Don't Say "Please Repeat" | How to Say You Don't Understand or Didn't Hear Someone

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hey everybody chris americos here and welcome to another video in this video i'm going to teach you phrases that you can say when you want someone to repeat themselves when you want someone to repeat themselves when you want someone to okay i think you understand so if you don't understand what somebody says you can say these phrases and ask them to say it again let's start with some easy ones the first one is sorry and you should definitely move your eyebrow up like this when you say sorry right if you can do that then then go ahead and try to do that just look in the mirror and say it to yourself sorry sorry and the intonation here is really important because we want to make it like a question we want to use question intonation and question intonation rises so we say sorry sorry and this means that we didn't hear the person or we didn't understand them and the other person should repeat back to us now uh sometimes we use sorry together with other phrases and i'll give you some examples of that right now the next phrase that we might use is come again now this one is kind of funny to say and not everybody says it but some people do and they might hear you talking and you know you say something that they don't understand they look at you and they say come again it means say it again please now you probably know the next phrase it's just one word we can just say what but some people think that it sounds kind of rude like you tell me chris i love your videos and i say what it sounds kind of like i don't believe you or something like this right so it's not the most polite way to tell someone that you don't understand another phrase that we might use is excuse me excuse me this one is very similar to sorry and it tells the person that maybe i didn't hear you or maybe i didn't understand you but the phrase excuse me might also mean that i think you said something terrible right like chris i hate your videos and i say excuse me now with the intonation we should be able to understand if the person is just telling us that they didn't hear us or didn't understand what we said or if the person is offended by what we said and if they're offended they might say excuse me right you'll be able to hear it from the intonation but if i didn't understand the person i will just say excuse me with just simple question intonation with the rising intonation at the end of the phrase now let's look at some longer phrases but phrases that maybe are a little more polite and that definitely tell a person that we just didn't hear them or we didn't understand them the first one is what was that and we can replace the word that with other words or a longer phrase like what was it that you just said or what was the last word that you said for example and we can tell them exactly what we didn't hear clearly or what we didn't understand another phrase that is similar to this is what did you say what did you say and again this phrase could sound like i didn't hear you or i didn't understand you but also it could sound like i am offended like you said chris your videos are terrible and i say what did you say right like are these words serious because this is rude uh so sometimes it has this meaning we might also add something to this phrase like what did you just say and this tells us that we're talking about the last thing that you said or something that you said very recently another one that we use a lot is could you repeat that and again we can change the word that and use other words like we could say could you repeat the last word that you just said now you probably know if you've watched any of my other videos that using the word could is very polite so another phrase that we can say is could you say that again this one is very clear and very simple right and we can change the word that we can say could you say the last word again or could you say that sentence again or could you say the last thing that you said again okay the next phrase i'm going to teach you is kind of a funny phrase at least i think it's funny but i hear people use it quite often and this phrase is i beg your pardon i beg your pardon and again this means excuse me or sorry or i didn't hear you i didn't understand you and i want you to repeat but also this phrase might mean that i'm offended that i think you said something rude that has both of these meanings and what does it really mean beg your pardon well a pardon is when we forgive someone like they say sorry and you say okay i accept your apology right this is to pardon someone they did something bad and you say it's okay now and we say i beg your pardon beg means to ask for something very very strongly please please please please so it means please please accept my apology i'm very sorry that's what it means okay now let's talk about phrases that we use to tell someone that we didn't hear them or we didn't understand them but we want them to know that it's our fault because sometimes when we repeat again and again and we tell a person sorry excuse me what did you say could you say that again it maybe they feel like they are not clear right and sometimes that's true but if we want to tell them specifically that we didn't understand it we didn't hear them then we should say something else and we can say for example i didn't catch that i didn't catch what you said could you say it again and these phrases where we tell the person that it's our fault we usually combine them with the other phrases that we've already learned today so we might say sorry i didn't catch that or sorry i didn't catch what you said this means i didn't hear what you said or i didn't understand what you said we might also say i didn't get that or i didn't get what you said could you say it again and another one is i didn't hear you or i didn't hear that or i didn't hear what you said we can also very simply just say i don't understand what you said could you say it again or sorry i don't understand what you just said another phrase like this is when we say i don't follow i don't follow what you just said and when we say follow it means that we don't understand or we didn't hear what they said okay the last phrase that i'm going to teach you in this video today is i'm lost now usually we say i'm lost when we're walking in a city and we don't know where we are or we don't know where we're going and we find a person oh help me where's the bank i'm lost but we can also say i'm lost when we don't understand what a person is talking about right so maybe i tell you oh there's going to be a new video on friday and then and then a new video on monday but not on monday only on thursday but so are you confused i'm confu i confused myself so in this situation you can say uh chris sorry but i'm lost could you say that again because i'm completely lost and this means i don't understand what's happening so i hope this video helped you understand different ways that you can ask someone to repeat information and ways that you can tell them that you didn't understand something if you like this video make sure you press like press subscribe click on that bell button so you get a notification when new videos come out and leave a comment down below telling me why you liked it or why you didn't and i also want to remind you that when we get one million subscribers on this youtube channel and one million followers on our facebook page called english with chris americos we're going to release a 100 free complete full intermediate english course and don't forget that we have 30 speaking lessons every day seven days a week 365 days a year so you can join anytime that you want and you can get speaking practice with professional teachers and native speakers and other students from everywhere in the world right now we have students from about 70 different countries in our program and we would love to see you at the next lesson just click the link under this video to join our live speaking lesson program called english every day i hope to see you at the next lesson bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 27,539
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Keywords: please repeat, please repeat english, how to say repeat english, how to repeat english, repeat please in english, repeat please, say again please, say again english, say again in english, english say again, kris amerikos, english phrases, english sayings, english expressions, common expressions in english, English lesson, English online
Id: -fvDj3FcXgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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