How To Get WEED-FREE Sidewalks And Driveways! The PERMANENT Solution! DIY

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do you constantly have weeds growing in between your sidewalk cracks or your driveway cracks in this case I have a few that's growing in front of my garage door well I'll show you a permanent solution so you'll never have to deal with these weeds ever again so stay tuned [Music] hi friends welcome back to fix this house if you're new to the channel consider pressing the Subscribe notification Bell so you can always be interested on DIYs how-to videos and product reviews that I do within this channel summertime is just around the corner and I think this is the best time to tackle this project especially when the weeds aren't fully grown up yet because if you wait further it's going to get thicker and thicker so in this video I'm going to be showing you two permanent solutions that you can do so you can finally stop cleaning up these weeds between your sidewalks and your driveways we can always go with the temporary solution which is using all these different types of products in your local big box stores which are weed be gone other weed killers and whatnot but the tendency of using those things that they always tend to come back no matter how much you try to put the solution on but with these two solutions I'll be showing you you're a guaranteed that you'll never have to clean up these weeds between these cracks ever again we're going to start off with this area that is really bothering me which is right in front of my garage door right here this little crevice preparation is very important you want to get as much weeds taken out of this before we actually start doing anything else so there are many tools that you can use in this case I have a used Sawzall blade I have a 10 in one tool screwdriver or even this hook knife that can easily also use a putty knife I'm gonna start off by using just this hook knife because it looks like it's a lot easier again all the tools that I use within this video and all the materials I'll leave the link of the description down below but these are just one of those areas that you really want to get the weeds taken out because they will definitely ruin your Aesthetics when it comes to the front of your garage so notice how deep that actually goes right when we start taking out all the weeds and some soil starts coming out of there now I gotta admit though out of all the tools that I've used I think this hook knife will be the best and easiest way to get all these weeds out from these crevices foreign scraped out all the weeds between the crevice from the sidewalk to my garage door you can clean this up in either pressure wash it off take a broom and start dusting and sweeping that all out but the problem with sweeping is that you can get some more dirt back into the cracks that you actually pulled out all the weeds from use my wet and dry back so I can just vacuum everything in there and just suck up all the dirt the other option is to use your garden hose or if you have a pressure washer let's go do that [Music] probably asking can you take out the weeds and these crevices without using any tooling or whatnot well let's try it out let's see if this pressure wash can take out these weeds without using any pick tool foreign yes if you just have a pressure washer you can definitely take out all the weeds without using the pick tool here's that crack between my sidewalk to going up to my garage door you can see that now there is a void there it's nice and clean those people they just clean that out and leave it the problem with this is over time you're going to have a lot of dirt go back in there it pretty much becomes like a planter and you have more seeds of weeds going in there and it'll grow back eventually what we're going to do is we're going to do a permanent solution so that nothing will go in between those cracks again I'm going to show you the first method and that is by using this what I'm going to do now is fill these gaps with back a rod now the reason for using background is to help you save the material that you're going to apply later on now there's many different sizes of baccarat there's quarter inch half inch up to three quarters up to one inch I'm just going to use your 10 in one tool scraper tool or any type of tool maybe even your flathead screwdriver to push these in foreign because I want to show you the first method on one half and the second method on the other half so when we put the backer rod we just want to push it in we're leaving about a quarter inch left at the top first method that we're going to do to fill in the crack is using this sikaflex this one's the pro select self leveling sealant so that means you can just put this on the top don't worry about if it's messy or not because it will pretty much level out itself this one's the bigger version the 29 ounce so for that version you will need a 29 ounce caulk gun it's a huge one but they're also offered as a 10 ounce just a regular caulking tube which you can use it for your regular dripless gun now if you're interested on any of these products right here I'll leave these two caulking guns and both of these zika Flex 29 ounce and 10 ounce on the link on the description down below check those out trying to get something as color matched as possible so I'm got the gray color I'll probably just use the 10 ounces we're only going to do half anyways for today I don't want to open this yet unless I do a bigger project there are many ways you can use to blend this in to your concrete you can sprinkle in some sand here to match it with this or you can you know depending on the concrete you have if you have aggregate you can sprinkle that on top unfortunately I don't have sand today so I'm just going to be using this for now as you can see it's very easy to apply this if you go over the area and you think it's low just go over it again attacking this will be gone in this one for about one to two hours for it to fully cure it's about two to three days now let's get to the second half of the crack right there let me show you the second method and that's by using polymeric sand polymeric sand is usually used when you put two pavers together or you're making like a paver driveway you use the polymeric set to have that nice connection between two pavers it's very very easy to do if you have polymeric sand you can get this in big box stores um this one I got at Home Depot but if you need one I'll leave a link also in the description down below what's great about this is you don't need baccarat to make a filler all you got to do is get some of this and fill in the gaps when you're filling this you want to leave about 1 8 inch at the Top If you have polymeric sand you can actually sprinkle Sun some on top of the zika flex just like that and it'll blend right in to end up my fingers on the top right this kind of skim it at the top just so that we can establish a 1 8 inch depth a little bit too much you can just scrape that off like so clean it up a little bit and I just sweep out the excess here so I like to take a spray bottle spray the joints just like this okay so now that we've wet the sand wait for a few seconds then we're going to spray it again and then let that soak in and you should be done so there you have your friends those are the two solutions that I got for you to finally have those gaps filled so you can never have any more weeds growing between those cracks ever again the first one was using that zika flex and what's great about that is that it's very flexible and it can withstand any expansion or contraction or any movement from the concrete the second one was using polymeric sand all you got to do is fill in the gaps add water and let it Harden so it's totally up to you which one you want to use and which one looks best in your honest opinion so with that being said let me know in the comment section down below which one you tried for yourself which one you prefer which one you possibly would use in the future and which one turned out to be the best with that being said friends if you like this video and you found it very helpful please hit that big thumbs up press the Subscribe and that notification Bell and I'll see you friends on the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Fix This House
Views: 1,908,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Get WEED-FREE Sidewalks And Driveways! The PERMANENT Solution!, sidewalk clean up, driveway clean up, sidewalk repair, driveway repair, outdoor maintenance, driveway weeds, sidewalk weeds, sidewalk cracks, driveway cracks, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway, polymeric sand, sikaflex caulking, driveway caulk, concrete caulk, sidewalk caulking, driveway maintenance, sidewalk maintenance, do it yourself, home renovation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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