CLEAN EDGES using ONE simple tool / Edge Beds like a PRO

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so as you can see these edges need a little bit of loving so today we are going to tidy these things up to start the season make it nice crispy tight lines all the way around here so i want to show you some tips and tricks that i use so every year in the spring i have to come out redefine these edges get them looking good for the rest of the year if you want to know how i get the shape here or how i go a little more in depth showing you how i make the shape of these beds you can watch this video here or you can stay tuned subscribe to the channel because next week or in a couple weeks i'm going to have a video creating a new mulch bed completely from scratch completely from scratch so as far as the tools here that we use on this if you have a big gas powered bed redefiner some of you have mentioned that that's awesome good for you those machines are really expensive you probably have a business if you don't have a business and you're not doing this to make money you don't need one of those a simple cheap tool like this will do just fine so a lot of you have a flat shovel like this already that will be a great tool you can use this here for this um i have this and it does work well but even better than that is this half moon edger right here i got this probably twenty dollars from uh i think i got it from rural king but i think they also sell these at lowe's and menards um and having this right here is going to make this job way easier in my opinion all righty all right so if you can see this is the edge right here i am re-edging and this is deep this is what makes this defined from the bed to the grass it is the cleanest look in my opinion way better than pavers and if some of you have pavers and you like that look that's perfectly fine i prefer the natural or the live edge as some of you call it but this natural edge here this deep v tall wall here this is what perfectly separates the grass from the mulch bed and as you can see this is about four inches that is the height of this half moon edger here this thing is four inches and it's got this lip right here so that whenever you go down it catches on the top of the soil and leaves a nice four inch tall wall right here so nice so clean so crispy if you are using something like this what i would do is take a four inches and i would mark it on there so that you know that's how deep you need to go because if you go too deep you're going to have a huge ledge right here i don't think it'll just be a little wonky and if you have it too short it won't serve the exact purpose because one of the main benefits of this having the dirt exposed is whenever if you have weeds that try and grow through into the bed the roots are gonna go and get out of the soil they're gonna die if you have grass that spreads like kentucky bluegrass bermuda maybe bermuda may be a little bit more aggressive but kentucky bluegrass the roots will shoot out they won't have water or anything like that they will get exposed to the air they will die and it will just prevent grass from spreading in here now i know you see all this grass in here that is actually from overseeding that is not what i'm talking about i got to take care of that the last main point that i want to say is i had people concerned that over time you do this year after year you're going to eventually make your bed go way into your lawn you're going to make have to make the bed way bigger over time and that's just simply not true now you will have to make it a little bigger but the way i do this is that essentially all this dirt is just this tall wall is just filling in this way and so you will see here that the dirt is just kind of piled up here and it's just falling in this way so instead of taking a big chunk out here i just basically come straight to the top here and go straight down now hopefully that makes sense i'll show you in just a little bit but i'm not really expanding this bed out in this way i'm just literally just taking the bottom off of this to make it nicer cleaner a little more crispy and it just i think it works pretty well so we've got all that taken care of now it is time to just get in do the dirty work it really doesn't take that long unless you have a ton of beds it really does not take that long so i'm going to go out i'm going to do this all and then we'll check back in [Music] so [Music] look at that dag gone can't let that go to waste all right so once you have this stuff dug out re-edged and you pull the stuff away you can kind of assess the angle of this and the v shape here because what we want just like whenever we first put this in like i showed in the video last year right here we want this to be a v-shape that we come in at this angle and so most of this should be good i don't think we should have to reassess it or redo it because we're good however there might be a few spots that we just need to take the half moon edger or the flat shovel back on this side of the bed just to kind of re-do the v shape here all right so all that does makes this nice deep v look here for the mulch to fall into so whenever we go ahead and mulch the mulch will come to the corner we don't want to stack the mulch all the way up here because then that will let the weeds the grass that spreads to come out into the mulch grow in the mulch bringing the mulch down to the corner here leaving this exposed exposes any roots that might come in here all these roots that are here these things will die so no worries there also having this exposed just makes it so much cleaner looks so much better so crafty all right so once we have this carved out with this half moon edger or whatever tool you choose we're done right wrong we're actually done with this i actually only do this once in the spring some of you might do it multiple times a year but i do come out every week and maintain this with my string trimmer so the way you do this initially as i go through just like i was would be string trimming around a fence or something i'm just going to walk this edge and the way you walk will be determined by the way your trimmer head spins so some spin clockwise like this one some spin counterclockwise a clockwise one i'm going to walk with the bed to my left so i throw all the clippings into the grass not in the bed if your head spins counterclockwise you want to walk the opposite way so that the clippings throw into the grass not in your mulch bed so i did that roughly about the same height that i will mow at i've gotten pretty good at knowing how high or how low i need to put this thing in order to make it even with what i mow so that i can just mow right up to the edge and it'll look uniform all the way across now there are a lot of stragglers out here have you as you can see the hangover the edge so we need to come back with the string trimmer upside down and this is how i like to do it some of you like to hold it sideways and then you walk straight i like to hold it this way i feel like i can get it more steady and i just walk backwards or sideways and i just put that string right in that groove there so it gets any grass blades that are standing straight up and down [Music] so [Music] dang that is tight i love it so that is how you get your beds nice crispy tight lines deep edge deep v deep groove natural edge live edge whatever you want to call it that is how you get that look and it looks so dang good and i love it and that is how you maintain it so it stays looking good so if you guys have any questions let me know like i said if you want to know how to get more of this shape or how i do this sort of design you can click on this video here or you can subscribe to the channel i will be doing a completely new bed from scratch over on the other side of my house so i'm going to show you how to do that from the get go gosh i love that so much that is how you get that look now i have the fun job of pulling all these weeds out testing my pullout game putting some flowers down putting some mulch down making this look thank you for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Lawn Whisperer
Views: 780,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn, lawn care, grass, yard, edges, clean edges, bed edges, mulch bed, mulch, flowers, plants, tropical, palms, how to, tight edges, natural edges, live edge, half moon edger, shovel, pro, edging, string trimmer, bed redefiner, landscape edging, landscape edges, landscape, landscaping, dark green lawn, deep green, guests, stripes, fertilizer, spring, clean up, fresh edges, fresh beds, mow, mowing, toro, reel mow, golf course, kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, liquid iron
Id: 4kvB9bKELxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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