Intermediate English - Section 7 Review

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okay we are live we're ready to go it's friday 8 a.m time for some english okay great so today is our last intermediate english lesson in our group and that's very exciting we've gone through seven sections of our course seven parts of our course and we've talked about a lot of different topics that are important for uh learning english and especially for people who are at an intermediate level so today i just wanted to start by uh talking a little bit about what a level is what a level means we just completed this intermediate course so what really does intermediate mean and when you're finishing a course you should also think about your goals what are you going to do next how are you going to take what we studied what we learned and use it right so we need to talk about those things today so what's a level a level is just a a way for us to group together some ideas when people are learning a language there's some ideas that you have to learn first right like you you have to learn how letters sound how to say the the sounds of the letters you have to learn this before you can speak sentences uh right so there are some steps that we have to learn before other steps and levels are just one person's decision to put together some ideas that must be learned before other ideas uh so for example in intermediate english we spoke a lot more about present perfect and we spoke a lot more about past perfect and that's because some difficult grammar concepts difficult grammar ideas use that later right we we must already know that before we can learn the next step uh so this is really what a level is it's just a group of ideas that people think that we need to learn before other ideas but but um a level is not something that always stays the same right maybe you study every day right now and so your level is is growing right and you feel more confident speaking you're learning new things regularly and it's becoming easier for you to remember them and use them and but if we stop using it then our level might decrease right today i i know maybe five words in italian but i lived in italy when i was in school when i was in high school and i had friends there and i who i spoke italian with only not english so i spoke with people at that level at that age but today if someone tried to have a conversation with me i can't remember it at all uh because i haven't used it for years and so you you can lose your level so just because you're you go to intermediate or pre-intermediate or advanced or whatever name we call this group of ideas uh you know it changes all the time another interesting thing to think about is that usually when people study english a lot when they where am i there i am uh usually when people uh study english regularly or any language or any skill regularly then we see something like they start they start having more and more success and then there's some period where they stop and then they they try some more and then something difficult happens and they go up and something happens and they go up and something happens and so after we study a lot if we forget words or or we forget something that we learned not long ago and we start to think uh i'm so stupid how did i forget that uh this doesn't mean that we stopped growing our level we have to we have to go down sometimes before we can go up more right so um so a level is is not something that stays the same and it and especially when we talk about intermediate in in all of my years teaching english intermediate is always the level where some people are very many people are very different in this level we can we can separate intermediate into maybe you know three parts also so it's very big and and it doesn't matter that it's called intermediate you know i had a school in russia an offline school and sometimes students came to us from other schools and they'd say i'm advanced i'm advanced in this school and then they came to our school and we they had like a level test with a native speaker and we would tell them like uh we think you're elementary or or you know a very low level compared to a very high level and so in different places people have different ideas of what levels are right so the the ideas of like intermediate upper intermediate advanced beginner these don't give us a lot of information it's better for us to use some kind of number system right like if you take an exam like the ielts exam or the toefl exam then you get a score and this number represents something and this is probably a better way to think about a level um so but again this level is about groups of ideas some people can answer those questions on a test very well but when they speak they it's very difficult for them right uh so it's very difficult to say what exactly a level means one thing is clear it's not that important whatever we whatever we call the level it's not so important it's important to know that we are better than we were before but it's not so important to know that somebody calls me a beginner and somebody calls me advanced and right maybe that motivates you now if that motivates you then then use it then tell yourself you need to go to the next level uh because that's the second part right um we also need to think about what our goal is is our goal just to be advanced if that's our goal then we need to find somebody who calls us advanced right or some test that says that we're advanced or and then we can say that we achieved this goal but right now we should think about what what really is the goal that we have for for learning english so i suggest separating it into a few different categories like how do you how do you use english what are you going to use it for right this is actually a noun ah use use is the pronunciation so not the verb to use [Music] right we have the verb to use and because the first sound here is the first sound is not ooh the first sound is so this is a consonant sound not a vowel sound ah use right so um what is the main use for your english right you can have a goal about that how am i going to use it more to get a result you can also think of like um of you can think of your weaknesses where there's a part of english that you really don't know and maybe it's connected to something that's important for you for example you right now we are studying general english right but maybe you're a business person uh i think abdo said he was so then you know maybe one of your goals should be to study more specialized english for for for business maybe you travel a lot and you think oh it's important if i need to go to a hospital i need to know how to talk about my body and how to talk about injuries right so maybe we study more medical english or so you could set a goal like this about a different area of english because there's a lot of different words in these areas that we don't usually speak about in general conversation right um so we when we go through a level or a course there's usually some specific ideas groups of ideas that we're focusing on and uh we're trying to improve them but now we need to use them in a real life situation so that we so that we forget them less and so that we have a way to practice them right um so we need to think about uh about this how do we want to use english let's share some ideas about this how do you want to use english in your life um you know maybe maybe it's going to be one of the examples i gave or maybe you have another example so uh colleen what do you think how do you want to use english in your life well i started to hello so i started to study english almost four years ago it was a new year resolution and i managed to keep this hobby alive uh i started to study english for uh the main reason is for traveling but i use english at work uh there are meetings uh in society of in in the society of petroleum engineers and these meetings are always in english because in these meetings participate uh engineers from all over the world and this is another reason for i i study english [Music] in in the last time i use english only in this course because i didn't travel and the meetings are didn't uh have place uh in the last time those meetings so uh place in in in this course but it's [Music] it's super okay to use english in this course because you have the opportunity to meet people from all over the world so could be uh a fun way to use english yeah so when you go to these work meetings when you went to these work meetings that happened in the past and probably will happen in the future um uh do you feel like you were very confident when you had to speak english well i wasn't in the situation to speak i only listened to the presentations and i was very happy that i can understand i didn't participate before studying english of course because i couldn't understand all right okay so you haven't had this you haven't presented anything at any of these comments not not yet but maybe in the future uh i will have i will have a presentation okay yeah great uh just one thing you said you said that you you were happy that you could do something right or that you could join or you could participate um so i just wanted to point something out that everyone should remember that we should use past tense in both of these parts of the sentence i was happy that i could take part or that i could participate cool um so okay when you let's imagine that um you're like uh you're some kind of cartoon character you go to these work meetings which ca who who are you when you go to these meetings maybe not cartoon care maybe an action hero or a superhero or what how do you feel when you go to these meetings a superhero is always very involved in the action uh i i can't say that i'm involved very involved in the action but maybe in the future yeah cool cool so what would be like the the biggest achievement that you could make at these kinds of meetings be a presenter um yes maybe i will have a presentation in the future so so i i can't say that would be a big achievement maybe not alone maybe together with some member of the team of my team uh but uh will be a big achievement for me and my team that's great awesome um in in my office and not in only in my office many many of my colleagues are good english speaker and i i can say that i was uh embarrassed that i can't speak that you couldn't speak quite that i couldn't speak yes i can now uh it was another reason that i started to study english yes i have colleagues that uh they worked in other countries uh i have colleagues they that work in alaska or in the united states right and for example who do you want to be to those people just a colleague or do you want to be like the head of the department that works with them or do you want to be uh well i don't um it's not oh my god to become the boss of the department but i think uh being a member of that society society of petroleum engineers you should have a presentation one presentation at least so this is my goal and i i hope i will have it in the next two or three years cool thanks a lot actually we work now um a big project and this project will be uh will be part of the presentation until then we have to speak better english okay by then by that by that time by the time yes all right colin thanks a lot so so one thing that i want to say here is when we think about our goals with language it's also about who we are right because if we can use language better then we can uh be in a different position or be or or do some things that we want to do and use the language for this for this reason right and when every language has some different way to operate right different you have like a different character different uh way of of saying things in different languages and so really you get to decide who you want to be when you learn a new language you have to decide who you are in this language which which phrases you say and which phrases you you don't say right there are some bad words in every language and maybe you're a person who doesn't say them and maybe you're a person who says them sometimes and maybe you're a person who only says them in jokes or maybe you're a person who only says them to repeat what somebody else said uh right so there's there's a lot of different different ways that we can decide who we are as a person in general through language and so so we can really think about like not not only what goal i want to achieve but who do i want to be in the future using english right or using another language um because this can be part of who you this is another part of who you are if we learn if we really know the language then it becomes like part of who we are right so uh okay what are some other goals someone else can share about their um their goals for for learning english and what they want to use it for who wants to go next aida wants to go next oh abdul will be after that hi chris hi everyone i'm so sorry that i'm disappearing sometimes because i'm at work now i'm so sorry that it's the last lesson with you uh well what are your goals moving forward what do you where do you want to go and use english uh i travel a lot i try to travel every year and i need english uh while i'm traveling of course in every country uh i i cannot speak every language of uh of the countries that's why of course i need english uh and i speak english a lot when i go abroad so do you think that you feel you feel very comfortable speaking english uh not well not 100 of course but uh i feel that uh this year i started to speak uh more fluent fluently clearly i'm yes and i think the next uh year when we go abroad uh it will be better and i will speak faster with foreign people i hope so uh and also maybe for work too because for example just uh an hour ago um my colleague told me that the there is one work uh summer work um summer job yeah summer job for children and uh i mean acting like i should teach them acting but in english awesome that's great yeah so i'm thinking about it maybe i will try maybe i think it's a great idea for you yeah yeah this is this is something else that i didn't say today but everyone should should know that uh one of the best ways to learn anything is to teach it yeah yeah after you teach something one or two times you really understand it a lot more and a lot better yes of course and i hope that um maybe this month or next month my friend and colleague from our theater will join your program too and uh we will be together here high five yeah cool all right great let's uh thank you aida thank you it's great news um let's see safa what about you what are your plans how are you going to use english hi chris hi everyone i'm fine thanks so for me personally i am studying english to uh for professional purposes because in my field all job interviews and job meetings are in english because in pharmacovigilance we have international companies so speaking english fluently is very important so yes that's why i am trying to improve my english level because it's important okay so uh will you will you be able to participate in more meetings or move to a higher position or yes to move to higher positions and see other activities in my field because there are other activities that needs need skills in writing for example to write safety reports and safety for example risk management plans for medicines and all that and it needs really vocabulary and how to paraphrase ideas and yes it requires this yes that's great that's great so uh so you'll probably focus on more written english studying more written english then right because a lot of this work will be submitting these reports yes yes i need uh to work i think in both oral and written english yes but i think vocabulary is one of the points that i should really improve improve yes but now you can start focusing on some vocabulary that's more connected to your interests and like yes when you're reading news articles or when you're reading publications by other people you can take notes on the vocabulary and create your own vocabulary list yes yes in my field and some scientific reports and yes medical vocabulary yes great uh so one let's talk about uh two verbs to need and to require so for example there's some process and we need to do we need to submit documents this means that the process requires documents the process requires us to submit documents so if we say it then probably we're talking about some process so we can say it is required right uh it's required to submit your documents or they require us to submit documents right okay cool uh let's go to saeeda saeda hi how are you going to learn english or how we're going to use english sorry yeah uh well could i say my uh dream where is my dream my dream job is a famous teacher in the world yeah and like you well now i'm a teacher and school there when i'm taking my class i'm using the english and [Music] when i'm reading any uh when i gave them any diary then i use their english when you give them writing writing tasks um yeah for writing text or sometimes their homework oh homework okay then there i use english and when i'm going to make uh any creative uh activities for them there i use this language most of the students like that they're not like just read these you say these and learn this no no no no they just like the more attractive works group work sometimes creativity works and use english right that's great and also in a meeting when ourselves and we have to speak english in our school environment okay but what is the what is your uh native language your first language that is bangla bangla okay and so everyone there speaks uh bangla but then they all are all speaking english in the school yeah i speak english in school cool that's real that's a really interesting environment when i was very young i was in london so there uh and uh when i'm studying here when i was studying there then i can speak so swiftly i could i could but when i back from that bureau and you came back i yeah i came back it was uh 1990. after that for my lack of practice i forgot how to speak properly that's why i think it's important to learn again but i think you speak very clearly and very very very well i don't think you have a big accent or something it's i think you speak english very well thank you i like the politics symbol you know you show some symbol in uh articles there and they're so easiest for me i like them symbols yeah i mean politics visa genetics ah okay yeah uh-huh fanatic seminar why be a famous teacher in the world what do you think of course why not hey just helps me that i can so so okay first it's it's actually a great question because uh like we said one of the best ways to really know something is to teach it so this is for everyone who's watching and uh not only people who are already teachers but anybody who's studying something thinking of yourself as from the beginning i need to learn it because i need to teach it to somebody else uh this is great motivation too especially if you go to somebody and you say hey i'm going to teach you this then you have to master it more so that you can teach it and now you're responsible to another person and this is good motivation [Music] so i think that the first thing you should do is you should specialize you should focus on you should you should really decide like who is it that i teach specifically and how can i help them specifically uh so i to say everything that needs to happen in one small sentence you should you should focus on solving a problem the bigger the problem that you can solve the the more success you're going to have so you want to just understand which problems you solve right now what's the biggest problem that you solve right now maybe there's another problem that's a little bigger than than that and you just need to learn something more to get there and so you can keep thinking if you think like this then everything else will work because when you solve problems for people people are ready to pay you money people are ready to guest have you as a guest on their tv show or their radio show or they're ready to people are ready to work with you when you solve problems right so think about that i think yeah um cool so thank you so much saeeda and we have a couple of things i just wanted to remind everybody about one of them is english so if we're going to use english as a noun then we don't have an article before it we just say english right it's we understand it's a language uh we also understand that it's like a nationality but if we say english language now we need to say the the english language but we don't usually say the english just english not the english just english but if we say language after it then we say the english language right because now english is an adjective that talks about language just like if we said english people the english people government the english government uh-huh great an english tutor right right right we could use uh a different a different article we could say an english school and english tutor but if it's just english about the language then it's just english no article um however there's always an exception right there's always an exception to the rule that's the rule however let's let's pretend that we're talking about australian english and american english and different accents and i say well the english that they speak in boston is different from the english that they speak in new york this is okay because now i'm talking about one type of english one type of this language right um but in general when we speak about english it's there's no article next work and works so these are both nouns work is an uncountable noun and works is a countable noun that's more than one um what's the difference so usually work it's about doing some action some some job using your energy uh so we can say this is hard work with no article we don't say this is a hard work we can't say that because it's uncountable however we also have another word work which is countable work one work and two works this is some kind of work that was done before and it's in it's finished and usually it's about art so imagine there's a sculptor and he's he's making a sculpture and he's when he finishes it now they show it in the museum and they they say this is an amazing work of art a work of art it's countable because we can count this thing that they made right so we should usually like 95 of the time we're going to be saying the uncountable noun work it's hard work we have to do some work not works works will be uh many works of art yeah and then the last one um back uh so in some languages you can just say like the person and the word back and everybody understands that you are using the verb go that you're talking about going back right uh like in in russian you can say that you can just say yeah i back uh and you can understand from some context it means i'm going back but in english we don't understand that in english we have to say go back or come back and uh so so always we always have to use a verb with back great abdo yes chris um works in some situations if we are discussing about something specifically i can say um i will do it i did that my way and it works this is the verb to work it has another meaning so it's success this is the this is the verb to work yes just the third person he she it works right so we're saying it works like like it functions it does the work it does the job uh right but these are these are nouns yes yeah good point uh it works it's a verb right yeah so so abdul what do you want to use english for so for me i have a big plans actually i'm working as a real estate developer but in my country we have a very difficult situation i'm talking about economy problems and our currency floated so materials are very high so i need i need to learn english as a profession maybe i need at least three years but i think out of the window i have time i have money i have health um this is what i'm doing now i'm i'm learning how to to talk how how to listen correctly so maybe after one year i will attend i will take academic courses maybe i will start with eyelids so um maybe i need two or three years okay that's great that's great to me it sounds like you could already do business with people in english i mean in business i'm uh in my country uh usually i i sell my properties to egyptian but maybe these people could live anywhere arabic countries europe us so but did we lose the connection now uh in general so uh prices are very high so the market is full so you're not you're not worried it's not beneficial sorry you're not worried about the bubble no no no needs time and um i think uh uh maybe i have to change i have to make a career shift because maybe we are talking about maybe five or six years the economy will be like this because it's totally full yeah more chances no chances right now so i have to think out of the window and i i have to get benefits with my free time uh maybe this is the best uh investment i can do a moment to learn something useful as a profession investing in yourself is always the best investment right yes yes that's great oh thanks a lot thank you thanks um okay great let's go to gigi gigi how are you going to use english hi everyone hi chris hi yeah my proposal is exactly because they live here in netherlands and since i got here i started to learn english again because of course during my life i have learned but of course i forgot everything because i didn't use in my daily life uh yes i have studied at the physical class like offline um like uh three years but of course it's very expensive and i didn't get the same result nowadays i'm happy i'm grateful for found your course your platform because um since i started here i think i improved a lot and then i can communicate in good way that here in in netherlands especially here in rotterdam everyone speaks english and then i can go everywhere government doctor yes and then i communicate in english that when i watched your seminar you you said you have to believe that you speak english and then i believe that and then and then people people i believe that i speak english and then it's good you have it you are in the same page in that case yeah and go ahead and yeah i think i'm so happy because i have study i have a study i have been studying here almost two years and i'm happy because i didn't pass it by because i think it's good for me i attend the normal everyday several lessons and i you just would say that sometimes it's important to repeat the subject i think i learned more because if just attend one subject one time once i think i forgot the the word and how can i express that idea and then for me it's useful when for example we're talking about donate something and then i can attend different teachers they of course you teach a different way uh i you meet different people at the breakout room then i can share my opinion then i can get them that new information and i think that i i stay in my mind and then it's then i can say i become confident about that subject and then after that i can jump for or not and um yes i think since i started here i yes i i i'm not that i i have improved and yes i can go everywhere in good way and i believe i speak english that's great thank you so much gigi thank you my pleasure uh okay amira amira how are you going to how are you going to use english hi everyone hi i think that english language which is it helps me to improve myself and so i need the learning to to read something to understand something also it helps me to find a good job to or using for for if i want to drop it i i use it to treat with another people other people i think it's so important to learn english it's useful for us um in different to use it in different different fields great thank you so much america nirvana how about you how are you going to use english hello um i think very important uh no english because many kinds of the the instructions of many kinds of machines come in english and how to know how use these machines i need no english for communicate with anyone is important no no english you know english to know english and to travel fascinate the english facility to travel also facilitates traveling traveling it helps it helps you travel yes exactly i usually don't use english but i think it's very important i always wanted um no english to know english knowing this yes thank you for correcting me it's very important for me you're you're welcome so one important thing we should remember is the word important is an adjective after adjectives we have to say the infinitive right to nice to meet you it's important to learn english yeah okay thank you great great thank you so much and um one more thing i wanted to tell everyone is that you know sometimes i hear teachers and students talking about this topic like today about our goals with english about how to use english and everybody says oh english is so important it's so important it's so great but sometimes i feel strange like like is english really that great like is it better than other things i don't think so english is just a tool that we use it's just an instrument that we use right so we have to do some activities and we just use english and so like uh i would put it in my toolbox with like being able to design images this is a tool i can use i can design images in any language i can design an image is kind of a different language than using words right uh video editing this is a skill a tool that i can use there's there's lots of different things uh marketing accounting you know managing people relationships with people these are all different tools and english is just another one of these tools it doesn't mean that it's a better language it's just the tool that people use right now soon we might need to learn chinese so it's just a tool right that's it and in different parts of the world we need other tools if we go to kazakhstan then russian would be useful if we go to you know to morocco it might be useful to know arabic or spanish so you know there's lots of different tools we use them in different situations and english is just another tool another instrument it doesn't it doesn't have to be good or bad it's just something that we use right like uh like a a hammer is a hammer good or bad who knows right so the same with english uh so okay i'd like to also speak with albina hi albana hi please hi everyone welcome um it's your first time joining this group and it's our last lesson so um thanks for joining us today and and maybe you have some ideas about how you want to use english in the future yes uh for me i long time uh work english but uh for some courses but after that i don't practice and you know forgot everything but now i move it in another country and here all people speak english so where are you from and where did you move okay i'm from bulgaria and i'm now in dubai okay but here a lot of of people it's a different country and they have different accent and for me it's very it's very hard to understand them but after that i look for some course new course to practice english and i look your your platform and i joined here uh when i joined in your platform i was very confused because you know i think sometimes to speak to people understand me but sometimes [Music] they don't yeah how to say sometimes they don't understand yeah yeah and i'm confused when i join for example c1 level i sometimes i feel comfortable but sometimes when i'm joined in a2 yeah there have for example gigi she's a long time in this platform she speak very well english but i'm confused high five gigi yeah yeah you're right so you know at the beginning of our lesson today we talked a little bit about levels and how levels are really just names for these groups of ideas and it's really difficult to understand each day or week which level somebody is so yeah it's your place but you know sometimes for example other other students in this platform i'm very confused but after that i think i'm stupid i don't understand why she don't understand me but after that she helped me a lot and i feel i feel better yeah that's good sometimes when i go break break away how to say breakout rooms no no i have some holiday oh okay go away for example two three five days after sometimes ten days and i back in the enjoy again in the course i'm uh again uh i feel conf uncomfortable uh uncomfortable yeah because i forgot some new new words for me yes i don't practice them but sometimes we need to go down before we can go [Laughter] you are right so yeah of course if we stop using it completely then we will forget it or or we will use it worse right but um but also we should also there's our active knowledge and our passive knowledge and so we have the when we learned something maybe we learned it one time and we understood it and and then we didn't use it for a long time now it's in our passive knowledge right like i remember i completely forgot italian completely i never i didn't speak italian for years someone comes up to me and and says like nice to meet you and i and i'm and i automatically answer like like nice to meet you too and uh and you know it's in there somewhere but maybe it doesn't come out so fast or maybe it doesn't come out like it's hard to remember right but but we learn it once and then the second time it it's usually faster for us to learn it to relearn it because we already know some basics we didn't completely forget it yeah well um alvina thanks for joining our this lesson today and it's great to meet you and great thank you thank you uh so that's it for our for our lesson today it was our last intermediate english lesson but we have some more things coming soon um you know we'll we'll have we'll have more live videos like these uh in the near future but we're going to take a short break for now for a couple weeks uh and then we'll have something new plus i'm moving to a new house so i have to move all my stuff and and set up my new place to do this so uh yeah thank you so much to everybody who participated in our in our intermediate english course thank you so much to everybody who watched on facebook and on youtube and uh it's it's really really great if you've gone through the entire course with us then i hope that you found it very useful and i hope that you'll be able to use it in the future especially a big big big thanks to everybody who's here today aida abdo albana saeeda gigi safa amira and nirvana thank you so much everybody it was great thank you chris thank you so much good luck with everything bye bye thank you thank you very much
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 7,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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