Natural Weed Killer That Works Better Than Round Up || DIY That Saves Money And Works In 24 Hours

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hey guys thanks for joining me today and thanks for continuing to watch I'm really encouraged by the views and the new subscribers and some of the comments have been great and I really appreciate that so anyways today it's about weed killing weed killing and taking care of weeds in the garden and when you have two acres it's really just a constant battle every three to four months of just destroying New weeds that pop up and the reason is is like most of my garden especially the vegetable garden I probably have a mild walking path made out of this product right here which is called number 57 gravel and weeds grow in it constantly so I'm always battling weeds and most the time I'm using this product right here which is a Roundup not sure how safe it is I've heard a lot of discussion that they've changed their formulation since their legal issues and so it's supposedly more safe than it used to be so I don't know if that's true or not but I like using natural things when possible I do have a lot of pets in the yard and so I want to use the safest thing possible but it's at the same time destroy the weeds that are just taking over certain parts of the garden and I'm going to film that too but what's the easiest way to do it I use a specialized weed sprayer and it's it makes the job a lot easier I'll show you that in a second but what I want to talk about is the formulation so I'll bring it in closer and show you exactly what I'm doing so all the discussion I've seen online about natural weed killing or homemade weed killing products that you make yourself revolve around these three products liquid dish soap table salt and just regular vinegar but I've upgraded that to some something different that I feel works much much better and and these this will work I'm not saying this will not work but I like having the maximum effect on killing the weeds because I only want to do it once every three or four months I don't want to have to do this every every week or every two weeks I'd be exhausted just from weed killing so these three products are good there's nothing wrong with them but there's a secret ingredient I use I like this but this this right here I ordered off of Amazon and this is the second or third time I've done it but this is truly the secret ingredient right here it's 45 vinegar whereas this the grocery store vinegar is nowhere near I'm looking for the exact concentration it's five percent so you can see there's a massive difference okay this was around five or six dollars I don't remember the exact price it wasn't tremendously expensive this on Amazon was around twenty dollars but the concentration is so much higher I think it's going to be much more effective and work much better now the second ingredient everyone talks about is table salt and that's great it is toxic to weeds and grass and any other thing that you want to kill plant-wise but I think Epsom salt works better as said that it adheres to the plant better so this right here instead of a cup of table salt I would use a cup of Epsom salt but it needs to be finely grained and I'll tell you why in just a second and then of course Dawn dish washing soap as within most recipes you see online yes I still use that about roughly about one cup in the container I'll show you just a second but yeah this also helps with the I think the word is surfactant level it sticks to the plant better and so yes you still need to use that the fourth ingredient I use is to be able to tell me where I've sprayed because I'm going to come back in a day two or three or four days later is this right here so nobody talks about this but this is blue food coloring that I add to the tank so I can see exactly where I've sprayed so it leaves a light blue residue and I know oh I've sprayed there let me just wait and see what happens so those are the four ingredients I use but there's something about Epsom salt that I need to do right now because the sprayer I use is not cheap so we'll set that up and we'll go to the step one of this process okay so the first thing I'm doing is I want to liquefy the salt the Epsom salt so I want to make it as easy as possible to go through the pump on the sprayer and so usually if it's a one gallon mixture it's going to be one cup one cup of Epsom salt to one gallon but I've got a four gallon sprayer and I'm reducing the concentration there just a little bit so I'm going to go with two cups per four gallons and it should be just fine not I can always go back and we spray and this is a lot it's about two cups yep two cups of Epsom salt and it's if I don't know if you can pick it up on the camera but it's it's about the same coarseness as table salt maybe a little bit more coarse so we're going to put that in our blender and we're going to mix this as fine as possible so maybe 30 seconds because we want the salt to go through the pump like I said this is a expensive sprayer so I don't want to do anything that's going to damage it [Music] okay and so we have our Epsom salt mixed and the first thing we're going to do is make sure our vinegar is ready to go they have it safety sealed here so I'm going to remove the top and it is going to have a lot stronger odor one thing you have to remember and I hopefully I'll say this more than once is that you don't want to wow that is a strong vinegar smell you don't want to do this on a windy day because you can breathe the fumes in from from the vinegar and you might end up in a lot of pain so make sure you do this on a very still and very calm day the hose length and the the wine length on my sprayer is very long so my face is nowhere near the uh the exhaust on this so make sure that you don't get close to this as it's floating in the air preferably you don't want to do this in a really fine Mist either you want it more of a spray because this is not so much toxic but it is it is very strong vinegar and I guess you could say it's toxic because once it gets into the lungs or the nasal you'll regret that quite severely so let me get the sprayer set up and we'll start putting the ingredients together okay so this is my specialized sprayer and it's made by Chapin and I'm really I've really been happy with it because the sprayer I had before this was completely manual and you had you had the side pump and you had to do this over and over while you were trying to spray so this sprayer makes it so much easier it's not cheap I can't remember what I paid for it but it was less than I believe it was like around 200 so I can't tell you the exact price and of course price is changing so much lately but it is battery powered and the reason I chose this particular one is that it uses this battery here which is made by Black and Decker and I have tons of these that I use with drills I think I've got seven or eight batteries that are still still in working order still can hold the charge so this is why I bought this particular one there are other brands out there that I could have picked that are actually more expensive but the batteries I would have had to buy a specialized battery just for that pump sprayer so this one I liked it because it used Black and Decker batteries and have lots of those this is a four gallon sprayer so and it's also at the top is a built-in mesh filter so that keeps you from accidentally getting something in there you don't want so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to very carefully now this is uh the exact amount here is one gallon so I'm doing one gallon in a four gallon container so it's one part vinegar in three parts water I'm going to carefully for this and try not to breathe any of the fumes if there are any because it is a really strong vinegar and one thing I would tell you if you do use any type puff spray you want to clean this out thoroughly after each use let the put some fresh water in it let it run through to make sure you're getting rid of all the salt because salt damages equipment and it will damage all of the mechanism here if you don't clean it out thoroughly so don't forget that the next thing I'm adding is our Epsom salt and it looks like it has been liquefied there's a little bit of salt left in the base of that I'm not going to pour that in there because I just want the salt to be as liquid as possible the last thing I'm going to add one cup the Dawn dishwashing soap and it sounds like a lot but we're we're using four gallons so if you were just using one to one gallon here you would only use maybe a quarter cup that and so the last thing I'm going to look for my missing and we go food coloring and I'm going to put not just a few drops but I'm going to put enough to make it noticeable so when I spray so maybe are not quite half maybe a quarter of this container so that is our ingredients the vinegar soap salt and the blue food coloring that's our four ingredients here and you can see I guess you can see it this really a blue color of course this is blue as well there's food coloring in that but this is a concentrated food coloring so you're going to be able to see it after you do a spray and we're going to move this outside top this off of water and go out into the area that I need to spray and we'll know in 24 48 Hours how well it works okay guys so one of the first things I'm going to do is I'm going to use my homemade insect repellent and this up this I did in a previous video so if you want to see it you can take a look completely all natural two of the ingredients directly from the garden and so that will keep the mosquitoes gnats and other biting things off of me but yes I made this in a previous video and I usually do this about once a month and so it keeps it's more safe I think because it's not doesn't have any chemical ingredients other than two from the garden and two things that you probably already have in your kitchen so that's step one okay so now that we've taken care of any chance of being bitten by the massive amount of mosquitoes in the yard I'm going to do step two which is adding the water to our sprayer and we're going to top it up to four gallons I'm going to try not to hit this directly because we'll cause a massive amount of bubble unmarked so I'm gonna carefully add that this watch so it reaches the floor four gallon mark and because it's because of the Dawn dishwashing soap we really have to be careful because it wants to it wants to come out of there and I may have to tilt it a little bit so we're going to put our cap on you've got a lot of soap suds coming out there we're going to put our cap on shake a little bit to make sure it's mixed of course the water going in should have mixed it okay pumps ready and so I'm going to go out to the area that I have a massive amount of weeds growing and I don't know if you've ever heard of mimosa but Mimosa is terrible here it will just send out there's one at the very back of the property that's on another person's property and it sends out seeds all the way into my yard I have massive amounts of mimosa seedlings just popping up so I'm going to use that as well that is a tree and so we're going to go to that area and we will spray a large area and of course 24 hours later we'll know the results so this is quite heavy four gallons of water plus the weight of the path the weight of the sprayer itself so if you're not able you'll probably want to go with a two two gallons of the spray rather than four if you if you decide to opt for this type of sprayer so I'm going to go to the area that I need to water and we'll set the camera up so you can see what's happening and we'll know in 24 hours so one more thing I want to talk about before I head out to the heavily weighted area this area is kind of a parking area that leads to the fire pit into the greenhouse this area was covered with mimosas popping up weeds and so last month I sprayed it with the solution and you can see there's very few things growing in here a lot there's a few things starting to pop up nothing nothing's going to die permanently because there's a breakdown because of rain but this area was sprayed and it looks great very few weeds a few popping up but overall that's just a demonstration of what it can do every year this has to be sprayed because the number 57 gravel allows weeds to grow in pretty easy just soil under there's no special uh tarping or anything like that so it works great so as I'm walking to the weeded area on the Scrabble path I'm just looking for weeds as I go and one thing to remember this will kill anything growing your yard any kind of a weed or grass so you want to make sure that you don't spray your grass with it the grass is looking great so I don't even want to spray this it kills everything so I'm just gonna go through and I'm sorry about the noise of the sprayer I know that's really annoying so we're just going to spray as we go looking for weeds and of course we'll come back in 24 hours no guarantee that this is going to work in 24 hours sometimes it takes anywhere from three to five days but let's get the camera set up and I'll show you the area that's most needed for weed control so this is part of the gravel path that I've sprayed previously you can see that there's no weeds growing on the gravel path there's a lot of dead things also I've sprayed next to the edge of it and of course you're going to have come you're going to have things regrowing there's no way to stop that but you can see until you get right there where I stopped spraying previously this entire area is Weed Free grass-free nothing's growing in it so this is just a demonstration of how well this product works no weeds and then where I stopped you can see weeds Mimosa all that stuff is still growing I'm going to get a little bit closer so you can see exactly what it looks like and we'll move the camera again so this is mimosa and in the evening it tends to hold up his leaves but it is very annoying it just multiplies it's basically a tree but it needs to be killed and taken care of let's see if the camera will focus and so you can see the leaves have folded up for the evening but in the daytime it will open up I'm assuming that's to protect itself from Nighttime insects it's really nice when you have one of these well well manicured trees but the problem is is that it puts out massive amounts of seeds you can see it all right here and I'll zoom out a little bit so you can see a little better lots of weeds and so I'm going to just start spraying right here gotta knock them out and I'll spray right next to the path oh foreign so you can see with the sprayer I'm I'm carefully covering it to make sure let me try that again so you can see with the sprayer it covers really well I don't have to do any pumping it's just a pump there battery operated pump and it works great but I don't want to leave any spots but I can't see a little bit of the blue food coloring there it's hard to see on camera I'm sure but it's there and so I'll know where I've sprayed and where I haven't sprayed I'm just going to start by spraying on the Walking path and make sure we get it there I don't want to spray any my cat tails I've been cultivating for many years interesting story about The Cattails I always wanted to have Cattails in the garden and so I'll try to get a better shot of it when the breeze is blowing they just kind of sway back and forth and I just love the way it looks so as you can see I have a lot of weeds in this walking path and this is probably the worst one because it receives full sunlight some other walking paths it's not near as bad but this one in particular lots of lots of sunshine and therefore lots of weeds so I'm double spraying it to make sure I get it on wow I can really smell the vinegar it's very strong so let me keep moving and we'll get this last part knocked out okay guys so one thing to remember this as with all sprayers there's mechanical Parts in there and uh you know the vinegar I'm not sure about but I know salt will damage it and there's a pump here and there's manual pumps on other other sprayers so make sure you wash this out three times get everything out of it run water through the system and then that way you don't have to worry about rust some type of damage caused by the salt so I'm going to do that now I'm going to rinse this out and we will be through with this demonstration so the last thing we're going to do is we're going to just run clear water clean water through the system foreign okay we're just running a lot of water through the pump in the uh the line and the handle to make sure we get all the salt out of there okay so a final note on your equipment is I made sure I washed the inside of the cap and the filter basket because I want to make sure there's no salt residue anywhere in the equipment this would eventually find its way to the pump and I'm sure it would do a number on that if you live in Florida or the Northeast you know how soft on the roads does quite a number on your exhaust system if you don't have a specially treated car and I lived in Florida once many many many years ago and it went through an exhaust system that was not a sprayed properly or treated properly for salt on the road so make sure you get the salt out of there and that is a important thing so as John Wayne once said we're burning daylight and I've got to get this mess cleaned up and for younger people who don't know who John Wayne is check out the birdcage he was talked about in that movie as well hey guys so thanks for watching I appreciate every View and every subscriber and I really appreciate comments because it gives me new ideas and things to do and it also teaches me things because I think everyone's learning something at some point and they're at some stage of that learning so anyways if you would like and subscribe I love each one of you and I hope you'll continue to watch have a great day
Channel: Zen Garden Oasis
Views: 913,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #naturalweedkiller, #homemadeweedkiller, #nontoxicweedkiller, #homemadeweedcontrol, #naturalweedcontrol, #Bestweedkiller, #diyweedkiller, #cheapestweedkiller, #Effectiveweedkiller, #organicweedcontrol, #organicweedkiller, #weedcontrolrecipe, #weedkillerrecipe, #BestDIYweedkiller, #DIYherbicide, weed killer, natural weed killer, diy weed killer
Id: tZlnSWjNt0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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