How to Speak Like a Native Speaker

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okay here we go hello everybody out there on facebook on youtube welcome to this live video and i hope that you enjoy it i'm trying a new form out of video right now and i'm of course like always going to be here to answer your questions as you know that this group or this channel that you're watching is a place where i try to answer lots of questions about the english language and so i'm always interested to hear what kinds of questions people have and uh really what i want to do is i want to spend more time with you the people who are here watching um i want to spend more time with you guys because i want to learn more about how i can help out how i can make english better more accessible for you so um yeah this is this is great this is my mission here and i see that we have people joining from uh from all over the world so that's great all right hello everybody and thanks for joining today so uh today i'm going to be talking about how to sound like a native speaker and uh sylvia says hello chris how are you i'm doing very well today i'm just excited to be back you know for a while i wasn't going live and i and i wasn't doing these live lessons with uh the people who are watching and it's because i got stuck in my work i got stuck doing lots of work in my company and uh and now i'm ready to come back and go live with you and you know the reason i got stuck was because i was working on the product and i just want our program to be the best program that it can possibly be so i've been spending a lot of time with our team building a program that gets results for every person who joins and really really trying to make sure that uh people who join my program get the maximum amount out of it so i've been focused on that and that's why i've been away so i'm happy to be back and be here live with you yeah so everything is going great and thank you so much for coming on this live video today um so you can see that some of the comments are going to come up on the screen while we're doing our call today and if you don't see your comment up there that's fine you know i only have two hands so i'm trying to put the comments on there and then i don't have anyone here with me today usually i have a little i have someone helping me so but um still we're gonna answer your questions and that's why uh thank you so much for introducing yourselves everyone who's writing i see people writing from morocco from georgia from uh bolivia from lots of different countries and what i want to say right now is write your questions about english write your questions about english in the comments right now so that i can help and i might be able to answer them um that's what i'm here for right so um oh another thing that i'm doing right now is i am looking for partners in different countries who want to help me set up a seminar in that country or that city so if you think that it would be great for me to come to your city or to your country and to do a live seminar then we can talk and you can send me a message and uh and we'll chat about it and i'll tell you how we might be able to work together on that all right and great great great i see lots of people from all over the world joining okay so let's actually start and let's talk about the topic that we have today and before i jump in i want to do one more thing for all of you who jumped on this live video right when it started i want to invite you to join me live okay so i'm going to send the link right now i'm gonna send the link um in the in the comments i'm gonna post the link right now and just click on that link you'll have to connect you'll have to verify that you have your facebook or youtube account and then you'll be able to join the live call right now okay so here is that link i've just sent the link in the comments and uh i hope you see it just in case you don't see it here's what i sent okay so you can join and you can talk face to face and uh and it'll be more interesting that way so that everyone can see more than one face all right so okay let's talk about let's talk about this big question the question is how can you sound like a native speaker and whenever someone asks me this question a lot of people want to know this right a lot of people ask and whenever somebody asks me this question the first thing i have to say is which native speaker right which native speaker if we want to sound like a native speaker well which native speaker is that going to be so native speakers are different in different places right if you go to the to the united kingdom then you are going to have different native speakers who speak differently than if you go to the united states or if you go to australia and so that's the first important thing for us to understand when asking this question of how do you speak like a native speaker right so we need to remember that okay i see some people have joined me here on our live call but only one person has their video on okay great so i see um boya is with us maybe i said your name wrong i'm sorry can you hear me hi can you hear me chris how are you yeah great i can hear you too now so um how do you say your name correctly is it booyah yeah great great great and uh so uh where are you i'm from morocco morocco great what time is it in morocco right now uh 13 14. 2 14. yeah 214 okay great uh and what is stopping you from learning english right now what's the the most difficult thing about learning english sorry i didn't catch that what is difficult what is hard about learning english for you i can say that tenses i found yeah uh-huh um so when when do you speak with native speakers when do you practice i'm just practicing practice with myself in the mirror yeah yeah exactly yeah i think that's better than nothing right and also i follow your videos oh great thank you so much yeah thanks for your support okay i see i see we have a few other people here with us and we should speak to them too so uh let's uh let's see we have sanjoy hi hi uh sorry what's your what's your name kumar my my name is sanjay mundo okay nice to meet you me too uh where are you from i'm from bangladesh this is india near india yeah yeah great and um so when you study english who do you speak with i started uh my journey in english from youtube a channel named when i visit this channel and advertise your advertise on that video uh then i click uh your advertise and uh i saw you i saw many videos of you and then i tried to practice uh english but my english is very poor and pronunciation is very poor but i always try to pronounce technology speaker but i i think that you speak very clearly i understand you thank you yeah so uh great great let's let's go speak to abbas abbas from pakistan okay great fine sir yes yes so do you use english every day yes i saw everybody watch you already sergey okay and uh so so you watch videos every day you said right yes yes but do you speak english with someone every day no sir because uh there is no english speaker in my environment sir oh okay um what about online maybe you have maybe you can practice with someone online maybe you've looked for a speaking partner yes uh-huh so yeah i think everyone has uh this problem it's hard to find some someone to practice with um let's let's see yeah hi hello hi how are you great i'm fine thank you thank you good to see you again yes nice to see you again too i was a little bit busy but uh but okay uh you know maybe uh someone don't know um i'm from latvia from riga um i i was in this course time ago and now i participate in another english course uh twice a week sometimes listening some books in youtube and your channel too sometimes if i have time and yes this is the way how i learn english that's great and what do you use english for in your life uh i use i'm i must use in my job i have a colleague from another country lithuania and estonia and we communicate in russian or in english some some some people speak russian and some people speak english and i try to communicate on english so you have to speak english with these people because you don't know their language and they don't know latvian yes they don't know latin and as we are from um these baltic baltic states we are from soviet soviet union we had so the soviet union and uh all we know russian better or or not so and uh but now so many people communicate on in english and people who who are uh 20 years old uh or older and they know english better than russian okay so you think that uh that english is a very important skill today of course yes of course if you want to travel to someone or want to understand some people or if you want to read book in original language then of course this is important yes yes great great uh so today the big question that we're going to be answering is we're going to talk about how to sound like a native speaker a lot of people have asked this question and so today i'm going to try to answer this so the first thing that we need to know about sounding like a native speaker is that we need to choose which type of native speaker and because people sound different everywhere and also i think that it's really important to remember that native speakers people people from the united states and from the united kingdom they don't understand everyone sometimes too so they have to learn about other native speakers and when you go to a country where it's not an english-speaking country maybe people in that country use english differently and they use different words sometimes right so uh so this is not only for people who are learning english the first time people like me we still need to learn about english in different countries and in different places uh because english is just a tool it's just an instrument for us to communicate to to send and to receive information right so um so so we need to remember that that's what it's for and not think so much about am i right or am i wrong or we just need to think more about did they understand me and did i understand them right so this is a really big important thing to understand to think about when we're talking about languages in general and english because so much information on the internet and so much information in the world is in english uh and it's the first language that many people share new information in very often so uh it's not about the united states or the united kingdom or australia it's not about these countries now this is just a tool an instrument for everyone to use so so so really what is a native speaker right if we try to sound like a native speaker then then what does that really mean um if you say it to a person in the united kingdom or the united states like uh you sound like a native speaker it's it's kind of a difficult thing to to imagine or to understand what does it mean to be a native speaker because for someone in the uk they imagine that all of english is like that and that's the correct english and someone in the united states thinks the same thing and someone in japan thinks the same thing and someone in india thinks the same thing and there's different ways of speaking english and one way is more effective in one place than in another place right so uh so when we try to sound like a native speaker we should think about the goal that we have maybe we're going to that country and that's why we need to sound like people from there maybe we uh do business with lots of people from a specific country from one country and that's why we need to study how they speak and and learn more about how they speak right so uh how to how to sound like a native speaker this is the the big question and if we want to speak like a native speaker then we need to understand which native speaker it is first and we understand that from the goal from the thing that we want to to do so why do we study english in the first place right and for each person that might be different some people think that that's for traveling some people think that that's for business some people think some people don't know most people don't know why they are studying english they just say i want to be better i want to speak correctly rachel has something to say about this rachel how are you i'm good i'm good where are you from papua new guinea okay yes great what time is it there it must be very late uh uh it's ten ten ten o'clock so you probably see a lot of different types of english speakers where you live there's people from australia who speak differently than people who come from probably a lot of people from china and singapore come to papua new guinea sometimes too yeah so is it easier for you to understand native speakers or is it easier to understand non-native speakers what do you think well it's um i would say it's it's um easier it's easier most of us like we like to me i speak um less pain to my local language and my national language and english is my third language and if for me to understand like people from outside coming to my country i can understand them i understand them yeah that's great do you think do you think most do you think that most people in your in your country most people speak english or don't speak english um not truly not really but we understand like we understand most of us like us that we go to school we understand and for those that don't they don't go to school they're uneducated they can they understand that they just pick their own understand that's great yeah thank you so much rachel that's great um yeah thank you so much rachel um when we when we talk about uh native speakers and different native speakers from different places it can be confusing sometimes because we want to just find the one type of english that's going to always work right we want to we want to know what the rules are but unfortunately uh most languages don't really work like that and uh so sometimes it's frustrating so how do we deal with that when we're trying to sound like a native speaker when we want to speak like a native uh whatever that means then how do we how do we speak with someone who we don't really understand very well right what should we be doing because a lot of people think that when we're learning how to speak like a native that this means that we need to practice our pronunciation and i think that it's it's more about practicing listening skills when you're studying how to sound like a person because that's what we're talking about right you want to speak like or sound like a person from that country so first you need to listen to lots of people or lots of speech from people from that country and then you can sound like them if you don't know what a person from that country sounds like then we can't sound like them so we choose what kind of native speaker right and we choose this connected to whatever goal why why we're learning this language so usually it will connect us to some area of the world or one country uh and so we know what kind of english to study but then we need to listen to people most native speakers native in when i say native speakers today i'm going to mean someone from the united states from the united kingdom australia for example um most native speakers they they think it's very rude for them to correct someone for them to tell you that you're wrong when you speak so if you meet a regular person who's a native speaker and you make mistakes they're not going to tell you all the time that that your english is bad or that you're making mistakes in english they don't they don't say that that stuff they don't say any of that because it sounds very rude so instead what they say uh is they will give you some kind of look with their face usually like hmm i i didn't completely understand that you'll see it on their face right but then they'll also there's a thing that a lot of native speakers do and they don't understand that they do this but you if you know that they do this then you can use it to help you learn so for example let's say that um that someone comes to me and they say chris i are happy i are happy this is a mistake right i are happy it's not right so he comes to me says chris i are happy so me the polite native speaker i don't say that's not right no i instead i say oh you are happy yes i am happy too so the native speaker will repeat the information correctly and they will give us the correct version they will just repeat it back and so the native speaker will it will sound like they they agree with you it will sound like they're just continuing the conversation right but uh but really they're correcting your mistake and they don't they don't tell you and maybe they don't know maybe they don't know that it's that they are doing this right they might not understand the rules of why it's a mistake they might not really understand but they're going to tell you how they would say it and so many native speakers when they have the situation where they meet a person from another country this person makes a mistake in english they don't say oh that's wrong you should say this they don't tell you directly they just repeat it back correctly for how how they think it's correct um and if you listen when you're speaking to people then then you can catch this so that's really why it's important to focus on listening when we're trying to learn pronunciation when we're trying to learn how to speak differently and when we when i say speak differently that's exactly what we're doing we don't need to change our accent we need to add a new accent we don't need to we don't need to change how we sound with our first sounds right like for example um in english we usually say uh the r sounds like this are right we don't we don't roll the r we don't say this sound usually but in other languages you have to use this different sound so uh so what's correct well i don't i don't need to forget my english r sound if i want to learn a new language but i do need to add a new sound so uh when we learn an accent and when we learn pronunciation we shouldn't think about bad sounds and good sounds or or right sounds and wrong sounds we should be thinking about uh new sounds and old sounds i already have some sounds that i can make and now i can make some new sounds great so now i want to answer some more of your questions i see that we have arif is with us hi arif where are you from oh no more arif okay let's talk to sylvia hi sylvia how are you i'm fine thanks nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you chris where are you first time i'm from hungary from budapest oh wow great great um yeah so so i decided to just do this random randomly today without planning to do this live call and uh maybe you have some questions that you'd like to ask i'm here to answer the answer [Music] it was a big surprise for me uh i'm very worried and uh to say to say uh grateful thanks for your teaching chris well thank you for thank you for joining this call and for uh studying with me all right i think i i kind of put sylvia on the spot i focused all the attention on her but if anybody has any questions i guess you can just raise your hand let me know um and you can ask your question abbas yeah how can i speak like anything sylvia asked this question so yeah today we're talking about how to speak like a native that's our whole that's our main topic so we'll we'll continue about this in a minute and and most of most of the questions that people ask can be connected back to this topic so i'm sure we'll come back to it abbas had a question hi abbas sarah how many bands required to get admission in usa university many bands required to get admission in usa university okay uh good thing i'm an english teacher because i understand what that means um when you say bands i think that you're talking about the ielts exam and the ielts exam is is mostly a british english test in the united states more universities and organizations we use the toefl exam instead of the ielts exam usually however in some places you can use ielts also for each university it's going to be different so there's no i can't tell you sorry but uh but you probably want to look at if the university that you want if that university takes ielts because many american universities don't yes thanks for your question uh let's see who else okay so enjoy hi chris hi uh how are you i think you're fine i'm fine my question is uh when i want to speak with others uh not only native but it's my first time to speak with you i'm and i'm very surprised and uh you randomly speak uh all over the world people and i'm surprised that the first time i joined then i uh then i record and final and again i joined uh johnny too so my question is um your job is how to speak like a native speaker i um about three or four years i listening native speakers videos and how they speak and how they express their tones their extent especially u.s extents how they pronounce i follow uh i i'm following i'm following these videos uh about for three years and about one year ago i got your videos uh from youtube and from that time i also follow uh your videos and i think your um uh tracking skill my speaking uh speaking skill and impressed me and i easily understand your speaking and what you say what what do you want to understand to the listener um so uh today i joined um and i'm feeling nervous very nervous so don't mind no problem okay uh uh as as i'm known as speaker but i i i i try my best to speak like natives uh someone uh someone uh give me a suggestion that um first you listen you listen more and more from the native speaker how they pronounce how they uh express their uh different uh things when they work in case of when they are cooking when they're jogging on their driving uh the expression and their tone and this pronunciation uh i follow these things but in some cases i don't understand what's it and what they say um what they indicate about this but in by the expression i can understand what they say my chances is uh not correct i know well we can say both uh we can say both of those but yeah i understand i understand what you're saying it's it's difficult to uh use it when we're in the situation yeah and uh thank you so much for that and so so yeah one of the big problems is that a lot of times we just want to speak instead of listen and uh this can stop us from learning the sounds correctly right right [Music] okay yeah great so so yeah um thank you so much so our topic today is about how to sound like a native speaker how to speak like a native speaker you've probably uh seen other speakers of english on youtube and on the internet who have who speak a lot differently than i speak maybe they um maybe maybe they speak differently because they have a different accent but maybe it's just the speed or the words that they choose and so we need to kind of uh also understand that a lot of native speakers in the same place speak differently because of different culture or subculture or different things that they believe right like their personal philosophy in life and so people who are interested in sports might speak about sports things similarly in different places and maybe they will speak in a more similar way i found this that when i first went to russia when i first went to russia i noticed that the people who spoke about the kind of music that i liked they knew all the same words that i that i knew and all of these words were the same in these languages and i found that um some other people who spoke russian fluently didn't know these words that i knew because these words were only from the subculture and so this can be something to remember also because it's not only about uh learning an accent the native native speakers in different places sound differently not only because of their accent but also for other reasons too right other things in their life and so um so the big question is do we really need to sound like a native speaker how does that help us right if if someone looks at you and says oh that guy is from the united states does that help you because i think that that i don't know every year it becomes worse and worse and worse to be from the united states i don't know if you think that too but um but sometimes i think oh why would why do people even want to sound like that and to be honest with you in the united states a lot of a lot of people from here they like meeting people who have accents they like meeting people from other countries it's it makes life more interesting imagine every day for all for your whole life every person who you met did everything and said everything exactly the same that's boring right it's more interesting when people make some mistakes and it makes you think like oh why is that a mistake why how does that mean something different and so people who are native speakers they might actually find it interesting to speak with someone who has an accent an accent just means that the person is from a different place so i think a lot of people like meeting people from different places and uh so so this idea of a native speaker it really uh doesn't apply to english anymore i think i think that it's not really an in an important concept uh in learning english a lot of people think that native speaking teachers are have some some way to teach better than non-native teachers it's not true in my experience most teachers of english who are from other countries teach better because they have more education about this and they had to really work hard to get there and many native speakers they didn't even study it and they don't know what they're talking about and they just think i say that so it must be right so um so in my opinion you don't really need to sound like a native speaker um but if you want to sound like someone from a specific place listen and study that that specific type of accent and i think dacha has another question here nope okay yeah yes uh i think i thought about what you say about native speaker and about fluent um speaking i think most of people want to speak not like native speakers because as you say people in different places like in united kingdom in ireland in in england this is people speak in different different this dialects and they are very different but i think most important is not to speak like native speaker but most importantly speak like speak fluently and i think this is what if i say about myself then this is why i'm learning english i want to speak fluently i want to think uh in english language not in my native language but i want to speak in english and this is very important like for me yeah to think to think in english right yes to think in english and when you think in this language what you want to learn then you put these words in correct this forms yes and when you listen no matter maybe you don't understand what people say when you are listening some topics in youtube or audio books this is not matter maybe you don't understand but this time to time when you were listening uh listen this topic again and again this information put in your mind automatically and and you will you will speak uh correct automatically i think maybe i'm not correct yeah i think i think that you have the right idea definitely um i think that when you're able to think in the language then it makes it much easier for you to communicate i don't know if it makes it easier to be correct because we have some way that we imagine it's correct and sometimes we only learn that that's not correct much later uh like when you like when you learn a word that has many meanings you learn one meaning and you start to think everything is just that one meaning and then you learn a second meaning and you start to think wow it's only these two meanings and then you just like this we we learn something we think that we know it and we use it until we find out how we need to use it differently um so so thinking in the language i think will really help you communicate better and but how do you do that right how do you think in the language so one one trick or one suggestion that i can make is trying to connect the language to an action that you have to do in your life trying to connect it to something that you absolutely have to do so every time that you do that action you do it in english and this way it becomes easier for you to think about doing that thing in english than thinking about doing it in a different language you might be studying a certain topic maybe every time that you study something that's in english and so you and so you always think about that so so we always think about it in that way that that uh that action or that activity or that course that we studied that topic that we studied it's always connected to english for us uh great great great all right i'm going to go back to the comments that we have coming in from uh youtube and from facebook okay lots of people are saying can i join can i join can i join so today it was just lucky i sent the link whoever saw it jumped on here there's a limit of 10 people at one time so some people tried to join after that but there but there was a limit and uh i'm going to do this more often but i don't know when so uh i i know that that's difficult but we have live speaking lessons like this with me with other teachers every day we have 30 lessons 3-0 30. so no matter what time of the day that you want to speak you can go to our website and you can join and you can you can click and join and have a lesson like this um so let me just put my put the website up here so if you go if you go here chris ee then you can find this uh speaking program where we have lessons like this all day every day it costs fifty dollars fifty dollars five zero uh per month so for the whole month you can join as many lessons as you want as many times as you want we have 30 lessons every day so it's 900 lessons 900 live lessons that you can join every month for 50 so um yeah that's that's my program where i help people with speaking practice i saw that uh anja michelle had a question hi do you hear me it's very quiet i can only hear you a little oh you hear me now yes much better okay the question is how can we come over united states to learn english with you this is what i want sorry how can we commit how can we come over the united states to meet you and learn english with you that's a good question um you know i think that with coronavirus it's very difficult for anybody to travel but uh but there's lots of programs where you can come to a school in a different country and study english there i don't have any way for this right now uh i don't have any program where you can travel here and study here uh offline everything i do is on online on the internet yeah but thanks for that question and i i am right now looking for um some partners in different countries people who might be interested in helping me organize live seminars so that i can go to that country or go to that city and do a live english speaking seminar with a group of people there and so of course the partner the organizer will have some uh some benefits from this too so yeah if anybody's watching right now and is interested in that you can you can contact us uh you can send your information over to this email address and yeah and we can talk about it so that's it for our live call today thank you so much for everyone who who joined and we'll be back again very very soon i'm not sure exactly when but but very soon and you'll be seeing a lot more of me on youtube new youtube videos are coming um we have uh we have a new blog on the christmas coast website where some of the teachers who work with us are writing about different topics that are important um one of those topics is how to speak like a native speaker so we have a topic from another teacher on our website that you can go and and read right now too um great thank you so much for coming on here it's so great just to speak with uh with some of the people who are watching and i hope to see everybody again very soon have a great day everybody
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 15,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English lesson, English online, Live English lesson, Speak english, Kris Amerikos, English native speaker teachers, study English, learn Ennglish, English phrases, Practice English, English speaking partner, English native speaker online
Id: -QZCSjsaAnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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