Doing This ONE THING Eliminates 90% of PEST PROBLEMS in the Garden

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what's going on Growers it's James Prigioni  coming to you live from Jersey today me and   Tuck are going to show you the one  thing we did that eliminated 90 of   our pest problems and show you the incredible  production we're getting as a result let's go look at these beds check out how well everything  is growing we just need to take a peek at   just everything it looks incredible in my opinion  check out these brassicas right here look at the   beauty the health the Vibrance the Vitality  I mean you love to see it and these lettuces   over here these things look so good I think  I'm just gonna have to harvest one right now   this variety is a it's a fantastic one I think  it's called the uh the la la Rosa look at the   purple leaves on the outside the green on the  inside let me just Harvest one of these real quick   four of them in one square foot  it's gonna be a fantastic snack   check it and the spinach I gotta start harvesting  the spinach there's just so much spinach in here   A bunch of different varieties tuck one  snacks too we're gonna have to grab them   something in a bit because he's going to get  antsy but another variety of spinach back here   look at that I mean no issues and the thing  is I haven't had to spray these beds or do   anything with them yet all I did was the one  simple thing that I'm going to share with you   before I tell you I want to check out this  kale over here check out these kales right   here the walking stick hail look at the size of  these leaves no bug bites on them check it out   and the dino kale I love this one here the  Lacinato come to the left we've got my favorite   variety of kale for the flavor and the beauty this  is the dazzling blue look at those purple stems   it looks like something out of a magazine and the  Scarlet kale right next to it just uh breathtaking   in my opinion in a second I'm going to bring you  over to a section where I stopped doing this one   thing and you can see the major difference  that it made before I do that though I need   to show you just a few more things like this bed  over here check out this purple dragon cabbage I   believe that's the name of it look at the health  of those leaves and the size of them I had issues   growing this in the past but this year it's just  growing so well check this out over here too this is one I've never grown before this is the  wasabina leaf mustard look at the frill on these I   think this is one that tuck might like to taste of  look at them just show up he came out of nowhere   he knows he's about to potentially grab a snack  right boy so let me just Harvest one of these   look how look how insane that looks   that is awesome tuck you think you might want a  stalk of this let's see if he wants some of these   he's been liking the uh the mizuna what he's been  snacking on usually but he loves the the stems on   the cabbages because they're full with water so  we'll let him snack on this while we keep going   we'll move over this way this is what he's been  snacking on regularly and look at the health on   this stuff let me bring you over to one other  section real quick this Birdie's raised bed   over here check check how well things are doing  in this spot I did the same thing here I use   that one technique and it just made the health  of the plants incredible check out the dead on   Savoy this one has it takes about 100 105 days  to grow so it's a long season cabbage but it's   worth it for the texture the beauty the flavor  and then for some more quick cropping cabbages   over here I've got my favorite variety to grow  this is the New Jersey Wakefield cabbage you   gotta grow the local varieties especially  if uh I mean I gotta represent Jersey it's   where I'm from I wanted to mention one thing to  check out the if you want a raised bed that's   reliable it's easy to assemble high quality and  will last a very long time you got to grab one   of these birdies raised bed because epic gardening  is having a massive sale on the raised beds right   now so if you want to add a few now is the time to  do so just make sure to use the coupon code tuck   at checkout now let me bring you over to the bed  that I'm really having the issues with because I   stopped doing this one simple thing check it out  right here the evidence is right on it check that   cabbage worm right there look at the damage it's  done so in this spot I haven't done that one thing   and it's really made a major difference my plants  are struggling as a result now let me show you   what I did to eliminate 90 of my pest problems and  it's always better to prevent issues rather than   having to manage or deal with them I'll also  mention in this video if you have some pest   problems how you could better manage them and how  I manage them with some different kinds of sprays   and different techniques so what I use to prevent  all those issues was just a simple insect netting   I know it may sound basic but I'm telling you this  insect netting makes all the difference the proof   is in the pudding look at these plants and it  makes it so much easier to have to grow things   when you have a form of protection like this so  the thing is this insect netting it it's more   versatile than you think it does more than just  protect your plants from pests I want to take you   to another section where the insect netting has  made a massive difference before I do that though   just take a quick scan of the backyard of the  food forest look how well everything is coming in   I'm gonna meet the keyhole bed the birdies beds  we've got the mini pallet bed back there more   beds as you go left and right pairs loaded with  pears Tomatoes starting to really get their hit   the growth cycle where they're starting to really  trellis up that trellis that we built I love the   look of it I want to take you into the Food Forest  though the older Food Forest and show you one of   the issues that has really been resolved the area  I'm taking you to is in the back corner so let's   just stop real quick and take another overview of  this food for us to look at it the cherries all   the different kinds of beds apple trees I mean  hazelnuts anything you can think of it's It's   grown back here Tomatoes all on the ground we're  going to be staking all these up and they're just   looking great so far they need I need to get  the steaks in I just picked them up recently   and we've even got potatoes growing over here  onions are going to come up I want to take you   over to these peas though let's check this out  so these peas here they're doing incredibly well   let me just pull this up in the past I really  had issues growing my piece I couldn't find out   what it was for a long time then I realized that  it was the birds the birds would eat the shoots   when they're young now I don't have that issue  anymore because the insect netting provides the   protection that I needed now they're growing  really well cool thing about peas is that you   don't need bees to pollinate them so I can leave  the insect netting on the whole entire time this   way the only thing that can get to my harvests is  me which is really fantastic I don't have to worry   about something coming in and stealing my Harvest  because that could be kind of devastating when   it comes down to it so the insect netting like I  mentioned it doesn't just keep out insects it also   does a number of other things one of the things  that it does is it really um reduces the amount   of wind damage to the plants so when the winds  are really strong like I wrote a note to myself   in like previous years I basically was  like upset I said growing in April like the   shoulder Seasons growing in April isn't even  worth it it's so windy that the plants can't   even grow they just get whipped around like  crazy but now when I use the insect netting the insect netting takes the brunt of the wind so  it doesn't like get rid of the wind but it just   takes like it reduces the damage to the plants  so the plants aren't getting babied along but   they're just not getting whipped around this way  they can actually grow and they're not only just   surviving not to mention how valuable the insect  netting is in the shoulder season when you could   get some hail storms and stuff so if all of a  sudden a hail storm comes when I've got that   insect netting on I'm not worried about it  because the hail Will Just Bounce right off   and it won't actually damage my plants I put the  insect netting on my beds when I first transplant   out my young ceilings because when plants are  young that's when they're most susceptible to   pests hail wind all those different kind of things  so it's important to have your bed covered at the   start so none of the pests can get in they're kind  of all you know kept out by that insect netting   another thing is the insect netting will protect  your plants from Rabbits groundhogs and even   squirrels I've had some squirrels recently that  have come into my garden and dug up my beds the   ones that I didn't have covered because they were  just looking for nuts they weren't even going for   the plants they were just looking for nuts but  they still caused some issues it's a good feeling   when you can go inside knowing that your beds  are protected it really it ensures safety and it   just gives you a lot better feeling knowing that  nothing can actually get into your garden another   thing I do is to protect my young seedlings I  also used this cover right here and in insect   netting so when I first set out my young plants  to harden them off my brassicas and things my   lettuces I don't like go to sleep and wake up  to all them decimated by some kind of rabbit   groundhog or something that just wants to get at  the good food right here in the keyhole bed here's   some evidence of the squirrels they almost made it  personal it feels like these squirrels last year   or the year before they dug up my peanuts stole  them and then buried them back in my bed and then   they'll go around and dig them up so fortunately  they didn't destroy any seedlings this time but   I mean right here too there's just evidence of  more of the peanuts that they stole from me they   stole them because I didn't have the bed covered  with an insect netting now in the future when I   grow my peanuts I'll make sure to cover them Hey  Duck stop boy take it easy I'll make sure to cover   them this way they can't steal my peanuts and then  destroy something when they're digging it back up   so in the back here I grow a lot of my cucumbers  so the Cucumbers if you're going to cover those   with an insect netting or any other kind of plants  that need bees to pollinate just make sure you   take that insect netting off once the flowers  start to show this way they can get pollinated   by the bees I also like to use the surround  kaolin clay to protect my cucumbers if it's   in a spot where I can't use an insect netting  and that kaolin Clay is really nice it forms a   protective layer on the outside of the cucumbers  and it makes it so the dreaded cucumber Beetle   which is what we're trying to avoid can't or not  only can but doesn't want to get to the cucumber   plants because if it does try to get to the plants  the surround kale and Clay kind of like gums up   their antenna and it just makes it hard for them  to navigate I also use that clay to protect other   plants that I can't get it insect netting over for  instance my fruit trees so you can use an insect   netting or you know to protect the whole entire  tree but what you can do is use the clay spray   to protect a lot of the fruit you'll notice that  this spray doesn't have as much protection right   now because we just had a bunch of heavy rains  so what I'm going to have to do is go through   and put another round of spray in the plants but  the spray does actually hold up relatively well   even after it rained it's just if you have really  strong excessive rains then it does get washed   off but regardless it's nice always having that  form of protection to make sure you're ensuring   yourself bigger better more consistent harvests if  you didn't do a good job of using insect netting   to protect your plants like on this one here and  you've got cabbage worms already on your plants   then what I suggest you do is use some BT this  stuff works fantastic for cabbage worms and it   really I love the stuff it works amazing Puck's  getting a little antsy he wants some more snacks   this guy's trying to get in the video a little bit  more got to pay him a little bit more attention   because uh he knows he's really the star of the  show so he gets a little annoyed when I try to   steal some of the camera time from him hey boy  get down I'll give you a snack in a little bit   also the BT works really well if you have  tomato hornworms because this works on most   caterpillars and worms and stuff so this is a  really good one for the Cabbage Loopers cabbage   worms and tomato hornworms if your issue is slugs  then I suggest you try slugo that's a really good   product as well and I don't really have an issue  with slugs here so I don't really have to use it   much which is really nice if soft bodied insects  are your problem then I suggest you use cold   pressed neem oil mixed with dish soap and you want  to make sure that it has the azadirectin in it   so the cold presses you want to make sure you  get 100 cold pressed neem oil with the azidaracta   that's really what's going to attack those insects  and kill them off for you this way you could get   some good harvests that's if you didn't do a good  job with your insect netting because like when it   comes down to it I'd say about 90 maybe 99 I  guess more like 90 of the issues they're from   insects so when you avoid the insects then you're  removing so many problems it just makes everything   so much easier for you instead of having to manage  the insects it's uh so much better plus when the   insect netting helps to reduce some of the wind  damage and also the hail then that's like most   of the problems right there the only thing the  insect netting doesn't directly you know prevent   what are you doing boy is is disease issues but  when it comes down to it if you have the insect   netting on then you're going to have less issues  with disease because you're not going to be having   insects which are carrying disease from one plant  to another plant and you're also not going to have   insects that reduce the health of the plants which  then the plants have a higher chance of getting   diseases so just by avoiding all the pests you're  also indirectly going to avoid a lot of diseases   so the insect netting like I mentioned it does  more than just keep pests out of the garden before   me and talk let you go there's a few more things  we want to show you look at this bed right here   the two-tier bed look at the garlic growing  in here this is the healthiest biggest best   garlic that I've ever grown I can't wait  to get a harvest from this it looks like   it's going to be absolutely massive and here's  the mini palette raised bed things are growing   really nicely in here we've got some flowers  tucked in the back some flat leaf parsley here   lettuces that are almost ready broccoli in the  back another lettuce we got some other flowers   I think these are petunias that are going to be  coming up I want to show you the blueberries and   stuff too this one right here is the pink lemonade  blueberry it's absolutely loaded with fruit and   I love these ones they have that beautiful pink  color but also a really nice flavor and it's right   next to I think this is the Patriot which has  a darker blueberry so with the two next to each   other it's really an awesome contrast look how big  they've gotten and they're growing right between   two pear trees here's an Asian pear with a lot of  nice pears on it looks great although I do need to   hit it with another layer of the surround cable  and clay and then another Asian pair over here   this one doesn't have as many pairs on it but it  still does have a good amount so we're excited for   those harvests over here I want to show you one  of the apple trees our earliest producing apple   tree that's doing real well but look at the  Tomato here here's a lemon boy and I'm still   planting tomatoes I stick them in all areas that  are open like over here there's a section that's   just like all open but I'm going to be putting a  lot more tomatoes in and like I mentioned I got   my bamboo steaks so we'll get those in the ground  and really start staking up those Tomatoes check   out the Williams Pride Apple though this thing  has so much fruit on it I did a relatively good   job of thinning it I have a little more to  thin but you'd love to see that some apples   starting to get larger we're getting every day  closer and closer to some fresh Apple harvests   that's today's video Growers thanks for watching  hope you enjoyed it I hope you got something out   of it it might seem simple but it makes an insane  difference in insect netting I'm telling you this   bed right here has got to be like the healthiest  best looking raised bed that I've ever grown the   amount of food packed into the small amount of  space the health of the plants the Vitality it's   a everything's coming together and I'm so excited  to be able to share with all you me and Tuck we   wanted to mention to check out the merch down at this is a limited time thing   grab one in the gardening is life shirts with the  flower of life right on it we also wanted to send   a thank you to one of our new channel members Jill  Susan thanks for being a part of Team grow thanks   for having your hand in everything we're doing  out here if you guys find Value in the video   that we ask that you hit the Subscribe button  hit the like button share with your friends   and also we asked if you want to be a part of  the team to hit the join now button this way   you can follow along with everything we're doing  you can feel like you're part of the team and uh   you know you could just be part of Team grow  that's really what it's all about the end goal   is to grow as much food as possible but to  help other people grow food because we can   only grow so much in our own backyard but if  we share this idea with a lot of other people   and everyone's growing in their backyard it's  unimaginable how much food we can really grow   Tuck's come over to say thank you to everybody  too he said he wants to grab one more little   snack just to have a couple bites to show you  guys how much he loves eating his veggies and   how much he loves being out here let's grab a  quick snack for him these things must be good   because they seem to be one of his favorite snacks  in the garden this year he's like going around   looking for all of them so it must be good stuff  that's today's video though we hope you enjoyed   it we hope you got something out of it tuck and  James will be back as you again real soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 1,294,985
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Keywords: gardening, organic gardening, pest problems, pests, pests in the garden
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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