How to Install Big Sur on a PC the EASY WAY | Complete Guide to Hackintosh using Opencore!

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hey everybody this is tecnoli and today we're going to show you how to install big sur from scratch we're going to show you how to make the efi i'm going to show you how to install it and the differences between mojave or catalina and big sur because it's a lot larger file it takes a lot longer to install but not to worry now i'm going to use this little computer right here the lenovo tiny m93p we did this video a long time ago but the reason i chose the this computer to do this on is because it's a fourth generation so if you've got an older computer you'll be able to see that you can run big sur as well okay so uh what we're going to do is we're gonna hop over to my website and just go over here to where it says more and then downloads and the reason i chose have you go to my website is because i've got all the links to all the different things we're going to need we're going to grab proper tree we're going to need that and we'll download all of it right here and we're going to need mount efi okay so we'll download that okay now what i need you to do is have a usb stick ready in your computer and i've got mine right here and uh let's go ahead and get rid of this and i'm going to go to utilities and format this usb stick okay now it has to be 16 gigs or better because big sur is over 12 gigabytes so we need at least a 16 gigabyte stick all right and then over here where it says view make sure you click show all devices and right here is my sandisk and i'm going to erase it and i'm going to name it usb and we want to make sure the format is mac os extended journaled and a scheme is guid partition map and click erase all right so now where do i get the big sur to install this well this computer right here that i'm on is on catalina and if i click here i can just simply download it and i'm going to do that now let's say you've got a friend or you've got a computer a mac and that you can then download mac os big sur from the app store okay so once we download it then we're going to have when we go over here to applications you're going to see install mac os big sur will be in the apps folder okay so once we've done that we can go ahead and start making our usb vanilla bootloader okay so let's get started with that and we'll go to the internet and type in make a mac usb bootable drive there we go okay the first thing we come to here is how to create a bootable installer for mac os and just click on that and we'll come right down here till we see big sur and i want you to grab this text from sudo all the way up to the forward slash right past volumes and just copy it okay all right now let's go up here to spotlight and type in terminal and then paste that line of text into here but we're going to add usb because that's what we named our stick to this hit enter put in our password and then type y for yes and hit enter and this will take about 15 minutes and when it comes back we'll be ready to go all right be right back guys okay guys so here is our vanilla usb installer now for the fun part i'm going to show you something that is so exciting you're going to love it so a new way an easier way to build the efi folder is to use open core gen x all right so let's click on releases pavo i am oc gen x all right so let's just grab right here the app okay we'll go over here to downloads and just let's just pull it out here okay so right click and open and then click open and if you don't then you won't be able to open it because the software will think it's a malicious virus so we as we said before this is a haswell system now what this does this software goes out and gets everything needed except the ssdts and puts it into a folder for you i mean it is so simple so we're going to go ahead and choose haswell because that's what i'm working on and there's the different chip sets that they have this down here is verizon and then we're going to click on text all right so these two are always needed so it's by default already set up so we'll click on virtual smc plugins and we really don't need any of these unless you want them this is for to see what your how hot your cpu is getting if you're using a an app for that i don't put anything in there but i do jump over to graphics and grab whatever green and audio and grab apple alc this particular tiny 93 on ethernet it uses the intel mousey so i'll click that and then under usb i don't need anything and then we'll go to firmware drivers it's going to install these for us and then the sm bios on the open core website we need to know what the sm bios is going to be for our tiny 93 so let's go over here and get started we'll go to haswell and we'll just scroll down till we see platform info right there and our haswell with the built-in graphics uses imac 14 comma 4. so i just type that in imac 14 comma 4. that's it you hit generate efi and it's all done right here is that amazing or what now we're still going to need let's look at this here we're still going to need our ssdts but if we look under drivers right there we have them and if we look under text they're already there and we have a config.p list started so let's go ahead and get the ssdts for this particular computer okay so we'll go back up to the top of the open core desktop haswell broadwell chipset guide and we're going to need these two plugins so let's just click on ssdt plug we come over here we go to pre-built ssdts and here we are intel desktop has well broadwell and we need both of these so i'm going to download them all right that's simple now i'll go over here to downloads and just copy these two go over here to the efi oc acpi and paste all right done with that now what we have to do is we do have to use those files that we downloaded earlier we have to use proper tree and we're going to need mount efi so first thing i'm going to go ahead and do is i'm going to mount efi because i want to mount the hidden efi partition on the usb stick so we'll right click on mount efi dot command and open select number one because that's my stick putting in the password for a computer and here is my efi now if i've got something else in there i'm just going to erase it get rid of it and i'm going to drag this folder that the oc gen x made for me all right let's close out of here let's close out and now i'm going to grab proper tree propertree dot command right click open i'm going to put it over here and i'm going to simply go to file open here is my hidden efi partition on my usb the folder oc and config.plist and click open the first thing that i want to do is inject all of those files that are in my efi folder into the config.plist so all we have to do is go over here to file and do an oc snapshot and make sure we're on the efi hidden partition the efi folder oc and click choose and this new version of proper tree it tells you what versions it found and it says it found an o oc version 6 1 to 6 3 which we are on target snapshot version is six four would you like to snapshot for o six one and six three instead yes i would because i'm on if we open this back up i'm on this version right here 0.6.3 okay all right then i'm going to go back over here and go oc clean snapshot and click choose and say yes again all right now what i can do is we can go back over here to the guide and just verify that all of the settings are correct and they should be so here's the quirks avoid runtime defrag yep true yes enable write unprotector true and setup virtual map is set to true all right now device properties we do need to set up our device properties so our onboard graphics work so all we need to do is we need to add this row of characters just copy it into our config.p list under device properties so click on add right click and choose new child under add and there it is double click and just paste that text into there and hit enter then choose here make sure that's set to dictionary then we need to make another child as you can see in the picture here under this so right click and new child and there it is and what do we need to put there this info so just copy those characters double click and paste and then change this to data and add this set of characters right here into here now this is just for the tiny 93. if you have a different haswell then you want to read this section about graphics because it will tell you what you need to use for different setups but right now i'm using a desktop haswell with the integrated graphics on the cpu so this is what i need to get the graphics to work and to work with accelerated graphics all right so let's scroll on down we got the kernel right here and we'll scroll on down to quirks again right there they are and we'll just verify that everything here is set up properly so it says right here that apple cpu pm config lock should be set no needed if running 10 10 or older and cannot disable cfg lock in the bios okay i cannot disable it so i'm going to leave it turned on to true and the same for the next one all right disable low mapper is set to true it's correct and then everything else here you'll see is set properly okay so we're good to go so let's scoot on down to miscellaneous and everything here is already done for you to this wonderful program by pavo the gen x program so everything here is done for us we don't need to mess with it so we do need to come down here to nvram and put in our boot arguments which is right here so what do we need we need this one debug copy and double click and just make sure there's one space between each argument paste that in there and then one more for the audio right here copy and paste then hit enter alright now i'm going to change the language to english so to do that we just double click on data and select string and right here i'll scoot down here right here we need to put in for english en us colon zero and then hit enter if you need a different language it'll be right here click here and it shows you all of the different languages all right so we'll go back over here to the guide and we're done with language right here right flash is set to yes or true so we're good there platform info we already set that before to 14 comma four and there it is so we're done so let's just go to file and save and we've already got it on our hidden partition so we're ready to go all right so let's get into the bios and we'll start booting this thing all right let's go all right so on the lenovo tiny 93 you want to hit f1 start tapping it when you turn it on to get into the bios there we go all right okay so the first thing we can do is just go right under devices and make sure the serial port is disabled let's go to usb setup hit enter and you just want it set up like this everything here this usb debug support we don't need it so we disabled it everything else is enabled okay hit the escape key ata drive setup is turned on and enabled okay video setup we definitely have to set it up just like this igd which is integrated graphics 64 megabytes and set total graphics memory to maximum audio setup yep it's turned on network setup yes it's turned on let's go over to advanced cpu setup we want to come down here to if you'll notice you can't get to vtd to disable it that's because when we go over to startup we have csm support disabled so we don't need to worry about that it's already disabled for us so we're good all of these other ones you can leave them by default power by default security there's nothing in here that we need to check and we want to make sure of course that our csm is disabled so we'll just exit changes save changes and exit and put our stick in a usb port and start pressing the f12 key okay and we're going to choose the uefi usb and hit enter we come up here and we want to choose on my screen number two which is install mac os big sur external which means the external usb stick and hit enter and this takes a little bit of time but it keeps going and does its thing as soon as it comes up to the disk utility screen i'll be right back all right here we go now guys these boot screens are totally different than mojave and catalina this is a much bigger file like i said and it is different and it reboots several times so let's wait till it comes all the way up okay here we are so what we're going to do is choose disk utility and then we'll choose right here this down arrow and make sure we show all devices and i'm going to choose my ssdt and click erase okay i'm going to choose mac os apfs and guid partition and click erase then click done hit the red x install mac os big sur and click continue and then continue agree and agree choose the mac os right here the drive whatever you named your drive that's what you choose and click continue and away it goes now this takes a long time to get through here it says 18 minutes and i'd say that's about right so we'll come back when this gets closer to the end like i say this takes a lot longer to install because it's a bigger file but we'll show you everything and it just rebooted so uh just leave your stick in there and you'll see all of this text all over the screen so it's a little different okay now it's coming up again on the apple logo and we just wait and now it says about 29 minutes remaining and that's about right guys it takes a long time so we'll come back when this gets closer okay so at 13 minutes it reboots again so let's see what happens okay so it comes up to mac os installer and it should continue and it is so let's see what happens here totally different text and screens than the older versions but just bear with it see what happens i want you to see these screens because they're different and you might think you're being you know you're stuck or you're getting into a loop or something but it continues on when i first saw this ramrod display thing i thought oh my god no it's not doing something right but it continues you just gotta hang in there then it starts to look more normal i see some text that's kind of the same as catalina or the others but then this is all different and then back to here and it picks mac os which is what i named my hard drive so that's a good sign i know it's boring to see these screens but i just want to give you an idea what you can expect and then we get to the apple logo i think okay we're almost there come on and then another reboot so this is like reboot 4. and here we come and this looks more like catalina this part and yay it looks like it's gonna come up there it is yeehaw all right let's pick our country oh and it's talking to me okay continue i don't need any accessibility stuff so not now okay continue and i'm not going to do any migration assistance so i'm going to click not now and set up later for sure you don't want to sign into apple yet and then skip these screens are different agree and agree and then just name it whatever you like and give it a password continue all right and i do customize settings here i enable location services and then i turn off analytics and continue and set up later and no i don't want siri you can have siri if you like continue and then choose your your look and that's it we are in so long process guys give yourself like an hour to install the os now now real quick i'm going to show you how to change the serial number and move the efi folder from the usb stick to the hard drive so we'll click continue here press the buttons it wants us to press and we're done in that pretty so i'm going to go over here to safari and just go over to my website it's easier to find the files and then just click over here where it says more and then downloads and then we want uh we want mount efi so we'll download this and that's all well no we want to change the serial numbers so let's do that so we'll grab the gen sm bios and download that all right that's good enough now we'll go to downloads and we'll open up mount efi and then right click on mount efi dot command and open and then open okay and then say okay a lot of security settings all right so number one is our usb stick so i want to press number one and hit enter put in the password and now i have my efi folder or partition here and i also want to open up the efi on the hard drive which is mac os so number three enter and then i can close terminal go over here to computer click on the this is the efi hidden partition on the hard drive which is here this is the usb stick so let's go ahead and double click on this one and then double click here and we want to move the efi folder from the efi hidden partition on the usb stick to the hard drive efi partition and click replace okay now i can get rid of the stick and ejecting takes longer so no biggie just so you know let's go to downloads and double click on gen sm bios and then right click on gen smbios dot command and open and then open and this is just the same so we're going to select number one hit enter and then hit enter on done and then select number two and it wants to know where our config.p list is so we'll go over here to computer and we'll go to the efi partition the efi folder oc and then just highlight and drag the config.p list over to here and hit enter and then press number three to generate the sm bios hit enter and if you'll remember the product name for this is imac 14 comma 4 and hit enter just generated those numbers that we need hit enter again we are done i will go ahead and reboot just to make sure everything worked restart okay and pull out your usb stick now i haven't turned off the minus v in the config.p list so we're still going to see text on the screen as you see here but if you want to get rid of that you can do that in the config.p list you just get rid of minus v under boot args so boots up much faster than the install of course and there we go put in our password we're done so a much easier path now making the efi folder using oc gen x that should make your life a lot easier i hope you guys enjoyed this video i want to show you real quick here though we do have our serial number and our graphics are showing up properly this is the 4600 graphics so hope you guys enjoyed it and uh we'll see you on the next video thanks again
Channel: TechNolli
Views: 306,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install big sur on a pc, opencore using big sur, how to hackintosh using opencore, technolli opencore guide, big sur opencore guide, step by step guide to opencore, installing big sur hackintosh, hackintosh using big sur, opencore 0.6.3, technolli hackintosh, how to use opencore with big sur
Id: jqg7MX3FS7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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