Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Weeds! 🌾// Cheap💰 & Fast🏃‍♀️💨 // Crystal Does

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[Music] hey garden friends alright so today we are back at my friend's house actually that i redid her garden if you guys saw that video i redid her garden earlier this year and we planted some daisies a red twig dogwood if i'm remembering correctly and then we planted something else too but i'm back because we're actually doing a really i think important video but also like a really fun one because i get to come back and fix everything that has kind of gone wrong so just to preface this my friend unfortunately has had some health issues um with her pregnancy if you guys remember i said she was having her second baby and so they have been going through quite a bit of um just some stress and stuff like that thankfully everything's okay the baby's fine she's fine but unfortunately because of that the garden has got a bit wild and it is overtaken with weeds that all being said i felt terrible she because i knew that i needed to mulch it and i didn't do that in the video i didn't do that at all when i was here earlier but i just ended up running out of time i forgot the mulch and so i just told her hey do it when you can and of course they got hit with all the stuff they've been going through so they didn't have a chance so needless to say mother nature did its work and it took over so i'm back to go ahead and rip all that stuff out see what's still alive underneath i picked up a couple of zinnias on clearance while i was getting the mulch at lowe's today so if things have died that's totally okay i'll just rip some stuff out and then hopefully plant up some fairly easy going plants that will do fairly well for her i'm in bloom really long into into fall so yeah let's go ahead and get started i'm going to show you guys how i tackle weeds especially overgrown flower beds and then what i do to help prevent them from coming back so yeah let's go ahead and get started okay so the first thing you're going to need for this project is a razor blade i actually realized in this clip that my razor blade was broken so i ended up using some scissors but a razor blade would definitely be the easiest then you're going to need a good amount of mulch and i would definitely over guesstimate rather than under guesstimate how much mulch you're going to need because i ended up running a little bit short here and you really want to heavily mulch the next thing you're going to need is a lot of cardboard and you just want to make sure that your cardboard doesn't have any plastic on it so just make sure to remove any plastic tape or plastic labels because you obviously don't want that hanging out in your garden because it won't biodegrade whereas cardboard will the next thing you're going to need to do is just pull out your weeds so i was able to get this done in about 30 minutes because the soil was really soft because i had just like disturbed all of the soil earlier this spring so it was really soft and easy to pull everything out if that's not the case for you like maybe you've moved into a house and the garden hasn't been attended to in years or maybe you're wanting to establish a garden bed in a new spot where there's just grass you can definitely go ahead and just cut the weeds or the grass down to about a quarter of an inch and then just lay your cardboard on top before pulling the weeds out so that's always an option really easy super easy way to establish a garden bed next i'm going to go ahead and check and see if this nine bark has any life left in him and i did see that he did seem a little bit still green so what i ended up doing is since obviously he's not looking that great i went ahead and cut him down by about half if not two-thirds and the reason that i did this is because whenever you have a plant that's struggling it's always a good idea to go ahead and cut off as much as you can without shocking the plant too much and the reason for this is it's going to signal the plant that it needs to grow and it needs to send off new growth and then it's also going to help the plant not to have to sustain so much foliage when it's already struggling so it'll need less water and less nutrients and then hopefully it can kind of just help that plant recover so i went ahead and did that with pretty much all of the plants because they were all struggling a little bit the only ones that i didn't do it with was the red twig dogwood and then there's also a shasta daisy in the back that i didn't do it with because they looked a little bit better they were in a little bit better shape than the rest of the plants after that i'm going to go ahead and just start piecemealing the cardboard together so i went ahead and just started pulling it apart in manageable chunks and then i'm kind of putting it around and just laying it out like you would kind of a puzzle trying to cover up as much of the soil as i could what you want to do though is in this first clip i am putting it pretty much right up to the red twig dogwood and you'll see later in the video that i actually go back and fix that and i cut out a perimeter around the red twig dogwood and then also around the rest of my plants the reason i do this is because even though cardboard is biodegradable it is going to take just a little bit more time for the water to be able to get through the cardboard so because of that you do want to go ahead and cut out a little perimeter around each of your plants so that you can make sure they can get the water that they need and so you won't eventually like you know water stress your plants because they're not able to get as much water from rain or when you're watering your garden so the way that i did it is i just did a big enough or birth around each plant as like the drip line so essentially where the widest part of the foliage was i went ahead and cut to that point so for most plants this is about anywhere from two to four inches around in a circumference around your plant and that will just give it the ability to be able to get enough water you will have to make sure to manage the weeds around the plants because they will come up right there at the you know at the root base especially if you're struggling with grass like they were so just make sure to keep an eye on that but the cardboard would do the majority of taking care of the weeds for you since all the open spaces will pretty much be covered from there i started watering in the cardboard and then i realized that i forgot to plant the zinnias so i'm just going to go ahead and do that i'm going to get these into the ground and then we're going to go ahead and water the cardboard in really well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from here i'm going to go ahead and start watering in the cardboard pretty liberally and what this is going to do is it's just going to help start adding some moisture into the cardboard it's going to help it to mold to the ground and then it's just going to help also start that bio degradation process degradation process how do you say that you know what i'm saying so essentially it's just going to help start that process before we add our mulch so after liberally watering in liberally apply your mulch so i would definitely suggest getting more than you think you need for this because that will just help provide that second layer of defense against the weeds and will also help with everything just biodegrading properly and all that good stuff so once you've applied your mulch then you are pretty much done so i'm super excited with how this turned out i think it looks so much better and is going to be way better for her long-term like success with this garden so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching and if you did enjoy please like and subscribe it really helps my channel out to grow our garden friend community and yeah i will see you guys in my next video thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Crystal Does
Views: 140,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crystal does, Easiest Way To Get Rid Of Weeds! Cheap & Fast Crystal Does, get rid of weeds, deal with weeds, overgrown garden, cheap weed prevention, weed prevention, garden on a budget, weed infested garden, weeds overtaken garden, weeds, easiest way to remove weeds, removing weeds, weed removal, garden refresh, overgrown garden bed
Id: 6D_7-qrS4Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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