DON’T Use Weed & Feed!!! *USE THIS INSTEAD*

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the two most popular lawn products in the world are the weed and the feed our company named Scots combined both of these called Weed and Feed and this is it and today I'm going to tell you why it's a scan [Music] so we're at my local Home Depot today and before I start telling you all the reasons why weed and feed is bad I first want to give you guys an alternative list of items that you guys can use that are much more safer and much more effective so the first thing we're going to want to grab is some weed killer now when you walk in Home Depot you might be a little intimidated looking at this big wall of pesticide so just to make it easier for you what we're going to grab today is this Ortho Weed be gone right here and we want to make sure we get the one that has crabgrass control this is going to kill broadleaf weeds like dandelions and thistle but not only that it's also going to kill crabgrass and what's good about this bottle right here is that it's in concentrated form so we're going to get a lot more usage out of it than if we use one of these ready to use bottles right here the only caveat to using a bottle like this is that we're also gonna have to buy a pump sprayer and mix it with water so it's a little bit more manual but at the same time it's going to be cheaper and we're going to get a lot more products all right guys so the next thing we're going to want to grab is a bag of fertilizer now I personally recommend you pick up a bag of this this is Scott's Turf Builder lawn food specifically the one in the Greenback there's a couple reasons why I think this is the best fertilizer in The Big Box store and I'll tell you guys all about it towards the end of the video so the last thing we're going to need is a pump sprayer now for the budget sick I recommend that you guys get this one gallon pump sprayer from Home Depot it's only 12 bucks and it'll get the job done but if any of you guys are thinking about going a little more advanced in your lawn care hobby I recommend that you pick up one of these instead now it doesn't specifically have to be a DeWalt but I want you to pay attention to the shape you see how it looks like a bowling pin any of these pump sprayers that you find at The Big Box store that have a shape like a bowling pin they're going to be some of the best sprayers that you could buy at the store they're all made by the same manufacturer and they are really high quality so everyone knows I like a good deal so before we get up out of here out of Home Depot I got to tell you the score that I just got over here real quick this lawn insect and ant killer right here three dollars and thirty cents was thirteen dollars you know I'm definitely gonna grab some of this [Music] now I remember when I first moved into this house there were weeds everywhere this place was like a jungle the people that lived here before didn't take care of it so me being a beginner of the lawn care the first thing I started gravitating towards was weed and feet but after making that first application I quickly learned something that day weed and feed is messy like extremely messy in order for Weed and Feed to work properly it has to stick to the leaves of the grass so one of the first instructions on the bag is that you need to wet the lawn before you applied it now you guys remember how I told you that this stuff is messy real quick I want to show you guys what it looks like inside this bag we could see that it has a really powdery texture to it and it's not like usual fertilizers that come in big granules so that powder we just took a look at it has to be spread over a wet lawn which means that we're gonna have to essentially take our spreader walk across the soaking wet lawn that weed and feed is going to get everywhere it's gonna stick to the wheels it's gonna stick to the spreader on your shoes got forbid onto your skin [Music] so another issue with weed and feed is that it causes excessive herbicide application when you broadcast it you're applying it to your whole lawn not just to specific areas that have a lot of weeds and ultimately you end up applying herbicides to areas of your lawn that don't even need it and the last problem is that it's the least effective way to apply a herbicide there's a reason why when you go to Home Depot and you look on the wall all the herbicides are in liquid form it's because liquid herbicides are the most effective way to kill a weed so earlier I gave you guys an alternative list of items to get from the store and the first day on that list was this bottle of Ortho we'd be gone right here and there's a few reasons why I like using this over generic weed and feed when you use the weed and feed it only targets broadly fleets so if you have dandelions and Thistle and stuff like that the weed and feed will work to kill that but if you have crabgrass it won't kill it because crabgrass uses a different kind of herbicide to kill it but this Ortho Weed and Feed is a three-way herbicide it has three different kinds of herbicides in here that Target both broadleaf leads and crabgrass and the next reason I really like is that it's not as messy as weed and feed all you have to do is put in your sprayer stand back from the weed and simply spray it with the wine but with weed and feed you're flinging plumes of powder everywhere all over the line it's just a disaster and the next thing we're going to need is a one gallon pump sprayer and this is what we're going to use to apply our weed wig on and according to the label of the weed be gone we need to mix 6.4 ounces of product per one gallon of water and the next thing we grabbed was this bag of Scots lawn food right here now in my opinion this is one of the best fertilizers that you could get on the market and one of the biggest reasons that I really like is that has a really small Pearl side if we compare the Pearl sizes to the celestial fertilizer we could see that substantially smaller and a couple of the benefits of having that small pill size is that you're going to get more even distribution across your lawn and they're going to break down faster so not only are you going to get quicker greeny effects but you're also going to get a more uniform color as well now if you go to any golf course you'll see that all the fertilizers that they use have a small Pearl size similar to the Scots fertilizer so if the golf courses are using it then you know it's got to be some good stuff now since we have to apply all these applications separately this is the order that I recommend you guys to apply it in first I would do the fertilizer now the bag rate on this is two and a half pounds per thousand square feet I personally recommend using two pounds per thousand square feet and I find that this is The Sweet Spot of getting good grainy FX while also not risking burning your lawn if you've never applied fertilizer before [Music] all right so next we want to apply the Ortho Weed be gone now I always get the question could we apply fertilizer and weed control on the same day and the answer is yes but you just want to make sure that the lawn is fully dry and since we just watered in along with that fertilizer we're going to want to wait a few hours before we apply that have we applied this to wet lawn then that water is going to dilute this herbicide and it's not going to work properly now the most important thing to keep in mind when applying this Ortho Weed and Feed or any herbicide application is that you have to wear proper PPE and according to the label we have to wear long sleeve pants shoes socks and gloves [Music] and if you guys are facing an unusually large amount of weeds then make sure you guys check out this video right here in this video I cover one of the most extremely potent herbicide combinations that are guaranteed to get rid of most if not all your Wheats and with that this is George from princessca
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 618,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Weed and feed, Weed & Feed, Weed n feed, Fertilizer, Herbicide, Scotts weed and feed, Scotts Weed & Feed, Lawn Fertilizer, Scotts fertilizer, all natural weed killer, diy weed killer recipe, Weed killer, weed control, remove weeds from lawn, how to kill weeds in your lawn, killing weeds in lawn, get rid of weeds in lawn, how to get rid of weeds, best lawn weed killer, tenacity herbicide, speedzone weed killer, speedzone herbicide, princess cut lawn care
Id: ClSmLrXV3tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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