Phone Conversations 📞

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all right it looks like we are live on facebook instagram and youtube and also on uh instagram's over there facebook linkedin and youtube over here so if you see me looking in a different direction that's why i'm just going live on many different platforms at the same time and um that's really an interesting way to reach people right because in the past to talk to someone we had to know their number right we had to look in a specific place there wasn't a publicly accessible resource like these videos right every week friday 8 a.m i go live on um youtube on linkedin on facebook and on instagram and this is just a public resource you don't have to call me on the phone you don't have to send me a message because you know that you can come here and you can find this so today we're talking about phone conversations right phone conversations are much different uh you have to know the person you have to call a specific number and uh that that only allows you to speak with one person at a time so can you remember probably most of you can uh when i was younger it was this way most people didn't have internet right most people didn't have the internet and so so people had to call each other on the phone and before that i mean i remember my uh great grandmother uh telling me about how you know they didn't have phones and they didn't have tvs and it was a completely different way of spreading information to spread information right it was a different way of communicating to everyone mass communication so when we talk about phone conversations we're really just talking about uh an old type of communication right an old type of communication but it's also current today we still use this today but we can see that uh telecom companies right telecommunication tel telecom companies they're getting replaced they're gonna be replaced by internet providers and by larger companies that are providing communication on a larger scale so when we talk about phone conversations we're just talking about direct communication between two people communication between two people uh is is something that is different from communication in public right because when i speak to someone on the phone i'm gonna say something like hey how's it going i'm gonna say what's up i'm gonna say i'm gonna use informal language and uh depending on if who the person is right if the person is my boss then i'll use formal language if the person is um my friend then i'll use informal language and when we mass communicate to people there are different ways that we might communicate also for example if you see the president go on tv and do an interview or give a speech to people the president is not going to use informal communication usually right and when they do then people think of it as not being very presidential but really what i see is that in marketing when you're trying to uh promote yourself when you're trying to sell your product that you have when you're trying to just tell people the value of the thing that you have right that's really what marketing is about it's not really about selling it's about communicating correctly the value of what you have so uh when you think of it this way communication is really really important communication is the difference between success and failure sometimes there's different types of communication right we usually as english teachers and english students we usually talk about the kind of communication that happens in written form spoken right spoken written forms of communication but uh we need to be thinking differently than that we need to be thinking of those skills uh like a native speaker so when we when we think about english and we say there are many teachers say this they say there are productive skills and there are receptive skills receptive skills it means things that you get right skills that you that you learn and then there's skills that you produce not that you that you take in right like listening would be a receptive skill there's some data there's some information and you collect it on the other side when you produce this data when you produce information that's a productive skill that's writing and speaking and usually when we study languages that's how far we think of it but if you're a native speaker of that language then you will think of it differently because it's not just writing and speaking instead it's about giving speeches giving presentations right instead it's called copywriting this is a special word for writing text writing words for marketing reasons to communicate correctly the value of what you have think about that so communication is really really important now i want to read some of the comments here um frank migma says phone system may somewhere old procedure but it's a completely new one in undeveloped countries communication is really important to take attention and interact while we talk between people or in a group of people yes frank that's a great comment let me put that up on the screen if you're watching on linkedin or on youtube or on facebook then you can see frank's comment on the screen right now uh if you're watching on instagram that's cool i understand you're probably in your car or something so uh so frank that's a really really good comment yes and so we have different development of communication infrastructure in different parts of the world but we can see that some of the steps in technology some countries can jump over them right not not countries but some societies some groups of people can jump over old technology for example maybe in your country you didn't have um vcr or dvd players that people bought a lot of maybe you didn't have cassette players like a tape that you listened to music on or maybe you didn't have discs like a cd because maybe in your country you went directly to cds instead of cassettes right so in some countries that happened in some places that happened and the same with uh the same with phones that the infrastructure for the basic communication on telephones it started in under in in developing countries they started building it at the same time that there was already infrastructure for the internet right so internet and phone became one thing and that's why people who are just doing phone will lose in the end i mean the companies that are like telecom companies they uh i mean they're super profitable but they won't be able to compete with internet companies and with other other providers of internet which basically is a better form of communication right because you could use the internet to use a different program and call the person just like you would if it were a phone you can just go to facebook messenger right you can just go to any messenger you can go to whatsapp you can go to telegram you can go to you know wechat you can go wherever you're gonna go and you can call a person like it's a phone that's why today i think that the phone itself just this one function being being separate and being different and like the device that we use the thing that we use it's not really a phone anymore right it's it's a computer that's what when they say smartphone what it really means is phone companies are gonna are going to not be around for a long time phone companies are gonna start to to to be sold to or bought by internet companies um so yeah this is so so phone conversations when we're talking on the phone what do we usually say hello hello so like it depends on on a few different a few different aspects what kind of communicator are you are you a very direct person uh are you uh a person who likes to listen and let the other person speak first also it depends on why you're calling right what's the purpose of the call if the purpose of the call is for you to get information then you will need to be more direct and and push the conversation forward right you can't just call a person say hey hey right what do you say next the the person who speaks next is the person who has something important to say so usually if you initiate the call if you initiate the call then you are the one who needs to lead the conversation that's the rule usually so if you initiate the call then you speak right then you talk about what it is so how can we how can we present that um in many cases in many situations a native speaker will start a phone conversation by saying something like i just wanted to call you because or i just wanted to tell you that do you get it there's like a they say i just wanted to this phrase i just wanted to and then we use a verb right and say the rest of of of the thing that we want to do this means like this is the reason that i'm calling you this is the reason this is the purpose of the call so if you say this in the beginning of the call then the person will understand that this is the reason right this is why you're calling so for example i call you say hey uh hey juan and you say hey chris i'm like hey i'm just calling to tell you right this is the reason i am just calling to tell you or i just wanted to call you and tell you i just wanted to call you and tell you that i received your gift and it was amazing thank you so i'm just telling him about something in the past i received the gift i wanted to call him and tell him this so that's what i said on the call right hello i just wanted to call you and tell you that i received your gift i got your gift right this is one reason you might call somebody um what about making plans in the future if we're making plans using a phone conversation we might say uh hey i just wanted to call to find out what you're doing tomorrow all right let's look at that that phrase i just wanted to call to find out what you're doing tomorrow so this tells him that the reason i'm calling like the thing that i wanted before i called the reason i'm calling right i just wanted to call you and tell you so this is the reason that's that's what this phrase means and now we're asking about plans in the future i wanted to ask what you are doing tomorrow now i'm using present continuous in this phrase right if we go to english grammar it's called present continuous what you are doing you are doing i wanted to ask what you are doing tomorrow but tomorrow's tomorrow's in the future right so why do we use present to talk about the future well that's because when we have a plan that we already made in the future and we have it in a schedule like it's already a time table it's already uh it's already written somewhere right then we can say continuous because it's already real it's it's it's now but we say a future time phrase to let you know that this is about the future so again i just wanted to call to ask what you're doing tomorrow i just wanted to call to ask what you're doing tomorrow not what are you doing tomorrow i see this mistake a lot i'm not uh uh it's not correct to say i'm calling to ask what are you doing tomorrow no no no that's that's a mistake i'm calling to ask what you are doing tomorrow because this is not a question if i say what are you doing tomorrow this is a question but i'm not asking a question i'm just saying why i'm calling i'm just calling to ask what you are doing tomorrow that's what i'm doing i'm calling you and i'm asking and and that's why i'm calling for this reason that's and it's not a question i i'm going to ask this question but this sentence is not a question so i also in the in the first sentence that i said i said the verb to find out i'm just calling because i wanted to find out what you are doing tomorrow so to find out it means to learn it means to learn something you might not uh you might not have made that connection before but to find out means to learn in in almost everything that you do it can be the same so for example you know something you you either know or you don't know right this can only be true or false yes or no you know or you don't know but the process of going from you don't know to you know this process when this changes this is to find out so it's the same process as to learn something right like if you don't know english and then you learn english well now you know english right that's how it works so if you don't know english and then you find out so here it's here we have to add more words you find out how to speak english you learn how to speak english you find out how to speak english this means now you know how to speak english all right uh okay here's a good one safa says why not why can't we just say uh why can't we just say i'm just calling to find out what you will do tomorrow okay that's a great question safa so we can't say i'm calling to find out what you will do tomorrow because when we say will it's for a few special situations honestly we don't say will a lot when we're talking about when we're talking about plans we never say will this is a big difference between uh this is a big thing that can show people that you heard not a native speaker if you say will about plans now if you're just starting to learn english then probably it's okay just say will about everything in the future it's easier and everyone will understand you okay so if you're just getting started it's much easier to use will it's it's it's correct like it's it's not 100 correct all the time but it's understandable all the time so um but native speakers don't use it like that for plans we use going to like what are you going to do tomorrow or we use present continuous or present simple sometimes but with present continuous and present simple we have to say a time period in the future so so if i'm making plans i might say what are you uh what are you going to do tomorrow or i might ask what are you doing tomorrow what are you doing tomorrow and usually we use present continuous to talk about appointments it's like times that you've already agreed to do something right you already have an agreement you already have some kind of plan but when you use going to it's it's uh less certain plan you're not so sure about this plan so uh sometimes we also can say um what what are you doing tomorrow we said that right um so for example sometimes we might also use present simple to talk about schedules and timetables in the future we might say the train comes at 11 and so you can ask when does your train come tomorrow when does your train come tomorrow this is present simple it's a question but it's about the future because it's about a schedule or a timetable now safa was asking about will why can't we just say will well okay this is when we say will we don't say will about plans we say will about promises like i will always love you right here we should use will um so this is about a promise we can also use will about uh instant decisions instant decisions so for example you're at a restaurant and the waiter asks what you would like to eat what would you like to eat sir or what would you like sir or would you like to order and i say yes and i look at the menu and i say i'll have a steak i'll have a steak right so a big piece of meat i'll have a steak i say i'll i will i will have a stake this is how you order because it's my decision that i just decided right now maybe you have a discussion at work with different people and you're trying to find the answer trying to to make a decision and some people say someone wants to make a decision right now and says okay you'll do step number one and two and i'll do steps three and four right here he said i'll i will there's also another situation when we offer to help someone when we offer to help someone and many english books tell you that you should use the phrase shall but in english today most people do not say shall instead we say should shall is a very old word there are some special situations when people might say it today but usually when someone says that it sounds very old sounds like shakespeare and so today we ask it differently so for example let's say that that um your friend is trying to open the window and you say that you're going to help him he can't open it and you go to help him you say i'll open it for you or you say i'll help you i'll help you with that right with isle now you could also ask if he wants your help first right you could ask and in english books they say shall i help you with that but nobody says that today i mean uh maybe there are some people who really maybe the queen um but you know nobody else speaks like that and uh shall is i've asked my british english friends and they say no we don't really use shao very often either like there are some special situations where we say it but like uh even even when you say it there's another way that you can say it without shall and shall always sounds you know archaic so um instead of asking your friend shall i help you with that we should say should i help you with that today most people are gonna say should i help you with that especially in american english we will say should i uh so um this is the difference there this is another situation though right so offer us to help we can say will we can say i'll help you with that um an instant decision we can say i'll have the stake for a promise we can say i'll always love you these are three situations when we can say it there's one more i'm trying to remember since you just uh put me on the spot here so um let's see there's another one what is it okay well i'll remember the the fourth one here in a second you know i have a few youtube videos about it already but uh good for me to remember it so okay next question is oh wow thank you so much for all of the thank you so much for all of the great comments here i see walmy says it's so helpful um hi love from india from anil great okay here's a good question so anandita anindita says if i use shal for first person it is also correct i think that's a great question so um yes technically technically if you use shall remember shao comes from the time of shakespeare and in the time of shakespeare verbs were different they had different endings than now okay it was a different language and so at the time of shakespeare shall was just the form of the verb that you could use for the first person for i and for we so it's not correct today most people don't say shall ever but if you say shall even in the past it's only correct if you say i or we i shall or we shall or shall i and shall we only these forms are correct you cannot say shall you this is not correct or you shall this is not correct you cannot say he shall that's not correct shall is an old word even many native speakers don't know how to use it and most of them don't so that's why it's just confusing that you see it in english books anil says but shall we use at the time of future tense right but uh i won't use it do you see we have the verb will and won't so this is instead of shall and shall not so today that's what we use will and won't and shall we tell people that you sound like you're speaking like shakespeare so you're speaking like hundreds of years ago you know it sounds old all right great uh here's a good one machude says hello i'm from mozambique it's my first time i really liked the lesson thank you so much machu dey thank you so much for that comment and in the in the comments under this video if you're watching on uh instagram you know it might not be so interesting to see a guy talk to his computer right so uh for these live calls it's probably better to come over to facebook youtube or linkedin but uh we do something special on instagram too so don't worry we'll have something over there for you um but yeah machude said it's his first time here and i'm really happy that i get to reach people from all over the world like i was saying at the beginning of our lesson uh sorry amal says is won't would knight would not sorry amal won't is not would not no won't is will not won't equals will not yeah um so uh machu de was saying that this is first lesson and at the beginning of our lesson today i was talking about mass communication communication for for everyone you know publicly so anytime that someone wants they can go and they can connect that's that's the new type of communication today right and in the past it was phone conversation right you had to have some kind of direct now maybe you could have a conv a phone conversation that was like a conference call right you could have a conference call and so this was like a group of people on a call who could practice not not practice speaking if you're an english student maybe that would be interesting for you to have practice speaking in a conference call but usually that was just for work before right so uh now we do this mass communication where we try to communicate something one time everyone has access to it and information spreads faster that way right so today this the individual person can spread information send out data much more quickly than they could in the past and a phone conversation is really old that's that's what i think that just the phone just that way is is relatively old now a lot of people still use text messages and also let's think about the difference between who you call using an app on your phone which is really the internet and who you call using your phone number and who you text message sms right to text message think about that you it's probably different people it's probably that people who are near you now are the ones that you use phone and text communication for and the people who are not near you right now you use internet communication now it's still direct and it's still private so it's very similar but you know that you're using the internet you're not using a phone line so i think everyone understands that in the future like as we as we go forward it's just going to be internet communication because all of these functions that the phone communication had can easily be performed you can easily do these tasks from the internet using a phone a device but from the internet so this is why you've also seen a lot of phone companies switch to focusing on devices right they want to make a device they want to make a better device a cooler device with a better camera better whatever because they have to sell the device itself it's not the communication function that that really is valuable there now that might sound strange to some of you and let me tell you this to you it might sound really useful if you had the opportunity to have calls right to have conference calls and to join groups of people like right now you listen to me speak and you see lots of people in the comments on all of these platforms writing comments and saying they're watching and they want to talk and they want to practice speaking now just imagine this you see all of these people writing comments and saying that they want to practice speaking and saying that they want to learn english and they're all watching this lesson they're all watching me talk about english right now and some of those people they join our speaking club where you can practice 24 7. we have these conference calls we have these these calls where you can join in and practice speaking with a native speaker who's a teacher sometimes the groups have two people sometimes they have 20 people it just depends on the time of the day and you know how many people are are joining at that time but usually there's a lot of different lessons and and we try to have about 25 lessons every day that's what we schedule uh so if you're if you see all of the people in the comments saying that they want to practice speaking and they want to meet people to practice speaking and they want to learn english some of those people join our speaking club right because they're serious i mean you don't you don't join a speaking club where you can practice with native speakers every day anytime that you want like every day of the year any time that you want you can practice speaking right that's just problem solved if you can't find people to practice speaking english with like you just snap your fingers boom you've got the speaking club problem solved so you don't need to look anymore you don't need to waste time out there trying to to worry about this your speaking practice part of english is solved so the serious people here they don't just write comments they go over and they join the speaking club and they start speaking all the time right you can find the link in the in the comments here or on instagram you can find the link in my profile um they join so just imagine if you could meet all of those serious people the people who were serious enough to not just write a comment but click on the link and go over to the website and join the speaking club and practice every day those are serious people they show up they don't they don't have to come two or three hours every day they can they can come today tomorrow and then maybe on the weekend they have a lot of time and then they join five lessons in one day and they don't have to pay for each lesson that they go to they just join for the month and that's it they can join all the lessons that they want so it's really a way to solve your speaking practice problem so as you're writing these comments just think about that the serious people who who are here who are watching they've clicked the link they went over i mean do you want to practice speaking with the people who wrote comments only or do you want to practice speaking with the people who actually joined and and said that they definitely want to do this you probably want to practice with more serious people uh okay so i see some good questions coming in here how can i join the speaking club teacher please tell me so there's a link in the in the comments there's a link uh in the description to the video there's a link and on my website there's a link and you can anywhere you look there's a link click that link go to my website and you'll find it it's called english everyday and there's people from all over the world uh you can see our feedback page it has feedback in over 50 languages like at least 50 languages i know so uh yeah there's no more chance to speak in group sure there's a chance every hour to speak in this group and this speaking club every hour you can speak like uh there's a lesson every hour so and and there's teachers there's different teachers in different different places i mean i i can't teach 24 7. i teach some lessons there but i can't teach you know 24 7. that's why we have lots of teachers and from lots of places and it's really cool i think you'll like it um great okay if any want to practice with me only english i able to take answer at the punctual time see ganesh you really don't understand that when you write it in comments like sure someone might send you a message and then you have to organize all of it and then you have to try to make sure that they come then you need to have enough people so it makes sense for you to get enough practice and then you need to you know or maybe you're just going to find one person and you're going to speak but who's going to tell you your mistakes who's a professional teacher who's going to tell you the correct pronunciation who you know has years of experience doing this well why it would be silly to to to do that right so it's just it's just not a very professional approach so ganesh if you want to meet people who are always ready to practice the right way with a professional teacher any time of the day that you want so you don't even have to plan it just you're bored do it you're you're in the car join a lesson you're running people join while they're exercising like you can join from anywhere and you don't always have to be speaking the whole time if you don't want you can listen sometimes you know but if you want to speak you can speak that it's it's speaking practice lessons all day every day so if you're really serious ganesh if you really are punctual and you really want to practice with serious people then that's then the speaking club is for you you know but yeah i i think uh writing in the comments just shows like it's it's not so reliable you can go anywhere and on facebook and see people writing their whatsapp number and stuff right it's it's really funny uh great okay so how many students are there in group lessons alina hi um so alina there it's a different number every lesson it's a different number every lesson and basically what we do is we know the average number that join at different times of the day and when we see that there's too many students joining lessons the same lessons you know uh like if there's more than 10 then this is a lot so if we see that there's a there's too many uh students joining lessons then um we start adding more lessons there at the same time so now these people have to choose if they're going to go to this lesson or this lesson and so they'll have two lessons at the same time and it's really easy you know like we can add another lesson 15 minutes later or 30 minutes later or just we have unlimited lessons so it doesn't matter to us we just we just teach as many lessons as as we need to teach and as more more people join we add more lessons it's really boom boom boom easy so uh-huh more people who aren't serious writing comments in the chat i got it okay uh let's see why i can understand you but i cannot understand the others akar says so why can you understand me but you can't understand others um so i think i think that there's two answers here first of all you can understand me because i'm a professional teacher i've been teaching english for what 12 years now or more i've been teaching for a while so i learned how to speak with my students so that they understand me and in communication you want people to understand you right that's the whole point so uh it's important just imagine this right now you can understand my accent so if you learn english through my accent right through the type of native speaker that i am and the way that i pronounce clearly like this if you learn english through this accent then don't you think that your english might be clear too that's why as a professional teacher i think the teacher being understandable is one of the most important aspects of teaching english if you can't understand the teacher then like what are you doing right so um great great great the the other reason that that you probably understand me more than others is because of something in english called enunciation enunciation enunciation means saying each sound of the word pronouncing every sound that's what it means all right uh great um anastasia says i've joined the english everyday program and i have improved a lot and i have improved a lot thank you so much anastasia uh yeah so there's a lot of people who join and because you can practice speaking all the time i mean it helps you improve fast right helps you improve fast because you know that that problem is solved that's that's the point that i want to make here that the speaking club because you can join any time of the day because there's professional teachers because there's students from all over the world and because there's a plan of lessons that you go through your problem is solved like speaking english should not be a problem anymore maybe you still want to have lessons with your local teacher so that they can help you translate some things that are difficult maybe they can help you understand some basics like differences between the grammar in your language and the grammar in english right maybe they can help you with that and that's not going to be covered or maybe you know it does a native speaker or people from other languages won't understand your language like you do so they can relate to your language this is really helpful right so maybe you still have a local teacher that you work with maybe you still have another native speaker that you have individual lessons with right and you go you study with them twice a week or three times a week and it's a one-on-one lesson and and they teach you like that right that's fine i mean you can do that too and at our school we have that too but to me it seems like 24 7 lessons anytime that you want anytime that you want and as many as you want and meet as many speaking partners as you want you know this this solves a different problem it's that problem that you still have when you when you have an individual teacher it's that problem that you still have when you have your local teacher you still have that problem of just speaking with lots of different people about lots of different topics right you have to do that in order to really know the language then be able to speak it what's going to happen when you get into a situation offline in real life and you need to speak to someone in english you're going to be you're not going to be confident about it unless you've had a lot of practice if you have a lot of practice then you'll be able to do this much better so uh so thank you so much for everyone who has joined today thank you so much for joining um while me says how can i register for the speaking program so there's a link in the comments i've sent the link a few times there's a link in the description to the video if you're watching on instagram there's a link in my profile and uh if you can't find the link go to you can see my name on the screen right now so and you'll find it it's called english every day okay english everyday and uh so if you can't find the link just go to and you'll see it it's right there on the first page you'll see english every day all right thank you so much for joining me live today and i will see everybody next time have a wonderful day and uh maybe i'll see you before next time right if you join the speaking program if you join the speaking club then i might see you at the next lesson which we have another lesson starting in 10 minutes so if you join right now you can join the next lesson and instead of just listening to me you can come and speak with me and other people you can come and join the lesson and speak face to face with us okay thank you so much have a wonderful day everybody bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 8,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1IQggqC8xdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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