times don't saturate it because if it's summertime it may start to yellow and burn it but just hit it lightly don't cut it just let it sit there and it'll die eventually all right and the next two is roundup and spectrocyte wheat and grass killer guys there are others but these are the ones that i use highly recommended one with only two percent glyphosate in it guys read the label this one does not contain glyphosate but let me show you how it works generally is these come out kind of foamy you literally just spray it right down on top of the weeds and that's it don't saturate it guys because like i said you don't want that to go down in the root and kill okay the round up with the two percent is not that bad but just make sure you focus it in on the weed guys in a couple of days that'll be gone same way with this one right here guys no glyphosate in it but it does a great job guys now if you got weeds in your cracks spray your curb cracks like that but don't spray all the way to the edge because it'll bleed out and run into the grass and kill it but when you got those weeds hanging around your edges or your rock beds you can hit them like that or the best way i recommend you use is just to put it on the spray out function and look you can get more coverage like that so the trailer is it's not new it's just it's one that people just don't use a lot but i've got great results using this and it comes out kind of foamy guys and normally this is kind of higher expensive cost normally i'll catch these when they go on sale during the offseason now i sprayed this in advance because i want you to see it you see how it's already been affected and that's been like five minutes ago that's crazy the trick is it's it works really good guys um that's all i can say but it costs but i like the way it comes out check it out see how foamy it is it covers everything guys it covers everything and we'll just let that sit there don't pull it out and then it'll die eventually okay guys the the ortho grass be gone garden grass killer guys i i like this the most now here's the thing about it for some reason you don't see it at a lot of stores it only comes in these handy sizes like this i haven't seen a gallon they may have it i don't know but one thing i do like about it and this is just a cheek right here guys this is my hedge lightly spray the weed that's in the hedge and watch it die now for you ladies they got those flower beds and shrubs and those roses and hydrangeas going and you don't want to kill them this says it supposedly works good on that especially quack grass it controls bermuda grass guys controls bermuda grass so i'm gonna spray this on that don't pull this stuff out guys what you want to do is just let it sit there now this is a slow acting formula it's going to take about three to four weeks for it to actually work but i'm assuming it's slow acting because of the ingredients and they don't want to kill what you actually got okay guys last but not least is the weed block landscape fabric guys now this is one of the best preventers in the game once you have them though you still may have to treat but i want you to see where i put down weed block now i removed the rocks and you can see the weed block right there real easy to put down cut the shape and i folded it back once i got it over i didn't do all the extra trimming and you simply just cover it back up and that's how you're going to prevent a lot of your weeds from getting through into that now bermuda grass totally different story it will run over anything but you do not see any weeds in my rock bed now guys all of these formulas work great when the heat is high like in some late spring early summer it's really hot you spray the stuff down it's going to kill real fast now this is the one that says it rain proofs in 15 minutes and you see visible results in three hours guys i'm gonna go ahead and put this down and we're gonna do a three hour time lapse to see if it works right now it's like 5 10 so stay and watch to the end guys and we'll see if this stuff actually works in three hours okay y'all for now it's got a little dark on me but you can see it did get a little a little discoloring a little broken down that's why i kind of recommend spread lightly don't hit it hard that way you won't damage anything else that's in the flower bed so guys hopefully this video helped you learn how to kill weeds and prevent weeds or to prevent grass and kill grass in your flower beds pine straw beds rock bed guys if this video has been informational and you learned something click that subscription button ring that notification bell every time byd uploads a video you will be notified by youtube you're tuned into bermuda grad central with byd this is michael bowman and i'll talk to you soon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Bermuda Grass Central 🌱
Views: 291,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prevent Weeds in Flower beds, stop weeds in flower beds, how to remove weeds in flower beds without hurting flowers, weeds in flower beds, flower bed weeds, weeds in my flower bed, best way to remove weeds from landscape, grassy weeds in my flower bed, ortho garden grassy weed killer, can i use round up in my flower bed, roudUp for flower brds
Id: Qw_8YtfQagU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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